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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Unusual night time training over DC....been hearing comms on 139.45 and some more on 143.XXXX (I'll edit that in when it comes up again.)

Pilots just reported being over Vienna Va

also active:




Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Have ANGRY and GUNNY flights of F-16s from Andrews now up.

Also RAVEN (F-16s), STALONE (F-16), DARKMAN, RAVAGE (F-16), CLOWN (F-15E), HOGMAN (A-10)

They are attacking targets with GBU-31 JDAMs. (The GUNNY and STALONE flights with DARKMAN as the controller.) Activity on 354.80 Baywatch area.

Other flights are all over the DC-ANG tac freqs

The two F-16s using callsign ANGRY on their tac freqs were the ones using STALONE 71 & 72 during the operational part of the bombing exercise.

RAVAGE doing GBU-12 bomb drops with GUNNY 1 lasing the target for him.

Note: RAVEN callsigns are not the A-10s from Martin State. Being used as operational callsign for F-16s.

Last of them landing on runways 1L/1R at Andrews on the tower freq 349.0 at 23:13.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1000 hour: BASH and FURY flights from VA-ANG working their tac freqs plus GIANT KILLER freqs.
ANGRY flight from DC-ANG up on their squadron tac freqs so far.
NJ-ANG also up on their tac freqs - no callsign yet.
RAVEN and WEASEL flights in the GK area. WEASEL is NJ-ANG, RAVEN is MD-ANG.
There is also a MARSA (callsign unknown) flight in the GK area.

1100 hour: RAVEN flight from Martin State is up (landing at 11:40)
Northrup Gruman test flight freq from BWI active on 123.225.
ANGRY flight from Andrews up doing ground attack training...139.90...just shot up a boat in the river, left it disabled and burning.
Phillips AAF active on 126.15.
RAVAGE and BULLY flights from Andrews also up on 139.90/127.275 - also doing ground attack training.
McGuire AFB, NJ Command Post 134.10 has foreign (poss. French) aircraft approaching. By 11:50 everyone has gone home ...can't miss lunch, can they?

1200 hour: Only activity has been several aircraft working with Andrews SAM Command Post on 378.10 and 141.55...aircraft callsigns JOSA, DEECEE, PAT and VENUS.
The test flight on 123.225 still flying over the Eastern Shore of MD but has had to move his area of operation due to bad weather. He's moving southward to the Salisbury area.

1300 hour: BULLY flight of F-16s up from Andrews...squadron tac freqs so far. They have gone to the Patuxent River area, cleared in with BAYWATCH on 354.80. Add a RAVAGE flight of F-16s to the mix. Each aircraft has two GBU-12s and one JDAM to expend. They are simulating flying over Iraq - report of ground to air fire and radar from the Iranian border. Ops on BAYWATCH freq 256.50. Airborne controller is GERONIMO. Also have a STING flight joining the fray.

1400 hour: Above activity continues. RAVAGE aicraft entering the zone to join attackers changes to op callsign GRUNT. STING goes "Miller Time" and announces RTB at 14:25. NJ-ANG up (callsign BANGER) on their squadron tac freqs. The 123.225 test flight is finished and returning home at 14:05. Boeing test flight freq 321.70 active. VA-ANG F-16s up (callsign SLAM) on their squadron freqs at 14:20....and then on to the GIANT KILLER VA Capes area for ops. Dover AFB Command Post 349.40 active. BULLY 1 has been directing the ground attack operation on the 256.50 freq and announces he's done and RTBing at 14:35. RAVAGE 1 does the same. They use Pax River approach/departure freq 281.80 to clear out.
Have had GADGET calling LOGICAL several times on 138.20 (NJ-ANG tac freq) Neither callsign computes on the master list. GADGET is the operational callsign for a squadron callsign BANGER F-16 NJ-ANG. After having trouble making voice contact on 138.20, they switch to 123.40 where GADGET identifies himself as an F-16 from Atlantic City. He then goes back to 138.20 and continues testing a data system and transmitting "in the blind" to LOGICAL.

1500 hour: 321.70 Boeing freq still going strong. BANGER/GADGET still doing his data testing with LOGICAL but the device went "sour" so he's dropping altitude to see if he can reestablish contact. VA-ANG still tooling around in the GK area but are ready to RTB. By 15:40 just about everyone is home except the Boeing test flight which is testing just about every control available to the pilot. It's apparently sending telemetry to a chase aircraft. The test pilot calls out 5-4-3-2-1-Mark each time he touches any of the controls to make a manuever. The flight is fairly low level down around 3000 feet but still perfectly readable. The Dover AFB, DE CP 349.40 staying busy all day. I had never spent time on that freq before today and didn't realize how busy it is. I even heard the ground controller for a portion of the day. Activity also heard from Phillips (126.15) and Weide (126.20) AAF during this hour.


