Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
148.1250 Civil Air Patrol chatter....

Heard brief test on 121.5000

<EDIT> Yea Tin, its loud and clear up my way...I just knew that DC-ANG used the 139.7000

0015 Cap Flight 2598 Reporting "RED, RED, Green" flashers on 148.1250...but I can't hear the ground contact.

I guess they are testing the laser flashers around DC

<Your below log is interesting TIN...I can't hear CAP2536 at all...and no females>

0025 They must be in your neck of the woods TIN, BlackJack 2 is very weak here.

Spoke too soon...CAP 2536 (female) is now loud and clear here
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0014: BLACKJACK 2 to HUNTRESS on 139.7....guess they're going to do it again. Gets another BRAA for a TOI to headbutt south. (Traffic still very weak from my location although I can hear the HUNTRESS ground controller this time.)
0017: HUNTRESS gives the skip it command and gives a new target to BLACKJACK 2. «139.7»
0017: CAP Flight 2536 calling RENEGADE on CAP freq 148.125. I'ts the same female pilot I heard earlier. She's working with the "Sparkle" laser warning system.
0021: REACH 147 to Dover CP on 349.4...calling, no reply.
0021: HUNTRESS still vectoring BLACKJACK 2 toward the target...two miles...then one mile to tally target. «139.7»
0022: BLACKJACK 2 reports signalling but no compliance from the TOI...HUNTRESS tells him to bug out. «139.7» All of this is just training. Both BLACKJACK 2 and HUNTRESS are now becoming very readable.
0028: CAP Flight 2536 (female) and CAP Flight 2598 (male) talking about being in a 2.5 mile trail at 125 knots. «148.125»
0029: Both CAP flights do their half hour check in. «148.125»
0045: And here they come again....HUNTRESS calling BLACKJACK 2...makes contact and gives him a BRAA and the order to headbutt it out of the area. «139.7» Can't hear BLACKJACK 2 since he's no doubt just off the ground. Will hear him as he climbs.
0047: Further vectors given by HUNTRESS and just beginning to hear BLACKJACK 2. «139.7» therre are two at 2300 and the other at 2800 feet about 1/2 mile from each other. This'll be fun.
0050: CAP Flight 2536 again working with Sparkle «148.125»
0050: HUNTRESS continuing to vector BLACKJACK 2 toward the two targets. «139.7» Targets now at 2200 and 2800 feet...mission to headbutt southwest...BLACKJACK 2 reports "JUDY"....Fairly sure the targets are the two CAP flights.
JUDY = Aircrew has radar/visual contact on the correct target, has taken control of the intercept and only requires situation awareness information; weapons director (WD) will minimize radio transmissions.
0052: CAP Flight 2598 now working the Sparkle. «148.125»
0053: HUNTRESS tells BLACKJACK 2 to bug out southeast. «139.7»
0059: CAP Flight 2536 checks in for her half hour report...reports near the end of the fourth run and going to Manassas. CAP flight 2598 says he's reporting the same. «148.125»

(Ref Above): Yes, it sounds like they came down this way and are operating around the D.C. area now.

And that's enough for this day. G'night everyone.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
A few additions from the drive home last night, plus a couple from home:

2226Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - PITTMAN 35 and 33 trading positions. PITTMAN 33 exits the CAP at 2227Z.
2229Z 351.900 ZDC-Gordonsville - PITTMAN 33 - flight of two FL260 to FL280.
2235Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - JOSA 123 (C-21A) - t/off time ADW 2230Z.
2237Z 118.850 Davison AAF GCA - NAVY 2E 256 (T-34C 162256 NAS Whiting Field0 - a coupel of practice apps then full stop rwy 14.
2240Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS -PITTMAN 35/36 - up with target coordinates.
2248Z 228.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - 35 and 36 coordinate with TANKER 06.
2257Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 5142 (C-17A 05-5142 452nd AMW March visual conf later) - i/b ETA 2330Z A1 2 DVs, no cargo, req. parking.
2307Z 119.850 Potomac APP - REACH 5142 (C-17A 05-5142 452nd AMW March visual conf.) - 10.8 for 6000'.
2309Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - ARMY 21863 (C-37A 02-1863) - deps 1R, QSYs 125.8 and turns low right over the house presumably for ADW.
2310Z 119.850 Potomac APP - MARINE 978 () - 10.7 for 9000'.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The CAP started again sometime early this morning - probably around 0700 according to the TANKER 07 and 08 schedules heard this morning in other parts of the country. TANKER 07 went home to Pease NH around 1100 and 08 was heard a little earlier coming from the midwest. This is certainly a strange CAP - running from early morning until 11 p.m. and then stopping overnight the past two days.

