Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
2249z - 138.875 w/AERO
2253z - 138.425 w/BICEP
2314z - 260.9 w/TANKER 21
2321z - 135.525 w/unknown AC calling Guard Dog getting INFO CAP altitudes. I mssed the c/s. I think I lost "cool points" on that one! :)
2326z - 228.9 With TANKER 21 and PITMAN 67 Cool points regained

TinEar said:
1845: AERO 21 flight has changed to a new interflight freq...138.0
This is the first use of this freq by New Jersey ANG I've ever monitored.

I have it an old list from likely '02-'03 timeframe. I have heard them on it before but it was duing that time frame. When I posted about it no one else had knowledge of it is having been used by them before either.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1822: Not sure where the BICEP 11 flight was but they're sure taking a strange route. Hearing them with Giant Killer on 249.8 requesting direct Salisbury, then direct R-4006 for a 10 minute delay and then back to Atlantic City.
1825: BATON 55 (EC-130J PA-ANG Harrisburg) entering W-107 with Giant Killer on 255.0...says they'll be there 2330-0230Z
1827: BICEP 11 flight with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 basically saying the same thing but now with a 30 minute delay in R-4996
1827: AERO 21 flight also with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8
As mentioned above...AERO 21 is working 138.875 and BICEP 11 138.425 for interflight freqs.
1830: PITMAN 67 is tail 91-378 and 68 is 94-049 - given while on boom freq 228.9 to the tanker.
1832: MTN A-10s active on interflight...142.3
1833: BICEP and AERO flights being handed off to Patuxent Advisory...both check into the area MARSA with each other...354.8
CAP Primary with HUNTRESS is on 260.9 and boom freq is 228.9.
I wonder what the Shaw unit did that won them the CAP duty over and over again. Was it that F-16 they ditched in the ocean last year that won it for them?
1845: AERO 21 flight has changed to a new interflight freq...138.0
This is the first use of this freq by New Jersey ANG I've ever monitored. One of the AEROs came up on BICEP's interflight 138.425 a few minutes ago and was politely reminded he was on the wrong freq. They simply told him, "Uhhh, AERO, you're on V-15."
1846: the BICEP flight has stayed with 138.425 and is working over Vienna MD in a ground attack exercise.
1847: The A-10s from MTN are on the way home. It's a flight of three, callsign AXEMAN...142.3
1850: AERO flight back on V-17 for interflight...138.875 [I think one of the AERO pilots just made a mistake when he dialed up that 138.0 freq. It was right after he made the mistake of going to 138.425.]
1850: AXEMAN flight to MTN Tower reporting as a flight of three, 12 miles to the south heading for runway 33...297.2
1853: AXEMAN reports gear down to tower and that's the end of them...297.2
1855: AERO flight requesting clearance from BayWatch back to Atlantic City via Sea Isle...354.8
1857: AERO 21 flight handed off to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 to begin their flight home.
1858: AERO 21 asking if they're cleared direct Atlantic City...and they are cleared....descending...256.8
1859: AERO 21 handed off to U-7 and come up with ZDC-Casino 285.4 where they check in.

1900: AERO 22 fetches the ATIS report and gives in flight report to Ops...261.0
1900: HAWK 705 [female] calling Andrews...x2, no joy...141.55
1903: BICEP 11 picking up clearance back to Atlantic City via Waterloo, Sea Isle, direct (Atlantic City) from BayWatch...354.8
1905: AERO 21 flight pushes U-6 and reports 15 miles to the south to Atlantic City Approach...327.125
1906: BICEP 11 handed off from BayWatch to ZDC-Casino 285.4 where they check in at 15,000 feet direct Atlantic City....descending to 9000.
This is another of those occasional nights that Giant Killer's 118.125 freq is busy with commercial flights getting their Oceanic clearance from him.
1911: PITMAN 67 reports going to the tanker...260.9
1911: BICEP 11 calling both Code 1, 10 minutes out.
1911: PITMAN 67 to TANKER 21...cleared in...228.9
1912: BICEP 11 handed to ACY Approach and check in there for runway 31...ILS approach in 2 mile trail...cleared down to 3000 feet...327.125
1917: PITMAN flight is asked by tanker where they're from...PITMAN 68 replies from Shaw...the 55th. Tanker 21 says he's from the 77th ARS out of Seymour (Johnson)...228.9
So....we've got the 55th pulling the duty. This is the first time we've had them specifically identify themselves in the CAP in this area.
It started out with the 79th for the first few times the PITMAN F-16s had the duty. Then it was the 77th and now the 55th.
The 79th got back from a 24 day deployment just before Christmas which is why they aren't getting the duty I suppose.
1920: PITMAN 67 completes his AR op and reports back up in the CAP to HUNTRESS...260.9
1925: PITMAN 67 tells HUNTRESS he's no longer receiving air surveillance...PITMAN 68 is negative too (talking about seeing target tracks on their Link 16 screen that's fed to them by HUNTRESS)...260.9
1946: JOSA 824 reports takeoff time as 0042Z to Andrews...141.55 (No reply to two calls)
1949: And so...JOSA 824 tries the same report on 378.1 and makes contact.
This sure is an exciting CAP so far...check in with HUNTRESS, refuel, go back to HUNTRESS...repeat at one hour intervals.
1952: PITMAN 68 tells HUNTRESS he's going to the tanker...260.9
1953: PITMAN 68 makes contact with TANKER 21 on the boom freq...reports weapons safe, nose cold, visual in a one mile trail...tanker clears him to the pre-contact position...228.9
1956: And PITMAN 68/TANKER 21 make contact...228.9
1959: PITMAN 68 disconnected from the boom...leaving off low to the right of the tanker...228.9

