Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
I have a "possible" new callsign that I can't find listed. As I was reviewing today's recordings, I heard a comm. on 138.000. I recorded the tail end of the convo but I got what sounded like "off, JASMINE 1". I'll attach the audio file later tonight but in the meantime, can anyone tell me who it was? It was definately a fighter because it had that distinct sound.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
6:55 L Have Unided A/C up 272.4. Said some thing about ROMEO. and referencing ground based targets

Still getting them. The aircraft is 889 and is talking to ROMEO or the aircraft is ROMEO 889. Can't put my finger on it yet. Might just be DarKStar ROMEO (guess)
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
trainman111 said:
I have a "possible" new callsign that I can't find listed. As I was reviewing today's recordings, I heard a comm. on 138.000. I recorded the tail end of the convo but I got what sounded like "off, JASMINE 1". I'll attach the audio file later tonight but in the meantime, can anyone tell me who it was? It was definately a fighter because it had that distinct sound.

Nick, I can only add that the 138.0 freq is used by the VT-ANG F-16s at their new Langley Detachment unit. They refer to it as preset V-20. Considering your location, it's probably who was using that freq.
1910: REACH 1815 to SAM Command at Andrews with arrival message....ETA 0040Z, A-1, has 15 pax and 4 pallets to offload, needs 15,000 pounds of fuel and a parking spot...gets Row 13C...378.1
1918: BATON 55 [female] (EC-130J, 193rd Spec Ops Wing, PA-ANG Harrisburg) to Giant Killer to report she'll be working in W-107, air A-E...255.0
1921: PAT 44 (helo) reports to DCA Helo Control he's at Greenbelt taking Route 3...120.75
1923: BATON 55 again to Giant Killer repeating that her plan is to work her mission A-010A from 0030Z to 0230Z in W-107 A to E...she's heading eastbound and entry will be at 0030Z...255.0
1927: BATON 55 cleared for only airspace A and D at this time...255.0
1929: BATON 55 [male this time] repeats they are cleared for A and D from 6 to 50,000 feet...255.0
1934: OPEC 38 (KC-10A McGuire AFB) to Giant Killer...118.125
1936: CARMEN 1 (C-130H, 142nd AS, DE-ANG at Wilmington) calling SEABEE (Ops at Wilmington)...343.0
1938: OPEC 38 asking Giant Killer about his receivers (??? 32 and 33)...then a minute later says he is making a 270 degree turn at Norfolk for timing purposes...118.125
1941: OPEC 38 mentions his IP at Sea Isle for AR-606 (He said "606" rather than "636") He also mentioned NTU (NAS Oceana) (which might be where his receivers are from.)
1943: CARMEN 1 still calling SEABEE...343.0
1947: CRAB 55 (C-130J MD-ANG Warfield ANGB) to Crab Ops to report he was off (airborne) at 0045Z...385.9
1952: U/I aircraft [female] says she's established at FL 250...on AR-636 primary freq...238.9

That's all I can log for now.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
TinEar said:
There is some activity at Pax on 392.675 that has been ongoing for some time but I never dialed in to get the callsigns. Jeff?
And just as I was about to turn off the radios, the 392.675 freq has a SALTY DOG 102 refueling from a tanker on that freq. Didn't hear a callsign for the tanker...fighter reported weapons safe, nose cold.
And a couple of minutes later...There is also a WATERBUG 815 aircraft and another SALTY DOG 323 on the freq. WATERBUG appears to be the tanker. That's strange.

Not uncommon at all for Waterbug to conduct Tanker OPS for Flight test birds here at PAX. If memory serves they only have one tanker so you will likely not catch it everyday. Currenly in our barn we have a visiting C-130, I forget from where and also forget callsign. "HURRY 11" rings a bell but not betting the paycheck on it. This C-130 is here conducting refueiling tests with the Ospreys. I heard them up yesterday but can't say I heard them today.

