Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Okay, now I have to take back most of what I said above. I and many others complained to Lindsay about the lack of an editing feature with this new software. Like all good administrators, Lindsay listened to the members, decided logic was on their side and restored the feature - other than on the For Sale threads. I, for one, am appreciative.

Saturday 1230: And, since editing is once again permitted, I can add that the VA-ANG is active on 142.175 with a flight of three F-16s using callsign SLAM.

1237: CRAB56 (C-130J, MD-ANG Martin State) is doing drops at Aberdeen with Phillips AAF on 126.15.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2100: Flight of F-16 aircraft from NJ-ANG, Atlantic City working in the GIANT KILLER area on 255.00. Indicating they'll be there for 30 minutes. They are using callsign BICEP. Also heard on their squadron tac freqs 138.05, 138.30 and 138.425.

2125: There are other fighters working the GK area on 373.1 and 391.2. Haven't caught callsigns yet.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2225: Flights of F-15s from Langley AFB flying in the GIANT KILLER area. The latest flights are using callsigns MILLER and MAD DOG. They cleared into the area on 249.80. Other flights are working on 391.20...believe I heard callsign FLASH for one of them. MILLER flight also working 363.90.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
In spite of rain and cloudy conditions over the area, the boys are coming out to play.

1400 hour: GIANT KILLER area 391.20 has SLAM (F-16s VA-ANG Richmond) and JEDI (F-15s Langley AFB) fighters working together. Had a tanker aircraft enter the GK area earlier - missed callsign.
141.825/141.875/142.175 VA-ANG squadron tac freqs active.
249.80 has flight of BASH (F-16s VA-ANG Richmond) working the GK area.
1430: An E3B from Tinker AFB OK (callsign BANDSAW KILO) entering the area and checks in with HUNTRESS on 260.90 to give his tracks. Says he'll be working the area from 1845-2100Z. While he was giving his upcoming positions and tracks to HUNTRESS, a female operator, also in the backend crew, was asking for radio checks on the same freq...(left hand, right hand?).
142.30/143.80 has COLT aircraft (A-10s MD-ANG Martin State)
1445: The COLTs are coming home with one of them having an aileron problem although he says he's getting a warning light but the plane is flying okay. Working 143.80 with Raven Ops to report all this. Landing just before 1500 with Martin State tower on 297.20.
At the same time, the BASH flight reports returning to Richmond in a 4 mile trail. Same thing for the SLAM flight. Both flights return to squadron tac freqs.

1500 hour: All is quiet although late in the hour there is an A-10 from Martin State buzzing around the area and about to land and the usual assortment of transport aircraft coming and going.

NOTE: Hearing BWI Approach/Departure on UHF 303.65. I don't have this freq listed. Will try to match it to a VHF freq later when time allows. [Edit] Have simultaneous transmissions on 125.525/291.625/303.65

By the way, the first operational F-22 Raptor aircraft arrived at Langley AFB last Thursday. It's the first of 72 or 78 (depending on the source) that will replace the current F-15s at that base. We're going to have to find a whole new batch of callsigns and match them to this new fleet.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Looks like we're going to have night missions again tonight. The F-15s from Langley are going to work the GIANT KILLER area. Caught two of the three callsigns...YODA and RAPID. Freqs heard so far 238.10, 249.80, 373.10, 391.20.

2034: Have an air refueling tanker with a boom problem. Says he's not declaring an emergency but wants fire crews standing by. He's 25 minutes out from Andrews and is using 351.20.

2041: F-16s NJ-ANG, Atlantic City up on 138.425 and 138.30. Believe they're going to be working at Willow Grove. Callsign BICEP.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1000 hour:
Have a flight of two F-16s DC-ANG Andrews up on 127.275. Callsign ANGRY. They are training in the Pax River area with controller BayWatch on 270.80.
Have an A-10 MD-ANG Martin State talking with Raven Ops on 143.80 using callsign SPORT.
VA-ANG active on Richmond Command Post freq 289.30. Working in the GIANT KILLER area on 249.80 and returning home just before 1100.

