Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
I have 120.975 as ZDC Salisbury on my scanner.Not sure where I got that..


Yeah, so do I Mark - now that I opened my eyes. Just missed it the first time I looked. I never monitor the VHF ZDC freqs so it didn't ring a bell at first. It replaced the old 128.525 freq.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
A GRIM 41 aupposedly inbound to Andrews working VHF freqs..

Grim 41 is now working Boston center on 128.750,
this is an E-4B enroute to Andrews AFB from the
Gulf. His tailnumber is 75-0125.eta 0410z

1056 local GRIM 41 switch from 127.700 to Balt appch 119.700 direct Nottingham at 4k.
1103 local GRIM 41 on 125.650,lost him after that,didn't hear ADW tower or appch.
Maybe he went into Dulles..Never heard an Andrews inbound on 125.650 before.
1125 local SAM 1410 with ZNY Matawan 125.325 decending to 240.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Do you think we missed him Mark? That first post about him was a tad over an hour ago.

Guess we didn't - at least you didn't. Good catch.

Agree that it doesn't look like he went to Andrews. I was on 119.3 and 118.4 and heard nothing.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
trainman111 said:
VT-ANG working their interflight. c/s JAWS. Just some general chit chat...nothing important. <143.825>
I just sat down and starting reviewing my audio for the day. I low and behold I had this recorded on 143.825 as well.

For what it's worth The Pilot referenced "TWENTY NINTY SEVEN". Likely refering to 120.97 or 975 as the others have eluded to.

Also wanted to add that the Tankers were all over this freq as well. Using for Interplane between 2 tankers.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD

I have started a dedicated thread seeking help in updating the NAS Patuxent River WIKI which can be found here:

I figured this would be a better way of doing this as opposed to trying to do it in this sticky thread because some of the discsuuon will likley be about the format of the WIKI and other non MilAir Topics and I did not want to clutter up this sticky with that sort of stuff.

For anybody willing to aide in working to create a better PAX Wiki, great, looking forward to your input.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
Worth Noting.

PAX has built a new Tower down here. The old freqs still hold true for it as best I can tell. Worth noting is that the old Tower is still up. I don't know much about what is going on at this point but yesterday had "BLACKJACK TOWER" & "BLACKJACK/SHADTREE LAB" coming up on mutiple freqs doing radios checks in AM, FM and SECURE modes.

After talking with a few people the rumor mill has it that the old tower has been turned over to HX-21, at least to some degree.

Yesterday the freqs used were 123.275, 383.7, 313.5 & 262.95. All freqs used by the same groups of users for Radio Checks. Several references made to running upstairs/downstairs to check other radio.

So for all intents and purposes my suspicion is PAX has basically turned the old tower into somewhat of a HELO TWR. Not confirmed as yet though.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Had another of those noisy "Heavies" I happened to hear during the night from BWI. The flight was OMNI 787 Heavy which departed BWI for Pope AFB at 0337. It was a DC-10. That's another of the contract airlines delivering cargo for the military. It's officially Omni Air Express (OAE 787 in FlightAware). I see there's another DC-10 from Omni (OAE 724) due to arrive at BWI from ETAR (Ramstein Air Base in Germany) at 1158 this morning.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
Have HOT MIC transmission underway from PAX. The aircraft is working with ECHO Control but is using 249.95. Very interesting comms to hear if you have never heard them.


Dec 19, 2002
267.350 Usage - Not Milsat

267.35. If the blog has a listing of a specific satellite, a couple of questions on the SATCOM mailing lists might bring the answer. I *think* you could even use some of the public websites we have in the wiki to plot when the satellite is next visible in our area. If you continue to hear FM broadcasts like the one above using those timeframes, you've got a good chance that you've solved your mystery. I agree with Tin that it might well be an aircraft relaying via a satellite - the question is, which one?

In the past this frequency was owned and operated by the US Army. Under the recent UHF Milair realignment that I have been tracking things have apparently changed. 267.350 is NOT a satellite downlink. It is in fact an assigned US Navy tactical frequency. If I tell you anymore I will have to kill you. ;-))

And I want to remind folks to keep an eye down around Henderson Hall, VA as I expect there will be another 14c system ID USMC 3809-400 MHz TRS that should be operational or will be soon. Any updates I receive on this I will post to the blog at

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
1400z OPEC 23 along with OPEC 22,24 asking Dover CP 349.400 for status of
recievers from 4th FW Seymour Johnson.
OPEC repeats message flt of 8 in the green and callsigns are GUNDOG 51,52,53.