At noon, the CAP is manned by PITTMAN 25 and 26 (F-16 79th Fighter Squadron, 20th Fighter Wing, Shaw AFB SC). Primary freq with HUNTRESS is still 228.9 and the boom freq is 260.9. Midway through the 1200 hour, PITTMAN 25 is refueling with TANKER 08. We've got a female boom operator on this tanker. At 1230, PITTMAN 25 completes his trip to the boom after taking 5100 pounds of fuel and goes back to primary with HUNTRESS. PITTMAN 26 now heading for TANKER 08 to fill his tanks. At 1239, he's done and returns to primary with HUNTRESS. His offload was not mentioned over the air but he gave his tail number as 00-222.

1258: HUNTRESS gives PITTMAN 25 a BRAA for a suspected TOI...172/22/1000/Southwest «228.9» A minute later HUNTRESS gives the "skip it" command and it's all over.

1304: PITTMAN 25 asks HUNTRESS if he'll call and get the weather for Shaw around 1745Z. «228.9»
1318: PITTMAN 26 tells HUNTRESS he's ready for AR. «228.9»
1319: HUNTRESS tells TANKER 08 to make a left turn and head to the south. He does. «228.9»
HUNTRESS is just barely readable on 228.9 today with an open squelch.
1323: PITTMAN 26 over to «260.9» to meet up with TANKER 08. Tanker tells him to make sure his nose is cold and weapons are safe and clears him to approach.
1327: PITTMAN replacement team - 27/28 - is on the way to the CAP chatting on V-11 «142.125»
1330: PITTMAN 26 completes refueling op...his total take during his mission was 15,000 pounds per the boom operator «260.9» 26 switches back to HUNTRESS on «228.9»
1330: PITTMAN 27/28 check in with ZDC-Brooke «327.0» at FL 250.
1333: PITTMAN 25 tells HUNTRESS he wants to head for the tanker...declares weapons safe. «228.9» 25 changes to «260.9» to contact TANKER 08.
1334: PITTMAN 27 tells 28 their next change will be to Victor ATC (135.525) and to HUNTRESS on 260.9. «142.125»
1335: PITTMAN 27/28 handed off to Guard Dog on «135.525»
1335: PITTMAN 27 calls HUNTRESS on «260.9» and is sent to the correct freq - «228.9» - where they switch and check in.
1336: PITTMAN 27 performs his alpha check from the bullseye (Camp David) and reports it as 187/80. «228.9» (187 degrees at 80 miles)
1338: A pair of A-10s from Martin State operating on tac «142.3» One having a problem with his targetting pod.
1339: PITTMAN 25 completes his refueling...boom tells him he took 16,000 pounds total offload during his shift. «260.9» 25 goes back to HUNTRESS to report back on station. «228.9»
1340: PITTMAN 27/28 report heading toward the tanker «228.9» and change to the boom freq «260.9» to contact TANKER 08.
1344: Boom operator clears PITTMAN 27 to contact the boom. «260.9» A minute later, 27 tells the boom operator she's loud and clear but I hear nothing from her so they must be talking on the boom intercom. I hate when they do that. :)
1348: Boom operator clears PITTMAN 28 to contact the boom. «260.0»
1348: SPORT 1 (travelling callsign for Martin State A-10s) report airborne to Raven Ops on «143.8»
1349: PITTMAN 27 back to «228.9» to report off the tanker.
1351: PITTMAN 25/26 cleared by HUNTRESS to RTB. «228.9» 25 goes over to Guard Dog on «135.525» to get his clearance. Calls four times, no joy. Goes back to report this to HUNTRESS on «228.9» Sent back to Guard Dog and again no joy...PITTMAN 26 gives it a joy for him either. PITTMAN 25 tells 27 his flight will stay below 23000 feet and in a 15 mile trail.
1355: PITTMAN 25 to Guard Dog on «135.525» to say he's chasing a AFIO and needs to go down to 1000 feet.
1352: PITTMAN 28 completes refueling «260.9»
1356: PITTMAN 25 reports cleared down to 12,000....«135.525» He's going back and forth from this freq to HUNTRESS on «228.9» to give his positions and report such things as "tape on"....25 handed off to ZDC-Hagerstown on «134.15». Tells HUNTRESS on 228.9 the TOI is at 340 degrees for 8 miles. Now 1358.
1359: PITTMAN 25 now cleared down to 10000 feet. «134.15» Reports this to HUNTRESS and asks for the position of the Harrier. «228.9» (Same problem...slow clearances when chasing a target.)

