Sticky Thread For MilAir IV

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Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
Jared supposed to be some 12 NAF F-16's departing today westbound
most likely head for Hill AFB.As posted on other board.
Goose Bay -> Wright Patterson AFB -> Hill AFB in total 12x F-16's.

Thanks for the heads up...haven't heard anything yet, but I did just get REACH 230 (C-130, unid) on approach with 43 pax. Could be related, but I don't know for sure.

I bet there will be a waiting party for them; there's still a big Dutch detachment at Springfield - only a 30 minute drive between there and Patterson.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Should be tail 08-8606.

Thanks Alan will make note of it.

1330 local a TOGO 99 arriving Dover to pick up a part.
Didn't show on my box low inbound from the South,gave tail
99-0170 C-17 out of Elmendorf.
Says he will rtb back to Norfolk afterwards so he was from the South fairly low.
Showing TOGO 98 on the box after he departed Dover 1640 local.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
SBS Log 01 September, Part I:

AE062D 62-3571 ------- 15:48:36.625 KC-135R ANG/AK/168ARS
AE0256 98-1358 CRAB58 15:44:36.625 C-130J ANG/MD/175W/135AS
AE0256 98-1358 ------- 15:43:25.625 C-130J ANG/MD/175W/135AS
AE0233 87-0121 TEAM57 15:37:08.625 KC-10A 305thAMW
AE118A 02-1863 R1863 15:33:37.843 C-37A OSACOM/PAT
AE0233 87-0121 ------- 15:32:19.625 KC-10A 305thAMW
AE118A 02-1863 ------- 15:31:28.250 C-37A OSACOM/PAT
AE018C 84-0098 ------- 15:27:12.625 C-21A 457thAS
AE018C 84-0098 PACER01 15:27:12.625 C-21A 457thAS
AE138D 158200 @@@@@@@@ 15:25:15.625 T-38C ntps
AE0449 02-4452 TERRA38 15:25:11.250 C-32B 227thSOF/NJ-ANG
AE138D 158200 ------- 15:25:03.125 T-38C ntps
AE093B 00-1052 ------- 15:22:14.125 UC-35B PATD
AE0449 02-4452 ------- 15:20:43.125 C-32B 227thSOF/NJ-ANG
AE192D 79-0194 53414455 15:11:16.625 OA-10A 190thFS
AE11D3 71-1408 SNTRY61 15:09:11.625 E-3B 966thAACTS
AE11D3 71-1408 ------- 15:08:06.281 E-3B 966thAACTS
AE138E 67-4943 @@@@@@@@ 15:04:47.828 T-38C ntps
AE06CF 161309 ------- 15:01:39.125 UC-12B Washington
AE093D 01-0301 ------- 14:58:38.625 UC-35a1 PATD
AE04EC 63-7991 ------- 14:57:09.625 KC-135R ANG/NE/173ARS
AE138E 67-4943 ------- 14:57:05.625 T-38C ntps
AE1393 68-8158 ------- 14:53:41.984 T-38C ntps
29CBB8 Various ------- 14:52:47.625 Various Various
AE1DBA ------ FFAB123 14:47:24.171 T-45 ??? ---
AE1DBA ------ ------- 14:47:05.890 T-45 ??? ---
AE0167 86-0202 ------- 14:46:01.906 C-20B 89thAW/99thAS
AE192D 79-0194 ------- 14:41:09.203 OA-10A 190thFS
AE06B4 161501 ------- 14:38:36.859 UC-12B Patuxent River
AE130C 166513 ------- 14:34:48.140 KC-130J VMGR-352/QB
AE1394 158201 ------- 14:32:42.625 T-38C ntps
AE1479 166767 USMC767 14:25:00.625 UC-35D VMR-2
AE0630 84-0172 ------- 14:23:36.000 C-12T 6-52Avn/WI-ArNG
AE1392 158198 ------- 14:22:11.656 T-38C ntps
AE010D 97-0400 S4165 14:21:57.078 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE1479 166767 ------- 14:16:35.625 UC-35D VMR-2
AE1388 03-8154 REACH455 14:15:55.625 C-130J-30 AFRC/403AW/815AS
AE062D 62-3571 ARTIC81 14:15:43.937 KC-135R ANG/AK/168ARS
AE062D 62-3571 ------- 14:11:52.984 KC-135R ANG/AK/168ARS
AE010D 97-0400 G6363 14:10:06.625 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE010D 97-0400 ------- 14:08:52.625 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE1388 03-8154 ------- 14:08:05.078 C-130J-30 AFRC/403AW/815AS
ADFEDA 86-0084 ------- 14:05:24.640 C-12T VARFC
AE0578 85-0004 ------- 14:03:54.625 C-5B 436thAW
AE13D1 04-1778 ------- 13:56:01.906 C-37B USARMY
AE0810 99-0170 TOGO98 13:34:56.234 C-17A 517thAS
AE1368 163395 ------- 13:34:13.625 EA-6B VAQ-209
AE0810 99-0170 ------- 13:33:06.625 C-17A 517thAS
AE1F43 07-2052 72052 13:31:50.625 UH-72A ---
AE06C1 161319 ------- 13:30:54.921 UC-12B WillowGrove
AE06B4 161501 ------- 13:24:18.625 UC-12B Patuxent River
AE010F 94-1569 BOXR425 13:23:45.625 C-38A 201stAS/DCANG
AE1F43 07-2052 ------- 13:22:30.156 UH-72A ---
AE0147 57-1462 SLUFF61 13:21:56.031 KC-135R ANG/OH/121ARW/
AE220D 08-8606 HKY98 13:19:23.640 C-130J 37thAS/86thAW
AE220D 08-8606 ------- 13:17:33.625 C-130J 37thAS/86thAW
AE02D1 92-3021 VADER 21 13:16:26.625 C-130H AFRC/910AW/757AS
AE02D1 92-3021 ------- 13:16:09.625 C-130H AFRC/910AW/757AS
AE0147 57-1462 ------- 13:13:23.625 KC-135R ANG/OH/121ARW/
AE0630 84-0172 ------- 13:12:48.625 C-12T 6-52Avn/WI-ArNG
