Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


1558Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - LOBO 534 - deps ADW to FL210 dir HAFNR QSY 121.675.

1603Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 1094 - deps ADW to 11000' dir HAFNR QSY 121.050.

1705Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 487 - cleared dir DAA to 2000' QSY 126.300 for the vis. rwy 14.
1714Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 93 (C-32A 99-0003 1st AS) - deps ADW dir GINYA QSY 120.650.

1808Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - TITUS 01 - on the ILS app. to rwy 19L.
1838Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 4134 (C-17A 04-4134 305th AMW) - deps ADW details lost due to work interruptions on this one and the one after SPAR 55...
1839Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPAR 55 (C-40B 01-0015 65th AS) - deps ADW to 17000' QSY ZDC-Hagerstown 134.150 to FL220.
1842Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 497 - airborne ADW...

1918Z 128.350 Potomac APP - MARINE 474 (UC-35D 166474 MASD Andrews) - req. app to rwy 19L @ ADW dir OTT.
1932Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ANVIS 21 (DHC-6 82-23836 NVESD Davison) - on final for rwy 14.
1935Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM VA RFC Davison) - on the GPS app. to rwy 14.
1957Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 464 - down to 2000' and reports Davey in sight cleared vis app to rwy 14 QSY 126.300

2006Z 128.350 Potomac APP - SAM 1094 - 14000' for 12000' dir OTT on the app. to ADW.
2007Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 579 - deps DAA 1600' to 3000' then cleared to 9000' dir FLUKY to 15000' then FL210 QSY 121.675.
2008Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - SPAR 47 (C-37A 01-0030 310th AS MacDill - appreciate the ID Al!) - cleared to land 19R gear down full stop.
2014Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - SAM 1094 - lands rwy 19R.
2015Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 464 - deps DAA to 5000' to 8000' to 12000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
2023Z 119.300 Potomac APP - SAM 93 - @ 4000' cleared for the vis. app to rwy 19R.
2027Z 119.300 Potomac APP - SPAR 29 (C-37A 01-0029 310th AS MacDill) - on the app. to rwy 19R @ ADW.

2102Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - WAMO 51 - lands rwy 19L.
2107Z 119.300 Potomac APP - NAVY JS 368 (C-9B VR-46 NAS Atlanta) - 6000' for 3000' cleared for the app to rwy 19R @ ADW.
2108Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - COAST GUARD 101 (C-37A 01) - deps DCA 2500' for 5000' then in the climb QSY 123.825 then later at 17000' on ZDC-Hagerstown 134.150.
2109Z 119.300 Potomac APP - SAM 049 - reqs vis. to rwy 19R full stop.
2112Z 119.300 Potomac APP - REACH 1298 (KC-135R 61-0298 126th ARS WI ANG) - requests the ILS 19R app @ ADW.
2119Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 710 - deps DAA rwy 14 @ 600' for 2000' then cleared to 9000' QSY 125.650.
2120Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 905 (UC-12B pm shuttle) - expect vis. app to rwy 14 @ DAA and cleared down to 4000' then cleared for the app @ 2126Z QSY Davison AAF TWR 126.300.
2130Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AWFUL 40 E-4B? - deps ADW to 12000' dir GINYA QSY 118.675.
2138Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JS 368 (C-9B VR-46 NAS Atlanta) - deps ADW init. alt. 3000'.

2206Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 905 (UC-12B pm shuttle) - off rwy 14 @ DAA 800' for 2000' to 5000'/7000' dir GRUBY QSY 126.400.
2223Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - TROUT 99 (C-135E 57-2589 412th FLTS) - deps ADW dir AML join J149 to 12000'.
2227Z 378.100 Andrews AFB CP - EVAC 50984 (C-130H 65-0984 327th AS AFRC) - clg here no joy.
2232Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - EVAC 50984 (C-130H 65-0984 327th AS AFRC) - L base for rwy 19R gear down full stop.
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
Rock 68 was off from KNXX (Willow Grove NAS JRB, Pennsylvania) at approximately 18:05 EST tonight.

He made a call on his Ops freq "in the blind" to nofity the base that he was in the air. 913th AW Ops - 351.750

He was working on VHF ATC frequencies departing Philadelphia airspace, but I don't know where he was headed.

Also, COSMICs (NJANG 177th FW F-16s) are up with air to air on 138.425 and possibly 138.875 (although that could be tankers from McGuire AFB, too...comms were broken and I couldn't tell).

I get very frequent interference on several of the VHF interplanes used by NJ units because they're also used by Willow Grove MP's as security repeaters (encrypted P25 digital and some analog FM).