1400: PITTMAN 25 cleared down to 5000...would like VFR below 5000. Says 3-4000 will work....he's cleared to 4000. «134.15» Back to 228.9 to tell HUNTRESS the TOI has faded (from radar). PITTMAN 25 is getting weak as he descends...doesn't appear to be a cover aircraft relaying his comms. I think this TOI chase is a planned exercise as part of a training regimen at the end of their shift. Just guessing based on lack of emotion from the pilot. Could just mean he's a very cool customer.
1405: PITTMAN 27 to Guard Dog on «135.525» to ask for a Mode 3 for PITTMAN 28...gets 3661.
1405: PITTMAN 25 with HUNTRESS reporting 3000 feet (and then fades away) «228.9»
1406: PITTMAN 25 with ZDC-Hagerstown 134.15 just to acknowledge something and then back to HUNTRESS 228.9 and asks for the position of the TOI. Sounds like he's higher now...very readable. Back to Hagerstown to ask for course change to 330 at 4000 feet. «134.15»
1408: PITTMAN 25 reports 10 miles north of JERES....then gets the skip it command from HUNTRESS and says he'll climb back up to the airspace. «228.9» He then goes to ZDC-Hagerstown and reports the same thing to get clearance to climb back up. «134.15»
1410: PITTMAN 25 reports at 7000 cleared for 18000 «134.15»
1411: PITTMAN 25 cleared to FL 210. «134.15»
1411: PITTMAN 25 handed off to Guard Dog on «135.525» where he checks in to enter Guard Dog reply again to first couple of calls.
1413: PITTMAN 25 tells HUNTRESS that he and 26 are rejoining in the north part of the airspace and will RTB...also says he can't contact Guard Dog to get his clearance. 25 says he's climbing to FL 250. «228.9»
1414: PITTMAN 25 continues to try to contact Guard Dog/Washington Center on 135.525 without success. PITTMAN 27 gives it a try and also results in no joy. Multiple calls over the next couple of minutes.
1417: PITTMAN 27 sent to ZDC-Casino 124.775 for a radio check...he goes but has no contact.
1418: PITTMAN 25 flight goes to ZDC-Brooke «327.0» to get clearance back to SSC (Shaw) where he's given FL 250 for the flight. (Guess he just went off on his own to find someone that would clear him.) He's asking to proceed out of Guard Dog standard formation.
1419: PITTMAN 27 tries several times to contact Guard Dog on 135.525 before making contact
1420: PITTMAN 25 goes to 135.525 to get his wingman, 26, who was told to wait there for him. Tells him to go to 327.0 and to V-10 (141.775)
1421: PITTMAN 25/26 meet up on «141.775» and report fuel remainders as 8300 and 7000 (outboard tanks dry).
1422: PITTMAN 27 says he'll take 22000 and tells 28 to take 23000 feet in the CAP. «228.9»
1423: PITTMAN 25/26 given FL 260. «327.0»
1423: HUNTRESS sends PITTMAN 27 to do a radio check on the problem freq - 135.525. NO problem this time...he's then sent to check 288.35 and no problem there either but says his flight will primarily work the VHF Guard Dog freq.
1424: PITTMAN 25/26 handed to ZDC-Blackstone «235.625» where they check in at FL 260 direct Shaw.
1432: PITTMAN 25 reports visual (on traffic in his vicinity.) «235.625» (He's already getting very weak.)
1436: PITTMAN 25 handed off to ZDC-Raleigh «322.45» by Blackstone on «235.625» Don't hear them check in on the new freq though.
Meanwhile, PITTMAN 27/28, along with TANKER 08 and HUNTRESS have gone silent as normal CAP operations proceed.
1446: PITTMAN 27 tells HUNTRESS he's doing a 180, rejoining and heading for the tanker. «228.9» Reports nose cold, weapons safe and visual contact with the tanker. He tells 28 to maintain the north and 28 confirms he's in the north.
Past instructions from HUNTRESS have indicated one fighter is always to stay in the northern part of the CAP, closest to the bullseye at Camp David.
1449: PITTMAN 27 switches to boom freq «260.9» where he tells the tanker he's 1/2 mile in trail. TANKER 08 asks him to confirm weapons safe...he does so boom operator clears him into the boom. (Still the female boom operator. Makes me think...She's probably in her mid-20s and has an interesting and exciting career. What do your female friends at that age have going for them?)
1451: Boom op - with a chuckle - reminds PITTMAN 27 to open his (refueling) receptacle. «260.9» She also tells 27 she's not getting him on the intercom...then says she's getting him broken...nothing but static. She's in the clear on air but he's obviously on the boom intercom since I hear nothing from him.
1454: PITTMAN 27 done refueling....goes back to HUNTRESS to report back in the CAP. PITTMAN 28 says he's now going to the tanker...reports weapons safe. «228.9»
1458: PITTMAN 28 to TANKER 08 on «260.9» to report two miles in trail...boom op clears him to approach.
1459: PITTMAN 28 reports he's ready to contact (the boom)...boom op clears him to contact. «260.9»

