Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
TinEar said:
Another thing I need to learn is how to take better pictures. The ones I posted are not very good. It's the first time I tried to use a new digital camera I bought about a year ago, tossed in a drawer when I decided it was too complicated and just dusted it off and took another look at it. Those are the first two pictures I've taken with it.

Too complicated says the guy whose monitoring station makes the NSA guys jealous....

My "monitoring station" is a Pro-96, Pro-97 and my laptop...highly mobile.

That's it.

I also have an old Pro-92 and an old Relm HS-200 (that CTCSS/DCS encode was a big deal feature back in the day) in the drawer. Neither of those do AM mode in the 138-150 range, mil UHF, or P25 decode (all of which I kind of need around here) and the thought of programming them by hand is no fun, either. I guess I keep them just in case....
Somewhere in my basement is an old Uniden 20 channel desk top first...that got fried by a surge after a lightning strike years ago.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Amazing mount of tankers involved in those 21 F-15's to Grand Rapids Michigan today.
Caught 4 KC-10's rtb McGuire tonite but other Michigan posts have also 8 other KC-135's involved as well.

BLUE 24 alpha 3 for double boom failure,still had 115 k fuel left.
BLUE 14 alpha 1
BLUE 25 25k fuel left
BLUE 15 87k fuel left

All arrived McGuire on CP 319.400 around 0010z.

Where the fighters go the tankers will be there first!
Those F-15's are thirsty even with extended fuel tanks.No wonder USAF likes using F-16's for CAP missions
and they are not exactly fuel economy jets as we have noticed here.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Those F-15's are thirsty even with extended fuel tanks.No wonder USAF likes using F-16's for CAP missions
and they are not exactly fuel economy jets as we have noticed here.


Right you are Mark. The F-15s use just about twice the amount of fuel of an F-16 - 12,000 versus 6,000 pounds per hour of flight. Gas hogs!

MilAir seems kind of quiet in the 1200 hour overall. Just want to mention though that we've got an AWACS E-3 somewhere in the area. I caught BANDSAW KILO talking to HUNTRESS on 234.6 starting at 1232. He gave the positions of a couple of tracks on his datalink (36.41N/076.54W and 36.42N/076.45W if you want to plot their positions). He said he didn't have Mode 3 for either track. He also asked HUNTRESS to stand by this freq during his blocked time in the area. BANDSAW KILO is from the 964th Airborne Air Control Squadron of the 552nd Air Control Wing at Tinker AFB OK and his front end callsign should be SENTRY 4X on the ATC freqs.
And where there's an AWACS, there's almost sure to be fighters following in his wake at some point.

1248: REACH 6011 calling HUNTRESS for a Modes & Codes check...then asks for Modes 2 and 3 only...364.2
1256: BANDSAW KILO to HUNTRESS again but he's fading out now and has become uncopiable...234.6

1305: PAT 41 giving arrival message to Dover Command Post...has a Code on board, is 20 minutes out...349.4
1310: BANDSAW calling Giant joy...249.8

And after a break to play with the neighbors new lab pup...

1355: There seems to be two flights of A-10s in the Pax is an AXEMAN flight from the MD-ANG and the other is MAD HOG from PA-ANG. AXEMAN is working 142.3 and MAD HOG is working 143.75 for interflight. They are deciding which area each will work on BayWatch's 354.8 freq. MAD HOG is going to work the Vienna area and AXEMAN will move south.
The above is a perfect example of how multiple scanners work for you. All three freqs plus callsigns found within a 15 second period.
1359: PAT 791 calling Navy Andrews Dispatch...139.3 (Multiple calls over the next several minutes)

