Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just some info for those listening to the stereo scanner webcast from New Orleans...the left channel currently contains the US Customs/US Coast Guard transmissions. They are controlling big numbers of aircraft and helicopters bringing aid to the area. By using the info from there in conjunction with the Landings Database, you can identify all the civil aircraft. The database is found here:
Just type in the ID (the initial N is taken for granted when they give an ID over the air). It returns the type/model and other details of the aircraft along with the owner.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The Blue Angels are active as of 1530 when I turned on the scanner. Freqs immediately heard are 284.25 and 251.6. Add 275.35. The zombie sounding leader (as we named him last time around) is currently on that last freq.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2101-2103: Couple of tankers chatting on the interplane freq 139.875 - 61 and 71 (assume DEECEE but possibly TEAM) - talking about testing both radios, then saying, "Let's go to HF."


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
One very interesting hit from scanning today - a Canforce 2252 a/c checking in on 351.2 - this is a previously reported Tanker freq. I don't believe I've seen many Canadians reported in the area in the last couple of weeks. No joy on callback, so I assume it might have been a mis-dialed freq 73s Mike
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yeah, that is interesting Mike. The 351.2 freq is used by the 756th ARS so I guess the Canadian aircraft could either be a tanker coming to Andrews to work with the 756th or it could just be that's one of their own squadron freqs.

Just was listening to a long chat by two pilots on one of the Langley Command Post freqs «251.25» about the lack of a starter on one of them and wanting to borrow the other's once they land. Promise of a beer as payback. I'm expecting little to nothing in the way of MilAir comms today other than transports traversing the area. There are a lot of aircraft in flight transporting people and supplies to the gulf region of course.

Shortly after 1500, had some aircraft on the Pax River approach/departure freqs «120.05/281.8». One was using callsign 72MM and was landing runway 5, no destination heard on the other.
1519: BEER 88 calling McGuire on 319.4. BEER shows as an F-16 from Utah but this sounded more like a transport than a fighter. He couldn't make contact with whomever he was trying to contact there and said he'd try 349.4. (Monitored 349.4 but heard nothing)
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Hmm... just had a little on 364.2 (E3s/AWACS coord) saying that he would be flying around for awhile; 282.425 (Customs/DHS) saying he was going to about 2000 foot and asking whether that would work. His call was OMAHA 3. Something might be up, or it might be just a dry run....73s Mike

[edit] 319.4 McGuire has been busy all day; one a/c was talking to another on his way up to NY just a few minutes ago.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1535: On the Langley Command Post freq «251.25» is an aircraft (388) giving freqs for those aircraft going to the New Orleans area. He says command is under OMAHA 45 on freqs Victor 126.875 and Uniform 327.05. If no contact can be made on those freqs, the secondary contact is OMAHA 44 on Victor (Missed-static) and Uniform 282.425.

NOTE: We've been hearing both OMAHA 44 & 45 on the feed from New Orleans that we've all been listening to.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
NOTE: Freqs that I hear today and are new to my scan rotation are marked in bold in the log below.

0900 hour: Turned the scanners on to find a full house of fighters in the midst of their training activities. Pair of fighters, TIVO (Unknown) departing GIANT KILLER area «249.8» and heading back to Langley «238.825»
NJ-ANG active across their freqs «142.45/138.425/138.2».
Flight of PA-ANG A-10s at the Kiowa Range, callsign UGLY «237.2» and on their squadron freqs «143.25/138.3»
Unknown fighter working with HUNTRESS. «228.9»

1015: Activity is completed with HUNTRESS, callsign DEVIL thanks him for the work <training> (F-16, NJ-ANG, Atlantic City) «228.9»
1019: SALTY DOG 205 (F-18, Strike Aircraft Test Squadron) in the Pax River area with BayWatch. «250.3»
1025: COSMIC/DEVIL, F-16s NJ-ANG, in the GIANT KILLER (GK) area. «255.0»
1028: COSMIC asks GK to notify him when TEAM (KC-10A tanker from McGuire AFB) enters the area and wants to know which side of the area he'll enter from. «255.0»
1036: TESTER 17 (USN Test Pilot School) enters BayWatch area. «270.8»
1041: STEEL 81 (KC-135, 147th ARS, PA-ANG Pittsburgh) arriving Harrisburg with BATON Ops (193d Special Operations Group, PA-ANG, Harrisburg). «395.1»
1057: DEVIL 11 (F-16, NJ-ANG) enters GK area at 16,000 feet. «255.0»

