Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
Today instead of Guard Dog comms on 135.525/350.25 someone must have hit a switch somewhere because I've been hearing the ground side for Richmond Approach 134.7 being transmitted from the Leesburg site.

Just got back my Radio Shack 20db UHF/VHF FM amp that had been at my mom's house connected to the TV cable. I'm hoping it will help a little with AM UHF, seems to help with AM VHF and a lot with FM UHF (the 380mhz govt systems, no signal has become 3-5 bars).

2032- This amp is great. Now I can hear the ground side of ZDC-Brooke on 327.0
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Feb 1, 2006

The current upgrades has the HOG good for another 15+ years.



Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD

Copied BLACKJACK (PAX) reference this freq a few moments ago. I punched it in and now have BLACKJACK calling COLLEEN for a Radio Check at 5:14


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
6:06: A/C 388 Calling VQ-4 OPCON on 311.0.

I have heard this a time or 2 lately. I am not used to hearing TACAMO on this freq but it is something to watch for


Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
First post of activity ever! Just wanted to post since it's a little unusual to have our PA A-10's doing night ops. I did miss somethings, but I'm learning as I just got my Pro-97 for the stuff going on at the WG base. I live 3 miles south of it.

On WG Tower (340.2) and GCA (266.8 i believe), FLYER 1, UGLY 1, and one i missed the callsign coming back after some night flying. Anyone know if they were at one of the ranges, or just doing some flying. Landing at 1955, 2000, and 2008. Anyone confirm (although I did see them as well!!)

Also, right after the last one landed at 2008, Tower contacted someone (missed again) about getting in touch with McGuire on a landline, dealing with weather......gave the phone number out. Anyone hear this as well?

Nice to be here! Love reading all the activity from everyone's posts.



Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
As far as the PA A-10s go, I know they have at least 1 C model, #230. I have a friend that is a member of the 111th, and got to go on base during a 'friends and family' day. From what I remember, they are doing a part of the C mod there at the base, as when I was there they had a MI ANG Battle Creek A-10 there for an upgrade. Don't know much more than that. They are scheduled to lose their Hawgs in 2010....but who knows what will happen. They have a unit training this upcoming weekend, so listen for them on saturday, they will definitley be up.



Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
Waltz41 said:
First post of activity ever! Just wanted to post since it's a little unusual to have our PA A-10's doing night ops. I did miss somethings, but I'm learning as I just got my Pro-97 for the stuff going on at the WG base. I live 3 miles south of it.

On WG Tower (340.2) and GCA (266.8 i believe), FLYER 1, UGLY 1, and one i missed the callsign coming back after some night flying. Anyone know if they were at one of the ranges, or just doing some flying. Landing at 1955, 2000, and 2008. Anyone confirm (although I did see them as well!!)

Also, right after the last one landed at 2008, Tower contacted someone (missed again) about getting in touch with McGuire on a landline, dealing with weather......gave the phone number out. Anyone hear this as well?

Nice to be here! Love reading all the activity from everyone's posts.



UGLY flight was down here at PAX a little while ago. Was up on several frqs but mainly 354.8. They had them switch ZDC 354.15 for the flight home


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Waltz41 said:
Jeff, thanks for that. Wonder what they were up to?

Brian, the Willow Grove A-10s generally follow a set pattern when they go to Patuxent. You should hear their takeoff on the normal freqs. From there they'll move to the Philly TRACON freqs, then to ZDC-Kenton on 354.15 and directly to the Patuxent controllers. Sometimes, they'll check in on 305.2 and then move to the BayWatch controller on 270.8 or 354.8 for monitoring while doing their work. The actual work is usually around the Patuxent Range in the Vienna MD area and will be on their interflight freqs. They will often work with either an actual or simulated Forward Air Controller for CAS (Close Air Support) type missions. When done at Pax, they'll check out on 270.8 or 354.8 - sometimes the 305.2 freq - be handed off to ZDC-Kenton 354.15 and repeat the frequency cycle until they are home. Once you have that frequency cycle memorized, you can generally follow their entire flight even if you miss them giving a handoff frequency over the air.