AE04F9 99-0404 AF2 13:07:49.625 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE04F9 99-0404 ------- 13:05:34.625 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE010F 94-1569 ------- 12:58:27.156 C-38A 201stAS/DCANG
AE1444 05-8158 RCH264 12:58:11.109 C-130J-30 AFRC/403AW/815AS
AC9F46 N912NA ------- 12:56:37.875 T-38N NASA
AE093D 01-0301 R10301 12:54:21.625 UC-35a1 PATD
AE1444 05-8158 ------- 12:53:44.203 C-130J-30 AFRC/403AW/815AS
AE093D 01-0301 ------- 12:52:14.625 UC-35a1 PATD
AE0551 70-0460 ------- 12:49:17.906 C-5A 105thAW/NYANG
ADFEEB 160047 ------- 12:48:51.625 C-9B VMR-1
ADFEEB 160047 LOBO2 12:48:51.625 C-9B VMR-1
AE055F 85-0002 ------- 12:38:27.093 C-5B 436thAW
ADFED5 85-1267 ------- 12:30:46.812 C-12T OSACOM/VA RFC
AE1443 05-8157 RCH209 12:24:06.640 C-130J-30 AFRC/403AW/815AS
AE1443 05-8157 ------- 12:23:08.765 C-130J-30 AFRC/403AW/815AS
AE06C6 161326 ------- 12:20:44.140 UC-12B Patuxent River
AE1463 06-6165 RIDER75 12:18:11.187 C-17A 436thAW
AE1458 06-6154 RCH6154 12:17:59.203 C-17A 60thAMW
AE1458 06-6154 ------- 12:15:06.750 C-17A 60thAMW
AE1463 06-6165 ------- 12:13:12.187 C-17A 436thAW
AE1441 05-8152 RCH869 12:12:03.625 C-130J-30 AFRC/403AW/815AS
AE1441 05-8152 ------- 12:11:59.656 C-130J-30 AFRC/403AW/815AS
AE12D4 62-1792 RAVN922 12:11:47.687 C-130E USAF
AE1479 166767 USMC767 12:09:06.203 UC-35D VMR-2
AE1479 166767 ------- 12:08:09.125 UC-35D VMR-2
AE12D4 62-1792 ------- 12:04:52.625 C-130E USAF
A69072 N522AX OAE522 12:04:08.625 DC-10 OmniAirInternational
AE0449 02-4452 TERRA38 12:00:27.828 C-32B 227thSOF/NJ-ANG
A69072 N522AX ------- 12:00:04.875 DC-10 OmniAirInternational
AE0449 02-4452 ------- 11:59:05.625 C-32B 227thSOF/NJ-ANG
AE0159 57-1512 DC21 11:48:18.000 KC-135R AFRC/459ARW/756ARS
AE0159 57-1512 ------- 11:48:14.140 KC-135R AFRC/459ARW/756ARS
ADFDB3 87-0139 ------- 11:40:06.031 C-20E USAF
AE010D 97-0400 G6363 11:22:52.125 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE010D 97-0400 ------- 11:20:31.968 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE0256 98-1358 CRAB58 11:19:20.062 C-130J ANG/MD/175W/135AS
AE0256 98-1358 ------- 11:19:06.046 C-130J ANG/MD/175W/135AS
AE0147 57-1462 ------- 11:12:35.609 KC-135R ANG/OH/121ARW/
AE01BD 84-0131 JOSA826 10:59:17.812 C-21A 457thAS
AE01BD 84-0131 ------- 10:54:02.625 C-21A 457thAS
ADFED2 85-1264 ------- 10:53:37.625 C-12T OSACOM/PAT
A7D27A N603AX ------- 10:46:59.250 DC-10 OmniAirInternational
A7D27A N603AX RCH782 10:46:59.250 DC-10 OmniAirInternational
AE138D 158200 ------- 10:40:22.953 T-38C ntps
AE1394 158201 ------- 10:38:36.625 T-38C ntps
AE0188 84-0094 PACER78 10:34:49.625 C-21A 457thAS
AE0188 84-0094 ------- 10:33:54.984 C-21A 457thAS
AE02D1 92-3021 VADER 21 10:30:22.093 C-130H AFRC/910AW/757AS
AE02D1 92-3021 ------- 10:30:07.265 C-130H AFRC/910AW/757AS
AE138E 67-4943 @@@@@@@@ 10:28:56.171 T-38C ntps
AE138E 67-4943 ------- 10:28:26.109 T-38C ntps
AE1368 163395 ------- 10:26:33.171 EA-6B VAQ-209
AE1175 02-1103 RCH482 10:19:27.015 C-17A 62ndAW
AE1175 02-1103 ------- 10:18:31.156 C-17A 62ndAW
AE1393 68-8158 ------- 10:12:30.203 T-38C ntps
ADFED6 85-1268 ------- 10:02:54.953 C-12T OSACOM/VA RFC
AE118A 02-1863 R1863 10:00:25.859 C-37A OSACOM/PAT
AE118A 02-1863 ------- 09:58:28.859 C-37A OSACOM/PAT
AE01BD 84-0131 JOSA826 09:49:04.171 C-21A 457thAS
AE01BD 84-0131 ------- 09:49:03.968 C-21A 457thAS
AE04F9 99-0404 S5588 09:46:12.625 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE04F9 99-0404 ------- 09:44:52.625 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE0167 86-0202 AVIONICS 09:39:42.625 C-20B 89thAW/99thAS
AE06B4 161501 ------- 09:38:05.234 UC-12B Patuxent River
AE1463 06-6165 RIDER75 09:27:42.640 C-17A 436thAW
AE1463 06-6165 ------- 09:27:18.625 C-17A 436thAW
AE189A 05-4613 SPAR17 09:26:56.625 C-40C 932ndAW
AE189A 05-4613 ------- 09:26:37.859 C-40C 932ndAW
AE010D 97-0400 S4165 09:24:41.625 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE055F 85-0002 ------- 09:19:16.671 C-5B 436thAW
AE010D 97-0400 G6363 09:14:25.625 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE1479 166767 USMC767 09:11:36.796 UC-35D VMR-2
AE1F43 07-2052 ------- 09:08:45.156 UH-72A ---
AE1479 166767 ------- 09:08:06.765 UC-35D VMR-2
AE0167 86-0202 ------- 09:06:33.625 C-20B 89thAW/99thAS
AE010D 97-0400 ------- 09:02:53.140 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE08B3 165959 ------- 09:00:50.625 T-6A ntps
AE0159 57-1512 DC21 09:00:28.718 KC-135R AFRC/459ARW/756ARS
AE0159 57-1512 ------- 09:00:22.218 KC-135R AFRC/459ARW/756ARS
AE08B5 165961 @@@@@@@@ 08:53:52.015 T-6A ntps
AE1392 158198 ------- 08:50:30.125 T-38C ntps


