Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yeah, 360.7 is a pair with 134.50 which transmits from BWI. Not sure what he was doing on 288.35 though...I'll have to think about that one.

[Edit] makes sense after all. The controller on 134.50/360.7 transmits at night across several freqs simultaneously although the aircraft use their normal freqs. So, if he's answering an aircraft that has transmitted on 288.35, he'd answer on that freq plus several others. We just happen to be able to hear the 360.7 freq because of our location. Yup..makes sense now.


Dec 19, 2002
Pamlico County, NC
TinEar said:
2218: A call to/from RENEGADE and the fighters on the HUNTRESS 228.90 freq. Callsign doesn't fit anything in the master list.

The only Renegade I have in my database was when the VF-24 was at NAS Miramar, no updates since then.


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
1200 DC Cap Still up, Harass flight + tanker with Huntress & Guard Dog on the usual freqs..

If anyone is keeping track of presets or buttons
-- 1st FW AUX 15 = 315.85

{EDIT TO ADD} They've been using 296.9 quite a bit also, could that be it (AUX 17)?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The one I haven't been able to catch is AUX-17 which they've switched to several times. No joy no matter where I've searched - or they just haven't stayed on the freq long enough for a scan to catch it.

1259: The 123.225 Northrup Gruman test flight freq active.

[Edit] Gary, ref your msg elsewhere about 175th FW to Afghanistan. Some are still here. AXEMAN flight heard Friday daytime and a RAVEN flight early evening.

1338: ASCOT 5101 (UK Royal Air Force aircraft) approaching Phillips AAF for landing on 126.15.

HARASS? NASCAR? NASCAR wins...see y'all later.


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Hey did you take the CAP with you to watch NASCAR? I haven't heard a peep for a couple of hours.
They must have got tired of flying in circles and went to watch people drive in circles :lol:


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Assume the President returned home which turns GUARD DOG into SLEEPING DOG.

[Edit] I think we can probably put that 296.6 freq together with AUX-17 - at least with an asterisk next to it for the Langley fighters. Never heard anything this weekend to identify if they were from the 94th Fighter Squadron as were the last ones to do the GD CAP a month or more ago, also using HARASS. That's a mission callsign rather than squadron callsign so it could be any of them.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
This should be interesting:

I just had a Japenese Zero fly over my house in a northeasterly direction, into the restricted airspace/no-fly zone...I can only imagine what the CAP patrols are going to report back when and if they have to identify it back to command.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
That must have been a great sighting Paul.

This mornings activity was fairly light. Had some F-15s (WOLF) from Langley in the GIANT KILLER area on 312.30 working with an E3B (DARKSTAR) from Tinker AFB OK and various aircraft into and within the Pax River area including Navy 691 and others. Also had TESTER 10 (Navy Test Pilot School) on 270.80/354.80 with BayWatch.

In the late 1100 hour had another E3B from Tinker check into the GK zone on 249.80 using callsign CHALICE GOLF for the back end crew and SENTRY 31 in the front end. He also outlined his coordinates with HUNTRESS on 228.90 and on 260.90. He mentioned that he's going to be controlling some MILLER (F-15s Langley) fighters from 1630-1730Z (1230-1330 local). (Plus another callsign that I missed that will be with the MILLER group.)
He later mentions there will be six F-15s in the group and the other callsign sounded like TORCH or PORCH. Will correct that later if it's wrong.

1228: Flight of three F-15s entering GK's zone on 312.30...callsign still sounds like TORCH. A minute later four MILLER aircraft enter the zone. Announce interplane chat will be on 363.90. 4+3=6 according to CHALICE - or maybe one aircraft isn't participating.
1303: TORCH 74 announces single ship RTB.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Hoboken NJ huh? Just did some quick calculations and figured you need a 412 foot tower and you'll hear this stuff just fine.

(Editing above post for the MILLER/TORCH flights if warranted)

1238: A-10s from the 103d Fighter Squadron PA-ANG up on 143.25.
KC2LVC, you might be able to hear these guys from your location. They are just about halfway between your location and mine, maybe even closer to you.

Various transports coming and going from Andrews (378.10/141.55 with good copy of ground controller VHF), McGuire (319.40) and Dover (349.40). Phillips AAF 126.15 and Weide AAF 126.20 also working.