ARTCC DB Manager
Database Admin
Aug 30, 2003
Highland, IL
Hi guys,

I must say that this is the most active MilAir Thread on the whole RR Site, and I love reading your posts. I'll be in the Aberdeen MD area 14-21 Aug and have all of your freqs loaded - just waiting now!

About the SLAM callsign, just so you know, up here at Otis ANGB the F-15's use SLAM for active air intercepts only. Now I know that Otis's primary response area is from NYC and North, but I have heard them south in the central and lower Giant Killer areas as well. Listen for callsigns: CAJUN, JEEP, SLAM and DRAGON. The tact/Air to Air freqs for Otis are: 259.9 (Ch.15) 259.6 (Ch.17) 264.85 (Ch.16), 289.0 (Ch.00 Aux & Pri), 300.125 and 323.8 (Ch.18 ) (300.125 is not channalized, but they use it alot on their Aux radio). They also use the typical 333.3 and 333.55 alot.

Anyways, GOOD STUFF!!! :D



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Glad to be of help Paul. There may be a freq or two I mention in my recaps that I didn't send you on my master list. That's only because I keep a radio or two searching and find new things from time to time.

I'll keep an ear listening for those MA callsigns should they show up. There seems to be very intensive training going on now and they are combining units for operational attacks. Usually, these state units train by themselves. CT-ANG has operated in this area the past few days so no reason for MA not to. Those SLAM F-16s today were definitely VA-ANG though just because I also heard them on their squadron freqs. The only F-15s we've got down this way are the regular Air Force units at Langley AFB. They often fly the CAP over the DC area or over Camp David.

Like your MA units and others, the DC-ANG unit at Andrews uses different callsigns when doing live intercepts but they've been doing something new (to me) the past couple of days. They're using a squadron callsign when they take off and then when they enter the operational area they change callsign. It makes it difficult unless you keep track of individual voices to put the calls together. I've even heard an aircraft change callsign in the middle of an attack such as they did last night. I'm not sure of the rationale for that.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Light weekend: Only NJ-ANG was heard Saturday morning other than the normal transports working with Command Posts at Mcguire, Dover, Andrews.

1100 hours: A couple of probable fighters working 138.30 talking about comm problems. The interesting thing was that they mentioned they were going to try 5150 FM (Fox Mike) for comms. I had nothing handy to monitor that freq so don't know if they actually went there for voice comms or were referencing a data type communication. The NJ-ANG GADGET flight from Friday was using a data type communications device - an MDT type thing. Not sure if this was a continuation of that testing or something totally different.

1200 hour: Have had a couple of flights from Langley working in the GIANT KILLER area. The latest is a flight of two F-15s using callsign RUST. Then a single F-15 using callsign MILLER. The RUST pair is also working in GK area on freq 360.15 which is new to me. There is also a flight of BROACH/BROOCH aircraft working with RUST. It could be either spelling since both are pronounced alike and neither is on my master callsign list.
Phillips AAF also active on 126.15, along with Weide AAF on 126.20. Andrews SAM Command Post freqs 141.55/378.10 going strong.
Someone doing air intercepts in the Pax River area.

1300 hour: More F-15s (four) from Langley using callsign IRON are in the GK area. IRON 71/72, followed five minutes later by 73/74. There was also mention of refueling with RHET is expected. RHET is a KC-135 from Robbins AFB, GA. At 1315 RHET 21 reports in to GK to announce that he has arrived in the zone. At 1337, one of the IRON aircraft announces to GK on 249.80 to advise RHET 21 that all Langley aircraft are RTB for refueling rather than with the KC-135 tanker. All GK activity disappeared shortly after that transmission.
Boeing test flight freq 321.70 from Wilmington DE active again beginning at 1345. Not sure where he's flying but he's testing altitude adjustment controls and reports being able to hold within 10 feet of the desired altitude. He's flying at 2000-2080 feet and is very readable.

1400 hour: The Boeing flight continues. The three Comand Posts at the major bases within earshot (Andrews, Dover, McGuire) are all active. No fighters working at all this hour.

1500 hour: Boeing flight announces RTB at 1503. Also had a "Guard Helicopter 21776" calling Richmond Command Post (VA-ANG) on 289.30 and 142.175 without ever getting a response. The 142.175 is the wrong freq for the Command Post though. It should have been 141.60 (unless they've changed it very recently). MUSSEL helos from Andrews on 292.20 active.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Not a full day of listening today so no complete log, however....