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I waited too long to post the SBS log today and it went over the character limit so log continued here....we'll call it Part II:

AE031C 74-2067 @@@@@@@@ 17:22:15.328 C-130H 317AG/39AS
AE031C 74-2067 ------- 17:20:32.140 C-130H 317AG/39AS
AE07DA 93-0600 ------- 17:17:48.015 C-17A 62ndAW
AE151A 166377 ------- 17:12:53.281 C-37B VR-1
ADFF00 96-0112 @@@@@@@@ 17:10:26.796 C-12J USARMY
ADFF00 96-0112 ------- 17:04:01.703 C-12J USARMY
AE06B4 161501 ------- 17:02:24.000 UC-12B Patuxent River
ADFEEB 160047 LOBO2 16:52:38.781 C-9B VMR-1
ADFEEB 160047 ------- 16:52:18.265 C-9B VMR-1
AE01DC 79-1710 EHTYL74 16:51:08.625 KC-10A 305thAMW
AE010D 97-0400 S4165 16:50:00.140 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE067A 00-1934 BATON54 16:47:12.156 EC-130J ANG/PA/193SOW/193SOS
AE01DC 79-1710 ------- 16:47:00.984 KC-10A 305thAMW
A4C3E8 N406LC ------- 16:46:54.890 C-130 LyndenAirCargo
AE067A 00-1934 ------- 16:46:51.625 EC-130J ANG/PA/193SOW/193SOS
AE1396 70-1579 @@@@@@@@ 16:45:49.078 T-38C ntps
AE010D 97-0400 ------- 16:45:18.640 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE0189 84-0095 PACER27 16:43:53.625 C-21A 457thAS
AE1368 163395 ------- 16:41:58.625 EA-6B VAQ-209
AE0189 84-0095 ------- 16:41:28.875 C-21A 457thAS
AE0810 99-0170 TOGO98 16:40:38.625 C-17A 517thAS
AE0810 99-0170 ------- 16:39:53.812 C-17A 517thAS
AE1396 70-1579 ------- 16:37:10.625 T-38C ntps
AE018C 84-0098 PACER01 16:37:04.203 C-21A 457thAS
AE1394 158201 ------- 16:36:45.625 T-38C ntps
AE018C 84-0098 ------- 16:36:31.625 C-21A 457thAS
AE1392 158198 ------- 16:34:13.625 T-38C ntps
A2C272 N277WA ------- 16:25:54.625 MD-11F WorldAirways
123456 Various ------- 16:24:55.640 Various Various
AE04D7 165829 CKLIED 3 16:24:36.625 C-40A VR-58
AE04D7 165829 ------- 16:24:17.203 C-40A VR-58
AE11D3 71-1408 ------- 16:22:51.078 E-3B 966thAACTS
AE010E 97-0401 S5479 16:15:59.953 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE010E 97-0401 ------- 16:15:37.625 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE0160 57-1479 ------- 16:13:18.265 KC-135R AFRC/459ARW/756ARS
A2C272 N277WA WOA9651 16:05:15.031 MD-11F WorldAirways
A2C272 N277WA ------- 16:04:12.875 MD-11F WorldAirways
AE08B3 165959 @@@@@@@@ 16:03:56.625 T-6A ntps
AE08B3 165959 ------- 16:00:44.640 T-6A ntps


Glad to see the CAP TFR got posted at last. I wonder if the 71st FS crews are going to get a break? But who can take their place if they want F-15s? Shaw? Eglin? Guess we'll find out tomorrow. I wish they'd use the F-22A aircraft from Langley just for a change but those are ridiculously expensive to maintain over that many hours of flight time. We're going to see five+ days of fighters and tankers overhead no matter who has it.
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Premium Subscriber
Jul 26, 2008
New Franklin, PA
1933: 141.550-Pat 053 (C-21)

2058 utc: 5696.0 usb-C/G 1504(HC-130H CGAS Clearwater Fl) weak
2104 utc: 5696.0 usb-C/G 2128(HU-25D CGAS Miami Fl) weak
2313 utc: 5696.0 usb-C/G 2112(HU-25C+ CGAS Cape Cod MA) Flt ops
2319 utc: 5696.0 usb-C/G 1500(HC-130H CGAS Clearwater Fl) radio check


Jan 5, 2004
Does anyone know the story behind the IL76 kill?

