Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
<378.1><141.55><351.2> DeeCee 11 and 12 inbound Andrews, DC-12 will work the pattern for 45 mins for a transition checkride....

{edit] Nice catch with the Boom freq, these guys sound like they're still working out the kinks in operating new Aircraft. I flew part way to Afghanistan on a "DeeCee" C-141 which is probably now rotting in the Arizona desert...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I don't have time to do the logs today but just want to mention that the DC-ANG is back up. We have BULLY and ANGRY flights on 127.275 and 143.15. They are working in the Pax River area with BayWatch on 354.8. *143.15 is noted as Victor-7 in traffic. It used to be Victor-9.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
The Sept MT has a list of the Washington ARTCC frequencies, including their milair equivalents. I would imagine that the list is about 2-3 months old - given MT's lead time for publishing - but it certainly is a start. You can pick the mag up at Books A Million (TinEar, the one at Arundel Mills has it), and other places as well.

73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Mike.

1947: A couple of tankers from the 756th ARS, Andrews active on the tanker interplane freq «139.875». They are DEECEE 25 and 26 and are practicing boom release procedures on each other.
1957: Flight of probable F-15s in the BayWatch Pax River area. Just gave the "fight's on" command. Callsign HANNIBAL (Unknown). Also callsign DOG (common at several units..will try to make positive ID as activity develops.)
Activity on 270.8 Baywatch freq from MD-ANG A-10s.

2007: There is also a SALTY DOG (SATS) aircraft working BayWatch 354.8. He inquires about the location of all the other fighters in the area and says he'll stay above 15,000 - out of the way.
2010: HANNIBAL/DOG flights working with SCREWTOP (E2B from NAS Norfolk) «354.8»
That may make these flights Naval fighters.
2015: A-10s from Martin State working 142.3, their tac freq.
2019: A-10s going "goggles on" (Night Vision Goggles)
2024: Add callsign SNAKE to the group of Naval fighters working BayWaych «354.8»
2028: SALTY DOG 121 working with SALTY DOG 423 in a pair, now separating. «354.8»
2035: A-10 announces Pax River has put out a tornado watch.
2037: Was hoping the HANNIBAL/SNAKE/DOG flights would announce base when RTBing but they didn't. Only announcement was that they were 5 minutes from RTBing. Mentioned earlier they might be F-15s. Now thinking they were F-18s because of Naval designation...possibly Marine Corp.
2042: AXEMAN (A-10, Martin State) checks into BayWatch Pax River area, flight of two. «354.8»
2043: RAVEN (Martin State) flight to 297.2 (Martin Tower) for landing.
2058: COLT 1 to Baywatch Advisory - looking for IFR to Martin State in 5 minutes. «270.8»

2105: EVAC 107 to Andrews Command Post says he's skirting weather and will be late but get there (to Andrews) eventually. Andrews says, "Copy." «141.55»
2106: A-10s 15 minutes from home, two Code 1s. «347.2»
2108: RAven Ops tells the flight there might be a slight delay due to a civilian aircraft in the pattern. The A-10 pilots are not concerned. «143.8»
2109: A-10s identify 142.3 as "button 5."
2113: Tankers active on interplane freq...just chat. «139.875»
2114: A-10s "goggles off" at this time. «142.3»
2115: COLTs full stop report. «297.2»
2117: AXEMAN flight reports at 7400 altitude to BayWatch. «354.8»
2119: AXEMAN to Raven Ops on 347.2, 10 minutes out, reports 1 is Code 2 for UHF radio and 2 is Code 1. Raven ops tells them to land on runway 33.
2122: MUSSEL 7 (UH-1N copter, Andrews) to MUSSEL Control...10 minutes out, Alpha-1 «292.2»
2127: AXEMAN announce full stop landing to Martin Tower. «297.2»
2149: Someone (missed callsign) entering GIANT KILLER area and will be working until 0300(Z). «238.1»

2220: PITTS 32 (RC-135, Offutt AFB NE) to McGuire Command Post announcing arriving at McGuire. «319.40»
2224: REACH 388 arriving Andrews. «378.1»
2232: Unk..tail #40073 off the deck at Andrews 2231. «378.1»

