Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1444Z 128.425 IAD TWR West - N3 (Ce560XL N3 FAA) - deps rwy 30 QSY 125.050.
1448Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - DC 42 - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 123.825.
1454Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JR 093 (C-20G 165093 VR-48) - deps ADW vectors for the climb, to 17000' QSY 123.825.

1503Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPAR 24 (new one on me, 89th AW C-12?) - cleared dir DAVEY for the vis. app to rwy 32 @ DAA.
1509Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 271 (C-21A) - deps ADW to 11000' dir FLUKY QSY 121.050.
1520Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7N 933 and MARINE 085 dep ADW.
1554Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AIR FORCE 1 - deps ADW dir HAFNR to FL210 QSY 121.675.

1603Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 378 (C-37B 166378 VR-1) - deps ADW to 15000' dir HAFNR QSY 121.050.
1645Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - VENUS 40 - shooting practice apps...
1654Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ANVIS 21 (DHC-6) - lands rwy 14.
1655Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 01052 (UC-35C 00-1052) - deps ADW to 5000' init. alt. then to 11000' QSY 121.050.

1804Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPAR 24 () - deps DAA @ 1500' cleared to 5000' QSY 125.650.
1806Z 119.300 Potomac APP - TRACK 10 - @ 6500' for the visual field in sight.
1810Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 032 () - @ 1200 for 3000' cleared to 14000' then FL200 dir LDN QSY 120.650.
1812Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EASY 919 (UC-12B MASD NAS JRB New Orleans) - deps ADW 2.3 for 3000' then to 5000' then 11000' QSY 123.825.
1814Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - LOBO 591 () - deps ADW to 11000' QSY 121.050.
1817Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - BOXER 21 + BOXER 51 - practice apps.
1829Z 119.300 Potomac DEP - REACH 01 () - req. vis. app to 19R full stop.
1832Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 573 (C-12) - deps rwy 14 QSY 118.950 @ 1000' for 2000' cleared to 9000' dir GRUBY QSY 126.400.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Early 1100 hour there are groups of Langley fighters - and others - heading to the offshore areas W-72/W-386/W-387with Giant Killer. Among them are F-22A flights DEEJAY 11, BIKER 91, LIMEY 91 on freqs 233.7/238.1/249.8. There is also a FURY 62 that checked in on 238.1 that said he was heading directly to Ar-636 to meet up with the TEAM 41 tanker.

There is another tanker [no callsign, female speaker] in W-107 with Giant Killer. She entered on 135.725 and 255.0 and was just asking GK where WILD and SCARY are.
Bollen Range is active with an AXEMAN flight on 237.2 (Just heard them with ZNY on 338.3 prior to the range)
WILD flight of two F-16s from Andrews up on interflight 139.15. SCARY flight of two is also up - and also using 139.15 for interflight. That's different.

1119: DEEJAY 11 announces RTB to Langley...238.1/249.8 (He's a single ship and says he'll deconflict with a two-ship in W-386G but didn't mention which two-ship flight.) HEELS, TURET, Langley
1125: WILD reports to ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 the flight is in non-standard formation. Guess they're all going to W-107 as indicated by the earlier tanker question wondering where they are.
1127: WILD 01 flight handed off to Giant Killer on 255.0 where they check in to work W-107 for the next 45 minutes.
1130: WILD 1 mentions something to Giant Killer that they do plan to be "tanking"...255.0
I hear the female tanker on 255.0 but she's too weak and the freq is too noisy to pull out her conversation.
There is also a fighter flight with Atlantic City Approach on 327.125 in the same condition - might be the AXEMAN flight that was at Bollen a few minutes ago.

1143: FORCE 40 (KC-10A McGuire) calls a U/I aircraft on the McGuire Command Post freq 319.4 and says he hears him on Guard and has him loud and clear. FORCE 40 is obviously transmitting on the wrong freq for this reply.
1144: FORCE 40 talking to the U/I aircraft on Guard freq 243.0 and again says he has him loud and clear. I can also hear a warbling ELT transmitter sound in the background that keeps turning on and off. Leesburg Radio also called a U/I aircraft on FSS 255.4 in the mistaken belief he was on Guard freq. Guess they jump on the mic when they hear a transmission on Guard without checking to see which freq they're actually on.
And over the next several minutes I hear nothing further concerning this incident.