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
benrussellpa said:
Also, COSMICs (NJANG 177th FW F-16s) are up with air to air on 138.425 and possibly 138.875 (although that could be tankers from McGuire AFB, too...comms were broken and I couldn't tell).

I get very frequent interference on several of the VHF interplanes used by NJ units because they're also used by Willow Grove MP's as security repeaters (encrypted P25 digital and some analog FM).

Ben, that's interesting that COSMICs are up. That's the callsign the NJ-ANG uses for CAPs and scrambles. I just saw your message and turned on the radios to see if I can find them. I'm hearing 138.425 interflight active but nothing to identify their mission yet.
Hearing callsign BICEP on's a pair of F-16s in ACM activity....sounds like they're out in W-107.
Also have refueling activity on 288.0
Can't find any CAP activity with HUNTRESS on any of the normal freqs.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2006
Cape May, NJ
I just caught the tail end of someone having a pressure problem, 261.000 7:15pm
anyone else hear the comm? " hearing it again talking about "fizzy" They arent declairing a IFE just coming back early.
Sounds like it might have been bicep 11 and 12.
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Transports back in a big way this afternoon.

1640: -118.95- NAVY 368 off ADW. To 121.05.
1642: -128.35- ARMY 1778 (C-37 04-1778 seen) wants the visual to 19R.
1652: -118.95- HAWK 30 vectors to DAA. Eventually cleared for visual 14. Departs around 1720, and is cleared direct Harcum and handed to 126.4.
1652: -119.85- JOSA 497 (C-21) would like the GPR 19R at ADW.
1657: -118.95- SPAR 29 (C-37 01-0029 MacDill seen) with a climb, and turns west. To 120.65.
1704: -119.85- MARINE 546 vectors to ADW.
1706: -118.95- REACH 311 (C-17 seen) off ADW, with a climb to 17K, turns to 310, and a handoff to 123.82.
1707: -118.95- NAVY 7C 905 off DAA.
1714: -378.1- EVAC 50984 (C-130 65-0984 Willow Grove seen) will be in at 2235 with 1 litter pax. I'm the only one listening.
[at this point GETAWAY 3041, the USA 3000 A320 that was the press plane for today's trip to Peoria arrived at Andrews]
1717: -118.95- TROUT 99 (C-135 57-2589 seen) with an expedited climb and a turn northwest.
1719: -118.95- PAT 44 is handed off to Quantico Approach on 127.05.
1721: -378.1- EVAC 50984 really, really just wants someone to listen to him.
1723: -128.35- EVAC 50984 wants the visual to 19R. ATC wants him to tell it to the next controller (who obliges on 119.3).
1730: -378.1- EVAC 50984 finally gets a hold of the CP, he's got 1 litter pax, needs a crew bus, and is A-2 since they'll need a GPU.
1736: -124.55- SAM 1120 is handed off to Center.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Heads up for tomorrow

This came in this afternoon, bout 1:30:

This message to advise pilots in and near New York
City, New York, that the FAA is expected to issue a notam
restricting flight in the area during President Bush's planned
visit on Wednesday, January 31.

Based on information from the FAA, the president is scheduled to be
in the New York City area sometime on Wednesday.
The notam will establish a large temporary flight restriction (TFR)
limiting general aviation flight. Typically, these presidential
travel-related TFRs are 60 nautical miles in diameter (30-nm radius)
and contain one or more smaller general aviation no-fly zones.

Expect Ramp freezes and the of this writing, no TFR has been posted.

Cross posted to the NY forum.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
For whatever strange reason, the FAA's Graphic TFR site does not have the flight restrictions for NYC tomorrow but it was posted to the NOTAM system:


Per the normal NOTAM service, the full thing is in four parts outlining the specific restricted area but the above chunk will suffice to get the times.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
01.30.2007 (cont'd)

2257Z 118.950 Potomac DEP -SAM 1086 - @ 5000' QSY 125.650 descends to 3000' cleared for the ILS app to rwy 19R QSY 118.400.
2327Z 128.350 Potomac APP - REACH 733T - descending to 4000' on the app to rwy 19R.
2332Z 132.950 ZDC-Irons - VENUS 49 (C-20C 85-0049 99th AS) - QSY 128.350 12000-9000'.
2337Z 142.750 VENUS CTL - VENUS 49 - discussing not being equipped for the GPS apps.
2355Z 141.550 Andrews AFB CP - PAT 984 (UC-35C 03-7026) - inbound w/code dropoff parking 3 Row.
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
CitationJet said:
132.950 is definitely full of action, controller called it Dulles APP at one point, and flights were heard inbound to both IAD and BWI (FALKO and SABBI on the COATT4 and OTT6 STARs) with some Southwest flights heard checking in as high as FL260 to FL220 inbound, and a couple calling Potomac CLE Center so there's action to the West as well...:cool:) it is definitely a High to Low transition freq covering this airspace.