1100 hour:
ANGRY 1 & 2 continued to blast away on the Eastern Shore and finally requested tunnel back to Andrews at 1129 stating they are five minutes from RTB time. They've continued their operations on squadron tac freq 127.275, then reporting to SOF on 139.90 when 10 minutes from home - both Code 1.
1130-1135 UPSET 22 (KC-135 WI-ANG Milwaukee) attempting to contact Andrews on 378.10. Contact at 1136 wishing accomodations for 7 crew members and an upload of 70,000 pounds of fuel. He'll be here until tomorrow morning.

1200 hour:
All is quiet other than transports to and from Andrews on 378.10 and 141.55. Andrews needs a new antenna for their 378.10 freq. Aircraft generally make their initial call between 25-30 minutes out. Andrews seldom hears them until they are 15-20 minutes out. This has gone on for months and they certainly have much better radio equipment than I and yet I hear aircraft calling over and over again on that freq with no reply until they get close to the field.

1300 hour:
F-16s NJ-ANG Atlantic City active on 138.30.
1340 Langley F-15 fighters in the air...activity 315.85 and on GIANT KILLER freq 238.10 and 249.80...callsign COACH.

1400 hour:
VA-ANG F-16s up on 141.825. Changed to GK freq 249.80 and announce work in area will be from 1430-1515 local time. Callsign FURY. They are circling awaiting other fighters to exit the zone and then will work on 350.0. At 1436 they finally get cleared for the airspace and announce "Fight's on."
1450 have RANCH F-15s from Langley in GK area on 249.80. Callsign list shows valid callsign as RANCHO but this guy is definitely using RANCH. Adding to list and placing a ?? beside RANCHO.
Pax River (BayWatch) 354.80 also has fighter activity.

1500 hour:
Very slow...CRAB flight from Martin State on 385.90, arrivals and departures from Andrews on 378.10 (REACH, PAT, VENUS flights), light activity on Phillips AAF 126.15 and lots of test counts and whistling on the 139.95 freq - all of which sounds terrible (see note below). MUSSEL helos on 292.20.
1530 flight of three A-10s MD-ANG Martin State heard on 297.20 tower freq coming home from ?. All 3 on the ground by 1544.
1545 F-15s from Langley up on GK freq 238.10, flight of 4 acft callsign SMART.

NOTE: Earlier this morning I heard an aircraft on the VA-ANG Command Post freq 289.30 say they should use RED freq 139.95 because whatever they had planned to use was too close to the BLUE freq. All very cryptic but now this afternoon I've heard several test counts on the 139.95 freq. I'm not sure what use they're going to make of it or whether it's just temporary or a replacement for one of their other VHF freqs but I'm adding it to the VA-ANG freq list for now. Although the signal quality sounds awful, the signal strength is an unwavering, solid six bars on my six bar scale which, generally, only local ground stations accomplish. Near to BWI? Or very close overhead?
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
During the 1900 hour have had a WATERBUG 408 (FORCE AIRCRAFT TEST SQDN, NAS Patuxent River) doing some testing on freq 270.80. He finished with a climb to 41,500 feet and then a rapid descent at 100 feet per second down to 5,000 feet. Heading back to the Naval Air Station late in the hour to runway 24.

2000 hour has F-15s from Langley working the GK area on 391.20..callsign RAPID.
National Guard helicopters working with Phillips AAF on 126.15 and with Weide AAF on 126.20.
NJ-ANG F-16s flying, using 138.30 and 138.425 and in the Pax River area on 354.80. Callsign BICEP. Have two fighters on 138.30 and two on 138.425.
2105 have CRAB 53 (C-130J MD-ANG Martin State) working with Phillips AAF on 126.15 for actual drops being done at the Aberdeen Range.
2107 The BICEP flight on 138.30 has been joined by airborne controllers KINGPIN and WARHAWK. Believe these are just operational mission callsigns. BICEP 11 identifies as two ship F-16 formation with a war stance of two GBU-12s, two JDAMs and guns and are NVG (Night Vision Goggles) equipped.
Mission finished at 2125...they clear out of Pax River area with BayWAtch on 354.80. The last mission was beautiful and funny. Will recap it later.

