Sticky Thread For MilAir IV

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Jan 5, 2004
FAST-51 with ZDC-Blue Ridge 285.6 reporting no joy on whatever freq they were given.
1439- To 284.625 asked about landing runway.
1443- IDs 284.625 as Potomac Approach. That's a new one for me. It's published, but that's the first time I've ever heard it used. I have as ZOB freq too. Another guy in the flight was still on 285.6 and told center 51 was on the other freq.
1444- To 322.3 PCT, negative ADIZ. Asks for landing runway at ADW.
1507- Receiving AF-1 orderwire now. Returning from FL. Ramp freeze 27 OCT 21:20 2009 UNTIL 27 OCT 21:50
1512- Hearing the controller for 128.35/119.3 via 291.775 TXing from Leesburg. Someone must be complaining about the wait. Controller said it would be about 30 more minutes and that he's never seen a C-5 go that slow.
1513- AF-1 checks in on 128.35. PCT controller talking to RANGER-15 who is also waiting. PCT advised he could provide airports to divert to if necessary.
1515- RANGER-15 req clearance to Pax, PCT tells them to climb to 4k. I can't hear RANGER-15
1516- AF-1 cleared for 1L.
1520- Got RANGER-15 on 119.3.
1532- RANGER-15 decided to wait around and go into ADW.

I sent my Radarbox back to the UK for replacement/repair because it lost reception during my trip to Maine.

1752- EA-6B/F-18 sounding plane on ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45
1755- GYPSY-11 x 2 handed off to ZDC 236.825. So F-18s of VF-32. Direct Oceana. Also a GYPSY-13 flight.
1829- GYPSY-14 with ZDC-Yorktown 317.425. Reporting they still have a few miles before they start their idle descent.
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W


HF has been showing alot of E-6 and NAOC activity today---prob exercise. Have you guys noted any E-06s from PAX active in our area today---trying to correlate any flt acty with the HF I'm hearing.


Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
FAST-51 with ZDC-Blue Ridge 285.6 reporting no joy on whatever freq they were given.
1439- To 284.625 asked about landing runway.
1443- IDs 284.625 as Potomac Approach. That's a new one for me. It's published, but that's the first time I've ever heard it used. I have as ZOB freq too. Another guy in the flight was still on 285.6 and told center 51 was on the other freq.
1444- To 322.3 PCT, negative ADIZ. Asks for landing runway at ADW.
1507- Receiving AF-1 orderwire now. Returning from FL. Ramp freeze 27 OCT 21:20 2009 UNTIL 27 OCT 21:50
1512- Hearing the controller for 128.35/119.3 via 291.775 TXing from Leesburg. Someone must be complaining about the wait. Controller said it would be about 30 more minutes and that he's never seen a C-5 go that slow.
1513- AF-1 checks in on 128.35. PCT controller talking to RANGER-15 who is also waiting. PCT advised he could provide airports to divert to if necessary.
1515- RANGER-15 req clearance to Pax, PCT tells them to climb to 4k. I can't hear RANGER-15
1516- AF-1 cleared for 1L.
1520- Got RANGER-15 on 119.3.
1532- RANGER-15 decided to wait around and go into ADW.

I sent my Radarbox back to the UK for replacement/repair because it lost reception during my trip to Maine.

1752- EA-6B/F-18 sounding plane on ZDC-Sea Isle 281.45
1755- GYPSY-11 x 2 handed off to ZDC 236.825. So F-18s of VF-32. Direct Oceana. Also a GYPSY-13 flight.
1829- GYPSY-14 with ZDC-Yorktown 317.425. Reporting they still have a few miles before they start their idle descent.

FAST 51 (T-38A, unid) departed Patterson earlier for KPIT...I wonder if that's the same one you heard. Departed here at 1840Z.


Jan 5, 2004
FAST 51 (T-38A, unid) departed Patterson earlier for KPIT...I wonder if that's the same one you heard. Departed here at 1840Z.

My times are all screwed up.
Corrected here:
FAST-51 with ZDC-Blue Ridge 285.6 reporting no joy on whatever freq they were given.
1639 EDT- To 284.625 asked about landing runway.
1643- IDs 284.625 as Potomac Approach. That's a new one for me. It's published, but that's the first time I've ever heard it used. I have as ZOB freq too. Another guy in the flight was still on 285.6 and told center 51 was on the other freq.
1644- To 322.3 PCT, negative ADIZ. Asks for landing runway at ADW.
1707- Receiving AF-1 orderwire now. Returning from FL. Ramp freeze 27 OCT 21:20 2009 UNTIL 27 OCT 21:50
1712- Hearing the controller for 128.35/119.3 via 291.775 TXing from Leesburg. Someone must be complaining about the wait. Controller said it would be about 30 more minutes and that he's never seen a C-5 go that slow.
1713- AF-1 checks in on 128.35. PCT controller talking to RANGER-15 who is also waiting. PCT advised he could provide airports to divert to if necessary.
1715- RANGER-15 req clearance to Pax, PCT tells them to climb to 4k. I can't hear RANGER-15
1716- AF-1 cleared for 1L.
1720- Got RANGER-15 on 119.3.
1732- RANGER-15 decided to wait around and go into ADW.

