Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Found an ID for the 292.15 freq that I had thought was a new New York Center (ZNY) freq. It's not. It's a new freq for the Sardi 32 Sector in Boston Center (ZBW). It replaces 259.1.
Attn Paul: Am submitting to the database.

I've heard aircraft being handed off to that freq directly from ZDC and figured it almost had to be ZNY. But, if you look at the maps (in the database at this site for instance) for the Centers, you'll see a little piece of Boston Center that comes down to an area just off the New Jersey Coast - almost directly east from Philadelphia. Pull up the New York Center map and you'll see that little piece of ZBW that comes down between the two main areas of New York Center that are split between the part over land and the Oceanic portion of ZNY. That's the Sardi Sector 32 for ZBW.

Clear as mud. I know.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
1825: 123.7 COAST GUARD Rescue 559 up with PAX TWR requesting clearance to APPROX 15 miles SW PAX for Search And Rescue Mission. PAX said when clear of PAX for them to work 133.9

Have copy of Helo working 157.15 CH 23A with CG Balt. Discussing Search Box Parameters
1831: 559 on scene reporting Seas Calm, Visibility unrestricted, Winds Calm. Search pattern being started
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Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
freqhopping said:
Yes, read above.

He's talking about the Shenandoah National Park Police.

Yep that's what I was talking about, sorry for any confusion caused by disconnect between brain and fingers...

They've been digital since last spring (I think) P25 non-trunked. Works a heck of a lot better than the old FM system - it seemed like it was noisy on the input no matter where the mobiles were.

Oh well, off-topic so I'll quit.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I've got another New York Center freq confirmation for one of the freqs I've been carrying the past few months. It's for 285.65 which is a backup freq for ZNY-Lancaster Sector 26. The primary is 239.05. I've heard the 285.65 freq used several times as a handoff from ZDC-Hagerstown as A-10s from MTN headed north toward the Duke MOA.

P.S. If you've never seen the "Sparkle" (Visual Warning System) around D.C. that produces the red-red-green flashing laser lights, here's a link to a video demonstration from a couple of different views - passenger and then cockpit view.
Freqhopping and I both logged the NAVY 700 aircraft that was testing the system a couple of days ago.
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Slow day for milair...

1141: PAT 191 requested to contact Potomac APP on 119.85 <126.4>

1147: COAST GUARD 1500 (noted as a C-130) cleared for takeoff Rwy 16 <121.1>

1316: PAT 653 climbing through 3,000 <126.4>

1320: JOSA 044 calling Pope AFB Dispatch x1. no one answered. <372.2>

1545: U/I calling Andrews Command. Inbound with 2 50lb boxes. Needs a crew bus for the pilot so he can go get a u-drive. Needs 150,000 pds. of gas upon arrival. <378.1>

1753: PAT 91 Heavy inbound ILS Rwy 16 at RIC. <126.4>

What is with all these Army Transports today???
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1552: AMBUSH 51 (F/A-18 VFA-12 NAS Oceana) with Potomac TRACON (Reagan) heading for 3000 feet...270.275
1555: AMBUSH 51 reports field in sight...down to 2000 feet...270.275
1555: AMBUSH 51 to Andrews Tower where he checks in as "a flight of two Hornets" five miles to the east...349.0
1558: AMBUSH 51 gear down and lands...349.0

1610-15: REACH 279 calling McGuire Command Post...x5, no reply...349.4
1615: REACH 279 changes freq and makes contact with McGuire CP...15 minutes out, 20 crew members, Silver Bullet to offload...1 Space A pax...(fades away)...reads some of his maintenance issues...#1 TACAN inop, GPS inop...(fades again)...mention of Elmindorf as part of his chat...319.4
1649: PAT 961 calling Davison AAF...139.4
1659: PAT 961 gives arrival message to Davison...10 minutes out, heading for runway 32...139.4

