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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Waltz41 said:
Cade (or Flyer) was a flight of 3. Just got back, landed at about 1942 was the last one down. It was odd though, I didn't hear them ever contact Tower (340.2) until they were on the ground, getting instructions off the runway. That or I just didn't use my scanner correctly.....

Not sure who you have Brian but the CADE two-ship is still on their way home...just changed from 269.25 to 319.15 and now on 291.7 along with interflight 143.25...this is at 1955.

Brian said:
The first two I think was your Cade flight TinEar, they came in a little closer together.
I don't think the first two could have been CADEs Brian. You had them landing at 1942 but they were still well away from the airfield at that time. They were just being handed off from Dover to Philly TRACON on 269.25 at that time. No telling who it might have been. Perhaps there was a FLYER flight that went somewhere else but I never heard them from my location if it was them.

Jeff said:
Just curious as to how your reception was on the 288.0 freq tin. Something is eating me up on it down here

Very good here Jeff. They were a bit weak due to distance but no interference on the freq.
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
An unusually slow afternoon, as heard from Gravelly Point (0.2nm N of DCA to refresh memories).
1650: -124.7- PAT 1270 cleared for a visual to 32 at DAA. To DAA Tower.
1658: -378.1- ADW CP talking to EVAC 33117, but I'm hearing only the CP side. Unbeknownst to me until I read Tin's afternoon log (thanks), that's because the C-17 is on the ramp.
1708: -378.1- ADW CP talking to REACH 363. Ground side audible, but nothing was breaking squelch from the airplane on either 378.1 or 141.55.
1735: -128.35- MARINE 269 (UC-35 seen) direct OTT. Eventually vectored around for a visual 1L at ADW. To 118.4.
1750: -118.95- EVAC 33117 heavy (C-17A 03-3117 Jackson seen) off ADW, over DCA, then a turn to 330 and vectors out towards LDN.
All the while, JENA 043 (Cessna 210 seen) was orbiting a few miles W of National.


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
MUSSELL-06 Ops normal, getting ready to crosss IAD inbound. 292.2

The Leesburg transmitter is still active with Richmond approach and it's really annoying now, overloading my scanner on VHF and UHF popping up on nearly every freq it happens to be on at the time.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
TinEar said:
1424: GRAYHAW 06 (E-2 Norfolk NAS) to Giant Killer to report he'll be in W-72 for the next 2 hours...mentions monitoring control freq 1 267.4 and control freq 2 3?3.4.....233.7

I had same on the recording. The 2nd freq was 383.4

For 267.4 I have VAW-120 Squadron Common “Greyhawk Base”

I have nothing locally specific for 383.4. I'll be recording on both for a while.


Jun 18, 2006
Waltz41 said:
It was odd though, I didn't hear them ever contact Tower (340.2) until they were on the ground, getting instructions off the runway. That or I just didn't use my scanner correctly.....

The Flyer flight of 3 was at the Warren Grove Range...I heard them returning and talking to McGuire before Philly ATC. They were on the low band for interflight <46.750> and they did single ship PAR's into Willow Grove so each A-10 was on a separate GCA frequency switching to tower upon landing.

I'm at work right now so I don't have my list in front of me to give you the GCA frequencies (OK, I dug them up from a previous post:
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


1459Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7W 701 (UC-12B NAS JRB Willow Grove) - dir Brooke to 3000' QSY MCB Quantico APP 127.050.

1508Z 125.650 Potomac DEP - VENUS 31 - QSYs here from 118.950 to 5000' dir DAILY QSY ZDC-Calvert 133.900.
1541Z 125.650 Potomac DEP - AIREVAC 402 - deps ADW to 14000' dir DAILY QSY ZDC-Calvert 133.900.
1544Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1204 (C-12T am shuttle Davison) - 10 nms. to the S for rwy 32 going dir DAVEY now will call the field in sight.

