Sticky Thread For MilAir IV

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
I'm sure others don't care for all that and are satisfied with some other level of information and are perfectly content with just hearing a couple of military flights within range of their antenna. And that's fine. Everone is in the hobby for their own reasons and it doesn't need to be a homogenized outlook. It all counts and it is all welcome.

That about sums it up for me..Well said.

Speaking of SBS/RB logs finding rare visitors had this one today.

AE11E6 #78-0578 E-3C SHUCK80H level 34k 2009/09/03 13:03 local
Was logged over Turkey yesterday.Must be heading home to the barn.



Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W


looks like TACAMO is up:

1456 EDT- Vago/Bago 13 (sounds like-E-6B East Coast TACAMO, VQ-4 Det PAX)-check in w/Huntress (364.2) for modes & codes checks. Near Sea Isle.

Heard him again--call is Bago 13.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Alan, I agree with the others complementing your way with words- "Everone is in the hobby for their own reasons and it doesn't need to be a homogenized outlook. It all counts and it is all welcome." Have you thought of going for #45?

Now a question for anyone and everyone - I've copied 40 data transmissions on 335.625 between 0100 and now. Any thoughts on who/what/why?




Jan 5, 2004
HARASS-53 is descending to intercept a TOI to the SE of bull's eye at 100ft.
TOI is a helicopter.
1619- TOI is heading southbound, 53 will return to the CAP once cleared by Guard Dog.
HUNTRESS had been telling them the TOI was at 25k ft when in actuality it was at 100ft. HARASS asked that for any unknown TOIs leave it up to them and their sensors to identify where it is, instead of wasting time looking somewhere that it's not.

1654- Loudoun County Sheriff unit being sent to Leesburg airport to assist DHS with an airspace violation.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland

looks like TACAMO is up:
1456 EDT- Vago/Bago 13 (sounds like-E-6B East Coast TACAMO, VQ-4 Det PAX)-check in w/Huntress (364.2) for modes & codes checks. Near Sea Isle.
Heard him again--call is Bago 13.

Heard him as well reporting over Norfolk at 36k.364.200
Showed as E-6B #164388



Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

Part2 of my logs for today:

