Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just to confirm the CAP is still active in the 1200 hour. Freqs are as freqhopping outlined them...
Potomac Approach....135.525/350.25
Players are PITMAN 43/44 from the 77th FS at Shaw AFB and the refueler is TANKER 01, a KC-135 from the 77th ARS at Seymour Johnson AFB.

1218: A DEVIL flight of two F-16s from the NJ-ANG Atlantic city is just wrapping up their work at Patuxent. Using 138.875 for interflight, leaving Pax on 270.8
1219: DEVIL flight to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 and then ZDC-Casino 285.4. They're at 11,500 feet and descending for an approach to Atlantic City.
1224: DEVIL flight to Atlantic City Approach...requesting initial to runway 31...cleared to 2500 feet...327.125
DEVIL 13 is the one doing all the talking but he has identified as a flight of just two F-16s. This must have started as a 3-ship flight with one of them returning early.
1238: On boom freq 228.9, HUNTRESS tells TANKER 01 to come up on 139.7. TANKER 01 responds that he'll drop 350.25 and monitor 139.7. HUNTRESS doesn't like that and tells him a couple of times that 350.25 is for appears he doesn't realize TANKER 01 is monitoring 135.525 instead of 350.25. TANKER 01 explains the he has three radios - one on boom freq, and the other two on 135.525/350.25. Bottom line is that TANKER 01 goes to 139.7 as instructed. There 01 explains about monitoring Potomac on 135.525. Prior to all this, both HUNTRESS and the PITMAN pair were trying to contact TANKER 01 on 139.7 and couldn't establish contact with him.
I hear HUNTRESS loud and clear when he came up on the 228.9 freq but not on the others.
1243: TANKER 02 coming into the area...reports that he's on time for Guard Dog...cleared in at FL 240...135.525
PITMAN 43/44 are using 350.25 as an interflight freq rather than switching their VHF radio away from 139.7
1245: TANKER 01 relieved by HUNTRESS on 139.7 and switches to 135.525 for clearance out of the area...female driver explains to Potomac they want to stay at FL 250 because the fighters are at 230 and the new tanker is at 240. She's cleared to DCA then Nottingham and then flight plan route but didn't state her home plate.
1248: TANKER 02 checks onto the HUNTRESS primary freq...139.7
1251: TANKER 01 handed off to ZDC-Brooke 126.875 where it's a male voice checking in this time and he's cleared to a flight plan route taking him home to Seymour Johnson AFB (GSB).
1254: TANKER 01 handed off to ZDC-Calvert 133.9 where he checks in at FL 250.
1256: NAVY SD 536 (SALTY DOG VX-23 Patuxent NAS MD) with ZDC-Irons 360.85 where he reports altitude 17,500 VFR.

1300: NAVY the SD 536 handed off to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 where he checks in at flight level 17,500.
1301: NAVY SD 536 reports descending...281.4
1301: TANKER 01 handed off again by ZDC-Calvert and here's where I drop him since we know he's going to Seymour Johnson.
1308: PITMAN 43/44 are given a TOI by HUNTRESS....43 reports he has radar contact with the TOI...139.7
1310: PITMAN 43 reports he's tally on the's white on brown...139.7
High noise level again today on VHF prevents me from opening squelch to hear the HUNTRESS transmissions.
1311: PITMAN 43 repeats his mission is to headbutt the target...139.7
1312: PITMAN 43 reports he's going after the TOI, 44 will remain in Guard Dog area...139.7
1312: PITMAN 43 to Potomac on 350.25 to get permission to leave Guard Dog to descend down to 3000 feet to headbutt the TOI
1312: 43 tells 44 to get some distance and keep radar contact on the target...139.7...43 reports to HUNTRESS that he's told to change freq to 135.52(5)...all approved so over 43/44 go to 135.525 and check in there...or try to...takes 3 tries to establish contact and then he requests clearance down to 2000 feet.
1315: 43 reports he's tally target...course his nose for 3.5 miles...135.525
1315: 43 tells 44 to confirm from HUNTRESS that he's to headbutt the target north...350.25
1316: Takes 44 four tries to make contact with HUNTRESS on 139.7 to confirm the northern headbutt...139.7
1316: PITMAN 44 tells HUNTRESS the target is landing at a small airport...139.7
1316: 43 IDs TOI as a 2 engine, low wing, white...landing...44 relays to 43 to let him land...350.25
1317: PITMAN 43 reports TOI landed...350.25....44 report to HUNTRESS the TOI has landed...139.7
1318: PITMAN 43 tells Potomac he's orbitting in current position at 4500 feet...135.525
This comm relay system could be better...43 is working 135.525 with Potomac, 43/44 working together for comms on 350.25...and then 44 has to switch to 139.7 to relay to HUNTRESS. It's working though which I suppose is the bottom line.
1320: Fuel checks...43 has 7600 pounds with wing tanks feeding, 44 has 8100 pounds and feeding...350.25
They never mentioned the airport the TOI was landing at that I could hear but I know it was in the southern portion of the CAP track. (Gaithersburg maybe?)
1321: PITMAN 43 requesting clearance back into Guard Dog and freq change...135.525...he changes back to HUNTRESS on 139.7 and the excitement is over. If BLACKJACK came up for the intercept I never heard him.
1330: Freq changes...PITMAN fighters are to monitor Potomac 135.525 and HUNTRESS on 260.9...they're dropping 139.7 for now.
I would be willing to bet the freq change is a result of the extremely high noise level on VHF today. The several attempts it took PITMAN 44 to contact HUNTRESS during the intercept on 139.7 was probably the deciding factor.
1331: TANKER 02 is given the same freqs to monitor...02 is confused and wants freqs clarified...139.7
1331: PITMAN 43/44 check in with HUNTRESS on 260.9
1331: PITMAN 43/44 check in with Potomac on 135.525
1332: TANKER 02 finally has the correct freqs sink in after a couple of repeats...139.7
1333: TANKER 02 checks in with HUNTRESS on 260.9 and is told boom freq will be 228.9
1351: PITMAN 43 heading for the tanker...reports weapons safe...he's tally TANKER 02...pushing boom freq...260.9
1353: PITMAN 43/TANKER 02 make contact on boom freq...02 tells 43 he's pushing up his speed to about 310 (knots)...228.9
1355: TANKER 02 reminds 43 his nose should be cold, 43 affirms...43 gives tail number as 96-085...43 is cleared for pre-contact...228.9
1359: 43 makes contact with the boom...takes on his fuel, disconnects and breaks left...228.9