1200: AXEMAN flight coming home to Martin State with Raven Ops...347.2
1202: That female tanker is checking out of W-107 with Giant Killer, thanks him for the work and continues talking but she's just too weak to pull out the rest of her conversation...255.0 (She must have finished refueling the WILD/SCARY flights but I didn't hear the AR op when it took place.)
1207: AXEMAN pair of A-10s landing MTN with Tower...297.2
1208: DC 91 (KC-135 Andrews) with ACY Approach...124.6
1215: DC 95 (KC-135 Andrews) calling LIBERATOR at Andrews...378.1
1218: CRAB 58 (C-130J MD-ANG Warfield ANGB) with Crab Ops...385.9
1220: SCARY flight tells Giant Killer they'll be ready to RTB in 5 minutes...they are first going to TIDEY which is around Dover AFB for a hold and then to Andrews...255.0
TIDEY=39-11-53.050N / 075-17-38.410W (9 miles along the 073 degree radial from Dover AFB)
1220: SCARY flight is now on interflight 143.6 and WILD is 139.15...common ops while in W-107 was 337.225.

Ref below: William, I didn't hear that so it was probably out of my listening range. Only ones I know in W-107, which is controlled on 255.0, at the moment are the WILD/SCARY flights and it wasn't them - at least not that I heard. The female tanker that's in there is too weak for me to hear so it might have been her flight you heard. The 857 phone prefix is good for Andrews though. It might have been her flight calling back to Andrews to find out where the fighters were since she was awaiting their arrival and had asked Giant Killer earlier about when she should expect them.

Whew...that's enough for now. The noise level across the MilAir bands today is so high that it's becoming a chore to listen rather than fun. So, it's time to pack it up until later.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2006
Cape May, NJ
quick question, I just heard someone on 255.0 calling command and saying he was on the phone w/ across country but he keeps getting transfered. He asks command if they have another number. She gives him a 857-####. What or who is he calling? It did sound like he was airborn.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
For those of you up New Jersey way...there should be some F-16s from the NJ-ANG Atlantic City taking off soon. Part of their mission will be refueling with a KC-135 using the FUZZY callsign (I'm guessing FUZZY 42) from the NY-ANG Niagara Falls. Refueling is scheduled for 1345 local time (1845Z)

Added: It should be FUZZY 42 with a DEVIL 11 flight and their refueling freq should be 288.0
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Steve, I've got that F-22A flight from Langley up again with the callsign that yesterday I thought was BASS. Hearing it today very clearly and I've decided it's BASH. BASH 61 flight is on Langley interflight freq 252.775 at 1500.
1511: BASH 61 tells Giant Killer it's 5 minutes until RTB time to Langley...238.1
1516: And off they went - departed on GK's 249.8 and then to Norfolk on 370.925 for Langley approach.

I may also have to revise the Langley KICK callsign to CHICK. Just heard CHICK 41 check into the offshore area with GK on 233.7. They were F-22A fighters. I want to hear it another time or two to be sure of the CHICK callsign though. KICK has been valid in the past for F-15s which is why I'm questioning what I thought I heard.

Guess that DEVIL flight I was expecting did come up according to your report of the 138.425 freq active. They're apparently in W-107 for their simulated DARKSTAR activity on GK's tactical freq 312.3. I don't know if the refueling you heard was the FUZZY tanker with the DEVIL flight or someone else. FUZZY 42's flight plan showed him with the NJ F-16s on 288.0 for the AR op.

Daily Oil Report: A barrel of oil today is down to $51.88 (down $2.14 or 3.96%). Getting better by the day. That should indicate about $1.80 per gallon of gasoline in the near future.
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
TinEar said:
Steve, I've got that F-22A flight from Langley up again with the callsign that yesterday I thought was BASS. Hearing it today very clearly and I've decided it's BASH.

So does the VA ANG at Richmond still use the BASH callsign? I know they use FURY but I also have BASH listed as one of their callsigns.