1917- BOXER-399 with PCT APP and Boxer Maint on 314.25
1920- REACH-348T 128.35

1932- Unknown on PCT App 338.2
1936- EVAC-323 inbound for ADW 119.3>118.4

2050- AF-2 with PCT App for ADW.

2117- E-6B 164406 calling Maint to report they will be there in about 15 minutes. 310.15
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
HF has been showing alot of E-6 and NAOC activity today---prob exercise. Have you guys noted any E-06s from PAX active in our area today---trying to correlate any flt acty with the HF I'm hearing.

Ron I haven't logged an E-6B on box for several days so they are not
departing to the North or East or I would normally catch them.
Must be working South or West of Pax.



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Andrews AFB NOTAM - 372.200/139.300

L0113/09 - pilot to dispatch radios ots: Uhf(372.2)/vhf(139.3. 27 oct 20:51 2009 until 28
oct 23:59 2009. Created: 27 oct 20:55 2009


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

L0087/09 - command post freq. 381.3 and 257.1 are both operational but have
limited range. 08 oct 19:16 2009 until 08 dec 23:59 2009. Created: 08 oct 19:17


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
10.27.2009 pm

10.27.2009 pm

1815Z 128.350 PT APP - JOSA 137 - 12-11K for Andrews ILS rwy 1L.
1823Z 128.350 PT APP - JOSA 729 - QSY Andrews AFB TWR 118.400 14 nms. out ILS rwy 1L.
1845Z 119.850 PT APP - COAST GUARD 101 (C-37A 01 CGAS Washington) - 10K dir PISCA for DCA.
1845Z 119.850 PT APP - PAT 818 - inbound DAA QSY Davison AAF TWR 126.300.

2034Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - SAM 5868 - QSY PT DEP 118.950 2.2K-3K-9K.
2050Z 118.675 PT A/D - REACH 6011 (C-5B 22nd AS) - dir POOCH on the ELDEE4 arr. into Andrews AFB.
2052Z 322.300 PT APP - FAST 51 (pres. T-38A 394th CTS/509th BW) - QSY PT APP 335.500.

2102Z 119.850 PT APP - RANGR 15 (KC-130T VMGR-234 NAS JRB Ft. Worth) - 8-6-4K QSY PT APP 119.300 for the ILS app. to rwy 1L at Andrews.
2105Z 118.950 PT DEP - PAT 818 - off Davison 1-2K.


Nov 16, 2005
Western Mass


2322Z : BARTOK 110 wkg Pack Control on 321.000 - chking status of ETHYL 01 for 0001Z rendevous on AR20NE

I presume one of the SAC C-17s.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
1258 VENUS 7 talking to Silver Dollar on 142.750 HMX-1 Tac freq.



I heard them as well---I heard both Venus 7 who is C-20C # 85-0050 SENEX acft and Silver Dollar chatting about ZDC on 127.7 trying to contact Venus 7. Silver Dollar is L/C at my location and does sound like a ground station though.

142.75 is the discrete used by the SAM folks with their ground ops at ADW.
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
New Raven Acft


There was a piece on the Baltimore TV news last night that Air Tran has painted up one of their acft in purple & black with the Ravens logo on the tail. Seems this is going to be the Ravens traveling acft. They referred to it on the news as Raven 1 but not sure if that's going to be it's callsign. We'll have to be more careful.


Jan 5, 2004
BANGER-21 calling on 257.875 Dover App and ZDC-Casino 285.4. They want VFR flight following.
1609- To ZDC-Kenton 354.15, direct Atlantic City looking to pick up IFR.