1401: MAPLE flight of VT-ANG F-16s from the Langley Detachment active with Norfolk TRACON...370.925
1402: GIant Killer's tactical freq active...292.3
1404: HEAT F-16 flight of fighters chatting on interflight...138.15
1406: HEAT 01 (A-10 CT-ANG Bradley) with ZDC-Kenton heading for R-5002 (Warren Grove Range)...354.15
He had to spell his callsign several times for the controller along with explaining they're heading to R-5002. The ground controller at ZDC just doesn't seem to know what's going on. It is kind of unusual for the CT-ANG to be on this freq on a trip to Warren Grove.
1412: HEAT 1 flight reports at 11,500 feet...354.15
1413: HEAT flight leader talks about staying with flying "Hawgs" (proving the A-10 ID)...138.15
1413: BANDSAW with Giant Killer to mention controlling a couple of flights starting at is a BADGER flight (missed the other callsign) ...238.1
1414: HEAT 1 flight handed off by ZDC-Kenton to range freq...354.15
1415: HEAT 1 to RANGER controller at Warren Grove Range...283.1...It's a flight of three A-10s...says 2 will stay down low and one high.
1418: MAPLE 39 (VT-ANG F-16s) with ZNY-Kennedy at FL 270...282.3
1419: REACH 9027 reports airborne at 17 past the hour to Dover Command Post...349.4
1422: AXEMAN 1 flight heading home - at least leaving Pax...says push U-5...they come up with Potomac TRACON...317.425
1423: AXEMAN flight handed off to Dover Approach by TRACON...317.425
1424: AXEMAN says to push U-14 for Dover Approach and check in there...257.875
1424: KEVLAR 41 single ship F-15 from Langley checks in with Giant Killer...238.1
1426: MAD HOG 1 reports RTB to Willow Grove at 11,000 feet to the Pax controller...305.2
1426: U/I aircraft calling SHORTSTOP AFRC controller at Willow Grove...351.75
1429: Aircraft calling SHORTSTOP at Willow Grove sounds like ROCKY 4 (but that's a rough guess)...says ETA is 45 after the hour and he's A-2 for a couple of problems including a number 3 engine secondary fuel pump light intermittent...351.75 (he's obviously a multiple engine aircraft but ROCKY doesn't fit in my callsign database. Callsign didn't sound like ROCCO...just not confident of the ROCKY.)
1432: MAD HOG with ZDC-Kenton 354.15...says he's tally the SCARY flight (which I don't have yet)
1433: I do now...SCARY flight working interflight...143.6
1434: SCARY 3-ship flight on the way home...with SOF to report 6 minutes out, all three are Code 1...139.9 ...they are returning from a mission at a range somewhere.
1436: AXEMAN flight now with Atlantic City Approach...327.125
1438: BANDSAW asking Giant Killer if he has any info on the BADGER or RISKY flights...249.8 (and that was the second callsign)
BADGER and RISKY are both Langley callsigns
1438: SCARY 1 flight to Potomac TRACON for approach to Andrews...270.275
Forgot to mention that a couple of minutes ago MAD HOG was handed off from ZDC-Kenton to Phil. TRACON 269.25
1441: MAD HOG flight with Base Ops at Willow Grove...343.0
1443: SCARY flight still being 'juked' (good military term) around by TRACON as they head for the runway at Andrews...270.275
1445: SCARY flight of three handed to Andrews Tower where they check in 7 miles out for runway gear down...349.0
1449: MAD HOG still with Philly TRACON and just being handed off to Willow Grove...269.25
1450: DC 42 (KC-135 Andrews) to LIBERATOR squadron ops at Andrews with arrival message...20 minutes out, A-2 for Comm 3 radio weak receive, land with 30,000 pounds of fuel...378.1
1454: Giant Killer's tactical freq with a flight of four F-15s active...312.3
1455: BANDSAW asking Giant Killer about a STEEL (KC-135 Pittsburgh) tanker...wants his airspace and altitude...repeats STEEL is in W-386...249.8
1456: AXEMAN 1 flight now at Warren Grove Range...283.1
1459: ANVIL 26 with ADW Approach 119.3 and then with ADW Tower for landing 118.4

Break time again.... (Hey...dock my pay if you want!)
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Jun 18, 2006
TinEar said:
1429: Aircraft calling SHORTSTOP at Willow Grove sounds like ROCKY 4 (but that's a rough guess)...says ETA is 45 after the hour and he's A-2 for a couple of problems including a number 3 engine secondary fuel pump light intermittent...351.75 (he's obviously a multiple engine aircraft but ROCKY doesn't fit in my callsign database. Callsign didn't sound like ROCCO...just not confident of the ROCKY.)

