Logs, 30 Oct
ACY-Atlantic City NJ
ADW- Andrews AFB MD
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Langley AFB VA
MTN-Martin State Airport, Baltimore
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore
NXX- Willow Grove JRB PA
PAX-NAS Patuxent River MD
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
ZDC- Washington ARTCC
1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EDT))
0805- 7A501 (UC-012, Base Flt PAX)-land at PAX (120.05 & 135.025)
0807- Crab 54 (C-130J # 97-1354, 135th AS MD ANG MTN)-w/Crab Ops (384.1) w/departure msg.
0814- Reach 330-w/NAS Chambers Ops (349.5) w/inbound msg--14 pax plus cargo. Require special handling.
0830- Coach flt (F-22s, LFI)-ACM training on W386 common freq (312.3).
0841- Hoist 61 (KC-10A 2/32nd ARS, McGuire AFB NJ)-check in on AR 636 primary (238.9)
0935- N612W (BAC-1-11,NGTF) & N168W (Sabreliner, NGTF)-w/PAX approach (127.95) & on Northrop discrete (123.225). Also working w/BW (270.8) & Echo Control (262.95) & ZDC Cape Charles (132.55)
0942- EGY 1121 (C-130, Egyptian Air Force)-w/DOV approach (132.425) for landing at DOV.
0955- Venus 26 (C-20B $ 86-0206, 99th AS ADW)-w/Griffin CP (378.1)--wants SAM-4 (unid) to meet them when they park.
1012- Colt flt (2 X A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-w/Raven Ops (347.2) w/departure msg & wx PIREP. Also w/ZNY Lancaster (239.05) & ZNY Philipsburg (338.3). Return to MTN at 1200. Another sortie in
the mid-1500 hour.
1017- Nighthawk 11 (CH-47, HMX-1 MCAF Quantico VA)-check in w/ADW tower (118.4) for airfield transition then w/Wash Helo (134.35)
1022- Team 50 (KC-10A 305th AMW MCGUIRE AFB NJ)-check in to AR 636 (118.125) for AAR w/Togo 99 (C-17A, 517th AS/3rd WNG, Elmendorf AFB AK). Also on tanker A-A (139.875)
1030- Silver Dollar (unid ADW)-on SAM discrete (142.75) calling Venus asking if they are as fragged.
1034- Unid acft (no call noted)-w/DOV CP (134.1) advising they will be doing SDS (??) for the next couple of hours before they depart for Marietta GA. Marietta is the site of Lockeed C-5M modification work.
1042- Roman 55 (F-18C VFA-106, NAS OCEANA VA)-w/ZDC Montebello (284.7) & ZDC Azalea (263.1)
1046- Guard 053 (id as helo)-w/DOV approach (132.425)
1049- Two unid acft (no calls noted)-on AR 608 primary (343.5)
1051- Navy 7A326 (UC-12, Base Flt PAX)-w/PAX approach (120.05)
1125- Hawk 11Alpha (2 X F-15C 104FW Westfield-Barnes ANGB MA)-w/ZDC Woodstowne (363.0)
1133- Guard 639 (UH-1/UH-60, MD ArNG Weide AAF)-local work at Phillips AAF (126.15)
1137- Raven 1 flt (2 X A-10Cs, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-land at MTN (297.2)
1140- Venus 40 (VC-37 # 97-0400, 99th AS ADW)-patterns at ADW. At 1454 picks up IFR clearance to Roanoke VA. Returns to ADW at 1705.
1330- Open Skies 12T (OC-135,NATO compliance a/c, 24th Recon, Offutt AFB NE)-land at ADW.
1350- PAF 812 (Pakistani Air Force ???)-w/DOV CP (134.1)-land at DOV (132.425 & 125.9)
1352- Venus 31 (C-40 # 01-0041, 99th AS ADW)-w/Griffin CP (378.1) w/inbound msg.
1356- Navy JR227 (C-20G, VR-48 ADW)-land at ADW.
1357- Navy TP848 (unid, NTPS PAX)-w/PAX approach (135.025)
1400- Crab 53 (C-130J # 97-1353, 135th AS MD ANG MTN)-w/ZDC Calvert (133.9)
1407- Marine 714 (UC-35, MAW-4 ADW)-land at ADW.
1408- Steel 85 (KC-135R 147th ARS, PA ANG Pittsburgh PA)-w/Steel Control (311.0) w/inbound msg reporting " completion of another outstanding mission."
1410- Score 53 (KC-130, VX-20 PAX)-w/PAX approach (120.05)
1422- Unid (no call noted)-w/Millville Radio (255.4)-position is 100 nms northeast of Sea Isle & w/request for wx at Cherry Point NC.
1430- Tester 13 (T-38C # 15-8201, NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8). Another sortie in the late 1700 hour.
1431- Convoy 9256 (US Navy C-9)-check in w/ZDC Cape Charles (132.55).
1453- Tester 12 (T-38C # 15-9200 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1455- Devil 11 flt (F-16s, 119th FS NJ ANG ACY)-w/ZNY Lancaster (323.3) then w/ZNY Phillipsburg (306.2) & ZOB Altoona (307.325) for entry into Duke MOA & then RTB ACY. Also on sqdn freq (138.2)
1459- Banger 21 flt (3 X F-16s, 119th FS NJ ANG ACY)-check in w/BW (354.8) for use of restricted area for 45 mins from FL3.5 down to the surface. Also w/ZDC Casino (285.4) & w/Devil Ops (261.0)
1514- Cade 71 (sounds like)-w/ZDC Snow Hill (236.825) for permission for one approach at NHZ (unid) then RTB Bradley ANGB CT.
1531- N360TL (Britten-Islander NGTF)-working on Northrop discrete (123.225)
1536- Venus 23 (C-20B # 86-0203, 99th AS ADW)-depart ADW then check in w/ZDC Calvert (133.9)
1540- Tester 08 (T-38C NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1544- Navy 400- land at ADW.
1550- Reach 1010-w/DOV Metro (342.0) w/request for wx at St Johns, Newfoundland.
1607- Capitol 81 (2 X F-16s, 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-w/121st SOF (139.9) & w/Capitol Control (139.7) w/inbound status reports. 139.7 was ident as Aux 9. Also on sqdn freq (143.6)
1610- Nighthawk ?? (number missed-ident as single CH-46, HMX-1 MCAF Quantico VA)-transition through ADW airspace.
1615- Marine 767 (UC-35 # 166767, MAW-4 ADW)-land at ADW.
1617- Army 053 (UC-35 # 00-1053, OSACOM ADW)-land at ADW.
1620- Evac 33115 (C-17, 183rd AS MS ANG Jackson MS)-land at ADW.
1644- Capitol 91 flt (2 X F-16s, 121st FS DC ANG ADW)- land at ADW. Also on sqdn freq (143.15)
1446- Titus 52 (C-130T, VR-53 ADW)-land at ADW.
1701- SAM 5938 (99th AS ADW)-depart ADW.
1715- Ocean 64 ( C-130J 115TH AS CA ANG NAS PT MUGU CA)-w/Griffin CP (378.1) w/inbound msg. Has 65 pax to offload.
1721- Navy 7C319 (UC-12, Base Flt NAS Chambers VA)-land at ADW. Departs ADW at 1740.
Ron (mdmonitor1@verizon.net)
Baltimore MD (390747N 763711W)
VHF/UHF: BC-895XLT/RS Pro-2045
Diamond D-130J discone
HF: Icom R75
45-ft EF-SWL