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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Your mention of ADW just reminded me of something Chuck...
I was reading recently that there is a real push on to get rid of those IATA three letter airport designators in favor of the four letter ICAO ones. My understanding is that a major reason that is happening is because GPS only uses the four letter versions. Here in the US it's no problem because we only need to add the K in front of the current ones (other than Alaska and Hawaii). Most of the rest of the world has already converted to the International Civil Aviation Organization's version.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Re my starter list of freqs on the last page - I see one dupe I should have removed - 255.0 Giant Killer is in there twice. Oh well, one dupe out of 70 odd frequencies; that's not too bad, hi.

For the newcomers among us - your best bet is to copy/paste the freqs into a Notepad file, save it away as a .csv or .txt file (you can change the extension in Explorer if you goof up) and you'll have a file that many different programs can accept as an importable format - Win96, Win97, Scan Control, the ARC programs, Radio Manager, ect. Just remember that the mode must be set to AM for all of those frequencies. Also be sure to use a radio that can accept both the frequency and mode - as noted earlier, the PRO-95 is unfortunately not one of them. Examples would include the PRO-96, PRO-97, PRO-2052, BC-895 (though it can't handle the 138-144 Mhz band in AM mode, the rest are still good), BC-780, BC-785, BC-796, BC-250, PRO-2055, PRO-2096 and BC-296 just to name a few.
[Just a side bar - you can enter milair freqs into the PRO-96 or 2096 only with Don Starr's Win96 program - other programs that say they support these 2 scanners don't include this unique application].

73s Mike
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I'm sure there are others but the PRO-2042 also does MilAir real well and allows mode change to AM on any band. I just picked up a real cheap one in the For Sale thread here on RR and it's great for MilAir. It would be a good way to get into this MilAir craze without spending a lot of money if you can find one advertised cheaply. It also allows 1000 channel programming.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Yeah, but I don't believe that the 2042 is PC programmable without an Optoscan board - and in this game, you really need that so you can record on a specific channel and maintain lists of freqs without much hassle. Still though for a starter, it probably isn't too bad.

Of course, a scanner I left off the list that's attracting a lot of attention is the BCD396T - but from what I've been reading, it's a real challenge to program by hand even for the oldtimers amongst us - I can just imagine someone new picking up one of those. Again, it seems that it's much better to use a software solution. Still though, when the money allows, I will get one of those. I don't ever imagine I'd run out of memory with 6000 channels - but then I can remember when I thought 500 was enough. 73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
It took me about 30 minutes to program that whole list above into my new (old) PRO-2042. That's not a bad investment in time to have another scanner handy for MilAir. I'm very satisfied with it. I haven't been totally spoiled by computer programming....yet. If I wanted to fill all 1000 channels it may start leaning toward being a chore but only if I wanted it all programmed "right now." I still have a bit of patience left in my old age.


Jan 21, 2003
Andrews TRS

Does anyone pick up alot of activity on the Andrews talk groups. I seem to pick up small bits here and there on a handful of ids. (I don't listen as much ans you do, Alan), but I never get traffic ovr a large group of ids. I see the database was just updated with more ids and with a limit 100 in my 296, I'd like to pick the most active to program.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I don't hear a lot either Dan. Then again I only listen in conventional mode to their freqs and only at night so I can't really tell you how much activity is around during the busy daytime hours. Probably the only way to get what you need is to listen, make note of the active talkgroups and dump those into the program.

Have been gone most of today and am just turning on the scanner shortly before 1500.
NJ-ANG F-16s up in the BayWatch Pax River area just finishing their exercise. They just cleared out on 270.8 and are using their tac 138.425 freq to continue ground attacks.
Also a flight of F-16s from the VA-ANG Richmond are flying - using tac freqs 141.825 and 141.875. One flight is callsign BASH - probably SLAM for the other.
There is also a flight just entering GIANT KILLER's area on 238.1, then 249.8 and onto 391.2 for ops. Didn't catch callsign.

