Sticky Thread For MilAir IV

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


Was he maybe 4182 as opposed to 4812?


Rgr Ron logged him on tape and box.callsign was
PAAF-812 inbound Dover,talks fast but on tape repeat he added
the extra A. Papa alpha alpha Foxtrot or he studders.
Unknown on box as nobody at first search has this one.(764841)
I'll put the word out and maybe someone will tie it up.
When he got parking spot he called himself 4812 so maybe a clue.

Another odd visitor to Dover early yesterday and departed tonight 2330z eastbound was
AME-1001 (3431C6) A-330 MRTT Airbus A-322 (Multi Role Tanker Transport)
tail EC-333 but eventually will be A39-002 for the RAAF.
Came in from Brisbane Australia yesterday so crew rested for over 24 hours.
This is new Tanker transport EADS-CASA hence EC-333 test is working up for RAAF.
Also the Spanish mode s test (3431C6) and pilot had Spanish accent yet
officer with Dover CP 134.100 had Aussie accent.
Must be enroute Spain or France Airbus factory.
Here are pics of it a couple weeks ago in Brisbane still in primer paint,I hope.
RAAF EC-333 Refueler at Brisbane International-2& on Flickr - Photo Sharing!



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
who's 'Josa'? oh--'Caribou Ops' / Andrews
anyone have a sqd/interflight frequency for Crab Ops? are they out of Martin?

JOSA (Joint Operational Support Airlift)
Usually Air Force C-21's in and out of bases around here.Some based at Andrews.

Good Wiki link to Martin State airport mil ops.
Martin State Airport(KMTN) - The RadioReference Wiki

1454 local ROMAN 81 FA/18 overhead ZDC 354.150 for flyover at Navy-Temple game
down at the Academy.
1456 ROMAN 81 on Balt appch 317.425 looking for clear wx or he will have to cancel.
If can't get clear wx ROMAN 82 will go to Andrews and 81 rtb Oceana.

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 28, 2004
Southern Maine
Norwegian Coronet Flight into Bangor

Thanks to a heads up from Greg (Saint01) in Michigan and Don Edwards in NY, I was
able to catch the Coronet East flight of BLUE 81 and Norwegian 31-35 as they made their
final leg of today's Eastbound trip to Bangor for an overnight stay before their next leg
to cross the pond tomorrow.

As they got closer to Maine, the flight split up into two sets of two and a single along with
BLUE 81.

Norwegian 31 flight of two. (31 and 32)
Norwegian 33 flight of two. (33 and 34)
Norwegian 35 single ship
BLUE 81 final plane to land.

Freqs heard:

311.000 BLUE 81 working MAINEIAC OPs at Bangor
378.200 A-A Coronet 31 C Primary

128.325 Boston ARTCC (ZBW) in order heard inbound
134.950 ZBW
120.250 ZBW
118.925 Bangor Approach/Departure
120.700 Bangor Tower

All comms heard from 1906-1930z


Jan 5, 2008
Marthas Vineyard, Ma
Rgr Ron logged him on tape and box.callsign was
PAAF-812 inbound Dover,talks fast but on tape repeat he added
the extra A. Papa alpha alpha Foxtrot or he studders.
Unknown on box as nobody at first search has this one.(764841)
I'll put the word out and maybe someone will tie it up.
When he got parking spot he called himself 4812 so maybe a clue.

Hi Mark,
are you sure of that hex? I`m guessing a typo, cause yesterday i had 76104B with PAAF812 in
the calsign block. Its unconfirmed as 4171 due to having used PAF171 in the past.

Pakistan got a bunch of ex Australian AF C-130Hs in 2005/06.
4159 C-130H ex 65-12896, A97-159, to PAF 2005 [?]
4171 C-130H ex 65-12900, A97-171, to PAF 2006 [76104B?]
4177 C-130H ex 65-12902, A97-177, to PAF 2006 [761051?]
4178 C-130H ex 65-12903, A97-178, to PAF 2006 [761052]
4180 C-130H ex 65-12904, A97-180, to PAF 2006 [761054]
4189 C-130H ex 65-12906, A97-189, to PAF 2005 [76105D?]


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Double checked Adrian and that was the mode s...764841
Hard to tell with shaky Air Force like they have.
Going back I did log 76104B on March 5th this year C-130E 4171.
A regular at Dover in the past.
The only other Pak Air Force I have ever logged on box.

Everything else in 76 range is Singapore aircraft.