0813: - 369.9 - TALON 11 up this morning with CHECK IN. Advising waiting in the areas for OSPREY flight and Salty Dog for Refueling ops. Advises DISCRETE already given as 315.5. I already had an unknown station conducting Radio Checks on 315.5 a little while ago.
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean

A flight of FLYERS (PAANG 103rd FS A-10's, Willow Grove) was up just after 9 AM and headed west with hand off from Philly Approach to Reading Approach then to Bollen Range Primary 237.200. I'm not sure if this is a single A-10 of a flight of several.

There's another flight of 2 A-10's preparing to depart Willow Grove now...unknown destination.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to listen any longer.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
benrussellpa said:
A flight of FLYERS (PAANG 103rd FS A-10's, Willow Grove) was up just after 9 AM and headed west with hand off from Philly Approach to Reading Approach then to Bollen Range Primary 237.200. I'm not sure if this is a single A-10 of a flight of several.

There's another flight of 2 A-10's preparing to depart Willow Grove now...unknown destination.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to listen any longer.

Ben what freq did the FLYER flight use for Reading? Was it the 257.9 freq?


Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
TinEar said:
Ben what freq did the FLYER flight use for Reading? Was it the 257.9 freq?

Will let you know when I get home from work. I only caught them this morning because I was getting ready to go to therapy for a shoulder injury I got during a water rescue w/ my fire co.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1326: SCARY flight of DC-ANG F-16s from Andrews on interflight...143.6
1334: CADE flight of PA-ANG A-10s from Willow Grove at Bollen Range...flight leader tells BALKY range controller that "#1 will play the part of a ground FAC"...237.2 (Wow...they're loud! Flight leader is using HAMMER as a simulated FAC callsign.)
1335: SCARY flight with Giant Killer to check into W-107...255.0
1338: SCARY flight leader tells Giant Killer they'll be working 337.225 and that a WILD flight will be along shortly...255.0
1340: WILD flight of three DC-ANG F-16s on interflight...139.15
1340: Fightes on interflight freq...138.5...might be the CADE flight...haven't heard PA-ANG use this interflight freq in ages but it is one of their presets (V-7)
1343: U/I flight, suffix 74, with Baton Ops giving arrival message...will have 14,000 pounds of fuel when landing, has 6 passengers and their bags, needs crew trans for 4...has 1200 pounds of loose boxes that he says the Security Police will pick up when they land and that they're aware of it....395.1
1347: JOSA 676 calling Griffin Command at Andrews...141.55
1349: WILD flight with ZDC-Sea Isle...281.45
1352: WILD flight handed off by ZDC to Giant Killer where they check in as a flight of three at FL 270...say they'll be working mission A0103 with the SCARY flight for the next 20 minutes...255.0
1353: WILD flight tells Giant Killer they'll work 337.225...255.0
1353: WILD/SCARY flights setting up their mission and talking about cloud decks in their mission area...337.225
1355: SCARY and WILD move back to their respective interflight freqs for their work....143.6 and 139.15
1356: CADE flight attacking a pork chop at Bollen Range...well, the flight leader acting as a FAC, says the target they're to attack looks like a "pork chop"...237.2
[CADE flight leader has a voice you'd always be able to pick out. He sounds to be about 90 years old and isn't using a phony voice as they sometimes do. This one is for real. Radio conditions are amazingly good today. I've barely got the volume control opened on the Bollen freq and they're still loud. Same thing for the SCARY/WILD flights on both interflight and the common UHF freq they're using.]

