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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1315Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 727 (C-21A) - rx check.
1334Z 119.300 Potomac APP - PAT 611 (C-12) - 4000' for 3000' req. ILS 19L circle to 1R.

1420Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 611 (C-12) - deps ADW dir LDN QSY 118.675.

1736Z 349.400 Dover CP - ??????? () - getting parking spot info, such is my luck from this QTH that I missed the callsign just coming back from yet another meeting.
1737Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 007 (C-21A) - deps ADW 6000' for 11000'.
1759Z 119.300 Potomac APP - DEUCE 22 (KC-10A 76/78th ARS AFRC McGuire) - request dest. McGuire via dir PALEO QSY 125.65.

1805Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 056 (the usual) - @ 1500' on the right d/wind to rwy 14.
1824Z 119.300 Potomac APP - MARINE 206 (UC-12) - cleared for the app to 19L at ADW.
1825Z 119.300 Potomac APP - MARINE 101 (C-37A USCG 01) - on the app to ADW then cleared for the ILS to 19L.

1923Z 119.300 Potomac APP - ARMY 01052 (UC-35C 00-1502)- on the app to ADW rwy 19L.
1938Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 796 ()- on the vis. to rwy 32.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Finally easing back into scanner listening and the MilAir world after a bit of a layoff. I bought a new PC and am having a world of trouble migrating all my databases from old to new PC. They seem to be transferring but not to the right locations. Anyway, that's obviously due to my lack of ability in moving files around. To add to the confusion, I relocated and rewired all my radios. That part was easy. The difficult part is being able to listen and separate the sounds from seven scanners after getting used to listening one way for so long and now having to learn the sound patterns all over again.

Not much seems to be active today so far. A pair of A-10s from Martin State up in the early 1200 hour on tac 142.3, various transports into Andrews, Dover and McGuire, Langley F-15s on Giant Killer's ops freq 373.1 and that's about it. Have some kind of transport (didn't hear callsign) currently approaching Quantico on Base Ops freq 355.3 to offload pax and about 18 tons of cargo (actually 36,280 pounds). Otherwise, it's silent.

1239: Have a pair of fighters on 138.1. Possibly NJ-ANG F-16s (their preset V-12).
1242: Refueling activity on 339.6 (and can't find my database with refueling freq assignments)
1243: Fighters from 138.1 switching to 257.87(5) (Dover Approach)
1245: OPEC ?23? (KC-10A McGuire AFB) with Atlantic City (ACY) Approach 124.6 descending to 8000 as he heads for McGuire

1300: A pair of aircraft with TRACON (ADW App) 335.5 and then to ADW Tower for landing at 1302 on 349.0. Couldn't dig out the callsign.....something 81
1304: UGLY 1 flight (A-10 Willow Grove) with Philadelphia TRACON 291.7. Handed off to ZNY-Pottstown 278.3
1309: DRAGO 51 flight with TRACON 270.275
1311: DRAGO 51 changes to 335.5 after no contact on 270.275. Holding around Nottingham
1311: UGLY 1 handed off from 278.3 to ZNY-Williamsport 338.3 (Coming your way Dave to the Duke)
1313: DRAGO 51 switches to the normal freq 279.575 for Arlington Cemetery flyby...says he's a single ship right now...his wingman is catching up.
1319: DRAGO 51 talking with DRAGO 02 and talking about a phone call to DRAGO 03....wants to know who's going to work up their clearance back to Seymour Johnson when done with the flyby. Time on target at Arlington will be 1332. (the reference to Seymour Johnson probably makes these a pair of KC-135 tankers)
1321: Have F-16s off the deck at Andrews on tac 139.15...Callsign ANGRY
1323: DRAGO 51 says he's still a single ship...his #2 is still 50 miles south. «279.575» (Nine minutes until flyby time...can he make it?)
1324: Willow Grove A-10s with Base Ops on 141.8
1326: DRAGO 51 tells DRAGO 02 he can be at the cemetery on time but due to low ceiling will probably just make some noise (and not be seen). [Caught the two DRAGO aircraft on a tac freq at 300.XXX during a search but didn't get to that radio on time to see the exact freq. Believe flight leader told the #2 to just RTB since he wouldn't make it on time. That kind of irks me...for such an event there is no excuse to be late.]
1329: DRAGO 51 leaving 2000 for 1500 feet...will be there at 1332 exactly he says. «279.575»...down to 1000 at 1330.
1330: GIANT 8021 calling Dover CP on 349.4
1332: ANGRY flight at Pax calling GAMMA RAY ground FAC for work. «139.15»
1332: DRAGO 51 made his pass and is climbing to 3000 feet «279.575» expediting to 17000
1333: FLYER flight (A-10 Willow Grove) with Phil. TRACON 263.125
1333: SPAD 41 (F-22A Langley) flight into Giant Killer's area on 238.1
1335: DRAGO 51 direct DAILY. «279.575»
1335: FLYER flight to Phil TRACON 273.525
1336: FLYER flight to Harrisburg App/Dep 281.525
1337: SPAD 41 flight changing to ops 391.2
1337: DRAGO 51 flight handed off to ZDC-Calvert 281.4
1339: DRAGO 51 reports direct Seymour...looking for higher altitude from present 17000...wants FL 220 or 240. «281.4»
1341: Also have another F-16 pair from Andrews on tac 143.6...callsign BULLY...and also at Pax it seems
1343: Have a NODAK flight (ND-ANG Fargo) of F-16s heading for Langley...currently with Norfolk TRACON (West) 360.6 descending to the Langley TACAN.
1347: Tac freq 141.825 active...probably VA-ANG F-16s
1352: BOLAR 73 (C-5 Dover) with Dover CP 349.4
1352: ANGRY flight to SOF on 139.9 apparently explaining they are being kicked out of Pax airspace due to some special project.
1354: Tac freq 141.875 active...more VA-ANG F-16s apparently
1354: SPAD 41 flight leaving GK's HEELS «238.1»
1357: FURY 31, flight of four, (F-16s VA-ANG Richmond) with Norfolk TRACON (East) 370.925...mention switching to 238.1 (Giant Killer) ...and do at FL 230 and say they'll use the entire W-386 area...will be MARSA with a WOLF flight (F-15 Langley)
1359: BULLY flight landing at Andrews...currently with 335.5 TRACON