The USAF deployed F-15C, D and E models to the Persian Gulf in 1991 in support of Operation Desert Storm where they accounted for 36 of the 39 Air Force air-to-air victories. F-15Es were operated mainly at night, hunting modified SCUD missile launchers and artillery sites using the LANTIRN system. According to the USAF, its F-15Cs had 34 confirmed kills of Iraqi aircraft during the 1991 Gulf War, mostly by missile fire: five MiG-29 "Fulcrums", two MiG-25 "Foxbats", eight MiG-23 "Floggers", two MiG-21 "Fishbeds", two Su-25 "Frogfoots", four Su-22 "Fitters", one Su-7, six Mirage F1s, one Il-76 cargo plane, one Pilatus PC-9 trainer, and two Mi-8 helicopters.
F-15 Eagle: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
SBS Log 01 September, Part III:

AE06CF 161309 ------- 21:39:00.968 UC-12B Washington
A9A3A2 N720AX RCH280 21:25:35.750 DC-10 OmniAirInternational
A9A3A2 N720AX ------- 21:23:08.109 DC-10 OmniAirInternational
AE04ED 63-8035 RCH571 21:08:30.000 KC-135R ANG/AL/106ARS
AE04ED 63-8035 ------- 20:53:11.765 KC-135R ANG/AL/106ARS
AE0568 86-0011 RCH6011 20:37:56.765 C-5B 60thAW
ADFEDD 86-0087 ------- 20:30:48.375 C-12 Det22/PA-ArNG
AE1170 02-1098 @PP@A@@@ 20:26:51.140 C-17A 437thAW
AE1170 02-1098 ------- 20:26:44.765 C-17A 437thAW
AE0568 86-0011 ------- 20:23:41.203 C-5B 60thAW
AE061F 84-0209 ------- 19:49:49.343 C-130H ANG/DE/142AS
AE0978 01-0076 ------- 19:49:46.750 C-37A 309thAS
AE0406 99-0402 00000000 19:47:06.031 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE024E 97-1351 CRAB51 19:39:10.109 C-130J ANG/MD/175W/135AS
A96ECB N707CK CKS9513 19:31:28.000 B-747 Kallitta
A96ECB N707CK ------- 19:31:24.343 B-747 Kallitta
ADFEDA 86-0084 ------- 19:17:56.109 C-12T VARFC
AE0159 57-1512 DECEE22 19:04:28.750 KC-135R AFRC/459ARW/756ARS
AE0159 57-1512 ------- 19:04:19.953 KC-135R AFRC/459ARW/756ARS
AE1195 166473 ------- 18:58:11.765 KC-130J VX-20/WB
AE01BD 84-0131 JOSA826 18:48:08.203 C-21A 457thAS
AE01BD 84-0131 ------- 18:48:01.750 C-21A 457thAS
AE13D1 04-1778 ------- 18:43:59.984 C-37B USARMY
AE0195 84-0135 JOSA031 18:35:33.390 C-21A 458thAS
AE0195 84-0135 ------- 18:33:01.250 C-21A 458thAS
AE206D 06-0500 S5574 18:18:53.203 C-37B 89thAW/99thAS
AE206D 06-0500 ------- 18:17:21.187 C-37B 89thAW/99thAS
AE20C7 07-7186 RCH7186 18:01:05.375 C-17a 437AW
AE20C7 07-7186 ------- 18:00:39.750 C-17a 437AW
AE06C6 161326 ------- 17:57:23.156 UC-12B Patuxent River
AE1368 163395 ------- 17:50:19.031 EA-6B VAQ-209
AE067A 00-1934 BATON54 17:49:18.906 EC-130J ANG/PA/193SOW/193SOS
AE067A 00-1934 ------- 17:48:54.125 EC-130J ANG/PA/193SOW/193SOS
AE0250 97-1353 CRAB5 17:45:51.750 C-130J ANG/MD/175W/135AS
AE0250 97-1353 ------- 17:45:41.156 C-130J ANG/MD/175W/135AS
AE10C1 01 ------- 17:40:35.750 C-37A CGASWashingtonD.C.
AE0188 84-0094 PACER78 17:36:23.171 C-21A 457thAS
AE0188 84-0094 ------- 17:35:24.750 C-21A 457thAS
AE138E 67-4943 @@@@@@@@ 17:31:41.843 T-38C ntps
AE138E 67-4943 ------- 17:31:10.781 T-38C ntps



Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
Did anyone on the SBS net log an E-8 today? PEACH 69 was doing approaches at Patterson this evening (I made a trip up to see Aluminum Overcast (N5017N), but missed it flying). I have a few pictures of it, but all I can make out of the markings is the GA identifier on the tail. Departed Patterson for Robins - with a stop in AR-633A - around 2400Z.

I'm writing up the rest of my logs now; should have them posted within the next hour or so.

N92B (BE9L) - orbits
RHINO 23 (C-5A, unid) - training
REACH 230 (C-130, unid) - requesting transportation for 43 pax, parking, no fleet services, 31K fuel
JIMBO 03 (T-38C, unid) - 1 male/1 female pilots
PEACH 69 (E-8, unid) - approaches, refiled second half of flight plan: to Robins AFB after meeting SODA 91 in AR-633A
REACH 0453 (C-5A, 70-0453) - arrived
NASA 607 (DHC-6, N607NA) - orbits
RHINO 50 (C-5A, unid) - CC after maintenance at blocks from RHINO 23; out to AR training, returning 0238Z
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Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
REACH 230 (C-130, unid) departed at 0614 local. Handed off to ZID at 0619 local on heading 350. No clue where it's going; just hope someone logs it.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The CAP TFR has been changed. Start time is now 1630Z (1230 local) today. New NOTAM number is 9/7795. End time remains the same at 2100Z, Sunday.