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Another odd visitor to Dover early yesterday and departed tonight 2330z eastbound was
AME-1001 (3431C6) A-330 MRTT Airbus A-322 (Multi Role Tanker Transport)
tail EC-333 but eventually will be A39-002 for the RAAF.
Came in from Brisbane Australia yesterday so crew rested for over 24 hours.
This is new Tanker transport EADS-CASA hence EC-333 test is working up for RAAF.
Also the Spanish mode s test (3431C6) and pilot had Spanish accent yet
officer with Dover CP 134.100 had Aussie accent.
Must be enroute Spain or France Airbus factory.
Here are pics of it a couple weeks ago in Brisbane still in primer paint,I hope.
RAAF EC-333 Refueler at Brisbane International-2& on Flickr - Photo Sharing!


Follow up from Aero news

Aero-News Network: The Aviation and Aerospace World's Daily/Real-Time News and Information Service


Jan 5, 2004
FIRST-71 with ZDC-Blackstone>Montebello>Marlinton.
0937- FIRST-71 advises he will be meeting up with HOIST-92 for AR and he would like to hold to the east of Charleston until HOIST arrives.
0944- FIRST-71 to 379.175 (No ID for this freq, probably ZID. Charleston High to replace 385.6?) Says HOIST-92 is about 100 miles behind him.
0945- FIRST-81 flight with ZDC-Franklin about to re-join
0947- FIRST-81 to ZDC-Blackstone and checks in as a flight of 6. Three miles front to back.
1005- FIRST-81 ZDC-Montebello>Marlinton. Requests that when they are 10 mi east of Charleston they want to do a 180 to join up with HOIST-93 for the rest of their trip.

1125- DC-91 reports to LIBERATOR they are airborne. 351.2 Working ATC on 118.95.
JOSA-675 is also outbound.
1130- DC-91 to 123.825 briefly before ZDC-Hagerstown 134.15.
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 28, 2004
Southern Maine
Heads up Rene

BLUE 81 and the Norwegian fighters took off from Bangor this morning.
Here's what I posted to my email groups......


Heads up Europe....

Now leaving Bangor to cross the pond.

Just switched to Moncton Center on 124.300 at 1341z.

Using Coronet 31 C Primary freq for A-A/Boom 378.200

No UHF ATC freqs used. All VHF so far.

Searching for any UHF A-As but no luck so far.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
October Milair freqs


Listing of VHF/UHF milair freqs monitored from my location during October

AAF Army Air Field
AFB Air Force Base
ArNG Army National Guard
ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center
RCAG Remote Communications Air/Ground

118.125 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W386
118.400 Andrews AFB Tower
118.950 Potomac TRACON
119.275 NAS Patuxent River Area Advisory Control Bay Watch
119.300 Potomac TRACON
119.850 Potomac TRACON
120.050 NAS Patuxent River Approach/Departure
121.000 NAS Patuxent River Approach/Departure
121.300 Martin State Airport Tower
121.5 VHF guard
123.200 NAS Patuxent River NTPS
123.175 Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore
123.225 Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore
123.400 FAA Operations Reagan National & Atlantic City International Airport-also alternate freq for Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore
123.7 NAS Patuxent River tower
125.900 Dover AFB Arrival
126.150 Phillips AAF Aberdeen MD
126.200 Weide AAF Aberdeen MD
126.300 Davison AAF Tower
126.350 Dover AFB Tower
126.550 Potomac TRACON
127.950 NAS Patuxent River Approach/Departure
128.35 Potomac TRACON
132.425 Dover AFB Approach/Departure
132.55 Washington ARTCC Snow Hill RCAG Cape Charles sector
133.900 Washington ARTCC Calvert
134.100 Dover AFB and McGuire Command Post
134.350 Washington Helo Control (DCA)
135.025 NAS Patuxent River Approach/Departure

138.200 Atlantic City International Airport 119FS NJ ANG (AM mode)
139.150 Andrews AFB 121FS DC ANG (AM mode)
139.300 Andrews AFB Pilot to Dispatcher (AM mode)
139.400 Davidson AAF Operations (AM mode)
139.700 NORAD Eastern Air Defense Sector Huntress (AM mode)
139.875 McGuire Tanker Interplane (AM mode)
139.9 121st FS DC ANG ADW Ops (AM Mode)
141.550 Andrews AFB Griffin Command Post (AM mode)
142.75 SAM OPS, 99th AS Andrews AFB MD (AM Mode)
143.150 Andrews AFB 121FS DC ANG (AM mode)
143.600 Andrews AFB 121FS DC ANG (AM mode)