1502: Boom op reports boom clear...28 says he doesn't think he has a full load....she tells him it was a pressure disconnect...he's checking fuel load...she tells him he took 5100 pounds this time, 5800 the first time. He decides he really has a full tank (sheepishly). She's not only young, she knows what she's doing. He goes back to HUNTRESS freq to say he's back on station at 1504.
1506: TANKER 08 asks HUNTRESS if they're getting a replacement since their scheduled block time is in about 20 minutes. Didn't hear the reply and the tanker says nothing further. «228.9»

Everything settled for now...I've got to be approaching character limit for this message so will end for now. Back later.....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
And the Guard Dog CAP Continues. TANKER 08 was replaced by TANKER 09 at 1600 and left for home in Milwaukee. TANKER 09 was replaced by TANKER 10 at 2000 (sort of -- he's still 30 minutes out when 09 was released) and left to go home to Seymour Johnson AFB NC. There was a little mixup in the times. TANKER 09 had a block finish time of 2000 and 10 said his block arrival time was 2100 but was getting here early thinking he was doing a favor. Someone obviously screwed up the flight plan times.

PITTMAN 27/28 were replaced by PITTMAN 31/32 at approximately 1800 and went home to Shaw AFB SC. PITTMAN 31/32 are currently on station. Nothing out of the ordinary has happened since the last chapter of this story. The fighters went to refuel from time to time and flew their track in the CAP. HUNTRESS primary is still 228.9, boom freq is 260.9 and everyone seems to be using 135.525 with Guard Dog for entry/exit from the CAP. No use of 288.35. Tail numbers for the present fighters are 97-109 for PITTMAN 31 and 00-223 for PITTMAN 32. TANKER 10's tail number is 57-1491.

2200: PITTMAN 31/32 are going to refuel yet again. Since they've already been on station for a regular four hour shift as of now, it looks like they're going to stay around. And that makes it appear the CAP is going to run until 11 p.m. again tonight and then stop for the night. This is one very strange CAP.
There have been no TOI chases tonight. By the way, I recently explained TOI as Target Of Interest and realize I made a mistake. TOI is Track Of Interest. The meaning is the same but in the interest of accuracy, the correction is warranted.
2213: PITTMAN 31/32 finish refueling, go back to HUNTRESS primary 228.9 and tell HUNTRESS they are done with the tanker for the night. (The plan is to allow TANKER 10 to go home early...let's see if it works.)
2215: It does....TANKER 10 cleared to RTB by HUNTRESS...10 goes over to Guard Dog on 135.525 to pick up clearance back to their home base. (TANKER 10 is from Bangor ME.)
2255: PITTMAN 31 and 32 are rejoining which should indicate they're close to the end. «228.9»
2255: PITTMAN 31 to Guard Dog «135.525» to request clearance in 5 minutes to RTB to Shaw at FL 240.
2259: PITTMAN 31/32 told to RTB by HUNTRESS «228.9»
2259: PITTMAN 31/32 pick up clearance back to Shaw at FL 240 from Guard Dog on «135.525»
2300: PITTMAN 31/32 handed off to ZDC-Montebello «284.7» where they check in at FL 240.
2306: PITTMAN 31/32 handed off to ZDC-Blackstone «235.625» where they check in at FL 240.
2306: PITTMAN 31/32 are using V-8 «138.15» for tac/chat on their way home.