NOTE: Ref the tornado watch mentioned above. It extends into Maryland and covers Montgomery, Howard, Frederick, Carroll counties.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
2000 <317.425><347.2> Raven-1 plus two in Trail formation with ATC, gives PIREP to Raven Ops
<354.8> Cannibal 340? active near Pax river with multiple others
{edit} You say Hannibal, I say Cannibal.....:lol:

2014 <290.475><317.425> Colt-1 flight of two up with ATC

2015 <142.3>Colt Flight A/A

2022 <314.0> Colt Flight checkin here on Pax Approach from ATC, then gone Push 11...Anyone got 11?

2032 <317.425> Axeman Flight (A-10s) of two checking in, on A/A as well...

2035 <317.425> Raven-1 Flight of 3 back to Martin State via Swann...

2037 Raven-1 Flight to ??291.7?? or ??297.1?? Approach <---never heard on this freq any idea? 291.7 is a PHL approach freq....

2039 Axeman to <354.8> will be in area for 30 mins

2040 Raven flight on Martin Tower Freq <297.2> for landing

2106 Colt with Raven Ops, 15 mins out <347.2>landing ILS 33

2108 ARTCC wants COLT to do GPS 33 instead of ILS <317.425> Some confusion about "legality", now back to ILS, Tower "will turn the localizer around"
2111 Colt to <290.475>

2114 Colt flight with Martin Tower <297.2> for landing

Should still be one flight, Axeman out there somewhere....

2116 Axeman-1 radio check with Patuxent... then to <317.425>

2118 Axeman to <290.475> "Push 6"
Not hearing Axeman flight on the A/A.......

2125, Axeman Cleared to land <297.2>

Assuming there are two lists (VHF/UHF), from what we both got it Looks like ---

(V) 5 = 142.3
(U) 6 = 290.475
(U) 11 = maybe 270.8

Did you happen to check any of those Low VHF freqs associated with the A-10 this evening?
{edit}I was just thinking since we didn't hear AXEMAN Air to air and that since they reported one radio kaput, that they might have been using low band.. I'll try and remember that before they land next time:roll:
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
270.8 is where they showed up next. (ref 11)

[Edit] Yes, those all look good Chuck for the presets from what we've heard tonight. I've never been clear about the A-10 radio since they only seem to use a couple of VHF freqs whether they've got a radio strictly for VHF or if the presets are mixed VHF/UHF.

Re: Low band freqs...nope, sure didn't Chuck...never do, right or wrong.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Earlier today there was lots of fighter activity in the area. I was in and out so didn't log it all. I noted the DC-ANG, Andrews F-16s were active again using callsign BULLY. They were on 143.15. The VA-ANG was also heard on 141.825 and Command Post freq 289.3. Also noted were Langley F-15s coming and going from the GIANT KILLER area using 249.8. There were also fighters in the Pax River (BayWatch) area using freq 291.15. I mention that one only because they don't use that freq very often.

1948: A-10s up from MD-ANG, Martin State. «142.3»
1951: F-16s up from VA-ANG, Richmond. «141.825»
1954: REACH 415T calling McGuire Command Post. Multiple calls, no reply. «319.4»

2002: A-10s contact Kiowa Range, callsign BALKY to check the weather. «237.2»
2002: REACH 415T contacts McGuire, gives maintenance status, no pax. «319.4»
2005-07: The A-10s talking about the weather not being good - solid clouds in the area they want to work.
2008: Lifeguard Trooper 1 clears through Phillips AAF area. «126.115»
2010: Dark on the ground, cloudy skies, the A-10s talking about the beautiful sunset. We can only wish.
2014: RAVEN flight airborne from Martin State. «347.2»
2015: AXEMAN flight airborne from Martin State 2014. «347.2»
2017: TESTER 443 (prob F-18) calling ECHO Control at Pax River. «272.4»
2017: RAVEN flight on Pax River (BayWatch). «354.8»
2038: JOSA 607 reports takeoff at 2035 to Andrews Command Post. «378.1»
2038-2100: Not paying attention to air activity while monitoring Coast Guard emergency freq with boat in distress (Sticky Major Event thread) but heard AXEMAN and RAVEN flight at Kiowa on 237.2 and on 143.8 squadron freq.

