Sticky Thread For MilAir IV

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
mdmonitor said:
Nice play on words. But I'll bet the 71st's F-15s will be tired---they are just wearing them out---maybe they can trade them in under the " Cash for Clunkers" program for new Raptors.

That's the often overlooked aspect of flying F-15s for so many hours. The life expectency of F-15s is measured in trying to get another 1,000 or so hours of flying time from them before they're retired. A good chunk of those hours was used up this past week. I don't remember the exact number but maintenance time is something like a 10:1 ratio, i.e., 10 hours of maintenance for every hour of flight time and we had about 400 hours of flight time this past week. I'm sure the crews back at Langley have been putting in a lot of (unpaid) overtime hours with a lot more to come.
P.S. For the Raptor, maintenance time is 30 hours for every hour of flight - which was one of the primary factors in the decision to not add more to the inventory.
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Jan 5, 2008
Marthas Vineyard, Ma
I have no idea of the time - and we may have already missed it - but there are supposed to be 24 F-15s from the 335th FS at Seymour Johnson deploying today to Afghanistan.

I guess today should be the end of the Martha's Vineyard area CAP. I'm sure the fighter crews will feel harassed and the tanker crews like zombies after this week long mission.

The MVY TFR is due to end 1700local, and there is one for Otis between 1600 and 1720, so that should be the time of the Marine1/AF1 shuffle.

Right now [1224], i think the CAP is still up over Boston as the Revere CAP, they shifted up there around 0900 this morning, i think due to weather. Because AFAIK Obama is still here on the Vineyard.
I dont have anything on the screen or radio, but current players should be Harass55/56 and Zombi43......

Harass45 -------- F-15C [2108] -- 0200
Harass46 -------- F-15C [2112] -- 0200
--- suspended --- 0200 -- 0600
--- suspended --- 0200 -- 0600
--- suspended --- 0600 -- 1000
--- suspended --- 0600 -- 1000
--- suspended --- 1000 -- 1400
--- suspended --- 1000 -- 1400
--- suspended --- 1400 -- 1800
--- suspended --- 1400 -- 1800
--- suspended --- 1800 -- 2200
--- suspended --- 1800 -- 2200
Harass45 -------- F-15C [2115] -- 0200
Harass46 -------- F-15C [2115] -- 0200
Harass51 -------- F-15C 0200 -- [0615]
Harass52 -------- F-15C 0200 -- [0615]
Harass53 -------- F-15C 0600 -- 1000
Harass54 -------- F-15C 0600 -- 1000
Harass55 -------- F-15C 0940 --
Harass56 -------- F-15C 1000 --

Zombi34 ------- KC-135 ------ -- [2152] --
Zombi35 -- suspended -- 0200 -- 0600
Zombi36 -- suspended -- 0600 -- 1000
Zombi37 -- suspended -- 1000 -- 1400
Zombi38 -- suspended -- 1400 -- 1800
Zombi39 -- suspended -- 1800 -- 2200
Zombi40 58-0084 KC-135T Pa/ANG 2132 -- 0130
Zombi41 58-0021 KC-135R Me/ANG 0128 -- 0443
Zombi42 58-0074 KC-135T Pa/ANG 0441 -- 0900
Zombi43 58-0098 KC-135R Me/ANG 0904 -- current

Zombi44 128.75,.....switching to Huntress, [only thing on the screen is 79-1710 KC-10A 305AMW displaying Ethyl74]
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
I have no idea of the time - and we may have already missed it - but there are supposed to be 24 F-15s from the 335th FS at Seymour Johnson deploying today to Afghanistan.

Was up early today listening and I didn't log any tankers or UHF coms
offshore except for HARASS flights,Possible they haven't deployed yet or
already long gone.
Found this article but doesn't say which Sunday.Could be next Sunday?

1230 local KING 74 #65-0974 HC-130P 106 RQW - NY ANG (AE0619) showing level 23.1k.

E-6B's to get some overhaul work at Tinker.