Break time...continued below if necessary upon return

(Ref Dave below): Good catch Dave. We've sure got these guys coming and going when we're both monitoring. They can't elude us. :)
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1436Z 119.300 Potomac APP - MARINE 474 (UC-35D 166474 MASD Andrews) - on the app to ADW.
1451Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PACER 96 (C-21A) - deps ADW.
1454Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PACER 96 (C-21A) - dep time 1450Z.

1656Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7W 222 (UC-12B NAS JRB Willow Grove) - deps ADW to 12000' dir GINYA QSY 118.675.

1709Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 899 () - deps DAA QSY 118.950 to 12000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.

1826Z 118.850 Davison AAF GCA - PAT 1268 (C-12T 85-1268 OSACOM VA RFC Davison) - coordinating PAR app to rwy 14.
1828Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1506 (C-26B 91-0506) - ILS rwy 32 circle to land rwy 14.
1837Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 503 () - deps ADW to 9000' QSY 123.825.
1843Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1268 () - lands rwy 14.
1844Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 0181 (C-17A 00-0181 62nd AW) - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 123.825.
1852Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 246 (C-21A JOSAC) - deps ADW dir GINYA QSY 123.825.

1928Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 574 () - deps ADW QSY 121.050.
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Nov 3, 2005
Good to hear from you again Tin,
OK, I have your UGLY Flight...I had a FLYER and UGLY flight up earlier this morning, they were doing some air to air and then refuelled with STEEL 72. The two flights were talking with each other on the 141.80 Base Ops (Which I though was kind of weird, but oh well).

1326: UGLY 1, Flight Of Two With Cleveland Ctr 353.85 (ZOB-Wayland) at 16,000.
1329: UGLY 1 has the block from 8,000 to 18,000 feet (353.85).
1331: UGLY Flight switches to 301.60 (DUKE Primary), sounds like they'll use this freq for their work.
1334: The two UGLY aircraft have separated themselves, one to the North the other to the South.
1336: They switch over to 143.75. One of the pilots remarks at how much fun he's having playing around. Those lucky dogs.
1338: UGLY 1 describes what he's doing as being on a roller coaster. UGLY 2 agrees, except that if you exceed the limits, your roller coaster will fall from the sky....(back on 301.60).
1340: Man these guys are chatting and laughing, sounds like they're having a blast.
1343: Sounds like they are doing a checklist of maneuvers...Instrument Steep Turns, Some Single Engine Stuff, and Stall maneuvers.
1349: The UGLY flight is pretty quiet, must be concentrating on their maneuver checklists.
1351: UGLY 1 wrapped up his maneuvers and is going to do some ground attack practice. UGLY 2 is barely audible, he must be way down at the Southeastern part of the airspace. (143.75)
1358: Sounds like UGLY 1 is wrapped up and they'll be joining up. (301.60)
1407: They Push 18 and contact ZOB on 353.85. The two will be heading back to Willow Grove.
1408: Still air to air on 143.75 and headed South. And for all of you kids out there, according to the UGLY 1 "Rudder Really Does Help In A Turn Stall."
1411: UGLY Flight Pushes 17, 338.30 (ZNY).
And they fade awayyyyyyyyyyyy.