The same thing applies when they go up to the Duke MOA in northwestern PA, the Bollen Range in their backyard or over to the Warren Grove Range near McGuire - always using the same frequency sequence. This will hold true (with very slight variations at times) for all the fighter/ground attack type aircraft in our area no matter where they go. Those known frequency sequences are what allow me to log as much activity as I do by being able to anticipate where they'll be for the next transmission. Whether it's Willow Grove A-10s or any of the ANG units, they always have a mission when they fly. They are never in the air just to fly around and see the sights.

Anyway, welcome aboard. It's good to have another MilAir enthusiast with us.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1259: NAVY 7N783 calling Dover Base Ops and Dover Command replies...372.2
1259: Female voice identifying as BLACKJACK talking to ???? 61...303.0 (Might have been ROCCO 61 but the BLACKJACK doesn't compute for this freq. Ground controllers for the 108th ARW on this freq are TORCH Control and FOXTROT.)

1308: DC 22 (KC-135 Andrews) to LIBERATOR with arrival message...20 minutes out, A-1, 30,000 on the fuel..378.1
1312: AIREVAC 79281 to Andrews with arrival message...20 minutes out, A-1, needs parking...378.1
Probably tail 87-9281, C-130H 96th Airlift Squadron AFRC Minneapolis MN
1320: BOLAR 70 (C-5 Dover) to Dover CP reports 25 minutes out...378.1
1322: DC 22 to LIBERATOR to report 5 minutes out, still needs parking spot...gets Spot 3...378.1
1331: FAST 61 (F-16 138th FS NY-ANG Syracuse) to ZDC-Brooke checking in at FL 250...327.0
1337: SAM 1146 on HUNTRESS freq reporting 100 miles out to the west of Andrews looking for max range "Sparkle"...260.9
1338: FAST 61 handed off to ZDC-Potomac and checks in at FL 250...307.025
Probably a single ship flight for FAST 61 since therer is no interflight freq active.
1339: SAM 1146 reports Sparkle in sight...260.9
1340: A-10s from Willow Grove on interflight freq...143.25
1341: FAST 61 handed off to ZNY-Westminster and checks in aat FL 250...323.3
1346: FAST 61 to ZNY-Harrisburg..still at FL 250...270.3
1348: FAST 61 to ZNY-Philipsburg...checks in at FL 250...306.2
1351: FAST 61 to ZNY-Milton...still at FL 250...269.1
1356: FAST 61 cleared to descend to FL 220...269.1
1357: FAST 61 handed off to unknown freq...sounded like 372.0 but he's getting too weak to follow...269.1
1358: CADE (A-10 Willow Grove) flight with ZNY-Williamsport...mention refueling...say they're going to the range...338.3 (Probably same guys on 143.25 interflight)
1359: Bollen Range active...CADE flight...237.2