1507: BASH flight exiting GK's area and announce RTB Richmond. 249.8. Switch to 142.175 to talk to their Command Post and report one of them is Code 3 for lots of problems with flight instrumentation. (That can screw up your whole day.)
1508: Second BASH flight exiting GK bound for Richmond. 249.8
1518: NJ-ANG still going strong on 138.425..suspect it was a different NJ flight that left the BayWatch area mentioned above. At 1525 they clear out of BayWatch area on 270.8.
1520: Kiowa Range 237.2 becomes active. Turns out to be COLT (A-10s, MD-ANG)
1521: Fighters on BayWatch 264.55 active. U/I I can't seem to catch their's either SECTOR or SCEPTRE/SCEPTER
1525: REACH 3032 arriving Andrews 1950Z announces he's a KC-135 on an airevac mission. REACH would not be his normal callsign - just a mission call. Remaining overnight at Andrews. 378.1
1532: COLTs coming home on 347.2 and SOF freq 143.8 - flight of 3.

NOTE: BRAC Commission has voted to close Willow Grove NAS but voted against disbanding the ANG 111th Fighter Wing because of a court order. So...we have a Fighter Wing without an air base. Go figure. Maybe they can close a portion of the PA Turnpike when they need to take off or land. The PA Governor argued in court that only governors have authority over National Guard units, not the Feds. Apparently, a court has agreed so the Feds can take the base - maybe even take their aircraft back - and leave the name. Don't you just love the way these things work?

1545: COLTS landing Martin State. 297.2
1545: Fighters still working BW 264.55 freq - still can't get that callsign. They may be Navy fighters because of terminology. It's different. And I only speak Air Force..don't speak hardly a word of Navy.
Further listening confirms these guys are almost certainly Naval Air. When a wingman wants to join up with the flight leader, leader tells him he's welcome aboard. Navy talk.
They are going to RTB at 1553 as reported to BayWatch from ?SCEPTER? 26. He has the field in sight while still with BayWatch so he's probably landing at the Naval Air Station at Pax.
The skies are quiet for now at 1600.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
<139.35> Active, but no callsign yet. Is the 121st FS back in Town??
{edit} Never got a callsign, but they went onto the Andrews approach. it's been two weeks since we've heard the 121st, perhaps they were away on 2 weeks of Annual Training??

<297.2> Some activity on Martin State Tower freq....

<123.225> Northrup Grumman Guys active
{edit} LOL, we both choose the same "Guys" term at the same time.. N164W is the "Pig nosed" Plane as my wife calls it ...(I posted the link to pictures of N162W, a few weeks ago, it's the other N/G test aircraft, and has a "pointy nose" in wife speak)

<128.7> Omaha-01 Up and about on ATC freqs, On 119.85 at 2109
2100 hour
<335.5> ?Poison?-57 on Andews approach freq, Then on Andrews Tower <349.0> with Wingman (edit - Poison appears to be used by the T-38s of the 50 FTS, 14th FTW, Columbus AFB, MS)

(An aside) - I got a good deal on a Diamond Discone with LMR-400 feed on ebay, it seems to be doing quite a bit better than the Scantenna with RG-6. Still need to get one or both up on the roof or in the attic....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Wish the 121st would get back in town Chuck. It just isn't the same without them. I suspect there has been an alert team always on duty but no flying at all since that morning I caught them leaving. Of course, it could be another unit on that freq. There seems to have been a slight shuffling of freqs here recently - especially in the NJ and PA units.

1945: Just heard the Northrup Gruman guys on 123.225 - still going strong.
1947: Tanker interplane freq 139.875 active.
1952: Northrup Gruman aircraft talking with "Northrup Ground" and identifies as N164W. The info on that plane follows:

N-number : N164W
Aircraft Serial Number : BAC.090
Aircraft Manufacturer : BRITISH AIRCRAFT CORP.
Model : BAC 1-11 401/AK
Engine Manufacturer : ROLL-ROYCE
Model : SPEY MK 511SR
Aircraft Year : 1966
Owner Address : 1840 CENTURY PARK E
LOS ANGELES, CA, 90067-2101
Type of Owner : Corporation
Registration Date : 03-Jun-1996
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Experimental
Approved Operations : Research and Development

I was just reminded Chuck...the Piaggio 180 is not what is flying into BWI...or if it is, it has a different type tail than the one you linked to above. The tail is just plain, without that sort of cross wing at the top of the tail and the fuselage looks to be not quite as tall as in the picture but that's difficult to really determine seeing it from below.