We've covered that freq plenty.
ZDC-Irons It's in the DB.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
At approx. 21:08 EST, I had Baton 55 inbound to Harrisburg...called Ops on 395.100 with a status report. Then, a couple minutes later, I heard him on Harrisburg Approach 124.100 for the landing with full stop. I have this freq as Harrisburg West Approach. Usually, the Batons are coming back from GiantKiller turf, though. I guess maybe he circled around and entered the landing pattern from the west? I still haven't gotten down all the landing procedures for the different airports yet.

Also around the same time, I heard Guard 22985 up on Philly Approach 123.800 inbound to Trenton, NJ (KTTN). Shortly thereafter, I heard him calling KTTN Tower 120.700.

KTTN has NJ ARNG helos based there, but I don't know much about what units or what types of helos. Can anybody here look up that ID number (22985) to find out what kind of helo that was and whether it was NJARNG? If so, how and where do you ID the Army helos with these ID's? I've seen the Scramble page, but I don't have a membership there and any free searches I've ever tried have come up with nothing.


Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Army helo serials are in the YY-sssss format, with the year part of the serial always dropped. The full serial is 78-22985, which, according to Scramble, is a UH-60A. The list of NJ ArNG units is available at Trenton Airport is listed under the 'West Trenton' heading.

I'm up near TTN fairly regularly, but the ramp is empty far more often than not. If something is there, it's usually a UH-60, but I've seen OH-58s there, as well.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
143.8 for RAVEN OPS

Just looking for a confirmation here.

1405L 01/30/07 I had RAVEN 1 calling RAVEN ops asking them to call the GROVE and see if anyone was on in front of them.

I have this freq in as AFRC OPS for ADW but since I caught RAVEN on it I just wanted to confirm it was good for their OPS.


Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
Just wanted to say hi here, brand new, just purchased a pro-97 scanner. I live very close to Willow Grove NASJRB, with the landing pattern/take off pattern out my front window. I am looking forward to using the scanner to get a better hold of what's going on out there, instead of running to my window every time I hear an engine sound! I've also enjoyed reading up here on what you guys have found. I know this is the MD forum, but the PA forum doesn't have anything like this, and you guys are talking about the area as I hope this is ok to post here. being brand new at this, and basically just interested in Mil Air stuff, could anyone give me a heads up on where I should start? If this isn't the place for it, a pm or email would be greatly appreciated. I've been looking over stuff, but until I recieve the scanner (today) and start messing around, I must say this looks a little intimidating!
Thanks, and look forward to reading more of your posts!



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: Army helo serials

Hi Mateo,

Just to advise you that this statement is incorrect. There are numerous examples of Army helos, particularly UH-60s, that include the second numeral of fiscal in the serial.

Best regards,


Mateo said:
Army helo serials are in the YY-sssss format, with the year part of the serial always dropped.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
j333_76484 said:
Just looking for a confirmation here.

1405L 01/30/07 I had RAVEN 1 calling RAVEN ops asking them to call the GROVE and see if anyone was on in front of them.

I have this freq in as AFRC OPS for ADW but since I caught RAVEN on it I just wanted to confirm it was good for their OPS.

You've got it right Jeff. The MD-ANG uses 143.8/347.2 for their Raven Ops and the KC-135 756th ARS unit also has 143.8 assigned at Andrews. The Andrews tanker unit doesn't seem to use it while in this area though - I would guess because of the interference between the two units if they used it in the Andrews area. The've been been noted using it for air-to-air while away from the D.C. area though.
Waltz41/Brian said:
Just wanted to say hi here, brand new, just purchased a pro-97 scanner. I live very close to Willow Grove NASJRB, with the landing pattern/take off pattern out my front window. I am looking forward to using the scanner to get a better hold of what's going on out there, instead of running to my window every time I hear an engine sound! I've also enjoyed reading up here on what you guys have found. I know this is the MD forum, but the PA forum doesn't have anything like this, and you guys are talking about the area as I hope this is ok to post here. being brand new at this, and basically just interested in Mil Air stuff, could anyone give me a heads up on where I should start? If this isn't the place for it, a pm or email would be greatly appreciated. I've been looking over stuff, but until I recieve the scanner (today) and start messing around, I must say this looks a little intimidating!
Thanks, and look forward to reading more of your posts!