Ref TinEar Above: Yeah, I'd say we nail it pretty good. Excellent Teamwork!
Ref Below: Glad the freq card was useful. It's helped me alot with the VHF air to air for these guys which I had all kinds of trouble with before.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1433: UGLY 1 flight with Lehigh Valley App/Dep 397.9 (This is first instance hearing this freq since adding it to my rotation. It's one of their presets that I picked up from Dave's submission of the Willow Grove A-10s' freq cards. That was a great piece of detective work Dave. Thanks again.)
1440: Sounds like the FURY flight (F-16s Richmond) is heading out of GK's airspace toward HEELS. «141.875»...or just preparing to get clearance home.
1445: Langley tac freq 233.525 active...flight heading home to land on runway 8
1447: FURY 31 flight reports RTB to Giant Killer 238.1....flight of three at this time....FURY 34 will pick up his own clearance.
1450: FURY 31 flight switches to Norfolk TRACON (East) 370.925 at 14,000 feet.
1451: FURY 34 to GK on 238.1 picking up clearance out of W-386 and heading back to Richmond...complains that GK is barely readable (as do most aircraft on this freq but never have trouble on 249.8 and yet they continue to have this freq assigned day after day after day.) FURY 34 reports RTB Richmond at 14,000 feet.

1500: Wx at BWI Airport 75 degrees, cloudy, overcast with a low ceiling (but not a damn drop of rain on my parched lawn...rain has been in the forecast the past two days but none seen here)
1501: FURY 34 checks in with Norfolk TRACON (West) 360.6 at 12,000 feet.
1506: U/I aircraft on fighter tac freq 141.7
1526: AXEMAN 1 flight (A-10 Martin State, MD-ANG) with ZNY-Pottstown 278.3 (Another flight apparently coming your way Dave - or possibly coming back if I missed them going out during my break time.)
1533: AXEMAN flight with Raven Ops 347.2 asking about wx "back home" and wanting to know if it's VFR conditions. Raven Ops (Mama Warthog) gives him the info. (It doesn't appear this flight is headed north...much louder now than when heard with ZNY)
1542: AXEMAN 1 flight with Potomac TRACON (BWI) 291.625 headng for home. AXEMAN 2 also here a couple of minutes behind AXEMAN 1.
Strange thing happening here no doubt due to weather/propagation/something....hearing the ZNY-Modena ground controller on 335.6...actually hearing his simulcast on that freq while he talks to commercial aircraft on the VHF side. It lasts 3-4 minutes and then fades away.
1546: AXEMAN 1, and then 2 later, handed off to TRACON (BWI) on 282.275 as they approach MTN.
1547: AXEMAN 1 over to MTN Tower 297.2 for landing
1549: AXEMAN 1 reports gear down, cleared to land «297.2»
1549: AXEMAN 2 told to change to MTN Tower «282.275» and is told his wingman just landed
1549: AXEMAN 2 to MTN Tower 297.2 for straight in approach to runway 33.
[291.625 is paired with 126.75 and 282.275 is paired with 119.0]
1552: NJ-ANG F-16s on tac 138.425...flight of two...DEVIL 11 flight confirming ID

1608: REACH 601 with McGuire Metro on 239.8 giving PIREP....says he's a C-5 currently 60 miles southeast of McGuire.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Ben said:
... activity on the 139.7 - Huntress Scrabble freq

I thought that was the Huntress Monopoly freq. :) Sorry, Ben. I know it's a typo but I couldn't resist.

BWI Tower is using 123.75 tonight rather than the normal 119.4. (Not military air but since we don't have a CivAir thread.....)

1950: REACH 5107 to McGuire CP on 319.4....says his right and left anti-ice are inop. Wonders whether he should press on to Germany or land at McGuire for maintenance.
1951: JOSA 915 to Andrews 378.1 with arrival msg...30 minutes out, A-1, is a C-21, tail 40139, has 4 Duty Pax and 1 Space A pax to drop off...wants a bus for them and one for two crew.
1953: U/I aircraft trying to call Langley Ground but he's on Guard 121.5. Someone answers him and sends him away.

