NOTE: We've been calling the range at Fort Indiantown Gap in Pennsylvania, the Kiowa Range. Kiowa is actually the overall name for the Military Operations Area and Bollen is the range within that area - officially known as the Bollen Air to Ground Weapons Range. Usually, the frequency associated with Bollen (nee Kiowa) is 237.2. It appears the 283.1 frequency is also associated there. At approximately 1100, there is a flight of four fighter aircraft, callsign CHILI entering and working that range on 283.1. The CHILI callsign is unknown for anyone in this area. They are working with range controller RANGER which is a confirmed Kiowa..oops...Bollen callsign.
Late 0900 hour finds fighter activity at:
Bollen Weapons Range «237.2»
Pax River area «270.8»
Bollen Weapons Range «283.1»
1000 hour begins with all three of the above activities continuing. Three state ANG units are flying - VA, PA and MD. Heard the MAD HOG A-10 callsign from PA, have MD A-10s working on 142.3 and VA F-16s on 141.825. MAD HOG is working at Bollen Range. MD AXEMAN A-10s complaining that their range controller is a mumble mouth..."She was very hard to understand. She doesn't enunciate."
1040: DC-ANG F-16s at the Bollen Range, callsign ANGRY. «237.2»
1116: ANGRY flight coming home on 127.275 and 139.9.
1130: AXEMAN flight coming home. «347.2»
AXEMAN switches to Martin State tower «297.2» and changes callsign to RAVEN for landing.
1217: 61NG, the Northrup Gruman test flight aircraft enters the Pax River BayWatch area with ECHO Control. «291.15»
Tankers noted flying in 1200 hour are FUZZY 42 (KC-135, NY-ANG, Niagara Falls) attempting contact for about 30 minutes with McGuire Command Post on «319.4» and finally does at 1252 announcing 20 minutes from landing. The other tanker was DECEE 41 (KC-135, Andrews AFB) attempting contact with Andrews Command Post on «378.1»
1253: Have some unknown fighters entering GIANT KILLER area on «238.1» and operating on «391.2» and «292.3»
1253: Boeing test flight freq becomes active. Says he has four SOB (Souls OnBoard) «321.7»
1307: Fighters in GK area give "fight's on" command. «391.2»
1320: UPSET 22 (KC-135, WI-ANG, Milwaukee) attempts contact with McGuire Command Post. «319.4»
1330: Heard PA-ANG A-10s active on «143.25» and then Bollen Range became active on «237.2» -- probably same guys but will try to prove it. (Later: same guys, ID by voice, no callsign heard)
1334: Fighters in GK area give "knock it off" command.
1335: JOSA 263 to Andrews Command Post, identifies as home station C-21, Tail #40079, need transportation for 2 pax, 2 crew, mission complete. A-1 maint. status. «378.1»
1335: Aircraft using callsign RL (Romeo Lima) 442 contacts GIANT KILLER, no reply. «238.1»
1339: The GK area fighters (ref 1253 entry) now on «315.85» which is Langley tac freq so we know where they are from but not who they are.
1357: Flight of two F-15s enter GK area. «346.6» and also heard them on Langley tac freq «228.175»
1400: Another Langley fighter on «228.175» and he identifies himself as a (F-22) Raptor.
1412: MD-ANG A-10s active. «143.8»
1414: AXEMAN 1 (A-10, MD-ANG) contacts GIANT KILLER for entry into area, gets no reply. «255.0»
1416: AXEMAN contacts GK on «135.725» and states he couldn't make contact on UHF so is trying this one. He's a flight of three aircraft. This is the first time I've heard the Martin State A-10s using VHF other than their own squadron freqs.
1420: 61NG, the Northrup Gruman test flight is still in the BayWatch area.
1421: VA-ANG active on their Command Post freq. «141.6» Callsign BASH, flight of three. 1 wants to know if 2 got a full load of flares since he did not. 2 says he did.
1428: BASH flight enters GK area on «249.8» and doesn't like that freq (has a squeal) so will change to «292.3» And they do.
1433: JOSA 951 off the deck at Andrews.
1433: DC-ANG F-16s in the air. «127.275» Callsign ANGRY. Enter BayWatch area on «270.8»
1442: ANGRY flight calls and makes contact with DARKSTAR (E3B, Tinker AFB OK). DARKSTAR gives them their mission and weapons assignment. Still on «127.275»
1453: REACH 950 calls Andrews Command Post, is confused by ground ID of SAM Command, confirms it. 15 minutes out, no pax or cargo, wants parking, needs refueling of 100,000 pounds minimum. Will park on spot 13C. «378.1»
1506: ANGRY flight exits Bay Watch area, announces RTB. «270.8»
END OF REPORT--You get the idea.
NOTE: Ref my note at the top of this message. I said the CHILI callsign was not for anyone in this area. It is, however, used by F-16s of the 308th FS, Luke AFB AZ. I just realized that sometime in the recent past there was another call I said was not used by anyone in this area but remember it was also in use by the Luke AFB fighters. I'll have to go back and try to find that entry. That unit may be deployed to this area.