1257: Flight of RACK F-15s from Langley up on 238.10 with GK.

(Adding callsign TORCH as F-15 Langley AFB, VA to callsign list)

1341: TIGER 1 calling TIGER 2 on 123.200, the Northrup Gruman freq from BWI. At 1349 they finally make contact and state they are still on the ground waiting to taxi. "See you soon," says 1 to 2. At 1515 they are still flying around the area testing various maneuvers.

1413: WATERBUG aircraft (FATS-Force Aircraft Test Squadron) from NAS Pax River up with BayWatch on 270.80.
1416: Flight of three fighters check into GK area on 238.10. Haven't been able to catch the callsign for this group. About 20 minutes later one of them reports a problem - he's got 700 pounds of fuel trapped in his left wing tank.
MUSSEL Ops has helos all over the area today on 292.20.

Several ask why I spell it MUSSEL instead of MUSCLE. Lots of refs to it including Additional Notes in AirNav:

1445: Have flight of four F-16s from NJ-ANG Atlantic City up on V-? 138.05, switch to V-16 on 138.425 and also on V-? 138.30, later V-18 138.625 and V-13 138.25 and V-? 142.45....callsign BICEP. (All those V button numbers were recovered from traffic today, not from any prior lists.)

Freq 312.30 flight in GK area doing air intercepts midway through 1400 hour.
REACH 314T coming into Andrews at 1511 on 378.10 and 141.55. He's a C-130 with 10 pax and 1 vehicle to download. Found the vehicle part interesting.

1540: Flight of F-16s from VA-ANG Richmond up on 139.625.
1600: I Quit.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
This is a cross post of what I posted on the Aircraft Monitoring Forum:

For those who missed the story (like me!) on the unidentified aircraft being used by the CIA to shuttle suspects overseas for interrogation, here's the link:

click on the "video" link for the story on the aircraft.

Edit..... Premire Executive Transportation Services....PETS...yeah...I'm sure that's just a coincidence!


Jun 6, 2004
Hoboken, NJ
thanks N3JPU. Listening now.

By the way, one of you probably know what these would be.. (i'm not so well informed with MilAir as you all seem to be) I recently saw two helicopters fly low up the hudson, between manhattan and NJ. Single prop, dark gray in color, right next to each other. Saw them twice, but I wasn't able to make out any markings on the side. Definitely military of some sort. The only helicopter traffic through the area normally is small blue tour helicopters and small corporate helicopters. There is alot of Coast Guard activity around here, but they were much bigger than the orange CG choppers. what do ya think? USMC or NAVY? (didn't have a radio with me to check the 33rd st heliport freq, as I'm sure they were on there while passing through)


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just heard Air Force 400FoxFox on Washington Center 134.50. That should be a fighter from Langley. No idea where he's going yet but we might hear some activity on one of the milair freqs shortly.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
I just heard Omaha 1 and 3 go airborne....Talking with Thor

and a squelch break on 121.5000 telling someone to "Proceed as directed"

Omaha 3 is being directed to RTB

Omaha 1 is being instructed to "loiter" in that position.

Sorry its sketchy...was searching 417-419 when it broke


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
(This post will be edited with new info as the day progresses)
1100 hour:
Had VA-ANG Command Post freq 289.30 active.
National Guard helicopters at Phillips 126.15, Weide 126.20. Had a Guard Copter 761 land at Weide about 1130, take off again and land at Martin State just after noon.
Pair of RAVEN A-10s MD-ANG up with 347.2 Raven Ops and 297.20 Martin State tower.

1200 hour:
CRAB56, C-130J MD-ANG on 385.90.
Beginning 1237 have SPIDERs (F-16s, ND-ANG, Fargo) up with HUNTRESS on 260.90. They deploy to Langley often to get real world training. In fact, they have a detachment stationed there. 1246 HUNTRESS is trying to contact SPIDER on a VHF freq without success - ref to that on 260.9.
SALTY DOG 120 ( Strike Aircraft Test Squadron at Pax River) with BayWatch on 354.80 at 1249. Also working on 350.90.
SPIDERs with GIANT KILLER on 233.70.
1256 GREYHOUND (Unknown) with GK on 249.80.
The SPIDERs are flying a Combat Air Patrol with HUNTRESS but unknown where. TANKER 51 is supporting them for refueling.