2011: AERO 21 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) into W-107 area with Giant Killer on 255.0.
2013: Refueling freq 288.0 active....that's used for the area that operates along the coast from the Pax area all the way up to W-107. It's not listed along with all the other AR tracks in the DAFIF Supplement. The tanker is descending from FL 210 down to 19,000 and the aircraft he's meeting up with is a flight of two...suffix 17 for one of the flights...not sure if thats for the tanker or the receivers. No callsigns used yet. Wonder if he's refueling the AERO flight up in W-107?
2023: Well, yes he is. The tanker calls AERO 21 on 288.0.
2026: Tanker (he's the suffix 17) on 288.0 tells the AERO 21 flight that the BICEP flight (Also NJ-ANG F-16s) has finished and now are above the tanker and that AERO 21 can proceed in.
2041: And the BICEP flight of F-16s is using 138.875 for tac.
2044: PACER 96 makes contact with Griffin Command at Andrews after several calls on 141.55. Arrival msg...20 minutes out, A-1, is a C-21, Tail 40079, home station, mission complete upon landing. Wants crew bus for two to building 1420.
2055: BICEP flight in ACM activity on tac 138.875. Just gave the "fight's on" command.
2058: Have had someone giving test counts on freq 138.5 for the past 45 minutes or so. Sounds like a ground station. No idea who it might be. His counts are "Test 1-2, 1-2, 1-2, 1-2" Maybe he can't count any higher.

2104: BOXER 72 (C-38 or C-40, 201st AS Andrews) with TRACON (ADW App) 119.3 at 3000 feet.

2300: REACH 445T arriving Andrews 378.1....crew bus for 5.

NOTE: Had a GIANT 8021 arriving at Dover earlier today (see log entry at 1330). Heard the same aircraft a couple of days ago too but only got XX21 that time when he also went into Dover. It seems GIANT is doing contract work for the military - much the same as the REACH aircraft. GIANT is the callsign used by Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, a company that leases 747s for cargo work. They operate two companies - Atlas Air and Polar Air Cargo. The company owns 41 B-747 freighters. I don't know if this is just a temporary thing or if we'll be seeing this GIANT callsign on a regular basis in the future.

There will be a 30 minute ramp freeze tomorrow evening at Andrews....
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Jun 28, 2003
QTH: Montgomery County, MD / Washington, DC
You got me.... When I first glanced at Huntress Monopoly freq I had read it as Huntress Mono-poly freq. I said to myself what is this Mono-poly freq, what are you talking about. Besides the point I couldn’t read the word Monopoly:roll: . . . I get it know that’s funny:D


Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Not much of interest during the 1700 hour yesterday or today. Nothing was visible, either, thanks to the low ceilings.
Yesterday had the usual suspects: COAST GUARD 102 arriving DCA, JOSA 902, PAT 7104, ARMY 1778, NAVY 101, and something 971 asking for a full stop at the "bear's den."

Today was NAVY 7W 222 coming back to ADW around 1700, JOSA 254, JOSA 594, and ARMY 1863.
Also REACH 423T arriving at 1738 and what sounded like ROPER 81 being handed off from 118.95 to 254.25. The latter must have been on a mask mic, since I could barely understand a word.

Re: Atlas/GIANT. Atlas does quite a bit of contract lift for the military, usually under their own callsign, but it's not unheard of for them to use a REACH call. I haven't paid heed to that operation for a few months now, but I seem to recall the usual routing being CHS-Prestwick- Shangri La. I've also heard the ATI DC-8s that make the weekly McGuire-BWI-Thule run using REACH calls from time to time.

[OK, I took a quick look at Dover, and both Evergreen and Atlas 747s have been routing JFK-DOV-Ramstein with some regularity]
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
NOTE: Had a GIANT 8021 arriving at Dover earlier today (see log entry at 1330). Heard the same aircraft a couple of days ago too but only got XX21 that time when he also went into Dover. It seems GIANT is doing contract work for the military - much the same as the REACH aircraft. GIANT is the callsign used by Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, a company that leases 747s for cargo work. They operate two companies - Atlas Air and Polar Air Cargo. The company owns 41 B-747 freighters. I don't know if this is just a temporary thing or if we'll be seeing this GIANT callsign on a regular basis in the future.

Rgr TIN Atlas aka GIANT has been Dover regular for long time along with POLAR,EVERGREEN which is probably the busiest and once heard callsign CONNIE a few months back which is Kaletta air cargo services.
I think the military contracts help keep these Air cargo companies in business.



Jan 12, 2001
Northern Virginia (Spotsy/Chancellor))
Hey Tin,

A little bit of a time lag here but I wanted to say thanks for posting your freq lists over the last month. I also thought I would try to fill in some info holes. Some of which I thought is common knowledge but didn't see any posts that provided the answer. Just a couple for now:

- On Aug 25 Dang posted not being familiar with "KING 77" callsign out of KCOF. KING XX is the standard (traditional/historical) c/s for USAF HC-130s on SAR mission. Along with JOLLY XX (SAR helos) and SANDY (Combat SAR CAS for A-1 SkyRaider and later A-10), KING traces roots to Vietnam.