1610Z 125.650 Potomac DEP - NAVY 691 (C-20D 163691 VR-1 NAF Washington) - deps ADW to 11000' dir PALEO QSY 124.550.
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Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
thanks for helping with solving that one! I was at the field when the landed, actually tried to take some video to see what would turn out...and that also explains the FLYER i heard earlier, why they were headed east when I saw them after take off (Warren Grove) and also why I didn't hear any of them talking with tower untill landing. Nice job!



Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
TFR for Luray VA 2/7

Starting picking up broken comms at 10:57 saying that he was talking on 228.900, I didn't get to my rig quick enough to see for certain what freq this was on but got a quick glance at the display which I think had 309.500 . At 11:03 on 228.900 I heard someone mentioning WIZARD and weapons alpha, then he wanted confirmation that he was to contact "violators of the tfr on victor guard". No callsign copied and didn't pickup the other end of the comms. At 11:15 picked up two radio checks on victor guard - 121.500. Nothing further since then.

EDIT to add - 11:30 local on 228.900 had "can you copy, over" X 2 by a female. 12:19 had broken comms on 228.900, mentioned WIZARD and surveilance tracks.

EDIT #2 to add - 13:30 local on 228.900 heard "HYDRA surveilance, WIZARD ALPHA" twice without answer (makes me wonder if I heard weapons alpha earlier this morning or if it was wizard alpha? Also not sure if it was HYDRA but that is what it sounded like) Then "WIZARD ALPHA in the blind to victor guard". 13:31 on 121.500 heard "unidentified aircraft on ? vortac radial ? track ? bearing ? altitude 7,600 feet speed 105 knots this is the US Air Force. You are in restricted airspace. Contact the FAA or leave immediately. Nearest exit point is 1 mile to the northwest". This was repeated at 13:34 and the only difference was that the "nearest exit point is 4 miles to the northwest" I did't hear a response to either one. Sure wish I could have made out more, especially the vortac but everything I heard today was pretty weak just breaking squelch but not strong enough for even one bar on the display.

EDIT # 3 to fix typo

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just jumping in long enough to post that a CADE A-10 flight from Willow Grove is off the deck...interflight 138.5, with Philly TRACON 291.7 and then 343.725 and then over to ZNY-Pottstown 278.3 asking for clearance direct Slate Run at 1338.
Here they come Dave to the Duke MOA>
1339: There is also a FLYER flight with Ops on 141.8 mentioning they'll "use 143.25 on the back radio."
1341: CADE handed to ZNY-Williamsport 338.3 where they check in at 16000's a flight of two.
1342: Sounds like possibly the FLYER flight with Harrisburg App/Dep 281.525

Jeff said:
I had same on the recording. The 2nd freq was 383.4
For 267.4 I have VAW-120 Squadron Common &#8220;Greyhawk Base&#8221;
I have nothing locally specific for 383.4. I'll be recording on both for a while.

Appreciate that Jeff.
Teamwork here is the key to success.

Same goes for your posting bigred10 to solve the CADE/FLYER mystery from last night. That's why it's so great to see the MilAir community growing here. We can all help each other since no single person has the ability to monitor everything happening in this general listening area. I've had so many people tell me they are envious of all the activity we have in this area. However, I think a lot of activity exists in other places too but they simply haven't had as many people listening and sharing what they hear to help grow the freq lists and unit/activity lists like we've done in this area. So, thanks to everyone for sharing what they hear.

1354: There is activity on HUNTRESS freq 228.9 but is too weak from here to get any details of the activity at this time.
1356: FLYER 1 flight with ZNY-Williamsport 338.3...mentions VFR at 14,500 feet.
1357: Hearing lots of chat on interflight 143.25 which should be the FLYER flight but noise is covering the transmissions. Guess it's going to be another one of those miserable VHF days.
1359: Mention of STEEL 12 (KC-135R PA-ANG Pittsburgh) by one of the FLYERs...guess they'll be refueling in "The Duke"...143.25 (Got rid of comment I had here since Dave confirmed I heard the STEEL 12 correctly in below message.)