1101: TEAM 21 (KC-10A tanker, McGuire AFB NJ) tells the Command Post his receivers are going to be COSMIC and BANGER flights (F-16s NJ-ANG Atlantic City). «319.4»
1108: DEVIL 11 announces flight of 3 F-16s (NJ-ANG, Atlantic City) will be working overhead and within 15 miles of base. Operationally, they are DEVIL 1/2/3. Believe they are doing their training in the Pax River area due to signal strength (strong). «138.3»
1128: JOSA 548 approaching Andrews for landing. He's a C-21, tail #40075, mainenance status A-2, 7 pax, mission complete upon landing. Andrews misses most of the transmission and 548 says he'll contact him again when closer. He keeps calling up to 1137 without reply from Andrews.«378.1»
1131: The 3 F-16s from NJ continuing ground attack training - very interesting activity. «138.3»
1134: TEAM 21 and 22 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB) on tanker interplane freq. «139.875»
1139: SALTY DOG 222 (SATS) checks in with GK. «249.8»
1145: DEVIL flight of 3 leaves Pax River area and requests direct Atlantic City. «270.8»
1148: DEVIL flight contact base ops to report status. «261.0»

Log continues in new post below from 1200 on.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Whistler, all the new Bearcats for the past several years have had the capability of those freqs - definitely from the 780 on up plus some of the older scanners did. Some of the older Radio Shack scanners do but the new ones don't (except with software to open the ranges but the radios still aren't tuned for those bands.) I happen to use the Uniden 785 which I think is fantastic on the MilAir band. Keep in mind that even in the VHF band of MilAir freqs, you must have it on AM mode. Some older scanners do not allow you to switch from FM to AM on this band.


Mar 1, 2003
I am using a Radio shack Pro-2042 for Milair and all other convential freqs.I think the 2042 is one of the best mil air radios you can get...very easy to program and from what i can tell (UHF air 225-400 mhz) is alot more sensitvve then other radios i have. Check out ebay you can get these radios at a good price.

Good luck,



Mar 1, 2003
Hey All,
Well i was going to say hearing some good A/A coms on 138.3 Devil flight but they just said they were going to rtb from Pax.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Jack, I agree the 2042 is a good MilAir scanner. I just picked up a used one from the Equipment For Sale thread here on RR. It doesn't have the sensitivity of the 785s I use and I can't hear some the weaker transmissions on it but it's still a good way to get into this game at a low price and it has a good sized memory (1000 channels).
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
NOTE: Frequencies in bold are new to my scanning rotation and are not included in the big list somewhere above.

1205-1211: Several aircraft operating on BayWatch freqs - none of which sound like fighters - just aircraft traversing the area. «281.8/119.275»
1212: JOSA 635 departs Andrews. «378.1»
1220: Sounds like more F-16s from the NJ-ANG are up - or possibly it's that DEVIL flight buzzing around Atlantic City before landing. «138.25/138.125»
1228: Pair of fighters going into Langley for landing with SPAD Ops. «364.125»
1237: SWIFT 29 (USAF VIP C-21, Scott AFB IL) calling Dover Dispatch. Contact not made. «269.125»
1239: VENUS 22 calling Andrews Command Post several times. No reply. «378.1»
1242: SWIFT 29 calls Dover Command Post to announce arrival and wants it passed to Dover Dispatch. Note this freq is used by both Dover and McGuire. «134.1»
1244: SWIFT 29 tells Dover he's arriving in 20 minutes to pick up 3 pax and take them back to Scott, needs 3,000 pounds of fuel. Identifies himself as a C-21, tail #8-40140. Also says if Dover is confused by the callsign, he was supposed to use JOSA "something" but never got it assigned so he just used his SWIFT call. «134.1»

1245: VENUS 22 finally makes contact with Andrews. (As usual, if aircraft aren't very close to Andrews, they are not heard on this freq.) Arriving aircraft. «378.1»

1310: Was outside and watched an F-16 screaming overhead as it took off from BWI. Don't know who it was or when it got there.
1320: Flight of F-15s from Langley with GK. «389.1/312.3»
1324: Northrop Gruman (NG) flight radio checks. «123.225»
1326: Above flight of two NG aircraft mention going to GIANT KILLER area and will work 391.2 «123.225»
1326: NG flight (61G is what he used to identify himself) with GK. «391.2»
1329: 64 from 61 (the NG flight) asking if he's on Uniform. No reply. «391.2» He then makes contact on VHF. «123.225»
1331: OMAHA (Customs aircraft) radio check. FM mode. This is a patch from another freq which is why it's FM. «165.2375»
1332: Aircraft checking in with Cherry Point Base Ops. «126.85»
1333: Flight of two fighters RTBing from Pax River area. Missed callsign. «270.8»
1337: ANG aircraft off from Harrisburg Intl Airport with 193rd SOG Command Post..says he'll be at AEG at 2030Z. AEG is the IATA designator for the airport at Albuquerque NM. This sounded like the STEEL 81 KC-135 heard earlier in the day landing at Harrisburg. «395.1»
1341: JOSA 548 in the air again from Andrews. «378.1»
1350: Unknown aircraft, ID as 5009, off from Dover headed for Westover (AFB MA). Dover Dispatch. «269.125»
1352: F-15s with Langley on their tac freq. «252.775»
1355: Another flight of Langley F-15s on another tac freq. «228.45»
1356: F-15s Langley on 364.125
1357: HUNTRESS with HARASS 1 (later 35). «260.9»
1359: Flight of Langley F-15s mention an aircraft close to them probably going to Naval Air Station Wallops (Island). «252.775»