1400: PITMAN 43 checks back to HUNTRESS on 260.9
1400: 43 reports fuel as 12,100 pounds and feeding...44 reports 5800 and dry...43 sends 44 to the tanker...44 reports weapons safe and says he's changing to the boom freq...260.9
1402: 44 makes contact with 02 on boom and says he's 4 miles in trail...228.9
1402: PITMAN 43 given another TOI by 166 degrees, 5 miles...260.9
1402: PITMAN 43 reports tally with the 340 degrees, 15 miles at 6000 feet.
1402: A-10s from MTN off the deck on the hour...callsign RAVEN...142.3
1404: PITMAN 44 gives tail number to tanker as 93-540...228.9
1404: PITMAN 43 has the BRA on the TOI as 204/11/1000...260.9
1404: TANKER 02 clears PITMAN 44 to contact the boom...228.9
1406: PITMAN 43 reports no joy on the told to "skip it" by HUNTRESS...260.9
No chat on the radio by 43 during refueling earlier or by 44 now so I assume they're using the boom intercom.
1409: TANKER 02 reports disconnect of the boom from PITMAN 44...44 reports breaking off low to the right...228.9
1410: PITMAN 44 reports back in the CAP...260.9
1410: RAVEN flight reports to Patuxent as a three ship...281.8
From there, the RAVENs "Push 13" but that one is not recovered and I can't find them...yet.
Found someone on ZDC-Calvert 281.4 that might be 7000 feet. If this is U-13 it would fit within the rest of their presets since U-12 is another ZDC freq.
1419:'s the back to Pax on 281.8
Adding U-13 as ZDC-Calvert 281.4 to my preset list for the MD-ANG.
1427: MUSSEL 04 requesting TACAN to runway 1R at Andrews...119.3

1430: All is quiet...PITMAN 43/44 just refueled, TANKER 02 is fairly new on station and isn't going anywhere...the RAVENs are somewhere in the Pax area but are working at very low altitude and can't be heard. Be back later as the new PITMAN pair comes on station. PITMAN 43/44 are obviously doing more than the normal 4-hour shift since they came on station at around 1000. They must be taking a 5-hour shift so two 4-hour shifts will remain before closing at 2300 tonight.

Ref below: Thanks Ben. That was my guess but it's good to have it confirmed. I would think the pilot is presenting all kinds of ID about now and will have a long afternoon.
And you can say your squelch setting any old way you want...we know what you mean - it's a very noisy day. :)
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Jun 28, 2003
QTH: Montgomery County, MD / Washington, DC
TinEar said:
They never mentioned the airport the TOI was landing at that I could hear but I know it was in the southern portion of the CAP track.

Its GAI - Gaithersburg / Montgomery County Airpark. I can hear PITMAN 43/44 circling the airport right now.

1310: PITMAN 43 reports he's tally on the's white on brown...139.7
High noise level again today on VHF prevents me from opening squelch to hear the HUNTRESS transmissions.

Its awful today, I had to turn my squelch up 3/4's the way up... Am I saying this right "3/4's the way up"?
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1440: Well, that didn't take long...PITMAN 45/46 checking in with HUNTRESS...260.9
1441: PITMAN 45 had checked in with Potomac on 350.25....tells HUNTRESS that Guard Dog doesn't even know that HUNTRESS exists...not sure what that was all about...260.9
1442: PITMAN 45/46 check in with Potomac on 135.525 and say they can't monitor two UHF freqs at the same time so will monitor Potomac on 135.525
1443: PITMAN 43 flight to Potomac on 135.525 to pick up clearance back to Shaw...say it will about 10 minutes while PITMAN 45/46 refuel...
1443: PITMAN 45/46 say they're switching to boom freq 228.9...and do.
1443: While that was going on...a BATON 51 (EC-130J Harrisburg) contacted a RHODY aircraft (C-130 RI-ANG...female) on 383.3 and they talked about the weather at Gulfport. 51 told the RHODY the wx was good in that area.
Freq 383.3 is Rhody Ops at Quonset State Airport in Rhode Island.
1447: PITMAN 45 gives tail number as 91-385 and 46 is tail 91-110 as they head for the boom of TANKER 02...228.9
1449: The RHODY female driver is talking to another RHODY C-130 and asks his position...he tells her he's about 50 miles east of Washington...383.3 (She is RHODY 32 and she's talking to RHODY 33)
1451: PITMAN 46 took 6000 pounds...45 asks 46 to take a look at this wing...says it looks like his left wing is venting gas but his left tank is empty....228.9
1452: RHODY 32 says she's about 40 miles out of Snow Hill...mentioned taking off from Otis...33 asks 32 about the winds in that area...383.3
1453: PITMAN 45 is trying to get onto the boom...having to maneuver a bit to make it...228.9
1454: A couple of the RHODY C-130s are chatting (there's someone else beside 32 and 33) and one says he's just past New York City (It's a RHODY 31 that's also on the freq)....31 reports he's at FL 280 and near New York City...383.3 They seem concerned about the wind conditions they're running into.
1455: There's also a BICEP 11 flight of F-16s from the NJ-ANG up (didn't see the freq, just heard the callsign)
Turns out they were with ZDC-Casino 285.4
1457: RHODY 31 says he's descending down to 15000 feet to get away from the winds...33 is also talking about the winds....31 is on the way back to Quonset
1458: PITMAN 45 off the boom and goes back to HUNTRESS on 260.9
1458: PITMAN 43/44 report RTB...260.9
1459: PITMAN 43 to Potomac to pick up clearance back to Shaw...cleared direct Gordonsville and then Shaw...135.525