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Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2005
Sunday - 1235PM EDT - Huntress told Zombie 44 that Harass 54 was Mode C 24040, and Harass 55 was 7376 - I might have reversed 54 and 55 - Zombie 43 (fuel tanker) was just cleared to the North to go home - Zombie 44 now working apparently - 24,000 feet mentioned - I think that 1 fighter was just relieved also - Huntress coming in OK in Boston at this moment. Peter Sz near Boston


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Sunday - 1235PM EDT - Huntress told Zombie 44 that Harass 54 was Mode C 24040, and Harass 55 was 7376 - I might have reversed 54 and 55 - Zombie 43 (fuel tanker) was just cleared to the North to go home - Zombie 44 now working apparently - 24,000 feet mentioned - I think that 1 fighter was just relieved also - Huntress coming in OK in Boston at this moment. Peter Sz near Boston

Mode C has to be four digits -can't be five. He probably meant the #2 man (HARASS 56) was 4040.

massexntet said:
1301: HARASS 55 to HUNTRESS, HARASS 61 is airborne. 260.9 (Looks like there's a trio now, 55/56/61?)

Nope...means just what he said...HARASS 61 (flight) is airborne (from Langley) and on the way. 55 and 56 currently have the CAP and will be replaced by 61/62 when they get there.

1304: HARASS 61 flight on the way to the CAP. Currently with ZDC-Salisbury climbing from FL 240 to 270...cleared direct Hampton...257.7
1312: HARASS 61 flight now with ZDC-Atlantic City at FL 270...281.45
1321: HARASS 61 flight handed to ZBW-Hampton and check in there at FL 270...299.7
1325: HARASS 61 explaining to Boston Center controller that the original plan was to go to Martha's Vineyard but there have been changes...299.7
The flight is all yours Boston listeners. This is as far as I can hear them from here.
1326: AF 2 (C-32A, 99-0004, 1st AS Andrews) departing Andrews and climbing w/TRACON (not sure which freq - wasn't watching the radios at the time) (Turns out it was 125.65 Potomac TRACON/DCA)
1329: AF 2 handed off to Potomac TRACON/BWI and checks in there...cleared to 9,000 feet direct VINNY (in PA)...128.7
Finding VINNY was a process of elimination...turned out it wasn't VINIE in HI, VINII in GA, VINEY in IL or VINNE in IN.
1331: AF 2 cleared to 15,000 feet...128.7
1331: AF 2 handed off to NY Center (ZNY-Modena) and checks in there...135.45
1334: AF 2 handed off to ZNY-Middletown and checks in there....asking for his flight plan route (apparently both the last controller and this one are trying to send him along a route that wasn't planned for)...132.2
1337: RAVEN flight of A-10s working around the field at MTN...w/Tower...297.2
1341: AF 2 asking for lower altitude and is cleared to 12,000...132.2
1342: AF 2 cleared to 11,000...132.2
1343: AF 2 cleared to 10,000...132.2
1343: AF 2 handed off to freq 124.9 (whoever that is)...132.2
1346: AF 2 still on 124.9 but I still haven't identified it yet and got there too late to hear who he called...124.9
Aircraft are calling "Center" on the 124.9 freq but since I almost never copy VHF ARTCC freqs, I'm at a loss for now until I can start pawing through some of my lists. Okay...I checked ZDC/ZNY/ZBW lists and 124.9 is on none of them. Cleveland Center perhaps? Nope, checked the old list at for Cleveland and 124.9 isn't there either.
1349: Have a JOKER 71 flight (F/A-18 VFA-34 Oceana possibly) w/ZNY-Kennedy...125.325
1351: JOKER 71 now with ZDC-Kenton...354.15

1444: HARASS 55 flight w/ZDC-Atlantic City at FL 240...281.45
1447: HARASS 55 flight handed to ZDC-Salisbury and check in there at FL 240...257.7
1448: HARASS 55 flight cleared to FL 220...257.7
1449: HARASS 55 flight handed off to ZDC-236.825 and check in there at FL 220...236.825
1453: HARASS 55 flight cleared to 12,000 feet...236.825
1458: HARASS 55 flight handed to Norfolk TRACON (East) and check in at 12,000 feet....cleared down to 8,000 feet...360.925

Note for Mode-S users. Hex code AE11F1 (83-0008) was the E-3 that crashed (slightly) and burned at Nellis early Friday morning after a Thursday night flight. All 32 crew escaped unhurt. It was operating as DISCO 02 Heavy at the time.

