Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
For those of you using the new Uniden 396T, there is a firmware update for it that affects MilAir. As Uniden posted:

This firmware load updates the BCD396T firmware to version 1.08.07. This update includes these improvements:
  • Improves immunity to temporary low-voltage from the AC adapter to reduce unintentional battery charge timer resets.
  • While performing a control-channel custom search, you can now quick save found control channel frequencies.
  • Improves Fire Tone-Out performance when CTCSS/DCS is present.
  • Allows more than 100 FM Broadcast service lockouts
  • Changes step and modulation for 225-400MHz(Military Air) as,
    • 225.0000-379.9750 : 25.0kHz/AM
    • 380.0000-399.9875 : 12.5kHz/NFM


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
NOTE: We've been calling the range at Fort Indiantown Gap in Pennsylvania, the Kiowa Range. Kiowa is actually the overall name for the Military Operations Area and Bollen is the range within that area - officially known as the Bollen Air to Ground Weapons Range. Usually, the frequency associated with Bollen (nee Kiowa) is 237.2. It appears the 283.1 frequency is also associated there. At approximately 1100, there is a flight of four fighter aircraft, callsign CHILI entering and working that range on 283.1. The CHILI callsign is unknown for anyone in this area. They are working with range controller RANGER which is a confirmed Kiowa..oops...Bollen callsign.

Late 0900 hour finds fighter activity at:
Bollen Weapons Range «237.2»
Pax River area «270.8»
Bollen Weapons Range «283.1»

1000 hour begins with all three of the above activities continuing. Three state ANG units are flying - VA, PA and MD. Heard the MAD HOG A-10 callsign from PA, have MD A-10s working on 142.3 and VA F-16s on 141.825. MAD HOG is working at Bollen Range. MD AXEMAN A-10s complaining that their range controller is a mumble mouth..."She was very hard to understand. She doesn't enunciate."

1040: DC-ANG F-16s at the Bollen Range, callsign ANGRY. «237.2»
1116: ANGRY flight coming home on 127.275 and 139.9.
1130: AXEMAN flight coming home. «347.2»
AXEMAN switches to Martin State tower «297.2» and changes callsign to RAVEN for landing.
1217: 61NG, the Northrup Gruman test flight aircraft enters the Pax River BayWatch area with ECHO Control. «291.15»

Tankers noted flying in 1200 hour are FUZZY 42 (KC-135, NY-ANG, Niagara Falls) attempting contact for about 30 minutes with McGuire Command Post on «319.4» and finally does at 1252 announcing 20 minutes from landing. The other tanker was DECEE 41 (KC-135, Andrews AFB) attempting contact with Andrews Command Post on «378.1»

1253: Have some unknown fighters entering GIANT KILLER area on «238.1» and operating on «391.2» and «292.3»
1253: Boeing test flight freq becomes active. Says he has four SOB (Souls OnBoard) «321.7»
1307: Fighters in GK area give "fight's on" command. «391.2»
1320: UPSET 22 (KC-135, WI-ANG, Milwaukee) attempts contact with McGuire Command Post. «319.4»
1330: Heard PA-ANG A-10s active on «143.25» and then Bollen Range became active on «237.2» -- probably same guys but will try to prove it. (Later: same guys, ID by voice, no callsign heard)
1334: Fighters in GK area give "knock it off" command.
1335: JOSA 263 to Andrews Command Post, identifies as home station C-21, Tail #40079, need transportation for 2 pax, 2 crew, mission complete. A-1 maint. status. «378.1»
1335: Aircraft using callsign RL (Romeo Lima) 442 contacts GIANT KILLER, no reply. «238.1»
1339: The GK area fighters (ref 1253 entry) now on «315.85» which is Langley tac freq so we know where they are from but not who they are.
1357: Flight of two F-15s enter GK area. «346.6» and also heard them on Langley tac freq «228.175»