1400: CADE flight tells ZNY-Williamsport they're switching over to R-5802 (Bollen Range)...338.3
1409: U/I A-10 activity on interflight freq...140.2 (Possibly a CT-ANG Bradley flight - probably to Warren Grove Range)
1413: CADE 1 calling STEEL 71 (KC-135R PA-ANG Pittsburgh) on the Duke MOA primary freq...301.6 (I don't normally hear this freq but CADE is using it while in the Bollen Range area.)
1414: The A-10s from 140.2 are talking with ZNY-Dixie about holding in the area until they are cleared onto the range (Warern Grove)...will hold at 14,500 feet...307.8
1415: Martin State A-10s, callsign RAVEN, from MD-ANG up on off the deck at 1415...142.3
1415: RAVEN to Raven Ops reporting off at 15...347.2
1415: RAVENs with TRACON (BWI)...254.35
1416: TRACON tells WILD 1 flight to change to ZDC...254.35
1417: WILD 1 flight with ZDC-Swann...360.7
1417: RAVEN flight at 7500 feet...254.35
1418: WILD, flight of four F-16s from the DC-ANG Andrews on interflight...143.6
1420: WILD flight handed off to ZDC-Coyle and check in at FL 210...254.3
1423: RAVEN flight handed off to ZDC-Kenton...check in VFR at 7500 feet...354.15
1424: GRAYHAWK 06 (E-2 Norfolk NAS) to Giant Killer to report he'll be in W-72 for the next 2 hours...mentions monitoring control freq 1 267.4 and control freq 2 3?3.4.....233.7 (Second freq was 383.4..Thanks Jeff)
1425: WILD flight changes to HUNTRESS and asks status of red air...says they're a little late...234.6
1426: WILD flight to Giant Killer...says delay time is about 35 minutes all altitudes...238.1
1428: WILD flight leader while on interflight 143.6 tells all his flight to now change to HUNTRESS on 234.6 and they do.
I believe the RAVEN flight was going to Patuxent but lost them because the WILD flight was more interesting and doing something new and on different freqs than normal.
1429: WILD asking HUNTRESS if he has a positive on the DEVIL flight...234.6
Looks like the red air flight he was talking about will be F-16s from Atlantic City based on that last transmission.
1432: WILD flight leader giving a semi-PIREP to HUNTRESS..part of it is that the sun is 20 degrees above the nose making tallies easy enough...says they'll work up to FL 360...234.6
1433: Found the DEVIL 11 flight...they're working on Giant Killer's/HUNTRESS' freq for now...277.6
1436: WILD flight talking to the DEVIL flight on GK's freq...277.6
1437: The two RAVEN A-10s are still on Pax...142.3
1438: WILD to HUNTRESS to say he has sighting on "con level" 36000...234.6 (con=contrail)
Funny that I'm not hearing the DEVIL flight on an interflight freq. I guess it's possible it's a single ship but all indications are that it's a multi-ship red air flight for the mission.
It appears the 277.6 freq is "common" for the DEVIL and WILD flights for coordination. The actual target intercept work is taking place with HUNTRESS on 234.6. WILD flight is using 143.6 for interflight. DEVILs are quiet other than an occasional 277.6 transmission. Now confirmed the DEVILs have to be multi-ship since WILD is identifying the targets as in two groups and giving their positions for the intercept.
The 277.6 has also been noted in the past as a HUNTRESS freq. I mentioned it also as a Giant Killer freq because it has been used in the past for entry with GK to area W-386 but not for a very long time. I think it's more proper to call it a HUNTRESS freq and it's probably BLUE 16 based on past usage.
1447: CADE flight is still at Bollen Range with one of them doing a phony voice type FAC thing to direct the other A-10...237.2
1448: REACH 2937 calling Dover Command Post...multiple calls, no joy...349.4
1451: CT-ANG A-10s now at the Warren Grove Range...283.1
1452: RAVEN flight now to the north with Atlantic City Approach...ID as a flight of two...327.125
1452: Finally have the DEVIL 11 flight on interflight...138.425
1454: REACH 2937 finally makes contact with Dover for arrival message...15 minutes out, A-1, IDs as a C-130 with tail 20551, 4 pallets and no pax, needs 25,000 pound fuel upload, fleet service, parking and has a crew of 5....349.4

