EXPERT 11 (F/A-18?, unid) - to KOFF
SABER 13 FLIGHT (2x F-16, unid) - to KSGH
BUCKEYE 92 (F-16, unid) - arrival
a/c 370 (F-16D?, 87-0370?) - engine run on E4
MIRAGE 11 FLIGHT (2x AV-8B, unid) - to SHB 210/23
BISON 11 (C-130H, unid) - delivering "PMAIL" (?) van
SABER 11 (F-16D, 87-0370) - to Buckeye MOA, then KSGH
OASIS 01 (MV-22B, unid) - arrival
RAWHIDE 41 (C-2A, unid) - arrival
OASIS 01 (MV-22B, unid) - to 11II
J-510 (F-16AM, J-510) - engine run
REACH 505 (C-17A, unid) - offloading 4 pax, parking India row
MIRAGE 21 (AV-8B, unid) - to R-3401
REACH 0461 (C-5A, 70-0461) - to KWRI
JOSA 948 (C-21A, unid) - dropping off A7, requesting crew bus for passengers (never heard arrival)
RAWHIDE 41 (C-2A, 1621xx) - to KNGU
BLADE 51 FLIGHT (2x F-16, J-510, J-xxx)
TOP 11 (E-2, unid) - "to destination as filed"
OTIS 22 (KC-130J, 167112) - to KNKT
MIRAGE 31 (2x AV-8B, unid)
PITT 06 (C-130H, 78-0806) - aeromed training, to KPIT
NAVY 7W 936 (UC-12B, unid) - to KBLV
Funny note - ground asked AIRFIELD 2 if they were going to put out a Steelers jersey for the Mirages to land on. Sure there's an even funnier story behind it!