Raptor Operators Answer Critics
"This thing is a turkey," Pierre Sprey says of the Air Force's Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor fighter.,15240,109878,00.html?
[The bulletin board discussion following the article tells you how the troops feel.]

Some of you may have seen this film clip previously. I'ts taken from the gun cameras and the firing crew audio channel aboard an AC-130U gunship flying over Afghanistan doing some serious damage to a Taliban operating area. It's really awe inspiring to watch that destructive power aboard this ship.

And for laughs, how they deal with a non-working HP printer in Iraq...
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Jan 5, 2004
The SWANN controller is being simulcasted on the Guard Dog freq, at least local to me. I can receive 135.525 without an antenna. Would the FAA center in Leesburg be transmitting this?

The signal I'm receiving is so strong that Close Call locks on to it.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The SWANN Sector controller has always had the 135.525 freq as one of his when they consolidate the freqs at night. It has long been the way we hear the ground controller talking to the aircraft on 135.525 - at least for part of the day and for those of us close to BWI Airport where SWANN's transmitting antenna is located. At other times, the controller at Woodstown consolidates the 135.525 freq into his control area. When it's operating in normal mode during the day, the ground controller for that freq is at the Falls Church RCAG at the Moorefield Sector according to the Center's Sector/Freq list.

2343: And we've got HUNTRESS doing some training intercepts on «139.7» Just heard the "bug out" command to the aircraft which is probably BLACKJACK. Just as they did last night, it started after the final CAP pair left for home.
2346: BLACKJACK 1 says he has 1 hour, 25 minutes of playtime left. «139.7» HUNTRESS responds by telling him to RTB. (As they've been doing in these exercises, it starts with BLACKJACK on the ground and then doing an actual takeoff scramble once notified by HUNTRESS of a TOI.)
2350: HUNTRESS again tells BLACKJACK 1 to RTB. BJ1 says wilco. «139.7» (Did he just get caught cheating?)

0013: No more heard from BLACKJACK or HUNTRESS since that last at 2350.
0050: And here they come again after a long layoff...BLACKJACK 2 being vectored toward a simulated TOI. «139.7»
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
Raptor Operators Answer Critics
"This thing is a turkey," Pierre Sprey says of the Air Force's Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor fighter.,15240,109878,00.html?
[The bulletin board discussion following the article tells you how the troops feel.]

<<<Sprey insists that the Raptor isn't as "hot" as the Air Force claims. He cites the aircraft's weight and size as disadvantages in aerial combat. >>>

Those guys are living in a different era. Anybody that wants to base an aircraft's design on a physical dog fight in this day and age is behind the times. What's unfortunate, is those guys made great contributions to military aviation, and were a major factor in creating an aircraft as successful as the F-16. Now they just sound like grumpy old fools. Sure, we could have hundreds of block 60 F-16s for the price of the F22s. But that's more a Russian style of thinking, and traditionally we have always gone after the high tech approach... Pushing for something better has always been our nature and strength. These are gambles that we take in trying to predict where the next war will be. The 22 will take over the role of air superiority AND tactical bombing (F117), and who knows what else. It was never supposed to be an affordable 'expendable' jet for fighting down and dirty. They just dropped a guided munition from a 22 the other day, going supersonic at like 450FL or something... You can have weapons in the air and be half way home before they even hit. The AA reach is even better, with systems being able to track dozens of targets at one time, and weapons launched on them before most other planes would even be tracking you. That's what people living in the top gun era don't get, is that the whole point is not to even get in a dog fight at all... You track, shoot, kill, leave.

