Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
Just got woken up by an intercept training exercise on 139.7 I can hear all sides. I'm recording and will listen later, time to sleep.

0430- And they're still at it, it sounds like. Though all I can hear is one fighter.
0445- Finally heard the other fighter. The pair is BRAVE-61/62.

About 0520 the BRAVE flight was discussing RTB.
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Feb 1, 2006
Alittle J-STARS info. When J-STARS is working in the Warning Areas off Fl. They usually block 310-430.
One of my first J-STAR log was over 800 miles from my home.



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: ATN540

Hi Tin,

Just wanted to send that info over in case you hadn't seen it. Now I know we're on the same page...:cool:

I get the same glorious noise here throughout the night from IAD when the winds are right...

Best regards,


TinEar said:
Yup...aware of that Tony but thanks. (Saw Allen Stern's message on that.) The last one I heard from BWI was Air Transport 520 Heavy in the middle of the night. This is an airport that "officially" closes at 11 p.m. for noise restriction purposes. However, the Air Transport, FedEx, and UPS heavies all shake the ground in the wee hours of the morning taking off. Around 3 a.m. the Star Check flights start coming and going but those are all small and relatively quiet aircraft.


Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
Morning guys:

Yesterday during the VIP visit to the park down here I heard Eagle2 with approach on 132.850 prior to their arrival. Approach gave him a 10 minute warning, he said he was staying to the west until they landed and then would go to Shenandoah airport. Never heard any comms with Marine 1 or any others on that freq, or any others locally used. Never heard any Nighthawks although Nighthawk33 was here the day before for practice. So who is Eagle2?

Another interesting observation - the Park police P25 system was very busy all morning with snow/ice removal, coffee making and food vendors and vans arriving etc, but just prior to VIP arrival they were told to commence radio silence and I barely heard a peep out of them for at least 45 minutes when I had to stop listening to actually (gasp) do some work.

I've also noticed several time that the approach controllers start sounding real serious and formal when the VIPs pass through the area...


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
Eagle-2 belongs to the US Park Police. There is also an Eagle-1.

And I just now learned about a third, Eagle-3 of course. There was a bank robbery at Arlington Blvd/Gallows Rd about 15 minutes ago and Fairfax's helo is down. They just now said Eagle-3 would be up for them.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Early 1100 hour has DEVIL 11/12 F-16s from Atlantic City on their way home from the Dover area (30 miles west of Dover.) Heard on 327.125 with Atlantic City Approach requesting vectors to the ILS runway 31 at ACY and with Devil Ops on 261.0 reporting 6-9 minutes out, Code 1 for 11 and Code 2 for 12 software issue as previously known.

Sounds like BLACKJACK is active with HUNTRESS on 139.7 at 1108 but only heard one transmission from him.

U/I C-130 going into Andrews...called Andrews Navy Ops on 386.8 and then 139.3 to report 10 minutes out at 1105. Didn't get to either freq in time to hear callsign.

Other than those few, MilAir activity doesn't seem to exist this morning.