1020- Raven 1 (4 X A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-reporting hydraulic system malfunction to Raven SOF (347.2). Raven 1 confirms that hydraulic fluid is leaking on the side of the acft--concerned about having enough pressure to lower the landing gear. Does series of systems checks and decides to bring it in on teh alternate landing gear system.
1022- N1 (Citation 560, FAA Hqs)-w/FAA Ops DCA (123.4) w/departure msg.
1115- Raven flt (2 X A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-flt continued to range after Raven 1 & 4 landed. Noted on ZYN Phillipsnurg (306.2) and w/Harrisburg approach (273.525 & 281.525). Cleared direct to Syracuse NY. Raven 2 & 3 return to MTN at 1405.
1118- Crab 11 (C-130J, 135th AS MD ANG MTN)-w/Crab Ops (384.1).
1122- Bison 41 (C-130H 328th AS AFRC, Niagara Falls IAP NY)-calling Langley Metro (239.8)--also w/Langley Dispatch (376.2)
1123- Titus 26 (C-130T, VR-53, ADW)-patterns at ADW.
1320- Navy 7W339 (UC-12, Base Flt,NXX)-w/ZDC Cape Charles (132.55)
1325- Navy Blackjack 327 (helo, HX-21 PAX)-depart ADW heading for PAX. Also w/PTC (119.3) then w/PAX approach (281.8). Also uses callsign Navy BJ327.
1331- N164W (BAC-1-11, NGTF)-w/ZDC Cape Charles (132.55) reporting they are RTB Baltimore.
1335- Navy 997 (C-130T # 164997, VR-53 ADW)-w/Capital Base (VR-53 Ops, 328.4) requesting that upon landing should they leave the acft set up for "daily" or pull it into the hanger.
1345- Arctic 81 (KC-135R, AK ANG Elmendorf AFB AK)-depart ADW. Also w/Liberator CP (351.2) thank them for their help this week. Then w/ZDC Calvert (133.9)-at 1504 w/GK (118.125) checks out of W386.
1403- Reach ??01T-w/DOV departure (132.425) confirming they are cleared to Barnes ANGB Mass.
1406- Navy 308 (UC-12 7N309, Base Flt ADW)-land at ADW.
1446- Salty Dog 400 (NF-18C # 163476, VX-23 PAX)-w/ZDC Calvert (281.4)
1447- Sunny 262 (UC-12, MCAS Beaufort SC)-w/PAX approach (121.0)
1448- Tester 961 (T-6A Texan II # 165961, NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8) for vetical maneuvering test.
1451- Navy 7A501 (UC-12, Base Flt PAX)-depart PAX & check in w/ZDC Calvert (133.9).
1456- Bago 13 (E-6B # #164388 East Coast TACAMO, VQ-4 Det PAX)-check in w/Huntress (364.2) for modes & codes checks.
1505- Reach 23580-w/Lighthouse Control (311.0-CP Pope AFB NC) & inbound msg.
1537- Raven 1 flt (4 X A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-check in w/ZNY Lancaster (239.05) then w/ZNY Modena (335.6). Also w/Raven Ops (139.0)
1542- Baton 91 (EC-130J, 193rd SOG PA ANG Harrisburg PA)-w/Baton Ops (395.1) w/inbound msg.
1548- Navy TP 12 (T-38C # 15-8200)w/DOV approach (257.875) then w/PAX approach (314.0) for some pattern work.
1427- Navy TP 38 (C-12C # 82-3132, NTPS PAX)-land at PAX (120.05)
1633- Army 052 (UC-35 # 00-1052, OSACOM ADW)-land at ADW.
1634- Reach 9002-w/DOV CP (349.4) concerning problem onboard the acft. Wants DOV to contact TACC or McGuire to decide if they should come into DOV or proceed onto McGuire
1637- PAT 326-w/ADW Dispatch (139.3 & 372.2)
1`745- Danda 38 (C-17 62nd AW, McChord AFB, WA)-w/NAS Chambers CP (268.8) w/inbound msg--will RON
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1403 EDT- Reach ??01T-w/DOV approach (132.425) using they are cleared to Barnes ANGB Mass.
Sorry--didn't get all the callsign.

Ron, I checked my logs, other local SBS users and the worldwide SBS net but it seems no one logged a REACH x06T today. No telling which of the transports it may have been because there were so many of them around that time. Can't be of help. And thanks for the info on the RAVEN flight.

BM82557 said:
Now a question for anyone and everyone - I've copied 40 data transmissions on 335.625 between 0100 and now. Any thoughts on who/what/why?

Not a clue Brian. I've mentioned somewhere in the past getting transmissions in the 335 mHz range from something that sounded like one of the area LMR nets and thought perhaps it was slopover/bleedover from something in the 380 range - although I can't figure out why. Is it possible that what you're hearing are encrypted comms? Probably not since you specifically identified it as "data" transmissions.

BM82557 said:
Have you thought of going for #45?

Yes, but it was about 40 years ago and several numbers ago. I was going to say I wish we could replace #44 but he'll always be 44 even if we could get 45 started next week. I guess I'm going to earn a place on the enemies list now. :roll:

I'm glad to see the comments indicating we're (mostly) in agreement over the Mode-S stuff and anything else that anyone wants to contribute to this thread. Every last bit of it is valuable to many of us. I'd much rather have too much information than too little. It's easy enough to just skip past something that doesn't interest me. I don't even have to delete it like email.