1402: VENUS 24 with Andrews Approach...119.3
1402: SCARY/WILD flights in ACM activity...143.6/139.15/337.225
1405: WILD flight leader sending a wingman to Giant Killer to tell him they'll RTB in 5 minutes...139.15
1406: AXEMAN or RAVEN flight of MD-ANG A-10s up on interflight...142.3
1407: RAVEN with Raven Ops talking about altitudes...347.2
1407: WILD 3 to Giant Killer to announce RTB as a single ship direct Andrews...says the other two will follow...255.0
1410: RAVEN flight of A-10s from Martin State up with ZNY-???? on one of the new New York Center freqs...285.65
1411: U/I flight with Dover Tower mentions the Command Post and landlines at Dover are out of service and wants his arrival passed to them...126.35
1412: WILD 3 has no radar which is why he's returning early...255.0
1414: SCARY 1 to Giant Killer to say he's following WILD 3 to Sea Isle, Nottingham, Andrews...255.0
1416: WILD 1, flight of two, announces RTB 30 miles behind the SCARY flight RTB...255.0
1417: RAVEN flight still with ZNY getting course corrections and point-outs to traffic in their area...285.65
1418: SCARY 1 and 2 are flying with WILD 3 on the way home...all on interflight...143.6
1419: RAVEN flight mentions 098/27 from the bullseye...142.3
1420: RAVEN flight handed off by ZNY on 285.65 to ZNY-Williamsport 338.3 and mention direct Slate Run.
Here they come Dave!!
1423: DEVIL flight of NJ-ANG F-16s from Atlantic City active on interflight...138.875
1424: RAVEN tells ZNY they're going non-standard..his wingman will be in about a 9000 foot trail...338.3
1426: Sounds like the RAVEN flight doesn't have their flight scheduled at the range per conversations with ZNY...338.3
1428: DEVIL flight is a three-ship at least...138.875
1428: WILD flight reports he's Code and radar...believe he has a bad UHF radio...143.6
1430: Giant Killer's tactical freq active...probably the DEVIL flight which they use while out in W-107 the same way the DC-ANG guys use 337.225 while there...312.3
1433: SCARY 1 and 2 along with WILD 3 report in to SOF with mission results and Codes..say they'll be home in about 6.9 minutes...139.9
1434: U/I Coast Guard aircraft says he'll be on the deck at 4:30 local time...379.05
1434: WILD 1 and 2 to SENATE SOF "in the blind" with mission results...both Code 1...15 minutes out...139.9
1435: DEVIL is a flight of four F-16s...138.875
1435: SCARY 1/2-WILD 3 flight to Potomac TRACON and check in...317.425
1438: WILD 1/2 with ZDC-Kenton...354.15
1438: TRACON asks SCARY flight what type aircraft they are...SCARY replies they are 3 F-16s...ground repeats it as F-15s so SCARY has to correct him. (Unusual since the guys at BWI TRACON always are aware of the callsigns from Andrews...must be new there.)...317.425
1440: Aircraft on Coast Guard freq talking about winds...they identify as 253 and 101...379.05
1440: SCARY 1/2 and WILD 3 handed off to TRACON freq and check in at 4000 feet...270.275
1440: WILD 1/2 handed off to TRACON at BWI...317.425
1442: WILD doesn't check in so ground asks if they're on the freq...they answer up...ground asks if they're a flight of two...WILD acknowledges...317.425
1443: SCARY 1 MARSA WILD 3 check in with Andrews Tower...349.0
1444L WILD 1/2 handed off to TRACON in Andrews area and check in for approach to Andrews runway 19L...270.275
1446: SCARY 1 reports "base, gear, stop, on the left"...SCARY 2 repeats the same....WILD 3 follows...349.0 (Done with them)
1447: WILD reports field in sight...descending to 2000 feet...handed off to Tower...270.275
1448: WILD checks in with Andrews Tower 7 miles to the east...has to explain they're a two ship...349.0
1448: RAVEN flight back in listening range...returning from the Duke MOA where they met rejection...142.3
1450: WILD 1 reports "base, gear, stop, cleared to land left"...WILD 2 reports "gear, stop, left"...349.0 (Done with them too)
1451: DEVIL flight seems to have split up and a couple of them are on their other favorite interflight freq...138.425
1453: DEVIL 11 flight with Giant Killer giving an IFF flash...255.0