- I've also seen reference here that the 108th ARW (NJ ANG, McGuire) flies the KC-135R model tankers. All info I've ever seen, to include their "official" website, still indicates they have -E models. See: If they are converting/have converted I would love to know!

Great forum. Well done, as always.

Ex-AWACS guy


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Very frustrating commute in this morning - Giant Killer was rocking on both 238.1 and 249.8 but reception very weak. I realyl need to get a better mobile antenna going, I've been putting it off and putting it off. No longer...

1313Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 7104 (UC-35A 97-0104 Davison) - deps QSY 118.950 to 11000'.
1319Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE GX-13 (?) - at 1100' rest of comms unreadable.
1324Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BOXER 079 (201st AS DC ANG) - deps ADW.
1333Z-1343Z Giant Killer on 238.1/249/8 as above, flights 19, 22, and 91 all with comms here.

Off to a lengthy meeting so no more from me until much later on this afternoon...8-(


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
rockonyc said:
Hey Tin,

A little bit of a time lag here but I wanted to say thanks for posting your freq lists over the last month.

- I've also seen reference here that the 108th ARW (NJ ANG, McGuire) flies the KC-135R model tankers. All info I've ever seen, to include their "official" website, still indicates they have -E models. See: If they are converting/have converted I would love to know!

Great forum. Well done, as always.

Ex-AWACS guy

Thanks Rick. I just figured it was easier to post all my freqs and perhaps generate some comment and/or additions. That last part disappoints me a bit because I haven't seen a single freq addition to all those posted lists. Is it possible I have every MilAir freq that can be heard from this area? I doubt it.

Re the KC-135s in Jersey: I thought I had read somewhere recently that all the E models have been converted to R models throughout the AFRC and ANG which is why I would say they have the R models there. Of course, a faulty memory could prove me wrong.

1125: Navy SD 122 (SALTY DOG) with ZDC-DuPont 307.25 and a couple of minutes later to ZDC-Kenton 354.15. Probably doing the normal milk run up to the ACY area and back to Pax.
1140: ROMAN 99 (F/A-18 VFA-106 NAS Oceana) with ZDC-Brooke 327.0 at FL260
1142: ROMAN 99 handed to ZDC-Potomac 307.025, at 1144 to ZDC-Yorktown 319.1, at 1148 to ZDC-Montebello 284.7 and at 1157 to ZDC-Shenandoah 270.35. He has maintained FL 260 and has been cleared direct Volunteer. (I don't know where Volunteer is. Anyone?)

1200: Coast Guard 2110 with Atlantic City Approach 124.6 at 9500 feet, descending to 8000 and preparing for full stop landing at ACY.
1203: Had what sounded like FLYER 31 calling ZDC-Tech on 377.2 a couple of times with no reply. Signal was weak so not sure about that callsign but if it's correct, it's an A-10 Willow Grove flight.
1205: Navy SD122 once again with ZDC-Kenton 354.15...handed off to Patuxent Approach 281.8 where he appears to be headed for a landing at Pax.
1220-30: CRAB 53 (C-130J MD-ANG Martin State) flying around the area...currently with TRACON 119.3. CRAB 53 is flying between 1500 and 2000 feet for whatever he's doing. Turns out he's doing approaches at Andrews.
1245: REACH 9003 trying to contact Pope Metro on 344.6 (Freq also used by Andrews and Willow Grove Metro)

It sure is quiet around the MilAir bands today. Rain to the south...rain to the west...nothing in Maryland at the moment (1200 hour) other than light showers out in Garrett county.

1312: Here come the Andrews F-16s....flight airborne on tac 139.15. Callsign is BULLY. Also with TRACON (Andrews Departure) on 348.725
1317: And an ANGRY flight out of Andrews with TRACON Patuxent
1320: BULLY flight checks into Pax on 270.8 to work for the next 45 minutes. Says the ANGRY flight is about 5 minutes behind them...both are flights of two F-16s.
1321: ANGRY flight with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 climbing to 15000 feet.
1322: Both BULLY and ANGRY flights change to preset V-5 on 143.6 to work with GAMMA RAY, the ground FAC at the Pax Range. BULLY is asking where DESTROYER is. ANGRY says he's on 139.15. Not sure who the DESTROYER callsign belongs to but is probably another FAC on the ground. Heard them earlier refer to DESTROYER 20.
1325: ANGRY flight checks into the Pax area on 270.8
1325: BOXER 79 (C-38 or 40, 201st AS Andrews) around Andrews on 119.3 with Approach and on squadron freq 314.25.
1327: Confirm DESTROYER is a FAC at the Pax Range....ANGRY tells him he needs about 5 minutes before being ready to work with him. ANGRY is working 139.15.
1331: ANGRY flight leader tells DESTROYER they are a flight of two F-16C+ aircraft, armed with LITENING Pods, have 2 GBU-38s, 2 GBU-12s and 1000 rounds of M-56 to fight today's war. They are at CP North, 10-12 Block on the Pax Range which apparently (based on lots of past work) is simulated as an Iraqi city and located around the town of Vienna MD. (They've mentioned Mosul in the past.)
1334: CRAB 53 now with Martin State Tower on 121.3 for approach to runway 33.