1612- C-130 inbound to Quantico with some rolling stock and 13 pax. 355.3
1625- The C-130 is calling ops again, it's REACH-351T asking about the barrier.
1636- LOBO-81 Norfolk App 360.6
1700- JUSTICE-18 PCT 125.05>128.7
1722- CANYON-41 ZDC-Montebello>Irons

1749- REACH-351T calling Norfolk base ops on wrong freq- 290.5 ZDC-Wilmington
1751- Figures it out, now on 268.8. Has some cargo there to load for tomorrow.
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Logs, 28 Oct

ACY-Atlantic City NJ
ADW- Andrews AFB MD
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Langley AFB VA
MTN-Martin State Airport, Baltimore
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore
NXX- Willow Grove JRB PA
PAX-NAS Patuxent River MD
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EDT))

0852- Dragon 71 flt (4 X F-22s,94th FS LFI)-ACM training in W386 on discrete freq (254.2). Gragon 71 develops unidentified problem and he and #2 RTB to LFI.
0903- Biker 61 flt (F-22s, 94th FS LFI)-check into W386 (238.1)
0929- Vodka 53 flt (F-22s, 94th FS LFI)-clear out of W386 (238.1). Also on W386 common (312.3) & sqdn discrete (296.9) & w/94th FS Ops (364.125)
0941- Reach 322T-w/Griffin CP (378.1) w/departure msg.
0957- Energy 51 (BE-200 N651D, Dept of Energy ADW)-depart ADW.
1004- Evac 80084-depart ADW.
1006- Terra 97 (C-32 150th Special Operations Squadron NJ-ANG McGuire AFB NJ)-depart ADW.
1012- Boxer 96 (C-38/C-40, 201st AS DC ANG ADW)-land at ADW.
1013- Slam 21 flt (4 X F-22s, 149th FS VA ANG LFI)-on sqdn discrete (363.9)
1047- Coast Guard 101 (VC-37 CGAS Washington)-depart DCA then w/ZDC Calvert (133.9)
1053- Team 33 (KC-10A 305th AMW MCGUIRE AFB NJ)-w/ZDC Calvert (133.9). Also on tanker interplane (139.875)
1055- Yankee 62 (C-21A, 118th FS/103rd FW CT ANG, Bradley ANGB CT)-land at ADW.
1105- Salty Dog 120 (EA-18G 165875 VX-23 PAX)-w/VX-23 Ops (250.7) w/wx PIREP.
1135- Tester 960 (T-6 Texan II # 165960, NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8) working in the South Spin Area.
1136- Reach 103T-land at ADW.
1140- Fast 61 (T-38A 394th CTS)-check in w/ZDC Martinsburg (379.3).
1325- Scary flt (2 X F-16s, 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-ACM training on sqdn freq (143.6). Also w/BW (270.8)
1326- Venus 7 (C-20C 85-0050, 99th AS ADW)-on SAM discrete (142.75) w/Silver Dollar (unid)
1330- Blackjack 1 (HH-65C, CGAS Washington)-w/Wash Helo (134.35),
1338- unid (no call noted)-w/GK (118.125) advising they will be working with Score 24 (prob E-2D Hawkeye VX-20 PAX) in the Hawkeye 1235I down in the southwest corner of W72.
1350- Crab 53 (C-130J # 97-1353, 135th AS MD ANG MTN)-w/ZDC Calvert (133.9). At 1526 w/Crab Ops (384.1) w/inbound msg.
1357-0 Vader 01 (EA-6B VAQ-209 ADW)-check in w/ZDC Calvert (133.9). Returns to ADW at 1505.
1358- N162W & N164W (both BAC-1-11s, NGTF)-working in area of DOV on Northrop discrete (123.225). Also w/PAX approach (127.95) to work in R4006.
1404- Reach 343T-w/ZDC Calvert (133.9) then w/DOV CP (134.1) w/inbound msg.
1440- Weasel 31 flt (2 X F-16s, 119th FS NJ ANG ACY)-w/BW (305.2 & 270.8) for entry into R4006 followed by patterns at PAX.
1444- PAT 697-land at Phillips AAF (126.15)
1455- Banger 21 flt (2 X F-16s, 119th FS NJ ANG ACY)-w/ZDC Casino (285.4) then w/BW (305.2 & 354.8) for entry into R4006. At 161o RTB ACY & w/ZDC Kenton (354.15) & Devil Ops (261.0)
1502- SAM 5938 (99th AS ADW)-land at ADW.
1509- Navy 501 (UC-12 7A1501, Base Flt PAX)-depart PAX (121.0). Returns to land at PAX at 1730.
1518- Titus 01 (C-130T VR-53 ADW)-patterns at ADW then declares IFE for landing gear problem.
1520- Jack 21 flt (4 X F-22s, LFI)-ACM training on sqdn freqs (262.025 & 228.45)
1527-Reach 522-land at ADW.
1528- Tester 12 (T-38C # 15-8200, NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1533- Tester 63 (NSH-60B # 162974 NTPS PAX)-w/Tester 64 (SF-60F # 164059 NTPS PAX.) on NTPS discrete (123.2). Also w/BW (250.85) w/Tester 63 advising they are descending from FL100.
1541- Tester 14 (T-38C # 67-4943 NTPS PAX-pilot has heavy Middle East accent)-w/BW (270.8) for entry into R4008.
1550- Navy 400 (C-20D # 163691, VR-1 ADW)-w/ZDC Calvert (133.9) then w/NAS Chambers Ops (268.8) w/inbound msg.
1555- Copper 2 (KC-135R 161st ARG, AZ ANG Phoenix AZ)-w/Griffin CP (378.1) & land at ADW.
1610- Pacer 64 (C-21A, 457th AS ADW)-w/Griffin CP (378.1) w/inbound msg.
1621- SAM 5925 (99th AS ADW)-land at ADW.
1629- Lobo 46 (C-9B VMR-1, MCAS Cherry Point, NC)-depart ADW.
1628- Crab 56 (C-130J # 98-1356, 135th AS MD ANG MTN)-w/Crab Ops (384.1) w/inbound msg & w/PAX approach (120.05)
1631- Army 052 (UC-35 # 00-1052, OSACOM ADW)-land at ADW.
1633- Convoy 3839 (Navy C-130T)-land at ADW. Also w/VR-53 Ops (328.4) w/inbound msg.
1646- Venus 2 (VC-25 # 82-9000 PPO ADW)-patterns at ADW.
1703- SAM 6016 (99th AS ADW)-depart ADW.
1520- Tester 00 (F-18F NTPS PAX) & Tester 11 (T-38C #68-8158 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (256.5)