2130 there is a gaggle of fighters working the GK area on 373.1 and 391.2...and 249.8 and 312.3...lots of them...believe they are F-15s from of the callsigns is FLASH, another is RUST...both confirm F-15s Langley.
2225 Langley fighters still working the GK area...several freqs active.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Also at this hour hearing FUZZY 33 calling FUZZY Ops on 261.900 which is KC-135's 136 ARS/107 ARW NIAGARA FALLS New York.Aircraft must be up over central Pa somewhere to carry that far.

Also MD ANG Choppers chatting A/A on 246.800.

A couple other regular Langley A/A freqs heard in addition to previous GK activity posted here was 358.850 and 292.300.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0900 hour:
A couple of flights of A-10s from the PA-ANG Willow Grove are up on their squadron tac channels 143.25/138.30 and Willow Grove Range freq 283.10 (new). Callsigns are UGLY and FLYER.
Northrup Gruman BWI freq 123.20 active with N161NG test flight and then to the Patuxent River area on BayWatch freqs 354.80 and 291.15.

1000 hour:
Flight of A-10s from MD-ANG Martin State operating on squadron tac freq 142.30.
PA-ANG activity continues on 283.10.
F-16 flight of six from Andrews off the deck at 1020. Callsign SPEEDY on 127.275 and 139.90. That's a new callsign for the DC-ANG - if it is indeed the DC-ANG. Could be someone staging from Andrews I suppose.
And another flight of four F-16s off from Andrews at about 1035, callsign SPAD, freq 143.15. This callsign is also new for the DC-ANG - if it is DC.
Have a pair of KC-10A tankers from McGuire AFB NJ, TEAM 40 & 41 talking to each other on the tanker interplane freq 139.875 and have the SPAD flight talking about "when we refuel."
Copters buzzing around the area on normal freqs..Phillips 126.15, Weide 126.20 and MUSSEL 292.20. The transport activity normal for Andrews 378.10/141.55, Dover 319.40/134.10, McGuire 349.40

1100 hour:
Have the tankers 41 and 42 now working on 351.20 and testing comms on "Comm 1" which turned out to be 276.50.
The SPEEDY and SPAD flights of 10 fighters have not been heard since about 10 minutes after takeoff. They have obviously flown out of the area which might account for why they were using new callsigns - which they do when travelling. A couple of weeks ago I speculated here they might be getting ready for a deployment because of the heavy training and simulated Iraqi war training they had been doing. I wonder. If so...Godspeed guys and be safe.
Boeing test flight freq 321.70 from Wilmington DE active 1120.
Kiowa Range 237.20 active 1121...RAVEN A-10 aircraft from MD-ANG. They are using 142.30 as their tac freq while at the range.
Northrup Gruman flight finally got his spotter airborne about 1115 and began working their normal 123.20/123.225 freqs. While on 123.225, he had an argument with a poacher trying to use his freq. He moved him away from it.
At 1142 the RAVEN flight tells BALKY (Kiowa) they are "Winchester" (out of ammo) and must RTB. They chat on 142.30 on the way home, contact RAven Ops on 347.20 upon nearing Martin State, announce Code 1 and Code 2 conditions of the aircraft.

1200 hour:
The RAVEN flight is still up, just contacted Martin State tower on 297.20 but seem to be in no hurry to get home. Will do a low approach, go around and then a full stop landing. By 1210 they were done.
All is quiet this hour other than the usual transports to/from Andrews, McGuire, Dover.
Somewhere above, I mentioned a 303.65 freq for BWI.'s more than likely a mix or spur of the 291.625 freq.

1300 hour:
BANDSAW KILO (E3B Sentry Tinker AFB OK) operating on 364.20. I can't make out the callsign he's calling...sounds like SPORTSTAR [only the STAR part is clear] - although it could be DARKSTAR which is valid as another E3B callsign. This is an unknown freq (to me). He also mentioned being unable to make contact on freq 341.75 secure. The 364.20 freq could be a unit tactical freq if he was really talking to DARKSTAR and that would probably do the same for the 341.75 freq.
1315 fighters on 249.80 GK c/s yet. Heard for just a couple of minutes, then disappeared.
1345 Raven Ops 347.20 MD-ANG talking to aircraft on the ground..flight coming?
PA-ANG A-10 flight on 143.25 squadron tac freq...also on 138.30. Seems both PA and NJ use that 138.30 freq. At 1352 they come up again on 283.10 at the range - as they did this morning. Callsigns UGLY and FLYER again.