Guard Dog CAP tankers today:
TEFLON 05 = KC-135T, 58-0099, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh
TEFLON 06 = KC-135R, 58-0098, 132nd ARS ME-ANG Bangor
TEFLON 07 = KC-135R, 57-1456, 77th ARS AFRC Seymour Johnson

And my big revelation yesterday that I thought the TEFLON callsign may now be a six letter/one digit makeup is dead and buried. It was only the first two that did it that way and then they reverted to the standard formulation of five letters/2 digits. Most enter it the right way in Mode-S such as "TEFLN05" but then along comes "TEF6" - again proving there are no rules (yet) in Mode-S.


Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
1E 109 with Dayton; handoff from Cincinnati. Judging by the background noise (obviously a helicopter), I think its TH-57C 162671. Also thought I heard 1E 134 earlier; probably 162820. No confirmation for sure, but I'm pretty confident on the ID for both. No idea why they'd be in the area, though - maybe VFR to the Cleveland Air Show this weekend (I planned on going, but can't).

Here's another one at 1726 local: 1E 067, 162031. They had three Sea Rangers there last year, maybe sending them again.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
"Not a clue Brian. I've mentioned somewhere in the past getting transmissions in the 335 mHz range from something that sounded like one of the area LMR nets and thought perhaps it was slopover/bleedover from something in the 380 range - although I can't figure out why. Is it possible that what you're hearing are encrypted comms? Probably not since you specifically identified it as "data" transmissions."

Here's a zip of what I've been hearing. Originally recorded in wav format by Arc396. I say "data" but I guess I'm not really sure. What's your opinion?
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Going over this afternoons tape heard:
1416 local Tango Papa-11 with Willow Grove approach at 3k landing.
Sounded like he had a UK accent.Assume Pax T-38C 68-8158



Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
FAST 16 (T-38A, unid) off Patterson at 2202Z.

Off topic; I'm watching an AF1 special on the History Channel and they played a clip of them calling ADW Tower as SAM 29000. Obviously, VENUS 01 and 02 are common - but how often are the SAM callsigns used?

2208Z 344.600 METRO - ASCOT 2531 (unid) calling for weather at McGuire and Dover

RHINO 23 (C-5A, unid) airborne for training at 1820Z.

...or not? Just switched over to ZID. Maybe it's going to Cleveland, too - wouldn't surprise me.
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
1820 Terra51 with Mcguire Departure 124.15
1828 Blue 01 with Mcguire Departue 124.15
1910 Ascott 2135 heavy with McGuire APP 124.15
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Premium Subscriber
Jul 26, 2008
New Franklin, PA
1144: 238.825-Vader 21
1316: 260.900-Harass 52 w/ Teflon 06 refueling

1755 utc: 5696.0 usb-C/G 6001(MH-60J CGAS Elizabeth City NC)
1920 utc: 5696.0 usb-C/G 2112(HU-25C+ CGAS Cape Cod MA)
1926 utc: 5696.0 usb-C/G 6004(HH-60J CGAS Cape Cod MA)
1929 utc: 5696.0 usb-C/G 2012? Asked to hail C/G 6004 on VHF. Told C/G 6004 to hail Sector Boston on Chan. 16
1936 utc: 5696.0 usb-Joliet 27 weak
1945 utc: 5696.0 usb-C/G 2112(HU-25C+ Cape Cod MA)


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
FAST 16 (T-38A, unid) off Patterson at 2202Z.

Off topic; I'm watching an AF1 special on the History Channel and they played a clip of them calling ADW Tower as SAM 29000. Obviously, VENUS 01 and 02 are common - but how often are the SAM callsigns used?

It has been so long since they used SAM 28000 and 29000 that I forgot about that usage. I'm strictly guessing but I think they finally realized that if it wasn't Air Force 1, the use of a SAM callsign doesn't make sense to just fly a checkout/maintenance/training flight. Hence...VENUS. Back very many years ago, even before AF1, it was SAM 970 for the President.