1420: AIR TRANSPORT 540 Heavy to Atlantic City Approach...from 10 to 8000...then cleared to 5000 feet...124.6
Wanted to mention this aircraft since they are DC-8, Model 50 or 60 (this one is a 60 or DC86) aircraft that provide contract services to the military delivering cargo. This guy is going into McGuire....and arrives there at 1433. He left Patrick AFB FL/KCOF at 1244. There is one that leaves from BWI several times a week around 0230. They are among the loudest, noisiest aircraft you will ever hear. When it does its engine runup as it starts down the runway for takeoff with a full load of cargo, it actually shakes my house about 3 miles away - and wakes me up on the rare night I happen to be sleeping by then. Here's his flight track today:

1431: FLYER flight back in listening range on interflight...143.25
1435: Mama Hog (Raven Ops) talking to aircraft on the ground at MTN...might have some A-10s in the air soon...347.2
1437: REACH 290 talking to unknown station...mentions having current ATIS report...138.25 (Strange!)
Anyone know who might have a VHF Base Ops working on this freq within 300 miles?
1440: F-16s from Andrews active on interflight...callsign WILD...143.6
1443: Bollen Range active...probably the FLYERs...237.2
1445: WILD flight with ZDC-Sea Isle..check in at FL 210...281.45
1445: Believer MTN A-10s are airborne...347.2
1447: WILD flight handed off to Giant Killer and try to check in...x3, no joy...mention trying 350.9...238.1
1448: Hear WILD with SOF 234.8 say to go to 249.8 for GK
1449: WILD to Giant Killer to say they're a two ship checking into W-386 A-F to work with BICEP 11 (NJ-ANG Atlantic City F-16s)...want to know status of the BICEP 11 flight...249.8
1450: WILD flight to HUNTRESS freq...277.6
Looks like a repeat of yesterday's activity.
1451: BICEP 11 flight checking into GK's area...delay of 45 minutes in the area...249.8
1451: BICEP 11 flight working interflight...138.425
1452: ?TANGO? 22 [female) talking to RAYMOND 16 (Langley) on 251.25 (Langley CP) but saying she's on 311.0 and requesting a phone patch....she must have been corrected on the freq and signs off.
1455: WILDs and BICEPs working HUNTRESS freq...234.6
1457: The ?TANGO? to Dover CP requesting phone patch...not sure what she's told but she signs off this freq also...349.4
Actually, on that last transmission, her callsign sounded like "PANDO" but doesn't compute.

1500: Forgot to go back and check for MTN A-10s but just did and they are on interflight freq...142.3
1500: WILD and BICEP flights doing ACM red/blue air activity again today out in W-386 as they did yesterday when it was WILD and SCARY 2 ship flights versus a DEVIL 2 ship flight. Not quite as exciting/busy as yesterday since there may be fewer aircraft participating today...although if the BICEP flight is a four-ship flight, it would be reversed from yesterday when DC had 4 and NJ had 2...234.6/277.6 for mission freqs along with 138.425/143.6 for interflight freqs.
1507: Confirm BICEP flight is a 4-ship flight...234.6
1508: Have that ?PANDO? 22 again with a male voice this time that mentions returning to Bangor...319.4
1508: ?PANDO/TANGO? 22 with the female now calling PEACHTREE a couple of times and then says she's ending the phone patch...319.4
1509: Male voice ?PANDO/TANGO? 22 calling McGuire Command Post a couple of times, no joy...319.4
I just cannot pull out that times it sounds like PANDO and other times sounds like TANGO.
1512: PANDO/TANGO 22 to McGuire CP...says he got word from PEACHTREE that their tanker, ETHYL 16 from McGuire has been maintenance cancelled...wants to know who is going to replace it...they are at AR-20NE and waiting for a tanker...319.4
ETHYL 16 should be a KC-135 from Altus AFB OK but he definitely said ETHYL 16 is from McGuire...perhaps just pre-positioned there for this mission. Don't know who PEACHTREE is either. I have PEACH and PEACH Ops for the JSTARS unit down at Robins AFB GA. [I was just advised by a southern MilAir monitor that PEACHTREE goes with them too. This aircraft could very well be a JSTARS type E-8. Now...about that aircraft would be appreciated either here or via email.]