2000: PITMAN 68 reports back in the the northern CAP area...260.9
PITMAN 67 took the southern postion of the CAP while 68 refueled...for this mission one fighter must always be in the south - as opposed to the Camp David missions when they must maintain coverage in the north.
2011: PITMAN 67/HUNTRESS checking out the Link 16 - apparently all is well...260.9
2015: Link 16 is intermittent for all CAP players at this time...260.9
2037: PITMAN 67 heading back to the tanker after more chat about the Link 16...260.9
2038: PITMAN 67 makes contact with TANKER 21 on the boom freq...228.9
2044: PITMAN 67/TANKER 21 disconnect...and reconnect...and disconnect again at 2046...228.9
2047: PITMAN 67 back to the HUNTRESS freq...260.9
2048: PITMAN 68 says he's got enough fuel so he doesn't have to refuel before going home...260.9 (This would seem to indicate the CAP is not going to last until 2300 as scheduled - or that they'll be replaced before that time.)

2101: PITMAN 67 tells HUNTRESS he only has his wingman and the tanker on his datalink...260.9
2106: PITMAN 67 tells HUNTRESS he's got 10,000 pounds of fuel and is Code 1...68 reports 8500 pounds and is also Code 1...260.9 (These numbers are normally reported just before they're released.)
2108: PITMAN 67/68 forming in 1 mile trail...260.9
2110: PITMAN 71 flight into the CAP area and call on 139.7...wrong freq so they're changing to 260.9...say to maintain V-10 for interflight...and they do check in on 260.9...also heard them briefly on 138.025 which must be the V-10 they referred to. They contacted Potomac on 350.25
Bad timing...changeover just as the President begins to speak.
2113: PITMAN 71 flight going to boom freq to refuel with TANKER 21...228.9
2115: PITMAN 71 is tail number 93-540 and 72 is 97-110...228.9
2116: PITMAN 71 tells the tanker he'll take 2000 pounds and 72 will topoff...TANKER 21 says it's no problem, he has plenty of gas...228.9
This is kind of strange to run two 2-hour shifts rather than a single 4-hour shift.
2119: PITMAN 71 gets his 2000 pounds and disconnects from the boom...228.9
2121: PITMAN 72 connects with the boom...getting a bit of instruction from the boomer...boomer asks 72 if they're out of Shaw...72 confirms...228.9
2122: PITMAN 71 reports on station to HUNTRESS...260.9
2122: PITMAN 67/68 released by HUNTRESS...260.9
2122: PITMAN 67 to Potomac to pick up clearance to Shaw...requests 2-mile, non-standard formation...135.525
2123: PITMAN 72 off the boom...228.9...and reports into the CAP...260.9
2125: PITMAN 71 reports both he and 72 are NVG capable...260.9
2127: TANKER 22 Heavy coming on station...calls HUNTRESS and tells him, "We're in the green."....260.9...he's sent to 135.525
2128: TANKER 21 to Potomac to pick up his clearance home...135.525
2128: PITMAN 67/68 handed off to ZDC-Brooke 327.0 and check in there at FL 240.
2127: TANKER 21 released by HUNTRESS...260.9
2129: PITMAN 67/68 using interflight freq 139.825 on the way home.
2133: TANKER 21 cleared to his flight plan route taking him home to Seymour Johnson AFB...135.525
2133: PITMAN 67/68 report speed at mach .9...139.825
2138: PITMAN 71 tells HUNTRESS that visibility in the CAP is unlimited...winds are 290/78...260.9
2159: Fuel checks...PITMAN 71 has 7200 pounds, 72 had 10000 pounds...71 requests to go to the tanker...260.9