1400 hour: COSMIC 45/46, F-16s from the NJ-ANG in Atlantic City are doing practice intercepts with HUNTRESS (NORAD) on 228.90 early in the hour. They then requested a five minute break before doing intercepts of low/slow targets. They were also heard on their squadron freq of 134.65 and on GUARD DOG freq 288.35.
Also have an AXEMAN flight of A-10s (MD-ANG) from Martin State on 142.30 and 347.20 returning home.
More NJ fighters on squadron freq 138.25 (not sure if this was the COMSMIC pair mentioned above) but they said they were switching to "Victor Secure" - a VHF secure frequency. Couldn't find them after that.
Four F-15s from Langley AFB up in the GIANT KILLER (VA Capes) are on 238.10 using callsign SPEEDO. Same freq has SLAM F-16s from the VA-ANG and TBOLT (questionably an F-18 from SC or F-16 from Mountain Home AFB in Idaho). SLAM aircraft move to GK freq 391.20 and later to 346.60 (which is new to me).
McGuire (319.40), Dover (349.40) and Andrews (378.10) Command Posts also active along with MUSSEL helos from Andrews on 292.20.
Other fighter squadron tac freqs heard: 138.30/141.825/141.875

1500 hour: VA-ANG SLAM aircraft working their tac freq 141.875 early in the hour and then on 238.10 with GK at 1513 announce they are going home...working 141.825 as they near their base.
The COSMIC pair still working HUNTRESS on 228.90 but are requesting to contact HUNTRESS on 138.20 (their squadron tac freq) when at low altitude. They also made contact with their command post in Atlantic City on the 228.90 freq. Made mention of getting "face pods" (no idea..Paul from MA?...anyone???) installed in the next couple of weeks and wanted to know if HUNTRESS needed to install new hardward for that event. At 1519 they are leaving the zone and heading home in a two mile trail...they switch to their tac 138.425 freq...and then it's "push 138.2" for approach to the base. Thunderstorms are moving into the entire area so this should end most of the training functions soon.
Have CRAB Ops on 385.90 (MD-ANG, Martin State Airport) talking to CRAB aircraft on the ground just prior to takeoff.
Trooper 9 talking to Phillips AAF on 126.15 to let him know he's on routine patrol in his area. Trooper 1 also clears through the area and checks on Trooper 9's altitude..told 1200 feet by ground controller. By 1530 all the fighters from everywhere in the area are on the ground.
RAVAGE F-16s (two) taking off from Andrews at 1540 on 127.275. One of them has a fuel problem - the left external tank is not feeding fuel so the left internal is empty and creating a weight problem on the right side. Changing to 139.90 SOF freq to report the problem. They are currently near Lancaster PA on their way to Kiowa Range but due to Cat 5 storms in the area and the fuel imbalance problem, they are going to turn around, make a couple of passes at Andrews and get the broken aircraft on the ground. Flight leader says "switch to Uniform-15" and so they come up on 237.20 to talk to Kiowa. Wx not as bad as thought at the range so they'll make a couple of low level passes before returning home.
Also have a flight of two A-10s from Martin State returning home (297.20-Martin State tower and 347.20-Raven Ops)...didn't hear them takeoff earlier and never heard them operationally so don't know where they went.

1600 hour: The two RAVAGE F-16s stayed at the Kiowa range longer than expected and at 1630 are on their way home. On their SOF freq 139.90 they report RAVAGE 1 expended 2 GBUs and 2 expended 6 GBUs at the range. They are nine minutes from home.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Tinear, it s a shame you didn't have anything to monitor that 5150 FM you reported the other day. I'm betting that was a shorthand for 51.50 Mhz FM, well inside the 6 meter ham band. Usually comms in that area are AM (hams, that is), and this range is not used hardly at all around here due, in part, to a local channel 2. As I recall there used to be (maybe still is?) an informal AM net during the week right around that freq.

Not that the mil types mind walking in on ham freqs, mind you....

73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yeah, I was thinking it could be short for 151.50 since pilot shorthand often leaves off the first digit when referencing freqs - at least in civilian aviation they do it most of the time. I did go to that freq just to make sure but heard nothing there.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Pair of F-16s (callsign GUNNY 1 and 2) off from Andrews at 2130. One has a problem - might return to base - overheating problem. Getting a caution light. Worked 143.15 at first and then 139.90 SOF to talk about the problem.

The other aircraft (GUNNY 2) went on to the Pax River area with BayWatch on 270.80.


Jan 2, 2003
I'm monitoring that, as well, Al. I keep looking out the window for signs of a parachute.