1515: PANDO/TANGO 22 calling McGuire CP requesting a phone patch [female again]...319.4
I'm going to settle for TANGO as the callsign for this aircraft but it still doesn't help identify him. The only reference I have for TANGO in my callsign databases is for F/A-18s and this isn't an F/A-18.
1524: BICEP 1 and 2 tell HUNTRESS they are going to RTB but 3 and 4 will do another pass...234.6
1526: BICEP 11/12 tell Giant Killer they're RTB, the other two are staying out...249.8
1528: BICEP 11/12 with ZDC-Casino...285.4
1530: BICEP to Ops to report 6-9 minutes out...1 is Code 1, 2 is Code 2...reports the other two aircraft are staying out...261.0
1540: PAT 585 to Davison Base Ops...15 minutes out for passenger pickup, request fuel...last 3 numbers of serial are 084...139.4
1543: WILD flight and BICEP 13/14 are with ZDC-Kenton at this time heading home. BICEP 13 requesting expedited flight back home...354.15
1545: U/I Coast Guard aircraft working a mission of some type...mentions having the trucks standing by in case something gives way. (Came to the transmission late so don't know context)...345.0
1546: JOSA 549, C-21 tail 40065, arriving Andrews...378.1
1548: JOSA 557, C-21 tail 40128, arriving Andrews...378.1
1549: WILD in the blind to SENATE SOF...both Code 1, 10 minutes reply and says he'll try UHF...139.9
1550: WILD to SENATE SOF again in the blind...both Code 1, 10 out...234.8
1551: WILD 1 flight descending to 1000...354.15
1551: WILD 2 to SENATE saying ATIS is not up and asks for a relay of that report...says they are only 40 miles away and hear nothing on ATIS freq...standing by...234.8
1552: WILD flight handed to TRACON and check in at 13,000, heading for 10,000...317.425
1553: "SENATE, WILD 2, what luck with the ATIS?"...gets the report and thanks him for his help...234.8
1554: Hearing TRACON telling BELGIAN AIR FORCE 601 to switch to ZDC on 134.5 (Swann)...not hearing aircraft since he's on VHF...317.425
1556: Went to 134.5 to see if BELGIAN AF 601 was there...he is...only very slight accent...told to climb to FL 190...then to 210 later...134.5
1556: Have an ORCA 21 (KC-10A Travis AFB CA) calling AMCC on Dover CP freq...349.4
1557: WILD handed off to TRACON and check in heading for 4000 feet...want vectors to the visual, straight in to runway 1R...have field in sight...270.275

1601: WILD flight handed to ADW Twr...check in for straight in to 1R...8 miles to the southeast...349.0
1601: COVERT 21 [female] (C-17 Travis AFB CA) has been calling Dover CP a few reply...349.4
1602: BELGIAN AF 601 handed off to ZDC-Woodstown 125.45 but I'm not following him...134.5
1603: WILDs report gear down, full stop...349.0 (Done with them.)
1604: ORCA 21 still calling AMCC on the Dover CP freq...and still no reply...349.4
1605-08: COVERT 21 still calling Dover Command Post...same result as ORCA 21 who is still trying...349.4
1608: MTN A-10s still active on interflight...finally got a callsign...RAVEN...142.3
1610: RAVENs to Mama Hog on Raven Ops freq...10 minutes out, 1 is Code 1, 2 is Code 2 for back radio...347.2
1610: COVERT 21 and ORCA 21 both still calling Dover with no joy...349.4
1613: RAVEN flight to MTN Tower to report 13 miles to the southwest...297.2
1613: COVERT 21 makes contact with Dover...she must be about on the ground by very weak that last transmission....349.4

Gonna take a break here - really. Sure wish I could have heard more of that PANDO/TANGO 22 aircraft but last I heard it, it was already well up in New England at AR-20NE and should have been out of my listening range by then anyway. The BICEP/WILD joint mission was interesting but I was trying to concentrate on the possible JSTARS aircraft so missed some of it.
The aircraft was heard as TANGO 22 by a New England area monitor.