ROCK is the callsign used by the 913th Airlift Wing out of Willow Grove (C-130's), perhaps that is what you heard.

Speaking of the 913th, the local paper confirms that the wing will be "axed" later this year. Didn't quite make the budget cut. Things are just going to keep getting quieter for me. Here is the link:


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
bigred10 said:
ROCK is the callsign used by the 913th Airlift Wing out of Willow Grove (C-130's), perhaps that is what you heard.

Speaking of the 913th, the local paper confirms that the wing will be "axed" later this year. Didn't quite make the budget cut. Things are just going to keep getting quieter for me. Here is the link:

Yup...I'd bet it was indeed ROCK x4 that I heard. Many thanks. He was plenty loud and clear but the transmission got blocked by someone closer on another radio.

Still lots of activity in the first half of the 1500 hour...heard BOBCAT 31 and COWBOY 11 flights out of Langley...AXEMAN left Warren Grove, came up with ACY on 385.5, with ZDC-Casino 285.4 and might just be headed home around 1530...still on 142.3 interflight.
Also heard a NAVY SD 536 [female] on the ZDC freqs heading north and a JAKE flight of A-10s from MA-ANG Barnes probably headed for Warren Grove. STOMP 21 just heading into W-386 with Giant Killer on 238.1 at 1532. He's an F-22 flight as was the COWBOY flight who was working 233.7 so that one is way down south. At 1533, STOMP 21 says he's going to be MARSA with DEEJAY 11 (another F-22A flight).
1536: AXEMAN flight around the Dover area heading home...both Code 1...142.3
1537: AXEMAN 2 to Raven Ops to report 10 minutes out and gives the Code 1 status for both...Raven Ops acknowledges...347.2
1539: DC 43 calling LIBERATOR...378.1
1539: BANDAW to Giant Killer to report 5 minute report on STEELY flight of three...249.8 (Don't have an ID on the STEELY callsign)
1540: DEEJAY 11 (F22 Langley) with Norfolk 370.925 and then to GK on 249.8 to check into W-386 MARSA with STOMP.
1542: AXEMAN flight mentions going back to "The Grove" tomorrow and says in the morning they'll go to Bollen and "The Duke"....142.3 (Dave, you paying attention?)
1544: BANDSAW gives his current position to Giant Killer..says he's 255 degrees,28 miles from Langley and is RTB at this time...249.8
1544: STOMP and DEEJAY to Prime 39 and come up on 391.2
1547: BANDSAW repeats his message...says he's finished with the STEELYs in W-386 and is 20 miles west of Langley at this time...249.8 (So he had a pretty good offset location from the action in W-386 while controlling it. Neat.)
1548: AXEMAN landing MTN...297.2

Back outside to enjoy this nice warm day...60 degrees currently
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Jul 10, 2004
Bloomingdale, NJ
1530 Hearing lots of activity up here in New Jersey. Frequencies mentioned above very active here(138.125, 138.425, 249.800, 283.100 & 142.300).
Also hearing some comms on 391.200. Anyone know what that frequency is assigned too?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
jerseymilair said:
1530 Hearing lots of activity up here in New Jersey. Frequencies mentioned above very active here(138.125, 138.425, 249.800, 283.100 & 142.300).
Also hearing some comms on 391.200. Anyone know what that frequency is assigned too?

See log above Steve. 391.2 is one of Giant Killer's tactical freqs used in W-72/W-386 usually. The Langley fighters have it in their radios as 39 Prime. I haven't heard the 138.125/138.425 NJ-ANG F-16s though.