1401: HARASS flight reports he'll be on station for two hours with HUNTRESS. «260.9»
1401: Langley F-15s in contact with SPAD Ops. «364.125»
1403: HARASS now identifies himself as HARASS 35 for the mission.
1405: Customs aircraft trying to radio check. Poor patch quality. «165.2375»
1406: U/I helicopter on Aberdeen Range freq. «248.4»
1408: F-15 (missed callsign) entering GK area and says he'll be working with MAI TAI (F-15, Langley). «238.1»
1409: MAI TAI enters GK area. Flight of four F-15s «238.1»
1410: F-15s Langley working tac freqs. «233.525» «358.85»
1414: Aircraft reports he's 10 miles out to the Langley Tower. «253.5»
1415: One flight of the Langley F-15s are working GK ops freq «389.1» The other flight is working «312.3»
1420: HARASS flight reports he's ready to do surveillance checks. «260.9»
1422: Aircraft reports to Langley Dispatch that he's a King Air arriving to drop off 5 passengers. «376.2»
1422: Langley F-15s all in place and give the "fight's on, fight's on" command. «312.3»
1424: NJ-ANG F-16s up on squadron tac freq. «138.425» Switch to Uniform-12 and I didn't catch them on whatever freq that is...back to 138.425 shortly thereafter.
1424: Northrup Gruman flights still going strong. Switched freq to «123.2»
1427: CRAB 51 (C-130J, MD-ANG, Martin State) up with CRAB Ops. «385.9»
1430: F-15s give "knock it off" command. «312.3»
1433: HARASS tells HUNTRESS that the only place he has (meaning, can see) surveillance tracks (on his scope) are on the ground at Oceana (NAS). «260.9»
1434: HARASS 35 says he wants to head out to TANKER 10, calls the tanker on same freq and says he's 30 miles away from him. Says he only needs 5,000 (pounds of fuel). «260.9»
1437: HARASS makes visual contact with tanker. «260.9»
1441: NJ F-16s on tac freq «138.3»
1443: Langley F-15s MAI TAI flight on tac freq «228.175»
1444: MAI TAI announces RTB to GK. «238.1»
1447: U/I aircraft announces he's coming in for a landing with Patuxent River NAS Tower. «344.4»
1449: NJ F-16s depart Pax River area for Atlantic City «354.8»
1449: HARASS 36 now also working HUNTRESS. «260.9»
1455: The other u/i flight of Langley F-15s departs GK area. «238.1»
1455: NJ F-16s working «138.3/138.425» on the way home and whatever it is they're doing on the way back announce that it's good practice.
1456: Unknown flight enters BayWatch Pax River area. «270.8»
1457: The latest flight of Langley F-15s heads home on tac freqs «228.175» and «228.45» Talking about seeing a good location for an oil refinery while over North Carolina. (Have no idea where that came from or what it pertains to.)

Outside of report time but wanted to note this: At 1559 the Langley F-15s flying the HARASS mission with HUNTRESS changed to their tac freq «228.45» and then upon the command "Push 16," they came up on «251.25», the Langley Command Post freq.

END OF REPORT at 1500...need a break...extremely busy day and the above represents a sampling of what was heard today.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr heard that Dover Dispatch attempt on supposedly new Dover disp freq 269.1250. A couple weeks ago heard another visitor try same with no joy.Maybe Dover hasn't gotten their radio programmed but some Mil Air pub seem to have it listed as such.
McGuire still using same 372.200 dispatch as Dover used to.

Seems Mcguire has given up 349.400 as command post freq as experiment with Dover and Mcguire using same has created too much confusion.McGuire sounds like for most part they are back on 319.400.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Roger that Mark...although McGuire and Dover still do share the VHF Command Post freq 134.10 and, as you said, the 372.2 pilot to dispatch freq. Andrews also uses the 372.2 PTD freq. There was contact by other aircraft today on the 269.125 freq even though a couple couldn't raise anyone. All these bases seem to have problems hearing aircraft at any distance on the UHF freqs. SOP is to make initial contact at 30 minutes out but no one hears them other than those of us with scanners. Andrews is the worst of the bunch.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
At 12 noon...
Langley tac freq 233.525 active with a pair of SPAD F-15s doing air to air intercepts. Also a pair of STUD fighters on that freq. First time hearing that call for Langley fighters.