Ref below: Thanks for that 138.2 freq Jeff which is the other VHF freq HUNTRESS uses in addition to 139.7. I just heard it for the first time about 1520. The 138.2 is normally used by the NJ guys and 139.7 by the DC guys. Guess since the BICEP flight is primary for this mission, they used their freq.

Mark: Where are you? Haven't heard from you for awhile.
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Nov 3, 2005
Just to followup with the DUKE action...

STEEL 11 and 12 have been in the DUKE since about 1:00PM they were doing practice maneuvers and using air to air freq of 293.70.

The CADES and FLYERS will be working with these guys on 259.40 (DUKE Secondary).

CADES mentioned they were going to stick around the DUKE below 14,000 feet.

1420: FLYERs are done, sounds like they are going to head out towards Ravine and to the Bollen Range. (353.85)
1447: CADEs are heading out, sounds like they are going to RTB Willow Grove. (353.85)

Sorry to be so short, but I am crazy busy today.....

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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD

1426: - Receiveing intersteing comms on these 2 Freqs 142.775 (FM)LRE adsvising MCD about to to comms checks on 123.275. I can't see that an aircraft is airborne at all The 142.775 are comoing in resonably well but I have nothing on the 123.275 freq as yet.

Ref Below. Tin, FYI this morning before going to bed I had INVADER JACK 210 up on that 383.4 freq. I went on to bed but the recorder should have more on it.

1435: - 384.4 - Getting very weak comms on 384.4 at the moment. Barely can even tell Voice comms in use
1437: - 350.9 - Getting flight test related comms out of PAX. 350.9 is an RTPS freq
1437: - 383.7 - BLACKJACK up with WATERBUG 132 from PAX. I suspect they are still on the ground
1439: - 299.4 - Another Flight test From PAX underway on this one
1441: - 143.6 - WILD Flight up
1442: - 337.9 - NRL FSD active with aircraft talking to Maint.
1442: - 264.15 - USN TPS (TESTER) using this as BASE OPS/ MAINT FREQ
1446: - 142.775 - LRE mentions switching 254.025. They immedaitely com up with radio checks. On the ground though, Audio is dirty.
1448: - 138.6 -AM - active with PAX Related Comms. Referenece Following DYNCORP
1451: - 143.6 -DC ANG up. PUSH 138.2 after entering GK airspace
1459: - 123.275 - MCD & LRE still conducting Radio Checks Mention URC200 now
1501: - 138.2 - WILD still using this out in GK
1506: - 267.4 - INVADER JACK up with GREYHAWK
1507: - 138.2 - BICEP and WILD up this freq

TinEar said:
Ref Jeff below: Thanks for that 138.2 freq Jeff which is the other VHF freq HUNTRESS uses in addition to 139.7. I just heard it for the first time about 1520. The 138.2 is normally used by the NJ guys and 139.7 by the DC guys. Guess since the BICEP flight is primary for this mission, they used their freq.

I would not have had it but fortunatley caught DC ANG do the push to it. I love this hobby but just waking up and walking into a room full of radios and trying to figure out what is going on is a boogar. :)
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Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
I went to Willow Grove right after work today and caught 6 total (pretty sure, although wasn't paying too much attention because I was video taping them) PA A-10s coming back. Did a little bit of taping, and got lucky they were doing several approaches and landing breaks, i also had my scanner with me. Interesting, one of the A-10s had a landing gear issue, so they went back up and the other one checked it out. Definitley heard UGLY, not sure of the other one or two as I was focusing on Video taping.
Also there was a CH-53 that came in about 1440 and was doing some approaches around 1620 or so, caught it visually but couldn't pick up the callsign.