- Custom Scanner, Aviation, MURS, GMRS, Marine & Ham Antennas -


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1257Z 119.300 Potomac APP - SAM 0587 () - req. vects. ILS 1R 3000' to 2000'
1259Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - PAT 661 () - arr. msg to ADW.
1259Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PACER 96 (C-21A) - clg here no joy.

1339Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - ????? 42 - dep. msg t/off time 1335Z delay due to C-17 offload.

1634Z 119.300 Potomac APP - NAVY JR 151 (C-20G 165151 VR-48) - descending on the app to 1R @ ADW.


1759Z 119.300 Potomac APP - MUSSEL 03 (UH-1 316th Wing) - off ADW enroute RMN.

1816Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 105 (UC-12B NAS Oceana Norfolk Flt. Det.) - lands rwy 32.
1825Z 119.300 Potomac APP - PAT 509 () - descending on the vis. app to ADW 1R.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Late 1300 hour has three flights of F-16s from the DC-ANG at Andrews taking off and heading to the Patuxent area for work. ANGRY, BULLY and SCARY flights went airborne within about a nine minute span. Each is a two ship flight. Tac freqs are as follows:
ANGRY 143.6 (Preset V-5)
BULLY 139.15 (Preset V-6)
SCARY 143.15 (Preset V-7)
Their itinerary was like this....Potomac TRACON (Andrews Departure) 348.725...then to tac SOF on 139.9 to report airborne time, handoff by TRACON to ZDC-Calvert on 281.4, to Patuxent Approach 305.2 and then over to Patuxent BayWatch 354.8 to state intentions in the area and clearance into specific work areas.
Part of the time they are spending at Pax is in area R-4005 from the surface to 5000 feet and are difficult to hear during those periods.
Note: When the DC-ANG flights are handed off from ZDC-Calvert to Pax Approach on 305.2, the freq change is almost immediate, indicating they have 305.2 as a preset in their UHF radios. Our old preset lists for this unit do not show that freq on the list. Well, mine doesn't anyway.
At 1430, the ANGRY flight is requesting a bobsled approach to runway 32 at Pax. Believe this is just for an approach or touch and go but not a landing.
At 1440, the BULLY flight leaving Pax to RTB Andrews. Coming out, they use Pax BayWatch 354.8, then 281.8 as a Pax Departure freq, over to SOF 139.9 with mission results, to Potomac TRACON (Andrews Approach) 335.5 and finally 349.0 with Andrews Tower for landing. They are on the ground by 1450. The other two flights eventually went back to Andrews also but I didn't log times since I was concentrating on hearing that SHIFTY flight logged below.

There has also been a steady stream of Langley fighters into W-72 on Giant Killer's 238.1 and 249.8 and into W-122 on 233.7. Those flights are being heard with Norfolk TRACON shortly after takeoff from Langley on 370.925 and again after leaving the Warning areas. Giant Killer's operations freqs are also busy with those fighters - 373.1, 389.1 and 391.2 are the most recent heard.

Also hearing some Navy fighters from VFA-106 at Oceana NAS on 237.8 and U/I fighters on 362.2. That last freq is a new one for me and I've added it to my rotation in the section with Navy fighter tac freqs.

In addition to that 362.2 freq, I've also recently added a few others to the lists I posted in this thread between message #1 and #50.
269.425 Norfolk Approach
255.125 VFA-105 Oceana NAS
287.6 Wheelhouse (Pentagon)
393.5 Wheelhouse (Pentagon)

Langley SOF freq 383.2 is active. I've been expecting them to change this freq since it's in the middle of the LMR range but they're obviously still using it.