2024: The Northrup Gruman aircraft is still flying and he sounds terrible. This is the first time I've ever heard him with less than a perfect sounding transmitter. I can't tell what he's saying.
2115: Tanker interplane 139.875 active.

Can't help you with that callsign going into Andrews, Chuck. Was busy with the traffic on the sinking boat and an exercise going on at Bolling AFB.
Just as a reminder, when the F-16s from Andrews left town, they used SPEEDY and SPAD as travelling callsigns.

I'm really happy with my Diamond fact, I'm thinking of getting another along with another Stridsberg multicoupler so I can run a few more radios. No end to this mess. It does get ridiculous at some point...I just haven't found that point yet.
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Feb 23, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Carroll Co Chase From Last Night

Searching for suspect with K-9 in same area as last night with dogs. Trooper 3 is waiting for perimieter to be set up before he approaches. He's about 12 miles out.
On 39.52 and Carroll 800


Apr 19, 2004
Thank You!

Hey, just wanted to throw a big thank you to you guys. You always have great posts with tons of info and the recent list of active frequencies came at the perfect time. I just picked up a new Pro-97 and loaded it up with that list in addition to the local fire channels for Eastern Cecil County/Sassafrass River area. We have been vacationing there for years and listening to the "thunder" from Aberdeen, now hopefully I will be able to hear a little more. This will be my first real try at Mil-Air monitoring. Thanks again!


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks DELCOLHFC. I was beginning to wonder if anyone was getting anything out of all that MilAir reporting.

1143: Have some activity in the GIANT KILLER area on 255.0. Flight indicated it would be there for 15 more minutes.
1143: NJ or PA ANG up on 138.2. Early transmissions sound more like F-16s than A-10s which would make it NJ-ANG.
1225: DEECEE 62 (KC-135 756th ARS, Andrews) to SAM Command on 378.10. He complains he's been calling for 15-20 minutes with no answer. Finally makes contact and states he's 30 minutes out, is Code 2 for a couple of minor problems. (That's unusual since, generally, only the fighters use "Code" for maintenance status and all others use "Alpha.") However, since he's landing with 35,000 pounds of fuel and talking about offloading a pallet, he's definitely not a fighter.
1231: DEECEE 61 (see 62) calling SAM Command on 378.10. Landing in about 30 minutes. Two writeups. 34,000 pounds of fuel.

12-1300 hours see several helicopters travelling through the Phillips and Weide AAF areas of responsibility. One of those was a BADGER callsign that I've mentioned before but have no idea who they belong to. The last time it was heard, a BADGER 60 mentioned returning to Wilmington (DE). Today, one caller on 126.20 (Weide) was OMNI 822 who, instead of calling Weide, called "Coastal Aero Services." Not sure if that was an error or just what.
1318: REACH 9713 with Mcguire Command Post on 319.40. Crew of 13, no pax, no cargo to download.
1340-1400 Kiowa Range (237.2) is active but the freq is extremely noisy with every transmission. Picked up someone talking about his lasering pod during an attack on a ground target but the remainder of the transmissions are almost unreadable. They seem to be strong enough but are mixed with a loud squeal and noise.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
1830 <141.625> Pair of fighters active, no callsigns as of yet.

They were squawking away while I was downstairs, since I came up and posted this I Haven't heard them .....

{EDIT}The Poison callsign belongs to the T38s from Columbus AFB, MS. They were probably doing a Cross country or Evacing from the Hurricane... I didnt catch callsignes for the activity that i thought might have been the DC ANG
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Four of them. Valid freq for VA-ANG (V-16) but we shall see. I'm hanging onto the incident in Howard County Chuck so this one is all yours for now.
Sounds like a flyout to me. Agree Chuck?? If that was really the DC-ANG coming home that you caught with the POISON callsign, this could be Virginia's turn.