2. HF: ((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

08912.0 K08 (USCG MH-65C # 6508 CGAS Detroit MI): 1900 USB/ALE calling LNT (Camslant Chesapeake).
08912.0 Z13 (CG Sector Key West FL): 1910 USB/ALE calling 720 (USCG HC-130H #1720, CGAS Clearwater FL). 720 also in USB/ALE w/Camslant.& TSC (Customs National Law Enforcement
Communications Center -- Technical Service Center and COTHEN Remote Transmitter, Orlando, FL).
08912.0 D01 (US Customs BOMBARDIER Q400 #N801MR, Miami AMB, Homestead JARB, FL): 2000 USB/ALE sounding.
08912.0 Z29 (USCG Sector San Diego CA): 2010 USB/ALE calling J37 (USCG MH-60J #6037 CGAS San Diego CA).
08912.0 A40 (US Customs AB140 #N140HS, Miami AMB, FL):2110 USB/ALE calling M40EST (US Customs Eastern Regional Communications Node).

Ron (
Baltimore MD (390747N 763711W)
VHF/UHF: BC-895XLT/RS Pro-2045
Diamond D-130J discone
HF: Icom R75
45-ft EF-SWL


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W


I understand that on Saturday is a static Aircraft display and car show at Sussex County airport in Georgetown Del. They are giving plane rides probably for a donation. The B25, P51, L39 and many others will be there. Plus food, music, cars.

Thought that Mark and maybe some others might be interested.


Jan 13, 2008
Coronet East 031

Good morning,

Three A-10s from Lajes to Pease ANGB tomorrow (Thursday) as RETRO 01-03
with tanker BLUE 51. Their ETA for KPSM is 1815z.



Jan 5, 2004
Military aware of C-5 wheel problems
The Associated Press Wednesday Oct 28, 2009 9:28:39 EDT

BELCHERTOWN, Mass. — An internal military report says that C-5 cargo planes like the one that shed two wheels while airborne over western Massachusetts earlier this year have experienced similar problems.

The report obtained by The Daily Hampshire Gazette under a Freedom of Information request says the July incident when two 250-pound wheels fell into a wooded area of Belchertown is at least the sixth similar occurrence of its kind since 1993.

“Shortcomings of the C-5 nose wheel retaining mechanism are a known deficiency,” the report says.

But it also says the Belchertown incident appears to be the first time wheels fell off while the plane was airborne.

The report did not explain why the wheels fell off. No one was hurt, and the 165-ton, 247-foot-long plane landed safely.

2120- E-6B 388 is inbound to pax. Will take on 75k fuel and doesn't want a complete daily.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Potus at Dover late tonight..
Obama Honors Return of Fallen Soldiers at Dover - Political News -

1225am RCH 2098 C-17 #02-1098 C17 inbound Dover tower 126.350
says he had to hold for Chopper.
I think this was related to Silver Dollar/Venus 7 coms we heard earlier today.



Boy---the First Familiy was busy last night--Michelle in NY throwing out the first pitch---well not really---one of our servicemen actually threw the first pitch to Jeter.

And POTUS zippng into Dover. That was a nice gesture.

Silver Dollar really has me baffled. He was L/C at my location---at about the same levels as the controllers at BWI which is only 5 miles west of me. But he sounded like he definitely was military in his radio procedures. He appeared to be following Venus 7's progress and was aware that the ZDC controller on 127.7 was trying to contact Venus 7. His signal strength never varied so not sure if he was an aircraft or on the ground.
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