F-16s established at the Pax Range and everything else quiet for the moment so it's break time. Will continue below if necessary later.
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Nov 3, 2005
Good Afternoon All,

Have an UGLY flight that snuck up into my neck of the woods.

1335: Have an UGLY flight checking in with ZNY on 338.30, mentioning that they will be climbing up into the DUKE.
1338: UGLY to ZOB on 353.85 basically stating the above...
These guys must be low because they are barely audible...

1355: UGLY to ZOB on 353.85 in the climb proceeding to Slate Run (353.85)
1357: UGLY 1 asks if SLUFF (KC-135, Rickenbacker AFB, OH) is at 17,000.
1359: UGLY 1 asks ZOB to relay message to SLUFF to meet him on 301.60 (DUKE Primary).
1401: SLUFF 62 and the UGLIES up together on 301.60.
1405: The UGLIES are at SLUFFS 5 O'Clock about 8 Miles. (301.60)
1407: SLUFF 62 is on a heading of 180. (301.60)
1408: UGLY 1 Clear to contact. They're going to get 2,000 LBS each.

I haven't nailed down what a2a freq the UGLIES are using....

1410: UGLY 1 wraps up. (301.60)
1411: UGLY 2 stabilized and ready. (301.60)
1414: UGLY 2 is done. They got 2,000 LBS each. UGLY 1 or 2 has to fly commercial jets this weekend. The UGLIES are going to stick around in the airspace for a little while, they'll be at 15,000 and below. SLUFF is going to depart to the South. (301.60).
The UGLIES must be using the VHF Low Band or just aren't very chatty.
1419: UGLY 1 to ZOB heading direct East Texas (ETX VOR) then direct Willow Grove. They are at 11,500. (353.85)
1423: UGLY 1 to ZNY one 338.30, direct ETX at 11,500.

They're all yours fellas..
And on a side note: 1439: SLUFF 62 to RICK OPS on 238.800 and has a couple of write ups.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Sure missed them from this end Dave. Didn't hear a thing from Willow Grove chicks heading your way - or any other way.

1350: Someone is working the Warren Grove Range on 283.1
1352: Have someone transmitting in secure mode on 143.6....assume it's the BULLY flight since ANGRY is in the clear on 139.15 with the DESTROYER FAC.
1355: Hearing a U/I flight with ZNY-Dixie on 307.8 which could indicate someone coming onto the Warren Grove Range
1356: Have the FLYER callsign at the Warren Grove Range....A-10s from Willow Grove.
1357: FLYER calling NIGHTHAWK and saying he'll be leaving in one minute. Assume NIGHTHAWK is a range controller of some type. «283.1»

1403: Have a NAVY AX 080 trying to contact New York FSS on 255.4. Asking for a different freq if possible. Finally gives a DNS to call to pass a message saying he'll be on the deck at Andrews in 30 minutes. He IDs as a Navy C-130. Says he's 50 miles southeast of Waterloo (at 1407). Trouble communicating so signs off.
1406: Andrews flights coming home...sent wingman for ATIS report on 276.2 «143.6»
1408: ANGRY flight now working 143.15 on the way home.
1423: ANGRY and BULLY still zipping around the area....BULLY currently operating on 139.15 tac. ANGRY is around the Nottingham area on 143.15 at this time.
1427: ANGRY flight to TRACON (ADW App) 335.5 and will do an approach, go around and then land.
1427: U/I fighters using 139.425 for tac.
1428: BULLY flight now with TRACON on 4000 feet. Looking for radar assisted trail to runway 1R.
1429: BULLY flight to SOF on 139.9 with mission results and Codes...1 is Code 1, 2 is Code 2...will be on the ground in 6.9 minutes. (they always work that 69 in there somewhere...either 6.9 minutes or 69 miles out is where they report to SOF)
1431: ANGRY flight to ADW Tower on 349.0 on an 8 mile final for the ILS
1433: BULLY flight to ADW Tower on 349.0 on a 10 mile final for the ILS to 1R.
Both ANGRY and BULLY report bad transmitter at ADW Tower....ANGRY says he's very weak, BULLY says he's "crackly"
1435: BULLY 2 is having a problem with fuel load (imbalanced) and wants to stay up for a bit after the others land. 139.15
1438: BULLY 2 handed off to TRACON (departure) on 348.725 as he climbs out to go around another time while he burns off some fuel. He's then handed back to approach on 335.5.
1439: ANGRY flight trying to contact Tower for landing 349.0
1440: BULLY 2 requesting vectors to runway 1R 335.5
1440: PACER 07 to Griffin Command on 378.1 with arrival msg...30 minutes out, A-1, mission complete, zero pax or cargo, is a home station C-21, tail 40139, needs crew bus for two to take them from 9 row to Building 1420.
1445: Martin State A-10s on tac 142.3
1446: BULLY 2 trying to contact ADW Tower on 349.0 for his landing. (ANGRY flight and BULLY 1 on the ground)
1454: PAT 296 to Andrews with arrival msg...dropping off an A-5. Says his next stop is Baltimore so if anyone wants to go there, he can take them. (Talk about a "puddle jumper!" «141.55» He'll just drop his pax off, no services needed, and then continue on his way.