1500: End of log for now. See y'all in the afterlife.
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Nov 3, 2005
TinEar said:
1356: CADE flight attacking a pork chop at Bollen Range...well, the flight leader acting as a FAC, says the target they're to attack looks like a "pork chop"...237.2
[CADE flight leader has a voice you'd always be able to pick out. He sounds to be about 90 years old and isn't using a phony voice as they sometimes do. This one is for real. Radio conditions are amazingly good today. I've barely got the volume control opened on the Bollen freq and they're still loud. Same thing for the SCARY/WILD flights on both interflight and the common UHF freq they're using.]

Roger that on the conditions today Tin, I was actually able to pick them up at Bollen from my location, that's never happened before. I also got them on 138.50 talking to each other. (2/2/2007 NOTE: I mistakenly listed them as 138.15 air to air yesterday)

Yeah Ravens are headed back, I believe they are going to Bollen. They thought they had the DUKE from 14:15 to 15:00, but the DUKE was only scheduled to 14:30.

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Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
I figured it was VT ANG too, since that's all I have that frequency listed for, but what would they have referred to as Jasmine 1? I'll try to get the file up this evening so you can listen to it.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
trainman111 said:
I figured it was VT ANG too, since that's all I have that frequency listed for, but what would they have referred to as Jasmine 1? I'll try to get the file up this evening so you can listen to it.

I did a little looking and could not find anything to support my suspicion. But most places "name" their published preferred APP/DEP routes. I.E. PAX has a "SWABY" Departure. Some of the names they pick for these routes can be a tad odd it seems. Also I have seen numbers after the names as well. So I am wondering if what you heard was an aircraft calling the base ops just to let them know they are off the deck and possibly threw in that he had used the "JASMINE 1" as a Departure route.

Again. Just a wild guess here and I could not find anything to back up my suspicion. If this is the case, with your proximity to LFI you will likely hear it again and probably from another aircraft and not the same one you heard.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Hi guys,

There is a DRONE1 STAR for KLFI?


j333_76484 said:
I did a little looking and could not find anything to support my suspicion. But most places "name" their published preferred APP/DEP routes. I.E. PAX has a "SWABY" Departure. Some of the names they pick for these routes can be a tad odd it seems. Also I have seen numbers after the names as well. So I am wondering if what you heard was an aircraft calling the base ops just to let them know they are off the deck and possibly threw in that he had used the "JASMINE 1" as a Departure route.

Again. Just a wild guess here and I could not find anything to back up my suspicion. If this is the case, with your proximity to LFI you will likely here it again and probably from another aircraft and not the same one you heard.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


1624Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 5412 - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 123.825.

1732Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - COAST GUARD 102 (C-143A 02) - on the descent into DCA.
1739Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 2110 (C-17A 02-1110 62nd AW) - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 123.825.
1751Z 119.300 Potomac APP - PAT 674 - inbound on the ILS 19R app.
1753Z 119.300 Potomac APP - NAVY 700 - 170 kt. speed restriction on the ILS rwy 19L @ ADW.
1756Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - DC 42 - on the ILS for rwy 19L.

1810Z 118.950 Potomac APP - PAT 326A - to 8000' dir CSN expect vects. ILS 1L QSY 126.650.
1843Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 676 (C-21A) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650.