Picture in link courtesy René.
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Apr 3, 2009
Boston, Mass.
Mode C has to be four digits -can't be five. He probably meant the #2 man (HARASS 56) was 4040.

Nope...means just what he said...HARASS 61 (flight) is airborne (from Langley) and on the way. 55 and 56 currently have the CAP and will be replaced by 61/62 when they get there.

1304: HARASS 61 flight on the way to the CAP. Currently with ZDC-Salisbury climbing from FL 240 to 270...cleared direct Hampton...257.7
1312: HARASS 61 flight now with ZDC-Atlantic City at FL 270...281.45

Thanks for the clarification! I was unaware that 61/62 were en-route so, just making an educated guess.


Apr 3, 2009
Boston, Mass.
1322: HUNTRESS, HARASS 61, 20 miles out. (If I heard that correctly) 260.9

1325: HARASS 61 to HARASS 55, "How's a goin' gentlemen?" "We are in Revere CAP, which is FL210-230, Teaparty is FL230-250." 260.9

1452: HARASS 61 to HUNTRESS, "Bullseye 117/24, altitude unknown, JTN 33025." 260.9

1452: HARASS 61 to HUNTRESS, "Bullseye 115/23, radar contact low." 260.9

1457: HARASS 61 to HUNTRESS, "Negative, we are seeing something that's radar only." 260.9

1459: HARASS 61 to HUNTRESS, Victor 075, assume friend. New mission, Skip It-Skip It." 260.9

1507: HARASS (61?) to HARASS 62, "Maintain CAP through Bullseye 284/92, estimate low." 260.9

1509: HARASS 62 to HUNTRESS, "Bullseye 282/29, estimate 5,000, (altitude 20,000?), (northeast?)." [<--- Need someone to confirm the BRAA] 260.9

1509: HARASS 62 to HUNTRESS, "Clean JTM, 38128... (Comms cut out)" 260.9

1510: HARASS 62 to HUNTRESS, "Skip It-Skip It, reset CAP." 260.9
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Jan 5, 2008
Marthas Vineyard, Ma
Harass61 260.9, ....we`d like to operate in a 20 mile radius of MVY
Harass61 260.9, .... Huntress the Catch CAP is workable
Harass61 260.9, ... Looking to activate the Catch CAP 200-230, Sunfish at 230-250
Zombi44 128.75, ... AR track our discretion.

Nighthawk8 273.95 HMX-1 AA, .. [Nighthawk 8 looking for 9] VH-60N/H-46
Nighthawk8 118.2, ...Nighthawk8 for ILS 32 at Otis
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Note for Mode-S users. Hex code AE11F1 (83-0008) was the E-3 that crashed (slightly) and burned at Nellis early Friday morning after a Thursday night flight. All 32 crew escaped unhurt. It was operating as DISCO 02 Heavy at the time.

Picture in link courtesy René.

Doesn't look good.. Scrap?
That their newest tail also? 83-0008


Thanks Alan,checking my own logs never logged 83-0008 here but did log
83-0009 back here on April 23rd as SHUCK60H.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Doesn't look good.. Scrap?
That their newest tail also? 83-0008
E-3 damaged while landing at Nellis AFB


Almost the newest...there's also 83-0009 (AE11F2).

1500: E-6B, 164404, VQ-4 up from Patuxent and then heads west.
1511: JOKER 71 flight around the area yet again...w/ZDC-Blackstone...235.625
1514: JOKER 71 over to ZDC-Montebello at FL 270...284.7
1517: JOKER 71 to ZDC-Casanova and check in at FL 270...282.2
1520: JOKER 71 handed to ZDC-Linden and check in at FL 270...cleared to FL 210...322.55
1521: JOKER 71 handed to ZDC-Blue Ridge and check in passing 250 for 210...285.6
Passes message 3 times on 285.6 and looks like he's getting no joy there.
1523: Guess he made it on the third out of 210 for 180...285.6
1527: JOKER 71 handed off again but I missed the freq (sounded like 387.1 or 287.1)...I'm tired of these guys anyway. :)
1535: Have a C-32A, 98-0001, 1st AS Andrews departing the area. It's displaying AF1 in Mode-S. (Thought it was arriving at first. Nope, it's leaving. Guess he's going to Otis and join the parade of aircraft bringing 44 back to DC))

Second half of 1500 hour there has been a PARTY 41 flight (F/A-18 VFA-87 Oceana) flying around the area...from 284.7 ZDC-Montebello to 360.85 ZDC-Irons where he has been descending from FL 210 to 15,000 feet by 1558.