1506: PAT 296 with TRACON (ADW App) 119.3 descending as he approaches the field.
1509: REACH 5009 to Andrews on 378.1 with arrival msg...IDs as a C-5 with 6 pax and no cargo. Parking at the "hot cargo" pad. Says he has 12 crew members and wants buses...will share bus with pax if that makes it easier. (Imagine that! The crew will actually sit on the same bus with the lowly passengers.)
1512: (SALTY DOG) 403 with Pax on 270.8
1513: REACH 5009 now says to forget what he said about sharing the bus...he now wants two separate buses - one for the crew and one for the pax. 378.1 Guess he got overruled by someone higher ranking on the plane.
1517: TESTER 11 (Navy Test Pilot School, Pax NAS)with Pax Approach on 305.2 and then over to 270.8
1518: REACH 5009 again asking if there's a separate bus for the pax. 378.1
1533: Have a helo on the Aberdeen Range freq 248.4 reporting the location of a fire that's right along the water line. (Frequent fires at this range as a result of live firing exercises.) Last three digits of helo's callsign are 592. He's asking if there are any patrol boats out to come look at this fire.
1534: Have A-10s landing at MTN with Tower on 297.2. It's an AXEMAN flight.
1554: Northrup Grumman test flight freq 123.2 active.

All else quiet for now...end of log until later.

(Ref below) Tony, thanks. I had an idea it might be Tennessee (the Volunteer State) but didn't want to guess and didn't have time to look it up.
Tony said:
I really need to get a better mobile antenna going, I've been putting it off and putting it off. No longer...
That means a Maldol AL-500H or a Diamond RH77CA, right?
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: Volunteer (VXV) VORTAC

Hi Tin,

Here you go:

Used on the MACEY2 into ATL.


TinEar said:
1142: ROMAN 99 handed to ZDC-Potomac 307.025, at 1144 to ZDC-Yorktown 319.1, at 1148 to ZDC-Montebello 284.7 and at 1157 to ZDC-Shenandoah 270.35. He has maintained FL 260 and has been cleared direct Volunteer. (I don't know where Volunteer is. Anyone?)
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Caught RAVEN 1 @ 10:32 am with Dover appch UHF headed for Atlantic City area.
They could be working the range..
Also some Green Coms on A/A 143.600.Must be Andrews F-16's down at Pax like Tin has above.

1409 Rgr TIN also heard that New York FSS call on 255.400 Navy C-130 callsign AX-***
requesting Customs at Andrews.

1400 MADHOG working range along with FLYER A/A 143.250 going to Guns.
1420 BATON 20 on Kiowa range 237.200 asking Balky if range is available as we are just coming down
from Binghampton.
( I didn't know BATON's carried weapons) Maybe a practice for aerial drop.

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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Re: KC-135Es. I've seen a handful of E models in the area this summer:
57-1495 (KS ANG) 25May
58-0020 (IA ANG) 30Jun
58-0017 (ANG) 02Aug [very credible source has this as ME ANG, but last known photo is with PA ANG, who, of course, don't roll with Es anymore]

Off the top of my head, Es also at Knoxville, Scott, the aforementioned McGuire, and plenty of others, I'm sure.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
TinEar said:
Sure missed them from this end Dave. Didn't hear a thing from Willow Grove chicks heading your way - or any other way.

