Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
TinEar said:
It was a MAPLE 91/92 flight of two F-16s from VT-ANG Burlington. They were using 138.0 for interflight and later changed to V-17 interflight on 138.525. Heard them only with ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 for ARTCC freqs. Looked like they were going north heading home. At one point the flight leader sent his wingman to the McGuire Metro 239.8 freq to fetch a weather report. I don't believe he made contact there though. The only possible problem with the scenario I just described is that I heard someone on ZNY-Elmira 298.9 a few minutes later that might have been them. If so, they sure weren't heading back to Burlington since the Elmira Sector 34 path would be taking them toward the Ft. Drum area perhaps.

Unfortunately I had to pack up for work not long after I started hearing them and the laptop had to be unhooked. I think the recorder got a few more transissions from them but likely not much if they were heading north.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD

Folks the other day I had recorded audio on 141.1 of OPS calling one of the PAT aircraft. It appeared to be at Patuxent NAS (Still not sold on that but I did hear both side of comms.) Today I have recorded audio of PAT 573 calling OPS to report inbound, 10 minutes out with Prop Indicator falure and asking if a Jet would be avaible to replace them. I am very sure the comms from the other day were PAX related but unsure of the ones from today. Can someone else punch this freq in and help me confirm this use? I have a problem with it down here as I keep getting some freq coming in on it from FM mode.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
j333_76484 said:
Folks the other day I had recorded audio on 141.1 of OPS calling one of the PAT aircraft. It appeared to be at Patuxent NAS (Still not sold on that but I did hear both side of comms.) Today I have recorded audio of PAT 573 calling OPS to report inbound, 10 minutes out with Prop Indicator falure and asking if a Jet would be avaible to replace them. I am very sure the comms from the other day were PAX related but unsure of the ones from today. Can someone else punch this freq in and help me confirm this use? I have a problem with it down here as I keep getting some freq coming in on it from FM mode.

Jeff, I parked a radio on that freq to see what develops. However, I'm kind of doubtful I'll be able to hear it. I always have one scanner running full time searching the 138-144 range. It runs all the time I'm working the radios. I've never had it stop on that frequency - ever. If it's based at Pax, I certainly won't hear the ground station as you do but I should be able to hear anything that's airborne over a couple of thousand feet. Let's see what happens.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
TinEar said:
Jeff, I parked a radio on that freq to see what develops. However, I'm kind of doubtful I'll be able to hear it. I always have one scanner running full time searching the 138-144 range. It runs all the time I'm working the radios. I've never had it stop on that frequency - ever. If it's based at Pax, I certainly won't hear the ground station as you do but I should be able to hear anything that's airborne over a couple of thousand feet. Let's see what happens.

Copy all. That's how I initially found it was because I have a BC-780 searching and autostoring 24/7. It nailed it then I had the comms on a PCR-1000 then again on a BC785D. I have not gotten a boatload of recorded audio on it as my recording scanner is working about 300 freqs. But thus far these are a few quotes from some of the decent comms I have received;
"Patuxent OPS calling PAT 2401 on 141.1 for radio check"
PAT 2401 calling Operations, "Stand by going to try radio check on different Radio"
"PAT 573 correction ?AF 573" advising inbound with prop indicator failure."

I enable the history log to start logging all the hits on this freq and maybe I can put a profile together of the busier times of the day. Then I'll park a radio on it at those times.

10:03 142.3 just went active as well as 138.0
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
In addition to the two freqs Jeff just mentioned...