And another SU-27UB crash today - killing two. It was at the airfield at Radom, Poland during an airshow. They're crashing those SU-27s lately faster than they can build them. Several crashes over the past couple of months.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
1535: Have a C-32A, 98-0001, 1st AS Andrews coming into the area. It's displaying AF1 in Mode-S.

And another SU-27UB crash today - killing two. It was at the airfield at Radom, Poland during an airshow.

Have AF-1 98-0001 him climbing up here in altitude..Odd.
1553 AF-1 at FL 29k then gone..
1725 AF-1 98-0001 showing again dropping down,also orderwire up 362.250

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Jan 5, 2008
Marthas Vineyard, Ma
new tanker sneaked in around 1539, not heard on radio yet, no c/s on the screen.
60-0358 KC-135R Il/ANG

Harass61? 260.9, you have any guides for us to establish the CAP? [wonder if there is a new set of Harass`s here similar to what they did for his arrival?]
98-0001 C-32A on the screen at FL290 [wonder if he`ll suprise us with a landing at MVY....most likely not but i have seen both the C-9Cs here before]
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
new tanker sneaked in around 1539, not heard on radio yet, no c/s on the screen.
60-0358 KC-135R Il/ANG

Adrian, it's ZOMBIE 45 (ZOMBI45 on his display.)
That one was also ZOMBIE 13 back on 25 August.
And I see your unit displayed the ZOMBI45 at 1615 so you have it anyway.

Apparently, around 1640 (local), MARINE 1 landed at Otis (or whatever the hell it's called these days but everyone knows where I mean) so I would imagine AF 1 (big bird AF 1/ 82-8000) will be departing there very shortly and be seen back here in 40-45 minutes.

1651: Just heard someone talking to Andrews Tower say he's unloading patients, would like to get fuel and be out before the ramp freeze...118.4
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE. 30 August 21:50 2009 UNTIL 30 Aug 22:20 2009 (Z times in all NOTAMs)
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE. 30 August 23:10 2009 UNTIL 30 Aug 23:40 2009
Both those ramp freezes for Andrews today and there's also two for tomorrow:
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE. 31 AUG 15:20 2009 UNTIL 31 AUG 15:50 2009
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE. 31 AUG 11:45 2009 UNTIL 31 AUG 12:15 2009
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Jan 5, 2008
Marthas Vineyard, Ma
Adrian, it's ZOMBIE 45 (ZOMBI45 on his display.)
That one was also ZOMBIE 13 back on 25 August.

Apparently, around 1640 (local), MARINE 1 landed at Otis (or whatever the hell it's called these days but everyone knows where I mean) so I would imagine AF 1 (big bird AF 1/ 82-8000) will be departing there very shortly and be seen back here in 40-45 minutes.

Lots of big hitters here putting duty time in for the CAP.
Me/ANG 11 shifts
Pa/ANG 11 shifts
NJ/ANG 5 shifts
NH/ANG 3 shifts
Il/ANG 3 shifts
305AMW 3 shifts
Ia/ANG 1 shift
Mi/ANG 1 shift
? 1 shift