Welcome aboard Brian. We'll look forward to hearing from you as you work your way into this after getting the new scanner. It isn't intimidating at all once you follow along for a bit. I'll get more to you this evening if possible and hope some others do also.

Almost forgot to mention this....within the first 50 messages of this thread, I posted all my freqs. You could look through those freqs and pick out the ones that you notice are closest to your area. Definitely take the New York Center (ZNY) and Washington Center (ZDC) UHF freqs along with whatever else looks interesting to you. Just go back to the first page of this thread where I started with Message #1 posting one of my freq banks. They are scattered randomly from message 1 to 50. The only minor problem you'll have is that I use 16-character descriptions for each freq to conform to the Uniden standard and I believe the RS PRO-97 uses 12-characters for alpha tags so you'll need to modify them slightly.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1400: Flight of A-10s from the MD-ANG Martin State on interflight...142.3
1401: WILD flight of F-16s from the DC-ANG Andrews on interflight...139.15
1402: WILD flight to Potomac TRACON heading for home...335.5
1403: WILD flight to Andrews Tower for approach to runway...349.0
1409: WILD flight lands at Andrews...349.0
1411: VENUS 21 calling SAM Command...141.55
1412: REACH 335 to Andrews with arrival message...25 minutes out, A-1, 19 pax and 3 pallets - all for throughload, needs fleet service, pax and crew buses and parking...378.1
1416: SLAM 91 with Patuxent...will operate from 25000 to 41000 feet...305.2
1419: SLAM 91 handed off to BayWatch to check in...354.8
Too many units use the SLAM callsign to be able to identify this flight based on what has been heard so far. It sounds like an F-16 so could be from the VA-ANG unit at Richmond...just a WAG though.
1421: The MD-ANG A-10s are in the Vienna MD area around the Patuxent Range...callsign RAVEN...142.3
1424: RAVEN flight with Patuxent A/D...314.0
1428: SLAM 91 tells Pax he's about to start a supersonic run...354.8 ( F-16 guess is looking weak at this point.)
1430: MARINE 133 calls Navy Ops at Andrews with arrival message...IDs as a UC-35, 5-10 minutes out, has a Code V-4 and a V-2 aboard....139.3
1431: SLAM 91 gives details on his run...began the supersonic run on the 110 degree radial, 24 miles from Pax at 39,800 feet and ended the run at the 140 degree radial, 27 miles at 36,000 feet. He reached a speed of mach 1.45...said the winds were 120 knots at altitude and is sorry if he came close to the border...354.8
1435: RAVEN flight now with Atlantic City Approach...mention going to the range...327.125
1435: REACH 337T giving arrival message to Patuxent River Base Ops...302.55
Confirming the VHF portion of the MilAir band is unbelievably noisy again today.
1445: Well, well, well...looks like I was right the first time....SLAM 91 tells Pax he's going to RTB to Richmond...looking for altitude 8500...354.8 (Don't often hear F-16s doing supersonic runs. This was apparently a single ship flight.)
1448: SLAM 91 to VA-ANG Richmond Command Post...couple of calls, no joy...142.175
1450: SLAM 91 contacts CP with arrival message...says he's 10 minutes out, Code 2 for minor writeups - "avionics stuff"...142.175
1451: SLAM 91 tells Pax he wants to switch over to a Potomac freq (couldn't hear the reply freq - searching)...354.8
1456: U/I Langley F-22A flight with Norfolk TRACON...they say change to "11 Main"...370.925
1458: Same Langley F-22A flight now on interflight freq...228.45
1458: TRITON 11 F-22 flight with Norfolk TRACON...say to push 7...370.925
1459: TRITON 11 (F-22A Langley) over to Giant Killer to enter W-386 for the next 20 minutes...238.1
This callsign has always sounded more like TRAETON to me.