I'm going to take a wild guess here about that STUD callsign mentioned above. It could very well be for the F-22 Raptors. It's new, it fits with Air Force culture and ego in picking callsigns and sounds exactly like what the pilots of those F-22s are no doubt being called by their fellow pilots (all of them secretly jealous) in the "O" club.

TARA 31 (Unk) arriving Andrews 1615Z. 378.1
REACH 6030 arriving McGuire. 319.4
HUNTRESS freq 364.2 active.

At 1300...
Langley fighters on tac freqs 315.85 and 228.175. Later in GK area 238.1
Callsign SUNSET 11 arriving McGuire to pick up pax. (Unknown callsign) 319.40
Also "BREWER 13 Heavy" (Identifies as C-17) to McGuire. Needs 40K pounds fuel - later changes that to 45K. Supposed to pick up water. 319.40
The BREWER callsign is previously unknown. The C-17 is a huge cargo aircraft assigned to the Air Mobility Command of the USAF. If the cargo is to be water, I imagine it is being transported to the Gulf region for the relief effort. He is picking up 14 pallets of 77,000 pounds (light load for a C-17)

Around 1330 the Kiowa Range is active on 237.2 - probably with A-10s from the PA-ANG. Their tac freq 143.25 is active. Later they self ID as two A-10s on 237.2.
1340: DRAGNET VICTOR (E3B Tinker AFB OK) to GIANT KILLER on 251.6 advising he'll be working with DALLAS and HOBO flights scheduled at 1830Z (1430 local). DALLAS (F-15s, Shaw AFB NC) and HOBO (have listing but not for anything in this area). Perhaps we can ID HOBO as Shaw fighters also once this gets started but I won't be listening at that time so maybe someone else can pick up the slack. (Yes???)
1350: Have a tanker, ROCCO (KC-135, McGuire AFB NJ) checking in with HUNTRESS on 364.2, then changes to 260.9.

1400: DC-ANG up on 127.275 and 139.9.
NJ-ANG up on 138.125.
And that's the end for today until later this evening.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just got the scanners turned back on and heard a bunch of activity.
First, there was some air-to-air intercept activity with a group of three fighters, callsign DOG, on BayWatch Pax River freq 256.5. These might be the Naval fighters we heard here once before. There are many users of the DOG callsign. They also used the Pax River 341.95 freq. (Not sure if I've ever listed that freq for Pax previously.)

Then, there was an ASTOR 37 calling HUNTRESS several times on 364.2 beginning at 2020. He made contact after a few minutes and had to spell his callsign since HUNTRESS didn't seem to recognize it. He did not sound like a fighter. I don't have that call listed. The only real info he gave was that he was 7 miles north of Gordonsville. (I'm not going to look it up. Are you going to look it up?)

There is also a CRAB C-130J from Martin State tooling around the area and talking with CRAB Ops on 385.9. Phillips and Weide AAF also seem to have aircraft in their areas - 126.15 and 126.2.

2104: JOSA 701 calls Andrews Command Post, gets no reply. «378.1»
2112: JOSA 701 calls Langley Command Post, gets no reply. «251.25»
2113: JOSA 701 calls Langley Dispatch, gets reply. She (the pilot or crewmember) asks dispatch to pass on to the Command Post that they'll be on the ground in 25 minutes, will drop off pax, are A-1, have a tail number of 8-40078, are a C-21 and need 1,000 pounds of fuel. «141.75»
2154: PAT 218 to McGuire Command Post says will arrive 0215Z (1015L), will drop off two Air Force colonels and will expedite getting back in the air.
2228: DEUCE 90 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB) arriving at McGuire in 30 minutes, A-2 status, 40K fuel on board. «319.4»
2308-2313: REACH 10NY (Heavy) to McGuire Command Post arriving in 25 minutes, no cargo, no pax. Again much trouble with ground station hearing the aircraft. Took several minutes to pass that simple message - actually, he's not even sure McGuire copied the message. At 2318 he's still trying to regain comms with McGuire. «319.4»
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Then, there was an ASTOR 37 calling HUNTRESS several times on 364.2 beginning at 2020. He made contact after a few minutes and had to spell his callsign since HUNTRESS didn't seem to recognize it. He did not sound like a fighter. I don't have that call listed. The only real info he gave was that he was 7 miles north of Gordonsville. (I'm not going to look it up. Are you going to look it up?)

Probably a NAVY E-6 out of Pax River.They use random madeup daily callsigns and usually last 2 callsign digits are consecutive odd middle range numbers,a sure clue.I heard him also on Huntress.
No sense tracking E-6 callsigns as i have never heard one repeated ever.Course their randomness is a sure clue.
The NAVY way!
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