Jun 18, 2006
benrussellpa said:
Can anybody ID the user for the freqs listed below? With a C-130 involved, I would have to guess the 913th Airlift Wing/327th Airlift Squadron from Willow Grove.

119.6 is KNXX Tower.

Posted on the Milcom list at QTH:

>Emergency over.
>C-130 with an indicator light on, but gear was ok.
>(correction 138.650 plus 119.600, 273.000, and 148.540)

>jeff wrote:
> C-130 air fuel emergency
> 138.600
> 6:40 eastern

273.000 is the command post for VR-64 (formerly VP-64); they've been flying C-130s for 3-4 years now. 138.650 is one of the fire frequencies for KNXX and 138.600 might be the VHF command post frequency (I'm at work right now and don't have my frequency list handy). I am not familiar with 148.540 but I'll be adding it one of my banks. I wasn't on the scanner last night, but I did note a C-130 circling around a few times at a higher than normal altitude.

VR-64, VR-52, HMH-772, Co A/228th Aviation will be moving to McGuire/Ft Dix by 2010. The 913th will be deactivated on Oct 1st of this year and the local newspaper reported the last flying mission will be on March 3rd. The fate of the 111th is still in the air with Rendell fighting to keep the A-10s.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
trainman111 said:
So does the VA ANG at Richmond still use the BASH callsign? I know they use FURY but I also have BASH listed as one of their callsigns.

Funny you should ask Nick. I was just thinking about that. Yes, the VA-ANG still uses BASH, FURY, TBOLT and SLAM for their current callsigns. FURY is the static callsign such as with Fury Ops on 142.175/289.3. It shouldn't cause any confusion unless they should happen to be scheduled to work together with Langley and, if so, I doubt Langley or Richmond would both select that callsign to be used.
Just want to mention when the WILD flight came home earlier (landed 1252), both F-16s noted they were Code 2 for the same problem - a bad ALQ-113 which is an ECM pod. The SCARY flight played around the Dover area for a bit and finally landed back at Andrews about 1325.

1539: There is an AXEMAN flight of A-10s just coming home to MTN with Raven Ops on 347.2. Their interflight is 142.3. Landing with MTN Twr 297.2 at 1546.
1551: TROJAN 51 flight of Langley F-22As with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 and then to Giant Killer on 238.1 and 233.7 to enter W-72 1C-F for the next 20 minutes. (When the aircraft are on 238.1 or 249.8, they knock me over they're so loud. When they use 233.7, I can just barely hear them. It's strange...and it's not just this flight. It's been happening all day. Yes, same receiver, same antenna.)

1602: DEEJAY 11, IDs as a single F-22A, with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 and then to GK to enter W-386 on 238.1 to work mission V-1116 with "The Eagle" (an F-15 obviously but don't know who/what)
1614: STEEL 71 (IDs as two F-15s) signs into W-386 with Giant Killer 238.1/249.8...will be in Area Kilo for the next 15-20 minutes at FL 230 and above.
Here's another conflict of callsigns. We often have the STEEL KC-135 tankers from Pittsburgh working in these offshore areas. STEEL is a new callsign for Langley. Adding it to both the Langley list and the master callsign database list.
1623: DEEJAY 11 ready to RTB...249.8
1623: DEEJAY 11 cleared direct HEELS at 14,000 feet...249.8

Gone again......back later.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Back again after work took me away from the radio for a few hours...

01.11.2007 (CONT'D)

2131Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 2402 (Davison C-12T afternoon LFI-DAA shuttle) - cleared for the visual app to rwy 14 at DAA, QSY Davison AAF TWR 126.300.
2134Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - PAT 146 - lands rwy 19R.
2137Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 573 - @ 6000' req. vis rwy 14 @ DAA, QSYs to 126.3 @ 3000' on the downwind.
2144Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 937 - deps DAA QSY 123.825.

2234Z 119.300 Potomac APP - ARMY 1778 (C-37B 04-1778) - Descending to 2000' req. clearance for the vis. to rwy 19R.
2241Z 378.100 LIBERATOR CP Andrews - DC 43 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - discussing a maint. issue on t/off ADW.
2245Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - DC 43 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - deps ADW cleared to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
Just tuning in I have CAPITOL-91 on 143.15, loud and clear. Since the weather cooled down I've been receiving VHF really well.