57-1441 KC-135R Me/ANG Z03/Z06/Z19
59-1446 KC-135R Me/ANG Z10
58-0021 KC-135R Me/ANG Z30/Z33/Z41
58-0045 KC-135T Pa/ANG Z14/Z28
58-0057 KC-135R Ia/ANG Z25
58-0074 KC-135T Pa/ANG Z07/Z29/Z42
58-0084 KC-135T Pa/ANG Z08/Z22/Z40
58-0098 KC-135R Me/ANG Z16/Z23/Z43
58-0099 KC-135T Pa/ANG Z04/Z18
59-1446 KC-135R Me/ANG Z02
59-1460 KC-135T Pa/ANG Z32
60-0345 KC-135T Mi/ANG Z20
60-0358 KC-135R Il/ANG Z13/Z45
60-0366 KC-135R NJ/ANG Z09/Z24/Z31
61-0318 KC-135R NJ/ANG Z17
62-3515 KC-135R NH/ANG Z11/Z27
62-3578 KC-135R NJ/ANG Z15
63-7981 KC-135 Il/ANG Z21
64-14836 KC-135R NH/ANG Z05
------- KC-135 ------ Z34

79-1710 KC-10A 305AMW Z44
83-0082 KC-10A 305AMW Z12
85-0028 KC-10A 305AMW Z26


Jan 5, 2008
Marthas Vineyard, Ma
RCH206T 121.4 MVY Tower, ... Rch206T is with you [84-0207 C-130H De/ANG on the screen displaying Husky 52]
AF1 118.2, direct Sandy Point and up to 10thousand [82-8000 VC-25A, so there he goes........wonder if he`ll ever visit again]

OK, Harass`s can call it at last.1719
Harass61 290.3, Harass61flt is cleared Hampton, Jet171, Snow Hill and then Cape Charles.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Adrian65 said:
AF1 118.2, direct Sandy Point and up to 10thousand [82-8000 VC-25A, so there he goes........wonder if he`ll ever visit again]

As long as the liberal political class congregates on the Cape every summer, he'll be there again. And again.

1715: And here comes C-32A, 98-0001, 1st AS Andrews back into the area. Haven't found his radio yet though. He's still displaying AF1.
1735: SAM 91 (98-0001) w/Potomac TRACON heading for Andrews runway 1L...leaving 5000 for 4000...128.35
1736: AF 1 (VC-25A, 82-8000) into the area at FL 280 (Mode-S)
1738: SAM 91 to Andrews Tower reports 10 mile final for runway 1L...standby gear....cleared to land...118.4
1740: HARASS 61 flight (2x F-15C, 71st FS Langley) on the way home to Langley after CAP duty...w/ZDC-Atlantic City...281.45
1741: SAM 91 reports gear down...118.4
Not hearing any chat at all between SAM 91 and Air Force 1. Guess the weather is fine so nothing to chat about. AF1 down to FL 200 at 1743.
1746: HARASS 61 flight handed off to ZDC-Salisbury and checks in there at FL 240...257.7 (They might be back at LFI before AF1 gets to ADW)
1750: HARASS 61 flight handed to ZDC-236.825 and checks in at FL 240...236.825
1755: AF 1 to Potomac TRACON reports leaving 5000 for 4000 and heading for the ILS runway 1L at Andrews...128.35
1755: HARASS 61 checks in w/Iron Ops for arrival message...357.1
1755: SAM 60403 (C-20C, 86-0403, 99th AS Andrews) into the area (Mode-S)
1756: AF 1 cleared down to 2,000 feet...128.35
1756: AF 1 reports Andrews in sight...visual for 1L...128.35
1757: AF 1 to ADW Tower and checks in on the right base for runway 1L...118.4
1757: HARASS 61 flight w/Norfolk TRACON for Langley arrival...370.925
Okay, I guess AF 1 beat the HARASS 61 flight home - but not by much. I'm sure those F-15 pilots just want to get home, pop a cold one and relax. This has been a very long week for them.

1802: ZOMBIE 45 (KC-135R, 60-0358, 108th ARS IL-ANG Scott) coming into the area at FL 340. He's way behind the rest of them getting home. He must have had a delay in the ATC system before he could leave the Boston area. (At 1819 he drops off Mode-S as he heads for Scott)
1818: SAM (60)403 checks in w/ADW Tower for runway 1L...118.4 (so does a commercial flight for runway 33 but he should be on the BWI Tower freq 119.4...oops)

And that should do it. Nice work by everyone and a special thanks to Adrian for all the info he provided during the week. Also a welcome to several Boston area monitors that found us this week and have joined in. Stick around.
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