Jul 10, 2004
Bloomingdale, NJ
Thanks for the quick reply. Just left work at 3:30 so I had about 30 minutes to monitor the above from car using Pro-95 w/ Maldol AL-500H. Great reception. NJ ANG very active, I believe they might be over NYC. Leaving for 2nd job soon.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1806: REACH 8222 to Dover Command Post talking about a problem with his landing first he didn't get the green lights indication when he lowered the gear but now he does...then he raised them and lowered them again and the lights all seem to be working. However, is is A-2 for a minor problem with the right aft main landing gear of some type...349.4
1808: A couple of Coast Guard helos are chatting about their postions on Marine channel 21A...157.05
They seem to be practicing airborne callsigns heard, just one calling himself '12' (turns out it's 1 and 2, not 12)
1818: Not sure of the IDs of these Coast Guard helos but they are still doing intercepts...just gave the "fight's on" command...currently doing a left to right intercept. They sound like the BLACKJACK guys. As loud as they are, they've got to be close by Baltimore somewhere....157.05
1820: Now the helos are going to do a 'rear hemisphere' will fly at 90 knots as he heads back toward Woods Corner...157.05 (Woods Corner in PG County?)
1834: Well, well, well...I've got BLACKJACK 2 with Andrews that activity I heard on 157.05 might just have indeed been our BLACKJACK buddies. They have been doing their practice intercepts with HUNTRESS on the 139.7 freq in the past. This is something new. So, the 1 and 2 heard above were probably BLACKJACK 1 and 2.
1841: Refueling chat on AR-636 primary freq...238.9
1849: U/I aircraft mentions leaving FL 250 for 240...238.9 (Just hearing one side of the conversation now)
1851: The tanker being heard on 238.9 is DC 3 (KC-135 Andrews)
There is also a KC-135 in the pattern at Andrews...heard another aircraft mention he has sight of the KC-135.

1909: DC 42 in the pattern at Andrews...with Approach...119.3
1915: BLACKJACKs are still up...or up again...with DCA Helo Control...120.75
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Rainy, overcast weather in this area today so MilAir activity ranges from light to nothing.

1322: BOBACAT 11 flight of Langley F-22A fighters into Giant Killer's W-386 area for the next 30 minutes operating from 6000-23000 feet...238.1
1325: U/I speaker (maybe the BOBACAT) mentions he'll be monitoring for all Langley flights including RUMBLE, COBRA, WOLF and COWBOY...238.1 (Those are all F-22A callsigns from Langley so it looks like we'll have some activity after all.)
1326: BOBCAT flight leader says they're established in the area and will switch to a tactical freq...238.1
1328: WOLF 31 (F-22A Langley) to Giant Killer to enter W-386 at FL 230...238.1
1331: Langley interflight freq active with F-22As...257.075
1336: COBRA 11 flight of F-22As from Langley into W-386 and says he'll be MARSA with WOLF/BOBCAT/COWBOY...238.1
1337: COBRA 11 flight leader says he currently shows no airliner activity in the airspace and asks GK to notify him of any...238.1
1338: COBRA 11 says they'll be operating from the surface up to 60,000 in W-387 (yes, W-387) and will stop in W-386 on the way home...238.1 (Don't often hear them going into W-387. That area is 75 NM east of the NAS Oceana TACAN whereas W-386 is located 60 NM east of the NAS Patuxent River VORTAC.)
1341: COWBOY 21 flight with Norfolk TRACON...370.925
1341: COWBOY 21 flight of F-22As from Langley into W-386 with Giant Killer...238.1...requests descent to FL 180...cleared to 180 from 230
1341: COBRA 11 flight says they'll monitor tactical freq...391.2
1344: BOBCAT 11 flight requesting RTB to Langley from Giant Killer...238.1
1346: Langley F-22A interflight freq active...238.825
So what happened to the RUMBLE flight? Haven't heard that one come into GK's area.
1357: WOLF 31 flight RTB...238.1
1358: WOLF 31 flight to Norfolk TRACON and reports in non-standard formation...370.925
1359: COBRA 11 flight tells Giant Killer they are currently in an emergency and are RTB, heading TURET...238.1...currently 80 miles east of TURET at FL 270...COBRA 12 is in emergency due to an electrical problem.

