Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
This stuff is just too cool!

Harass just chased a plane away from Camp D, and it landed at Hagerstown....must have been a touch and go, as they are chasing the same plane again...reported as a cessna 152 or 172...Plane now headed towards Frederick...with Harass, Harrier 01 and a Blackhawk in chase....Harass has been instructed to land with the plane if it touches down in Frederick....I should be able to see them when they come around the mountain....too cool


MSP was dispatched to the airport to hold the pilot....code 3....the new barracks is next didn't take them long to get there.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Yes Sir....and its a Piper, not a cessna...also, Guard Dog is working with them on 288.3500.....heard the Harrier, but not the Blackhawk.

MSP of course...39.400

The original tail number they called out came back to a glider registered in California...think they are trying to figure things out now.

Heard original comms on 121.5000....but that was before he landed in Hagerstown...never heard them try him on that freq again...flares were denied.

Wonder where the Balckhawks were parked....Martinsburg perhaps? Or would they come out of Site R or Camp D?

11:23 N33135 is a Piper JC3-65....registered out of Naperville Illinois

11:26 Trooper is reporting it is a rental....Cessna 172


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Excellent job Paul. I was more interested in the Daytona NASCAR race last night than in listening to the scanners so missed most of this episode. I did punch the tail number into the landings database and got this:

N-number : N33135
Aircraft Serial Number : 5853
Aircraft Manufacturer : PIPER
Model : J3C-65
Engine Manufacturer : CONT MOTOR
Model : A&C65 SERIES
Aircraft Year : 1940
Owner Name : KANE DENNIS P
Owner Address : 224 WINDING CREEK DR
NAPERVILLE, IL, 60565-4114
Type of Owner : Co-ownership
Registration Date : 05-May-2005
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Standard

That's one very old airplane.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Hey Al,

It has been a great 24 hours for to watch (at least from a distance) things unfold last night. After they got settled down at the airport in Frederick, the Tanker (24) flew directly over my house, then I watched Harass 41 and 42 come over and chase him down for fuel...Harass 35 and 36 headed back just west of my house back to Shaw AFB and I got to see them go by too!

Today I got to watch MSP Chopper 3 perform a litter rescue off of Sugarload Mountain, with Ch 8 flying cover overhead.

Thanks for all the help you have given me with the freq's (Mike too)...without them I would still be looking up in the sky and saying "gee, I wonder what that was."

I was sitting here wondering, however, why the race wasn't on... :(


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Tinear, you didn't miss much this afternoon. I was scanning between 1 and 4:30 or so, and apart from a couple of seemingly random calls on 315.85 and 121.5 there wasn't very much. There were a couple of calls on the usual Mussel freq (292.2) but it sounded like it wasn't real important, or related to the weekend CAP.

Maybe the Prez said stand down for Sunday? He does have the authority, after all .... :D

73s Mike


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I think I may have a very weak spur of a Washington ARTCC freq on 315.85; I heard a controller sending planes this morning over to Philadelphia control (or perhaps it's a Philadelphia freq?).

It wouldn't be the first time a CAP used this freq (Spiders did back in May, according to my history) but I think not this time I wouldn't have even noticed it if I didn't have my squelch set way down to pick up the weaker stuff.

[Edit] It's been real quiet here; nothing on the nominal freqs; 121.5 had a couple of calls for folks approaching the ADIZ, and a little on 358.85 but it was too weak to make much out of it.
What WASN'T quiet was 2 mil jets evidently making a low pass over my neighborhood; I then caught them on 297.2 (Martin tower milair) getting landing instructions. I didn't actually see them, as I was indoors at the time - but they were LOUD (as was their signal).
Also managed to get the Civil Air Patrol Rte 50 plane on 149.5375 making a call for landing at Bay Bridge airport. Very British sounding individual, too.
From a previous thread, they're supposedly flying out of Lee Airport in Annapolis, as well as Martin State; so I wonder why they'd land at Bay Bridge? Maybe time to fuel up...

73s Mike


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Just heard Skeeter 01 (C-130) talking to Huntress on 260.9000. They were redirected to their own controller 228.9000, but I never heard them key up on there.

Heard Omaha earlier this evening, but the RTB'd....can't imagine no flight cover tonight...guess time will tell.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Have SKEETER 01 working with HUNTRESS on 260.9 and 228.9. Also TANKER is with GUARD DOG on 135.525. This might be the same aircraft because SKEETER is not a fighter. The only listing I have for that callsign doesn't compute.

After more listening, I feel fairly good about calling SKEETER the tanker in the CAP and will list that callsign as such.