Lots of fighter activity this morning. The DC-ANG F-16s are flying (139.15 and 143.6) along with a bunch of Langley F-22As (233.525). And the Coast Guard's BLACKJACK HH-65 helos are up already practicing on 139.7.

Also early 0900 hour...TERRA 41 (C-32B, 02-4452, 150th SOS McGuire) up from McGuire and flying due west across southern PA. (Full ADS-B as usual)
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Feb 14, 2009
Thanks for the heads up...haven't heard anything yet, but I did just get REACH 230 (C-130, unid) on approach with 43 pax. Could be related, but I don't know for sure.

I bet there will be a waiting party for them; there's still a big Dutch detachment at Springfield - only a 30 minute drive between there and Patterson.

Support was NAF41 while crossing the Atlantic. Believe they will depart today for Wright Patterson
A/A used while on this side of the Ocean were <140.175> <139.175> with boom {261.300}

Sept 5th will se the arrival of personel at Hill AFB (including me) flown by Civilian Charter.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
SBS Log 02 September, Part I:

AE1368 163395 ------- 11:36:23.515 EA-6B VAQ-209
AE192D 79-0194 53414455 11:35:29.000 OA-10A 190thFS
AE192D 79-0194 ------- 11:32:59.015 OA-10A 190thFS
AE020A 79-1711 ------- 11:32:46.171 KC-10A 305thAMW
AE01C1 165151 ------- 11:28:00.375 C-20G VR-48
AE07EA 95-0107 RCH236 11:23:26.000 C-17A 437thAW
AE016D 84-0075 PACER66 11:22:46.343 C-21A 457thAS
AE016D 84-0075 ------- 11:22:44.000 C-21A 457thAS
AE07EA 95-0107 ------- 11:19:38.046 C-17A 437thAW
AE04AF 165741 ------- 11:18:56.406 UC-35 MWHS-4
AE08F8 84-24375 ------- 11:18:13.984 C-12R 228thAviationRegiment
43C0A8 XV107 RRR2531 11:17:06.000 VC-10 C1K 101SQ RoyalAF
AE03E2 164995 AX995 11:17:05.000 C-130T VR-53/AX
AE03E2 164995 ------- 11:14:21.375 C-130T VR-53/AX
AE04EC 63-7991 E37991 11:13:13.328 KC-135R ANG/NE/173ARS
AE18F9 79-0118 ------- 11:12:50.171 OA-10A 706thFS
AE18F9 79-0118 5 11:12:50.171 OA-10A 706thFS
AE138E 67-4943 @@@@@@@@ 11:11:38.265 T-38C ntps
AE04EC 63-7991 ------- 11:11:28.000 KC-135R ANG/NE/173ARS
AE138E 67-4943 ------- 11:05:03.390 T-38C ntps
43C0A8 XV107 ------- 11:04:40.000 VC-10 C1K 101SQ
ADFED4 85-1266 00000000 10:59:32.500 C-12T VARFC
ADFED4 85-1266 ------- 10:59:31.484 C-12T VARFC
AE1479 166767 ------- 10:59:05.484 UC-35D VMR-2
AE0176 84-0127 REACH02 10:56:55.484 C-21A 457thAS
AE0176 84-0127 ------- 10:56:51.421 C-21A 457thAS
AE1393 68-8158 ------- 10:55:00.000 T-38C ntps
ADFE97 95-0098 ------- 10:48:46.156 C-12R+ 2-228thAviation
AE10EA 2004 ------- 10:40:31.546 HC-130J USCG/ElizabethCity
AE020A 79-1711 ------- 10:40:17.328 KC-10A 305thAMW
AE062D 62-3571 ------- 10:38:13.000 KC-135R ANG/AK/168ARS
AE1368 163395 ------- 10:32:09.000 EA-6B VAQ-209
29CBB8 Various ------- 10:22:44.015 Various Various
AE03AD 149815 ------- 10:14:03.000 KC-130F VX-20/WB
AE01C1 165151 JR151 10:13:34.000 C-20G VR-48
AE01C1 165151 ------- 10:13:28.375 C-20G VR-48
AE192D 79-0194 ------- 10:00:20.453 OA-10A 190thFS
AE192D 79-0194 53414455 10:00:20.656 OA-10A 190thFS
AE18F9 79-0118 5 10:00:15.171 OA-10A 706thFS
AE1479 166767 USMC767 10:00:05.000 UC-35D VMR-2
AE18F9 79-0118 ------- 09:59:57.000 OA-10A 706thFS
AE020A 79-1711 ------- 09:59:16.468 KC-10A 305thAMW
AE0232 87-0120 ------- 09:59:12.203 KC-10A 305thAMW
ADFDF8 82-8000 AF1 09:51:13.234 VC-25A 1stAS (VENUS 01 on radio)
ADFDF8 82-8000 ------- 09:50:48.453 VC-25A 1stAS
AE060F 83-0492 SKIER92 09:50:34.234 LC-130H ANG/NY/139AS
AE060F 83-0492 ------- 09:50:10.000 LC-130H ANG/NY/139AS
ADFEBA 99-0004 VENUS94 09:47:00.140 C-32A 1stAS
ADFEBA 99-0004 ------- 09:46:45.000 C-32A 1stAS
AE08B4 165960 ------- 09:46:44.093 T-6A ntps
AE0804 99-0058 HIRE81 09:45:20.000 C-17A 62ndAW
AE0818 00-0182 THUG12 09:45:10.046 C-17A 62ndAW
AE0804 99-0058 ------- 09:45:05.000 C-17A 62ndAW
AE0818 00-0182 ------- 09:44:56.015 C-17A 62ndAW
AE07CB 88-0265 X 09:44:42.000 C-17A 62ndAW
AE123E 04-4133 THUG14 09:44:01.187 C-17A 6thAS
AE123E 04-4133 ------- 09:42:30.000 C-17A 6thAS
AE1390 61-0925 ------- 09:42:04.000 T-38C ntps
AE07CB 88-0265 ------- 09:40:17.343 C-17A 62ndAW
AE08B5 165961 @@@@@@@@ 09:40:14.500 T-6A ntps
AE04E0 58-0109 REACH46 09:34:18.218 KC-135R ANG/MS/153ARS
AE093B 00-1052 ------- 09:33:38.000 UC-35B PATD
AE04E0 58-0109 ------- 09:21:13.546 KC-135R ANG/MS/153ARS
A613A3 N108AX RCH802 09:17:40.468 DC-10 OmniAirInternational
AE062D 62-3571 ARTIC81 09:13:42.000 KC-135R ANG/AK/168ARS
AE062D 62-3571 ------- 09:13:31.000 KC-135R ANG/AK/168ARS
A613A3 N108AX ------- 09:12:49.593 DC-10 OmniAirInternational
AE0166 86-0201 ------- 09:09:28.296 C-20B 89thAW/99thAS
AE1396 70-1579 ------- 09:08:40.156 T-38C ntps
AE010D 97-0400 S4165 09:06:59.031 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE010D 97-0400 G6363 09:06:33.390 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE010D 97-0400 ------- 09:05:44.640 C-37A 89thAW/99thAS
AE06C6 161326 ------- 09:05:17.046 UC-12B Patuxent River
ADFED4 85-1266 ------- 09:04:57.734 C-12T VARFC
AE0449 02-4452 ------- 09:04:33.000 C-32B 227thSOF/NJ-ANG
AE1394 158201 @@@@@@@@ 09:02:51.031 T-38C ntps
AE1394 158201 ------- 09:00:52.546 T-38C ntps
AE1470 07-7178 RCH184T 08:59:22.000 C-17A 3rdAS/436thAW
AE1470 07-7178 ------- 08:57:31.046 C-17A 3rdAS/436thAW
AE06B4 161501 ------- 08:54:00.406 UC-12B Patuxent River
AE03F4 84-0145 ------- 08:35:54.859 C-12T OSACOM/PATDet7DEArNG
AE12D4 62-1792 RAVN922 08:34:02.171 C-130E 61stAS
AE12D4 62-1792 ------- 08:31:58.265 C-130E 61stAS
ADFEEC 160048 VVJT743 07:51:09.875 C-9B VR-52
ADFEEC 160048 ------- 07:51:03.875 C-9B VR-52
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1153: Have a pair of F-15s working interflight freq...might be the first CAP pair. If so, it's the 71st FS with the duty again...360.15
1155: They also just changed from ZDC-Irons 360.85 to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 but I missed the callsign.
Yeah, believe it's HARASS I just heard on the interflight freq 360.15
Bullseye 139/171 (139 degrees, 171 nautical miles) if they're talking about from Thurmont.
1159: Confirmed...HARASS 35 w/ZDC says they're not going to be cleared into Guard Dog for awhile so want to hold off Nottingham...281.4

