Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
Yes Tin, very slow for MilAIir today. I even climbed out of bed early to play with radios and judging from the histories I might as well had just let the recorder catch the few and far bewteen cooms. Thats alraight though. Will give me a chance to play with a few hardware issues I have been putting off.

01:49 Just walk back in the room. Had someone up 327.8 asking direct Shaw. 138.875 was also active.
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
143.250 air-air comms.

Lead A/C says to push Uniform 8, then traffic appears on 283.100.

I just got home, so I don't know if this is another A-10 flight working Warren Grove or if it is someone else. I had the 283.100 as Uniform 14 for the Willow Grove guys, so maybe it wasn't them that I heard. 14:00

Been running errands today so I have not been able to monitor closely.

Listening in for a few minutes, got the following:

14:20 - FLYER 1 & 2 working KNXX GCA on 325.200. 143.25 is A-A
14:24 - FLYER calling Ops to give engine damage, no structural damage, good hydraulics. Maybe a bird strike? 343.000
14:24 - UGLY 1 clear to land KNXX...told to watch out for FLYERS 340.200
14:25 - 138.425 A-A targeting discussion...NJANG? Also hearing unid comms on 138.875

For whatever reason today, I can pick up the KNXX tower side of comms on 119.600. I heard test counts earlier today from the controllers. I cannot hear the tower on UHF.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
TinEar said:
I think when some of these nearby TFRs indicate a VIP restriction (such as Wilmington and now Cambridge), they are protected by the attack helos we've heard using callsign HARRIER up around Camp David to augment the fighters at that location. That's just a guess on my part but we really haven't had any supporting information for those flights. I've copied one reference by the CAP fighters giving a description of HARRIER being a helo. However, we don't know what type helo, we don't know where they are stationed or when they move and don't even know what service they belong to. Next time we have a Camp David CAP, it would be extremely helpful if those nearest to that location try to monitor all the helos going into the area. Maybe we can get it figured out.

If you'd care to share with me, the freq's you have for Harrier (I think I only have two), I can monitor them the next time the CAP is up. I am still trying to figure out where BlackJack (and previously Omaha) are parking during the CAPs. They are not at Frederick or Hagerstown, and I have not been lucky enough to have seen them go up for a chase.

The remaining places would be Ft Detrick, The National Fire Academy, Site R, or possibly Ft Richie. I cannot think of any other federal installations.


Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
A few McGuire tankers headed east, then turned north a little while ago. Heard A-A on interplane 139.875. One A/c told the other to contact Boston Center on 124.125.

Getting broken traffic on 238.900 which is an entry freq for AR-212, usually handled by McGuire. 19:45

I may have that interplane wrong...didn't write it down.


Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Quiet afternoon today.

1650ish: -119.85- ROCK 84 (C-130H 65-0984 Willow Grove) vectors for ILS 1L ADW. To 128.35, and 118.4, where he checks in on a 6-mile downwind, and turns a right base (which means he was arriving from the north/east). There was also a TRACK flight on the frequency, but I never caught the number clearly.
1655ish: -378.1- ROCK 84 with the arrival message; didn't copy it, since I was driving, but he did pass the tail number.
1704: -118.95- SAM 1096 (C-20/C-37 in USA c/s seen) off ADW and turned west.
1719: -141.55- JOSA 687 is a home station C-21, tail 401x9. An extremely inopportune piece of static made it unclear if he was 129 or 139, although I did hear PACER 84 self-id as 84-0129 earlier in the week, so that may be newly reassigned.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
benrussellpa said:
A few McGuire tankers headed east, then turned north a little while ago. Heard A-A on interplane 139.875. One A/c told the other to contact Boston Center on 124.125.

Getting broken traffic on 238.900 which is an entry freq for AR-212, usually handled by McGuire. 19:45

I may have that interplane wrong...didn't write it down.

Interplane is correct Ben, Have them here on the recording


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
md_p97 said:
If you'd care to share with me, the freq's you have for Harrier (I think I only have two), I can monitor them the next time the CAP is up. I am still trying to figure out where BlackJack (and previously Omaha) are parking during the CAPs. They are not at Frederick or Hagerstown, and I have not been lucky enough to have seen them go up for a chase.