[Edit] You posted while I was typing Paul.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Thanks for the 135.5250...I didn't have that one loaded in my Pro-97.

I should get one of those fangeld wirless speaker systems so I can bring ALL of my scanners out here on the deck with me.



Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Did you hear the comment <missed the freq> "looks like downtown Baghdad"?, probably in refence to the fireworks. LMAO...


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Paul, that 135.525 is a pair with 288.35. It seems they just pick one although I hear more of the tankers using 135.525 and the fighters using 288.35 for Guard Dog. Just their own preference I suppose.


Feb 18, 2005
Brentwood,Md PG
Thank you all

I just wanted to say you guys on here have been VERY helpful with all the air freqs.I never knew so much was happening over head for me.I did see the BRAVE units take off yesterday,I was standing at our FD shop and saw 5 of them take off.Ihad some freqs,but not all,so can't tell you much after that.I was using my handheld RS PRO-26.And again Thanx. :D


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
10:00 - Patuxent River area (callsign BayWatch) 256.50 has some F-16s from Andrews (MD-ANG) doing ground attack training. They've also used squadron freqs 127.275 and 143.15. Callsigns used for this exercise are GUNNY and RAVAGE which are known Andrews callsigns but also HOGMAN which, in the past, has been associated with A-10s from the CT-ANG. It remains to be seen if it's being used by our F-16s or if there is actually an A-10 working with them.

10:40 - Looks like it was an A-10 using HOGMAN. Now there is also a MISTY flight which are A-10s from Willow Grove PA-ANG. GUNNY flight returned to Andrews at 10:35 and one of the RAVAGE aircraft preparing to at 10:40 due to problems.
The airborne controller for all the activity is using callsign DARKMAN. He's acting like a choreographer for the many flights of Air Force and Navy (F-18s) fighters working in the area.

10:55 Boeing test flight freq 321.70 active. Aircraft is from Wilmington DE.

Noon - GIANT KILLER (VA Capes) area busy with flights from Langley. Among the F-15s working there is a flight using callsign DEFT and a flight using TOTEM. Various GK freqs.

Note to tbccfc2: For all the freqs used by the fighters at Andrews, go into the database under Prince George's County and click on the link for Andrews AFB near the bottom of the page. You'll find the full list of preprogrammed VHF and UHF freqs in their radios.

13:50 Two more flights of F-16s off from Andrews - one using GUNNY and one using RAVAGE.
And a few minutes later an ANGRY flight primarily using squadron tac freq 139.35. This has been an illuminating training mission, giving a lot of insight into their methods and capabilities. They are working in conjuction with A-10s in ground attack mode. On this flight the ANGRY flight is working with GUNNY21 and SHARK 15T. (SHARK is CT-ANG A-10). The area they are attacking is a replica of Iraq type targets with the one area they're hitting called Falujah. Blasting targets with missiles and other ordnance. Various attack configurations are being practiced.
15:00 The ANGRY flight has moved to the south of "Falujah" to engage new targets and will be directed in by SHARK 16T this time. Man, this is good stuff! They just did a GBU-12 laser guided bomb attack on a building. ANGRY 1 lasered the building and ANGRY 2 pooped the GBU-12 right on target. ANGRY 2 has a radar pod going bad so they are going to hurry to drop the rest of their ordnance before it quits altogether. Their final attack will be in "Ramadi" before heading for home. Just 10 minutes of play time left at 15:25. Final attack, each dropped a GBU-12 lasered by the other on a couple of boats.
15:45 ANGRY flight coming home...they extended their stay...ANGRY 2 says he was having too much fun - and getting lots of experience so it's okay. 1 is Code 1, 2 is Code 3. Switched to V-1 (139.90) for flight report on their way in.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
F-16s (GUNNY and RAVAGE) flights morning and into early afternoon on various squadron tac freqs. I found a new freq for them (new to me anyway) at 355.80. Heard the GUNNY flight using it but didn't hear any association to a bomb range or area controller like GIANT KILLER or BAYWATCH. I don't have that freq on any of my lists. The traffic heard there was operational rather than navigational.

Without detailing all of it, there is lots of activity at the Kiowa Range in PA and along the VA Capes and Patuxent River areas.

1400 hour: VA-ANG F-16s up in the GK area using callsign BASH and also using their squadron tac freqs.

Comment: The DC-ANG has been undergoing intense ground attack training recently. I wonder if this may imply an upcoming rotation to a war zone in the near future. Or perhaps it's nothing more than a surfeit of training funds.

1600 hour: Flight of four F-16s from Andrews (callsign BULLY) up and using squadron freq 127.275 primarily..
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