1400: Another Langley fighter on «228.175» and he identifies himself as a (F-22) Raptor.
1412: MD-ANG A-10s active. «143.8»
1414: AXEMAN 1 (A-10, MD-ANG) contacts GIANT KILLER for entry into area, gets no reply. «255.0»
1416: AXEMAN contacts GK on «135.725» and states he couldn't make contact on UHF so is trying this one. He's a flight of three aircraft. This is the first time I've heard the Martin State A-10s using VHF other than their own squadron freqs.
1420: 61NG, the Northrup Gruman test flight is still in the BayWatch area.
1421: VA-ANG active on their Command Post freq. «141.6» Callsign BASH, flight of three. 1 wants to know if 2 got a full load of flares since he did not. 2 says he did.
1428: BASH flight enters GK area on «249.8» and doesn't like that freq (has a squeal) so will change to «292.3» And they do.
1433: JOSA 951 off the deck at Andrews.
1433: DC-ANG F-16s in the air. «127.275» Callsign ANGRY. Enter BayWatch area on «270.8»
1442: ANGRY flight calls and makes contact with DARKSTAR (E3B, Tinker AFB OK). DARKSTAR gives them their mission and weapons assignment. Still on «127.275»
1453: REACH 950 calls Andrews Command Post, is confused by ground ID of SAM Command, confirms it. 15 minutes out, no pax or cargo, wants parking, needs refueling of 100,000 pounds minimum. Will park on spot 13C. «378.1»
1506: ANGRY flight exits Bay Watch area, announces RTB. «270.8»
END OF REPORT--You get the idea.

NOTE: Ref my note at the top of this message. I said the CHILI callsign was not for anyone in this area. It is, however, used by F-16s of the 308th FS, Luke AFB AZ. I just realized that sometime in the recent past there was another call I said was not used by anyone in this area but remember it was also in use by the Luke AFB fighters. I'll have to go back and try to find that entry. That unit may be deployed to this area.
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
Just got the scanners turned back on and heard a bunch of activity.
First, there was some air-to-air intercept activity with a group of three fighters, callsign DOG, on BayWatch Pax River freq 256.5. These might be the Naval fighters we heard here once before. There are many users of the DOG callsign.

Out here in CA (and I assume everywhere), DOG is one of the tactical calls the FRS and other units use when doing air combat training. VIPER is another one. I've heard VFA-125, VFA-122 and many others use those and a few other calls many times. Typically they change to that call when they switch to the tac freq that is used in the area they are working... Then use their normal SQ call for ATC. That's why it's hard to nail down assigned AAs, because when it's a busy area that might have numerous flights working at one time, you can't tell which flight is on what tac. Maybe that's why they do it. :)

-DPD Productions - Featuring the NEW MilTenna LP Gain Scanner Antenna-


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks for the input Dave. Yes, DOG is a multi-purpose call used by a gaggle of different units but I haven't heard VIPER in this area. The VFA units in this area (106 and 131) that are most often heard, use such different terminology from the Air Force units which comprise about 90% of the activity, that they are often difficult to understand.

I took a quick peek at those MilAir antennas at your site and will look in more depth later when time allows. Interesting - although an LP in my location would be difficult due to the 360 degree military air listening area I'm afforded.

(Daily log continues above)
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Jul 24, 2005
True, the way they work the radio is slightly different. For instance the AF squadrons often have AA freqs with overlapping usage by other squadrons. I assume that's because so many use the VHF, and there's less freqs available. Whereas the Navy/Marine squadrons typically have dedicated freqs. I've very rarely heard the same freqs used by more then one SQ. Most Navy fighter SQ have 3 tacs plus one base. The exception being some of the units that fly more often, like test and FRS, which usually have more then 3 tacs. Often times the Navy SQ's also use a daily call number that increases as the day goes... 11 for the first flight, 21 for the second, and so on.

Just an fyi on the antennas... They actually work quite well in an omni fashion. In most cases, people have told me they seem to work as well as their old omni. They just work better in the direction they're pointed. They also work pretty well in VHF.

-DPD Productions - Custom Scanner, MURS, & Ham Antennas-


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
2015 turn on the radios and much Activity, Bully 1, Angry 1 flights active on 127.275 and 354.8, I've also heard "Ranger 21" on 354.8 calling Patuxent Advisory... add 143.15 active for the Fighters
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Nice activity Chuck. The ANGRY flight is doing their ops on 127.275 and the BULLY flight on 143.15. Both are worried they're too close to each other.
Both flights are doing HADB (High Altitude Dive Bombing) attacks.
The ANGRY flight is using the last of their flight time to practice intercepts with HUNTRESS while remaining on 127.275.
BULLY flight is doing buddy lasing now along with NVG practice...staying on 143.15.