2200: PITMAN 71/TANKER 22 make contact on boom freq...4 mile trail...22 says he'll start a turn to help 71 catch up...228.9
2202:38: The President completes is State Of The Union speech before Congress.
2204: TANKER 22 asks PITMAN 71 for his unit and tail...71 repeats the same as earlier - Shaw 93-540...and is cleared to the boom...228.9
2205: TANKER 22 tells 71 he'll give him about 5000 pounds...71 comes back and says he's on Comm 1 (meaning the boom intercom)...228.9
Don't mean to inject political comment but have to note...I watched the Democrats sit on their hands throughout the President's speech. Now that it's done, they all want him signing autographs as he makes his way out of the Congressional chamber. That speaks volumes.
2208: PITMAN 71 complets his AR...took 6500 pounds...228.9...switches back to HUNTRESS...260.9
2214: PITMAN 71 updates his PIREP from earlier...says there is a cloud deck below the Guard Dog CAP area...260.9
2216: TANKER 22 asking the PITMANs if they're going to be coming up for more fuel...71 tells him that they will in about 20 minutes...260.9
2251: PITMAN 71/72 start preparations to go home...71 reports he's Code 2 for RWR and 71 is Code 1...low man has 7000 pounds of fuel...260.9
2251: PITMAN 71 to Potomac asking for RTB clearance at this time...135.525
2252: TANKER 22 asking Potomac for RTB clearance back home to Pittsburgh (KC-135R PA-ANG Pittsburgh)...he's cleared through Indianhead...135.525
2253: Fuel checks...71 has 9200 pounds, 72 has 6800 pounds (bingo point back to Shaw is 6700 pounds so he's close)...260.9
2254: PITMAN 71/72 receive clearance back to Shaw at FL back to HUNTRESS they have the clearance and wave goodbye...260.9
2255: PITMAN 72 asks 71 for current Victor freq...he's told V-10 ...PITMAN 71/72 handed off to ZDC-Brooke 327.0...and 71 changes his mind and says Victor should be V-9.
2256: PITMAN 71 checks in with ZDC-Brooke at FL 270...327.0
2256: PITMAN 72 comes up interflight freq...but no reply to a couple of calls from 71...138.025 (same one they came in on)
2258: PITMAN 71/72 make contact on 138.025...72 asks 71 what the current Uniform freq is and is told 327.0
2259: PITMAN 71/72 chat about what they got to see from their vantage point...72 says he got to see a bunch - saw all the cop cars along Pennsylvania Avenue...138.025

2302: PITMAN 71/72 handed off to ZDC-Blackstone 235.625 where they check in at FL 240
2302: PITMAN 72 asks 71 again for the Uniform freq they should be on and is told it's 235.62(5)
2306: Fuel checks...PITMAN 71 has 8700 pounds with tanks feeding...72 has 5800 pounds with tanks wing tanks dry...138.025
2308: PITMAN 72 will have about 2200 pounds when they get home...138.025
And that was the last heard from them.

End of log.
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
Missed the callsign, but I have a helo headed west from DC into Zone 5. 120.75
Eh, just Fairfax-1 in the Tysons Cornerarea. Not sure what he's up to, but he's talking to DCA tower about looking for something with his FLIR and NVGs. Nothing on the Farifax police channels. 2031-He returned to HQ dispatch done with whatever he was doing.

No sign of VIPs heading to Mt WX.

At 2106 I had what sounded like a fighter with ZDC-Irons telling his wingman to switch to 252.7. Nothing heard there.??
Maybe it was PITMAN-71/72 that just showed up. 4-fighter CAP? For a while anyways.
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
TinEar said:
1339: FLYER flight handed off but I couldn't copy the freq...360.85 (Can't find them in search of ZDC but still hear them on interflight so it probably wasn't another ZDC freq they were handed off to...damn! I don't have any freqs listed for operating in R-6602 or controller names...nothing, nada, zilch, zip.)

All I Can find for Fort Pickett/Blackstone AAF is:

126.2 - Tower VHF
241.0 - Tower UHF
38.30 - Range Ops
41.05 - Range Ops


Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
TinEar said:
1419: UGLY 1 flight still on interflight freq...143.25
1422: UGLY 1 flight handed off by Patuxent to Dover Approach where they check in at 5000 feet...257.875
1429: UGLY 1 flight handed off by Dover to Philadelphia TRACON where they check in at 5000 feet...269.25
1431: UGLY 2 checking in with Ops to give status...343.0
1434: UGLY 1 flight handed off to U-6 and check in with Philadelphia TRACON...319.15
1437: UGLY 1 handed off to U-5 and check in at 5000 feet with Phil. TRACON...291.7 (And I lose them after this check-in as always as they fade from range.)

What area is the 269.25 freq covering for Philly?