1502: GINZU 11 (F-22A Langley) calling Giant reply...238.1
1504: GINZU 11 flight to Giant KIller and says they're already in W-386...249.8
Both TRITON and GINZU have previously been identified as F-22A callsigns.
1506: GINZU flight leader tells GK they're changing to 36 and will call in 5 minutes before RTB...249.8
1506: GINZU flight is working interflight...228.45
1507: BATON ?? flight to Baton Ops inquiring about BATON 35 and whether it's flying...mentions that he has a left main tire that has a "pretty decent vibration after a couple of touch and goes"...says he'd like to change the tire but if one is not readily available, he can still fly the two sorties this evening...395.1
1509: GINZU 11 talking to another F-22A using exercise callsign ALABAMA (who is using a funny voice acting as a Forward Air Controller giving directions to simulated ground targets)...228.45 ...ALABMA is asking for two JDAMs to be dropped on the target and then gives the lat/longs for it.
1512: "ALABAMA" is giving info for "a target that's Army which means they're still sleeping" and again gives lat/longs for it...GINZU will attack from 20,000 feet. (It sounds like GINZU flight leader doesn't find the humor in "ALABAMA's" voice antics)...228.45
Although ALABAMA is describing physical ground targets, they are out over the ocean so the only thing the attacking pilots care about are the lat/longs for the target. Since they're dropping from 20,000 feet, they can't see the targets anyway. ALABAMA is acting like a complete idiot but I can't help laughing. It's apparently a flight of three aircraft - one playing the part of ALABAMA along with GINZU 11 and 12 as the attacking jets.
Wish I could get a recording of this. It would be a classic.
1524: Another F-22A flight on interflight freq...this might be the TRITON flight...233.525
1524: GINZU 11 flight to Giant Killer to say they have a flight plan to Norfolk starting at Snow Hill...249.8
1525: GINZU flight descending from 18 to 12,000 feet...249.8
1527: GINZU flight handed off by GK on 249.8 to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8
1528: GINZU 11 flight checks in with ZDC-Cape Charles at 12,500 feet...wants to file a VFR flight plan...says they want to go out toward Roanoke before returning to Langley...256.8
1530-34: SPAR 92 calling Griffin Post at Andrews over and over with no reply...141.55
1534: JOSA 776 calling on Andrews PTD 372.2 to get his departure time recorded...says he can't reach them on "the other freq"...departed at 2032Z
1535: RAVEN flight back in listeing range on interflight...142.3
1536: RAVEN flight to Raven Ops to report 5 minutes out...RAVEN 1 is Code 1 and 2 is Code 3 for "1 hung" (meaning one hung rocket)...Raven Ops acknowledges and repeats the Code info...347.2
1538: SPAR 92 now trying to reach Andrews Dispatch on the PTD freq...still no joy...372.2
1540: SPAR 92 to Andrews Tower...says he's 11 miles out for runway 1L and then goes on to talk about no contact on the Command Post freqs...118.4
1542: RAVENs with Martin State Tower approach the runway...297.2
1545: RAVEN flight touching down at MTN..."RAVEN 1, base, gear, stop"...297.2

And as we approach 1600, the MilAir band is quiet so it's time to end the log. Back later. There is some activity at Pax on 392.675 that has been ongoing for some time but I never dialed in to get the callsigns. Jeff?
And just as I was about to turn off the radios, the 392.675 freq has a SALTY DOG 102 refueling from a tanker on that freq. Didn't hear a callsign for the tanker...fighter reported weapons safe, nose cold.
And a couple of minutes later...There is also a WATERBUG 815 aircraft and another SALTY DOG 323 on the freq. WATERBUG appears to be the tanker. That's strange.
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
TinEar said:
Almost forgot to mention this....within the first 50 messages of this thread, I posted all my freqs. You could look through those freqs and pick out the ones that you notice are closest to your area. Definitely take the New York Center (ZNY) and Washington Center (ZDC) UHF freqs along with whatever else looks interesting to you. Just go back to the first page of this thread where I started with Message #1 posting one of my freq banks. They are scattered randomly from message 1 to 50. The only minor problem you'll have is that I use 16-character descriptions for each freq to conform to the Uniden standard and I believe the RS PRO-97 uses 12-characters for alpha tags so you'll need to modify them slightly.


You could also check out the PA Military Monitors email list at Yahoo Groups. I just posted a whole mess of frequencies for units in PA (including Willow Grove stuff).

The air traffic control frequencies are easy enough to find at

PA Military Monitors

The Wiki here at Radio Reference has good milair stuff for the region, too. You just need to dig around to find the info.

Any questions, fire away.

Norristown, PA


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Lots of interruptions today, so really not much monitoring going on from work...


1829Z 378.100 Andrews AFB CP - DC31 clg LIBERATOR here no joy while I was listening.
1830Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 1778 (C-37B 04-1778 OSACOM/PAT) - deps ADW to 11000' dir FLUKY QSY 121.050.
1839Z 119.300 Potomac APP - DC 31 - cleared for the ILS app to rwy 1L @ ADW.
1854Z 378.100 Andrews AFB CP - JOSA 901 (C-21A) - clg here no joy.

1916Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 997 - deps ADW to 12000' dir LDN.
1933Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 301 (UC-35B 01-0301 PATD) - deps ADW dir LDN QSY 118.675.

2044Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 0446 (C-5A 70-0446 68th AS) - QSY ZDC-Montebello 121.675.
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