Back with a fresh cup of hot coffee in hand...
1630: TANKER 03 (KC-135R, 58-0008, 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease) entering the area at FL 300. (Mode-S hit, not following him on VHF ATC freqs)
1635: BLACKJACK 2 (female...HH-65C USCG Station Washington/DCA) up with HUNTRESS...139.7
1638: TANKER 03 starting his descent to the area...through FL 290 and dropping. He's squawking 1413 in his Mode 3 transponder.
1643: TANKER 03 only got down to FL 280 and is proceeding to the Guard Dog area....starting down again, must have just gotten clearance for lower....down to 270 by 1645....260 at 1646 and that's where he stops for now.
1648: TANKER 03 now at FL 250 and continuing to 240 which is entry altitude for Guard Dog (when there isn't another tanker in there or he'd be stopped at 250).
1650: ARROW 13 just repeated "SKATER 7, tanker of choice"....260.9 (I suspect they launched SKATER 07, the Alert Tanker on duty at McGuire since TANKER 03 was so long getting here. I've got 62-3508, a KC-135R from the 108th ARW at McGuire in the area at FL 230 and I'd bet he's the SKATER 07)
1650: And here he is...TANKER 03 checks in with Potomac at FL 240...126.55
1651: ARROWs report 12,800 and 12,700 fuel remainders...13 tells 14 he'll clear him off first to go to the tanker when he gets in...260.9
1653: TANKER 03 checks in with HUNTRESS...260.9
1654: Yup...SKATER 07 checks in with Guard Dog at FL 230...126.55 (SKATER 07 squawking 1512 in his Mode 3)
1655: SKATER 07 asking Guard Dog if he's cleared into the airspace...says he'd like FL 240 but is told to stay at 230...126.55 (Guess he doesn't know about TANKER 03 being here too. He's going to be delighted to know he was launched for nothing.)
1656: ARROW 14 asking HUNTRESS if that's SKATER 07 off to his right...260.9
1658: SKATER 07 gets cleared into the area in the block 210-250...126.55
Okay, so we've got two KC-135 tankers in the Guard Dog area...let them duke it out I guess to see who's the alpha dog of tankers.
Oh hell...just noticed on Mode-S that both tankers are now at FL 240. Not good.
1702: ARROW 14 tells 13 that he'll be the first into the tankers since he's tally with it...260.9
1702: ARROW 13 trying to establish comms with SKATER 07 on both 260.9 and 350.25 but no joy...not sure where 07 is operating.
1703: TANKER 03 to Guard Dog asking the altitude for SKATER 07...oops...says they're both at co-altitude 240 and wants to get a message to SKATER 07...126.55
1704: SKATER 07 makes contact w/HUNTRESS and says he'll be at FL 235...260.9
1705: SKATER 07 is answering calls on the CAP refueling freq (277.35) which is why no one is hearing him...ARROW 13 calls him on 260.9.
1705: SKATER 07 to HUNTRESS to tell him to have the fighters come up on 277.35....ARROW 13 tells HUNTRESS he's pushing boom freq 277.35 in the AUX...260.9
1706: ARROW 13/SKATER 07 make contact on the boom freq...13 tells boomer he's looking for 13K which will be a topoff...277.35
Meanwhile, TANKER 03 must be up there wondering why the hell he came out in this freezing weather just to fly circles with no work.
By the way, SKATER 07 has dropped back down to FL 230 to deconflict with TANKER 03.
1713: ARROW 13 off the boom and going back to HUNTRESS...277.35
1714: ARROW 14 reports he's going to begin running an intercept on the boom...shows tanker at 163 degrees, 36 miles....13 tells 14 he's cleared to boom freq 277.35 when necessary...260.9
1714: ARROW 14 and SKATER 07 make contact on boom freq...14 says he's coming south for rejoin...07 says he's coming north...277.35
1716: ARROW 14 reports radar contact...07 tells him he's cleared for pre-contact...then 14 reports tanker is visual...277.35
1717: SKATER 07's boomer asks ARROW 14 for his Mode 3...reply is 3414...277.35
1718: ARROW 14 asks 07's boomer if he's the lead tanker or the trailing tanker....07 replies that he's the one at FL 230....ARROW 13 pops in to say SKATER 07 is the lead tanker and 14 says he figured that out...277.35
1720: SKATER 07 to HUNTRESS to say he's got TANKER 03 behind him...wants to know if he's going to be released after refueling these guys...also says he's got a long way to go (Not sure what that means since he's from McGuire or maybe he meant until his shift is done or even that he's got another mission somewhere else. Who knows?)...260.9
1724: SKATER 07 to HUNTRESS to say that after giving this fuel to ARROW 14, he has another 10K to give away...says he was scheduled to be up there another hour unless they can give it away to another receiver (meaning the extra 10K)....told something by HUNTTRESS and then says he'll stay up here in case he's needed....ARROW 13 pops in to say in another half hour they can take about 5K each and that will let SKATER 07 slide on out of here....SKATER 07 jumps in with a, "thanks ARROW."...260.9
1727: ARROW 14 off the boom and reports going back to HUNTRESS...277.35
1728: ARROW 13 tells 14 of the plan to take about 5K each in about a half hour so SKATER 07 can land...260.9
1730: TANKER 03 to HUNTRESS..."Just curious, did TANKER 02 break?"...260.9 (He doesn't want to know!)