I have the following:

128.4000 PA KPHL App ABV 5000 N&W
273.5750 PA KPHL App ABV 5000 N&W
126.6000 PA KPHL App ABV 5000 SE
317.5500 PA KPHL App ABV 5000 SE
291.7000 PA KPHL App AOB 5000 East
123.8000 PA KPHL App AOB 5000 NE
127.3500 PA KPHL App AOB 5000 SE
126.8500 PA KPHL App AOB 5000 West
263.1250 PA KPHL App AOB 5000 West
319.1500 PA KPHL App N - from 103FS comm card
118.5000 PA KPHL Tower
135.1000 PA KPHL Tower
327.0500 PA KPHL Tower


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
benrussellpa said:
What area is the 269.25 freq covering for Philly?

I have the following:

128.4000 PA KPHL App ABV 5000 N&W
273.5750 PA KPHL App ABV 5000 N&W
126.6000 PA KPHL App ABV 5000 SE
317.5500 PA KPHL App ABV 5000 SE
291.7000 PA KPHL App AOB 5000 East
123.8000 PA KPHL App AOB 5000 NE
127.3500 PA KPHL App AOB 5000 SE
126.8500 PA KPHL App AOB 5000 West
263.1250 PA KPHL App AOB 5000 West
319.1500 PA KPHL App N - from 103FS comm card
118.5000 PA KPHL Tower
135.1000 PA KPHL Tower
327.0500 PA KPHL Tower

Ben, Airnav lists the 269.25 freq as Philly Departure (but we know it's for Approach also) covering 090-269 degrees around KPHL. And that makes sense since that always seems to be their first handoff freq when approaching Philly from the south. I've heard them on every one of the UHF Approach freqs you listed at some point in coming from or going to Willow Grove.

And thanks for the Fort Pickett freqs. There's probably a UHF freq assigned to the MOA too in addition to the AAF freqs. I wish I had been able to hear the handoff when it was made. I missed a huge opportunity there. One of these days I'm going to have to start recording when I hear aircraft heading someplace unusual.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
A couple more I have on my own Philly list that are active in additon to above freqs.

343.7250 not that active but heard in use with WG A-10's
307.200 Heard used for stadium flyovers so must be South Philly below 5k freq.

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1452Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 164 - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN to 17000' QSY 118.675 then an immediate QSY to 120.650 upon reaching 17000'.
1455Z 378.100 Andrews AFB CP - EVAC 164 - airborne time ADW 1451Z.

1513Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 102 - deps ADW to 14000' dir HAFNR QSY 121.050.
1521Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 255 - deps DAA QSY 118.950 @ 2000' then cleared to 8000' QSY 126.550, goes there and is sent to correct freq. 126.650.
1528Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 818 - deps DAA 700' for 2000'.
1539Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 7009 - deps DAA 1500' for 5000' dir HAFNR cleared to 17000' but reqs. 14000' QSY 135.400.

1603Z 128.350 Potomac APP - PAT 406 - ADW in sight cleared for the vis to 1L. QSY 118.400 on the right base for 1L.
1613Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 732T - deps ADW to 11000' dir GINYA join J149 to 17000' QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650
1614Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - Gives tfc advisory to a CAPFLIGHT a/c re: BATON 51 @ 4900' VFR traffic pattern. Potomac controller attempted to contact BATON 51 @ 1614Z.
1621Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 009 - calling inbound for an rx check will be requesting the GPS app to rwy 32.
1623Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - CAPFLIGHT 2515 - cleared to proceed with exercise.
1629Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 009 - inbound on the GPS rwy 32.
1639Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BLACKJACK 1 - up with a bogey at 5000'
1640Z 139.700 BRAVE 61 "will attempt to headbutt". Exercise on and I've got to go!!! Escorting X to? BRAVE 61 @ 6000 to you @ 7000'.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just getting to the radios a little after 1000 and looking for the Wilmington CAP activity but haven't heard anything yet. I do have WIllow Grove A-10s up on interflight 143.75 and Langley F-22As on interflight 315.85 and lots of transports moving around - but no CAP.

1014: ROCCO 61 (KC-135 108th ARW McGuire) calling OPEC 34 (KC-10A McGuire) on the McGuire Command Post freq...two calls, no reply from the OPEC bird...319.4
1014: U/I tankers on interflight freq...139.875
1019: One of the aircraft on the tanker interflight freq says he has a pressurization problem and is descending to 10,000 feet...the other speaker is at 22, callsigns heard, just a suffix of 31...139.875
1020: Langley F-22A activity on interflight is callsign MARLIN...315.85
Adding MARLIN to Langley F-22A callsign list. (Past use for F-15s at Langley)
1026: STEEL 72 (KC-135R PA-ANG Pittsburgh) asking Steel Ops if his receivers are going to be there...311.0
1029: STEEL 72 tells Steel Ops they can make it but can only stay until 1745Z and then they have to leave. He never did mention the receivers' callsign or IP location unless he did so before I came upon the freq....311.0
1035: Andrews F-16s on interflight...callsign WILD, flight of two...143.6
1038: STEEL 61 and suffix 31 on AR-636 primary freq trading squawk codes. The 31 is the same one heard earlier on 139.875 that was at 22,000 feet - and still is. STEEL 61 is at FL 250...238.9

Still nothing on a CAP. According to news sources, "President Bush will arrive around 10am on Air Force One at the Delaware Air National Guard Base in New Castle."