1710: CAPITOL 91 (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews) with Dover Approach...257.875
1711: CAPITOL 91 to TRACON 322.3, no reply, back to 257.875 and then quickly to Potomac TRACON different freq and check in at 7000 descending to 5000 feet...then to 4 and 3000 feet by 1714...269.0
1714: CAPITOL 91 flight on interflight freq...139.15
1715: CAPITOL 91, flight of two, to Andrews Tower...349.0
1717: CAPITOL 91 reports initial for runway 19L...349.0
1719: CAPITOL 91 reports, "base, gear, stop, left"....CAPITOL 92 gives same report....349.0 (And they're on the ground. No telling where they were on the deployment. I didn't hear them go out - or don't remember when they did. Could they have been out to the Red Flag exercise at Nellis?)
1738: NAVY LT 263 with Andrews Approach...119.3
1739: BATON 51 (EC-130J PA-ANG Harrisburg) with arrival message to Baton Ops...A-2 with 12K fuel on board...mentions CARMEN 01 (C-130H 142nd AS DE-ANG WILMINGTON) is 5-10 minutes behind him...says they'll park in Spot 6 and 5...BATON 51 has LCOL____ on board his aircraft...395.1
1740: BATON 51 then calls CARMEN 01 and tells him where they'll park and how to get to the parking space once on the ground...395.1
1744: NAVT LT 263 (P-3) to Andrews Tower for landing...118.4
1746: NAVY LT 263 reports gear down and locked...118.4
1751: BOXER 40 (201st ALS, DC-ANG Andrews AFB) landing at Andrews with Tower...118.4
1757: BOLT 35 (KC-135R 91st ARS, MacDill AFB) landing at Andrews with Tower...118.4

1800: BOXER 44 approaches Andrews for landing with Tower...118.4
1805: NAVY LT 263 performing approaches at Andrews...with Approach 119.3 and Tower 118.4
1812: PAT 201 landing Andrews runway 19R with Tower...118.4
1837: REACH 188 [female] with arrival message to Dover CP...40 minutes out, A-2...349.4

1915: DC 92 (KC-135 756th ARS Andrews AFB) with LIBERATOR arriving home to Andrews from overseas...requesting Customs...378.1
1926: DC 92 mentions to LIBERATOR that if they want to refuel tonight, they can do it...378.1
1941: REACH 5032 to McGuire Command Post with arrival message...30 minutes out, zero pax or cargo, 1 Space A pax, need airstairs and transportation for 13 crew members...319.4
1947: REACH 5032 adds that they're A-2 for a right landing light burned out...gets parking in spot G-1...319.4
1949: JOSA 984 landing at Andrews on runway 19R...118.4

2001: MUSSEL 01 setting down on Andrews North Pad...118.4

NOTE: The VA-ANG F-16 unit at Richmond has already begun their move to Langley. They will be integrated into the 1st Fighter Wing and fly Langley's aircraft. No more F-16s once the move is completed. We'll soon have to cross off the SLAM/BASH/TBOLT/FURY callsigns and erase their associated freqs from our scan rotations.
R.I.P. VA-ANG (192nd Fighter Wing.) You were always interesting. For administrative purposes, I understand the personnel will still be carried under the VA-ANG name.

Ref below: Sorry Nick. I'll miss them too. I've been wondering over the past few months why I've heard so many VA-ANG F-16s working offshore with Langley F-15s and even with the F-22As a couple of times. I guess they were getting up to speed on Langley's flight tactics. I just happened to run across The Pentagon Channel last night looking for something worth watching and they happened to have a current news in the Air Force segment so I stopped on it. That's where I learned the news for the first time. It was only about the 192nd FW and didn't mention any other items for the Richmond Airport so I don't know about anything else that currently flies into there.