1300 hour:
SPIDER 45 mentions being over Cape Charles (VA).
Have fighters chatting on 363.90 (Probably Langley fighters)
Flight of DEFT F-15s from Langley with GK on 312.30 and that's who is chatting on 363.90. They are doing air intercept training.
1325 F-16s Andrews off the deck on 127.275. Flight of two BULLYs (DC-ANG).
1331 NJ-ANG on 138.125.
SALTY DOG 120 landing Pax River runway 6 - approaching at 1334 on 354.80 with BayWatch.
1335 Flight of two aircraft on 321.70 - the Boeing test flight freq out of Wilmington.
Question: Has Langley received the F/A-22 RAPTOR stealth fighter? Thought I just heard DEFT 11 report in to GK at 1340 that he's a flight of two RAPTORs RTB.
1344 VA-ANG active on 141.875. Also working with DRAGNET (E3B from Tinker) in the GK area....also on squadron freq 141.825, callsign SLAM.
1346 Heard a U/I acft on GK freq 238.10 mention he's going to be working with MAD DOG and VIPER flights. Those two callsigns go together for A-10s from MA-ANG at Barnes.
1358 Guard copter 761 flying around the area again - just cleared in with Weide to report he's going back to Martin State and he then contacts Raven Ops on 347.2 to announce his arrival.
1358 NJ-ANG on 138.425.

1400 hour:
RAVAGE flight from Andrews on 143.15.
1405 A-10s off from Martin State on 347.2 with Raven Ops....later on 143.80. Callsign COLT.
1408 AERO 01 calls Aberdeen Range on 248.40, announces as flight of two F-16s that will be working with RACK 01 & 02. The RACKs are apparently boats - he asked if he's in a white boat. Can't hear the RACKs. Even the F-16 is having trouble hearing them - asks if they'll switch to another radio. Says he has no guns today, bombs only and asks if he's cleared for laser ops. He's going to clearance, no lasing for the AEROs. The RACKs are 800 meters off the shoreline. COLT aircraft also now working with RACK. These AERO F-16s are from the NJ-ANG, also being heard on 138.425. F-16s are also calling CHICAGO which is someone either on the boats or at the range. AERO having trouble with coordinates for bombing and COLT aircraft are complaining AERO is cutting into their time on the range.
1426 AERO decides they can't drop and says they are going to RTB. He then announces going back to Atlantic City on his squadron freq confirming identity. COLT aircraft are now coming into the range and call CHICAGO Instructor. COLT will work with RACK 01. It appears that CHICAGO is the callsign for the range controller at Aberdeen Range. Adding IDs for AERO, CHICAGO and RACK to callsign list.
1450 Kiowa Range 237.20 active...think it's the F-16s fro Nj-ANG that struck out at Aberdeen.
1456: COLT announces bingo for time. Isn't totally happy with the control functions of the range and makes suggestions for the future. COLT clears off the restricted area with Bravo Tower just as the AERO fighters did.

1500 hour:
The COLT A-10 aircraft contact Martin State on 297.20 and announce a straight in landing. COLT 2 in a two mile trail. COLT 1 announces to 2 he's going to taxi to take off again.
Guard copter landing at Weide AAF.
Kiowa Range still going strong on 237.20. The fighters working there say - at 1504 - they've got time for one more pass because the RAVENs are on the way and about 10 minutes out.
1508 on 237.20, the A-10 from Martin State shows up and IDs as WARDOG..uhhh...RAVEN 1. (WARDOG is also good for Martin State)
1513: F-16s from Andrews up again on 127.275...BULLY I think. Coming home at 1525 where they report wx as "a brisk 95 degrees."
1515 COLT 1 back to Martin State 347.2 and 297.2. This is not the same A-10 working Kiowa. That one is RAVEN 1 and is still there at 1522.
DONE FOR THE DAY...break time, had enough.

Note: I keep getting email asking me to put this milair activity up on the website during the day. Can't do it. The two monitors I use for the webcast are in use for other things during the day - work things as opposed to play things. Plus...all this activity is heard across four Uniden 785Ds and even if broadcast you'd only hear one of them and miss most of it.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Just incredible Al....I've got all three of my scanners going and I'm having a hard time keeping up with all of it....other ops on 292.2000 for muscle and the usual 120.7500....though...Bluegrass has been awfull quiet lately...
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