1046: U/I fighters on interflight...138.625
1047: Fighters on 138.625 say to "Push V-17" but I don't find them from 138-144.
1047: WILD flight with ZDC-Kenton...354.15
1047: PAT 406 to Andrews BAse Ops...20 minutes out, has total of 3 pax - one an A-4...141.55
1049: WILD flight to SENATE SOF giving in flight report...both jets Code 1...139.9
1050: WILD flight handed off to Potomac TRACON where they check in in a non-standard formation...descending...317.425
1051: TRACON clears WILD down to 4000 feet...317.425
1052: WILD flight handed off to Potomac TRACON...check in passing 6500 for 2-ship overhead, full stop...270.275
1053: Langley interflight freq active with F-22A activity...276.675
1054: U/I flight checking in with Giant Killer...says they are 2 F-15s, wants to know status of missile activity in D & G (must be W--386) and says they'll be MARSA with DRAGON (Langley callsign)...249.8
U/I Langley F-15 turns out to be callsign RINGO working with the DRAGON flight of F-15s.
1055: WILD flight handed to ADW Tower...349.0
1058: WILD 1 reports, "Base, gear, stop"...WILD 2 same report...349.0 (and they're on the ground)

1100: U/I fighters on interflight...mention Base Ops is 303.0 (HAWK Ops at MA-ANG?) (These sound like the same guys that were on 138.625 earlier that I heard switch to V-17)
1105: Several Giant Killer tactical freqs active...292.3, 373.1, 391.2 (All sound like F-15s)
1110: RINGO (Langley F-15) working GK's tac freq in ACM activity...292.3

Log continued below if anything heard....

Ref below: Mark - beautiful pictures!! Wonder why no CAP?
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Just got back on photo op for AF-1 landing KILG.
Got there about 20 min before landing and was only one at first but then a few other
AF-1 fans with scanners showed up,cause all of a sudden when tower 126.000 announced AF-1 on 6 mile final people started jumping out of their cars with cameras.
I was in the Burger King parking lot under runway 1 approach lights.
Surprisingly AF-1 was fairly quiet even 200 feet overhead but still a rush being that close.
NO CAP heard in this area yet...
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2006
Cape May, NJ
Great Pics

Great pictures, I have been scanning in south jersey but missed the AF-1 comm. Now listening to DE. Trunked sys. hoping to hear something. I am also scanning CAP channels, let us know if you hear anything.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
FLYERS rtb Philly appch 291.700 heard previously on 397.900 Lehigh Valley FLYER
announced possible mid-air collision involving FLYER 4.
340.200 WG Tower FLYER 3 and 4 declaring IFE FLYER 1 and 2 orbiting.
343.000 WG Ops weak,mentions scrape along canopy nose area,doing flyby for inspection.
340.200 "Doing check lists for accountability"
343.000 FLYER 1 "NO wiring problems or Hydraulics"?
340.200 FLYER 4 will fly down runway at 2k and lower gear first.
They must be low and over the field as I can't hear them anymore.
FLYER 4 sounded like he got the worst of it.No panic but concern in voices.

Heard they all landed ok from another poster,1 aircraft with tail damage possibly.

1213 AF-1 back home already heard landing with ADW tower.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
FLYERS rtb Philly appch 291.700 heard previously on 397.900 Lehigh Valley FLYER
announced possible mid-air collision involving FLYER 4.


Wow! That's a great catch Mark. Did it sound like a "touch 'em and say you're sorry" mid-air or did it sound like a crash?
[Nevermind...answered in your log]

