Not much time to monitor this afternoon but one interesting one:
1919Z 328.300 VAW-120 Ops - GRAYHAWK 05 (E-2C VAW-120) - clg "Center" on this freq. which I'll bet is VAW-120 squadron ops freq. A couple of minutes later...
1921Z 133.550 ZDC-Linden - GRAYHAWK 05 (E-2C VAW-120) - FL180 cleared Navy Chambers via GVE-RIC-V38-Harcum.
Good catches as I heard GRAYHAWK 05 as well on ZNY 282.300 and
showed up as previous unknown (AE05B5) on the box around 1830z.
2020 local REACH 3118 C-17 #03-3118 trying Dover CP at first on their Mississippi ops freq 264.300..oops.
2121 REACH 3118 back on correct Dover CP freq 134.100
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