1500: PITMAN 43 reports he's Code 2 with 8200 pounds of fuel...44 is Code 1 with 7900 pounds as they start their journey home...260.9
1500: RHODY 31 and 33 talking about the winds back at Quonset....31 is apparently being waived off from a landing at Quonset due to the winds...383.3
1501: PITMAN 43/44 handed off to Potomac TRACON...343.7
1503: PITMAN 43/44 go to V-9 and come up on 138.025
1503: BICEP 11 flight handed off to's a flight of two
1505: PITMAN 43/44 handed off to ZDC-Montebello 284.7 where they check in and are cleared to South Boston and then Shaw.
1505: BICEP flight working interflight freq...138.875
1506: There is another NJ-ANG flight on interflight...138.425
1510: The BICEP 11 flight is in a ground attack activity at the Patuxent Range around Vienna MD...138.875
The PITMAN 43/44 pair, after establishing contact on V-9 138.025, have not said another word to each other as they fly home.
1513: PITMAN 43/44 handed off to ZDC-South Boston 352.0 and check in at FL 200
1515: The NJ-ANG pair working interflight 138.425 is also doing ground attack activity but I still don't have a callsign or their location. They mention attacking a pier and then a boathouse which is their target.
Hmmm...the pair on 138.425 is also using callsign BICEP. This must have been a 4-ship flight with two of them using 138.425 and two using 138.875. So...they must all be at Pax. Unfortunately, they all came up just as the changeover in the CAP was happening and the RHODYs were chatting.
1532: The RAVEN flight is back in listening range on interflight...142.3
1534: Now i"m really of the NJ-ANG flight is now using callsign AERO to clear out of Pax...354.8 (Heard them use the BICEP call on both interflight freqs - unless one of them just got confused and used the wrong callsign)
1534: And BICEP 11 flight is ready to clear out...354.8
1537: AERO 21 flight handed to ZDC-Kenton 354.15 where they check in for return to Atlantic City
1538: RAVEN flight heading toward home at MTN...142.3
1540: RAVEN flight of three A-10s with MTN Tower...297.2
1540: AERO 22 to Ops on 261.0 to report a two ship coming home
1540: BICEP 11 handed to ZDC-Kenton 354.15 where they check in at 15,500 feet....cleared down to 5500.
BICEP 11 is using 138.425 and AERO 21 is using 138.875.
1541: AERO changes to U-6 with Atlantic City Approach heading for the runway...327.125
1544: BICEP 12 contacts Ops on 261.0 to report both F-16s are Code 1 and are 10 minutes out.
1545: BICEP 11 flight with Atlantic City Approach for runway heading...327.125
1547: A couple of the RHODYs chatting again on 383.3 (These RHODY aircraft are unmistakable as can hear that turboprop sound in the background) of them is talking to another and says he'll be back about 2315, an hour 45 minutes early. He's asking about the schedule for tomorrow...says his flight will take off tomorrow about 0915 local. He must be talking to RHODY 32, the female driver. He's calling her Cathy (Kathy). He's whining about not doing this 3 days in a row.
1547: BICEP 11 flight mentions he'll follow the AERO flight in...327.125 (They obviously switch to ACY Tower freq 239.0 but I can't hear them on that one.)
1555: PITMAN 45 tells 46 to go to the tanker...260.9
1558: PITMAN 45/TANKER 02 make contact on the boom freq...228.9

Hmm....just had 3 PCs with their 6 monitors and 10 scanners going. Went to turn on the room lights and the wall switch is hot. Not a good thing. Shutting everything down for a cooloff period and hoping for the best. Back later....I hope.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Interesting article from the AF website.Edited here for length.
Wonder if we will hear some AK callsigns training at Langley?

1/19/2007 - LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. -- The 1st Fighter Wing received its last assigned F-22A Raptor Friday when the 94th Fighter Squadron accepted tail number 5085, bringing the total to 40 F-22s to complete the fleet.

Brig. Gen. Burt Field, 1st Fighter Wing commander, flew the final jet from the Lockheed Martin factory in Marietta, Ga., to Langley.

It was only 20 months ago that the first Raptor was delivered to Langley. On Dec. 15, 2005, initial operational capability was declared for the 1st FW Raptors. The future still has much in store.

The 27th FS is deploying to Kadena Air Base, Japan, with 250 Airmen and 12 F-22s, officials announced earlier this month. The deployment is another example of how the Air Force is meeting its ongoing commitments and security obligations by maintaining a flexible and credible presence.

Both the 27th and the 94th Fighter Squadron, which were the first and second fighter squadrons in America, are now fully equipped with F-22s.

"It's amazing that 13 months ago, we were an F-15 fighter squadron, and today, we are officially an F-22 fighter squadron," said Lt. Col. Dirk Smith, 94th FS commander.
The squadron received its last F-15 almost 30 years ago.

Next month 14 Raptors are deploying to Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., to participate in a Red Flag event as well as assist other squadrons that will soon be receiving F-22s.

Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska, is the second base scheduled to receive operational Raptors; however, each aircraft will come through Langley. For the near future both "AK" Elmendorf and "FF" 1st FW tails will be seen along the newly renovated Langley flightline.

"We can now take our lessons learned to help Elmendorf begin marshalling in their own wing of F-22s," said General Field. "We are all one big team and we want them to be very successful."


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
About 1845, PITMAN 47 and 48 check into Guard Dog and head immediately for the tanker. PITMAN 45/46 are cleared to pick up their clearance from Potomac and head back to Shaw. TANKER 03 came in to take over from TANKER 02 around 1700 and 02 headed back to Pittsburgh. He was cleared from Potomac to ZDC-Hagerstown 134.15, to ZOB-Indianhead 124.4 and then I heard him call Steel Control on 311.0 at 25 minutes out and said he was A-2 and arriving 10 minutes earlier than fragged.

1852: PITMAN 45/46 are handed off by Potomac to ZDC-Montebello 284.7 where they check in. They also push V-12 for interflight on the way home which is 138.9.
We've been getting all kinds of new freqs from them recently. I don't think we can rely on presets from them any longer...all you can do is recognize they're going to an interflight freq and then go find it. It's easy enough to do in that limited VHF band.
1854: PITMAN 48 is off the tanker after taking 10,800 pounds...47 going in and gives his tail number as 98-003...228.9
1855: PITMAN 45/46 handed off to ZDC-Gordonsville 351.9
1857: PITMAN 48 has a tail number of 93-532...228.9
1857: PITMAN 47/48 are back with HUNTRESS and in the CAP...260.9
1859: PITMAN 45/46 chatting about their gas remainders...they decide 45 will have about 3000 pounds and 46 about 2400 pounds when they get back to Shaw...138.9