The remaining places would be Ft Detrick, The National Fire Academy, Site R, or possibly Ft Richie. I cannot think of any other federal installations.

Paul, the only place I've heard the HARRIER was on the HUNTRESS primary freq - whether they were using 228.9 or 260.9. Whenever an intercept has happened in the Camp David area, the HARRIER has been in the conversation. I should add that HARRIER only seems to be involved when the intercept is in the northern portion of the CAP. In the south, it's BLACKJACK and we know who they are. I have nothing at all to add to the description or where they leave from for the intercept. I had assumed each time I heard HARRIER in the conversation that it was a helo and that was confirmed during one intercept by the fighter flight leader. Since I generally don't hear HUNTRESS during the CAP, I haven't heard the instructions to HARRIER to take off, to join the chase, etc. That's all the information I have on it and it irritates the hell out of me that I don't have more. So, yes, if you can hear anything at all during an intercept - or better yet - when HARRIER is put in position before the CAP starts, it would add greatly to our understanding of his place in the scheme of things.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Mark said:
FLYERS rtb Philly appch 291.700 heard previously on 397.900 Lehigh Valley FLYER
announced possible mid-air collision involving FLYER 4.
340.200 WG Tower FLYER 3 and 4 declaring IFE FLYER 1 and 2 orbiting.
343.000 WG Ops weak,mentions scrape along canopy nose area,doing flyby for inspection.
340.200 "Doing check lists for accountability"
343.000 FLYER 1 "NO wiring problems or Hydraulics"?
340.200 FLYER 4 will fly down runway at 2k and lower gear first.
They must be low and over the field as I can't hear them anymore.
FLYER 4 sounded like he got the worst of it.No panic but concern in voices.

Heard they all landed ok from another poster,1 aircraft with tail damage possibly.


From this past Weds post here on Maryland RR Milair finally found news link to what possibly happened.
Not once did I hear any radio mention of Bird strikes but who knows.
Remember last April when that C-5 went down at Dover first reports were possible Bird Strikes.
Sounds to me more likely the nose of one A-10 got into tail of the other but we shall see soon.

BTW seeing I first heard report with ZNY over 80 + miles North of me and that means they were probalby 8k feet +.
Do Geese and Ducks fly that high?
Imagine on the East Coast if civilian airliners had to dodge flocks of Ducks at 10k.
Things that make you say Hmmmmmmm.,0,4755683.story

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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
TinEar said:
Since I generally don't hear HUNTRESS during the CAP, I haven't heard the instructions to HARRIER to take off, to join the chase, etc. That's all the information I have on it and it irritates the hell out of me that I don't have more. So, yes, if you can hear anything at all during an intercept - or better yet - when HARRIER is put in position before the CAP starts, it would add greatly to our understanding of his place in the scheme of things.

Tin, Reading into your thoughts here. So I take it you are under the impression that while "HARRIER" is sitting on the ground it is within earshot of HUNTRESS groundside?


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
06:27L : 311.0 - HOIST 93 calling out to Langley CP, No contact after several attempts
06:29L : 287.45 - HOIST 93 comes up on this freq calling RAYMOND 16. No contact after several attempts. I got this freq of the Flight Pubs. It has listed as HQ Timing Available. I usually don't copy any traffic on the freq. Does anyone have a better idea of what the freq is gernerally used for? Other than HQ syncronization? Is this basically just a CP alternate?

Sorry for repeated posts. Screen froze and it took me a few secs to realize. I guess there is no way to delete posts here.

06:41 - 139.875 - Had 2 way comms of 2 unid a/c on interplane. Probably heading out to take up GK post
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
j333_76484 said:
Tin, Reading into your thoughts here. So I take it you are under the impression that while "HARRIER" is sitting on the ground it is within earshot of HUNTRESS groundside?

