The CAP started again sometime early this morning - probably around 0700 according to the TANKER 07 and 08 schedules heard this morning in other parts of the country. TANKER 07 went home to Pease NH around 1100 and 08 was heard a little earlier coming from the midwest. This is certainly a strange CAP - running from early morning until 11 p.m. and then stopping overnight the past two days.
At noon, the CAP is manned by PITTMAN 25 and 26 (F-16 79th Fighter Squadron, 20th Fighter Wing, Shaw AFB SC). Primary freq with HUNTRESS is still 228.9 and the boom freq is 260.9. Midway through the 1200 hour, PITTMAN 25 is refueling with TANKER 08. We've got a female boom operator on this tanker. At 1230, PITTMAN 25 completes his trip to the boom after taking 5100 pounds of fuel and goes back to primary with HUNTRESS. PITTMAN 26 now heading for TANKER 08 to fill his tanks. At 1239, he's done and returns to primary with HUNTRESS. His offload was not mentioned over the air but he gave his tail number as 00-222.
1258: HUNTRESS gives PITTMAN 25 a BRAA for a suspected TOI...172/22/1000/Southwest «228.9» A minute later HUNTRESS gives the "skip it" command and it's all over.
1304: PITTMAN 25 asks HUNTRESS if he'll call and get the weather for Shaw around 1745Z. «228.9»
1318: PITTMAN 26 tells HUNTRESS he's ready for AR. «228.9»
1319: HUNTRESS tells TANKER 08 to make a left turn and head to the south. He does. «228.9»
HUNTRESS is just barely readable on 228.9 today with an open squelch.
1323: PITTMAN 26 over to «260.9» to meet up with TANKER 08. Tanker tells him to make sure his nose is cold and weapons are safe and clears him to approach.
1327: PITTMAN replacement team - 27/28 - is on the way to the CAP chatting on V-11 «142.125»
1330: PITTMAN 26 completes refueling op...his total take during his mission was 15,000 pounds per the boom operator «260.9» 26 switches back to HUNTRESS on «228.9»
1330: PITTMAN 27/28 check in with ZDC-Brooke «327.0» at FL 250.
1333: PITTMAN 25 tells HUNTRESS he wants to head for the tanker...declares weapons safe. «228.9» 25 changes to «260.9» to contact TANKER 08.
1334: PITTMAN 27 tells 28 their next change will be to Victor ATC (135.525) and to HUNTRESS on 260.9. «142.125»
1335: PITTMAN 27/28 handed off to Guard Dog on «135.525»
1335: PITTMAN 27 calls HUNTRESS on «260.9» and is sent to the correct freq - «228.9» - where they switch and check in.
1336: PITTMAN 27 performs his alpha check from the bullseye (Camp David) and reports it as 187/80. «228.9» (187 degrees at 80 miles)
1338: A pair of A-10s from Martin State operating on tac «142.3» One having a problem with his targetting pod.
1339: PITTMAN 25 completes his refueling...boom tells him he took 16,000 pounds total offload during his shift. «260.9» 25 goes back to HUNTRESS to report back on station. «228.9»
1340: PITTMAN 27/28 report heading toward the tanker «228.9» and change to the boom freq «260.9» to contact TANKER 08.
1344: Boom operator clears PITTMAN 27 to contact the boom. «260.9» A minute later, 27 tells the boom operator she's loud and clear but I hear nothing from her so they must be talking on the boom intercom. I hate when they do that.

1348: Boom operator clears PITTMAN 28 to contact the boom. «260.0»
1348: SPORT 1 (travelling callsign for Martin State A-10s) report airborne to Raven Ops on «143.8»
1349: PITTMAN 27 back to «228.9» to report off the tanker.
1351: PITTMAN 25/26 cleared by HUNTRESS to RTB. «228.9» 25 goes over to Guard Dog on «135.525» to get his clearance. Calls four times, no joy. Goes back to report this to HUNTRESS on «228.9» Sent back to Guard Dog and again no joy...PITTMAN 26 gives it a joy for him either. PITTMAN 25 tells 27 his flight will stay below 23000 feet and in a 15 mile trail.
1355: PITTMAN 25 to Guard Dog on «135.525» to say he's chasing a TOI....
is AFIO and needs to go down to 1000 feet.
1352: PITTMAN 28 completes refueling «260.9»
1356: PITTMAN 25 reports cleared down to 12,000....«135.525» He's going back and forth from this freq to HUNTRESS on «228.9» to give his positions and report such things as "tape on"....25 handed off to ZDC-Hagerstown on «134.15». Tells HUNTRESS on 228.9 the TOI is at 340 degrees for 8 miles. Now 1358.
1359: PITTMAN 25 now cleared down to 10000 feet. «134.15» Reports this to HUNTRESS and asks for the position of the Harrier. «228.9» (Same problem...slow clearances when chasing a target.)
1400: PITTMAN 25 cleared down to 5000...would like VFR below 5000. Says 3-4000 will work....he's cleared to 4000. «134.15» Back to 228.9 to tell HUNTRESS the TOI has faded (from radar). PITTMAN 25 is getting weak as he descends...doesn't appear to be a cover aircraft relaying his comms. I think this TOI chase is a planned exercise as part of a training regimen at the end of their shift. Just guessing based on lack of emotion from the pilot. Could just mean he's a very cool customer.