1902: PITMAN 47 has 12,000 pounds of gas and 48 has 11,900 as they begin their CAP track...260.9
1925: PITMAN 47 reports both he and 48 are NVG capable and are timber sweet...260.9
1925: TANKER 03 is from Bangor ME as reported to Potomac...135.525
TANKER 01 -- Seymour Johnson
TANKER 02 -- Pittsburgh
TANKER 03 -- Bangor
TANKER 04 -- Pease
1926: TANKER 04 just coming into the area...calling in 135.525 and 260.9
1928: TANKER explains to Potomac that he's just telling him his flight plan is to take him back to Bangor...says HUNTRESS told him that Potomac didn't have the flight plan...135.525
1928: TANKER 04 still trying to call in...not being heard...260.9
1930: And PITMAN 47 can't seem to reach 48 either...260.9
1930: TANKER 03 asks if he can go home...260.9
1931: TANKER 04 also tried calling in on the boom freq...finally 03 hears him....04 tells him he's still about 120 miles out...228.9
1932: PITMAN 47 trying to call 48 on boom freq and on Potomac's joy anywhere. He goes back to 260.9 and asks HUNTRESS to try to reach him.
1933: TANKER 03 is also trying to reach PITMAN 48 and can't seem to do it...228.9
1935: PITMAN 47 asking HUNTRESS if he's getting an "ident" from 48 (meaning Mode 3 squawk)...260.9
1936: PITMAN 47 tells HUNTRESS he's going to rejoin with 48...wants to see if it's just a comm cord that has come loose and he hasn't recognized it yet...260.9
1939: PAT 478 to Davison AAF to report 30 miles out, 10 minutes out and wants to know what the winds are there...139.4
1939: PITMAN 47 and 48 make contact...48 confirms his comm cord came loose...47 tells him (with a chuckle) that he thought he was 'NORDO"...260.9...he's told to go to Potomac and tell him he's back so 48 goes to 135.525 and let's them know he's alive and well.
NORDO=No Radio
1941: Fuel check time...47 has 9500 pounds and is feeding, 48 has 9400 and feeding...260.9
1945: PITMAN 47 tells 48 to start working east so they can synch up the CAP...260.9
1951: TANKER 03 sent home by HUNTRESS...260.9
1952: TANKER 03 to Potomac to pick up his clearance...flight plan route to Robbinsville, Kennebunk, Bangor...135.525
1953: TANKER 03 handed off to ZDC-Swann 134.5...where he checks in at FL 240 and tells the controller he'd like 290...ground tells him to expect higher in about 15 miles.
1953: TANKER 04 reports he's 40 miles out from the Guard Dog airspace...260.9
1957: TANKER 04 reports to Potomac he's at FL 240...Potomac tells him to stay at 250 and he affirms he'll do that...135.525
1958: TANKER 03 cleared to FL 260...134.5
1958: PACER 13 to Griffin Command at Andrews with arrival message...he's 20 minutes out, home station C-21, tail 40094, done for the day upon pax...378.1

2000: TANKER 04 asks PITMAN when they'll refuel next..told in about 15 minutes...he asks for their tail numbers and they repeat them as above....260.9
2001: TANKER 03 cleared direct Robbinsville and handed off to ZDC-Woodstown 125.45 where he checks in at FL 260
2002: TANKER 03 cleared to FL 290...125.45
2003: PITMAN 47 contacts TANKER 04 and tells him that since he's underneath him right now, he'll climb up and refuel first...they agree to go to boom 228.9....all this on 260.9
2009: And on the boom freq we learn TANKER 04 is from the 157th Air Refueling Wing (Pease NH)...228.9
2010: PITMAN 47 off the tanker...back to HUNTRESS to report back in the CAP...48 is heading for the tanker and 47 tells him he'll stay in the north (one always must be in the northern part of the CAP when it's over Thurmont)...260.9
2012: PITMAN 47 back to the boom freq to again ask TANKER 04 for his unit and once again is told the 157th ARW...228.9
[Just thought of something...the KC-135 unit from Niagara Falls is part of the North East Tanker Task Force (NETTF) as is Bangor, Pease and Pittsburgh but I can never remember hearing Niagara Falls taking part in a Guard Dog CAP. Just thinking out loud here.]
2015: PITMAN 48 tells HUNTRESS he's tally the tanker...260.9
2016: PITMAN 48/TANKER 04 make contact on boom freq...04 clears the fighter in to the boom...228.9
[That's "in to" - not "into" - which could screw up their whole night. :lol: ]
2019: TANKER 04 asks 48 to confirm his tail number one more time...again 48 reports it as 93-532...228.9
2021: PITMAN 48 completes the AR by taking 4700 pounds...228.9
2022: PITMAN 48 reports back in the CAP...they do a post-AR fuel check...both report having 11,200 pounds and feeding...260.9
2040: After a lengthy quiet period, PITMAN 47 tells HUNTRESS he's going to remove his helmet for about 30 seconds and will be right back....18 seconds later he says he's back...260.9
And back to the quiet period...everything should be in place until the end of the CAP at 2300.

2116: PITMAN 47 heading for the tanker...260.9
2118: PITMAN 47 to boom freq and makes contact with a female boomer this time...228.9
2121: PITMAN 47 cleared in to the tanker...228.9
2123: PITMAN 47 makes contact with the boom...04 asks if he wants a topoff but 47 has already switched to the boom intercom so I hear nothing further...228.9
2125: PITMAN 47 disconnects from the boom after taking 4800 pounds...228.9
2127: PITMAN 47 asks 48 if he could hear him on 260.9...48 did not hear him there (I didn't either after he finished refueling to report back in the CAP)...47 also tells 48 to head for the tanker...135.525
2128: PITMAN 47 calls HUNTRESS on primary to say he's established back in the CAP...260.9
2130: PITMAN 48 tells HUNTRESS he's heading to the tanker...260.9
2131: PITMAN 48 makes contact with the boom's a male this time...228.9
2135: PITMAN 48 off the boom after taking 5600 pounds...228.9
2136: Post AR fuel checks...47 has 11,200 pounds and feeding...48 has 12,200 feeding...260.9
If they stay until 2300, they'll use 8-9000 pounds each between now and then. They'll have to take more fuel before heading home.
2144: PITMAN 47 asks HUNTRESS if they've lost the feed...says he sees no TOIs on his datalink...he only sees his wingman...260.9
2150: PITMAN 47 tells HUNTRESS the feed is intermittent now...260.9
2154: PITMAN 47 gets a BRA to a TOI...158/13/7000...260.9 (Probably just a test of the Link 16)