Just a quick note: I can hear HUNTRESS during the THurmont cap and I haven't heard them issue any orders to HARRIER such as take off, bearing to target, etc. There was one TOI in the Christmas cap (I think that it was Christmas, having brain malfunction) that PITMAN went to low altitude (heard the driver say he was in the weeds) and said the TOI had landed and he was orbiting the strip. He went back to station when HARRIER landed at the strip. Never heard anything about HARRIER in that incident until the part he had landed.



Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
HUNTRESS just gave BLACKJACK-1 a TOI approx. 10mi NE of BWI at 4-5000ft. 139.7
And now there is constant static on 139.7
Comms heard on 260.9 too.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
j333_76484 said:
Tin, Reading into your thoughts here. So I take it you are under the impression that while "HARRIER" is sitting on the ground it is within earshot of HUNTRESS groundside?

Yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking. I'm sure the "scramble" order does not come over the radio - at least not the radio we monitor - and is done over a secured line. However, I'm fairly sure HARRIER is positioned somewhere very near (or at) Camp David which should put him within listening distance of the HUNTRESS transmitter site(s) used in that area. We've heard him communicating with HUNTRESS right after takeoff and at very low altitudes which tends to prove that point. I'd settle for just knowing where he's positioned while awaiting any scramble order. And that's more a matter of curiosity rather than any need we have while monitoring. I'm a long way from his operating area so it's very difficult to adequately monitor his comms when at low altitudes. Most of what I pick out comes from the fighters talking about HARRIER's actions. It will take someone close to the operating area to supply anything further on him.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
TinEar said:
Yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking. I'm sure the "scramble" order does not come over the radio - at least not the radio we monitor - and is done over a secured line. However, I'm fairly sure HARRIER is positioned somewhere very near (or at) Camp David which should put him within listening distance of the HUNTRESS transmitter site(s) used in that area. We've heard him communicating with HUNTRESS right after takeoff and at very low altitudes which tends to prove that point. I'd settle for just knowing where he's positioned while awaiting any scramble order. And that's more a matter of curiosity rather than any need we have while monitoring. I'm a long way from his operating area so it's very difficult to adequately monitor his comms when at low altitudes. Most of what I pick out comes from the fighters talking about HARRIER's actions. It will take someone close to the operating area to supply anything further on him.

Yep, Something to watch for. I don't have a shot at it from down here but ducting can do weird stuff sometimes. I might get lucky. Heck I have heard flightline related comms from 2 watt handhleds from Norfolk and from Dover as well. Good to know you are suspecting this and we are discussing. At least it puts it out there for everyone to keep an eye on.

BTW, Today is one of those Saturdays that makes you wonder if you don't have a break in your COAX. Man it is a slow day for MilAir activity


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
13:18L - BLACKJACK (HX-21, PAX) flight of 3 up 274.2 for Interplane and 236.3 for OPS. Reporting 10 minutes out
13:35L - 249.65 - OSPREY 8 up on base freq talking with OSPREY OPS, conducting Radio Checks. He is still on the line but likely ramping up for a flight. OPS advises Engineers doing finalization of Rotor Track and Balance. Leak checks still need to be done then they are good to go.

I am doing the "I have something to listen to" dance now :)
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yeah, it's so boring today that I'm sitting here listening to a Civil Air Patrol exercise. CAP flights 9908, 1822, 1876 and others are on an ELT finding mission with St. Mary's Base on 149.5375.

I did hear something a bit unusual at 1326 local...PITT 15, a C-130 from the 758th AS at Pittsburgh talking with SCREAMER Ops on 252.1. I didn't know that freq was assigned to AFRC Pittsburgh. I only had it for Westover Base Ops/CASINO ROYALE in Massachusetts where I occasionally hear traffic (like once every couple of months.) Just looked it up on Airnav and it does show CP freq 252.1 at KPIT. That should mean that 252.1 is for AFRC and 311.0 is for PA-ANG (STEEL Ops.) Other than that, there has only been the usual assortment of weenie transports into Andrews, etc.

P.S. Thanks Jeff for the HX-21 interplane/interflight 274.2 freq. I didn't have that one.
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