227.125 Washington ARTCC Hagerstown RCAG
228.450 Langley AFB 1FW Air-Air
229.6 Phillips AAF Ops (Maryland Army National Guard)
233.550 Willow Grove NAS/JRB Pennsylvania ANG Air-Air
233.8 VFA-15 Ops NAS Oceana VA
233.700 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W72
234.6 NORAD Eastern Air Defense Sector Huntress
234.8 DC ANG 121st FS Supervisor Of Flight (SOF)-Andrews AFB MD
236.825 Washington ARTCC Snow Hill RCAG
237.200 Bollen Range, Ft Indiantown GAP PA
238.100 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W386
238.900 Aerial Refueling Anchor AR-636 primary
239.050 New York ARTCC Joliet RCAG Lancaster sector
243.0 UHF guard
246.8 Nat'l Guard Common A-A (Maryland ArNG Weide AAF)
249.800 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W386
250.300 NAS Patuxent River Approach/Departure
250.700 NAS Patuxent River VX-23 Operations
250.850 NAS Patuxent River Area Advisory Control Bay Watch
251.250 Langley AFB Command Post (Raymond 16)
254.2 GK discrete.
254.300 Washington ARTCC Ship Bottom RCAG Coyle sector
255.0 Giantkiller W107
255.400 Leesburg Radio FSS
256.500 NAS Patuxent River Area Advisory Control Bay Watch
256.800 Washington ARTCC Snow Hill RCAG Cape Charles sector
257.200 Potomac TRACON
257.700 Washington ARTCC Whaleyville RCAG Salisbury sector
257.875 Dover AFB Approach/Departure
259.100 ZDC Bryce Sector
260.900 NORAD Guard Dog CAP
261.000 Atlantic City International Airport 119FS NJ ANG Devil Operations
262.025 Langley AFB Air-Air
262.950 NAS Patuxent River Echo Control
263.1 Washington ARTCC Azalea sector
264.150 NAS Patuxent River NTPS Operations
264.550 NAS Patuxent River Echo Control
268.800 NAS Chambers VA Operations
270.300 New York ARTCC Big Flat RCAG Lancaster sector
270.350 Washington ARTCC Lynchberg RCAG Shenandoah sector
270.800 NAS Patuxent River Area Advisory Control Bay Watch
273.950 MCB/MCAF Quantico HMX-1 discrete
274.6 ZOB Moon Township
275.2 Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore
276.675 LFI A-A
277.6 NORAD Eastern Air Defense Sector Huntress
278.300 New York ARTCC Flint Hill RCAG Pottstown sector
281.400 Washington ARTCC Patuxent River RCAG Calvert sector
281.450 Washington ARTCC Atlantic City RCAG (changed from Sea Isle)
281.525 Harrisburg Approach/Departure
281.800 NAS Patuxent River Approach/Departure
284.700 Washington ARTCC Bucks Elbow RCAG Montebello sector
285.400 Washington ARTCC Sea Isle RCAG Casino sector
288.000 AWACS discrete
288.400 NORAD Eastern Air Defense Sector Huntress
290.425 Washington ARTCC Green Bay RCAG Franklin sector
292.200 Andrews AFB 89AW/1HS Air-Air
292.300 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W386 common
295.8 Aerial Refueling Anchor AR-631 primary
296.9 Langley AFB A-A
297.200 Martin State Airport Tower
306.200 New York ARTCC Philipsburg RCAG
307.325 Cleveland ARTCC Altoona RCAG
310.550 NAS Patuxent River Echo Control
311.0 Shadow Maintenance, NAS Patuxent River MD
311.000 Pittsburgh International Airport PA ANG Steel Control
312.300 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W386 common (LFI 36 prime)
314.000 NAS Patuxent River Approach/Departure
317.425 Potomac Tracon Departure
323.300 New York ARTCC Millville RCAG Lancaster sector
327.000 Washington ARTCC Falls Church RCAG Brooke sector
328.400 Andrews AFB VR-53 Operations
335.5 Potomac TRACON
335.600 New York ARTCC Modena RCAG
338.300 New York ARTCC Philipsburg RCAG Williamsport sector
341.1 NAS Patuxent River VSX-1 Ops
342.000 Dover AFB Metro
343.5 AR 608 primary
347.200 Martin State Airport MD ANG Raven Ops
348.725 Potomac TRACON
349.000 Andrews AFB Tower
349.400 Dover AFB Command Post
349.500NAS Chambers VA CP
351.200 Andrews AFB 459ARW/756ARS Command Post "Liberator"
353.95 Washington ARTCC Snow Hill RCAG
354.150 Washington ARTCC Smyrna RCAG Kenton sector
354.800 NAS Patuxent River Area Advisory Control Bay Watch
355.3 MCAF Quantico Base Ops
355.8 Bay Watch NAS Patuxent River MD
360.700 Washington ARTCC Baltimore RCAG Swann sector
360.850 Washington ARTCC Falls Church RCAG Irons sector
363.000 Washington ARTCC Millville RCAG Woodstowne sector
363.9 Langley AFB VA A-A (39 prime)
364.125 94th FS Ops Langley AFB VA
364.175 94th FS LFI A-A
365.700 NAS Patuxent River test discrete
378.100 Andrews AFB Griffin Command Post
379.300 Washington ARTCC Martinsburg RCAG
384.100 Martin State Airport 135th Command Post Crab Ops
395.100 Harrisburg International Airport 193rd SOG PA ANG Baton Ops