1117: Warren Grove Range active...283.1 (Possibly CT-ANG A-10s - would match the 138.525 interflight from earlier)
1120: U/I aircraft with Willow Grove Ops...343.0 (FLYER probably per Mark's log above)
I don't have good reception on that freq today and am not hearing any interflight from them.
Extremely high noise level on the MilAir bands today.
1127: TESTER 04 (USN Test Pilot School, Patuxent River NAS) with BayWatch...354.8
1133: DRAGON 74 (Langley F-15) to Giant Killer to announce RTB...249.8
1136: BLACKJACK 1 (CG HH65) with HUNTRESS...chasing a's a high wing Cessna 1000 feet above BLACKJACK...139.7
1138: BLACKJACK 1 tells HUNTRESS he doesn't think he can catch the target...says he was way below him when they started...he's trying to catch up now...139.7
1139: BRAVE F-16s scrambled from Andrews...passing through 1000 feet...139.7
1140: BRAVE 61 tells 62 to stay in 2 mile trail...139.7
1140: BRAVE 61 says his mission is to headbutt the target south...139.7
1140: BRAVE 61 tells HUNTRESS to have BLACKJACK stay above the TOI, BRAVE will stay below...139.7
1141: BRAVE with TRACON...says he has the target 5.5 miles off his nose...348.725
1141: BRAVE 61 says he has negative radar contact...then reports tally visual...same from 62....61 is tally both the TOI and BLACKJACK....heading 290 degrees, 5500 feet...139.7
1142: BLACKJACK 1 to TOI on Guard 121.5...trying to make contact to follow (female on BJ 1)
1143: BRAVE 1 asking HUNTRESS where they should escort the TOI to...139.7
1143: BLACKJACK 1 (male now) tells HUNTRESS they have comms with N65516 (best I could do on the registration)....121.5
1144: BLACKJACK 1 tells HUNTRESS the TOI is transiting at course they've estabablished contact with the target....139.7
1145: BLACKJACK 1 and the TOI talking on is complying with BJ's demands and sounds very nervous (wouldn't you?)...121.5
1146: BLACKJACK 1 and BRAVE 61 both talking to HUNTRESS...TOI is heading south at this time and is following BLACKJACK...139.7
1146: TOI tells BLACKJACK he's following him...wants to know where they're taking him...121.5
1146: BJ says target was heading for Manasas...139.7
Noise level prevents me from hearing HUNTRESS...he seems loud enough to be heard otherwise.
1148: BJ 1 tells N56515 (??) he's escorting him to Manasas Airport....TOI says he's complying...121.5
1149: BRAVE 61 tells TRACON that BLACKJACK is escorting the target to Manasas and HUNTRESS wants them to go to the Guard Dog CAP...348.725
1150: BRAVE 61/62 have broken off from the engagement and are climbing to FL 200...348.725
1151: BLACKJACK 1 and the TOI still talking on Guard but are getting weak as they descend into Manasas...121.5
1151: BRAVE 61/62 handed off to Potomac and check in...350.25
1152: BRAVE 61 to HUNTRESS and he updates him on status....61 says they're burning off some gas for now and will let him know when they leave Guard Dog...139.7
1153: SAM interflight freq active...136.725 (Proving they haven't moved it all to 303.0)
1153: BRAVE 61/62 back with Potomac...says 61 and 62 are going to split up so needs a separate squawk for 62....350.25
1154: BLACKJACK 1 and TOI still talking on Guard freq but too weak...121.5
1154: I do believe this was all part of Falcon Virgo excercise that was scheduled for tonight and into the early morning have Potomac talking to CAP Flight 2516 on Guard freq 121.5 asking him if he wants to return to Davison...wants him to contact him on 118.95 to state his intentions. This has got to be the same aircraft that was intercepted based on similarity of tail numbers. The Potomac ground station that just contacted him was very loud and clear (obviously transmitting from BWI) and I heard the registration clearly for the first time.
1156: BRAVE 61 tells HUNTRESS they'll stay up until it's over...139.7
Although the exercise was scheduled for tonight, I think they simply pulled a fast one on the fighters and BLACKJACK helo by sending them out early. The TOI pilot sure played his part well...a good actor sounding all nervous and frightened.