1403: COBRA 11 reports to Giant Killer that they are now at FL 250 and have been cleared directly in to Langley...repeats that COBRA 2 (12) is in emergency...238.1
1405: COBRA flight working interflight freq...233.525...say they are cleared down to 12,000 feet
1408: COBRA flight still on the way home...have become too weak to copy on interflight...did catch them saying they're heading for runway 8 at Langley...233.525 (With an open squelch I can tell they're talking but that's about it.)
1410: COBRA flight leader says they'll approach the runway in formation and follow COBRA 2 (12) down as he lands...233.525...will break off at 2.5 miles from the 8000 feet and going down...flight leader asks the broken COBRA to change to another channel...mentions 6 Prime. Time now 1414. (no idea where that might be - searching but doubtful I'll catch it since they're so low and weak)

1420: Currently 60 degrees at BWI with very light rain...radar shows most of the heavier rains are to the north of this area moving toward the northeast. The Langley fighters all seem to be done in the offshore area, not much of anything else seems to be flying other than a very few transports. There is a BATON 60 EC-130J giving his arrival message to Baton Ops on 395.1 at 1421 along with a SAM 1026 with Potomac TRACON 118.95 and that's about all that's worth mentioning.

And after a break....

1541: CAPE 71 flight (F-15 Otis MA ANGB) with ZNY-Milton reporting in at FL 230...cleared direct Providence...269.1
1548: CAPE 71 flight handed off to ZNY-Stoneyfork where he checks in at FL 230...273.6
1548: U/I activity on 139.7...might be BLACKJACK training again
1550: Very light activity on 139.7...just chat...aircraft just sent to 364.8....139.7
1555: Heard the aircraft check in on 364.8 but couldn't read didn't sound like BLACKJACK though...sounded more like a 234 suffix.
1556: ?REACH? 234 calling HUNTRESS 364.8...makes contact after a couple of calls. (Nothing further heard on this freq)

1651: BULLET 91 calling Potomac Approach several times on 257.875 which is really Dover Approach. He gets no reply. Says he's heading for Andrews.
1652: JOSA 224 to Dover Command Post arriving to pick up pax and scheduled to depart Dover at 2330Z...134.1
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I just wanted to post a note about the ZNY-Lancaster VHF frequency we've discussed. All the current info at this site's database and FAA-ATA-100 info shows the freq as 133.675. After Ben (benrussellpa) posted that he heard ZNY traffic on 128.0, I listened to it for several hours, determined the traffic on it had to be around Lancaster and that 133.675 was now dead, and that 128.0 has to be the new Lancaster Sector low level freq. Anyway, while searching around today for info, I went to Wikipedia for info on the New York Center area and found they have the 128.0 freq listed for Lancaster Sector. So, someone else obviously had this info too that was outside of the RadioReference community.

Paul, if you're still taking care of the ARTCC freq lists here, please make that change to ZNY-Lancaster Sector 26....change 133.675 to 128.0.
Edit: It has now been changed in the database.

I heard a MAPLE 39 (F-16 VT-ANG) going into Langley this afternoon about 1615. Heard him on ZNY-Kennedy 282.3, then to ZDC-Salisbury 257.7 and from there to Norfolk TRACON 370.925. It was a single ship flight. About a half hour before the MAPLE flight, I heard CRAB 57 (C-130J MD-ANG) going into MTN. In that same timeframe, BLACKJACK 1 helo was up on 139.7 for a short time. Other than those flights, there were the usual military transports moving around the area but little else during the half hour or so I had the radios on. Who wanted to be inside listening to a radio when it was 70 degrees outside? Not I.
Tell me if this news story angers you as much as it does me. What is wrong with some people? How can such weenies even call themselves Americans? I suspect they're the same ones that will be the first to demand protection by the military if something should require it.
According to the mayor, "You know, those details represent our ability to kill, maim and destroy." (Speaking about capabilities of the F-16)
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
TinEar said:
Tell me if this news story angers you as much as it does me. What is wrong with some people? How can such weenies even call themselves Americans? I suspect they're the same ones that will be the first to demand protection by the military if something should require it.
According to the mayor, "You know, those details represent our ability to kill, maim and destroy." (Speaking about capabilities of the F-16)