1500: WILD flight is still doing intercepts...part of the chat is on interflight 143.6 but the primary intercept talk is with HUNTRESS on 234.6. Now not hearing anything from the DEVIL flight. You can tell the WILDs are doing something different today. There is excitement in their voices while doing the intercepts as opposed to the monotone used while doing normal intercepts on each other during training exercises. Much of the activity at this time is getting weak - either due to low alitudes or distance. At 1503, the WILD flight is reforming.
1503: WILD flight leader tells HUNTRESS he'll coordinate something with GIant Killer but couldn't catch what it was...234.6
1503: WILD flight has split up on interflight freqs...two are on 139.15 now and two on 143.6...flight leader is saying they're getting low on gas but have time for one more intercept.
1504: WILD to Giant Killer to say WILD 1 and 4 will RTB, 2 and 3 will remain...238.1
1505: Mention on HUNTRESS freq that the DEVILs will RTB...234.6
1507: WILD 3 calls bingo and will terminate...234.6
1507: WILD 1/4 flight handed to ZDC-Cape Charles and check in for 16,000 Nottingham....256.8
1509: WILD 2/3 flight leave HUNTRESS on 234.6 and are handed off to Giant Killer on 249.8
1511: WILD 1 to SENATE SOF in the blind with mission report, part of which is that unfortunately their Guiness factory got bombed...reports WILD 1 and 4 are Code 1, WILD 2 and 3 are about 10 minutes behind...139.9
1511: WILD 2/3 with Giant Killer...233.7 (no contact on 249.8)
1514: WILD 2/3 with ZDC-Kenton...354.15
1514: WILD 2/3 working interflight 143.6, 1/4 on 139.15
1515: DEVIL 11 flight with ZDC -Casino descending from 11 to 8000 feet...285.4
Everyone on their way home...even the guys at both Bollen and Warren Grove Ranges are heading someone flipped a switch and gave the "go home" order to everyone at once.
1519: WILD 1/4 handed from ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 to ZDC-Kenton...354.15
1521: WILD 2/3 descending to 11,000...354.15
1522: EVAC 33117 coming into Andrews...15 minutes out, A-1, needs Customs/Ag, 125K fuel, has 5 pax and requests some portable heaters...378.1
1523: WILD 2/3 with Potomac TRACON...317.425
1524: WILD 1/4 with Potomac TRACON...270.275
1525: U/I fighters on interflight...141.675
1526: DEVIL 11 reports landing will be at 1550 to Ops...261.0
1524: WILD 3 giving in flight report to SOF...3 is Code 1, 2 is Code 3 for radar and radios...139.9
1527: WILD 1/4 over to Andrews Tower for landing on runway 1R...349.0
1528: WILD 2/3 handed off from 317.425 to TRACON where they check in at 6 descending to 4000...270.275
1529: WILD 1 reports gear down, full stop, right...WILD 4 follows with same report...349.0
1530: WILD 2/3 report field in sight...270.275
1531: DEVIL flight to Ops to report both Code 1...261.0
1531: DEVIL 11 flight to Atlantic City Approach...327.125
1531: WILD 2/3 handed to Andrews Tower for approach to runway 1R...349.0
1533: WILD 3 reports 3 mile initial to Tower...349.0
1534: WILD 2/3 report base, gear, stop, right...and set down on 1R...349.0
1534: The fighters on interflight 141.675 sound like a cross country flight...just chatting and mentioned something about Langley in their chat.
1538: Fighters from 141.675 are with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 getting a point out to traffic in their area...mention a Hawkeye at 12,000...still no callsigns heard.
141.675 is a good interflight freq for A-10s from the MA-ANG Barnes.
1540: RAVEN flight still on interflight...142.3
1541: Flight from 256.8 handed off to ZDC-Casino and check in at 11,000...couldn't catch their's a flight of two. Their chat on 141.675 is non-stop but difficult to hear because of the high noise level on VHF again today.
1545: RAVEN 1 calling Raven both Code 1, 10 that RAVEN 1 has a hung BDU...347.2
1546: The pair on 141.675 is using the 'F' word liberally in their reservations when they are far from home and can't be heard by their Ops. Little do they know....
Their chat indicates they are A-10s.
1551: The fighter pair on 141.675 is still chatting but they are getting out of listening range now. They are only at 11,000 feet making them difficult to copy at distant range over the noise. If they were handed off from ZDC-Casino 285.4, I never heard it. I'm calling this the end of them. I feel fairly sure they are MA-ANG A-10s heading home to Barnes but never got a callsign to confirm that. Oops...they are being handed off from ZDC-Casino to ZNY-Dixie on 307.8 at 1554 but too weak to copy...all I could hear was a new altitude of 11,500 given on the 307.8 freq.
1555: Refueling freq active...activity is not nearby...387.9
1558: I never heard the RAVEN pair with tower landing but they must have already done it...hearing Mama Hog (Raven Ops) talking to them on the ground at MTN...347.2

1600: That's enough for now. End of log.