1200: BRAVE 61 and 62 are now shadowing another target...139.7 (Breathe easier now knowing it's part of the exercise.)
1200: BRAVE has a TOI at 10 miles at 10,000 feet tracking 010...139.7
1202: BRAVE 61/62 terminate this intercept and take new positions in the CAP area...139.7
1203: BRAVE 61 tells 62 he's lower on gas than they finish, 61 will land first and 62 will hold out at Nottingham....139.7
1205: BRAVE 62 in the south playing Blue, 61 in the north at 25,000 feet playing red force...fight's on...139.7
I believe there was only one Coast Guard helo up - BLACKJACK 1 - even though there were two speakers, a male and a female, spouting orders to the TOI and to HUNTRESS.
1207: BRAVEs handed off to Potomac TRACON...269.5...they establish contact there
1208: BRAVE 61/62 perform the intercept on each other...ask for type and tail and go through the steps...ID as single Fox-16...tail is DC 85-480....and off they go into north/south positions again...139.7
These guys sure had me fooled when they scrambled. I knew about the exercise tonight but the time sure didn't match and they sounded like they were doing it for real rather than the unemotional voices they usually use in an exercise. The good thing is that we were able to catch the BRAVEs right from the time they got off the deck and BLACKJACK 1 as soon as he was high enough to report on the target.
1212: BRAVE 61 calls CAPITOL back at Andrews and tells him to let him know when the exercise is over...139.7
1213: BRAVE 61/62 setting up for another intercept...62 will be red this time, 61 is blue....139.7
1216: BRAVE 61/62 exercise this time calls for intercepted aircraft to be NORDO (no radio)...139.7
1217: BRAVE 61 mentions receiving text (message)...62 acknowledges...139.7
1218: BRAVE 61 says pilot (of intercepted aircraft) is flashing a sign at him...139.7 (I can only imagine what the flash was!)
1218: Finished with that one...taking up north/south positions again (still in Guard Dog track area)....139.7
1219: BRAVE 61 calling Potomac to say in 5-10 minutes they'll start coordinating their approach to Andrews...say again they'll get together as far as Nottingham, 61 will go in to land and 62 will hold...350.25
1221: BRAVE 61 tells Potomac they'll come out of Guard Dog as a flight, go to Nottingham where 61 will drop off 62...350.25
1221: BRAVE 61/62 ready for another intercept...fight's on...139.7
1223: BRAVE 62 makes the time as 1723, authentication Tango Mike...61 asks for a repeat and 62 tells him the authentication was his initials...139.7
1226: BRAVE 61 calls HUNTRESS...says nevermind...then gives tail on his intercepted aircraft (BRAVE 62) as DC 85-465....end the exercise...139.7
1227: BRAVE 61 to Potomac to say they're ending their mission...350.25
1227: BRAVEs report cameras off...139.7....BRAVE 61 tells HUNTRESS about 61 landing, 62 holding at Nottingham...fuel aboard 61 is 2800 pounds and he's Code 1...139.7
1228: BRAVE 62 reports Code 2 for GPS and has 4500 pounds of fuel remaining...139.7
1228: BRAVE 61 reports descending to 4000 feet....250.25
1228: BRAVE 61 tells CAPITOL he received text....139.7
1229: BRAVE 61 flight reports direct Nottingham...350.25
1229: BRAVE 61 tells Potomac he's at 15,000 expediting to 11000 and now cleared to 5000...want a UHF freq and gets it...350.25
1230: BRAVE 61 shows up on that UHF freq and checks in and goes through the entire routine of how 61 will land, 62 will stay at Nottingham, etc...270.275
1231: BRAVE 61 being vectored toward Andrews....62 says he'll maintain 4000 feet....61 wants overhead to runway 1R...270.275
1232: BRAVE 62 descending to 3000 feet and holding at Nottingham as published...270.275
1232: BRAVE 61 to Andrews Tower...reports 6 miles south on initial to runway 1R...349.0 (had to repeat that several times...can't make contact with Tower)
1233: BRAVE 61 tries VHF for ADW Twr...still no contact...118.4
1234: BRAVE 61 back to UHF with Tower and makes contact this time...heading for 1R...349.0
1237: BRAVE 62 reporting in place at Nottingham...270.275
1239: BRAVE 62 talking to either CAPITOL or HUNTRESS but is down in the hash and difficult to copy...139.7
I don't think I've ever heard the noise level as high as it has been for the past several days on the MilAir VHF band. It's awful! All through the earlier intercept I could hear HUNTRESS talking but couldn't copy a word of it due to the noise. He was loud enough to be clearly copiable under normal conditions. The Falcon Virgo 07-04 exercise that was posted for tonight should probably still come off as planned. There should be the same players we just heard along with a C-38 from Andrews according to the press release. Here's part of the notice....
Exercise Falcon Virgo 07-04 is designed to test NORAD's intercept and identification operations. Civil Air Patrol aircraft, C-38s, and US Coast Guard HH-65 helicopters will participate in the exercise.
Residents in the area can expect flights to occur during the late night and early morning hours.

1245: BRAVE 62 tells Potomac he's ready to proceed into Andrews for an ILS to runway 1R...270.275
1246: BRAVE 62 cleared by Potomac to the approach...270.275
1249: BRAVE 62 to Andrews Tower...349.0
1251: BRAVE 62 reports gear down as he prepares to put himself on the deck at Andrews...349.0

1300: Break time...fingers worn to the bone.

