Something I posted to another group:
tnx to rfinder for link:
When I first heard their c/s, I thought they were Navy Hornets !! DOH !!!
Some posts suggest they are from Shaw AFB.
1905Z : PRIMO 75 wkg Casino Royale on 252.100 - inbnd [KC-10 presume from 722ARW Travis]
1958Z : DEALER 1-5 [two flts x 2, one x1] wkg ZBW 353.925 => 379.100 => 281.500 => 348.750
138.250 DEALER interplane
2015Z : PRIMO 76 wkg Casino Royale on 252.100 - inbnd
1553Z : GAMBLER 1-5 [one flt x2 and one flt x3] wkg ZBW 379.100 => 281.500 => 348.750
139.575 GAMBLER interplane
1908Z : PRIMO 76 FLT x2 [with PRIMO 75] wkg ZBW 132.650 => 121.350 => 126.475 heading west
138.875 interplane PRIMO
NOTE: I have no idea if PRIMOs had anyathing to do with the F-16s, but they are a rare visitor to these parts.