There were three flights from Martin State using callsigns COLT, RAVEN and AXEMAN. The first flight off the deck was COLT. Sounds like they're still flying at 2115. Two flights are at Kiowa and one at the Pax River area. 2120 still going
2130: The various A-10s from Martin State are in the landing pattern.
2130: Tankers active on their squadron freq. «351.2»
2140: Last of the A-10s are landing back at Martin State.
2146: CRAB 51 (C-130J, MD-ANG, Martin State) flying around the area. Caugh him on TRACON. «119.7»
2153: CRAB 56 also flying in the area although g/s called CRAB 53 also. «119.7»

NOTE: I'm starting to think the mumble-mouthed Naval fighters I've been calling SCEPTER/SECTOR are probably these TESTER aircraft. I usually hear TESTER with just a one or two digit extension.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
2010 <317.425> Raven-1 Flight of 3 enroute Pax area, then to PAX Approach<281.8>
2014 < 347.2> Axeman Flight depart Martin State..
2016 <317.425> Axeman Flight of 2 checks in ATC
2017<354.8> Raven checks in with Baywatch
2019 AXEMAN TO to PAX Approach<281.8> "Button 8"

Any Air to Air??
I'm searching Low band this evening and the low band presets from CHM -
34.4 CHNL 1- A-10s
34.6 CHNL 2- A-10s
36.8 CHNL 3- A-10s
40.15 CHNL 4- A-10s
41.45 CHNL 5- A-10s
41.4 CHNL 6- A-10s
41.95 CHNL 7- A-10s

2055<143.8> A/A sounds like the A-10s... Sorry it's the Raven SOF freq... so it's them

2115 <317.425> "Push 5" AXEMAN back with ATC
2123 AXMAN back to MArtin State, and talkative with the Pushes...
Push 4= 282.275 Approach
Push 3 =297.2 Tower

2126 <317.425> Raven flight returning, confirms this as Push 5...
2126 <282.275> Raven, Even the ATC controller on 317.425 called it button 4!
2133 Ravens Push 3, to Tower 297.2

Ravens Button update
U-01 347.2 Raven Ops (guess based on common USAF usage)
U-03 297.2 Tower (Confirmed)
U-04 282.275 Approach (Confirmed)
U-05 317.425 Washington Center(Confirmed)
U-06 290.575 (once, needs confirmation)
U-08 281.8 (once, needs confirmation)
U-11 270.8 (Possible)

V-01 143.8 Raven ops (guess based on common USAF usage)
V-03 Tower (Guess based on UHF Usage)
V-05 142.3 Air to Air (confirmed)

Did I miss any? I got no joy on the low band freqs this evening... Are they UHF air to air? How many radios does an A-10 have? {edit} Looks like they only have two -One UHF and one VHF....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
That's one more button recovered Chuck...good job.

[Edit] One of the A-10 flights still up on 142.3 at 2135

Chuck, can you post a list of all the button numbers we have from the past couple of nights? Please?

Thanks Chuck...much appreciated. That's what I was saying last night about their radios...I don't know if they use mixed VHF/UHF radios or have one for each. They seem to have very limited choices of VHF channels which makes me wonder - although we definitely have two button 5s, one on VHF and one on UHF. I have never heard them use anything but VHF (142.3) for air-to-air chat.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1200-1205: Evac 46707 to McGuire Command Post, one abulatory patient to offload. «319.4»
1207-1208: Three flights of F-15s enter the GIANT KILLER area. They are MAI TAI, COACH and ARCO. The first two are from Langley and ARCO from the 388th Fighter Wing at Hill AFB UT (Probably deployed to Langley for training). «238.1»
1213: Above fighters switch to operational freq. «373.1»
1216: REACH 2099 to SAM Command. Wants parking space and needs to refuel. «378.1»
1219: MAI TAI positioning fighters around the zone in preparation for exercise. «373.1»
1220: Couple of National Guard copters chatting on NG interplane freq. «246.8»
1225: Everyone in place and the "fight's on" statement is given. «373.1»
1248: MAI TAI contacts GK for approach freq to head home, exercise done. «238.1»
1250: Fighters working with GK for the past few minutes but are too weak to copy. «391.2»
1252: CADDO 58 (C-17 transport) calls Andrews Command Post, no reply. «378.1»