1008: Refueling activity...228.0 (one of them is suffix 61)
1014: And someone coming down the ZNY road...currently with ZNY-Dixie 307.8 (possibly to Warren Grove Range)
1015: A-10s chatting on interflight...138.825 (CT-ANG A-10s possibly)
1017: Martin State A-10s are at Pax...RAVENs...270.8 (and interflight 142.3)
1022: The fighters on interflight 138.825 are mentioning refueling in about 25 minutes...the wingman is also instructed to go to 260.9 to report this. (Hmmm...260.9 is a HUNTRESS freq and why would A-10s be with him?)
1024: There is also a female pilot among those on 138.825...flight leader just made mention they are currently on 235.62(5) (which is ZDC-Blackstone) (This sure isn't the CT-ANG)
1025: It's PITMAN 25/26 on 138.825...along with another flight of A-10s
1025: PITMAN 25 switches to HUNTRESS on 260.9 and mentions they'll be refueling with TANKER 01
1028: PITMAN 25 flight handed off to ZDC-Brooke 327.0 where they check in at FL 250 and repeat the bit about the Guard Dog CAP and meeting up with TANKER 01.
Here's the deal...the PITMAN 25/26 pair is heading toward the CAP to get it started and are using their alternate V-8 138.825...there was also another pair of fighters using 138.825, possibly on their way to Warren Grove. The Shaw F-16s are from the 77th Fighter Squadron.
1033: PITMAN 25 flight handed off to ZDC-Potomac 307.025, check in and repeat the CAP info...again mention MARSA with TANKER 01....say they're 20 miles away from the CAP area.
1035: PITMAN 25 calling Washington Center (rather than Potomac) on Guard Dog freq 135.525...also trying to check in with HUNTRESS on 260.9
1036: PITMAN 25 reports entering Guard Dog CAP at FL 250...135.525 (They are talking on 135.525/260.9 and still going non-stop on 138.825...we've got a chatty pair)
1037: PITMAN 25 trying to contact TANKER 01 on joy
1038: PITMAN 25 and TANKER 03 make contact on 135.525...TANKER 03 reports at FL is the PITMAN flight...PITMAN 25 says they'll descend and say they're in solid weather at this altitude...asks TANKER 03 if he's coming in from the north...a little nervous sounding since they're both at the same altitude
1039: TANKER 03 (so what happened to TANKER 01?) to HUNTRESS to report his squawk and altitude...260.9
1040: PITMAN 25 reports his flight is at 168 degrees, 39 miles from the bullseye (at Thurmont)...260.9
1041: PITMAN 25 asks HUNTRESS for the freq for Guard Dog Control...and then mentions the 350.25 freq...260.9...he also says they've only got a sliver of about 500 feet with clear weather and they need 1000 feet of clear space for the refueling op..asks for FL block 230-270
1043: PITMAN 25 and TANKER 03 chatting about finding an altitude and clear space for the refueling op...260.9
1045: YANKEE 71 calling Flight Service on 255.4 and is answered by Leesburg Radio (I think this is the other pair working the 138.825 freq)...asking for weather for Tri-Cities and Pulaski
Yeah...there is a flight of aircraft using YANKEE 71 flight callsign working 138.825 that I heard instructing a wingman to go to the FSS freq which confirms their use and also heard the PITMAN 25/26 pair chatting on 138.825...and yet they don't seem to be bothering each other.
1049: PITMAN 25/26 with Potomac on 350.25 asking to use 135.525...then go to 135.525 and try to check in there...say they are currently established in the CAP and looking for TANKER 03...wants MOde 3 for PITMAN 26
1052: PITMAN 25 reports visual with the tanker...135.525
1052: PITMAN 25 says they can't refuel because the tanker is at FL 260 (above the fighters' cleared altitude block)...25 is 3000 feet lower than the tanker...TANKER 03 says he'll try to get down to FL 250 so they can meet up to refuel...260.9
This is one screwed up start to the CAP.
1054: PITMAN 25 tells 26 to go to V-8 and they come up on 138.825.
1055: TANKER 03 reports he's now at FL 250 and will soon clear the fighters to come in...260.9 big question of the morning is how the YANKEE 71 flight and the PITMAN 25 flight could both be using interflight freq 138.825, both chatting almost non-stop and not be interfering with each other?
1057: PITMAN 25 tells Potomac that his flight and TANKER 03 will be refueling for the next 10 minutes...350.25 (I believe PITMAN 25 thinks 350.25 is the boom freq too - until he's told otherwise)
1057: Langley interflight freeq 315.85 active
1058: TANKER 03 clears PITMAN 25 to contact the boom, asks for his tail number which he gives as simply 394 and they're staying on 260.9 for the AR.
1059: PITMAN 25 tells TANKER 03 he'll take 2000 pounds and then PITMAN 26 will topoff...260.9
1059: INterflight freq 139.9 also active and it's not the DC-ANG (It's also used by the MA-ANG A-10s)