1901Z 119.300 Potomac APP - VENUS 24 (C-20 86-0204) - 4500' for 2000' for the option app 19L.
1903Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 401 - deps ADW to 16000' dir MOL QSY 121.675.
1908Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 626 - expect ILS app to rwy 14 @ Davison down to 2000' QSY Davison AAF TWR 126.300 cleared for the vis. to rwy 14.
1911Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - VENUS 24 (C-20 86-0204) - cleared for the option and req. IFR clnc to ACY pulls out runway heading to 3000'.
1922Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 425 - deps DAA to 14000' QSY 123.825.
1928Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 674 - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 123.825.
1951Z 119.300 Potomac APP - MARINE 206 - down to 2000' on the app to 19L @ ADW QSY TWR 118.400 7 nms. to the E for rwy 19L.
1953Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BELGIAN AIR FORCE 604 (A310 CA-02 15th TW Melsbroek) - deps ADW rdr contact 1 nm. S of ADW to 17000' QSY 123.825.
1956Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 21863 (C-37A 02-1863) - deps ADW rdr contact 3 nms. S of ADW to 11000' QSY 121.050.

2008Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 2401 (Davison C-12T pm shuttle) - deps DAA QSY 118.950 @ 1200' for 2000' cleared to 5000' dir GRUBY QSY 126.400.
2016Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 626 - deps DAA @ 1200' for 2000' cleared to 7000' QSY 126.650.
2033Z 287.600 Foghorn CTL Pentagon - wkg MUSSEL 05 (UH-1 89th AW/1st HS Andrews) and again @ 2044Z. Rest of comms faded out very quickly after initial xmsn.

2106Z 287.600 Foghorn CTL Pentagon - wkg UNID w/ "have blue light and core(?)".
2111Z 119.300 Potomac APP - MUSSEL 05 - 8 nms. S of ADW southbound joining MUSSEL 6 @ 1000'.
2113Z 287.600 Foghorn CTL Pentagon - MUSSEL 06 - reports ETA 35 past the hour then into telephone ring tones.
2138Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 2402 (Davison C-12T pm shuttle) - lands rwy 14.

2216Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 074 - 4 nms. out on the app to rwy 14.
2227Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 975 (C-12) - descending on the app to Davison AAF rwy 14 dir DAA down to 2000' QSY TWR 126.300.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
CitationJet said:
Hi guys,

There is a DRONE1 STAR for KLFI?


Rgr Tony, I saw that one. I know PAX has several that I have never seen listed anywhere publicly and I suspect LFI/ORF has the same.

I have seen hardcopies of these for PAX that I have never seen on the Net as yet. They are not even listed under the Flight Pubs Terminal Approach plates. Some are listed but not all. I was figuring it might be possible that he might have heard an aircraft, likely MAPLES evidently, referring to one of these less well known departure routes.

Again, Just a wild guess there.

"JASMINE 1" just does not sound like a call sign I think I would want to be using while flying a fighter. :)


Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
After I posted my A-10 report and left the house to go to PT and work, I turned on a local Philly morning radio show to hear them raving about the Willow Grove A-10's, how cool they were, and how they were going to blow up the radio show's smelly old refrigerator.

Based on the portion of the show I heard, the radio show is donating their fridge as a target for the A-10's and will be placing cameras on the range when the planes light into the thing with their guns. I wasn't quite sure from the part of the show I heard, but I think this little adventure will be taking place at Indiantown Gap. I'll let y'all know if and when the video get posted on their website.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Now that I listen to it, you may be right Jeff. I never that of that. It does sound like JAWS ONE ONE. And that would make sense since JAWS is a VT ANG callsign. Good catch, I never thought of it as that.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
trainman111 said:
Now that I listen to it, you may be right Jeff. I never that of that. It does sound like JAWS ONE ONE. And that would make sense since JAWS is a VT ANG callsign. Good catch, I never thought of it as that.

I had same recorded audio here but the C/S was cut off so I could not say for certain. You had me scratching my head though. :)


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
trainman111 said:
Now that I listen to it, you may be right Jeff. I never that of that. It does sound like JAWS ONE ONE. And that would make sense since JAWS is a VT ANG callsign. Good catch, I never thought of it as that.

Just got a chance to listen Nick and it definitely sounds like JAWS 11 to me too. Little doubt it's the VT-ANG Langley Detachment since freq and callsign match.

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