Sticky Thread For MilAir IV

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 28, 2004
Southern Maine
They are still at Moron as one of their tankers broke down ........ but they are now re-filed for tomorrow,
Friday January 16th as MAZDA 41, MAZDA 51 and MAZDA 61 flight. ETA for ACK between 1630z and 1800z.

Happy listening !!


Hi Rene,

Just turned on my scanners and had a hit on 133.450 (ZBW) from BLUE 04. Will post more if heard.

1541z switched to 123.900 Moncton Center. Looks like he is headed Eastbound. Maybe to hook up with MAZDA flight??

Any idea who a flight of six Aviano birds were? They landed at Pease this morning at 9:25am. Dave O'Brian saw them on the ramp.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland

Something interesting:

1015- Huntress (228.9)-w/Pelican 01 (prob P-3C). Huntress advises Pelican 01 that the downlink freq is 145.2 GHZ (sic). Pelican asks Huntress to relay to Colonel 1 (unid) that they have tried all satellite links w/no joy.
I could hear Huntress 5/5 at my QTH

1028 PELICAN 01 with various SANDHOG units on 324.000,SANDHOG 1,2,4,5.
radio and video downlink checks.
I can't hear the SANDHOGS, Ground units? video freq is 14.52 GHZ.

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
He left Wilmington, DE enroute to NE Philly Airport last evening. Checked in with Charlie-100 on "Net-1" 165.2375 (PL 100.0) and requested his trip info be forwarded to AMOC.
Presumably, this will be one of several aircraft to follow the inaugural train from Philly to DC.

1040 N139HS on 165.2400 "Net 1" reports off Martin State.My scanner can't do 2375 but comes in fine on 2400.
Thanks Ben...
1050 N139HS headed my way at 500 feet on RB and Cecil County airport 122.800 transitioning the area.
1059 N139HS with New Castle County KILG 126.000 headed Northeast.
1100 OMAHA 139HS sw to Philly 119.750 over Delaware River on Jersey side inbound NE Phillly Airport.
1102 OMAHA 139HS with Tower 135.100
1109 139HS reports 10-7 at NE Philly on 165.2400,good repeater as heard here fine.

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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
1040 N139HS on 165.2400 "Net 1" reports off Martin State.My scanner can't do 2375 but comes in fine on 2400.
Thanks Ben...


Yeah, just got this report from someone else via email. 139HS must not have been the aircraft that came in last night.

I'll be listening today and tomorrow...will report what CBP aircraft I hear, if I hear any more.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 28, 2004
Southern Maine

Been listening to MAINE 85 (x2) for a little while. Finally heard their destination which is
into W-105 to refuel KILLER 1 & 2 (F-15).

1523z 238.200 MAINE 85 (x2) A-A
1536z 128.750 ZBW
1538z 135.225 GIANTKILLER in W-105

I'm sure you guys down South will hear more than me at this point.


Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
Can anybody copy digital comms on 150.350? Reported to be in the area of New Castle Co. Airport.
Unkown user...possibly AF Reserve or ARNG.

I'm not in the area...relayed report.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
1028 PELICAN 01 with various SANDHOG units on 324.000,SANDHOG 1,2,4,5.
radio and video downlink checks.
I can't hear the SANDHOGS, Ground units? video freq is 14.52 GHZ.



here's some more:

1104- Huntress (228.9)-w/Goliath Alpha (E-3B AWACS, Tinker AFB OK) asking if they have contacted Pelican 01---Goliath advises no joy w/Pelican 01. Huntress advises Goliath to contact Pelican 01 on 324.0
1107- Pelican 01-w/Jaguar (unid-unheard) on discrete (324.0) advising that Pelican 01 has1hr 20 mins of time left on station. mPelican 01 avises Jaguar that they will be
down here" in about 2 hours to work w/Sand Hog (unid)
1109- Goliath Alpha-calling Pelican 01 on 324.0

1109- Goliath Alpha-calling Pelican 01 on 324.0. Goliath asks Pelican 01 if they can go "green" on this freq to which Pelican 01 advises that they can but it'll take a couple of mins to set it up.Goliath signs off w/Pelican 01 advising that Huntress has nothing further but that they will be standing by.

1123- Goliath-w/Pelican 01 (324.0) askling kind of unit that callsign Sandhog is---Pelican 01 advises that Sand Hog is a Rover TC (???). Goliath responds that they are an Echo 3.
1134- Pelican 01-w/Jaguar (unid) asking about distance between them the Rover so that they can ensure that the live video feed is good.
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
Yeah, just got this report from someone else via email. 139HS must not have been the aircraft that came in last night.