1400 hour:
As expected, flight of two A-10s MD-ANG Martin State take off at 1408, callsign COLT, freq 142.30. And another off the ground at 1413. By 1418 they check in with BayWatch (Pax River) on 270.80. Within a couple of minutes the flight leader says they'll be in the Pax River area for 10 more minutes and then want to go to Dover. They didn't say why. One of the COLTs has a problem of some sort. He's over Vienna. The Vienna reference on BayWatch is always to Vienna MD, not VA.
1426 have ANVIL 27 (C-130H, WV-ANG, Charleston) coming in to Weide AAF on 229.40.
At 1457 the COLT flight leader finally says he's leaving Pax River area and wants IFR direct clearance to Dover.

1500 hour:
1505 the COLTs are ready to enter the landing pattern, apparently at Dover, and are grumbling about all the NOTAMs.
A couple of U/I acft moving around the Pax River area on 270.80 with BayWatch control and using Pax River's 350.90 for chat.
Fighters entering GK area at 1522 on 249.80..say they'll be there for next 30 minutes.
The COLTs are up and buzzing again on 142.30. Short trip? Looks like they're coming home to Martin. Contact with Martin State tower 297.20 at 1531 confirms they're coming home. More A-10s coming home, using callsign WARDOG at 1550.
National Guard helo 761 with Phillips AAF on 126.15.
Couple of US Army Priority Air Transport aircraft PAT 667 and PAT 007 arrive at Andrews this hour. 667 going on to Albany and 007 to Indianapolis. Both will take Space A passengers if any. Both used 141.55 at Andrews.
Those U/I acft at Pax River were SALTY DOGs (Strike Aircraft Test Squadron at Pax). RTB at 1536.
Fighters mentioned above on 249.80 in GK area are F-15s from Langley, callsign LION.

1600 hour:
At 1601 had aircraft DOWN 61 Heavy checking in on HUNTRESS freqs 228.90 and 260.90. He was told to go to 139.15 (normally a DC-ANG tac freq where HUNTRESS has also been known to work with scrambled fighters). At 1603 he did a radio check on 139.15. No listing for him but suspect because of the "Heavy" designator he could be a tanker. Possible GUARD DOG Combat Air Patrol indicator???
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2000 hour:
Flight of A-10s from MD-ANG Martin State on 142.30. Callsign COLT.
BADGER 41 entering GIANT KILLER area on 249.80 and announces he'll be working with Tanker 61 and will use freqs 373.1 and 346.6.
COLTs are going to Kiowa Range and will work on 237.20. They are working with a target controller called WALKER. Heard that callsign last night also.
2044 TANKER 61 checks in on GK freq 238.10 and announces he'll be working with BADGER 41.
GK freq 292.30 with TRAP flight of two F-15s from Langley at 2050. RTB at 2100.

2100 hour:
A flight of F-16s from NJ-ANG Atlantic City on 138.30 working with DARKSTAR (E3B Tinker AFB OK), callsign BICEP. They are also working across a couple of GK freqs.
COLTs coming home at 2140. Working 297.20, Martin State Tower for landing clearance...still chatting on 142.30 while they return and one of them breaking off to check road traffic for his trip home before he lands.
At 2145 we have MILLER flight (F-15s Langley AFB) checking into GK area on 238.10.
2149 have another group of fighters (flight of 4) entering GK area on 249.80...missed callsign (too many radios making too much noise).

2200 hour:
Several flights of F-15s from Langley working various GK freqs, primarily 312.30, 249.80, 391.20. Callsigns heard have been RUST and MILLER.

2300 hour: And things finally seem to be slowing down for the night. Call it done. Last GIANT KILLER traffic heard just before 2300 on 238.10 and 249.80 with an aircraft reporting RTB.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Paul, thank you very much. That's one I've got to see.