1350: Someone is working the Warren Grove Range on 283.1
1352: Have someone transmitting in secure mode on 143.6....assume it's the BULLY flight since ANGRY is in the clear on 139.15 with the DESTROYER FAC.
1355: Hearing a U/I flight with ZNY-Dixie on 307.8 which could indicate someone coming onto the Warren Grove Range
1356: Have the FLYER callsign at the Warren Grove Range....A-10s from Willow Grove.
1357: FLYER calling NIGHTHAWK and saying he'll be leaving in one minute. Assume NIGHTHAWK is a range controller of some type. «283.1»

1403: Have a NAVY AX 080 trying to contact New York FSS on 255.4. Asking for a different freq if possible. Finally gives a DNS to call to pass a message saying he'll be on the deck at Andrews in 30 minutes. He IDs as a Navy C-130. Says he's 50 miles southeast of Waterloo (at 1407). Trouble communicating so signs off.
1406: Andrews flights coming home...sent wingman for ATIS report on 276.2 «143.6»
1408: ANGRY flight now working 143.15 on the way home.
1423: ANGRY and BULLY still zipping around the area....BULLY currently operating on 139.15 tac. ANGRY is around the Nottingham area on 143.15 at this time.
1427: ANGRY flight to TRACON (ADW App) 335.5 and will do an approach, go around and then land.
1427: U/I fighters using 139.425 for tac.
1428: BULLY flight now with TRACON on 4000 feet. Looking for radar assisted trail to runway 1R.
1429: BULLY flight to SOF on 139.9 with mission results and Codes...1 is Code 1, 2 is Code 2...will be on the ground in 6.9 minutes. (they always work that 69 in there somewhere...either 6.9 minutes or 69 miles out is where they report to SOF)
1431: ANGRY flight to ADW Tower on 349.0 on an 8 mile final for the ILS
1433: BULLY flight to ADW Tower on 349.0 on a 10 mile final for the ILS to 1R.
Both ANGRY and BULLY report bad transmitter at ADW Tower....ANGRY says he's very weak, BULLY says he's "crackly"
1435: BULLY 2 is having a problem with fuel load (imbalanced) and wants to stay up for a bit after the others land. 139.15
1438: BULLY 2 handed off to TRACON (departure) on 348.725 as he climbs out to go around another time while he burns off some fuel. He's then handed back to approach on 335.5.
1439: ANGRY flight trying to contact Tower for landing 349.0
1440: BULLY 2 requesting vectors to runway 1R 335.5
1440: PACER 07 to Griffin Command on 378.1 with arrival msg...30 minutes out, A-1, mission complete, zero pax or cargo, is a home station C-21, tail 40139, needs crew bus for two to take them from 9 row to Building 1420.
1445: Martin State A-10s on tac 142.3
1446: BULLY 2 trying to contact ADW Tower on 349.0 for his landing. (ANGRY flight and BULLY 1 on the ground)
1454: PAT 296 to Andrews with arrival msg...dropping off an A-5. Says his next stop is Baltimore so if anyone wants to go there, he can take them. (Talk about a "puddle jumper!" «141.55» He'll just drop his pax off, no services needed, and then continue on his way.

1506: PAT 296 with TRACON (ADW App) 119.3 descending as he approaches the field.
1509: REACH 5009 to Andrews on 378.1 with arrival msg...IDs as a C-5 with 6 pax and no cargo. Parking at the "hot cargo" pad. Says he has 12 crew members and wants buses...will share bus with pax if that makes it easier. (Imagine that! The crew will actually sit on the same bus with the lowly passengers.)
1512: (SALTY DOG) 403 with Pax on 270.8
1513: REACH 5009 now says to forget what he said about sharing the bus...he now wants two separate buses - one for the crew and one for the pax. 378.1 Guess he got overruled by someone higher ranking on the plane.
1517: TESTER 11 (Navy Test Pilot School, Pax NAS)with Pax Approach on 305.2 and then over to 270.8
1518: REACH 5009 again asking if there's a separate bus for the pax. 378.1
1533: Have a helo on the Aberdeen Range freq 248.4 reporting the location of a fire that's right along the water line. (Frequent fires at this range as a result of live firing exercises.) Last three digits of helo's callsign are 592. He's asking if there are any patrol boats out to come look at this fire.
1534: Have A-10s landing at MTN with Tower on 297.2. It's an AXEMAN flight.
1554: Northrup Grumman test flight freq 123.2 active.

All else quiet for now...end of log until later.

(Ref below) Tony, thanks. I had an idea it might be Tennessee (the Volunteer State) but didn't want to guess and didn't have time to look it up.

That means a Maldol AL-500H or a Diamond RH77CA, right?

Nah, both of those models are handheld antennas - but you could make a mobile out of them with the right magmount. Problem is, it's way too easy to steal. The mobile market is notoriously thin on milair antennas - Dave at DPD, are you listening?
73s Mike
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