2206: PITMAN 48 reports 10,400 pounds of fuel left...47 tells him to go to the tanker now then he'll follow and that will give them enough gas for the remainder of the CAP and to get home...260.9
2207: PITMAN 48 meets up with the tanker on the boom freq and is cleared in...228.9
2211: As 48 was going to the boom, the boom operator yelled "breakaway, breakaway, breakaway" (guess 48 must have closed on the tanker too quickly)...they get back in position and are trying again...228.9
2214: PITMAN 48 done refueling...takes 2900 pounds...228.9
2215: PITMAN 48 back to HUNTRESS...47 tells him to go down to 22,000 and 48 will take 23000 and go to the tanker himself...pushing to the boom...260.9
2216: PITMAN 47 to the boomer and says he's a mile back...04 clears him in...47 tells 04 this will be the last refueling of the night...228.9
2220: TANKER 04 asks PITMAN 47 how he feels about the tanker RTBing after this answer from 47 on the radio... he asks again...47 tells him it's okay with him but last week they wouldn't let the tankers go until 5 minutes from the end...they disconnect after 47 took 4700 pounds...228.9
2222: PITMAN 47 asks for the total offloads during their shift...04 tells 47 he took 14,500 and 48 took 13,200 pounds...228.9
2224: Post AR fuel checks...47 has 12,100 and 48 has 11,800 pounds...47 asks HUNTRESS if he thinks they'll leave on time tonight...TANKER 04 asks HUNTRESS if they can RTB at this time with PITMAN's concurence...couldn't hear the answer from HUNTRESS...260.9
2226: PITMAN 47 tells Potomac they'd like direct Shaw at FL 220 when released from the CAP in 30 minutes...Potomac having trouble communicating with the PITMAN flight so TANKER 04 relays for him...TANKER 04 says he expects to leave in about 15-20 minutes and would like direct PSM (Pease) at FL 290...135.525
2247: PITMAN 47 is Code 2 for IFF and 48 is Code 1...47 asks HUNTRESS to call DSN xxx-xxxx to find out the wx back at Shaw...260.9
2253: PITMAN 47 gets his wx report from HUNTRESS...260.9
2253: TANKER 04 tells Potomac it'll be few minutes...says they're holding him a little late tonight...135.525
2256: TANKER 04 tells Potomac that he and PITMAN 47 will be released in 5 minutes...135.525
2256: PITMAN 47 tells 48 to rejoin him...260.9

2300: TANKER 04 released by HUNTRESS...260.9...switches to 135.525 to Potomac and picks up his clearance...heading 050 and handed off to ZNY on 133.475 to head for Pease NH
2301: PITMAN 47/48 released by HUNTRESS...260.9...switch to Potomac 135.525 to pick up clearance to Shaw...says course should be 220 directly to standard formation.
CAP is officially suspended for the night...back at 0600 in the morning.
2303: PITMAN flight handed off to ZDC-Irons 360.85 and check in direct Shaw at FL 220 (They decide on V-8 for interflight on the way home)
2305: PITMAN flight handed off to ZDC-Montebello 284.7 and check in at FL 220
2307: PITMAN 47/48 finally go to V-8 which is 139.825 and chat about how nice the flying weather is tonight compared to last time.
2311: Last chat heard from PITMAN 47/48...139.825

And that's the end of my coverage for tonight. Good night and see y'all tomorrow.

"Though I Fly Through the Valley of Death, I Shall Fear No
Evil. For I am at 80,000 Feet and Climbing."
At the entrance to the old SR-71 operating base Kadena, Japan

Mark said:
The 27th FS is deploying to Kadena Air Base, Japan, with 250 Airmen and 12 F-22s, officials announced earlier this month.
Nice article Mark. That deployment by the 27th to Japan - actually Okinawa - is scheduled in February. The deployment will be for four months. At least one of the Elmondorf F-22s is at Langley now...tail 5-087 with the AK tail on it.

Ref below: I don't have anything on the COVERT callsign either Mark. Adding it to my list with the C-17A designator and unknown affiliation. Thanks.
And adding the 21st Airlift Squadron, Travis AFB CA identity. Thanks again Mark.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr TIN When those Raptors deploy should be
quite a few tankers around to get them cross country.
Not to mention C-17 or C-5 transports for 250 airman support team.

just had an unusual C-17 arrive Dover

COVERT 18 self id as C-17 offloading 5 pallets,9 Air-Evac pax,crew of 6.
Don't have that callsign...

Ok now have been told that callsign is Travis AFB C-17.
Keep forgetting that Travis now has some new C-17's.
So far tails 06-6154 thru 06-6157 are delivered for Travis.

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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Aside from CAP-related traffic that's been well reported already, 2 additional calls heard this afternoon while at Dulles.

Forgot to write the time (around 1400): JOSA 261 (C-21A 84-0107) departing IAD. Tower 128.42 to departure 125.05 to departure 118.67. Don't know if this was planned for Dulles or had diverted from ADW due to strong crosswinds. Didn't see a star flag in the window.
1358: -378.1- JUMBO 24 (C-5 Altus seen) is 30 minutes out, has 69 duty pax including an A-7, needs high stairs and a payloader. Parking 13 row. ATC on 119.85


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Update on C5's at Martinsburg

When I saw a C5 in the pattern at MRB several days ago (post of 1/16) I realized that I ought to take a look to see what's on the ramp there. The following were taken at 08:30 local this morning, tail numbers are 00452 & 00459:
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Nice C-5 pics! Looks like they are squeezed into that area.
Can't miss them driving by eh!
Maybe I will catch them into Dover sometime..


1238 local NIGHTHAWK 52 inbound Wilm headed for the Guard ramp.on tower 126.000
Must be doing test run as POTUS will be in Wilmington Delaware come Wednesday

1248 local CARMEN 04 C-130 arriving Wilm 126.000 and on SeaBee Ops 343.000,mentions bad thermocoupler
on #1 engine.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Marine helos at MRB

While I was taking the pictures of the C5's I posted above I noticed two Marine UH-1's parked on the ramp at the civilian terminal numbered 22 and 24. Here's a pic of 24. I don't recognize this Huey variant, anyone know what it is? I wonder if they can have any connection to the cap at Thurmont? Usually the only helos I see in this area are medevacs.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
BM82557 said:
While I was taking the pictures of the C5's I posted above I noticed two Marine UH-1's parked on the ramp at the civilian terminal numbered 22 and 24. Here's a pic of 24. I don't recognize this Huey variant, anyone know what it is? I wonder if they can have any connection to the cap at Thurmont? Usually the only helos I see in this area are medevacs.