By the way, we know the ND-ANG F-16 detachment at Langley was replaced by the VT-ANG. However, the 119th Fighter Wing and its F-16s of the ND-ANG at Fargo was also deactivated and the last four of their F-16s were sent to the aircraft boneyard in Arizona last month. So, we can also cross off the NODAK callsign and any others they used from our callsign lists.
The 119th Fighter Wing will become the 119th Wing and fly Predator UAVs and C-21 transports but keep the "Happy Hooligans" nickname.
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
WHAT?!?!?!? They're leaving??? That ruined my day right there....
Is something else going to come in to RIC or is it just going to be vacant? What about all the transports that come and go daily? We've got the Defense Supply Center here in Richmond, so will the keep coming? I guess this explains why there have been so many C-130's here lately.... This is very sad and depressing news indeed.

Ref Above: Well hopefully the transports will still fly into and out of RIC. With all the stuff that goes on at the Defense Supply Center I'm sure they'll be using aircraft to move some of it out of this area. I guess this means that its time to build up my frequency lists for Langley, Oceana, Shaw, Pope and Seymour Johnson since those will become my primary focusing points. It would have been extremely nice if they did the opposite and brought the F-22's to Richmond :D
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1135: TEAM 11 (KC-10A McGuire) with Atlantic City Approach descending to 8000 feet...124.6
1138: TEAM 11 at 5000 feet heading for McGuire...124.6
Radar currently showing freezing rain across Carroll, Frederick, Baltimore, Harford Counties and across the lower tier of counties in Pennsylvania. However, temps are warm - low 40s at BWI.

1203: REACH 225 to Dover CP...IDs as a Dover C-5 off from Charleston...says he's supposed to meet an ETHYL 99 tanker from Niagara Falls for an AR op. He wants Dover to call the Command Post at Niagara Falls and ask if the tanker will be on time and to tell them that REACH 225 is airborne and on time....349.4
NOTE: My primary callsign database lists the ETHYL callsign as KC-135s from Altus AFB OK - and I suppose most of you use the same database. I've often wondered about that since I always hear the ETHYL callsign used in the New England area. REACH 225 made it pretty clear ETHYL is from Niagara Falls. I suppose it could just be staging from there but that doesn't explain why the ETHYLs are always operating in that area. If correct, that would make the ETHYL ID "KC-135R 107th Air Refueling Wing, NY-ANG Niagara Falls"

1223: ROMAN 41 (F/A-18 VFA-106, NAS Oceana VA) with ZDC-Dominion at FL 240...377.1
1225: ROMAN 41 handed off to ZDC-Montebello and checks in at FL 240...284.7
1232: ROMAN 41 handed off to ZDC-Casanova and again checks in at FL 240...282.2
1249: JAWS 21 (Probably F-16 VT-ANG Burlington/Langley) with ZDC-Montebello at FL 230...284.7
1253: JAWS 21 repeats he's at FL 230 a couple of times...then reports "no joy on 284.7"....284.7
1254: JAWS 21 comes up with ZDC-Azalea, reports at FL 230 and is cleared to FL 220...263.1
1256: U/I aircraft to Davison AAF to say he's early for the afternoon shuttle and wants the fuel truck aware of that...139.4
1257: TOPCAT 3 (KC-135 108th ARW McGuire) telling ground controller to call him when "they" get airborne. Not sure who the "they" is - presumably his receivers...303.0

1301: Speaker(may be TOPCAT 3) asking TORCH Control (108th ARW) to let him know when TOPCAT 2 gets airborne...303.0
1308: FUZZY 11 [female] to McGuire CP reports 20 minutes out, A-1, to make a her tail number as 58-0023 and self IDs as a KC-135R...that makes her from the 136th ARS/107th ARW at Niagara Falls...319.4
1318: FUZZY 11 gets her parking space at McGuire...Bravo-4...319.4
1332: _____ 18 and TOPCAT 2 on 311.0 and then on AR freq 238.9. They are talking about meeting an IP time of 1848Z. The 18 aircraft (at 1326) says he's 70 miles from Norfolk. (The ___ 18 aircraft may be TOPCAT 18 but not positive of it)
1338: ____ 18 says the IP is at the Oceana 095 degree radial/78 miles at 1848Z...238.9
1347: JAWS 21 up again with ZDC-Irons at FL 210...360.85
1348: JAWS 21 now at 16,000 feet and requests an approach to Oceana to do a practice approach there...360.85
1357: JAWS 21 with Norfolk TRACON...370.925
1359: An ELT type warbling tone just heard on HUNTRESS freq 324.0. It lasted about 15 seconds and then turned off.