1307: Continuing fighter activity with GK; very little is copiable. «373.1/391.2»
1310: Fighters announce RTB. One of these was the ARCO flight mentioned earlier. «238.1»
1312: Copters chatting on Weide Ops. «229.4»
1313: And on Phillips AAF. «126.15»
1337: A C-12 (probably PAT376) approaches Phillips AAF for landing, runway 22, currently over Turkey Point (who cares?..but it sounded good). «126.15»
1355: Kiowa Range active with unknown fighters. «237.2»
1359: Andrews/SAM Command Post very active today - lots of transports arriving. «378.1»

1400: Still have two copters chatting on the Natl Grd interplane freq. They sound like a bunch of schoolchildren making noises and inane comments. «246.8»
1407: VA-ANG active. Callsign BASH. These F-16s apparently have new radar scopes and are discussing how well, or badly, they can see targets using them. «141.825»
1408: Northrup Gruman freq active. «123.225»
1409: DC-ANG active. «127.275»
1424: DC-ANG F-16s coming home (from Kiowa), callsign RAVAGE, reporting to SOF on mission results. «139.9»
1425: BASH flight entering GIANT KILLER area. «238.1»
1425: BASH flight working their command post. «141.6»
1429: MD-ANG active. «347.2»
1432: DC-ANG second flight coming home, callsign BULLY. Two Code 1 aircraft. 10 minutes out.
1434: Flight of AXEMAN A-10s report off the deck from Martin State at 1431. «142.3»
1441: Northrup Gruman flight asks for medical support to meet their plane when it lands for a passenger having pressurization problems (ears). On a 20 mile final for BWI. «123.225»
1453: NJ-ANG active. «138.425»
1459: NJ F-16s move to BayWatch Pax River area, callsign BICEP. «354.8»

1501: MD-ANG A-10s move to Kiowa Range. «237.2»
1506: BICEP F-16s using 138.425 and 138.3 for chat.
1511: Part of the NJ contingent of F-16s is now at Kiowa. «237.2»
1518: That same NJ F-16 left Kiowa and is now checking in with GIANT KILLER. «255.0»
1526: MD A-10s announce a "faux pas" which is an interesting term to use for one of them forgetting to put his nose gun on "safe" and his partner watching the gun barrels spin but not firing because he either expended all his ammo or wasn't loaded. Could have been catastrophic if he had had a load of ammo in that gun. «142.3»
1527: A-10s coming home. «347.2»
1530: AXEMAN flight reports leaving BayWatch area. «270.8»
1541: BICEP flight returning to Atlantic City...14 miles out.«138.425»
1550: Unknown fighters in the GK area. They are working with an E3B from Tinker AFB, callsign DARKSTAR. «312.3»
1551: MD A-10s on final for Martin State. «297.2»

1610: CRAB 52 & 56 (MD-ANG, C-130J, Martin State) going into Phillips AAF. «126.15»
Throughout the 1600 hour many helicopters are working around the area on all the usual freqs including the National Guard common freq. «242.4»

NOTE: The steady stream of transports continues into Andrews. This is probably related to Congress being called back into session on an emergency basis to deal with Katrina's aftermath. They are scattered all over the country - and the world - and are trying to get back to D.C. Not only do we have the 535 members of the Senate and House, but their staffs are also returning to D.C., creating a wave of a few thousand people trying to get back here for the emergency legislation that is promised for tonight or tomorrow.