APG is shooting artillery today in snow.Sound carries really well.
Small boom followed seconds later by larger boom.
Their old Mot UHF 400 TRS stilll working.Weak but mostly readable here.ID 304 sounds like gunners.
Can hear them blow whistle in radio background and says firing 120's now. Must be 120 mm Howitzer.

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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
Navairboss said:
In the past this frequency was owned and operated by the US Army. Under the recent UHF Milair realignment that I have been tracking things have apparently changed. 267.350 is NOT a satellite downlink. It is in fact an assigned US Navy tactical frequency. If I tell you anymore I will have to kill you. ;-))
Good info.

And I want to remind folks to keep an eye down around Henderson Hall, VA as I expect there will be another 14c system ID USMC 3809-400 MHz TRS that should be operational or will be soon. Any updates I receive on this I will post to the blog at

Beyond the five 14C systems already? Something else you may be interested in is my new post in the VA section.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1921: REACH 026 (or 023) to Dover Metro asking for weather for Savannah at 0200Z (as an alternate airport)...this is due to weather issues overhead Charleston...342.0
1925: REACH 026 (or 023) to Dover Command Post...starts to talk and then tells Dover he'll call back in a few minutes (sounding a little frazzled)...349.4
1928: REACH 026 (or 023) to Dover CP...says he's overhead Dover right now on his way to Charleston...he's having a maintenance problem that prevents him from flying into any icing conditions...he asks Dover CP to call Charleston to find out the icing conditions since he'll be there in about an hour and 15 minutes...349.4
1933: REACH 026 again to Dover CP to get that Charleston icing report...says he originally was assured there was no icing at Charleston but now apparently he got the report there was moderate icing there...he wants Dover to call ahead to Charleston and see if they will be ready to give him an alternate airport - preferably in northern Florida if it's the case that there's icing at Charleston...(whew! it all I think)...349.4
1943: REACH 026 again to Dover CP talking about making it to Patrick or McDill in Florida..says he has enough gas to make it to either location...cannot go into Charleston due to icing...says he's coming from overseas and needs Customs wherever he diverts to and that will be a consideration for where he's sent...349.4
A couple of times during his various transmissions he has given his callsign as 026, other times as 023. The last three transmissions have been 026. I'm going to settle on REACH 026.
1947: REACH 026 starting to fade but says he's going to call Pope Command Post in a couple of minutes to see about going into that location...349.4 (He does sound worried.)
1952: REACH 026 to Pope Command Post (too weak to copy...heard him mention weather and that was about it)...381.3
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
Pretty much nothing flying today. Figured I would see what's up on the local commercial side. It's dead. Did hear some guy on IAD Clearance Delivery asking when the airport will open. Supposedly 11:30. Another guy talking to Landmark Aviation, getting anxious, said 15 minutes was up. Less than usual activity with Washington Center.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Working from home today and just started monitoring and straight into a good one. Frame not needed but nice sight heading out...


1906Z 120.650 ZDC-Linden - GRIM 41 (E-4B 75-0125 1st ACCS) - deps ADW 14000' for 17000' QSY ZDC-Moorefield 133.275.
1939Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - GERMAN AIR FORCE 412 (A310 10+21) - cleared to ILS 1R circle to land rwy 30.

2016Z 119.850 Potomac APP - PAT 128 - requesting the ILS to rwy 1L @ ADW.
2016Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EASY 648 - deps ADW dir FLUKY to 15000' QSY ZDC-Montebello 121.675.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
j333_76484 said:
1633: 277.0 OSPREY up in the test area on RTPS freq tanking

I can just barely hear him from here Jeff. Just heard a '522' which i guess is him...or the tanker. I also tried to hear that "hot mic" 249.95 freq yesterday but couldn't hear a thing on it. I know you're shaking your head in disbelief since they are obviously loud and clear to you. Just goes to show the difference 50 miles can make for low flying aircraft.