1644-CAPITOL-91 with ZDC-Norfolk 327.8 requesting direct Cherry Point.
1648-It's a flight of at least two. Just told his wingman to switch to 272.275, missed that, but then he was back on interflight telling the wingman to contact ground. A few minutes later they were fading out on 143.15. 272.275 ?

1729-MUSSELL flight on 141.7. Been a while since I've heard this freq. They keep passing numbers, sound like freqs but I hear nothing on them.
1735-IDed as MUSSELL-One Zero flight. 20 (miles) west of Dulles. It's that time of year for new members of Congress to get their tour of Mt WX, should be more MUSSELL flights out my way.
1738-BLACKJACK-1 calling HUNTRESS 139.7

1743-DEECEE-44 reporting a 25-minute early departure to get out before a ramp freeze. 378.1

1745- MUSSELL-One Zero flight of two with IAD Tower heading SE, 1100ft VFR.
1747-Came up on MUSSELL CONTROL 292.2 but the chopper noise made it impossible to understand, but I was able to hear who he was talking to.
1749-A visual on them shows them heading east with about a mile of separation.
1752-Switched to DCA tower just outside Tysons Corner, MUSSELL-One One going zone 5, route 1 to the Pentagon. One Zero wants route 6 to Andrews.
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
AIR FORCE-1 inbound. 300.4 noise, then just missed the end of some chat on 136.725.

1830- OK, figured out. Bush should be inbound from Ft. Benning.
1839-EVAC-91506 has been calling on 378.1 for the last few. No answer. Guess they didn't get the memo.

1849-MUSSELL-3 requesting clearance out of the local area. 292.2
1851-FETTER-2 has a visual on BLACKJACK-1 126.3 Davison Tower
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I have nothing for that 272.275 freq Travis. I'll stick it in the rotation and see what turns up.

1838: Tanker traffic...288.0
1845: NJ-ANG F-16s working interflight...138.425 (Might be who is working with the tanker)
1835: U/I fighter chat on interflight...138.825 (Might be the MA/CT-ANG A-10s at - or on the way to - Warren Grove Range)
1852: Same fighters from 138.825 now with ZNY-Dixie but not loud enough to copy...they're at 14,000 feet...307.8
Turns out it's a MAKO flight of A-10s from the CT-ANG at Bradley
1856: MAKO flight handed off to Warren Grove Range by ZNY-Dixie...307.8
1856: The NJ-ANG F-16s working interflight are callsign BICEP...138.425

1900: FUZZY 43 (KC-135 NY-ANG Niagara Falls) to Giant Killer looking for clearance out of his current area...says he'll take any altitude - just wants to get out of there...135.225 (This freq is normally used for offshore area W-105)
1901: FUZZY 43 cleared out at FL 290...135.225
1903: Have an aircraft calling SAM Command at Andrews on the PTD freq...he keeps fading out just as he gives his might be VIPER 01...372.2 (no joy x4) (Sounds like a transmitter problem...he starts out loud and clear but after a couple of words it fades to nothing)
1916: MUSSEL 02 reporting at Wood's Corner to the DCA Helo Controller...120.75
[Hey...that's all that's happening right now!]
1920: Looks like the MAKO flight is leaving Warren Grove...back with ZNY-Dixie...307.8
1922: MAKO flight requesting clearance down to 12,000 feet...307.8 (And they fade away as they descend. From this freq they'l be handed to ZNY-Kennedy on 282.3 as they make their way home to Bradley)
1932: And another flight of A-10s with ZNY-Dixie...307.8
1933: U/I flight handed off by ZNY-Dixie to Warren Grove Range...307.8
1935: U/I flight calling WG Range controller RANGER to give his position...283.1
1941: JOSA 269 calls Griffin Ops at Andrews with arrival message...ETA 0100Z, A-1, tail 86-00374, needs 5000 pounds of fuel, will offload 5 pax, proposed departure time is 0200Z...141.55
1943: U/I tanker talking with TORCH Control on the 108th ARW unit freq...303.0
1955: Latest A-10 flight leaving Warren Grove Range...I still can't catch the callsign but did hear them contact ZNY-Dixie and ID as a flight of two, climbing to 17,500 feet and requesting direct Barnes which makes them the MA-ANG...307.8
1958: As this latest A-10 flight gets a course correction, the callsign sounded like GOAT 1 which would fit for Barnes...307.8
1959: GOAT 1 cleared direct Barnes...307.8