Also interesting were comments made by a couple of copter pilots in the late morning hours. They mentioned a huge wave of aircraft flying through the eastern Maryland area. Unfortunately, they didn't describe the types of aircraft they were seeing nor did they speculate where they might be headed.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1945-1953: TEAM 48 (KC-10A McGuire) Talking to McGuire Command Post about whether or not TEAM 47 needs him for refueling. Finally, it's decided he does not so TEAM 48 will return to McGuire. Says he's about 35 minutes out from the landing pattern. «319.4»

2004: A-10 flight from Martin State off the ground. Callsign COLT. «347.2»
2019: A-10s also on squadron tac freq. «142.3»
Am not monitoring MilAir closely tonight since I'm doing my own webcast and also listening in to the Louisiana scanner feeds.
2025: Martin State A-10s go to Kiowa Range. «237.2»
2039: One of the A-10s apparently has a problem with a wing tank trapping fuel and not flowing. «142.3»
2043: From Louisiana: All overflights of the city of New Orleans have been cancelled during hours of darkness for safety reasons. (They obviously mean because of gunfire directed at the helos.) National Guard units sending a truckload of ammo to units in the field.

2103: COLT flight of two A-10s 10 minutes from home. «347.2»
2117: COLT flight circling Martin State preparing to land. «297.2»
2133: But they go round and round and finally are dropping to the deck. Guess that was a fuel burnoff. «297.2»
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I sure understand that Chuck. I've got my MilAir scanners on very low volume and the same for the the scanner doing the webcast. I've got a NOLA feed booming in here. I was thinking seriously of relaying the feed for LA onto my webcast but thought better of it. For one, I'd only have audio and wouldn't be able to broadcast video and, second, there are about a gazillion (that's a lot) of feeds from the LA area that anyone can tune to.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Re the buttons above - U04 and U05 are Potomac TRACON freqs, not Washington Center. You can check that in the database. I wonder if U06 290.575 is a typo for 290.475? If so, that too is a TRACON frequency. Nice list in any case, though I always wonder just how stable such a setup really is - don't they change the freqs in the radio if the mission changes? 73s Mike


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
U06 should be 290.475.. My typo....

Ravens Button update
U-01 347.2 Raven Ops (guess based on common USAF usage)
U-03 297.2 Tower (Confirmed)
U-04 282.275 Potomac Tracon (Confirmed)
U-05 317.425 Potomac Tracon(Confirmed)
U-06 290.475 Potomac Tracon(once, needs confirmation)
U-08 281.8 (once, needs confirmation)
U-11 270.8 (Possible)

V-01 143.8 Raven ops (guess based on common USAF usage)
V-03 Tower (Guess based on UHF Usage)
V-05 142.3 Air to Air (confirmed)
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Mar 1, 2003
Hey Tin,
I have to admit everyday I check to see your postings. Very impressive!!!! What type of antenna system are you using? Keep up the great work.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thank you Jack. I'm using nothing but a Diamond Discone. The bottom of it is right at roof level of a split level home so it's not high in the air at all. There is always a lot of discussion of which antenna works best on a scanner and many of the purists will tell you that a Diamond Discone (or any discone) is lousy, don't buy it, instead buy this or that. Results speak far louder than theoretical promises. Yes, I hear a ton of MilAir, but I also hear great distances on the VHF/UHF bands too. Those that listen to my scanner webcast hear VHF signals from well down in Virginia to FDNY in New York - and on a regular basis. But the radio generals tell me it's just good conditions this year. Okay, I can buy that. But it makes me wonder why everyone else isn't hearing signals out to those distances. I've just been lucky I guess in spite of my bad choice of antenna. Someday I'll figure out how to do it the right way. <turning off the gloat machine now>

I've got to tell you that the scanners from Lousiana are much more interesting to listen to than MilAir or anything locally. The webcast I'm listening to has the LA State Police on the right channel and the National Guard, etc on the left channel. It's fascinating and very moving at the same time. And there is a giant disconnect between what is heard on the scanners with men and women busting their butts trying to help people - and the anger and misery being expressed on TV where they're making it appear no help is being extended.

Was too busy this morning to listen to the MilAir scanners but just noted (1245) DC-ANG F-16s from Andrews are up and flying in the BayWatch (Pax River) area. Callsign BULLY. «354.8»
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