I finally have got my scanner figured out a little more, so now it's just a matter of listening a little harder and learning to 'take some notes' when I get a chance. I know this report is really blah, but figured I would still post, esp. to see if anyone heard that gear problem with the A-10s at Willow Grove. I have to go back on video and see if I picked it up.



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: ATN540

Hi Tin,

For your further info on this flight, ATN540 (and ATN530) is the one that routes from/to McGuire AFB to the Eastern Test Range downrange sites Antigua and Ascension Island via Patrick AFB on resupply missions.

Best regards,


TinEar said:
1420: AIR TRANSPORT 540 Heavy to Atlantic City Approach...from 10 to 8000...then cleared to 5000 feet...124.6
Wanted to mention this aircraft since they are DC-8, Model 50 or 60 (this one is a 60 or DC86) aircraft that provide contract services to the military delivering cargo. This guy is going into McGuire....and arrives there at 1433. He left Patrick AFB FL/KCOF at 1244.


Jun 18, 2006
I'm not at my scanner right now, but just heard the familiar sound of A-10s taking off from the Grove (~1800)...looks like another night mission
Make that 2; another rumble and more A-10s off at 1810

OK, finally some scanner time:
19:16 <343.0> Flyer 1 & 2 RTB Code 2 for error codes on the ECM pods; I think they were on interflight <143.75>
19:22 FLYER flight of 2 on GCA <314.8> & <266.8>

Also in the 1900 hour I heard WILD/SCARY heading out to GiantKiller W-386 I think....ZDC-Coyle <254.3> then ZDC-Salisbury <257.7> @ 21,000 and "smooth"
WILD 1 checked in on <238.1> then over to <249.8> and ultimately to <312.3>; they will be working all altitudes. Coming in loud and clear for me! At 19:30 finally hearing some interflight on <139.15>

19:28 <124.15> FORCE 35 on approach to McGuire
19:32 <118.65> FORCE 35 descending through 2,000 for a full stop
19:36 <343.0> Next flight of Willow Grove A-10s reporting status
19:38 <295.8> faint transmission...I have this listed as AR631 refueling
19:41 <295.8> louder this time; confirming time for refuelling 0055 - no callsigns heard yet
19:43 <303.0> McGuire KC-135 ops; indicating they took off an hour early knowing their receiver would be cancelling??
19:45 <143.25> UGLY interflight
19:46 <291.7> UGLY to Willow Grove GCA - "Push 7"
19:47 <266.8> UGLY 1 - flight of 3, will split up for single ship PAR's - full stop

That's all for me tonight...
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Aug 16, 2004
1900: - 241.0 - Nighthawk 14 calling Bluegrass several times, Bluegrass answers after five tries. Nighthawk 14 telling Bluegrass that wildcats are enroute......they switched over to victor (I don't have the VHF frequency), then back to UHF advising that they are 5 miles out asking for the wind.


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
kb4kro said:
1900: - 241.0 - Nighthawk 14 calling Bluegrass several times, Bluegrass answers after five tries. Nighthawk 14 telling Bluegrass that wildcats are enroute......they switched over to victor (I don't have the VHF frequency), then back to UHF advising that they are 5 miles out asking for the wind.

Hopefully I can catch them on the way out. I've never heard a reference to a VHF freq at Mt. WX, but I would imagine it would be 126.2 since that is the usual pairing for 241.0.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
CitationJet said:
Hi Tin,

For your further info on this flight, ATN540 (and ATN530) is the one that routes from/to McGuire AFB to the Eastern Test Range downrange sites Antigua and Ascension Island via Patrick AFB on resupply missions.