2002: GOAT flight handed off to ZNY-Kennedy and check in direct Barnes...282.3
2005: Have JOSA 269 landing at Andrews with Tower but he's using 349.0. He tells the ground controller he's got a loud squeal on the 118.4 freq. I don't think he knows he's on the UHF side for tower. I've never heard a JOSA using UHF for landing at ADW.
2007: GOAT flight handed off by ZNY-Kennedy to his next freq but I couldn't pick it out...282.3

I quit.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
CitationJet said:

Anyone know if the group below, Mid_Atlantic_MILCOM, is worth subscribing to, or if it's even an open group to begin with?


No, Tony, I'd say not. I've been a member for a couple of months now, and have yet to see any reports from the northern NJ and NYC area, which is why I wanted to join such a group. There seems to be a vacuum in re interest in milair in that area; why that is, I don't know. I'll probably be leaving it shortly.

By contrast, the pamilitarymonitors group is very good and active. 73s Mike


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
A few on the ride home earlier this evening...

01.11.2007 pm

2324Z 119.300 Potomac APP - ????? 48 - on the app for 19L @ ADW QSY TWR 118.400. Callsign sounded like FUZZY but xmsns too garbled at various times to get a clear read on it.
2332Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - AIR FORCE 1 - lands rwy 19R.
2338Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 2404 (C-12T 85-1267 OSACOM VA RFC Davison) - @ 6500' for 6000' req. PAR app to rwy 14. QSY Davison GCA 118.850 for the PAR.
2340Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - PAT 2404 (C-12T 85-1267) - tail #1267 req. fuel + parking.
2348Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - EVAC 91506 (KC-135R 59-1506 116th ARS WA ANG) - begins about 20 mins worth of no joy calls here.
2350Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - MARINE 085 - 4 nms outside PUFFE for 19R.
2354Z 119.850 Potomac APP - BOXER 022 - W app req ILS rwy 19L QSY 119.300.
2356Z 119.850 Potomac APP - EVAC 91506 (KC-135R 59-1506 116th ARS WA ANG) - 9000' for 8000' just Xed MANNE on the app.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
j333_76484 said:
138.000 just went active with apparent flight of 2. No C/S yet

It was a MAPLE 91/92 flight of two F-16s from VT-ANG Burlington. They were using 138.0 for interflight and later changed to V-17 interflight on 138.525. Heard them only with ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45 for ARTCC freqs. Looked like they were going north heading home. At one point the flight leader sent his wingman to the McGuire Metro 239.8 freq to fetch a weather report. I don't believe he made contact there though. The only possible problem with the scenario I just described is that I heard someone on ZNY-Elmira 298.9 a few minutes later that might have been them. If so, they sure weren't heading back to Burlington since the Elmira Sector 34 path would be taking them toward the Ft. Drum area perhaps.


Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
ka3jjz said:
No, Tony, I'd say not. I've been a member for a couple of months now, and have yet to see any reports from the northern NJ and NYC area, which is why I wanted to join such a group. There seems to be a vacuum in re interest in milair in that area; why that is, I don't know. I'll probably be leaving it shortly.

By contrast, the pamilitarymonitors group is very good and active. 73s Mike

I'm hardly a milcom expert (still new and learning a ton), but I have found that the Milcom list at, this forum, and the pamilitarymonitors group at Yahoo have served my needs well. The files are not always totally current (can be tough to stay updated, I know), but the list members are very helpful for a new guy like me. I'm also on the mid_atlantic_milcom group and there are some posts there that can be helpful for those in the Philly to DC corridor (although that info is sometimes posted to multiple lists).

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