Langley sure has been quiet the past several days. A dozen F-22As left on the 7th and headed to Hickam in Hawaii and then on to Kadena in Okinawa for the deployment...but where is everyone else?

1427: WILD 1 flight of F-16s from Andrews up with TRACON climbing out...heading to Patuxent...348.725
1428: WILD 1 using interflight freq...143.6 (Flight of two F-16s)
1430: WILD 1 handed off to ZDC-Calvert and checks in passing 9000 for 15,000 feet...281.4
1432: WILD 1 handed off to Patuxent Approach and checks in at 12,000 feet...cancels IFR...305.2
1434: WILD 1 handed off to BayWatch...checks in...270.8
1435: WILD 1 says they'll be in the area for 20 minutes...when leaving they request a bobsled to runway 32 at Patuxent and request airspace up to FL 300...270.8
1436: SCARY flight of F-16s off the deck at Andrews...with TRACON...348.725
1437: SCARY flight of two on interflight freq...139.15
1437: SCARY flight handed to ZDC-Calvert and check in there....281.4
WILD and SCARY and it's not even Halloween
1439: SCARY handed off to Patuxent Approach...check in at 15,000...cancel IFR...305.2
1439: WILD tells BayWatch they'll be in R-4005 surface to 9000 feet...270.8
1441: SCARY asks Patuxent if WILD was able to get below the weather...305.2
1442: SCARY handed off to BayWatch and checks in as a flight of two at 15,000 feet...will be in the area for 25 minutes...R-4005 south exclusive...354.8
1445: SCARY pair begin ACM activity...139.15
1450: SCARY moving on down to R-6609...354.8...starting a new ACM at FL 190-200 at 350 knots...139.15
1453: SCARY flight to Pax 12,500 feet requesting entry to VFR, cancel IFR...told to monitor BayWatch on 354.8...305.2
1456: U/I aircraft reports hitting a bird during an approach to Dover...wants to land and offload his cargo...says he doesn't think the bird was sucked into the #3 engine...says they're out over the Bay at this time...about 15 minutes out...349.4
1459: TESTER 12 (USN Test Pilot School, Patuxent NAS) to BayWatch to report he did a supersonic run topping out at mach 1.025 at 31,000 feet...270.8

1504: Northrup Grumman test flight freq active...123.225 (And later the 123.2 freq also active)
1511: SCARY flight sounds like they're doing a practice approach to runway 14 at Pax...270.8/139.15
1512: WILD flight also doing their bobsled at Pax...switching to Tower...270.8/143.6
1513: TESTER 12 finishing up with BayWatch...270.8
1515: TESTER 03 asking BayWatch if the south spin is still hot...354.8
1517: Leesburg Radio and PAT 45 (helo) on FSS talking about opening a flight plan. PAT 45 took off at 1450 local and is heading for Davison. Leesburg tells 45 he'll send that message to Davison...255.4
1521: TESTER 962 says he'll be manuevering in his present position...270.8
1543: JESTER 21 with ZDC-Woodstown...363.0
1545: WILD to SOF to report 10 minutes out, both jets Code a PIREP to SOF for the area between Pax and Andrews...139.9
1547: JESTER 21 handed off to ZDC-Kenton and checks in at FL 180 heading down to 13,000...354.15
1551: WILD flight with TRACON heading for runway 19R at Andrews...335.5
1552: SCARY flight also with TRACON heading for Andrews...335.5
1555: WILD flight over to Andrews gear down for approach...349.0
1556: WILD 1 reports executing missed approach...349.0
1558: WILD 2 cleared to land 19R...gear down...349.0