Jan 5, 2004
ROMAN-81 F/A-18 currently inbound to Oceana, returning from ADW.
???? (bad radio) with ZDC-Marlinton at FL250.
1609- It's ANIMAL-1 Montebello>Irons 360.85
1617- ANIMAL-1 to App for LFI 360.6. BOXER-43 inbound for ADW 118.4
1624- ??-15 (female) inbound for ADW, on the lookout for kamikaze birds. 118.4
1640- EVAC-3116 requesting priority before the ramp freeze. 128.35
1642- EVAC-2112 cleared to land at ADW. 118.4
1645- SAM-91 cleared to land 1L. 118.4
1707- AF-1 inbound for ADW. 119.3
1725- REACH-362T inbound 119.3

Earlier SCORE-41 prop type departed Pax to the west via ZDC on UHF, last heard with Gordonsville.
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Jan 5, 2004
CANYON-71 coming into the area with ZDC-Montebello 284.7.
2053- 71 to ZDC-Irons 360.85 at FL230.
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Scoot Callsign Suffix

1435- Heard Venus 7 (C-20C # 85-0050) use the "Scoot" suffix when departing ADW. Scoot is a SPECIAL AIR OPS term used by SAM acft. First time I've heard them use this callsign suffix.
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Logs, 2 Nov

ACY-Atlantic City NJ
ADW- Andrews AFB MD
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Langley AFB VA
MTN-Martin State Airport, Baltimore
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore
NXX- Willow Grove JRB PA
PAX-NAS Patuxent River MD
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EST))

0838- Venus 94 (VC-32 # 99-0004, 1st AS ADW)-patterns at ADW.
1155- TBolt flt (F-22s, 149th FS VA ANG LFI)-ACM training on GK discrete (389.1) & on sqdn freq (262.025)
1200- IDO 070 (unid, foreign pilot)-land at DOV (132.425 & 126.35)
1210- Knight 41 flt (4 X F-22, LFI_ check into W386 (238.1)--Knight 42 develops problem and w/LFI SOF (383.2) for RTB instructions.
1429- Venus 7 Scoot (C-20C # 85-0050, 99th AS ADW)-depart ADW (118.4 & 119.3). "Scoot" is Special Air Ops callsign suffix used by SAM acft.
1430- Venus 42 (VC-37 # 99-0402, 99th AS ADW)-patterns at ADW.
1431- Venus 26 (C-20B # 86-0206, 99th AS ADW)-w/Griffin CP (378.1) w/inbound msg.
1449- Marine 714 (UC-35, MAW-4 ADW)-land at ADW.
1507- Venus 22 (C-20B # 86-0202, 99th AS ADW)-land at ADW.
1523- Tester 00 (F-18F, NTPS PAX)-w/BW (305.2)
1525- Reach 365T-w/Griffin CP (378.1) w/inbound msg.
1531- Tester 13 (T-38C # 15-8201, NTPS PAX)-w/BW (354.8).
1539- Nighthawk 33 (CH-53, HMX-1 MCAF Quantico VA)-transition ADW airspace.
1540- SPAR 28-land at ADW.
1554- Reach 6125-land at ADW.
1558- JOSA 568-land at ADW.
1627- Dagger 41 flt (F-22s. LFI)-check out of W386 (249.8)

Ron (
Baltimore MD (390747N 763711W)
VHF/UHF: BC-895XLT/RS Pro-2045
Diamond D-130J discone
HF: Icom R75
45-ft EF-SWL


Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
1522 local- OPEC 13, 8 miles out from McGuire on 118.65
1545 local- USCG helos 6559 & 6527 with STA SANDY HOOK in ref to training in Sandy Hook Bay on157.05, then A/A on 345.0
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