1101: PITMAN 25 has his 2000 pounds and is heading back into the CAP...26 going to the boom...260.9
1101: PITMAN 26 heading for the tanker and this is our female F-16 driver that we've heard in a couple of past CAPs from the 77th FS...260.9
1103: More chat on interflight 138.825 and it's not the PITMAN pair
1104: PITMAN 26 must be on the boom intercom since she's not saying a word on the boom freq. (I had to say that.)
1105: PITMAN 26 completes refueling and heads back to the CAP...260.9
1106: PITMAN 25 asking HUNTRESS where they should get a Mode 3...also says FL 230-250 is the only block they can use.
1106: PITMAN 26 goes to Potomac Center (yeah, that's who she called) to get a Mode 3 for herself...gets it...350.25
They're confused about the relationship between Potomac Approach and Washington Center and who should be contacted for various functions.
Meanwhile, there are Langley flights heading to the offshore areas...entering with Giant Killer on 249.8 and 233.7 although I haven't monitored them closely enough to copy callsigns, etc.
Warren Grove Range is also busy on 283.1 which probably accounts for the MA-ANG on 139.9 and the other pair - possibly from the CT-ANG on pair is currently also with ZNY-Dixie 307.8. There's a ton of activity going on other than the CAP.
1111: Fuel remainders...PITMAN 25 has 7900 pounds, 26 has 11,700 pounds...PITMAN 25 tells HUNTRESS the weather is making parts of the CAP area unusable...260.9
1111: TANKER 03 tells PITMAN 25 he's level at FL 250...135.525
1114: PITMAN sent to freq 139.7 for a radio check with HUNTRESS...he makes contact and asks if it's HUNTRESS or MAD DOG that will control them. (who is MAD DOG?)
1115: PITMAN 25 asks HUNTRESS which freq they should use if they have to do an intercept...139.7
He outlines that they'll monitor HUNTRESS on 260.9 and if they get an intercept they'll monitor Guard Dog on 135.525...asks if that's correct...can't hear HUNTRESS but sounds like he's thoroughly confused about the procedures for freq usage....changes back to 260.9 and again asks HUNTRESS when they should monitor Guard Dog - other than for going to the tanker or for an intercept.
1117: PITMAN 25 reminds HUNTRESS that they only have two radios...say they'll monitor 260.9 and 139.7 but HUNTRESS wants them monitoring other freqs too...PITMAN 25 tells HUNTRESS he's making it pretty tough on them with his frequency assignments...260.9
1119: Bottom line is that PITMAN 25/26 will monitor HUNTRESS on 139.7 and Guard Dog on 350.25...they go to both freqs to check in.
1119: Meanwhile...TANKER 03 is now confused and says he has three radios so will monitor 139.7, 260.9 and 135.525 (I can almost see him shaking his head)...260.9
1121: PITMAN 25 asks Potomac if he has a Potomac Approach freq to talk to outside this area...350.25. Apparently, he gets a reply that tells him it's this freq he can use. I think it's starting to sink in now.
Either these guys didn't get a briefing before the mission or he's just confused. He tells Potomac when he did a CAP over Atlanta, they had two simultaneous intercepts. That seems to be his concern - if they get two intercepts, what's the second freq the other fighter will use. He's reaching.
1124: PITMAN 25 to HUNTRESS to say one of them will be at 24,000 and the other at 24,500 (they're still dodging around because of the weather)...139.7
1126: PITMAN 25 tells Guard Dog he'll need to go to the tanker...350.25
1126: PITMAN 25 tells TANKER 03 he's 25 miles away...139.7...TANKER 03 answers him on 260.9
1127: PITMAN 25 asks HUNTRESS if TANKER 03 is on this freq...TANKER 03 pops in and says he's here...PITMAN 25 reports "popeye"...okay, now they're trying to meet up for the AR op...139.7
As of now it appears the 260.9 freq has been discarded...fighters will be with HUNTRESS on 139.7 which is also the boom freq...fighters will monitor Guard Dog/Potomac Approach on 350.25 and the tanker will monitor GD/PA on 135.525.
1129: PITMAN 25 reports nose cold, weapons safe as he prepares for boom contact...139.7 (PITMAN 25 has a tone of uncertainty in his voice. He sounds like a "Not Ready For Combat" type pilot at the moment.)
1132: PITMAN 25/TANKER 03 finally in the same vicinity...25 says he wants a topoff...139.7
1134: Langley interflight freq active with F-22A activity...233.525
1134: MD-ANG A-10s active interflight 142.3 and with Dover Approach 257.875 after leaving the Pax area.
1135: PITMAN 25 finishes refueling...takes 8400 pounds...139.7 ...then reports back in the CAP on both 350.25 and 139.7 (He's still confused...and should be here until 1500 local time)
1138: The MD-ANG A-10 pair reports to Raven Ops they're 5 minutes out, two Code 1s...347.2
1141: PITMAN 25 with Potomac on 350.25 to get freq assignment...will stay from FL 240-270
1141: TANKER 03 Heavy to Potomac on 350.25 and then on 135.525 to say they'll set FL 270 as their base AR altitude.
1142: PITMAN 25 calls TANKER reply....second time successful...PITMAN 25 says they'll need to refuel at FL 260 for various reasons...TANKER 03 says if it doesn't work they'll just go home...PITMAN 25 says he wishes...some restriction on altitude begins at 1645Z for altitude 250-260 but, since I can't hear HUNTRESS or Guard Dog talking, I don't know what that was all about.
1146: TANKER 03 tells Guard dog the restriction is now FL 240-270 and they'll be at FL 260...135.525
1146: PITMAN 25 getting some kind of instrux about going to Guard Dog for a mission....139.7
1147: PITMAN 25 to Guard Dog on 350.25 and will descend down to 6000 feet to check the weather at various flight levels
1147: BOBCAT flight of F-22A fighters working interflight 233.525...sounds like they're doing a missile firing
1149: PITMAN 25 tells HUNTRESS he's leaving the CAP (to do his assigned wx assessment mission down as low as 6000 feet)...139.7
1150: WATERBUG 849 to Patuxent on 314.0 to enter the area at FL 210
1152: PITMAN 25 now with Guard Dog/Potomac heading down low...350.25
1152: BOBCAT..."Stand by for release"...233.525
1155: DRAGO 51 flight with ZDC-Montebello 284.7
1156: PITMAN 25 done with his wx recon...350.25
1157: PITMAN 25, while on 350.25, mentions freq 254.25 which is another TRACON freq in the dulles area
1158: PITMAN 25 with Potomac TRACON...254.25
1158: PITMAN 25 fuel remainder 10,600 pounds...139.7...PITMAN 26 has 8,900 pounds but answers on 350.25
1159: PITMAN 25 tells 26 he'd like to keep about a 3-4000 pound fuel difference between them...139.7