ANGRY flight manages to finish the mission with both aircraft Code 1. They briefly switch to SOF freq 139.9 and also to U-18, 270.275 (Approach) to inquire about runway 19 ILS, then back to V-5 (127.275). ANGRY flight switches to 349.0 Andrews Tower, gear down at 2117.

BULLY flight is also going to do practice intercepts as a finale. They are working with DARKSTAR, declaring bullseye BRAA and going to work on it. BULLY heads for home, both declare Code 1. At 2131, BULLY 1 contacts SENATE SOF on V-1 (139.9) and gives mission results and change back to V-7 (143.15). BULLY flight to Andrews Tower 349.0, 2 gear down at 2136, 1 still 8 miles out, then gear down at 5 miles out at 2137.

While that was going on, I heard a couple of tankers - DEECEE 41 (KC-135) with Andrews Command Post on 378.1 and TEAM 24 (KC-10A) with McGuire Command Post on 319.4 - both approaching their respective bases for landing.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0947: VA-ANG active/SLAM (flt of 3) & BASH (flt of 4) «141.875» «141.6»
0949: VA-ANG enter GIANT KILLER (GK) area. «238.1»
0952: VA-ANG GK ops «292.3»
1028: Heading home..RTB Richmond. «238.1»

0954: MD-ANG active/AXEMAN (flt of 2) «347.2»
0955: MD-ANG COLT flight off deck «347.2»
1005: One AXEMAN A-10 coming home Code 3, major problem. «347.2»
1019: AXEMAN lands safely. «347.2/297.2»

[[Continued below]]
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Mar 1, 2003
Hey Dave,
I saw your Mil antenna LPD. Very nice. How low in VHF will it go?Will it cover 138-146?
Right now i am using a Create LPD but i want more gain on 225-400mhz.The create only has about 6db of gain but it covers a wider band 50-1200mhz. I will keep you in mind.



Mar 1, 2003
Hey All,
I just got buzzed by Angry flight heading back to Andrews.They flew right over the house (i am north of Towson)Did not catch the altitude but i caught a visual on them.Loud as heck!! But i loved it. They were on 307.9.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1141: COLT flight on the way home to Martin State. «142.3»
1148: Thay made it, setting up for landing runway 33 w/Martin Tower. «297.2»

1220: DC-ANG active, callsign ANGRY, flt of 2, air-to-air intercepts «127.275»
1231: Navy 7W908 calling Raven Ops, arriving at airfield «143.8»
1235: ANGRY working with HUNTRESS (NORAD) in practice intercept - HUNTRESS wants him to head butt the intercepted aircraft (which is the other ANGRY) to the east. ANGRY 1 finds the target, identifies it as an F-16 and does the head butt on a very compliant ANGRY 2. Yeah, real world training. HUNTRESS loud and clear on this freq. There is also someone using callsign GYPSY involved here. It would appear to be one of those exercise callsigns they're fond of using during operations. «127.275»
1247: They announce they'll do one more intercept, then do a "bobsled" and call it a day. «127.275»
1250: They're in position, announce "fight's on" and begin taking vectors from HUNTRESS toward a "hostile" flight. At 8 miles from the hostile, they announce they have the TOI, ID it as an F-16 and are told to head butt it east (again). «hanging on 127.275»
1305: They go home. Andy's tower. «349.0»
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Was the training actually with the "real" Huntress? The other day it was apparent by the voices that one of the Fighters was also "playing" Huntress and giving the practice intercept data.

{Edit} Thanks for the answer, Alan, I was just wondering if it was local training or "real" NORAD training.....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yes Chuck, this HUNTRESS appeared to be the real deal. It was almost certainly a ground station from the sound of it. I suppose it could have been someone in their squadron on the ground, such as the SOF, playing the role of HUNTRESS. It was not at all like the airborne sounding "players" they use from time to time - such as the GYPSY call today.