Ref Dave below: Thanks Dave. I was wondering why he suddenly stopped calling STEEL 71 on 301.6. Guess he changed to the secondary freq as you reported. At the time I heard him, he must have still been somewhere between Bollen and the Duke allowing me to hear him before flying out of range.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


1418Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - WAMO 51 (Washington Aerial Measurements Office Andrews) - deps ADW to 8000' QSY 126.650.
1422Z 119.300 Potomac APP - BOXER 65 (201st AS DC ANG) - NDB 1L app @ ADW.
1422Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - TERRA 21 (C-32A 486th FLTS Eglin) - toff time and will return in about 1.5 hours.
1444Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 723 (UC-12B NAS Oceana NFD am shuttle) - deps DAA 1000' for 2000' cleared to 5000'.
1457Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - DC 95 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.

Unable to listen to 118.950 now due severe RFI so took that freq. out of rotation for the time being...

1607Z 119.300 Potomac APP - BOXER 17 (201st AS DC ANG) - mult. pract. apps. - o/h RREGN for the RNAV (GPS) to rwy 1L.
1641Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - JOSA 741 (C-21A Joint Operations Support Airlift) - lands rwy 1R.
1656Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - LOBO 168 (VMR-1 MCAS Cherry Point) - @ 3000' for the app to rwy 1L.

..and then stopped listening since nothing was going on, at least from this QTH. 8-(


Nov 3, 2005
TinEar said:
1413: CADE 1 calling STEEL 71 (KC-135R PA-ANG Pittsburgh) on the Duke MOA primary freq...301.6 (I don't normally hear this freq but CADE is using it while in the Bollen Range area.)
1447: CADE flight is still at Bollen Range with one of them doing a phony voice type FAC thing to direct the other A-10...237.2

Just a quick note to your above posts Tin...The CADES did a quick splash and dash in the DUKE.....

CADE entered the DUKE at about 1419 and refuelled with STEEL 71 until about 1434. Work was on 259.40 (DUKE Secondary). CADE may have been using 34.75 for interflight, it broke squelch a few times but I could not confirm any clear transmissions. They stayed down at the Southeastern part of the MOA so they were able to get back to the Bollen range quickly. Cleveland Center Freq into/leaving DUKE was 353.85. NY Center Transition was 338.30.

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Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
1811: WG Tower (340.2) - Flyer 1 ready for takeoff

Looks like more night ops. :)

By the way, did anyone catch an UGLY flight up this afternoon, landing at about 1430? Just trying to confirm as I get the hang of this stuff. Thanks.

Flyer flight using interflight 143.25 ? Not picking up anything I can understand, just static, however it seems that they are using the freq.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Waltz41 said:
1811: WG Tower (340.2) - Flyer 1 ready for takeoff

Looks like more night ops. :)

