Cheers, Rene .... they were early birds ..... passed me by before I got the scanners going.Yes, you are right, they are supporting MAZDA 51 & MAZDA 61 flight, that departed from Truax Field - Madison in the last hour.
Cheers, Rene .... they were early birds ..... passed me by before I got the scanners going.Yes, you are right, they are supporting MAZDA 51 & MAZDA 61 flight, that departed from Truax Field - Madison in the last hour.
Logs for 9/21:
***KNIGHTS? 1 (fighter, unid) - arrival; direct BNA on departure
Russia: Rossiya Airlines IL-96 Presidential Transport, (2) Russian Air Force IL-76MD
I heard that as well from my QTH, but probably not as well as you ....YANKEE CAP:
1821- TABOO 15 reports shutting down engine #2 due to low oil pressure just when HARASS 31 wanted to top-off. TABOO 15 reports he won't be able to refuel and will RTB. HARASS 31 then asks HUNTRESS for an ETA on a replacement tanker. (all on 228.9) Not able to hear HUNTRESS from my location in CNJ.
Just got a tip from Florida that Teflon 01 is up in our area. Is there a CAP sked in the area?
TEFLON 01 and HARRASS 63 are heard here in Ohio, 25 m WSW of Pittsburgh - Been hearing them for a few hours. Probably in PGH.
260.900 AM
299.200 AM
Hi everyone,
The final VMFA-314 Hornets should be departing from Moron to Oceana NAS tomorrow as Mazda 45/46. ETA 1900z.
Had a couple BLUES out of Mcguire today René. I think they took some aircraft
westbound possibly.
BLUE 86 KC-10 #86-0027 departed 1600z back inbound Mcguire 2355z
BLUE 96 KC-10 #87-0120 departed 1620z back inbound McGuire2340z
2020 local tracked a (AE1DA9) from 900 feet slowly to 1100 and back down
to 400 feet.sqk 1200..Chopper no doubt and showed by another poster today as callsign VVJA813
which is most likely JA= the VX-1 Pioneers at Navy Pax river.
Could be testing that new Prez chopper as Navy choppers never show mode s.
Prob not testing the Prez helo---that program was cancelled earlier this summer. POTUS says the ones he has are good enough.