1115: Crab Ops (MD-ANG) talking to an aircraft on the ground...385.9 (Also heard Raven Ops a few minutes ago on 347.2 talking to aircraft on the ground so something might be getting ready to fly from MTN.)
1117: And here they go...RAVEN flight of A-10s from MTN report to Raven Ops they're off at 17 (past the hour)...347.2
1119: U/I on Guard 121.5..."Potomac Approach, this is Coast Guard 1CX (1CE the second time he called). Do you read me?" His transmitter is cutting in and out. He's obviously got a radio problem of some kind. (Callsign: One Charlie Xray and One Charlie Echo)
1124: Another flight of A-10s is up from MTN on interflight freq...callsign AXEMAN...142.3
1127: AXEMAN reports to Raven Ops they were off at 22...347.2
1128: RAVEN flight checking into Pax...354.8 (No interflight freq for RAVEN heard...and just found out's a single ship A-10 flight)
1129: AXEMAN flight with Dover Approach...257.875
1130: TESTER 10 with BayWatch...354.8
1133: AXEMAN flight mentions 10 miles south of Bay Bridge...142.3
1133: CRAB 54 (C-130J MD-ANG MTN) calling Crab Ops (and he's got a stuck mic button)...385.9
1134: CRAB 54 reports off at 30...ground confirms "off at 30 past the hour"...385.9
1136: Crab Ops calling CRAB 51...385.9
1137: AXEMAN 1 calls Atlantic City Approach...says they're at 7500 feet VFR on the way to the range...327.125
1137: Crab Ops calls CRAB 51 again...51 responds that he's got some type of problem but is too weak to understand (he may still be on the ground)...385.9
1139: Crab Ops to CRAB 51 and says they're going to try to get you another aircraft before the mission tonight...(if 51 responded, I couldn't hear him this time)...385.9
1146: GRAYHAWK 1 (E-2 Norfolk NAS) calls "Command Post" on Dover's CP freq...x3, no joy...349.4
1147: GRAYHAWK 1 calls Comand Post again and transmits in the blind..."10 minutes out, we'll need 5000 pounds of gas upon arrival"....349.4
1148: GRAYHAWK 1..."On a new transmitter. How do you hear?"...349.4
1150: U/I that might have been the GRAYHAWK 1 reporting 7 miles to the Dover Tower...279.625
1152: Refueling freq..female callsigns...295.8
1154: REACH 375 calling Dover Metro but he's on the wrong freq....252.1
1155: The AXEMAN pair of A-10s is now out of listening range...they apparently went to the Warren Grove Range for work but were at low altitudes so can't be heard....RAVEN was at Pax last time heard, was working alone so no transmissions from him heard at all since he checked in there.
1157: REACH 375 now calling Dover Command Post but still on the wrong freq...252.1
1158: REACH 375 finally got it right...calling Dover Metro...makes contact and asks for Westover (KCEF) weather for 1730Z.."please include winds, pressure, altitude and temperature"...342.0