1819: FLYERs working interflight freq 143.25...nope, it's a CADE flight. (Where'd your FLYER flight go Brian?)
1821: REACH 323 into McGuire...arriving 10 before the hour, needs crew bus for 16 (large crew)...319.4
1833: CADE 1 flight of A-10s from Willow Grove with ZDC-Potomac 307.025
1834: CADE, flight of two, handed to ZDC-Kenton...354.15
1839: CADE 1 flight handed to Pax and check in with Pax Approach at 8000 feet...281.8
1840: CADE 1 flight handed to Pax and call Pax Approach to check in at 8000...looking for the airspace from 3500-20000 feet for the next 50 minutes...354.8 (very loud as they fly about 8000 feet directly over my antenna on their way to Pax)
1842: Lots of chat on interflight as the flight leader instructs his wingman what to expect and how to use his targeting pod on the targets...tells wingman they're not in the airspace yet...tells wingman to maintain about a 3 mile trail...143.25
1844: CADE 1 tells BayWatch (who he calls Pax Approach) they're ascending now to 14000 feet...354.8
1846: CADE 1 calls BayWatch this time and asks for a squawk for his #2 man...354.8
1847: Have a pair of F-16s from Andrews up on interflight...callsign WILD..143.6
1848: WILD flight with ZDC-Swann...360.7
1851: WILD flight handed off to direct to the airspace...257.7
1851: Also a SCARY pair of F-16s from Andrews up on interflight...139.15
1852: SCARY flight reporting goggles on (NVG)...139.15
1852: BayWatch telling CADE they're going out of the airspace...CADE 1 says he has a moving map and according also to his GPS they are not out of the airspace (argumentative)...354.8
1853: CADE 1 tells BayWatch they're going to do one more attack and then they'll flow to the south...354.8
1855: WILD flight handed off to Giant Killer and check in at FL 210...238.1
1855: WILD flight told to work on freq 312.3 and ask if that's the freq for BACKY...238.1
BACKY=KC-135R 77th ARS Seymour Johnson AFB SC
1856: WILD flight makes contact with BACKY on AR freq...30 miles away from the tanker....288.0
1858: WILD reports visual contact with the tanker and reports descending now...288.0
1859: BACKY asks WILD if they're going to take 4000 each...WILD replies that they'll top off but doesn't think they'll need that much...288.0

1901-04: BATON 74 (EC-130J 193rd SOW PA-ANG Harrisburg) calling Giant Killer...multiple calls, no joy...255.0 (Must be going into W-107 for work tonight)
1901: SCARY flight with ZDC-Salisbury...ascending from FL 210 to 250...257.7
1902: SCARY flight handed off to Giant Killer and check in at FL 250...says they'll be MARSA with WILD and BACKY...249.8
1904: SCARY 1 calling BACKY...288.0 (Neither flight has used a suffix for the BACKY KC-135)
1906: SCARY tells BACKY they're 20 miles in trail, nose is cold...288.0
1908: BATON 74 calling GIant Killer now on FL 180..reports on missions A0706 and A0806 (since he's working after midnight Zulu time needs two mission numbers)...135.225
Very little talk by WILD during refueling...must be on boom intercom for chat with the tanker.
1910: WILD 1 comes off the tanker and BACKY tells him he took 2100 pounds...288.0
1911: SCARY tells BACKY his flight is ready to come in...BACKY tells him to standby...288.0
1912: BACKY tells SCARY 1 he's cleared for pre-contact...then clears him for contact (with the boom)...288.0
1916: NOthing new from the CADE pair of A-10s...they're still at Patuxent working targets...143.25
1916: One of the SCARY F-16s off the tanker...BACKY tells him he took 3100 pounds...288.0
1918: WILD flight checks fuel remainders...both have a little over 9000 pounds remaining so plenty of fuel to do whatever they're scheduled for...143.6
Good to see some different activity from the Andrews F-16s today. That red/blue air mission with the Atlantic City F-16s was certainly different this afternoon. Now, the offshore mission and refueling with NVGs is extending their training very nicely...and providing something different to listen to from them. They were originally told by Giant Killer to use 312.3 for a mission freq when they checked in but I've never heard them on that freq since then. They went straight to the tanker's freq on 288.0 and continue to chat on their interflight 143.6/139.15 freqs.
1924: One of the WILD F-16s tells his wingman he's going to go home as a single ship and for the other WILD to go home with the SCARYs...says his fuel remainder is 7800 pounds...not sure if he has a problem or if he's just talking about later since he's lower on fuel than his wingman...143.6
1924: BACKY with Giant Killer to report RTB and asking for clearance...249.8
1924: And the SCARY/WILD flights finally show up on Giant Killer's tactical freq...312.3
1926: BACKY 23 cleared to RTB...routing is SWL (Snow Hill) to GSB (Seymour Johnson AFB)...249.8 (Finally got his suffix)
1927: WILD/SCARY beginning ACM activity...312.3
1928: CADE flight doing buddy-lase activity and still at Pax...they've exceeded the 40 minute delay time they mentioned upon entry...143.25
1930: BACKY 23 getting point outs of other traffic in his area by Giant Killer...he's at FL 220...249.8
1933: CADE flight ready to leave Pax...requesting 5000 feet due to weather...354.8
1934: CADE cleared direct Willow Grove at 5000 feet...354.8
1935: BACKY 23 handed off to ZDC-Cape Charles where he checks in at FL 220...256.8
1935: CADE flight handed off by BayWatch to Dover Approach where they check in at FL 5000...257.875
1935: HUSKY 54 reports takeoff from Wilmington...believe he called SEABEE...343.0
HUSKY=C-130H 142nd AS, DE-ANG Wilmington
1940: BACKY 23 cleared to ISO (Kinston NC)...256.8
BATON with Baton Ops on 395.1, someone else with Giant Killer on 118.125 and yet another aircraft on 343.0 that I think was the HUSKY 54 again but all that was while the WILD/SCARY flights were shouting out target directions and the CADE flight was yakking.
1942: CADE flight handed off to Philadelphia TRACON and check in there at 5000 feet...269.25
1943: CADE flight leader tells his wingman he's going to turn over the flight lead when they reach Modena and all he has to do is get them back to Willow Grove...143.25
1944: SCARY flight mentions 2 minutes left...not sure if that's for current target or their activity...312.3
1946: CADE to Ops to report 1 is Code 1, 2 is Code 2 for landing light...10 minutes out...343.0
1947: CADE wingman comes back to interflight with ATIS report...leader tells him they're currently working 269.25...flight leader gives command to remove NVGs...143.25
1948: CADE flight handed off to Philly TRACON and check in...319.15 (button 6)
1950: WILD/SCARY are still fighting each other in their ACM activity...312.3
1953: CADE flight swapping out flight lead...143.25
1954: CADE flight handed off to U-5 and check in at 5000, heading down to 3000...291.7 (That was last heard for me...too low now.)
1955: WILD 1 tells Giant Killer they'll be RTB in 5 minutes...312.3