Ref below: Thanks Paul. See log at 1216 for definition of NORDO (no radio). If 65516 was correct, then I copied it correctly the first time I logged it. I'm not sure whether I screwed it up the second time or if the interceptor reported it wrong. The designator as CAP Flight 2516 was probably correct too.
Seeing your registration info to the Civil Air Patrol leaves no doubt that's correct - 65516. I just didn't have time to look it up while listening/logging. Thanks again.
Just remembered...we had NORDO used during this past CAP too with the PITMAN fighters. One of them couldn't be reached on the radio. Flight leader told HUNTRESS his wingman was NORDO, met up with him and determined a cord had come loose on his radio.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838

I was outside in my Jeep went the intercept went on. Until I came back inside and looked up the registration, I would have bet my paycheck it was real...the pilot of the Cessna sure was convincing...even had the sound of frustration in his voice.

Anyway, they finished the rest of the games overhead here in Germantown. The clouds were just broken enough so that I could see their contrails as the passed over, but never got a glimpse of them. Ceiling is about 4000 here.

I did here a new term I am not familiar with, brave 62 reported his target was "NORDO"? Any idea of what that is?

Oh, and the correct Tail number is : N65516
N65516 is Assigned

Aircraft Description

Serial Number 17275769 Type Registration Corporation
Manufacturer Name CESSNA Certificate Issue Date 06/04/1986
Model 172P Status Valid
Type Aircraft Fixed Wing Single-Engine Type Engine Reciprocating
Pending Number Change None Dealer No
Date Change Authorized None Mode S Code 52120747
MFR Year 1982 Fractional Owner NO


Registered Owner

Street 105 S HANSELL ST
City MAXWELL AFB State ALABAMA Zip Code 36112

Edit: I did here Brave 61 ask Huntress to let him know when the "Ramp Freeze" was over. I thought that was the reason for the continued excercise.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
TinEar said:
1239: BRAVE 62 talking to either CAPITOL or HUNTRESS but is down in the hash and difficult to copy...139.7
I don't think I've ever heard the noise level as high as it has been for the past several days on the MilAir VHF band. It's awful! All through the earlier intercept I could hear HUNTRESS talking but couldn't copy a word of it due to the noise. He was loud enough to be clearly copiable under normal conditions.

I was having a hard time copying Huntress as well, very low volume, lots of static as well as some interference by what sounded like a Ham operator nearby.

Everyone else was clear as a bell.

The Military is scheduled to erect a new comm tower on a ridge near KFDK this spring. That will help with reception in my neck of the woods.

Edit: Here's and interesting link to N65516'a checklist:

And you can browse a photo of the plane here:
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
01.24.2007 (CONT'D)

Of course I missed all of the Exercise - Tin, see last line of my previous posting re: exercise...:cool:)

CAPFLIGHT 2515 was setting up prior to 1600Z if I recall correctly, I just didn't log him because I don't normally bother with them.

1651Z 350.250 ZDC-GUARD DOG - BRAVE 61 - into the Guard Dog CAP block FL210-230.
1652Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BLACKJACK 1 (USCG HH65B) - QSY to 124.650 for approach to Manassas (HEF).
1655Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - DC 90 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - to 9000'.

1758Z 119.300 Potomac APP - SAM 93 - cleared for the ILS 1L @ ADW QSY 118.400.

1800Z 119.300 Potomac APP - DC 31 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - @ 2000' on the ILS rwy 1L app.
1849Z 378.100 Andrews CP - VENUS 91 - i/b ADW in 5 mins, maint. writeup.
1851Z 128.350 Potomac APP - VENUS 92 - cleared for the ILS app to rwy 1L.

1903Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - VENUS 43 - @ 2000' conducting practice apps.
1950Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 883 (C-21A) - deps ADW dir HAFNR to 15000' QSY 121.050.
1953Z 378.100 Andrews CP - JOSA 883 (C-21A) t/off time ADW 1947Z pass to TACC.

2009Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 2401 (C-12T afternoon shuttle) - deps DAA QSY 118.950 to 7000' dir GRUBY QSY 126.400.
2039Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - LOBO 384 (C-9B MCAS Cherry Point) - on the ILS app to rwy 1L.
2046Z 119.300 Potomac APP - WAMO 51 - on the app to runway 1L.
2048Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 255 - deps DAA QSY 118.950 @ 700' for 2000' then cleared to 5000' QSY 125.650.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
TinEar...1239: BRAVE 62 talking to either CAPITOL or HUNTRESS but is down in the hash and difficult to copy...139.7 I don't think I've ever heard the noise level as high as it has been for the past several days on the MilAir VHF band. It's awful! All through the earlier intercept I could hear HUNTRESS talking but couldn't copy a word of it due to the noise. He was loud enough to be clearly copiable under normal conditions.[/QUOTE said:
From my location I only heard BRAVE 61/62 even though I turned squelch off. Not a peep from the ground stations. BRAVE 61/62 were loud & clear.


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
MUSSELL-06 now entering zone 5 along Rt7. Female on the radio, was a male when they cleared Dulles.
1536-HUNTRESS>BLACKJACK-1, no reply heard.
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