1201: REACH 375 gets the weather for KCEF...IDs as a C-5 at FL 330, reports winds at 273/128...342.0
1206: PAT 098 calling Andrews Command Post...x3, no joy...141.55
1210: RAVEN 1 to Raven Ops to report 10 minutes out, Code 3 for ??? computer and CDU...347.2
1214: Have a U/I with Andrews saying he's going to try a couple of approach into Andrews...if he can't make it he'll divert to Pax....wants the controller to check with Pax to make sure they don't have a runway closure "or anything crazy like that"...378.1
1215: RAVEN 1 to MTN Tower for straight in to runway 33...297.2
1217: NAVY 700 on HUNTRESS freq reports airborne and asks for a radio check...says he's flying 270 at level 3000...he's "ready for Sparkle"...260.9
1218: NAVY 700 tells ground that when they're ready to Sparkle, give him a range and bearing...then repeats bearing 226, 7 miles...reports good Sparkle, continue for demo the nose 13 miles...260.9
He apparently has passengers that are observing this test of the warning system. I heard him from takeoff but he never mentioned a ground station callsign...just reported airborne and started talking.
1221: NAVY 700 still reporting good visual on the Sparkle..."thanks for the help" which makes it look like the test is already done...360.9
1221: RAVEN 1 reports gear down...297.2
1223: RAVEN 1 reports on the deck at 22 to Raven Ops (he's on the ground while reporting this)...Ops repeats that...347.2
1226: U/I to Willow Grove AFRC Ops reports 10 minutes out, A-3 for numerous writeups...351.75
1229: AXEMAN flight back in listening range...sound like they're on the way home...142.3
1231: AXEMAN flight to Raven Ops with arrival msg...10 minutes out (missed Code for 1...2 is Code 2 for Ops radio...347.2
1232: AXEMAN to MTN Tower...flight of two for straight in...2 will land first followed by number 1...297.2
1234: AXEMAN 2 reports ATIS info...part of which is winds are 290/17 with gusts to 35...142.3
The AXEMAN pair was non-stop chat on the way out as long as I could hear them with the flight leader instructing the #2 on various instruments aboard the A-10 and flight procedures for this area. Same thing on the way home. Sounds like we've got a pilot new to this area aboard #2.
1237: AXEMAN 2 to MTN Tower to report 3 miles out, straight in for runway 33....AXEMAN 1 reports gear down, full stop for runway 33...297.2 (Followed by more chat on 142.3 about why they do things the way they do in this area.)
1241: BRAVE 61 (F-16 scramble from Andrews) with TRACON for climbout...348.725
1242: BRAVE 61/62 direct DAILY climbing to FL 190....139.7
1242: BRAVE 61 to someone on the ground asks, "Understand this is an exercise?"...139.7
1243: BRAVE 61 tells HUNTRESS to slow down and just tell them what he wants...139.7
HUNTRESS got into the "crazy" mode and started shouting out BRAs to the BRAVE flight which resulted in that response from the flight leader.
1243: BRAVE 61/62 to ZDC-Calvert...281.4
1243: HUNTRESS gives BRA to the BRAVE 61/62 flight...139.8
1244: BRAVE asks ZDC to climb to 260 for air defense exercise...and is cleared...281.4
1245: BRAVE 61/62 both report timber sweet, no contact with TOI...tail number of TOI is N10FG...139.7
I believe that tail number was from HUNTRESS to the fighters.
1246: BRAVE 61/62 handed to ZDC-Brooke...327.0
1247: HUNTRESS continues to give TOI BRA to the fighters...139.7
1248: BRAVE 61 to ZDC to report bearing 255 to intercept the TOI...tally ho reported...327.0
1248: Tally reported at 15 miles by BRAVE 61...airspeed 230 for the TOI...139.7
1250: BRAVEs have tally on other traffic than their TOI in their current identified as a single KC-135...asks HUNTRESS if he wants a tail number...139.7
1251: BRAVE 61 gives the tail number as 91497 with a New Jersey tail flash...139.7
This should make the TOI a KC-135 from the 108th ARW at McGuire. Full tail number would be 59-1497, "The Spirit of Warren City."
1252: BRAVE 61 reports two pilots in the cockpit and nothing seems out of the normal...139.7
1253: BRAVE 61 says he's on the TOI's wing at this time...tells ZDC he doesn't know how long they'll be there...327.0
1253: HUNTRESS tells BRAVE 61 to use Victor Guard...61 asks if he means "real world Victor Guard"...139.7
I put a radio on 121.5 but heard nothing there.
1254: HUNTRESS tells BRAVE 61 to headbutt the target south...139.7
1254: BRAVE 61 tells HUNTRESS the TOI is not responding to the headbutt...tells BRAVE 62 to join on the left wing of the TOI...repeats that TOI is not responding to headbutt...139.7
1255: BRAVE 61 tells ZDC they're awaiting words from HUNTRESS...they're still with the TOI who is at altitude 255...327.0
1256: BRAVE 61 tells HUNTRESS the target is starting a right hand turn...HUNTRESS tells them to terminate...139.7
1257: HUNTRESS gives BRAVE 61/62 a news mission -- RTB...BRAVE 61 reports they'll orbit at Nottingham to burn down gas...says BRAVE 61 will land first, 62 second...139.7
1257: BRAVE 61 says HUNTRESS is done with them...want to hold at OTT...327.0
1258: HUNTRESS asks BRAVE 61 for fuel and Codes...61 says he's currently 6900 pounds but has to hold to burn down gas...says when they burn off the gas, he'll give codes, etc...139.7
1259: BRAVE 61 reports maintaining FL 240...327.0