[Edit to your edit] Yeah, they just faded away as they got out of range. I agree POISON is on the list as Columbus but OTOH travelling fighters pick new callsigns for the trip such as DC did with SPEEDY and SPAD on the outbound leg. No telling what they'll use/did use on the return. The little terminlogy I heard on 141.625 from the four acft did sound like F-16s so that and the freq would seem to indicate VA.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The front section of today's Baltimore Sun has a story about the 121st Fighter Squadron at Andrews and about their scrambles. There's a bit of insight into the other side of what we hear, the guys on the ground that are waiting for the siren to sound. However, there is not much detail and that would be expected considering their role. I was hoping there would be mention of their recent deployment but there was nothing about that either. I would guess those of you out of the Baltimore region could find the article on the net.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Not much going on this morning in the MilAir arena. However, my info for this afternoon indicates there will be a flight of F-15s from Langley AFB using callsigns DEFT and YODA between 1330 and 1430. They'll be working with an E3B from Tinker AFB OK using callsign DRAGNET within the GIANT KILLER area.

1050: TESTER 07 (probably an F-18) and TESTER 03 working with BayWatch in the Pax River area. 07 indicates he'll be going supersonic. He's at 35,000 feet. «270.8»
07 RTBing at 1136 and 03 at 1144.

1133: HAGAR 52 (C-5, 9th Airlift Squadron, Dover AFB DE) with HAGAR Ops. «319.40».
1159: HUNTRESS (NORAD) being called by OMAHA 1 (Customs aircraft for interdiction of "no-fly" zone violators). «260.9»

1200: OMAHA 1 makes contact with HUNTRESS, says he called 5-6 times without a reply. Pilot mentions the 260.9 freq is "primary." (Entry for freq list) He doesn't appear to be on an intercept mission.
1233: Air Force 1 touches down at Luke AFB AZ. (No, I didn't hear it.) By the way, Luke is home to the 944th Fighter Wing which trains F-16 pilots such as those we hear from the DC, NJ, VA Air National Guard units.
1242: SALTY DOG 320 (Strike Aircraft Test Squadron, Pax River) with BayWatch in the Pax River area. Will be doing vertical flight testing. «354.8»
1259: VENUS 82 arriving Andrews in 15 minutes, crew of 3, Alpha-2 status. «378.1»

1315: DRAGNET (E3B) checks in with GIANT KILLER to announce he'll be working the schedule mentioned above and with the flights mentioned and the callsigns mentioned. «249.8»
1320: DRAGNET tells GK to push the DEFT flight to 292.3 once it checks in with him.
1321: DRAGNET tells GK he's hearing an emergency flight broadcast east of Norfolk and wants to know if GK hears it. He didn't mention whether it was 121.5 or 243.0. Checking. It's on 121.5 but too weak and noisy for me to copy.
1332: YODA flight of 3 F-15s from Langley AFB checks in with GK on 238.1 (U-1) and then 249.8. They are chatting on squadron tac freq 315.85. They then switch to 292.3 for ops.
1334: Flight of F-15s, callsign CRATE also from Langley working with YODA/DEFT flights. «249.8»
1335: Yet another flight of F-15s from Langley, callsign KEVLAR joins the fray. DRAGNET wants that flight to work 373.1. And so they do.
1339: The DEFT flight checks in with GK on 249.8.
So we've got YODA, DEFT, CRATE, KEVLAR flights in the GK area all being choreographed by the E3B DRAGNET.
YODA/KEVLAR flights using 391.2 for tactical chat.
1349: They all get in place and YODA gives the "fight's on" announcement. «373.1»

1400: The KEVLAR flight announces RTB to YODA. «373.1»
1401 KEVLAR 61 with GK announces single ship RTB Langley. «249.8»
1424: YODA announces RTB to GK. «249.8»
This marks the end of the choreographed air intercept training flights between Langley F-15s and the DRAGNET E3B. There is some chat on tac 315.85 on the way home.

NOTE: Lockheed Martin issued a press release today about the F-22 Raptor. I'll post excerpts from it later this evening. It's on a dynamic newswire so it can't be linked to. (Never end a sentence with.....yeah, yeah, I know.)