1600: WILD 1 reports, "base, gear, stop, right"..."cleared to land"...349.0
1601: SCARY report low approach to 19R...335.5
1601: SCARY flight to ADW Tower...2 will do a full stop, following by 1 after 2 lands...SCARY 1 cleared for the option...349.0
1604: SCARY 2 reports, "base, gear, stop on the right"...349.0
1606: SCARY 1 reports, "gear down, base, full stop right"...349.0
And then there were none. All done. The end.

Ref next two messages below: Hearing you loud and clear. I guess we need to find out then the purpose of the ETHYL callsign - when/why they use it rather than their squadron callsigns. For refueling missions of receivers heading overseas perhaps? Or a static callsign for missions assigned to/by the NorthEast Tanker Task Force? Hmmm...who can I call to find the answer? All the units you've noted where you've heard that callsign belong to the NETTF. Well, actually, McGuire isn't part of the NETFF but everything flies into McGuire at some time or another anyway. Many flights stage out of there. NETTF is Bangor, Pease, Niagara Falls and Pittsburgh. One report I read showed the 756th at Andrews as being part of the NETFF and mentioned it was the only non-ANG unit that was part of the Task Force. All other reports about NETFF have just shown the four ANG units.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
ETHYL can be tanker callsign from almost any unit.I have heard McGuire,Pease,Bangor etc use that callsign.Sort of a active tanker callsign like REACH cargo.
The only thing in common I hear about ETHYL is that they are usually refueling aircraft in AR-20 area like today.
Maybe ETHYL is location callsign for Tankers working Northern Atlantic area.

NIGHTHAWK 18 Marine Chopper with Dover appch 132.425 enr Jersey Shore
switched over to 124.600.

REACH 1313 KC-135 #61-0313 916 ARW arrive Dover.Routine weekend reserve trip
to Europe and back.Req customs.

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Nov 3, 2005
I have heard the ETHYL callsign used by tankers from the 171st out of Pittsburgh as well. Back on the morning of Superbowl Sunday, a REACH 211 (headed across the Atlantic) was being refuelled by ETHYL 10 who said they were out of Pittsburgh. I also pick up things like "STEEL Control ETHYL 11 is off a Frag + 5, boom in the green."



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1900: Turned on the radio to find SCARY/WILD F-16 flights from Andrews doing some ACM activity. They are using Giant Killer's tactical freq for common ops...337.225. Normally they're in W-107 when doing this activity but they sound too loud for that tonight - or else they're just working very high this time. Yeah, they're pushing 30,000 feet.
The SCARY/WILD flights are also using interflight 143.6/139.15
1920: Yes, the SCARY/WILD flights are in Giant Killer's W-107 area...255.0
1930: WILD/SCARY done and on the way home.
1935: SCARY flight to SENATE SOF with in-flight reply so in the blind report fiven...15 minutes out, two Code 1s...139.9
1935: WILD flight with ZDC-Casino meandering toward home...285.4
1937: WILD flight over to ZDC-Kenton...354.15
1938: WILD flight to SENATE SOF for in-flight report...x2, no reply...139.9...also tried Uniform 234.8 with same result.
1939: SCARY flight with ZDC-Kenton...354.15
1940: TRACON telling SAM 1127 to maintain 14,000...317.425 (SAM was on VHF so I didn't hear him)
1941: SAM 1127 handed to ZDC-Swann and he checks in there heading up to 16,000 feet...134.5
1941: SCARY to SENATE SOF in the blind...69 miles out, two Code 1s...139.9
1942: WILD to SENATE SOF in the blind...10 minutes out, two Code 1s...139.9
1943: WILD flight handed to Potomac TRACON and check in...317.425
1945: SAM 1127 handed off to ZDC-Woodstown and checks in at FL 180 heading for 230...125.45
1945: WILD flight told to expedite descent to 4000 due to traffic...317.425
1948: SCARY flight checks in at 11,000 feet with TRACON....told to descend to 4000...317.425
1949: WILD handed off to TRACON and check in at 4000 feet, non-standard 2 miles front to back...heading for runway 1R at Andrews...270.275
1952: SCARY flight handed off to TRACON and check in at 4000 feet...270.275
1956: WILD 1 handed to ADW Tower and check in as two F-16s, 8 miles out, full stop 1R...349.0
1959: SCARY flight to ADW Tower, 9 DME, full stop 1R....349.0
Just in time...gotta go watch '24'
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TinEar said:
Langley sure has been quiet the past several days. A dozen F-22As left on the 7th and headed to Hickam in Hawaii and then on to Kadena in Okinawa for the deployment...but where is everyone else?