1301: BRAVE 61 says to switch to U-19 and come up with TRACON...says they'll orbit around OTT for the next 15 minutes...then 61 will land and 62 will hold for another 15 minutes...wants 6-7000 feet for their orbit at OTT...335.5 (Both F-16s have a little over 6000 pounds of gas at this time)
1307: BRAVE 61 tells TRACON he's ready to RTB and that 62 will hold for another 15 minutes...335.5
1307: BRAVE 61 tells HUNTRESS he's Code 1 with 4200 pounds of gas...62 reports Code 1 with 5300 pounds...139.7
1307: BRAVE 61 to CAPITOL to report 5 minutes out...139.7
1309: BRAVE 61 reports he's heading for runway 1R, full stop...335.5
1310: BRAVE 61 to Andrews Tower to report "gear, base, stop, right"...349.0 (He's we just need BRAVE 62 to finish his gas burn and we'll be done. Very interesting exercise to go after a KC-135 rather than the usual Cessna 172 belonging to the Civil Air Patrol. I don't monitor the VHF ZDC freqs so wasn't monitoring the progress of the McGuire KC-135.)
1315: BRAVE 62 with CAPITOL for chat...139.7
1319: JOSA 458 reports "wheels up at 1809Z" to Griffin Command...378.1
1320: BRAVE 62 chatting with BRAVE 61 who's on the ground at Andrews...139.7
He's still orbitting at Nottingham at 5000 and should be ready to land in about 5 minutes.
1322: BOLAR 77 (C-5 Dover) with arrival msg to Dover CP...on the ground in 30 minutes...349.4
1325: BRAVE 62 to TRACON to begin initial for Andrews...335.5
1326: Crab Ops talking to aircraft on the ground...mentions Charlie 5 (no context)...385.9
1327: REACH 285 [female] to Andrews CP with arrival message...9 pax or cargo...40K fuel...tail 30081...378.1
1328: BRAVE 62 reports he'll be landing to Capitol...139.7
1328: BRAVE 62 with TRACON...says something about staying for one (minute?)...335.5
1330: REACH 285 still repeating (for the fourth time) her arrival message to Andrews...378.1
1331: BRAVE 62 to CAPITOL...something about HUNTRESS (not sure what he said)...139.7
1333: BRAVE 62 tells HUNTRESS he's going to remain airborne for maintenance purposes...HUNTRESS asks what's going on...62 simply reports that the ground is doing maintenance and told him to stay airborne....62 then gets a msg from CAPITOL and then tells HUNTRESS he's going to RTB at this time...reports Code 1, 4000 pounds of fuel...139.7
1334: BRAVE 62 to TRACON for approach to runway 1R...descending and has field in sight...335.5
1335: BRAVE 62 to CAPITOL to report 10 minutes out, Code 1...139.7
1335: BRAVE 62 to ADW 7 miles out, initial for runway 1R...349.0
1337: U/I fighter traffic on interflight...143.25 (Willow Grove A-10s?)
1337: BRAVE 62 reports, "base, gear, stop, right"...349.0 (and we're done with him too...finally)

And I've had enough for now...time to rest the weary typing fingers... back later.

Ref below: Tony, you had that alert message at Dulles about a minute or two before the actual takeoff of the alert fighters. Unfortunately, I didn't see your message in time but, fortunately, stumbled upon the BRAVE F-16s climbing out with TRACON. My scanner that runs full time searching 138-144 grabbed them immediately on the 139.7 freq anyway so nothing lost.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Just overheard on IAD TWR 120.100: all departures have been stopped due to an alert in progress. I'm not monitoring mil at the moment so perhaps someone can keep their ears open for what the cause of the alert is?

More: scramble in progress however now LDN and AML departures off rwy 30 are cleared, in fact as I type this all departures now cleared.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
12:51 local - BRAVE 61/62 comms, someones tail number is 91-497, 139.700

Nice catch Brian. See full description of target in log above.

The only thing during the intercept that wasn't very clear was the identity of the aircraft with tail number N10FG. That was reported by a ground station on the freq - most likely HUNTRESS. However, that was not the KC-135 they were after. That N10FG belongs to a Cessna 500 out of Cape May NJ. Don't know if that was an observer, someone that just got in the area of the intercept or just what it's purpose was in the discussion between the BRAVE 61/62 fighters and HUNTRESS.