1450: Hearing a flight of four fighters - sound like F-16s - on tac freq 138.625. No ID yet. They just changed to ZDC-Linden on 319.1 but I missed the callsign. Suffix 51/52/53/54. Back on tac, they mention Syracuse which might be their destination. Also on tac, one pilot is pointing out an area where he has gone's near Front Royal VA.
Callsign is SHIFTY. I don't have an F-16 ID for that callsign. Only thing I have for it is F-111s out of Cannon NM but these aren't F-111 aircraft. Flight was handed off at 1459 from ZDC-Linden to freq ?336.5? which is an unknown to me.
1502: One of the pilots says he missed the freq and asks for it to be repeated...he's given 336.07(5) by one of the others. (I've been searching the 336-336.5 band of freqs with no joy.)
That 336.075 freq is not ZDC/ZNY and I don't find it on the ZOB list either....still unknown for now.
At 1506, they talk about which AR freq they want to use and mention 289.0. They also mention a PACK flight which would be a KC-135R from the 133rd ARS, NH-ANG Pease ANGB. I haven't heard any activity on the 289.0 freq through 1510.
1511: PACK 94 comes up on their tac freq 138.625 and tells them refueling is going to be on 276.5 now. He also gives the flight the weather for Burlington (VT) so that might be their final destination rather than Syracuse.
1513: PACK 94 and SHIFTY 51-54 come up on 276.5 (primary freq for AR-609 in NY) to begin the refuelling op. They are going to take 4000 pounds each. (That 276.5 freq is on my list of refueling freqs in one of the posted banks above along with all the others.) By 1518 they are becoming very weak as they get out of listening range.
1522: Suddenly hearing them again....PACK 94 with SHIFTY 52 refueling on 276.5....and also hearing tac 138.625 at the moment. By 1527 they are just too weak to copy on either freq but still there.
Note on the 336.075 freq. It almost has to be a ZDC/ZNY freq based on their flight route. From ZDC-Linden, where they mentioned being over Front Royal, a handoff would almost have to be to another ZDC or ZNY freq to take them in the direction of Burlington VT. I think we've got yet another new Center freq to contend with and try to identify.

1542: CARBON 6 (I think) with arrival message to Willow Grove Base Ops on 343.0. Mentions being A-2 for minor writeups...doesn't sound like a fighter type - more like a transport.
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Jan 5, 2004
TinEar said:
From ZDC-Linden, where they mentioned being over Front Royal, a handoff would almost have to be to another ZDC or ZNY freq to take them in the direction of Burlington VT. I think we've got yet another new Center freq to contend with and try to identify.

What about a replacement for 357.6 ? I can't recall ever hearing anything on this frequency.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
freqhopping said:
What about a replacement for 357.6 ? I can't recall ever hearing anything on this frequency.

Travis, I don't even have 357.6 as a valid frequency for ZDC. I know it's included in the FAA ATA-100 info posted to the database but it's not on the Center list I operate from which was totally valid as of a few months ago. I don't believe that 357.6 freq has been used in the past few years - at least not that I ever remember seeing/hearing.

Oh yeah....that SHIFTY callsign puzzled me when I heard it earlier because it wasn't on my master callsign list. Well, it is on my New England callsign list that I forgot to check when heard this afternoon. SHIFTY does belong to the 158th Fighter Wing at Burlington VT which was their destination.

2055: Couple tankers using suffix 15 and 16 chatting on tanker interplane freq 139.875. They report going to 18500 and 19000 feet. Also mention a (KC) 135 off to their 3 o'clock position at 12 miles. Whoever they're going to refuel, they will meet up on 352.6 for the AR operation. (And I don't have 352.6 on my refueling freq list posted somewhere above so am adding it..)
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Nov 3, 2005
Hey Tin, how's it going?

That is TEAM 15 and 16 working with a STEEL aircraft on AR220 using 352.60.
Yeah, it has been awhile. I've been pretty busy and there just hasn't been that much going on except some aircraft transitioning through my area. I did catch the SHIFTY/PACK group you mentioned above. They must have been flying all together because they requested a 2,000 foot block of airspace to perform random refuelling while enroute. They mentioned being headed direct to CONCORD (I'm sure the CON VOR and not the airport). This might make sense if they were headed back to Vermont. I should have written down the handoff freqs as I heard them, with some of the changes we are seeing, that kind of info is a necessity.

2209: Sounds like the refuelling is wrapped up. TEAM 15 just contacted ZOB on 126.725, they are at 20,000 and are headed direct Harrisburg.
2210: STEEL 62 to ZOB on 126.725 headed direct to the GRACE intersection at 22,000.
2211: TEAM 15 says they are headed to Atlantic City. (126.725)
2212: TEAM 16 going to 17,000 feet. (126.725)
2213: TEAM 15 going to 19,000 from 20,000 (126.725).
2213: STEEL 62 to cross GRACE at 10,000 (126.725). Note: This is per the GRACE Arrival into Pittsburgh.
2218: TEAM switches to 134.80 ZNY.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Hey's been awhile.