Just heard TEFLON 07 asking for RTB and notified HUNTRESS he wasn't returning to GSB (Seymour Johnson) but was going to RDU (Raleigh-Durham Intl) - no reason given.
TEFLON 08 = KC-135R, 62-3547, 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease (when he gets here)

1848: TEFLON 08 and HARASS 55/56 checking into the CAP w/Potomac TRACON...350.25 (Yes, the tanker used that freq too)

HARASS 53/54 mention alternate airfield for them is Oceana.
HARASS 55 = F-15C, FF 82-0019, 71st FS/1st FW Langley
HARASS 56 = F-15C, FF 81-0022, 71st FS/1st FW Langley
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Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
It has been so long since they used SAM 28000 and 29000 that I forgot about that usage. I'm strictly guessing but I think they finally realized that if it wasn't Air Force 1, the use of a SAM callsign doesn't make sense to just fly a checkout/maintenance/training flight. Hence...VENUS. Back very many years ago, even before AF1, it was SAM 970 for the President.

Maybe SAM is a callsign used on a mission, but before POTUS boards - that would make sense.

Actually, that might be it - they just showed a clip of a preflight radio check: "And ground, 28000 has you loud and clear also."
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Jun 24, 2005
Berkeley Springs, WV
What's the mission for Guard Dog this week? I heard lots of comms and realized it was the fly boys locally in Guard Dog when I looked at the freqs on the scanner.

Heard this morning the MD NG doing checks with the various facilities state wide. Freq was 139.9625 FM. Don't remember if it was a daily or weekly check in.

Berkeley Springs, WV


Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
What's the mission for Guard Dog this week? I heard lots of comms and realized it was the fly boys locally in Guard Dog when I looked at the freqs on the scanner.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong (I don't live in the area, so I'm not monitoring it), but I think it's for POTUS is at Camp David until the weekend.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Someone correct me if I'm wrong (I don't live in the area, so I'm not monitoring it), but I think it's for POTUS is at Camp David until the weekend.

Yes, lots of chatter about it in messages above. POTUS returned from vacation Sunday, spent Monday and Tuesday at the White House and went on a five day vacation again at Camp David.


Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
2254Z 349.400 BUCKEYE CONTROL - REACH 7059 (I think...only one call and I forget things quickly!) inbound message; A1 - probably a returning 445th bird


Jan 5, 2008
Marthas Vineyard, Ma
I guess the concensus is that these logs are acceptible to most. so i will try to keep them coming as time permits. I`m very aware that this is a MilAir Radio thread, but am just trying to add a small peice to the jigsaw, for those that would like an identity or likely candidate for something heard. Note that for most of the heavies the time between my location and say Alan in Baltimore is only around 30 mins. I will add any voice transmitions i catch because the radios are on most of the time, but mostly the Callsigns reported are as programmed or left in from previous trips and may not be accurate.

Here`s todays activity. Wouldn`t normally include the HU-25C`s but have done so because all three based at Otis were active this morning. Also have included a little more info about where some of these a/c have been. Locations reported as Cyprus, are as monitored from there, and may not actually indicate that the
a/c was really in guess may be Turkey, or points more sandy to the East where no monitors dare.