I'll be listening today and tomorrow...will report what CBP aircraft I hear, if I hear any more.

N139HS just reported as arrived at NE Philly Airport (KPNE) at 11:11.

Hear on the Net-7 (165.4625) repeater.

Earlier today, Net-1 and Net-7 were linked.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland

here's some more:

1104- Huntress (228.9)-w/Goliath Alpha (E-3B AWACS, Tinker AFB OK) asking if they have contacted Pelican 01---Goliath advises no joy w/Pelican 01. Huntress advises Goliath to contact Pelican 01 on 324.0
1109- Goliath Alpha-calling Pelican 01 on 324.0. Goliath asks Pelican 01 if they can go "green" on this freq to which Pelican 01 advises that they can but it'll take a couple of mins to set it up.Goliath signs off w/Pelican 01 advising that Huntress has nothing further but that they will be standing by.

Rgr Ron getting Goliath weak here on 324.000,could be that SENTRY-06
I logged earlier today 115 miles East of Norfolk working W-701 range as he req wx for Tinker at
1900z.Goliath just self-id as E-3.
ENC P-25 coms on 165.8250

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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

1118- N193PC (US Customs PC-12)-called by Raven Ops (165.2375).


N193PC advises Raven Ops that the ATC controller was not aware of their filed flt plan. N193PC advises that they personally had filed flt plan with the ATC supervisor but that the word was not handed down. N193PC is using callsign Omaha 10 advises that the controller was just handed the paperwork so they are good to go.
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
1118- N193PC (US Customs PC-12)-called by Raven Ops (165.2375).

Also getting comms with 3PC and Raven Ops up here in Net-7 (165.4625/166.5875).

FAA database lists N193PC as "deregistered". All I heard for the ID was "Three Papa Charlie".
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
More Pelican

1139- Pelican 01 (324.0)-responding to unheard question states that they are operating under command of the Air Force North supporting the Nat'l Capitol Region Joint Task Force.

1148- Raven Ops (165.2375)-w/N593PC advising they have talked to "Guardian" and that Guardian is waiting to hear from them. N593PC advises that they have their UHF freq 350.025. They obviously mean Guard Dog (DC CAP controller) rather than Guardian. Raven Ops also passes freq of 157.15 (chnl 23A) to contact Coast Guard.

Raven also reveals that N593PC is equipped with Wolfburg radios
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 28, 2004
Southern Maine

Well, I've been listening and have not heard anymore on my radios.......BUT

I just heard BLUE 91 and BLUE 94 on working the controller and they were just getting
the separation information for the MAZDAs and told the MAZDA flight to contact them on 290.300

I'm getting none of this on my scanners right now so they must be too far South of my range.
If I hear them on my scanners, I'll add the info here, otherwise you guys can fill in the gaps.


1733z Finally got BLUE 94 on my scanner on 133.450 Been monitoring 290.300 but nothing there for me.
1740z Finally heard MAZDAs check in on 290.300 but very faint from my location.
1743z BLUE 94 just checked in on 128.200 and is descending to Pease.

Question for Rene - If these were Mountain Home F-15s, how come they were going down J174 towards Snow Hill?
Why didn't they take on a Western route once they were over land?

1826z BLUE 01 wkg ZBW on getting separation for MAZDA 51 flight. MAZDA to come up on 269.300 (Nothing on my radios yet)
1834z BLUE 04 wkg Pack Control at Pease on 321.000 inbound codes and will be doing pattern work.
1838z BLUE 04 working ZBW on 128.200 inbound Pease.
1839z MAZDA 51 flight on 269.300 very faint here.
1840z BLUE 01 wkg ZBW on 133.450
1843z BLUE 01 with ZBW on 133.450 direct Manta-Drift-Coyle-McGuire
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Got to the radios very late and (reading above messages) and what I'm hearing now seems kind of interesting. Everyone is up and testing their comms for the activity running from tomorrow through the 20th. Some of what I've heard in just a few minutes listening in early 1200 hour...

BANDSAW-Lima (E-3) calling BACKBURNER on 288.4 (BANDSAW-L = E-3C, 79-0003)
PELICAN 01 (airborne) in contact mostly with SANDHOG 03 (ground) and earlier with JAGUAR on 324.0
Various Customs units on their repeater freq 165.2375 including RAVEN Ops (at MTN), some OMAHA units (including 10) and now to THOR (JADOC) from OMAHA 10.
Unknown units in encrypted comms on 165.825
HUNTRESS on 228.9 sounding like he's transmitting from a local antenna (signal strength equal to Martin State). HUNTRESS calling PELICAN here.
Meanwhile, BANDSAW-Lima is also working Langley aircraft for ACM activities on 292.3.