Appreciate the IDs. Kind of figured it had to be TEAM or OPEC 15/16 but had no idea who the KC-135 was they referenced in chat. Now I know. Thank you.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Two additions while at IAD yesterday afternoon:

128.425 2218Z IAD TWR West - JOSA 805 (C-21A 84-0098 47th AF) - deps rwy 30 QSY 125.05.
128.425 2244Z IAD TWR West - REACH 1071 (KC-135R 60-0313 22nd ARW McConnell) - deps rwy 30 QSY 125.05.

So far this morning, just started in at 1100L.

1503Z 349.000 Andrews AFB TWR - BULLY 1 (F-16C/D 121st FS andrews) - practice apps.

1626Z 351.200 LIBERATOR CP - DC 93 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC Andrews) - airborne 23 after the hour. Also on 118.950 to 17000' QSY 123.825.
1654Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AIR FORCE ONE (VC-25A 89th AW) - deps ADW dir BUFFR QSY 123.825.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1924: BATON 54 (EC-130J, 193rd Special Ops Group, PA-ANG Harrisburg) to Giant Killer on 255.0. (It took five calls to wake her up and get a reply.). He's on mission A-2202 and A-2302 and current position is two miles northwest of Sea Isle at flight level 190. He's going to work in area W-107 between 16,000 and 20,000 feet.
1930: BATON 54 tells Giant Killer his RTB will be to MDT (Harrisburg International Airport).
2042: BATON 54 checks out of GK's area W-107 and is heading home to Harrisburg. «255.0»
2050: SAM Interplane freq 136.725 active....sounds like Air Force 1 is coming home to Andrews.
2102: Air Force 1 reports 10 miles out...heading for runway 19L....reports gear down. «118.4»
2131: OPEC 29 (KC-10A McGuire) with ACY App 124.6 descending and heading toward McGuire.
2137: ROCCO 62 (KC-135R McGuire) with ACY App 124.6 wants to run up the coast as low as ACY will allow. Cleared to proceed at 7000 feet up the coast.
2303: MOVER 26 Heavy (KC-10A McGuire) with ACY App 124.6 descending from 9 to 8000...then to 7000 feet....cleared direct Coyle, direct McGuire.
2308: MOVER 26 Heavy cleared down to 5000 feet. «124.6»

(Ref Below): Good catch on the WG chicks Mark. I only have one radio monitoring four freqs on tonight while trying to figure out this new 996 so am not hearing too much. I had thrown the radio into a drawer out of disgust but decided to try a few things. I'm trying to see how many systems I can dump into it before crashing the memory. Ran into a snag with the Delaware system. It's neat that you can have one system with multiple sites and all all of them using the same talkgroups but DE has more than 250 talkgroups which exceeds the radio's max so it didn't like that. Tell you what -- Butel's ARC996 program makes it so easy to program trunked systems. It opens the database at this site from within the program and creates a system with one button push. Delaware's system took 4 seconds to program with all the talkgroups. Too bad the radio is a piece of excrement though.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr TIN and FLYERS and CADE working Kiowa range on 237.200.
FLYERS bugged out rtb Willow Grove heard Harisburg appch 281.5250 then
landing appch WG on 266.800/tower 340.200,Ops on 141.800 for writeups.
AF-1 loud and clear here landing with tower 118.400 at 2102.
Must have strong VHF

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
1300Z 238.100 Giant Killer - unknown player reporting readability probs, moved over to 249.800 reports loud and clear here.
1301Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - LOBO 321 (C-9 USMC) - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 118.675.
1313Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BOXER 20 (C-40 201st AS DC ANG) - deps ADW QSY 121.05.
1315Z 319.400 McGuire AFB CP - PAT 445 () clg here no joy.
1353Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 164 () - deps ADW.

1505Z 119.300 Potomac APP - NAVY 7C 389 (UC-12B NAS Oceana Norfolk Flt. Det.) - on the app for the visual to 1R @ ADW.

2017Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 0566 () - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
2017Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - SAM 0566 () - t/off time 1610L DV 2+7 ETA 2200Z.
2032Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - MARINE ONE - in flight as briefed.
2043Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 155 () - deps DAA QSY 118.675.
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