Continued below...reaching the character limit for a single message.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1200: PITMAN 25 to Potomac TRACON telling them he needs to really do a wx check in the south nearer to Andrews because that's where the weather is deteriorating...254.25
1202: DRAGO 51 flight now with ZDC-Irons 360.85
1203: DRAGO 51 out of FL 220 for 190...360.85
1203: PITMAN 25 says he'd like to track south for about 20 miles and then climb back into the Guard Dog area...254.25
1204: PITMAN 25 handed to Potomac TRACON (BWI) 307.9 and repeats his above message...ground tells him to maintain 12,000 feet at 180 degrees heading.
1204: DRAGO 51 cleared down to 15,000 feet...360.85
1205: PITMAN 25 handed off to Potomac TRACON 348.725 and requests a vector
1207: DRAGO 51 handed off to Potomac TRACON (Reagan/Andrews) 335.5 where they check in and say the flyby time has been moved up to 1800(Z) Nottingham at the current 12,000 feet
1208: PITMAN 25 still being vectored around the area in the south of the CAP checking wx...348.725
1209: DRAGO 51 says he can expect a lower altitude in about 6 miles...335.5
1209: PITMAN 25 is done with his scouting mission and is sent back to his home freq...348.725
1210: PITMAN 25/26 back together on 139.7
1210: PITMAN 25 to Guard Dog heading back to the CAP...350.25
DRAGO 51 sounds like a "heavy" - not a fighter type.
1211: PITMAN 25 reports to HUNTRESS he's reestablished in the CAP...first on 350.25 and then..oops...139.7 where he gives the PIREP to HUNTRESS of his findings...including a report of icing between FL 190 and 230
1212: DRAGO 51 at 4000 and going to 3000...335.5
1213: PITMAN 26 tells 25 to go to V-8 and they turn up on 139.825 (not 138.825) where they chat about a problem 26 is having with her radar//gadget bent
This makes the third reference we've had to a V-8 for the 77th...143.8, 138.825 and now 139.925
1215: PITMAN 25 tells HUNTRESS that 26 has no radar capability...gadget bent...139.7
1217: DRAGO 51 reports established and holding...335.5
1219: PITMAN 26 says her radar is now working and she's heading for the tanker...139.7
1219: PITMAN 26 to Potomac to say she's ready to go to the tanker...350.25
1220: PITMAN 26 reports weapons safe...and confirms altimeter set at (standard) 2992...139.7
1221: PITMAN 26 toTANKER 03 to say she's about 4 miles away...he says he's only doing about 290 (speed) now...139.7
1221: DRAGO 51 calls DRAGO 02 (ground control at Arlington) joy...279.575 (the standard flyby freq)
1222: PITMAN 26 tells the tanker she's 3000 feet behind him...her speed 310...tanker is now at 300...139.7
She's calm, cool and collected throughout the earlier freq confusion and through her radar problem and for the refueling. Sounds like a pro. She's been the #2 for a couple of CAP mission flights and had the lead for one of them. She's good.
1224: PITMAN 26 nose cold...ready for contact...139.7
1225: TANKER 03 tells PITMAN 26 he's going on the comm radio...too much static on the boom intercom (which is why I'm hearing him). She confirms...he clears her to come toward the boom...and gives her minor position changes along the way...139.7
1227: DRAGO 51 back on 335.5
1228: TANKER 03 clears PITMAN 26 to contact the boom...then reports contact...139.7
1230: PITMAN 26 off the boom and re-established in the CAP...TANKER 03 asks her if she got enough...she did...139.7
DRAGO 51 seems to just be flying a pattern around the Nottingham area and holding because of the changed flyby time at Arlington...don't know what was originally scheduled but it's now at 1300 local.
1232: PITMAN 25 asks HUNTRESS to call DNS XXX-XXXX where he'll get their "Top 3" and give them the PIREP including the icing...he also wants HUNTRESS to pass the Victor and Uniform frequencies to them...wants it on the secure line since he doesn't want the frequencies in the clear :)))...139.7
1235: DRAGO 51 checking in with Potomac TRACON on a different transmitter to make sure it works. (it's not nearly as good as what he was using)...335.5
1236: DRAGO 51 calling Andrews on 378.1...asks if they're DSN phone patch capable
1236: There's also a DC 51 tanker calling LIBERATOR at the same time on 378.1
1237: DRAGO 51 wants Andrews to call a DSN XXX-XXXX and check the TOT (time over target) to see if the time has changed from 1300 to 1352...378.1
1239: DRAGO 52 calling DRAGO 01 on primary...279.575 (so we know it's at least a flight of two aircraft...this guy sounds like a heavy also)
1241: DRAGO 51 back with TRACON on 335.5...still trying to find out what they're supposed to be doing...guess they'll just circle around Nottingham at low altitude (3000 feet) until they find out the real TOT. By all accounts, the wx in the ADW area is pretty bad.
1242: DRAGO 51 asking Andrews CP if there's any word on that message...378.1
1242: DRAGO 51 calling DRAGO 01 and then DRAGO 02...279.575 (no joy to a couple of calls)
1246: PITMAN fuel remainders...25 has 7600, 26 has 11300 pounds...139.7
1250: TANKER 03 asks PITMAN 25 if he's coming for gas...25 says in about 10 minutes...they agree on 370 for an air speed and 03 says he'll push it up...139.7
1251: DRAGO 51 gets his TOT from DRAGO 02 as 1352...279.575
1251: DRAGO 51 says they had bad intel and the time is 1352, not 1300...335.5
In spite of all these plans for the DRAGO 51/52 flight, I'm not sure there's a proper ceiling for their flyby which they normally do at 1000 feet over Arlington. Cloud deck is pretty low - at least in my area. It's much too warm but it sure feels like snow out there.
1255: PITMAN 25 has fuel remainder of 6900 pounds with outboard tanks dry and 26 has 10500 with tanks feeding (she first said "dry" and then corrected herself)...139.7
1255: PITMAN 25 and TANKER 03 ready for the AR op...139.7
1259: PITMAN 25 finishes refueling and reports back in the CAP (they must have been on boom intercom since no words were passed on the radio)....PITMAN 25 and TANKER 03 coordinating the next refueling up at FL 270 so they can do the AR at a speed of 310...TANKER 03 tells 25 to just tell him what to do and they'll do it (a laid back boomer)...139.7