1619: AIREVAC 33114 going into Andrews...worried about the weather...378.1
1625: REACH 5002 with Dover CP for arrival msg...ETA 2150Z, 3 pax, needs short stairs for them and transportation for 10 crew members. Bunch of cargo to offload including 43,000 pounds on 16 pallets, 1500 pounds of loose cargo spread across 8 pieces and 3 pieces of registered mail for 15 pounds. He's A-2 status for several minor writeups.
1630: AIREVAC 33114 tells Griffin Command that he has no joy on the ADW Metro freq 344.6. Wants to know if they're listening...378.1
1654: AIREVAC 6008 (six thousand eight is how he gave it) to Andrews with arrival msg...ETA 2215Z, 6 Space A pax getting off at ADW, 1 litter patient, 3 C-PAC crew, 5 MedEvac crew which are stationed at Andrews so their outfit needs to be notified to come get them and their luggage, he's in A-1 status, needs no fuel, wants a quick turn and expedite everything on the ground...will park in 2-Row...378.1

1710: It's really AIREVAC 60008 (six thousand eight still fits but this time he read the digits) asking Andrews Tower about the winds at ADW...says he's still with Potomac but came over for this purpose...118.4
1715: AIREVAC 60008 tells ADW Tower the winds are above the acceptable point...wants to know what he should do...118.4
1719: AIREVAC 60008 to Griffin Command to say the winds are above his limits and he needs to divert somewhere else...he wants the controller to call the Metro desk and get them to call him on 344.6...378.1
1722: AIREVAC 60008 calling Andrews Metro...344.6
1722: AIREVAC 60008 to Andrews and says he couldn't make contact with Metro and wants to know if the ground controller called them...asks for a phone number and says he'll call them directly...says he'll call Command Post back after talking to them....378.1
1732: AIREVAC 60008 back with Andrews on the CP freq (fading badly now) but mentions needing to divert and wanting Andrews to work on it from their end...also mentioned something about the patient on board but I just can't copy enough to make sense of the rest of his message....378.1
1735: AIREVAC 60008 (much better now) says he wants to go into Patuxent...the winds there are okay...he just doesn't know if anyone from Andrews can go down there to meet them...he's going to check with Pax and get back to the ADW controller...378.1
1736: AIREVAC 60008 [female] calling Patuxent Tower...123.7
1744: AIREVAC 60008 disappeard for several minutes but is now back with CP asking about winds yet again...378.1
And that was the last I heard from him. 25 minutes have gone by since that last transmission. Jeff, did you happen to hear him going into Pax?
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
TinEar said:
I can just barely hear him from here Jeff. Just heard a '522' which i guess is him...or the tanker. I also tried to hear that "hot mic" 249.95 freq yesterday but couldn't hear a thing on it. I know you're shaking your head in disbelief since they are obviously loud and clear to you. Just goes to show the difference 50 miles can make for low flying aircraft.
Tin, Yep the 277.0 freq you should hear Ok they are still up and just left the tanker I think. I hear the Aircraft, Tanker and the RTPS flight test Engineer on the freq as I type. I even know the pilots and engineers I hear. Mark and Tom.

For the 249.95 freq. Yes that along with some of the ther HOT MIC freqs are going to be interesting and it's likely going to come to pass that I am going to be on my own with those unless SOMDSCAN can help. I suspect most often these HOT MIC transmissions are being rebroadcast from a ground site. I don't know why but I suspect that is that case as you are not the first person who has told me they could not copy it.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
0907: 141.875 Just went active. Used beween 2 aircraft. No C/S yet.
0913: Still have them but weak. No C/S heard on this freq but did catch SLAMS up with GK on 251.6 just after this first transmission
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


1448Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 738T (C-17A visual) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650.
1450Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 305 - deps DAA @ 2000' to 11000' dir HAFNR QSY 121.050.

1559Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 849 (C-21A Joint Operations Support Airlift) - deps ADW to 11000' dir HAFNR to FL210 QSY ZDC-Montebello 121.675.

1601Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - JOSA 849 (C-21A Joint Operations Support Airlift) - reports t/off time ADW 1556Z.
1644Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 1205 (Davison C-12T pm shuttle) - deps DAA to 5000' dir GRUBY QSY 126.400.

1701Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - N1 (G4 N1 FAA) - deps DCA 3500' to 5000' to FL210 dir HAFNR QSY ZDC-Montebello 121.675.
1705Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 112 - deps ADW 2500' for 3000' then to 5000' dir AML.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Not much MilAir in the skies today.

