Also logged JAKAL 26 level 21k thru area from 0203z-0223z.
Have JAKAL callsign as Kadena MC-130 on list.
Maybe working his way overseas.No confirmed number yet though agree likely
a older MC-130 type.
This one AE12B1 arrived at Mildenhall early this morning [@7.00am, was Sumo61 on radio] then was
towed into a hangar before its id could be confirmed. although a/c "0215" was heard used by the tow
team as they requested tow clearance, so may be 66-0215, will no doubt be confirmed soon enough.
There was another unknown MC-130 AE12B5, last reported from Norwich area which may indicate
another Mildenhall arrival [@5.30pm, after dark, was Oasis92 on SBS], so maybe this one confirmed
soon too. Looks like a possible swap-over of a/c, this flight originated from the East, picked up in Italy
earlier in the day. Mildenhall is NOTAM as closed until 7.00am Saturday, so this one may turn up on
the East Coast Sunday or Monday.