1301: PITMAN 26 asks 25 to go to V-8 and then go to 139.825 to talk about speeds, the wx and what they'll do for the next FL 270.
1302: PITMAN 25 tells TANKER 03 they'll do the refueling at FL 270 and 310 indicated air speed for the AR...139.7
1306: DRAGO 51 calling DRAGO joy
This guy has suddenly changed from the normal DRAY-go to DRAG-oh pronunciation.
1314: DRAGO 51 calling DRAGO 02 again on 279.575 and again no joy.
This was another voice aboard 51 and he's back to DRAY-go.
1316: DRAGO 51 to DRAGO 02 and makes contact this time to say they're established in the orbit at 3000 feet...279.575
1321: DRAGO 51 to Potomac TRACON to say their TOT is 1352 and will be heading out about 10 minutes after that around 1900Z...335.5
1323: DEVIL 11 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG) with Giant Killer to enter W-107 at 7000 feet...255.0
I'm pretty much stuck on the two DRAGO freqs and the four CAP freqs and am not using my other radios for search so don't really know what else is out there flying this afternoon. Feeling lazy.
1325: PITMAN 25 has 10300 pounds of fuel with tanks feeding and 26 has 8100 with tanks feeding...139.7

ref below: Jeff, I've never heard a CAP pilot as confused as PITMAN 25 was...he was just a wreck for a bit.

NOTE: It appears to me the 77th FS at Shaw has decided on a frequency plan for their radios that has the CAP interflight freq placed in position V-8 no matter which freq is selected for mission interflight chat. That's the only thing that makes sense considering we've had three different freqs for V-8 referenced by them. On the way to the CAP they were using 138.825 and then once in the CAP it became 139.825.

1325: Break time...want to be back before DRAGO 51 does its flyby.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD

I loved it when he made it clear to Huntress that he had 2 radios. I almost blew my coffee out of my nose

If Memory serves, MAD DOG was prior term for GUARD DOG a few years ago. (Hard to belive they have been flying CAPs so long that we refer to it in years)

PITTMAN came up 139.825 for their A-A

TinEar said:
Jeff, I've never heard a CAP pilot as confused as PITMAN 25 was...he was just a wreck for a bit.
I agree buddy. Somebody dropped the ball in the Brief. Just my opinion is that he possibly did DC CAPS prior to POTOMAC coming online when ZDC did all the coordinating and was refered to as MAD DOG. I think he assumed this would be the same as it was then.
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
Does anyone know how the VHF interflights are assigned to squadrons? It seems odd to me that with about 350 frequencies to choose from, so many adjacent or nearby squadrons would be using the same freqs.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
benrussellpa said:
Does anyone know how the VHF interflights are assigned to squadrons? It seems odd to me that with about 350 frequencies to choose from, so many adjacent or nearby squadrons would be using the same freqs.

Not sure Ben but I know they don't just pick them out of a hat. They are assigned to them. A few months ago I heard a couple of A-10 pilots from Martin State chatting about the Willow Grove A-10s being assigned six VHF freqs and three of them being used by other units in the area. Sounds like they are just sprinkled among the units with no regard for other close by units having them also. I guess they figure since they have a half dozen of them, they can always find a clean one.