1350: Just heard an A-10 checking with Warren Grove Range...ID as a single A-10...says his flight is 10 minutes out and will be at the range for 45 minutes...283.1
1351-52: ASCOT 6846 [British accent] calling Dover Command Post...134.1 (Originally typed 349.4 for the freq out of habit...should be 134.1)
1353: ASCOT 6846 to Dover CP saying he's an Air Force C-17 on his way to Charleston. His ETA there will be 2000Z and mentions that he's going to need Customs...requests that message be passed to Charleston...134.1
1358: JOSA 777 reports to Andrews his takeoff time was 1855Z..wants it input into the system...141.55

1402: DEVIL 11 (F-16 NJ-ANG) on interflight freq...looks like a flight of four...138.425
1403: DEVIL 11 flight with ZDC-Casino at 16000, then descending to 150000 feet...285.4
1407: Interflight freq active probably with VA-ANG F-16s...flight of two...141.875
1408: DEVIL 11 flight handed off and call Pax Approach to cancel IFR in about a minute...305.2
1411: DEVIL 11 flight cancels IFR at this time and is handed off to BayWatch where they check in...354.8
1412: DEVIL 11 flight leader says they'll work from 3500 to 24999 feet...delay is for 40 minutes...wants separate squawks for his three wingmen...354.8
1414: Coast Guard Helo 6585 (HH-65C) with CG Station Baltimore to have him maintain listening guard for his flight to Atlantic City...Marine Channel 23A...157.15
1416: U/I flight (probably the VA-ANG) with Giant Killer to enter W-386...249.8
1417: I've not got another NJ-ANG flight on interflight...BICEP...but working same freq I heard the DEVIL flight on...138.425
1417: RAVEN flight reports off the deck at 15 to Raven Ops...347.2
1419: U/I flight in W-386 asking if that's the tanker off their nose 12 miles at 21,000 feet (same flight just reported entering W-386)...249.8
1420: BICEP 11 calling WEASEL 31 and WEASEL 11 (the WEASEL callsign is being used by a couple of the BICEPs as simulated FACs)....138.875
Sounds like perhaps the DEVIL and BICEP flights are working together with some of them becoming WEASELs...they decide to work V-15 and come up on 138.425 as expected. They are also now using callsign AIREDALE.
1425: RAVEN to Dover Approach saying they're heading to R-5002 (Warren Grove Range) north of Atlantic City...257.875
1426: There is also a FLYER 1 (A-10 Willow Grove PA-ANG) with Dover Approach...257.875
1428: Langley interflight freq active...358.85 (very weak from here)
The BICEP flight is also a flight of four.
1428: FLYER 1 with ACY Approach...says he's just a single ship today (this might have been the single A-10 that went to Warren Grove Range at the top of this page)...327.125
1430: RAVEN 1 flight also with ACY App...says they were scheduled to turn in 8 miles but can do so sooner if necessary (traffic in area)...327.125
1431: WILD flight of four F-16s from DC-ANG Andrews off the deck...143.6
1431: FAST 61 (F-16 NY-ANG Syracuse) with ZDC-Brooke...says he's heading for Syracuse...327.0
1432: FAST 61 handed off to ZNY-Westminster...cleared to descend from FL 250 to 210...323.3
1434: FAST 61 handed off to ZNY-Modena...tries to check in, "no one home on 335.6"....335.6
1434: FAST 61 back to Westminster...gets handed off to ZNY-Lancasteer and checks in at FL 210...239.05
Was I the one that said there was little MilAir in the skies this afternoon?
1436: FAST 61 no reply on that freq either so back to ZNY-Westminster...323.3...repeats he's going Syracuse
1438: FAST 61 handed off to ZNY-Lancaster (backup) and checks in at FL 210...wants lower, can't get it...285.65
1438: WILD 1 flight to Pax to enter R-6609 for the next 35 minutes...wants separate squawks for all his wingmen...270.8
1439: FAST 61 cleared to FL 190...285.65
I can't pay any attention to all the transports going into Andrews/Dover/McGuire...just too much fighter activity.
1442: FAST 61 handed off to ZNY-Milton and checks in at FL 190...269.1 (checks in 3 times, no joy...makes it on the 4th try)
1442: BICEP flight asking for a VHF freq from whichever one of them is controlling the flight...speaker says they must use UHF and tells them to contact WARMAN on 001. I find them on U-1, the Ops freq...261.0 (they meet up there and then go back to VHF)
1445: FAST 61 handed off to ZNY-Elmira and checks in there at FL 190...298.9
1445: Another A-10 flight from MTN on interflight and reports off at 43....142.3 (AXEMAN)
1445: AXEMAN flight to Raven Ops to report off the deck at 43 past the hour...347.2
1447: FAST 61 handed off againg but finally got too weak to copy...298.8 (Done with him)
1447: BICEP flight back to Ops freq but using it for their tactical ops at Patuxent...mention both WARMAN and WARHAWK callsigns...261.0
1448: WARMAN tells one of the BICEP F-16s to contact ICEBOX on 138.875...261.0
1450: BICEP flight leader tells all BICEPs to push 354.8 for BayWatch and 138.875 for interflight...261.0
1450: BICEP checks in with BayWatch...354.8
1451: TESTER 16 with BayWatch...354.8
1451: ICEBOX contacting the BICEPs on interflight...138.875 (all these wild callsigns are part and parcel of the NJ-ANG flights)
1452: TESTER 16 tells BayWatch he's going to move to the south to do a supersonic run toward the north...354.8
1452: TESTER 16 tells BayWatch he's maneuvering vertically...270.8
1453: ICEBOX directing various BICEPs to attack ground targets...typical Close Air Support chat...138.875
1456: TESTER 16 reports he did the supersonic run...max speed mach 1.07 at 32,000 feet...made from the 130/22 radial to 100/28...354.8
1458: TESTER 10 to BayWatch saying he's going vertical...270.8
1458: BICEPs getting a point out to traffic in their area by BayWatch...354.8...meanwhile TESTER 10 also says he sees the traffic...270.8
1459: TESTER 16 reports he'll be doing vertical maneuvering...354.8
Hope all interested can hear this Close Air Support activity at the Patuxent Range at Vienna's beautiful stuff.