2000: SCARY and WILD flights getting back in formation as they prepare to wrap up their work in the offshore area...139.15/143.6/312.3
2006: WILD 1 calling Giant Killer...everyone calling "terminate"...WILD 1 says he's pushing 288.0...SCARY asks what freq he's answer (but he didn't mean 288.0)...312.3
2007: WILD 1 to Giant Killer to get clearance back to Andrews...non-standard 2-mile trail...249.8
2008: WILD flight handed off to ZDC-Cape Charles and check in direct Nottingham...256.8
2010: SCARY 1 flight also handed to ZDC-Cape Charles..say they are 18 mile trail with the WILD flight but can accept MARSA with them if the controller wants...256.8
2011: WILD flight handed to ZDC-Casino...285.4
2011: SCARY flight reports goggles off...139.15
2012: SCARY handed off to ZDC-Casino...285.4
2013: WILD to SENATE SOF to report 69 miles east, both Code 1...139.9
2014: HOIST 94 [female] (KC-10A McGuire) to McGuire CP with arrival message...20 minutes out, A-1, has 4 empty pallets and needs parking...319.4
2014: SCARY/WILD flight both get ATIS reports from wingmen that fetched them...139.15/143.6
2016: WILD flight descending from 14 to 11,000 feet...speed 350...tell controller they can push it up...285.4
2016: Both flights cleared direct BILIT...285.4
Don't remember ever hearing a check at's location in Maryland is 38-45-15.820N / 076-03-57.590W and can also be found on the map at the OTT/094.57 and PXT/039.27/32.09 radials/distances. It's an enroute low fix.
2018: WILD flight handed off to Potomac TRACON and check in at 11,000 feet...317.425
2018: WILD flight degoggles...143.6
2019: WILD cleared direct V308, Nottingham, Andrews...317.425
2019: SCARY flight checks in at 11,000 feet....317.425
Both flights reporting some trouble with the of the SCARYs says it's like swimming in a soup bow.
2021: WILD flight handed off to TRACON and checks in...270.275
2022-30: EVAC 44136 calling Andrews SAM Command...many calls, no replies...141.55
2022: SCARY calling SENATE reply...WILD have to give their report in the bling...139.9
2023: WILD to SENATE SOF in the blind also...6.9 minutes out, both Code 1...139.9
2023: SCARY told to descend to 4000 feet east of Nottingham...317.425
2023: WILD flight handed off to Andrews Tower...10 miles to the east for straight in to runway 19L...349.0
2025: SCARY flight handed off to TRACON and check in leaving 6000 for 4000...heading for runway 19L in non-standard formation...270.275
2027: JOSA 493 calling Griffin Command...x2, no joy...141.55
2028: WILD 1 reports 5 mile final for runway 19L, gear down...WILD 2 reports gear down and locked...349.0
2031: SCARY flight being vectored around the area with several turns by TRACON...270.275
WILD pilots are already in the O Club having a beer while SCARY is being driven around the area.
2033: SCARY flight finally handed off to Andrews Tower and check in 7 miles out on the ILS...they are cleared to land on runway 19L...349.0
2034: SCARY 1 reports, "gear down, full stop, left"...349.0
2034: SCARY 2 says he's not getting the localizer at all...wasn't getting the glide slope but now is after turning it off and back on...139.15
2035: SCARY 1 is ready to touch down...349.0...SCARY 2 still talking on interflight as he's ready to kiss the runway hello...139.15
WILD/SCARY ACM/Refueling flight is done. Just about in time to go watch two episodes of The Unit.
Interesting evening with them and the CADE flight to Pax. Langley was quiet all day today; not a single flight heard from there...same for the VA-ANG at Richmond.