1430: Flight of two fighters in the BayWatch Pax River area. Same mumble mouths we had Friday (Naval Air)...can't understand callsign (SCEPTER or SECTOR) or about 75% of what they're saying. They appear to be doing bombing exercises...maybe. Still going at 1500. «256.5»

1505: Boeing test flight freq from Wilmington DE active. He's operating at very low altitudes. His latest run is at 500 feet and yet is perfectly readable. At 1534 he's setting up a 1615 post flight debriefing. «321.7»
1536: F-16 flight of two from NJ-ANG active. Indicate landing a few minutes later on runway 22 which is only 2595 feet long. Not a problem. «138.125»
1550: The SCEPTER/SECTOR guys are still doing that Navy "Welcome aboard" type talk on 256.50 and going strong. And still mumbling. At 1600 they mention being over Smith Point in the Bay.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
About 1900 hearing conversation between a couple of KC-135 (756 ARS, Andrews) tanker crewmembers on their squadron freq 351.20. They mentioned this freq is "comm 3." One then told the other to go to "comm 1 - 228.0, the boom freq" to see if they could communicate. I didn't have that programmed and by the time I got there they had apparaently finished and were back on 351.2. They are on duty and flying a track, with one at 23,000 and the other at 25,000 feet. No mention of who they're waiting for or whether they are just in place "in case."
At 2017 I caught them back on that 228.0 freq.

1929: JOSA 699, C-21 from Andrews 10 minutes out, requesting crew bus for 3 crewmembers, A-1 maintenance status, mission complete. «378.1»

Earlier, I said I'd post excerpts from the Lockheed Martin press release today concerning the F-22 Raptor. Here are parts of it:

Lockheed Martin F/A-22 Raptor Enters Follow-On Test and Evaluation, Achieves Another Milestone Toward Operational Fielding

MARIETTA, Ga., Aug. 29 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) F/A-22 Raptor team marked another milestone today toward operational fielding of the F/A-22 when the U.S. Air Force officially began Follow-On Test and Evaluation (FOT&E) at Nellis Air Force Base (AFB) in Nevada.
For the next several weeks, seven Raptors will fly in a series of event-based operational battlespace scenarios. This phase of testing will further demonstrate the overwhelmingly effective performance of the aircraft, and its suitability and readiness for Initial Operational Capability later this year.
"We at Lockheed Martin, along with our partners Boeing and Pratt & Whitney, and thousands of men and women at nearly 1,000 subcontractors in 42 states, who build the F/A-22 Raptor, are honored to be part of this proud moment for the team and for the U.S. Air Force. <SNIP>

Final preparations are well underway for the establishment of the first operational wing at Langley AFB, Va. Currently, the F/A-22 Raptor now flies at four U.S. Bases:
* Development testing is conducted at Edwards AFB, Calif.
* Tactics development and FOT&E is ongoing at Nellis AFB, Nev.
* A full squadron of Raptors is based at Tyndall AFB, Fla. for pilot and
maintainer training.
* At the same time Raptor aircraft are being delivered to and are flying
at Langley AFB, Va. in preparation for Initial Operational Capability. <SNIP>

The F/A-22 Raptor's unmatched features -- stealth, supercruise speed, supportability, enhanced agility, along with advanced integrated avionics -- are proving that this means unmatched capabilities for combatant commanders to employ to shorten wars and save lives. That's what makes this aircraft relevant for the next four decades. <SNIP>

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., a business area of Lockheed Martin, is a leader in the design, research and development, systems integration, production and support of advanced military aircraft and related technologies. Its customers include the military services of the United States and allied countries throughout the world. Products include the F-16, F/A-22, F-35 JSF, F-117, C-5, C-130, C-130J, P-3, S-3 and U-2. The company produces major components for the F-2 fighter, and is a co-developer of the C-27J tactical transport and T-50 advanced jet trainer.
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employs about 130,000 people worldwide...The corporation reported 2004 sales of $35.5 billion.
Stock Symbol: LMT
Source PRN PR Newswire
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