1310: An Andrews KC-135R (57-1479) is being noted on Mode-S with "S3831Z" in the callsign block. There has been a C-20B from the 99th AS at Andrews (86-0203) with that same callsign error programmed in its Mode-S since the end of November. Looks like the same avionics tech is working for both units and makes the same error.

Thanks Ed [jetcrafter] for the tipoff they were in your area.
1320: MAZDA 41 flight w/ZDC-Sea Isle...281.45 (checking onto freq and telling Washington Center to stand by a minute)
1321: MAZDA 41 flight told they should be on 257.7 w/ZDC-Salisbury and they check in there (flight of six)...FL 280 in 2 mile, non-standard formation...257.7
1322: MAZDA 41 flight also interflight chat on 305.6 sending the rest of the flight to 257.7
1322: Freq 305.6 (Huntress freq) is also being used by the military net setting up for the Nobama spectacle.
1324: MAZDA 41 flight requesting direct Seymour when able...cleared direct Seymour...257.7
1325: MAZDA 41 looking for lower altitude when able...apparently gets it...257.7
1328: Confirming interflight freq 305.6 for the MAZDA 41 flight.
1329: MAZDA 41 flight cleared from FL 280 down to 220...257.7
1331: MAZDA 41 flight handed off to ZDC-Cape Charles...check in as a flight of six, FL 220 non-standard...256.8
When they checked onto the 257.7 freq, there were only four of them...not sure where they suddenly picked up two more. Perhaps that was what happened on 305.6 at 1322 when he was sending others to the 257.7 freq.
1334: MAZDA 41 flight handed to Norfolk TRACON (East) and check in as a flight of six at FL 220...says they're going to Seymour Johnson...370.925
1335: MAZDA 41 flight vectored to course 236...370.925
1336: MAZDA 41 reports cleared direct Norfolk, direct Seymour Johnson...370.925
1336: MAZDA 41 tells controllers they are two, six ship flights, separated by 50 minutes....says it's an entire different cell with six of his own fighters...370.925 (So, I'll be looking for the second flight -- MAZDA 51?)
They are loud and clear on the ATC freqs but very weak on the 305.6 interflight freq.
1340: MAZDA 41 flight leader tells flight to "push 269.42 Main"....I'm there but am hearing nothing yet. (269.425 is also a Norfolk TRACON freq)
1340: TANKER 02 (KC-135R, 62-3577, 77th ARS Seymour Johnson) to HUNTRESS also on...324.0
1348: TANKER 02 calling HUNTRESS on 228.9 and he has the stuck mic there also...228.9
1349: TANKER 02 back to 260.9 and says he's got 228.9 in the other radio so they'll have positive contact throughout...each freq he goes to, he puts the open mic's the backup radio that has the stuck mic...carrier now on 228.9 while he's talking on they should be okay on the primary I guess.
1353: TANKER 02 going back and forth from 260.9 to 228.9 radio checking w/ mic still on 228.9 but has comms on 260.9
1356: TANKLER 02 tells HUNTRESS he'll continue to work 260.9 but monitor 228.9...and then he brings the stuck mic to the 260.9 freq...wish he'd get this figured out. He's got a very strong carrier (full six bars on S meter) but weak modulation on both freqs. TANKER 02 has been flying at FL 260 since he came into the area which is not the standard Guard Dog CAP altitude (which is FL 240). Not sure where he's working but HUNTRESS is not being heard here on either freq. Was kind of hoping he'd be transmitting from MTN.