Chuck, I'll round up what I've got and post them here later.

No roundup of MilAir activity today. Too much else going on. However, it looks like it's going to be another busy day. Lots of morning activity. In fact, a pair of COLT A-10s, as they approach the Pax River area, say "Wow - what a load of aircraft in the area!"

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I want to mention one mission today just because it was a little bit different. A pair of COLT A-10s, MD-ANG Martin State used freq 142.30 to travel to the Pax River (callsign BayWatch) area. They checked in with BayWatch on 270.80 and then switched to BayWatch freq 238.05 to meet up with DEECEE 51 and 52, KC-135s from the 756th Air Refueling Squadron at Andrews to be refueled. 51 and 52 were working their squadron freq of 351.20 before and after hooking up with the COLT mission. When the COLTs were done refueling, they attempted to resume their mission but couldn't hear BayWatch on 238.05 so said they would switch to "Button 11" to contact him which turned out to be 270.80.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Chuck, I'll do the list now rather than later in case you need it for today. These are the GIANT KILLER (FACSFAC, VA Capes) freqs I have. If anyone has others, please add to the list.


As I'm typing this, there is some neat activity on 138.30 with F-16s from NJ-ANG, callsign DEVIL, and an airborne target controller using callsign GOLDMINE. The F-16s are attacking various ground targets, including a tunnel entrance and another ground target along the water but with "friendlies" nearby they must be careful of. Wish I could listen but have to get out of here.

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Jun 23, 2005
Allegany County, Maryland
Western MD Flights

Can anyone tell me if any MilAir flights would fly up over western md, especially the Cumberland area. I know they probably fly to Camp David but do they go any farther west. I had heard they were flying through the terrain in Garrett County.

Any help would be appreciated.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I don't believe they fly western Maryland on any kind of a regular basis. However, when they put up the Combat Air Patrol over Camp David most of the weekends the President is there, they fly in a big circle with Camp David being the center of that circle. Most of the rest of the training areas are closer to the coast though and so that's where most of the activity is. The WV-ANG, located in Charleston, would be a good probablility if they had fighters but they're equipped with C-130s so there isn't a whole lot of activity from there.

I'm not sure if your question involves actually seeing them overhead or listening to them. If it's listening, the western Maryland area would still be good for listening to a lot of this activity that we talk about on this thread. When an aircraft is up at 30,000 feet, you can hear it from a couple of hundred miles away.

While I'm here, let me ask a question of my own. I've been trying to identify an aircraft that flies into BWI just about every day and lands and takes off on the short runway 15L/33R - right over my house on the approach. It has two push propellers mounted on the back of the wing and has a small wing on the nose of the aircraft. Its engines just scream - very loud and very high pitched. Anyone know what this is?

[Edit] I actually remembered the info Paul gave us about the History Channel showing the program about the A-10 at 9 pm. So...the History Channel has both the audio and video of the program all screwed up. Don't know whether it's the History Channel itself or DirecTV having the problem. No other channel is having a problem - just the one I want to see. Hope they fix it while the commercials are on. And at 9:21 DirecTV puts up the sign board apologizing for no signal from the source. It figures.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TinEar said:
While I'm here, let me ask a question of my own. I've been trying to identify an aircraft that flies into BWI just about every day and lands and takes off on the short runway 15L/33R - right over my house on the approach. It has two push propellers mounted on the back of the wing and has a small wing on the nose of the aircraft. Its engines just scream - very loud and very high pitched. Anyone know what this is?

Ahhh a mystery... Does it have a conventional tail like this , a Piaggio P-180 Avanti
or Tail-less like a Beech Starship

Thanks for the GK Info...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
It looks very much like the D-IZZY Piaggio P-180. Next time it flies over I'll check the tail to make sure the details are the same. Different paint scheme of course but that's probably it - same nose wing and same push propeller engine setup.Thanks for taking the time to find that Chuck. It has had me guessing for months.



Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
The FAA database shows one Piaggio P-180 registered in Maryland, N23RF, so that's a probable candidate....
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