EDIT - Just after I posted this I heard a helo at low altitude heading in my direction. Got outside in time to see that it was one of the two Marine helo's that had been on the ramp at MRB at the time I was there. It went over my house at less than 1000 (closer to 500 than 1000) heading NW at 10:48 local.


Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
BM82557 said:
While I was taking the pictures of the C5's I posted above I noticed two Marine UH-1's parked on the ramp at the civilian terminal numbered 22 and 24. Here's a pic of 24. I don't recognize this Huey variant, anyone know what it is?
You can just barely make out the buno of 158778 (or 776), which comes back as a UH-1N.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
At 1300, the CAP is still going strong but they've made another freq change. Primary with HUNTRESS and boom freq are combined on 228.9. PITMAN 53/54 are the current pair and refueled from 1300-1315 with TANKER 06. This should be their last refueling before replacements arrive. PITMAN 54 took 5200 pounds and 53 took 4300.
1322: TANKER 06 is trying to leave the CAP early since he's done with PITMAN 53/54. He wants to know if he needs to wait for TANKER 07. Couldn't hear HUNTRESS but believe he gave the usual answer - NO!

About 1305, a SCARY pair of F-16s departed Andrews heading for Pax. Interflight is 143.6 and with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 along the way. They got up to 15,000 feet and then began descending to find the bottom of the clouds...went down to 8 then 7 then 4000 feet. SCARY 2 went over to Patuxent Tower on 344.4 to try to get the weather at Pax but no one answered on that freq. The pair then were handed to BayWatch on 354.8 to get permission to check the wx on their own since BayWatch couldn't seem to provide what was on their ATIS or wx from any other source. By 1318, they can still be heard but are operating at very low altitudes and are sometimes difficult to hear - like when in a turn.
1323: Believe the SCARY flight has determined they can't work at Pax...they are back with TRACON on 335.5 and talking to SOF on 139.9...currently at 2000 feet.
1326: SCARY coming back to Andrews and will do a low approach...guess they have to burn off some fuel...143.6...over on the SOF freq, they say they're still in the weather at 2000 feet.

1327: TANKER 06 asks for the Guard Dog freq (what??) and is told 135.525 and is switching...he does, gives his FL 250 but is having trouble making contact...finally does and says he needs to RTB...requests FL 340 once out of the area.
1328: The SCARY pair is trying to decide whether to land or go to Atlantic City...#2 has doubts about landing but #1 wants to go in to Andrews...they decide to do a low approach for now at ADW...143.6/139.9
1329: TANKER 07 calls Potomac...135.525
1330: SCARY flight decides to go into Andrews...switch to TRACON (ADW App) 335.5 and request vectors for full stop SOF they say they'll be in formation, holding hands, and will do one approach to burn off a bit of fuel.
1331: TANKER 07 trying to get entry permission from Guard FL 240...135.525 TANKER 06 is handed off to ZDC-Hagerstown 134.15
1332: SCARY now using 139.9 for both SOF and for interflight chat.
1333: PITMAN 53 tells HUNTRESS that he's Code 2 for IFF, 54 is Code 1...53 took 18,900 pounds of fuel during the flight, 54 took 18,800 pounds...says when they exit they'll have around 10,000 pounds apiece...228.9
Both TANKER 06 and 07 are having difficulty talking to Potomac on 135.525.
1338: SCARY 1 and 2 go to V-4 for Andrews Tower on 118.4 for their gear down, full stop.
1338: TANKER 07 checks onto the HUNTRESS freq for contact...establishes contact with the PITMAN pair also and determines the boom freq is here on 228.9
1339: PITMAN 55/56 coming into the area on interflight 139.825...check on the HUNTRESS freq 228.9...and then go to Potomac on 135.525 to check into the area.
1341: PITMAN 55/56 heading for TANKER 07 for the AR op...228.9
1341: U/I aircraft (possibly SCOUT 6 which is close as I can come to his callsign) with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 climbing from 15 to 17000...then over next several minutes cleared higher to 19 and then 22,000 feet.
1349: PITMAN 55 has visual contact with the tanker...55 cleared in and 56 will hang on the left wing of the tanker...228.9
1350: ?SCOUT 6? handed off to ZDC-Franklin 290.425 where he checks in at FL 220. [This was last heard from him.]
1354: PITMAN 55 disconnects from the boom..tail number & units must have been exchanged on the boom intercom - nothing on the radio...228.9...55 says he's dropping down to the CAP...56 starts maneuvering to the tanker
1356: PITMAN 53/54 released from the CAP...55 reports established in the CAP...228.9
1356: PITMAN 53 to Potomac requesting clearance back to Shaw via Brooke at FL 220...cleared to in non-standard formation 2 miles front to back...135.525
1357: PITMAN 55 tells 53 they experienced some icing on the way up here and had to climb to FL 250...228.9
1359: PITMAN 56 disconnects from the boom and reports he'll be off low...228.9...checks into the CAP

1400: PITMAN 55 reports he's at 190 degrees, 28 miles from the bullseye (Thurmont)...228.9
1401: PITMAN 53/54 handed off to ZDC-Brooke 126.875 and check in.
1405: PITMAN 53/54 cleared to FL 260...126.875
1407: REACH 7043 (not sure of the 7) to Dover Command Post to report airborne at 1905Z...349.4
1410: PITMAN 54 finally goes to an interflight freq for's 139.825 but he can't seem to reach 53 for several calls...finally 53 shows up and 54 simply says he wanted to make sure this was the freq. 53 confirms this is it.
1410: Believe PITMAN 53/54 were handed off to ZDC-Blackstone 235.625 (missed the handoff due to other traffic but fairly sure it was them checking in on this freq)
1418: PITMAN 55 asking HUNTRESS for Andrews weather...guess now that snow is falling over the area he's getting prepared for an alternate landing site if necessary...228.9
1427: _____ 72 to McGuire Command Post with arrival message...ETA 2000Z, A-1, will land with 135,000 pounds of fuel, needs airstairs for the crew and a parking spot....319.4
1430: PITMAN 55 and 56 give fuel remainders...55 reminds 56 of "joker" and "bingo" amounts being 8200 and 6700 pounds respectively...228.9 (that's to get back to Shaw)
I know they want this mission to be over with so they can get in front of a TV for the football games coming up shortly.
And as I go out to get my snow gear friend in Florida reminds me it's 77 degrees there. Thanks pal!
1444: Two U/I aircraft chatting on the suddenly popular 303.0 freq. (One aircraft is much closer than the other which fits the usual SAM VIP flights with a lead aircraft - if that's what this is.)
And we've got a ramp freeze coming up for Andrews....
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 21 JAN 20:15 UNTIL 21 JAN 20:45 (1515-1545 local)
1448: PITMAN 55 reports 8900 pounds of fuel remaining, 56 has 9000 pounds and both report outboard tanks feeding normally...228.9
1453: PITMAN 55 tells HUNTRESS he's heading for TANKER 07...228.9

