Sunday - 1235PM EDT - Huntress told Zombie 44 that Harass 54 was Mode C 24040, and Harass 55 was 7376 - I might have reversed 54 and 55 - Zombie 43 (fuel tanker) was just cleared to the North to go home - Zombie 44 now working apparently - 24,000 feet mentioned - I think that 1 fighter was just relieved also - Huntress coming in OK in Boston at this moment. Peter Sz near Boston
Mode C has to be four digits -can't be five. He probably meant the #2 man (HARASS 56) was 4040.
massexntet said:
1301: HARASS 55 to HUNTRESS, HARASS 61 is airborne. 260.9 (Looks like there's a trio now, 55/56/61?)
Nope...means just what he said...HARASS 61 (flight) is airborne (from Langley) and on the way. 55 and 56 currently have the CAP and will be replaced by 61/62 when they get there.
1304: HARASS 61 flight on the way to the CAP. Currently with ZDC-Salisbury climbing from FL 240 to 270...cleared direct Hampton...257.7
1312: HARASS 61 flight now with ZDC-Atlantic City at FL 270...281.45
1321: HARASS 61 flight handed to ZBW-Hampton and check in there at FL 270...299.7
1325: HARASS 61 explaining to Boston Center controller that the original plan was to go to Martha's Vineyard but there have been changes...299.7
The flight is all yours Boston listeners. This is as far as I can hear them from here.
1326: AF 2 (C-32A, 99-0004, 1st AS Andrews) departing Andrews and climbing w/TRACON (not sure which freq - wasn't watching the radios at the time) (Turns out it was 125.65 Potomac TRACON/DCA)
1329: AF 2 handed off to Potomac TRACON/BWI and checks in there...cleared to 9,000 feet direct VINNY (in PA)...128.7
Finding VINNY was a process of elimination...turned out it wasn't VINIE in HI, VINII in GA, VINEY in IL or VINNE in IN.
1331: AF 2 cleared to 15,000 feet...128.7
1331: AF 2 handed off to NY Center (ZNY-Modena) and checks in there...135.45
1334: AF 2 handed off to ZNY-Middletown and checks in there....asking for his flight plan route (apparently both the last controller and this one are trying to send him along a route that wasn't planned for)...132.2
1337: RAVEN flight of A-10s working around the field at MTN...w/Tower...297.2
1341: AF 2 asking for lower altitude and is cleared to 12,000...132.2
1342: AF 2 cleared to 11,000...132.2
1343: AF 2 cleared to 10,000...132.2
1343: AF 2 handed off to freq 124.9 (whoever that is)...132.2
1346: AF 2 still on 124.9 but I still haven't identified it yet and got there too late to hear who he called...124.9
Aircraft are calling "Center" on the 124.9 freq but since I almost never copy VHF ARTCC freqs, I'm at a loss for now until I can start pawing through some of my lists. Okay...I checked ZDC/ZNY/ZBW lists and 124.9 is on none of them. Cleveland Center perhaps? Nope, checked the old list at for Cleveland and 124.9 isn't there either.
1349: Have a JOKER 71 flight (F/A-18 VFA-34 Oceana possibly) w/ZNY-Kennedy...125.325
1351: JOKER 71 now with ZDC-Kenton...354.15
1444: HARASS 55 flight w/ZDC-Atlantic City at FL 240...281.45
1447: HARASS 55 flight handed to ZDC-Salisbury and check in there at FL 240...257.7
1448: HARASS 55 flight cleared to FL 220...257.7
1449: HARASS 55 flight handed off to ZDC-236.825 and check in there at FL 220...236.825
1453: HARASS 55 flight cleared to 12,000 feet...236.825
1458: HARASS 55 flight handed to Norfolk TRACON (East) and check in at 12,000 feet....cleared down to 8,000 feet...360.925
Note for Mode-S users. Hex code AE11F1 (83-0008) was the E-3 that crashed (slightly) and burned at Nellis early Friday morning after a Thursday night flight. All 32 crew escaped unhurt. It was operating as DISCO 02 Heavy at the time.
Picture in link courtesy René.