While I'm typing this, I just turned on the radios and hear Langley tac freq «233.525» yapping away.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2115: REACH 11NY to McGuire Command Post, 15 minutes out, declares he's a C-5, no pax. no cargo. «319.40» A couple of nights ago we had a REACH 10NY landing at McGuire that described himself simply as "heavy." If he was also a C-5, no wonder he used that descriptor. By the way, the "heavy" designator is used on the civilian airways freqs to describe aircraft over 250,000 pounds. They announce that "heavy" designator because those large aircraft create wake turbulence that other aircraft must be aware of and not fly too close to them.
2119: REACH 402 to Dover AFB Tower...landing runway 1. «126.35»
2145: C-21, tail #40015 25 minutes out from Andrews, home station aircraft, mission complete upon landing, has officials ranked C-5, an A-4 and A-5 aboard plus two other pax. Needs transportation for them and 2 crew members. A-1 status. «141.55»
2215: CRAB 58 (C-130J, MD-ANG, Martin State) calling CRAB reply to two calls. «385.9»
2234: STEEL 89 (KC-135, PA-ANG, Pittsburgh) calling Washington Center on HUNTRESS freqs «228.9» and was instructed to go to «260.9» just to check in. He mentioned being in New Orleans and that it was much worse to see it in person. And off he went.
2320: Aircraft 557 calls Langley NASA Ops to say he'll be home in 15 minutes. «123.375»

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1410: Either PA or NJ-ANG up. Both have used this freq recently. «138.3»
1421: I'm going to identify these as A-10's (flight of two aircraft) from the PA-ANG based on conversations by the pilots - apparently on their way to Pax River - or flying over the Pax River area.. Still on «138.3»
1425: One pilot asked the other if he knew the Base Ops freq. He didn't, so the first pilot mentioned it was 395.1. That's Base Ops at Harrisburg PA.
1429: They contacted Base Ops but I didn't get there in time to catch the callsign. «395.1»
1430: Back on 138.3 they mention Ops knows they're coming. So they are heading north - away from Pax River area.
And that was the last transmission heard from them. A deployment of two aircraft?

1459: CAP flight 1804 is ending his bridge patrol and heading back to Martin State. He's been flying around the area for the past hour or so that I've heard. «149.5375»
1515-1545: CAP flights 1845 and 1871 over the area. «149.5375/148.15»
1547: CAP 1845 calling Wicomico Ground, twice, no reply. «148.15»
1555: CAP flight 1805 up and reporting traffic around the Naval Academy stadium. And CAP 1845 RTBing Martin State. «149.5375»
Wow...things are bad when I start reporting the movements of CAP flights. I quit.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Yeah, not all that much happening; around 5 or so, I managed to get a couple of pilots chit chatting on 283.75 which I have as a Huntress Blue 1 frequency. Nothing else of much importance beyond a few checkins on the Andrews freq, and some flights checking in on Martin tower 121.3

73s Mike


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
0945 DC CAP Up <260.9><288.35><135.525> Harass-33, Tanker-15

1040 Haven't heard anything since the original check-in.....

1042 Harrass 33 with Huntress for radio check<288.35>

1154 <324.00> A/R Boom freq, refueling ongoing. This ties in with Mike's Post, since it's been about an hour and a half .... Receiver Ids as Harass 34, Now Harass 33 on Tank

1200 Drago - 1,2,3 departing ADW up on ATC <281.4>and A/A <127.275> (looks like the 121st FS by freq, Drago is the call used USAF Wide for demos/flybys, i think) Going to PAX , then flyby at Fedex Field at 1300 will hold at Nottingham at 1245. Checks in on <354.8> for Pax river.
1233<124.0> Drago Flight on "victor"
1240 <354.8> Drago "51" looking for clearance to leave PAX
1246 <270.275> Drago flight w/ATC
1249 <124.0> Drago 2 radio check with Drago 51
1251 <270.275> Setting up to the South
Signal(s) extremely weak, I guess as they drop down for the flyby...
1301 <270.275> All Done! Drago looking for VFR direct ADW
1302 <270.275> Field in sight, push 4,<349.0>
1306 ,<349.0> Calls were Drago 51, 52, 53 all gear down for landing.

I think the CAP is still up there.....

1308 Ice Cream...No that's not a callsign - I'm going to get some ice cream... Back later.
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