95-0105 AE07E8 C-17A 437AW Rch5105 ??--32000 0032--0034 (Westbound, out of Ramstein)
03-3118 AE119B C-17A Ms/ANG Evac33118 35000--35000 0054--0102 (Eastbound, Germany later)
03-3114 AE1197 C-17A Ms/ANG Rch459 35000--35000 0112--0120 (Eastbound, ott UK later)
99-0061 AE0807 C-17A 62AW Rch9061 33000--33000 0143--0151 (Eastbound, in Mildenhall later)
2140 ADFE43 HU-25C USCG/CapeCod [no-c/s] 5550--8175 0827--0828
2112 ADFE2D HU-25C USCG/CapeCod [no-c/s] 650--650 0858--0900
2129 ADFE39 HU-25C USCG/CapeCod [no-c/s] 375--1075 0927--0948
80-0324 AE0603 C-130H Ga/ANG ISAF70 20000--20100 0959--1008 (Westbound, out of Prestwick?)
91-0511 ADFD7B c-26B Ma/ArNG [no-c/s] 2925--10700 1008--1013
83-0081 ADFEAC KC-10A 305AMW Rch131 38000--28075 1023--1032 (Westbound, out of Ramstein)
>>>> this guy departed USA evening of 8/30, arriving Ramstein 8/31.Dep Ramstein evening of 9/1,
>>>> arriving Cyprus? later that evening. Departed Cyprus next morning back to Ramstein. RON at
>>>> Ramstein then back home today.
87-0124 AE0236 KC-10A 305AMW Opec43 26000--26000 1046--1055 (AAR, probably with the next couple)
85-0002 AE055F C-5B 436AW Rch714 27000--27000 1112--1117 (Eastbound after AAR, destination unknown)
87-0045 AE058A C-5B 436AW [no-c/s] 27000--27000 1128--1134 (Eastbound after AAR, destination unknown)
87-0124 AE0236 KC-10A 305AMW [no-c/s] [no-alt] 1135--1135 (AAR?)
85-0033 ADFEAE KC-10A 305AMW Team40 20975--20975 1148--1155 (AAR?)
87-0037 AE0582 C-5B AFRC/337AS Rch150 34000--30400 1149--1159 (Westbound)
>>>> This one left USA lunchtime 8/31, probably via the Azores as next reported over S Portugal ,
>>>> RON somewhere, next noted Italy, then RON Cyprus 9/1 out of there 9/2, reported Italy then
>>>> nothing until today so probably back through Azores and RON at Lajes.
91-0511 ADFD7B C-26B Ma/ArNG [no-c/s] 8775--1800 1151--1206
86-0035 AE022C KC-10A 305AMW Blue61 40000--32900 1156--1206 (Westbound)
>>>> Had left USA early 9/1 dragging some chicks [EA-6Bs?, Rene?], seems to have gone through
>>>> RON Lajes, then RON somewhere in Italy, coming back from there today.
58-0113 AE0593 KC-135R 6ARW Rch406 40000--40000 1213--1225 (westbound, out of Mildenhall)
>>>> Back to MacDill, had been tracked in Cyprus yesterday lunchtime before RON Mildenhall
164997 AE03E4 C-130T VR53 Cnv3586 23950--23950 1226--1239 (Westbound)
>>>> Seems to have been TDY, has been all around the Meditereanean and Europe, left the USA 7/25
85-0033 ADFEAE KC-10A 305AMW Team40 20075--20025 1306--1315 (AAR)
06-0500 AE206D C-37B 89AW S5530 43000--43000 1332--1342 (Westbound, out of Cyprus?)
62-3580 AE066F KC-135R AFRC/77ARS Rch2580 39000--40000 1407--1419 (Westbound, out of Mildenhall)
>>>> seems to have been TDY, noted Budapest 7/12 and 9/2, nothing in-between, left USA 7/10
62-3516 AE026C KC-135R Az/ANG Rch100 23900--24000 1518--1528 (Westbound)
>>>> seems to have been TDY, noted Budapest 7/29 and 9/3, nothing in-between, left USA 7/27
87-0030 AE057B C-5B 60AMW Rch3070 21900--24800 1719--1726 (Westbound)
87-0031 AE057C C-5B 436AW Rch430 25000--25000 1720--1725 (Westbound)
87-0035 AE0580 C-5B 436AW Rch7035 30000--30000 1725--1736 (Eastbound, out of Ramstein?)
07-7184 AE20C5 C-17A Rch630 36000--30000 1746--1756 (Eastbound, out of Stansted)
62-3547 AE0145 KC-135R NH/ANG Teflon 25700--30000 1754--1804 (CAP Bound?)
ZH880 43C1E8 C-130J LTW 27000--27000 1841--1845
01-0076 AE0978 C-37A 86AW 42950--43000 1850--1858
02-0201 AE1165 C-40C DC/ANG Boxer42 40000--40000 1915--1929
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