BTW, is RR loading very slowly for you tonight? It's moving like molasses for me.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Absolutely as slow as can be - about 30 seconds or more to move. It's getting so I don't even want to check in here.

Edits to follow as warranted:
Guess GUNNY 1 is landing (he's going to burn off some fuel first and wants to remain high enough to be able to glide home in case the problem intensifies). GUNNY 1 mentions that Potomac has already declared an emergency for his aircraft and has emergency equipment rolling out but didn't mention at which airport. GUNNY 1 reports tank dry and that he's going to land at 2203.

Also have CRAB 51 (C-130J MD-ANG, Martin State) up with Crab Ops on 385.90.
MUSSEL control with helos on 292.20.
Weide AAF Ops 229.40 active.

A RAVAGE flight will take off shortly to join GUNNY 2 in the Pax River area for whatever they're going to do tonight. RAVAGE 1 is now in the air at 2145. He checks in with BayWatch on 270.80. They are working with airborne controller callsign DARKMAN. Also have callsign SHIFTY 71 working with them. Only listing I have for SHIFTY is for an F-111. And callsign GIZMO is in the mix. They are going to be firing GBU-31 JDAMs. SNOOPY 92 joins the gang at 2209. Listing shows SNOOPY to be a USMC F-18. They are flying over a simulated Iraq situation...just mentioned holding over Mosul. Have another aircraft pretending to be a B-52 with a fake British accent joining the mix. Well, at least I think he's a pretender. This is a fantastic exercise. Now firing GBU-12 (laser guided bombs - one aircraft lases ("sparkles") the target, the other drops the bomb.) RAVAGE 1 and GUNNY 1 (who used to be GUNNY 2 when they took off) are doing all the GBU-12 work with DARKMAN as the overall controller. Other aircraft are holding at "Mosul." The two Andrews guys are using 143.15 as a "cheat" freq. One just checked in at their SOF freq 139.90 to inquire about the status of a ramp freeze at Andrews. GUNNY is going to RTB Andrews at 2247 - asks BayWatch for the tunnel home. RAVAGE says he'll be about 5 minutes behind GUNNY on the return home.

I think...THINK...the SNOOPY, GIZMO, SHIFTY aircraft were all just spoofs by a single aircraft taking the parts of different aircraft during the exercise to give an air of reality to it.

Broadcasting this event on the website.


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
I'm home sick today so I can listen to a bit of milair.

0855 - Tanker 39 calling Huntress on <260.9> and asking them to come up on AICC <364.200>, then calling on <364.200>. Now calling Cosmic on 320.600.
Now on Victor <139.15> Tanker 39 boom freq will be <320.6>.

Cosmic 45 checking in on <288.35>, Asks if Victor freq is <132.52>.

Checks in Victor on <139.15>, Calls Weapons safe.

1013 - Fighters with Tanker on <320.6> for AAR

1028 - <139.15> running an intercept, working with Huntress (very weakly heard).

1105 - <320.6> Cosmic 46 practices contact with Tanker 39, including an emergency separation.....

1115 <139.15> Cosmic Flight RTB..

1118 <138.2> Cosmic 45 code 2 for radar

1119 <138.425> Cosmic flight A/A, discussing burning fuel for landing

1130 - They're done and so am I for a while, time to take a nap.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Excellent job Chuck. I've been out all morning and am about to leave for the afternoon so can't add anything to today's report. But you're giving a great recap.



Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Not a bad way to spend the morning, even if I have a bit of a stomache bug.
I was genuinely surprised how better I could hear with a "real" antenna (Scantenna) even with it just set-up inside and laid on top of the closet doors.
I did discover a major source of interference on the mil air-band ,-- my WI-FI router. Can anyone recommend one that doesn't emit a ton of RFI?
I currently have a M$ MN-500 that I got cheap.

UGH!!! My two month old DELL Desktop also produces A LOT of RFI, in particular tying up 364.2 with noise.....


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just turned the radio back on and...

1700 hour: Not much. Have a BATON 67 (EC-130 Special Operations Group, PA-ANG, Harrisburg) entering the GIANT KILLER (GK) area for operations on freq 255.00. Also ARCA 41 (Unknown) with GK on 270.80 and 249.80.
Trooper 8 with Weide AAF on 126.20 working Edgewater area. Chopper 13 (TV Channel 13) also clearing with Weide and talking with Trooper 8. U/I aircraft 929 landing at Weide (freq 229.40) and mentions seeing Chopper 13.
Have a flight in the Pax River area but no callsign given yet.