1736: ARROW 13 and 14 report fuel remainders of 19,600 and 20,700 pounds respectively...260.9
1737: TANKER 03's boomer trying to contact SKATER 07's joy...277.35 (guess he was getting lonely and wanted a little chat)
1741: ARROW 13 trying to contact "SKATE 7" ...says he's ready for an offload of 6000...asks if posit is 138/12/230...SKATER 07 says. "That's us"...260.9
1743: SKATER 07 and ARROW 13 make contact on boom freq...13 reports tally the tanker 6 miles to the west...277.35
1745: ARROW 13 reports in 1/2 mile trail...07 clears him for pre-contact...13 asks 07 to confirm if he's at 230 or 240...230 is the reply and 13 confirms posit...277.35
1747: ARROW 13 says he's at FL 240 behind the tanker...07 advises him that he's the LOW tanker...13 still isn't sure he's got the right guy so asks him to confirm heading...13 says he's turning left through 270...13 has him...277.35
1749: BLACKJACK 1 for a check on HUNTRESS freq...139.7
1749: ARROW 13 reports he has only one tanker at FL 240...wants to know where TANKER 03 is....07 tells gives him his current course...asks if 13 wants to come up 29Y (Yankee) TACAN (for positive ID)...277.35
1751: After a few more position comments from SKATER 07, ARROW 13 says he has him at 188/25/230 and SKATER 07 confirms that's him...07 reports starting a left hand turn and 13 reports he is in a 7 mile trail...277.35
1752: SKATER 07 to HUNTRESS to say if TANKER 03 wants to monitor them, they're on 277.35...TANKER 03 pops in to say, "3's up"...260.9 (He's been listening in the entire time)
1755: ARROW 13 reports in 1/2 mile trail...07 clears him for pre-contact...277.35
1800: ARROW 13 off the boom...says ARROW 14 is 50 miles to the south and tells 07 if he wants to turn that way (and leaves it there)...277.35
These guys are obviously using the boom intercom when they meet up with the tanker.
1801: ARROW 14 cleared to head to the boom of SKATER 07...14 asks if the tanker is in the north...he is...260.9
1804: HUNTRESS asks TANKER 03 about is fuel offload amounts...03 replies that he's got about 70K but how much they can offload depends on how long they'll be here...he also stresses he has 70K now but that doesn't take into account if they have to be here for six hours burning 10K an hour themselves...260.9
1805: ARROW 14 makes contact with SKATER 07 trying to establish his position...07 tells him 180/39 but then 14 says he's in 5 mile trail...07 will begin a left hand turn...277.35 (The 180 degrees, 39 miles is from the bullseye, not from the fighter)
1807: TANKER 03 says he's going to come up about 15K short on fuel (based on what HUNTRESS must have told him his VOL time is going to be) and asks if SKATER 07 can stay in the area...260.9
1808: ARROW 13 asks HUNTRESS if he has any words if more fighters are coming....then replies that the fuel they took should be the last they'll need...260.9
1814: ARROW 14 off the boom after taking 6,000 pounds...back to HUNTRESS freq...277.35
1815: TANKER 03 has been trying to figure his offload...just said 48K is it (based on what HUNTRESS must have given him for on station time)...260.9
1816: ARROW 13 tells 14 to go into "max endure" mode (slow down, conserve fuel)...says ARROW 15 is about 20 minutes out...wants to get by with the fuel they've got currently on board...also adds that they're having maintenance issues he guesses and SKATER 07 has to stay around...260.9
Time for more coffee. If/when I return, I'll start a new message since this one is getting buried.
Late 1700 hour I have a BK117 Eurocopter (N461AE) belonging to EADS North American Defense. No idea what he's doing other than flying at 9,000 feet.
Also have 13 Canadian registered aircraft being logged as we come up to the 1800 hour.
Ref Ed below: I didn't have anything that matches up with TURF 31 that I see to help with the ID.