1201: HARASS 35/36 will hold on the Nottingham 184 radial from 20-30 DME and make right hand turns...say they won't be in Guard Dog until 1630Z...281.4
1202: HARASS 35 tries to contact HUNTRESS but no joy after several calls...then 36 tries too (but uses 35 suffix) but same result...260.9
1205: HARASS 36 says he shows the VOL 1630-1930(Z) and 35 confirms that....36 then says they're about 15 minutes early (to explain why HUNTRESS isn't replying)...260.9
1214: HARASS 35/36 leaving their orbit area and heading for Guard Dog...281.4
I haven't seen a tanker heading this way for sure although I've got 59-1448 from the 153rd ARS MS-ANG and 58-0107 from the 132nd ARS ME-ANG in the air. Not sure yet if either is on his way to the CAP. Neither is displaying a TEFLON callsign yet.
1215: HARASS 35 calls HUNTRESS, makes contact this time and says they're 20 to the south as fragged...260.9
1217: HARASS 35 to Potomac TRACON on "16 Prime"...checks in at FL 210 (calls Guard Dog)...says he'll be MARSA w/TEFLON 03...350.25
1218: HARASS 35 tries calling TEFLON 03 but no joy...260.9
1218: HARASS 35 then asks HUNTRESS where TEFLON 03 is...260.9
1220: HARASS 35 asks Potomac if he has a position for TEFLON 03...fuel remainders 14.3K and 14.7K for 35 and 36...350.25
Looks like TEFLON 03 will be the Maine tanker I mentioned earlier. He's coming this way. He's up at FL 340 at this time.
TEFLON 02 = KC-135R, 58-0107, 132nd ARS ME-ANG Bangor
They've been talking about TEFLON 03 all this time but the tanker is displaying TEFLON 02 and HARASS 35 one time mentioned "2 or 3".
1230: LOBO 41 (F-16, SD-ANG, Langley Det.)on HUNTRESS freq but have no idea where he's going or what he's doing yet...228.9
LOBO is their CAP and/or scramble callsign.
1232: LOBO 41 asking HUNTRESS to confirm "line 2"...228.9
It appears the LOBO flight is setting up to cover another area but no idea just where.
1234: TEFLON 02 checks in w/HUNTRESS...still showing up at FL 340...tells HUNTRESS he'll come down to 24 (FL) and starts his descent...260.9
1234: LOBO 41/42 working interflight freq...reports they'll keep the current heading for another 80 miles...138.0
Although I can't hear HUNTRESS even on the 228.9 freq w/LOBO flight, it appears they're chasing a TOI of some kind so their flight might have been a scramble.
1239: HARASS 35 and TEFLON 02 make contact and start heading for an AR...02 now down at FL 240...260.9
1239: LOBO 41 down low and LOBO 42 stays higher doing the relay for 41...228.9/138.0
I'm going to say the LOBO flight is a practice intercept...and now they just confirmed it by doing a simulated guard freq call as if on 121.5
Meanwhile, HARASS 35/36 heading to the tanker. If they gave their tails to TEFLON 02, I missed them because I had the LOBO flight turned up loud to hear the intercept before realizing it was just an exercise.
1244: LOBO 41 reports to HUNTRESS the results of intercepting the target, gives a description of the TOI (as an F-16 with the pilot wearing a mask, tail 228) and all the actions taken by reading lines 1-9 of the intercept report...228.9
1246: LOBO 41 reports to HUNTRESS they are terminating the exercise...228.9
1248: HARASS 36 reports nose cold, weapons safe and heading to the boom...35 is on the right wing of the tanker...260.9
1251: VENUS 01 (VC-25A, 82-8000) w/ADW Tower for landing runway 1L...118.4 (Displaying AF1...departed 3 hours ago from ADW)
1254: VENUS 01 gives his gear down report...118.4
1254: LOBO 41/42 are still flying and working among themselves but no longer w/HUNTRESS it appears - at least for now...138.0
1256: HARASS 36 is still working the boom of TEFLON 02...don't know if he's having a flow problem or was really, really empty...boom operator reports a "no flow indication" after giving 9,000 pounds....36 confirms he's full and disconnects from the boom...260.9
1258: HARASS 36 reports to HUNTRESS he's on station...260.9
1258: LOBO 41 to HUNTRESS reports on another TOI...IDs it as a C-130 with tail number 50985...he then gives the intercept report...228.9
I have no C-130 showing on Mode-S with that tail number so I presume it's a made up tail for the exercise.