1502: PITMAN 55 just connecting with the tanker's boom...228.9
1503: More chat on says he's going to Nottingham for "timing"...can't hear who he's talking to though but this is almost certainly a SAM VIP flight. (I haven't heard the 136.725 freq used recently)
1504: PITMAN 55 done refueling and back in the CAP...228.9...55 clears 56 to the tanker
C'mon HUNTRESS...let these guys go home.
1507: PITMAN 55 reports "popeye"...about 1 mile visibility...228.9
1508: TANKER 07 reports, "popeye - about a mile"...228.9
POPEYE=Flying in area of reduced visibility
1510: TANKER 07 asking for a score of the Saints-Bears game...228.9 (No score bud)
1512: PITMAN 56 reports visual on the tanker...nose is cold...and he's invited in by the boomer...228.9
1517: PITMAN 56 is off the tanker and reestablished in the CAP...228.9
1521: MARINE 206 (UC-35) to Andrews Commmand Post with arrival message...30 minutes out, has an R-6 on board...141.55
1527: Fuel remainders...55 has 10,500 and 56 has 11,400 pounds...both report tanks feeding...228.9
1533: MARINE 206 to Andrews Approach...descending into ADW...119.3
1533: TANKER 07 reports 1.5 mile visibility to Potomac...135.525
1536: COBRA 70 (Open Skies OC-135) to SAM Command at Andrews with arrival message...20 minutes out, needs airstairs and parking spot...gets parking in 11 row...also needs transportation for 18...378.1
1537: TANKER 07 tells HUNTRESS he's climbing to the top of the block at FL 250 for troubleshooting...228.9
1540: AIREVAC 24412 to Griffin Command at Andrews with arrival message...IDs as a C-17, ETA 2110Z, has 10 litter patients, 22 ambulatory patients, 6 attendants, 1 baggage pallet, needs Customs and Ag, status A-1, needs crew transportation and a parking spot...gets 11 Row...378.1 (Started to ID as a REACH callsign)
1550: COBRA 70 Heavy looking for ILS to runway 1L...out of 6000 for 2000 feet...119.3
1550: PITMAN 55 reports viz at 1.5 miles now and says they should be able to deal with it...228.9
1552: Fuel...PITMAN 55 has 9000 pounds and 56 has 9700...both report tanks feeding...228.9
1554: PITMAN 55 going to TANKER 07...228.9

1603: Looks like HUNTRESS is breaking down the CAP and about to release the fighters and tanker to RTB...PITMAN 55 assures HUNTRESS they have enough gas to get home..however, PITMAN 55 says they'll rejoin on the tanker and then RTB....228.9
1606: TANKER 07 released by HUNTRESS...228.9...07 over to Potomac to pick up an RTB clearance...135.525
1608: PITMAN 55 to Potomac to request RTB clearance to Shaw at FL 280...135.525
1612: PITMAN 55/56 cleared direct Brooke by Potomac...135.525
1614: PITMAN 55 flight cleared from FL 210 to 230 and direct Brooke...135.525
1615: PITMAN 55/56 handed off to ZDC-Irons 360.85 where they check in direct Brooke at FL 230...request FL 280.
Interflight on the way home will be V-8 but we'll see which V-8 they choose. It's 139.825
1621: JOSA 301 calling Langley Dispatch...x2, no joy...141.75
1623: PITMAN 55/56 go to interflight and report fuel remainders...139.825
1623: PITMAN 55/56 handed off to ZDC-Hopewll 323.225 where they check in for Shaw...or try to...they've tried 4-5 times.
Glad they were released. The weather was just getting too rough. By 1628, PITMAN 55/56 are getting to the point of being out of listening range on the UHF freqs but still sound good on VHF interflight.
Log done.

Ref below: Glad you're monitoring too Tony. My attention is mostly on the game and the snow.

Military Wisdom: Tracers work in both directions.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Now able to sit down and take in a bit of monitoring while the rest of the house is napping...


1918Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - PITMAN 55 - reqs current ADW wx.
1938Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 1778 (C-37B 04-1778 OSACOM/PAT Andrews) - deps ADW to 15000' dir FLUKY to FL210 QSY 121.675.
1941Z 119.850 Potomac APP - ARMY 053 (UC-35C 00-1053 PATD Andrews) - @ 10000' X ELDEE @ 8000' reqs. ILS 1L @ ADW.
1948Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - PITMAN 55 AND PITMAN 56 pass targeting coordinates.
1949Z 128.350 Potomac APP - SAM 1079 - 18.8 for 12000' 050 heading out of OJAYY.
1953Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - PITMAN 55 proceeding to TANKER 07 and has contact.
1958Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - TANKER 07 is "reference air and speed now", PITMAN 55 has visual.

2000Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - TANKER 07 ready at your discretion PITMAN 55.
2000Z 128.350 Potomac APP - AIR FORCE 2 - 13000' for 12000' req ILS 1L @ ADW.
2002Z 128.350 Potomac APP - AIR FORCE 2 - requests in order to get closer to the a/c in front of us, dir OTT then right box pattern over to the ILS 1L.
2007Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - PITMAN 56 is inbound TANKER 07 at this time. Also, sez "popeye, 1 mi. vis. at this time".
2008Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - PITMAN 56 weapons safe. TANKER 07 is popeye about a mile. Did I hear that term correctly, "popeye"?
2011Z 135.525 ZDC-GUARD DOG - TANKER 07 requests score for the Saints-Bears game. Re: "popeye" tnx Tin!

As aside to this, DCA inbounds are starting to be held now due wx.