1330: And just as I'm getting up to go outside...a BANGER flight of NJ-ANG f-16s is with ACY Approach...327.125
1330: And DRAGO 51 calls DRAGO 52 (think he meant DRAGO 02) to say he's now monitoring 279.575
1331: DRAGO 51 asks Potomac TRACON if they can extend their leg to 14 miles on their next orbit...335.5
1332: DRAGO 51 asks if they're cleared back to BAD when done with the flyby...279.575
BAD should be KBAD which is Barksdale AFB LA which makes these guys B-52s and goes along with the "heavy" sound of their transmitters.
1334: PITMAN 25 sends 26 to the tanker and says that'll be enough to get them home...139.7
1335: PITMAN 25 calling PITMAN 31 on 139.7 (guess 25/26 aren't doing a 4-hour shift - looks like 3)
1336: PITMAN 25 makes contact with PITMAN 31 and tells him about the wx in the CAP (I can't hear 31 yet)...139.7
1337: PITMAN 26 asks TANKER 03 to begin a left hand turn to speed up the intercept...03 concurs...139.7
1339: PITMAN 25 to Guard Dog to say they'll be leaving the CAP in the next 10 minutes and would like them to work a clearance back to Shaw...350.25
1341: PITMAN 26 cleared for contact with the boom by TANKER 03...139.7
1341: DRAGO 51 told they'll climb from the 1000 foot flyby to 3000 feet and then repeats the flight route they'll take back to Barksdale...279.575
1342: PITMAN 25 tells Guard Dog they'd like no altitude above 240 and want direct Shaw as quckly as possible...350.25
1343: PITMAN 26 reports off the tanker...139.7
1343: PITMAN 25 clears 26 to rejoin in a 2-mile trail...139.7
1344: DRAGO 51 now tells DRAGO 02 that they're a flight of only one aircraft (in spite of DRAGO 52 calling earlier on the freq)...279.575
1345: PITMAN 31 flight with ZDC-Brooke...327.0
1346: PITMAN 31 with TANKER 03 on primary HUNTRESS freq now exchanging squawks...139.7
1347: DRAGO 51 beginning his run to Arlington from the holding point at Nottingham...279.575
1348: PITMAN 31 flight handed to Guard Dog 350.25 where they check in.
1350: PITMAN 25 yakking with Guard Dog (and calls him MAD DOG at one point) about being cleared back to Shaw...says he's waiting for the other flight to refuel...then 31 comes on to get clearance into the CAP...350.25
1352: DRAGO 51 over the target at Arlington...breaking left...279.575
1353: DRAGO 51 finishes his run...tells DRAGO 02 he'll see him next time...says he's climbing to 3000 feet...279.575
1354: MD-ANG A-10s up on interflight...142.3
1354: TANKER 03 and PITMAN 31/32 getting ready to meet up for the AR op...139.7
1355: DRAGO 51 cleared up to 7000 feet...279.575
1356: PITMAN 31 is visual tanker and asks to be cleared for pre-contact...he is...32 cleared to the left wing of the tanker...139.7
1356: DRAGO 51 handed off to ZDC-Linden 319.1 and checks in at 15,000 feet...cleared to 17,000 and asks for FL 240...he gets it.
1358: PITMAN 31 says he wants a topoff, about 6000 pounds and gives his tail number as 98-003...tells 32 to give his tail number and he gives it as 285 (first on 350.25 and then on 139.7)...139.7
Looks like the new PITMAN pair got the frequencies per the message 25 asked HUNTRESS to pass to them on a secure line.

1401: NJ-ANG interflight active...138.425
1403: PITMAN 31 done refueling...139.7
1404: PITMAN 32 cleared to make contact with the boom...139.7
1405: PITMAN 32 getting too close to the tanker...he's getting directions..."back four...down four...forward four"...139.7
1406: PITMAN 25 flight cleared off the CAP...25 is Code 2 for Link 16 and DTE, PITMAN 26 is Code 1...25 leaving with 8000 pounds and 26 with 8400 pounds of fuel...139.7
1406: PITMAN 25/26 go to V-8 and come up on 139.825 and then go to Guard Dog on 350.25 for their clearance to Shaw.
1407: PITMAN 32 done refueling...took 4100 pounds...139.7
1408: DRAGO 51 still with ZDC-Linden 319.1 but getting weak as he flies out of the area toward Barksdale.
1410: PITMAN 25/26 handed off to ZDC-Montebello 284.7 where they check in at FL 240
1410: PITMAN 31 tells 25 that alternate to Shaw is Charlotte at the moment...139.8
1411: PITMAN 25 flight requesting direct Raleigh-Durham when able...284.7
1412: PITMAN 25 wants to know when they can get turned toward told in 30 miles...284.7 (He's like an old lady...damn!)
1412: PITMAN 32 has the north and 31 the south portion of the CAP...but are currently only 7 miles apart...139.7
1417: TANKER 02 calling TANKER 03...139.7 (Or maybe the other way around with 3 calling 2)
1421: PITMAN 25/26 handed off to ZDC-Gordonsville 351.9
Almost forgot...about 5 minutes ago around 1416, an AXEMAN flight of two A-10s from MTN called Atlantic City Approach...said they were about 20 miles west of the airfield at 5000 feet and were coming in to runway 13...327.125

I don't think the MAD DOG reference by PITMAN 25 has any significance to this flight. I think he's simply getting confused when thinking GUARD DOG and says MAD DOG which is common enough throughout the Air Force as a callsign.

Ben said:
From below:
Did I hear the Pittman's discussing a north CAP and a south CAP? It would seem I can only copy traffic when the aircraft are on the northern half of their loop. Just using the handheld, but I get periodic L/C comms on 139.700 and the two Guard Dog freqs. Time 14:10 or so. Nothing heard here on 260.900.
Ben, they split the CAP area into north and south portions with one fighter always in the north. The north must always be protected - that area closest to Camp David. They decided earlier to not use the 260.9 freq on this mission. 139.7 is primary and boom freq, 350.25 is Potomac/Guard Dog for entering/exiting for the fighters and 135.525 for the tanker

1427: Finally time for that break. TANKER 02 should be coming into the area soon. I know TANKER 03 is looking for him. Hope someone can catch 03's clearance home so we know where he's from. Wonder why the first tanker of the day was 03 rather than 01? Looks like the second will be 02 though. Anyway........
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
I have seen a few lists on the net that detail how things are assigned. Trouble is I am brainfarting at the moment and can't remeber where they were. For some reason I want to say they were Bob Parnass related but am unsure. I'll poke around and maybe they will come to mind.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
And while I was gone PITMAN 31 was sent out on a weather recon mission by HUNTRESS on 139.7. From there, he went to 350.25 with Guard Dog to get clearance to leave the CAP area, went to Potomac TRACON 343.7, later to 257.2 (both DCA area) and finally back to the CAP at 1457. Along the route, he checked the weather down to 5000 feet...reported solid cloud deck from 8000 feet on up to the assigned flight block of the CAP. Below 8000 feet there was light rain falling.
Also at 1457, TANKER 02 showed up with Potomac on 135.525 as he approached the area and made it to the CAP area by 1501. TANKER 03 was released, went to Potomac 135.525 to pick up his RTB clearance, was cleared to Indianhead (and never mentioned his home base). From there he was handed off to ZDC-Hagerstown 134.15 to begin his homeward bound trip. (I suspect he was a STEEL KC-135 from Pittsburgh.)
Shortly after TANKER 02 got established, PITMAN 31 and 32 approached for refueling - and did.