2000 hour: CRAB 56 (C-130J MD-ANG Martin State) working with Phillips AAF on 126.15 doing live drops on the range. (Possibly sand bag drops as they've done previously.) At 2018 he says he's leaving to the northwest and will be back for another "actual" in 45 minutes. At 2058 he's back reporting in to Phillips. CRAB 56 then reports back to Crab Ops on 385.90 that he's going to do a 30 minute run and make his drop at the end of that run. Then home. He then repeats that message to Phillips, again on 126.15. At 2127 CRAB 56 gets clearance from Phillips to make his drop. He does and then goes home with Crab Ops on 385.90.

AT 2157 a (Beech) A-60 approaches Phillips for landing.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
First indications of some F-16s taking off from Andrews. Possibly another nighttime exercise in the works. We shall see. If so, the webcast will cover it. Comms on 143.15 and 139.90 so far. It's a RAVAGE flight of two F-16s. And a GUNNY flight (two F-16s) taking off on 127.275. Yup, gonna be another good one. Edits will follow as necessary:
GUNNY 2 having some kind of problem with one of his Maverick missiles on board. Not serious enough for him to go home though. The two GUNNYs are plotting out a ground attack - don't know where the RAVAGE aircraft went. At 2144 not a peep out of anyone for about 15 minutes...either they are low and distant and I can't hear them or they are just quietly enroute to the exercise area.
See above where I said, "Yup, gonna be another good one." NOT! Now 2200 and still not a word from our four F-16s. RAVAGE hasn't been heard since just after takeoff and GUNNY in a half hour. I've got two radios scanning all my fixed freqs and two more scanning the MilAir VHF and UHF freq ranges. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Either low and distant or they simply flew out of listening range to participate in an exercise in someone else's area.
At 2235 finally hear from RAVAGE on squadron freq 139.15 and then 143.15 wanting someone to call SOF (Supervisor Of Flying) and find out if the (___?___) is still on or has the time been moved. No telling where they've been. The transmissions from RAVAGE are on the weak side indicating distance (or lack of altitude). No on-air reply to his question. Obviously, for the past hour they've had comms somewhere (unless they are using their data messaging screens) but I sure can't find them. At 2247 RAVAGE 1 tries again to call SOF Senate on 139.90 - no answer. So he tries 139.15 and calls Capitol to ask if Duty Desk is able to hear him. Signal is strong this time. He's trying to find out about the ramp freeze in effect at Andrews which I heard announced just a few minutes ago on Command Post freq 141.55. Says he's 40 miles out and RAVAGE 2 is another 40-50 miles beyond that. At 2255 the GUNNY flight comes up on 127.275 and gives his flight report to ROCKSLIDE (whoever that is)announces what he fired and the success rate. So...they did do their exercise...somewhere on some freq.
Have one of the GUNNY or RAVAGE aircraft declaring an emergency because of low fuel levels. At 2309 they announce the aircraft on the ground at Andrews that is causing the ramp freeze is now rolling and they should be able to go in shortly. President's plane? SAM Command Post announces end of ramp freeze at 2314 on 141.55. And all our F-16s make it home safely.


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
just before the 2300 hour-- Andrews F-16s up on <139.9> and ATC<281.4>
Woo Hoo! success after programing in all the presets from the DB...

Alan, can you consistently hear the Ground side of Andrews?

[added] I guess I need to get up on the roof and install this antenna.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
And speaking of scrambles and violations of airspace, an AP news item appeared tonight about that. A GAO report will be released tomorrow that's critical of oversight of the problem, saying only one agency should take the lead in responding rather than several. Selected excerpts from the article....

Pilots flew into restricted airspace 3,400 times across the country in the three years following the Sept. 11 attacks, according to a congressional report that says the government needs to better coordinate its response to such violations.

The Federal Aviation Administration, the North American Aerospace Defence Command and the Transportation Security Administration are responsible for making sure pilots don't fly where they shouldn't.

Jets have been scrambled more than 2,000 times since the terrorist attack on Sept. 11, 2001, including several well-publicized incidents during which private planes strayed into the restricted zone over Washington, causing the evacuation of the White House, the Capitol and other government buildings.

The report noted that airspace violations are almost all inadvertent, because a pilot is trying to avoid bad weather or doesn't check for notices of the restrictions, as they're required to do.

Pilots flying private planes are responsible for 88 percent of the violations, and most occur in the eastern United States, where air traffic is heavy and there's a lot of restricted airspace.

Almost half the violations occur around Washington, where pilots aren't allowed to fly in an area of about 2,000 square miles unless they have a special identifying signal and maintain radio contact with the FAA.

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