I agree with you. It always amazes me that there are people who seem not to realize, let alone appreciate, the sacrifices those in the service make on a daily basis. What of those that over the years have made the ultimate sacrifice? Or those who return but will never be the same physically or emotionally. As I said, it always amazes me ...


Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Channel 3 News...go figure. That's one of the two main news stations from where I used to live. As for the article, I agree with both of you. It makes me wonder if the people actually think about what those soldiers have done for their country. Of all the good things the soldiers have done, they still give them little to no recognition. I'm sure this aggrivates those of you who are currently enlisted more than it does me, but it still aggrivates me quite a bit...


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Yes that news story makes me angry.Biig deal he got 50 complaints but with thousands of people attending.
Sounds like this idiot wants to be a short term Mayor.

Also as reply to Tin's awsome radio shack just wanted to post link to Alan Stern's
site down in Florida.

Imagine my neighbors wouldn't like that antenna farm at my house..
Alan of Florida is #1 for micoms in his area... gets my vote.
Alan of Maryland is #1 around here..

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Jul 24, 2005
Not to bag on the state as a whole... Vermont is very nice. But I think it's probably number 2 runner up to NorCal in terms of liberalism. If Ben and Jerry had been there, they probably would have started crying in their ice cream. Some people like to live in a dream world where bad people don't exist... And since no bad people exist, we ourselves then become the bad people in their minds. Fighting and competition is part of nature and it always will be. Evolution wouldn't happen without it. That said, it's even made me feel a little weird when I see the B-2 fly over the Rose Parade... Kind of like doing a mini gun demonstration at Disneyland. But don't get me wrong, I still watch. :)

- Custom Scanner, Aviation, MURS, GMRS, Marine & Ham Antennas -


Mar 1, 2003
256.8 Helo A/A?

I caught a flight of 3 helos at first on 246.8 they switched to 256.8 & sounded like they used this for A/A chit chat.Isn't 256.8 a Wash. Center freq?



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
JackTV said:
I caught a flight of 3 helos at first on 246.8 they switched to 256.8 & sounded like they used this for A/A chit chat.Isn't 256.8 a Wash. Center freq?


Yes, it sure is Jack - ZDC Cape Charles. However....I wish I could remember the details....I seem to remember this same thing happening at some point in the past and a discussion about it here. It was probably on the first MilAir thread somewhere. The Army Guard copters were busy most of yesterday too. Although I didn't log them, my notes show Guard Copter 21925 and 15172 among others working this area yesterday with Weide AAF, Martin State and on 246.8.


Jun 18, 2006
Mark said:
YANKEE 99 KC-130T from VMGR-452 New York arriving Dover this morning 0855 local.
Picking up a 19k pallet,tail 3591.

Had several YANKEEs (3 or 4) leave Willow Grove yesterday late afternoon. They headed towards Allentown and then 'Scoop' which I believe would take them in the direction of NY. Also had LOBO 54 C-9B from VMR-1 Cherry Point leave around the same . Must have been some USMC activities at the base yesterday.

As I type this a Navy C-130 (VR-64) is doing pattern work at Willow Grove...just buzzed over the house. BD-4996 was the tail. Nice and easy to read


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
Late Post


I was reviewing my recorded audio a while ago and found @10:45 or so this morning had BlackJack 1 up with Huntress on 139.7 advising they were in the Instrument Pattern at ADW , airborne and Primary.

Thats all I coopied on them from down here in St. Mary's County
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