1302: LOBO 41 and 42 on interflight with one of them playing the part of the C-130 pilot (they had just mentioned to HUNTRESS they were directing the TOI to LFI (Langley)...138.0
1307: SAM 5528 (C-32A, 98-0001, 1st AS Andrews w/ADW Twr for landing runway 1L...118.4

The CAP players are in place with primary and boom freq being 260.9, the LOBO flight is still playing on interflight 138.0 and occasionally w/HUNTRESS on 228.9 and I'm going back outside to do some more yard work.
Here's another piece of the SBS log before I go...Part II:

AE057C 87-0031 ------- 13:00:33.000 C-5B 436thAW
ADFEE9 159120 VVJU052 12:58:53.578 C-9B VR-56
ADFEE9 159120 ------- 12:58:25.140 C-9B VR-56
AE010F 94-1569 ------- 12:54:23.625 C-38A 201stAS/DCANG
ADFEEC 160048 VVJT743 12:51:20.609 C-9B VR-52
AE04AF 165741 USMC1LAR 12:50:42.000 UC-35 MWHS-4
AE04AF 165741 ------- 12:50:38.000 UC-35 MWHS-4
AE0519 68-0212 ------- 12:50:03.218 C-5A 105thAW/NYANG
ADFEB7 98-0001 S5528 12:48:38.015 C-32A 1stAS
ADFEEC 160048 ------- 12:46:20.000 C-9B VR-52
AE0449 02-4452 TERRA41 12:42:53.609 C-32B 227thSOF/NJ-ANG
AE0449 02-4452 ------- 12:42:47.000 C-32B 227thSOF/NJ-ANG
ADFDF8 82-8000 AF1 12:39:25.203 VC-25A 1stAS (VENUS 01 on radio)
ADFDF8 82-8000 ------- 12:39:09.000 VC-25A 1stAS
AE035A 57-2593 RCH641 12:37:38.359 KC-135R ANG/OH/121ARW/
AE10C1 01 ------- 12:36:57.000 C-37A CGASWashingtonD.C.
ADFEB7 98-0001 ------- 12:35:45.421 C-32A 1stAS
AE0847 58-0107 TEFLON2 12:31:11.406 KC-135R ANG/ME/132ARS
AE035A 57-2593 ------- 12:26:55.000 KC-135R ANG/OH/121ARW/
AE06B5 161306 ------- 12:25:39.000 TC-12B TAW-4
AE0847 58-0107 ------- 12:23:33.156 KC-135R ANG/ME/132ARS
AE060F 83-0492 SKIER92 12:23:03.015 LC-130H ANG/NY/139AS
AE060F 83-0492 ------- 12:22:35.265 LC-130H ANG/NY/139AS
AE0405 97-1944 PAT44 12:16:21.515 C-37A OSACOM/PAT
AE0405 97-1944 ------- 12:16:13.000 C-37A OSACOM/PAT
AE18F9 79-0118 ------- 12:06:02.046 OA-10A 706thFS
AE18F9 79-0118 5 12:06:02.046 OA-10A 706thFS
AE02F8 86-0415 ------- 12:04:14.000 C-130H AFRC/440AW/95AS
AE02F8 86-0415 PACKR 23 12:04:14.000 C-130H AFRC/440AW/95AS
AE0104 ------ ------- 11:58:43.640 T-38C ??? ---
AE1479 166767 --- 11:54:11.000 UC-35D VMR-2
ADFEBA 99-0004 VENUS94 11:53:28.375 C-32A 1stAS
ADFEBA 99-0004 ------- 11:53:21.984 C-32A 1stAS
ADFEE9 159120 VVJU052 11:52:51.984 C-9B VR-56
ADFEE9 159120 ------- 11:52:37.984 C-9B VR-56
ADFDB3 87-0139 ------- 11:44:45.984 C-20E USAF
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Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
Propagation was outstanding today (until about noon); picked up Patterson Tower, Ground, and Dispatch.