2017Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - PITMAN 56 - off the tanker restablishing CAP.
2020Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - MARINE 206 (UC-35D 166474 MAW-4) - 30 mins out have one code R-6 on board.
2025Z 119.850 Potomac APP - MARINE 206 (UC-35D 166474 MAW-4) - 12000' for 8000' cleared dir ELDEE dir ADW.
2034Z 135.525 ZDC-GUARD DOG - TANKER 07 - reports IMC 1.5 mi vis. FL240 on this track is when we broke out and are on top of the current layer.
2037Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - COBRA 70 (OC-135B 61-2670 Open Skies 45th RS) - 20 mins out req. airstairs and parking, 11 Row, and transport for 18.
2038Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - TANKER 07 going to the top of the block FL250 to troubleshoot.
2042Z 119.850 Potomac APP - COBRA 70 (OC-135B 61-2670 Open Skies 45th RS) - 10.600' for 8000' continuing on the ELDEE arr. 8000' for 6000' @ 2046Z.
2059Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - PITMAN 55 - has vis. w/tanker nose is cold.

2103Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 6154 clg here no joy - then gets CP at 2108Z.
2106Z 135.525 ZDC-GUARD GOG - TANKER 07 cleared to RTB.
2108Z 135.525 ZDC-GUARD GOG - PITMAN 55 RTB Shaw FL240.

That's it for the logging right now, I've got a little guy here who wants to see some snow!!
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
1/22 Cap

PITMAN 63/64 and Tanker 10 active in the cap, 228.9000. 08:51 local
PITMAN 65/66 took over at 10:00 local, Huntress asked if they had enough gas to stay to 16:00 Z
Huntress to PITMANs, your tanker is airborne bullseye 100, 130 228.900 10:30 local
Huntress to PITMAN 65 - Tanker xx will be in the cap in 10 minutes 10:44 local
Huntress to PITMANs - tanker is in the airspace bullseye 146, 48 track south at 24 thousand 228.900 10:49 local
PITMAN 65 to Huntress confirming tanker freq as 260.900 10:53 local
PITMAN 65 to the tanker (female) nose cold etc. 260.900 10:54 local
PITMAN 65 is back up in the cap, now it's 66's turn 10:58 local
Haven't quite got the tanker id yet, did hear him say he's filling in for somebody else
PITMAN 66 is finally going to the tanker 11:10 local
BATON 53 on 255.400 asking wx for Pope AFB 11:12 local, Leesburg responded
There was a little confusion over the rotating beacon on the tanker's belly, 66 thought they wanted him to breakaway 11:16 local
PITMAN 66 is off the tanker and is setting up in the south 11:19 local

I'm out of here, the plumber has arrived
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May 6, 2004
MD State Police putting together a detail for traffic control. It sounds like the making of a motorcade from Thurmont to Frederick airport.


Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
Anybody know where I can find the explanation for the maintenence codes and other codes given on the various ops and CP freqs? I could have sworn I found a list somewhere before that at least showed the maintenence codes, but I cannot find that now.

EDIT: Forgot to add the first time that I just recently got a Maldol AL-500 for aircraft monitoring. I have it on my PRO-97. The results have been nice, except that I still don't hear ground/tower comms from Willow Grove. I'm only 12 miles WSW, but I guess I would have to mount something outside to get the tower comms. Oh well.

With the Maldol, I can now hear aircraft coming in L/C who are on approach to Harrisburg, Dover, and McGuire. That is a nice improvement. The thing is a little awkward for anyone planning to walk around with the handheld, but it works nicely if the radio is just sitting in one place or mounted somewhere.

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1537Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JT 106 (C-9B NAS JRB Willow Grove) - deps ADW 1-2000' init. alt., then cleared to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.

1607Z 257.200 Potomac DEP - ????? 16 - had someone up here intercepting the DCA 246R to FL210 dir PAUKI then dir MOL, QSY ZDC-Montebello 284.700, but was never able to fully ID the flight thanks to the terrible reception here at work.
1620Z 128.350 Potomac APP - PAT 117 - @ 3000' for ADW.
1623Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - PAT 117 - inside PREZZ for the ILS 1L.
1627Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 360 (KC-10A 83-0081 2nd ARS - tnx Mark) - req. parking gets 12 Row.
1632Z 119.300 Potomac APP - REACH 360 (KC-10A 83-0081 2nd ARS - tnx Mark) - @ 3000' for the ILS to rwy 1L @ ADW QSY 118.400.
1648Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 66154 (C-17A 06-6154 21st AS) - dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1650Z 283.750 JOSA 085 clg CARIBOU OPS here no joy.
1657Z 119.300 Potomac APP - PAT 446 - 090 heading at 3000' for the ILS 01L full stop.

1727Z 119.300 Potomac APP - COBRA 26 - 4000' for 3000' QSY 118.400 for the ILS app rwy 1L.
1728Z 119.300 Potomac APP - LOBO 225 - on the localizer for ILS 1L QSY 118.400.
1736Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 167 - on the ILS rwy 32.
1743Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 767 (UC-35D 166767 MASD Andrews) - deps ADW dest. is JNX to 5000' then cleared to FL210 QSY 121.675.

1803Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - LOBO 235 (UC-35) - deps ADW to 11000' dest. is _IB dir FLUKY.
1807Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 691 (C-20 163691) - deps ADW 1.6 for 3000' then cleared to 11000' dir FLUKY QSY 121.050.
1809Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 446 - deps ADW 1400' for 3000' then 12000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1811Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 117 - deps ADW to 3000' then to 12000' dir HAFNR-GVE-SBV4 arrival to RDU QSY 121.050.
1815Z 260.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - SKATR 07 up here.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
benrussellpa said:
Anybody know where I can find the explanation for the maintenence codes and other codes given on the various ops and CP freqs? I could have sworn I found a list somewhere before that at least showed the maintenence codes, but I cannot find that now.

The only list I have is the Military Monitoring Glossary from the wiki.



Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Vschlitz said:
MD State Police putting together a detail for traffic control. It sounds like the making of a motorcade from Thurmont to Frederick airport. 12:00, 12:05, and 12:10 I had a Mussel flight go by my office all flying VFR at about 300 agl.

It is like soup out here in Germantown. And judging by the way they were flying, it would be tricky at best to get into the Catoctin Mt.

But unlike last time, I did not pick up any pireps.


EDIT: and now, at 1:08, I think I just heard all 3 head back together.
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