1400: RAMROD 31, flight of three, w/ZDC-Cape Charles...256.8
1401: RAMROD 31 to ZDC-Salisbury reporting flight route...Franklin, Raleigh, Seymour...257.7
1403: TANKER 02 continues with the open mic on 260.9
1403: RAMROD 31 handed to ZDC-Norfolk and check in at FL 280...327.8
1406: N140HS (Customs) calling Charlie-100 (Customs D.C. area ground honcho)...165.2375
1409: Someone trying to check onto 260.9 but is being blocked by TANKER 02's open mic...260.9
1411: Sounded like ARROW 13 flight (Eglin AFB F-15s) checking into Guard Dog...350.25 (Heard on 284.7 a couple of minutes ago coming in)
1411: TANKER 02 and ARROW 13 do a radio check with no problems...TANKER 02 says, "It sounds like Have Quick is screwing us up"...260.9
1413: ARROW 13 flight to Guard Dog reporting 5 minutes south of the CAP at FL 230...cleared into the CAP...350.25
1415: ARROW 13 flight cleared for the block FL 210-250...350.25
1415: MAZDA 51 flight w/ZDC-Sea Isle...281.45
1416: ARROW 13 flight sent to backup freq and check in there...228.9
1418: ARROW 13 and TANKER 02 radio check on 228.9 but he brings the open mic carrier with him...then they go back and forth checking radios on 260.9 and 228.9....they're going to be screwed up until someone realizes the carrier is from the tanker. Boomer also trying to do radio checks and his radio is good. It's the front end of TANKER 02 and their radio with the problem.
1422: MAZDA 51 flight reporting at FL 280...281.45
1424: MAZDA 51 flight...check in as a flight of six at FL 280 w/ZDC-Salisbury...257.7
MAZDA 51 flight working 341.75 (a refueling freq) for interflight. I had been hearing something on that freq for the past 10 minutes but couldn't copy it and didn't realize fighters would be using it for interflight. This has been strange...the first flight used a NORAD HUNTRESS freq and now these guys on an AR freq.
1426: All six in the MAZDA 51 flight report Code 1 maintenance status at this time...341.75
1426: The ARROW 13/14 F-15 have been refueling w/TANKER 02 but I'm keeping volume down low on that freq due to the carrier blocking...pain in the butt to listen to it...260.9
1426: Candian Air Force CC-150 in the area...tail 15003 from 437 FL 370 going through.
1431: MAZDA 51 flight still chatting on interflight but starting to get weak...341.75
1432: They just figured out it's TANKER 02 responsible for the open mic...they send him to VHF 139.7 and say they'll maintain this freq as carrier on this radio...ARROW 13 checks in here too...meanwhile TANKER 02 and ARROW 14 are finishing their AR op and then will move to the new freq...139.7
1434: MAZDA 51 flight handed to ZDC-Norfolk...and check in as six ship, non-standard formation at FL 280...327.8
1435: Oh-oh...TANKER 02 moved his primary radio to 139.7 and brought the carrier with him...ARROWs trying to check in....HUNTRESS is extremely loud and clear on this freq...139.7 (Carrier now gone)
1436: ARROW 13 and 14 trying to talk..say they couldn't hear any of the conversation between HUNTRESS and TANKER 02...139.7 (funny...the carrier is gone from the freq but when the ARROWs transmit, it's there and blocking them. I'm beginning to wonder if the interference is really from TANKER 02 or if they're being blocked by an outside transmitter.)
1438: The ARROW fighters sound like they're transmitting in FM when they use the 139.7 freq.
1440: TANKER 02 tells HUNTRESS (who I can no longer hear) that the ARROW flight is having no joy on this freq and will move to 260.9 and that he'll move there too...139.7
And, as soon as he moves to 260.9, the open mic sound came too...TANKER 02 is hearing HUNTRESS there it seems with no problem now but the carrier is there. TANKER 02 then goes to 139.7 for a relay....ARROW 13 comes up but is terrible sounding...he can't establish comms there.
1443: All three of the CAP aircraft are getting their transmission blocked when trying to transmit on 139.7. Seems they're all having trouble on the other freqs too. I wonder if this isn't some part of the communications tests that are taking place around the area for the inauguration hoopla? If it's not, there's a major problem brewing and someone has the ability to block out the CAP comms on all freqs. That's not a good thing.
1445: MAZDA flight leader announces, "Switch 1"...341.75 (And that's all he said)
1446: TANKER 02 asking HUNTRESS if he can monitor 149.32...says the ARROWs are on 260.9 and can't hear HUNTRESS....139.7
1446: MAZDA 51 flight getting a descent (but couldn't hear what he said the altitude would be)...327.8
Believe the MAZDA 51 flight is now out of range...they sure didn't say much coming through this area. If they were handed to Norfolk (and probably were), I didn't hear the switch. However, we know they're going to Seymour Johnson so nothing really missed.
1451: Meanwhile, the ARROW flight is still trying to establish comms with HUNTRESS on 260.9. Managed to do it but loud carrier is still on freq. Saying weak but readable...HUNTRESS can't copy them however.
1453: TANKER 02 to HUNTRESS on VHF...says they were given a discrete freq of 269.5 and will be monitoring that freq...139.7
(269.5 is a Potomac TRACON freq in the ADW/DCA area) I'm listening there now.
1455: TANKER 02 asking HUNTRESS if he can operate on 269.5...says he'll standby there to see if he can hear them...139.7
1455: ARROW 13 to HUNTRESS on the backup freq and has loud and clear comms there...228.9
1456: HUNTRESS to "All Players" with a radio check on 228.9...ARROW 13 reports loud and clear...he then calls TANKER 02 who apparently isn't monitoring this freq.
1457: ARROW 13 and TANKER 02 make contact on 269.5 and is told HUNTRESS wants him on 228.9. but 02 says he's waiting for HUNTRESS on 269.5.
1457: TANKER 02 and HUNTRESS make contact on 139.7 to talk about giving someone fuel...139.7 (Can't hear HUNTRESS on this freq - only on 228.9 where he's l/c)
1459: HUNTRESS tells TANKER 02 to go to soon as he says that, the carrier comes up on 228.9 and TANKER 02 then can't contact HUNTRESS there. It now looks definite that the carrier is coming from TANKER 02. As soon as he switched the radio that was on 260.9 to 228.9, the carrier left 260.9.