Logs so far:

REACH 230 (C-130, unid) - departed after RON
BEELINER 11 (C-17A) - requesting full stop to simulate medevac offload; to KAPN
REACH 02 (C-21A, 84-0127) - 3 pax (1 A4) , picking up A4; to Andrews
JOSA 093 (C-21A, 84-0094) - 1 duty pax, need to troubleshoot maintenance issue upon landing (did engine runs); to Scott
NASA 607 (DHC-6, N607NA) - to KCLE
TERRA 41 (C-32B, 02-4452) - approaches
VENUS 40 (C-37A, 97-0400) - approaches before landing, request ?? lbs fuel
REACH 0453 (C-5A, 70-0453) - departed after RON
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1445: TEFLON 3 entering the Guard Dog area with Potomac TRACON...coming in at FL 250 and cleared down to 240...135.525

TEFLON 2 = KC-135R, 58-0107, 132nd ARS ME-ANG Bangor
TEFLON 3 = KC-135R, 59-1466, 108th ARS, IL-ANG Scott
Change the tanker suffixes to a single digit. I was using the old standard but the first one displayed "TEFLON2" in his Mode-S and used that on the radio. TEFLON3 is doing the same thing. This is definitely a change from past practices and I guess we'll find out if it's official once we see a couple more tankers come in over the rest of the day. If they go with the six letter, 1 digit callsign makeup, they'll join a select handful of others across the Air Force using that format (TOPCAT, COPPER, MOTOWN, CARMEN are the only others I know using it) Of course, when they get to TEFLON and double digit suffixes, that'll all go to hell.

1446: HARASS 41/42 into the CAP but 41 must RTB to Langley due to a fuel tank that won't feed. They are requesting a replacement...260.9
1451: HARASS 41 tells Potomac TRACON that he'll be RTBing in 5-10 minutes and that 42 will stay...350.25
1455: Apparently HARASS 35 is going to stay in the CAP to keep 42 company and 36 is going to RTB as a single ship in 5 minutes...350.25
1457: HARASS 42 is heading to TEFLON 3 to refuel...260.9

1500: HARASS 35 giving an explanation of the situation to Potomac TRACON...says he's staying in the CAP until a replacement for 41 arrives and that 36 will RTB in about one minute...350.25
1504: HARASS 36 and 41 start for home....HARASS 42 asks for his marching orders from 35. 35 gives him his altitude, orbit and squawk...42 then reports he has no prime radio. 35 asks him to confirm he only has one radio. He does and 35 exclaims, "Oh no!"
1507: HARASS 35 takes 42 to interflight freq and tells him how to set up the two freqs he should monitor in his radio (one position for Guard Dog 350.25 and one for HUNTRESS 260.9...those are the only two freqs he'll be able to monitor during his shift without more manual changes to the radios...360.15
1530: HARASS 35 asks Potomac to check w/Langley to see if HARASS 41 made it back okay. A couple of minutes later he thanks Potomac for the reply and it sounds like everything is okay from the tone of voice used...350.25
1534: HARASS 35 asks HUNTRESS if he shows a flight of four Vipers near "Destination 7 by Andrews." (he's no doubt referencing a flight of four DC-ANG F-16s returning to ADW which I just heard working ZDC freqs on their way home from W-107)
1540: HARASS 35 given a TOI by HUNTRESS...BRAA is 244/9/2K/N....tells 42 to align on report is that it's at 1000 feet, heading 260...260.9
1542: TOI BRA is 263/11/2K...then tries to describe it and I copied none of it but it wasn't a specific ID...heading 360 now...260.9
1544: HARASS 35 (calling himself 36) asks HUNTRESS if he dropped the track since he doesn't see it in the net now...then he's told to "skip it"...HARASS 35 tells 42 to make sure his nose is cold again...260.9

Mark, a couple of those C-130J Keesler birds you mentioned last night are just arriving at RAF Mildenhall at 1450 (our time). 05-8157 and 05-8152 are arriving as REACH 209 and 869 respectively. I understand they did an RON at CYYT. I'm not sure where the other two are (06-8159 as RCH588 and 05-8158 as RCH264).
Later reports indicate they've all arrived.

DC-ANG F-16s have been flying most of the day. I know a couple of flights went up to W-107. Earlier in the day, the NJ-ANG F-16s were also flying with both DEVIL and BANGER flights also doing some AR work with TEAM 33 and 34 from McGuire. The DEVIL flight used 288.4 and BANGER used 288.0 for their AR work.

1519: Have one of the 142nd AS, DE-ANG C-130H types (84-0208) in the area using callsign JILL 98. That's some type mission callsign that has been used in the past by several different C-130 units. I show several instances of it being used this past June by various units (142nd AS, 36th AS, 328th AS, 130th AS, 39th AS)

Well, we know the 58th Fighter Squadron/33rd Fighter Wing at Eglin won't have a turn in the Guard Dog CAP ever again. Story today says...
"The transition of the 33rd Fighter Wing will become more "real" when the
unit's last F-15 departs Sept. 8 for a final destination in Tucson, Ariz.
Col. Todd Harmer, 33rd FW commander, will fly the last of 52 aircraft that
were under his tenure when he took leadership of the Nomads in January 2008.
"It's bittersweet knowing that once I'm airborne, it's the end of the
Eagle's 30-year association with the 33rd Figher Wing, and the ramp will sit
empty until the F-35s arrive next year," he said."
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