1520-24: There is a U/I pair of fighters chatting on interflight freq 141.675
1526: ACE 01 calls Langley Ops on 372.2 and gets no reply. (ACE is the ACC Commander's aircraft - a C-21)
1534: An AXEMAN flight of A-10s is with Dover Approach on 257.875 and leaving that area for home...they change to U-5 with Potomac TRACON 317.425 and check in for the few mile trip to Martin State.
1536: AXEMAN flight cleared from 6 to 3000 feet...317.425
1538: AXEMAN 1 flight reports field in sight and is handed off to U-4...317.425
1538: AXEMAN 1 flight to U-4 282.275 where they check in...they're working 142.3 for interflight.
1540: PITMAN 31 fuel remainder 10,200 pounds and tanks feeding...32 has 5900 pounds and outboard tanks dry...139.7
1540: TRACON hands the AXEMAN flight off to MTN Tower 121.3 but they go to 297.2 and check in with Tower
1541: AXEMAN says they'll use runway 33 because an Army crew is on the other side...142.3
1543: AXEMAN 1 reports "base, gear, low approach"...AXEMAN 2 gives "left base, gear down, low approach"...297.2
1545: AXEMAN 1 tells Tower if no one is using the runway he'll do another low approach to give his guys time to get to the other end of the runway...297.2...both report low approach...and I'm barely hearing MTN Tower today which is very unusual. Normally hear all ground stations at MTN other than this one.
1547: AXEMAN 1 reports "base, gear, stop" and "cleared to land"...297.2...15 seconds later AXEMAN 2 makes the same report.

The MilAir bands are suddenly quiet...CAP still up with PITMAN 31/32 in place for the next couple of hours with TANKER 02 to support them....139.7 primary with HUNTRESS and also the boom freq.
Color me gone for now.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Vschlitz said:
At approx. 1300 spotted two white top helo's returning to DC from Thurmont.

Sorry guys....have an all day meeting on Fridays here at Germantown, with no access to PC....But a great view out my 6th floor window:

11:05 Three SeaKings (Mussel) headed north up 270 towards Frederick

1:10pm Only one of the SeaKings returned back southbound

2:00pm Saw two Mussel Hueys head North towards Hagerstown. Visitors?

That's the best I can report.



Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
Caught a few miscellaneous filghts inbound/outbound ADW.
First was SPUR-01 passing to SAM CP that he departed at 2030Z. Passed the number- 40128 Don't know it that was part of his tail #.

TEAL-65 is inbound, now 20 minutes out at this point. Likely a C-130 from Keesler AFB, a hurricane hunter. 378.1
JOSA-605 is also inbound. 378.1

1618- MUSSELL-03 inbound Cabin John. A female doing the talking. 120.75

1626- solid olive drab Huey east bound, just passed through Leesburg. No comms ever heard with Dulles tower, today or ever when I've seen that helo.
1630- PITMAN-33 is off the deck, reported by HUNTRESS. 139.7
1631-Helo, passed the c/s too quick, will be taking Rt1 to the Eagle's Nest. It definitely wasn't the Park PD helo. 120.75

1708- PITMAN-31 is leaving and PITMAN-33 is in the CAP. This CAP I can hear both HUNTRESS and Potomac loud and clear.
1715- PITMAN-31 departing via Linden, Casanova, Gordonsville..........
1730-Calling ZDC-Gordonsville again, still no answer.. Figured he was long past there by now.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
So PITMAN 33/34 took over the CAP about 1700 and now PITMAN 35/36 are just arriving around 1942 to begin their refueling and then take over the CAP about 2000. TANKER 01 came in to replace TANKER 02 at 1840. TANKER 02 headed toward the Boston area after being handed off from 135.525 to ZDC-Brooke on 126.875 and then ZDC-Woodstown 125.45. From that point he was handed off to a ZNY VHF freq and I dropped him. He never gave his home base but from the flight progression it would have to be Pease NH or Bangor ME.
Assuming the CAP ends at 2300 as has been normal recently, they broke it into four 3-hour shifts today rather than the normal 4-hour shifts for the fighters. However, the three tankers each had/will have 4-hour shifts. There has been no indication why they changed the shift times for this CAP. Frequencies have remained 139.7 for primary with HUNTRESS and also as a boom freq. 135.525/350.25 are still being used for Guard Dog/Potomac Approach to enter/exit the Guard Dog CAP area.
PITMAN 33/34 pick up their clearance and head for home at 1951...well, they thought they were but have to wait until 35/36 finish refueling.