1500: ARROW 13/14 on 228.9 attempting contact with TANKER 02 but the carrier is there and they don't have comms with anyone.
Sure wish I could talk to these guys and let them know the problem is with one of TANKER 02's radios.
1501: TANKER 02 talking to HUNTRESS about refueling SENTRY 41 (E-3C)...139.7
1502: ARROW 13 and TANKER 02 make good contact on 269.5 but say they can't on any freq that HUNTRESS controls. Meanwhile the carrier is on his radio that's sitting on 228.9. Wonder if they'll ever figure this out? TANKER 02 tells ARROW 13 he couldn't copy him when he was 50 feet behind the tanker.
1504: TANKER 02 wants to know if HUNTRESS has another tanker coming since he'll be giving his fuel to SENTRY 41...139.7
1505: TANKER 02 tells HUNTRESS that if SENTRY 41 is 30 minutes out, he can give 32-34K fuel to him...he then asks what BANDSAW-Lima is - that he's unfamiliar with that....139.7
BANDSAW-Lima I mention above somewhere is 79-0003

(Continued below...character limit)

Noise in here is unbelievable...3 radios with Customs crackling...4 radios on the Guard Dog CAP with all that nonsense and trying to listen for the MAZDA flight. Where's my damn shotgun?

Ref René below: Thanks for the confirmation of MAZDA 51 René. Much appreciated.
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Jan 13, 2008
1334: MAZDA 41 flight handed to Norfolk TRACON (East) and check in as a flight of six at FL 220...says they're going to Seymour Johnson...370.925
1335: MAZDA 41 flight vectored to course 236...370.925
1336: MAZDA 41 reports cleared direct Norfolk, direct Seymour Johnson...370.925
1336: MAZDA 41 tells controllers they are two, six ship flights, separated by 50 minutes....says it's an entire different cell with six of his own fighters.
..370.925 (So, I'll be looking for the second flight -- MAZDA 51?) They are loud and clear on the ATC freqs but very weak on the 305.6 interflight freq.
1340: MAZDA 41 flight leader tells flight to "push 269.42 Main"....I'm there but am hearing nothing yet.

Yes, you are right. The second cell, MAZDA 51 flight just checked in with Boston on 269.300.

1839z MAZDA 51 checking in, a flight of six America's finest ........
1845z MAZDA 51 request direct KGSB, but is cleared direct RIFLE for the moment.
1850z MAZDA 51 handed over to Boston center on 299.700.
1854z BLUE 01 cleared by Boston center on 124.525 down to 16000 feet.
1902z BLUE 01 checking in with New York on 128.300. No idea which sector this is ......

Ref. Ed's question below, MAZDA 61 flight is 24h delayed and will try to make the crossing tomorrow.


PS: Tin, nice catch on that AUX frequency !!
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Jan 13, 2008
Question for Rene - If these were Mountain Home F-15s, how come they were going down J174 towards Snow Hill?
Why didn't they take on a Western route once they were over land?

Ed, they are staying overnight at Seymour Johnson AFB, before leaving for Mountain Home AFB tomorrow.

No idea on those Aviano birds, sorry ..........



Premium Subscriber
Nov 28, 2004
Southern Maine
Ed, they are staying overnight at Seymour Johnson AFB, before leaving for Mountain Home AFB tomorrow.

No idea on those Aviano birds, sorry ..........


Ok, Thanks Rene. That explains it. Will there be a MAZDA 61 flight coming too? 51 just came through
and should be down near the mid-atlantic boys now.
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