I had to move the following from my last message due to character limits reached in that message:
The Air Force is getting serious (again) about a replacement tanker for the KC-135:,15240,123750,00.html?
The discussion board following the news story has some interesting comments too.

1355: There is fighter chat on interflight freq 139.9 but it's not the DC-ANG. It must be the MA-ANG A-10s - probably at (or going to) Warren Grove Range. That's one of their interflight freqs. They are doing some interesting trash talking about other pilots, women and partying...normal guy stuff. :)
There are also A-10s from Willow Grove working interflight 143.75.
No more logging for me until this evening...unless the sky falls or we go to war this afternoon.

I'll post this though....
UGLY 1 flight of Willow Grove A-10s heading for the Duke MOA (just in case you want something to listen to Dave.) At 1419, with Pottstown 278.3
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Mango 55 119.850

Have MANGO 55 with visual (C-40 01-0015 65th AS Hickam) up on 119.850 at 1943Z 8000' for 6000' o/h AML on the arrival to ADW, QSY 119.300 @ 3000'.
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
NAVY-700 is up on 260.9 testing the laser warning system. Later I'll post some recordings from the Falcon Virgo exercise this morning, waiting for the upload site to work again.

NAVY-700 is working an approach to ADW, talking to PANDER.
2000-Sounds like MARINE-936 is doing this too. Mentioned JADOC and said he has Deputy of NORCOM onboard. I heard a reference to JADOC (could've been JDOC) on TG 135 of the JNCR yesterday.

2011-MUSSELL-1, 10 minutes out, A1 292.2
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
gcgrotz said:
Another interesting observation - the Park police P25 system was very busy all morning with snow/ice removal, coffee making and food vendors and vans arriving etc, but just prior to VIP arrival they were told to commence radio silence and I barely heard a peep out of them for at least 45 minutes when I had to stop listening to actually (gasp) do some work.

What Park Police P25 system? That's the first I've heard of any? 73s Mike


Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
Unfortunately, I was busy tonight and could not actually log.

With the scanner on in the background, I could hear the KNXX A-10's working Warren Grove tonight. Flyer flight of 2 was landing sometime around 7:30 tonight. They were very busy on their VHF air-air while at the range.

Rock-68 was up with SHORTSTOP...RTB due to vibrations on the flight deck and in No. 2 throttle. 351.750

I also heard Baton-53 (or 55?) working Dover Approach for some practice approaches around the same time.

Also heard somebody calling Torch Ops on 303.0, but did not get an ID.

Sorry for the crummy notes...everything I was hearing was during the 1800 - 1930 time frame, but I was doing work in my basement.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
DarkPhoenix said:

Mark posted the first part of the exercise last night just before midnight. His log mentioned the 138.0 freq active which might have meant the VT-ANG Langley Detachment had the first shift. Then Travis (freqhopping) posted more of it in the very early morning hours with Andrews F-16s scrambled. I had the third shift beginning at 1241 this afternoon with another BRAVE 61/62 scramble with HUNTRESS. See logs above for all of them. The Air Force always issues those press releases for the Falcon Virgo exercises primarily so the residents of the area won't become alarmed at low flying fighter jets overhead. The times they mention are so general that you can't pin them down. I don't think we've ever missed one - with or without the press release.
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
To all:
I just wanted to say thank you for the help that all of you have given me. I recieved my 50 ft. of LMR-400 last night so I could finally get my D130J up. I have received amazing results. Today, I got the BRAVE 61/62 flight, the RAVENs, a SPAD flight, a WILD flight, and a TBOLT flight. I received a lot of UHF ARTCC and TRACON comms along with a lot of GK and PAX comms. I would like to thank everyone who helped me and tolerated my questions throughout this whole ordeal. I hope that once I get going, I will become a more frequent contributor to this thread. Thanks again for all the help everyone, I really do appreciate it!

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