Best regards,


Yup...aware of that Tony but thanks. (Saw Allen Stern's message on that.) The last one I heard from BWI was Air Transport 520 Heavy in the middle of the night. This is an airport that "officially" closes at 11 p.m. for noise restriction purposes. However, the Air Transport, FedEx, and UPS heavies all shake the ground in the wee hours of the morning taking off. Around 3 a.m. the Star Check flights start coming and going but those are all small and relatively quiet aircraft.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Back from weeks vacation in Florida TIN,Geez its cold here now..LOL
and a few oddball visitors tonite...

PAGO 22 (pronounced PAYGO) first with Dover then McGuire CP 319.400 2010z PP to
dsn 221=**** Peachtree Ops.ETHYL 31 McGuire tanker cancelled
due to Mech problems and will push on to Bangor for Gas and Go from AR-20 if
no other tanker shows.

ORCA 21 arrive Dover 2110z Travis KC-10 #83-0077,req 130k fuel,52 pax.

COVERT 21 Travis C-17 arrive Dover 2125z,84 pax ero.
COVERT is new callsign for those brand new C-17's they have.
Been busy already doing Europe and back.

REACH 472 C-5 #85-0003 arrive Dover 0230z,c/ag.Prob in from Moron.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Back from weeks vacation and a few oddball visitors tonite...

PAGO 22 (pronounced PAYGO) first with Dover then McGuire CP 319.400 2010z PP to
dsn 221=**** Peachtree Ops.ETHYL 31 McGuire tanker cancelled
due to Mech problems and will push on to Bangor from AR-20 if
no other tanker shows.

ORCA 21 arrive Dover 2110z Travis KC-10 #83-0077,req 130k fuel,52 pax.

COVERT 21 Travis C-17 arrive Dover 2125z,84 pax ero.

REACH 472 C-5 #85-0003 arrive Dover 0230z,c/ag.Prob in from Moron.


Good to see you back Mark. Now that you mention vacation I remembered your fishing trip you had planned.

That PAGO that you logged I had as PANDO or TANGO and settled on TANGO 22. It was also logged up in New England as TANGO but I wouldn't swear to any of them. I think it was an E-8 JSTARS aircraft. Somewhere above, Brian also logged a WIZARD ALPHA around 1130 working HUNTRESS on 228.9. That was also heard by a North Carolina listener at the same time. I think that might have been the backend of the TANGO 22 aircraft. It's been an interesting couple of days with some different types activity for a change.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr TIN no doubt from the 2 different pilots recorded I hear PAGO/PAYGO.
Could be an E-8 from Georgia,Wonder what other types PeachTree Ops runs?

There is a rotation out in Balkans going on now as Delaware and other C-130's
headed there from Ramstein.Euro poster caught Del ANG C-130 REACH 206 yesterday.
Maybe PAGO is part of this.
E-8 makes sense checking any possible ground troop movements.

(From tonites Delaware News Journal)..

A Delaware Air National Guard C-130 aircraft and crew are starting a five-week mission in the Balkans.

The five-member crew left New Castle Airport on Monday for Ramstein Air Base in Germany, starting its mission to support United Nations&#8217; peacekeeping in the region of southeast Europe including Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Tech. Sgt. Benjamin Matwey, Public Affairs Specialist, 166th Airlift Wing, called the mission &#8220;a scheduled deployment to relieve personnel currently serving as part of Operation Joint Forge.&#8221;

The Guard has supported the operation before, with missions in 1994, 1997, 2000 and 2001.

In coming months, Matwey said, two more C-130s and three more crews will join the mission, in which the Delaware Air National Guard airmen serve under the U.S. European Command.

1142 local A/A 138.000 and Pax River 281.400 active now..The Maples up? Goggles off as ambient lighting too strong.
1149 BOWSER 1? flt of 2 on 350.250 CH 54..Practice CAP up sounds like.
1152 on 139.700 L+C
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