Mode-S moves from KMVY
After last weeks activity with the vacation CAP it has settled back into the more normal mundane level of activity. In an attempt to continue contributing here, i have listed ALL the military hits to my SBS box.
The info may be of interest to some. Let me know if in-appropriate. You can see that i get a lot less traffic than Alan.
Details are as recieved via Mode-S, non of these were monitored on the radio. Info after the callsign is first and last reported altirude and the time, first and last, of contact [local time]. Notes in brackets to the right are mine, deduced from various sources.
Is anyone aware of a way to have columnular info maintain sensible formatting when posted here?
84-0212 AE0622 C-130H De/ANG Rch678 [no--alt] 2144--??? (Eastbound, UK later)
62-3537 AE04CF KC-135R 77ARS/AFRC Rch895 39000--39000 2244--2252 (Eastbound, Mildenhall later)
63-8014 AE0672 KC-135R 77ARS/AFRC Rch3014 39000--39000 0017--0026 (Eastbound, Mildenhall later)
03-3113 AE1196 C-17A Ms/ANG Rch3113 ?--35000 0027--0035 (Eastbound, Ramstein later)
06-6155 AE1459 C-17A 60AMW Rch6155 35000--35000 0346--0356 (Eastbound, Ramstein later)
86-0035 AE022C KC-10A 305AMW Blue61 26025--26000 0401--0407 (Eastbound, Italy later, Del Flight?)
05-4613 AE189A C-40C 73AS Spar17 35000--35000 1004--1012 (Eastbound, UK later)
??? AE1828 C-12/Helio? [no c/s] 300--200 1201--1205 (was thought of as F-18, but not if landing MVY)
05-8152 AE1441 C-130J 815AS/AFRC Rch869 no--alt 1313--1314 (Eastbound, St Johns later)
165829 AE04D7 C-40A VR58 [cklied3] ??--40000 1547--1601 (Westbound)
97-0401 AE010E C-37A 89AW S5521 39425--39000 1653--1701 (Eastbound, Cyprus later)
70-0460 AE0551 C-5A NY/ANG [no c/s] 27000--27000 1712--1719 (Eastbound +AAR?, St John later, training flight?)
93-0600 AE07DA C-17A 62AW Rch3600 33000--33000 1750--1758 (Eastbound, Ramstein later)
06-6154 AE1458 C-17A 60AMW Rch368 27000--27000 1802--1810 (Eastbound +AAR?, Ramstein Later)
86-0013 AE056A C-5M 436AW Rch416 34000--34000 1853--1901 (Eastbound, Ramstein later)
06-0500 AE206D C-37B S5574 41000--41000 1855--1904 (Eastbound, UK later)
07-7181 AE20C2 C-17A 437AW [oboohoo] 31000--31000 2025--2033 (Eastbound, Ramstein later)
63-8035 AE04ED KC-135R Al/ANG Rch571 39000--39000 2135--2144 (Eastbound, Europe later)
07-7186 AE20C7 C-17A Rch432 31000--31000 2215--2223 (Eastbound, Ramstein later)
86-0014 AE056B C-5B 60AMW [no c/s] 27000--27000 0019--0022 (Eastbound +AAR?, Germany later)
89-1191 AE07CF C-17A 437AW Rch195 33000--33000 0313--0323 (Eastbound, Ramstein later)
91-0511 ADFD7B C-26B Ma/ArNG [no c/s] 1650--1600 1111--1117
??? AE1828 C-12/Helio?? [no c/s] [no-alt] 1154--1154
5059 3F991D C-160D GAF [no c/s] 20050--20050 1204--1214 (Westbound)
91-0511 ADFD7B C-26B Ma/ArNG PAT511 2525--5675 1300--1304
01-0186 AE10B5 C-17A 62AW Rch320 33000--33000 1415--1422 (Eastbound)
91-0511 ADFD7B C-26B Ma/ArNG [no c/s] [no-alt] 1421--1422
93-0603 AE07DD C-17A 62AW Rch3603 38000--38000 1534--1540 (Westbound)
70-0455 AE054C C-5A NY/ANG [no c/s] 28100--29000 1743--1750 (Training)
62-3515 AE026B KC-135R NH/ANG [no c/s] 30000--30000 1758--1759 (CAP bound?)
90-0300 ADFDAB C-20H 86AW Soonr01 40000--40000 1828--1839 (Westbound)