PITMAN 35/36 have been trying to contact TANKER 01 on both 350.25 and 228.9 with no results as expected. They were finally told the 139.7 freq is the boom freq, they acknowledge and then proceed to call the tanker on 350.25. They'll eventually get together....I think. And they eventually do.
PITMAN 33/34 finally released at 2000...33 is Code 3 for radar and several other problems...34 is Code 2 for radar and Link 16, go back to 350.25 to pick up clearance to Shaw...request FL 210 and are cleared direct Brooke, direct Shaw.
New altitude block for the CAP is FL 210-250.
PITMAN 35/36 go to V-8 for interflight and it's again 139.825.
PITMAN 33/34 handed off by Potomac on 350.25 to ZDC-Irons 360.85 at 2006 and try to check joy to first two calls. They make it on the third try and check in at FL 210, request direct Shaw and report in non-standard 2-mile trail. Cleared to FL 230.
2010: TANKER 01 tells Potomac on 135.525 that they'll head home to Bangor about 0350Z
2010: PITMAN 35 tells Potomac on 350.25 they'll be heading home to Shaw AFB at 0400Z
So, it's confirmed the CAP will end at 2300 - the normal time.
2013: PITMAN 33/34 go over their maintenance status again while on V-8 139.825 as they head home...34 is cleared off to contact Ops and report their status. (If their Ops freq is still 273.8, I heard nothing there. And if they used a VHF freq for Ops, my 138-144 search scanner picked up nothing.)
2014: PITMAN 33/34 handed off to ZDC-Blackstone 235.625 and check in at FL 230.

Nothing happening on this last shift of the night. PITMAN 35/36 refueled from TANKER 01 around 2130 and that's been the extent of the excitement.
At 2224, PITMAN 35 has 10100 pounds of fuel remaining, 36 has 9500 pounds which means they should have enough to get home, if they leave at 2300, without refueling again.
2244: TANKER 01 with HUNTRESS on 139.7 asking about their release time...and at the same time with Potomac on 135.525 saying in about 5 minutes they'll RTB after being asked by Potomac.
2245: Potomac asking PITMAN 35 when they're leaving...35 says at fragged (see bottom of msg) time of 0400Z...350.25
2251: HUNTRESS relieves TANKER 01 to RTB...139.7
2251: TANKER 01 to Potomac says he's ready to RTB Bangor and wants clearance...135.525...and gets it
2252: PITMAN 35/36 getting into 2-mile trail in preparation for RTB...139.7
2254: TANKER 01 handed off by Potomac to ZDC-Woodstown 125.45 to begin the trip to Bangor
2254: PITMAN 35 asks for clearance back to Shaw...350.25...cleared down to FL 230
2255: PITMAN 35 tells HUNTRESS they've got a clearance to Brooke at FL 230...says both jets are Code 1...139.7
2256: HUNTRESS relieves PITMAN 35/36 from duty in the CAP...139.7
2257: PITMAN 35 picks up clearance for the flight direct Brooke, direct Shaw...350.25
2258: PITMAN 35/36 change to V-8 and come up on least PITMAN 35 does...a minute later 36 shows up but meanwhile 35 went to 350.25 and told 36 to come up on 139.82...they finally get together there..they have 7500 and 7400 pounds of fuel respectively...139.825

2300: PITMAN 35/36 handed off to ZDC-Irons 360.85 and check in there non-standard 4-mile trail...request a higher altitude when able.
2303: PITMAN 35/36 cleared fro FL 230 up to 250...360.85
2304: Both PITMAN 35 and 36 report outboard tanks dry...360.85
2307: TANKER 01 cleared direct JFK, direct Bangor...125.45
2308: TANKER 01 handed to ZNY-Kennedy (Sector 56 High) on 125.325 and checks in at FL 230 direct JFK

And that ends the log for today. The CAP will start up again at 0600. I won't be here. Maybe someone else will log it.

Military phrases are sometimes hard to decipher or understand. Let's look at a simple phrase often used in the Air Force flying community.

*** As Fragged: This word originates from the word "FRAGMENT". This means to break apart or to separate. The original meaning was to separate each mission from the daily flying tasking order. "AS FRAGGED" means to continue to fly the mission as was originally scheduled in the tasking order. To fly the mission as originally fragmented. So now it just means we are on schedule and we plan to stay on schedule.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr Tin got home in time to hear the PITMAN's clearing out.
I didn't have 360.850 but luckily they called it.. ZDC freq?

Oops now I see your post as 360.850 ZDC Irons.. Thanks
Not a popular ZDC freq?


ref below.. Thanks Tin will add that one for sure..
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Rgr Tin got home in time to hear the PITMAN's clearing out.
I didn't have 360.850 but luckily they called it.. ZDC freq?

Oops now I see your post as 360.850 ZDC Irons.. Thanks
Not a popular ZDC freq?


Yes, very popular freq. Every aircraft in this CAP has used it and it's very often used by MilAir crossing the area. The DRAGO 51 B-52 flyby earlier today used it too on the way into the area.


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
PITMAN-25/26 just received RTB clearance. HAFNR>GVE>J75>Columbia>direct
260.9 has been used some this morning by the fighters.

135.535 and 350.25 have also been used. Potomac passed their clearance on 350.25.
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