1503: TESTER 10 reports RTB...270.8....then mentions "triple nine" which I guess might mean freq 299.9...or not.
1506: ICEBOX asking the BICEP flight if they can put 4-5 500 pound bombs on a target...they can but ICEBOX says he'll settle for just two on the target...138.875
1507: WILD 4-ship in ACM activity on their interflight...143.6
1508: AXEMAN flight complaining to Raven Ops that their time at the range was cancelled...Ops tells them if they can't drop, they'll arrange another scramble for them...AXEMAN is speculating why Warren Grove won't let them drop...347.2
1511: AXEMAN trying to contact Raven Ops on Victor...143.8 (no joy)
1512: AXEMAN makes contact with Ops...says they'll be staying at the Gap (Fort Indiantown Gap so they're now at Bollen Range)...143.8
1515: ICEBOX gives BICEPs the BDA for that bomb attack...2 buildings destroyed, 35 KIA or WIA...says he's done with the BICEPs and thanks them for the work...138.875
1517: WILD to SENATE SOF with inflight report...10 minutes out, 1 is Code 2 for oxygen system, the other 3 are Code 1...139.9
1517: BICEP 11 to BayWatch to say they're done and will RTB to Atlantic City...354.8
1518: WILD flight with TRACON for approach to Andrews...335.5
1521: BICEP 11 asks for freq for Washington Center from BayWatch...354.8
1521: BICEP 11 handed off to ZDC-Kenton and check in at 15,500 VFR for ACY...354.15
1521: WILD flight to U-4 with Andrews Tower...349.0
1522: BICEP 11 checks in with Devil Ops...261.0
1524: TESTER 11 now with BayWatch...354.8
1525: WILD flight doing both low key and high key approaches to Andrews...349.0
1526: BICEP flight handed off to ZDC-Casino and check in at 15,500 feet...285.4
1527: WILD flight landing...all report "base, gear, stop, left" and touch down...349.0
1528: BICEP 11 flight handed to ACY Approach and check in initial for runway 31 at ACY...327.125
1528: DEVIL 11 flight with ZDC-Gordonsville at FL 280...says his destination is MSN...351.9 (Madison Wisconsin?)
1533: EVAC 19143 reports off at 32 from Andrews...378.1
1538: AXEMAN flight at Bollen Range...want to do some laser work...237.2
1534: RAVEN flight to Raven Ops to report 10 minutes out, Code 1...347.2
1541: DEVIL 11 flight with ZDC-Moorefield at FL 280...371.9 (He's fading at this point)
1553: VENUS 40 with Pax Approach doing approaches there...127.95
1559: TRACK 1 to Andrews...IDs as a C-21 Oklahoma City based...20 minutes out, need parking...mentions "PPR 0215R11" (no idea)...378.1

1601-10: Couple of Navy fighters doing ACM activity on Pax discrete freq...256.5 (One of them is ID as 04...the other is 960) Actually, the more I listen, it sounds like a test of a datalink...pointing out targets, not chasing them. They're just giving the BRA for various bogeys.
1606: Have a 443 talking to "Maintenance" on Pax freq...264.15
1616: REACH 701 to SAM Command at Andrews...IDs as a C-5, 20 minutes out, needs parking, fleet service, 100K fuel and upload info. All pax are going offload, just upload...378.1
1622: AXEMAN flight reports 10 minutes out to Raven Ops...347.2...they're still on interflight 142.3 as they head for home.

Enough for now. End of log.
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