1405: PITTMAN 27 to Guard Dog on «135.525» to ask for a Mode 3 for PITTMAN 28...gets 3661.
1405: PITTMAN 25 with HUNTRESS reporting 3000 feet (and then fades away) «228.9»
1406: PITTMAN 25 with ZDC-Hagerstown 134.15 just to acknowledge something and then back to HUNTRESS 228.9 and asks for the position of the TOI. Sounds like he's higher now...very readable. Back to Hagerstown to ask for course change to 330 at 4000 feet. «134.15»
1408: PITTMAN 25 reports 10 miles north of JERES....then gets the skip it command from HUNTRESS and says he'll climb back up to the airspace. «228.9» He then goes to ZDC-Hagerstown and reports the same thing to get clearance to climb back up. «134.15»
1410: PITTMAN 25 reports at 7000 cleared for 18000 «134.15»
1411: PITTMAN 25 cleared to FL 210. «134.15»
1411: PITTMAN 25 handed off to Guard Dog on «135.525» where he checks in to enter Guard Dog reply again to first couple of calls.
1413: PITTMAN 25 tells HUNTRESS that he and 26 are rejoining in the north part of the airspace and will RTB...also says he can't contact Guard Dog to get his clearance. 25 says he's climbing to FL 250. «228.9»
1414: PITTMAN 25 continues to try to contact Guard Dog/Washington Center on 135.525 without success. PITTMAN 27 gives it a try and also results in no joy. Multiple calls over the next couple of minutes.
1417: PITTMAN 27 sent to ZDC-Casino 124.775 for a radio check...he goes but has no contact.
1418: PITTMAN 25 flight goes to ZDC-Brooke «327.0» to get clearance back to SSC (Shaw) where he's given FL 250 for the flight. (Guess he just went off on his own to find someone that would clear him.) He's asking to proceed out of Guard Dog standard formation.
1419: PITTMAN 27 tries several times to contact Guard Dog on 135.525 before making contact
1420: PITTMAN 25 goes to 135.525 to get his wingman, 26, who was told to wait there for him. Tells him to go to 327.0 and to V-10 (141.775)
1421: PITTMAN 25/26 meet up on «141.775» and report fuel remainders as 8300 and 7000 (outboard tanks dry).
1422: PITTMAN 27 says he'll take 22000 and tells 28 to take 23000 feet in the CAP. «228.9»
1423: PITTMAN 25/26 given FL 260. «327.0»
1423: HUNTRESS sends PITTMAN 27 to do a radio check on the problem freq - 135.525. NO problem this time...he's then sent to check 288.35 and no problem there either but says his flight will primarily work the VHF Guard Dog freq.
1424: PITTMAN 25/26 handed to ZDC-Blackstone «235.625» where they check in at FL 260 direct Shaw.
1432: PITTMAN 25 reports visual (on traffic in his vicinity.) «235.625» (He's already getting very weak.)
1436: PITTMAN 25 handed off to ZDC-Raleigh «322.45» by Blackstone on «235.625» Don't hear them check in on the new freq though.
Meanwhile, PITTMAN 27/28, along with TANKER 08 and HUNTRESS have gone silent as normal CAP operations proceed.
1446: PITTMAN 27 tells HUNTRESS he's doing a 180, rejoining and heading for the tanker. «228.9» Reports nose cold, weapons safe and visual contact with the tanker. He tells 28 to maintain the north and 28 confirms he's in the north.
Past instructions from HUNTRESS have indicated one fighter is always to stay in the northern part of the CAP, closest to the bullseye at Camp David.
1449: PITTMAN 27 switches to boom freq «260.9» where he tells the tanker he's 1/2 mile in trail. TANKER 08 asks him to confirm weapons safe...he does so boom operator clears him into the boom. (Still the female boom operator. Makes me think...She's probably in her mid-20s and has an interesting and exciting career. What do your female friends at that age have going for them?)
1451: Boom op - with a chuckle - reminds PITTMAN 27 to open his (refueling) receptacle. «260.9» She also tells 27 she's not getting him on the intercom...then says she's getting him broken...nothing but static. She's in the clear on air but he's obviously on the boom intercom since I hear nothing from him.
1454: PITTMAN 27 done refueling....goes back to HUNTRESS to report back in the CAP. PITTMAN 28 says he's now going to the tanker...reports weapons safe. «228.9»
1458: PITTMAN 28 to TANKER 08 on «260.9» to report two miles in trail...boom op clears him to approach.
1459: PITTMAN 28 reports he's ready to contact (the boom)...boom op clears him to contact. «260.9»
1502: Boom op reports boom clear...28 says he doesn't think he has a full load....she tells him it was a pressure disconnect...he's checking fuel load...she tells him he took 5100 pounds this time, 5800 the first time. He decides he really has a full tank (sheepishly). She's not only young, she knows what she's doing. He goes back to HUNTRESS freq to say he's back on station at 1504.
1506: TANKER 08 asks HUNTRESS if they're getting a replacement since their scheduled block time is in about 20 minutes. Didn't hear the reply and the tanker says nothing further. «228.9»
Everything settled for now...I've got to be approaching character limit for this message so will end for now. Back later.....