And that ends the log.

The noise across the VHF MilAir band is just unbelievable today/tonight. Even close by stuff like BWI (3 miles away) I'm having some aircraft on the ground being blocked by noise which normally sound like they're in the room with me. I notice the ground controller asking for a lot of repeats so it's not just me with the noise apparently.

NOTE: The aircraft I logged this afternoon in the 1500 hour on interflight 141.675 and across the ZDC/ZNY freqs were indeed a pair of A-10s from the MA-ANG at Barnes as I had guessed. Their callsign was FREIGHT 1 and landed at Barnes around 1620 per a western Massachusetts monitor.
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Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
Hmmm...I swore I heard Flyer....
Also, I lheard tower give them instructions to turn to 360 after departure.... (figuring that out they should be in visual of my window at least far off)
Looking out my window I saw 3 total aircraft.....front two pretty close then another behind them, all heading east....I'm pretty darn sure that was them, unless that 3rd was just someone else that just took off, but he followed the other two. I'm gonna head down to the base really quick and watch them come in.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
TinEar said:
1858: WILD reports visual contact with the tanker and reports descending now...288.0
1859: BACKY asks WILD if they're going to take 4000 each...WILD replies that they'll top off but doesn't think they'll need that much...288.0
1904: SCARY 1 calling BACKY...288.0 (Neither flight has used a suffix for the BACKY KC-135)
1906: SCARY tells BACKY they're 20 miles in trail, nose is cold...288.0
1910: WILD 1 comes off the tanker and BACKY tells him he took 2100 pounds...288.0
1911: SCARY tells BACKY his flight is ready to come in...BACKY tells him to standby...288.0
1912: BACKY tells SCARY 1 he's cleared for pre-contact...then clears him for contact (with the boom)...288.0
They went straight to the tanker's freq on 288.0 and containue to chat on their interflight 143.6/139.15 freqs.

Just curious as to how your reception was on the 288.0 freq tin. Something is eating me up on it down here


Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
Cade (or Flyer) was a flight of 3. Just got back, landed at about 1942 was the last one down. The first two I think was your Cade flight TinEar, they came in a little closer together. Back further was the last guy, and that is also what I saw going out, two closer together, one trailing a bit further behind. Could that other one have been Flyer? weird.

It was odd though, I didn't hear them ever contact Tower (340.2) until they were on the ground, getting instructions off the runway. That or I just didn't use my scanner correctly.....
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