The other 14 Raptors (94 FS) are at Nellis for Red Flag, while the 27th is going to Kadena.

Long time, no post for me... Work has been kickin my behind.

<<EDIT>> Yeah I know , the numbers don't add up.. reported that Langley received their final F-22. But if one squadron is still flying F-15s I would bet that not all the Wing's Pilots have transitioned, leaving a bunch of Planes without pilots...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
n3bxv said:
The other 14 Raptors (94 FS) are at Nellis for Red Flag, while the 27th is going to Kadena.

Long time, no post for me... Work has been kickin my behind.

Chuck, great to see you posting. So let's see...14 to Red Flag and 12 to Kadena makes 26 and they got 40 of them. Should be 14 of them hanging around Langley someplace. Of course, if the crew chiefs and maintenance people are gone, not much they can do. And there's still a squadron of F-15s feeling neglected and envious.
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Well Alan pretty much summed up everything I heard this way but there are a couple additions.

0913-0929: VT-ANG working their interflight. c/s JAWS. Just some general chit chat...nothing important. <143.825>
1238: JOSA 044 calling Pope Command. x5-no one home. <134.1>
1249: PAT 44 talking to Norfolk NS Tower. Wants to know if they stay on the copter approach will they stay clear of the range control complex. <126.2>
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
trainman111 said:
Well Alan pretty much summed up everything I heard this way but there are a couple additions.

0913-0929: VT-ANG working their interflight. c/s JAWS. Just some general chit chat...nothing important. <143.825>
**WHILE THE TWO WERE TALKING TO EACH OTHER, ONE PILOT ASKED THE OTHER WHO THEY WERE TALKING TO. HE REPLIED AND SAID HE WAS TALKING TO WASHINGTON ON 209.700.** I can't find this listed anywhere as a ZDC frequency. Could we possibly have a new frequency in our hands?

That's not a valid freq Nick. They wouldn't be below 225. Their radio doesn't go that low.
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Jun 18, 2006
trainman111 said:

possibly referring to 120.975 which is a ZDC frequency, just not sure which sector


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
bigred10 said:
possibly referring to 120.975 which is a ZDC frequency, just not sure which sector

Disregard what I had here...I found it...was just blind for a minute there while looking. Although F-16s (JAWS) certainly have the capability of using VHF for their ATC work, they almost never do.

Ben said:
Regarding the Ethyl callsign, here's another past user of that ID:

Thanks Ben. There goes the idea it belongs to the NETTF. Starting to look countrywide. There still must be some reason/purpose/specific mission that results in that callsign use. We've got a mystery on our hands. Actually, we don't but it just galls me when I can't find the answer to something.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
If that's a ZDC freq, it isn't listed in the database or on a freq list from the Center. Any idea who used it or where they were flying when they did? Although F-16s (JAWS) certainly have the capability of using VHF for their ATC work, they almost never do.

I have 120.975 as ZDC Salisbury on my scanner.Not sure where I got that..

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