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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2025: Interplane chat by a couple of tankers on «139.875»

Speaking of air-to-air refueling, I just ran across a story about KC-135 refuleing over Iraq and Afghanistan here:

One line from the story and one that I'm sure not many are aware of:
The boom operator lies on his belly and jiggles a pair of joysticks that adjust small wings on the boom, allowing him to guide the pipe until it locks onto the gas tank of the plane below.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2200: No fighter activity at all tonight. Nothing at all today from the MD, NJ, PA or VA-ANG units. Kind of unusual. DC-ANG and Langley fighters were the only activity from local units today. And with perfect flying weather I'm wondering why.

Want to learn to fly an F/A-18 Hornet? You can buy the same simulator the military uses for your home theater system. Oh....and it only costs $68K. Here's the story...


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TinEar said:
2200: No fighter activity at all tonight. Nothing at all today from the MD, NJ, PA or VA-ANG units. Kind of unusual. DC-ANG and Langley fighters were the only activity from local units today. And with perfect flying weather I'm wondering why.

I'm sure it's due to it being the first week of the fiscal year - No one wants to expend dollars they don't yet have and might not get.....


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Welcome back Chuck...if you're back.

Actually, I was kind of thinking that maybe the order went out to conserve fuel considering the jet fuel shortage across the country. I've been wondering why the activity hasn't slowed down the past couple of weeks. But, I also know that end-of-year use of remaining funds is a mandatory mind game across all government agencies - civilian or military.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1030: DC-ANG active on «127.275» Callsign WILD. They are on the way home...flight of two.
1036: WILD to SOF on «139.9» and then back to tac «127.275
1045: NJ-ANG freq active «138.125» (Probably a DEVIL flight returning home that went up to the Yankee MOA earlier)
1050: TESTER 04 (USN Test Pilot School) with a chase aircraft in the BayWatch area on «264.55» They are doing practice intercepts (from the cards).

1108: Bollen Range active «237.2»
1109: N190PA entering GIANT KILLER area on «125.375» Says he'll be there for three hours. That aircraft is a GRUMAN G-159 belonging to the Phoenix Air Group of Georgia. An aircraft just identified himself as PHOENIX 24 on the same freq and I think it's the same guy. These aircraft have been associated in the past with launches from Wallops Island.
1118: AXEMAN 1 (A-10, MD-ANG, Martin State) up with RAVEN Ops on «347.2»
1134: SALTY DOG 205 leaving BayWatch area to RTB «270.8»
1136: TESTER 15 with BayWatch «354.8»
1137: SALTY DOG 102 in BayWatch area on «235.725» with a u/i wingman.
1146: AXEMAN approaching Martin State for full stop landing on tower freq «297.2»
1159: Aircraft on Pax «235.725» says he needs to get to the tanker...SALTY DOG 102?

1207: SALTY DOG 102 switches to BayWatch on «354.8» for the run to the tanker. His wingman may be SD 122....yes, it is SALTY DOG 122.
1211: FUZZY 21 (female), IDs as a KC-135 into McGuire but on what is mainly Dover's freq «349.4» FUZZY=136th Air Refueling Squadron, NY-ANG Niagara Falls
1230: Various aircraft refueling on BayWatch freq «354.8» They are all Navy and all using the hose and drogue method of refueling...there was a mention of the tanker being a KC-130. Believe I also heard a SALTY DOG 225 in the mix.
1235: There is also a SALTY DOG 325, wingman to 225 refueling on «354.8» The tanker says he is going to have to hurry "back to the pits" (or did he mean pitts, like in Pittsburgh?) for more gas when he finishes filling up 325.
1239: SALTY DOG 102 looking to RTB «354.8»
1241: FLASH 91 (F-15 Langley) into GIANT KILLER area on «238.1» for 30 minutes.
1244: POKE 81, flight of two, (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on «238.1»
1250: RISKY 21 (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on «238.1»
1253: DATSUN 71, flight of four, (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on «238.1»
1255: GIANT KILLER ops freqs «346.6/355.0/292.3/373.1» active. Langley tac «276.625» active.
1258: DC-ANG active on «127.275»
END OF REPORT...continued below.
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Mar 1, 2003
Got some F-15's on
13:01-350.0, 276.675
13:12- sounds like they are having some radio problems as far as aux channels
13:17-373.1 active

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1300: DC-ANG is a flight of four, callsign BULLY «127.275»
1307: U/I fighters chatting on «138.75». I'll take a guess and say this is TREND 11, a flight of six A-10s deploying from Lajes in the Azores to Pope AFB NC.
1311: BULLY flight pairing off for ground attack...probably in Pax River area but I never heard them enter with BayWatch. Still on «127.275»
1314: Confirm the A-10s on «138.75» is a flight of six aircraft. Four of the six are getting static on this freq...will change soon.
1316: TREND 11-16 switch to «148.05» for chat.
1321: One of the TREND fighters switching to «239.8» at Langley to get the weather for Pope.
1332: TREND flight chatting about the President's pick for the Supreme Court...say she doesn't look like she'll last that long...meaning her age. <g> They are starting to weaken now and won't be heard much longer as they approach Norfolk talking about Arrested Development. Still on «148.05»
1338: TREND flight still being heard chatting...they are close enough to Pope to be getting the ATIS VHF freq. «148.05»
1341: TREND approaches Pope and changes to tac chat on «140.4» Their alternate base should something happen is Shaw. Still being heard as they descend for approach into Pope. Last heard at 1343.
1345: Listening for another six A-10s on the same flight route that should be TREND 31-36 also going to Pope.
1351: Someone on «138.825» Could be TREND 31-36 but have only heard two pilots chatting so far.
1359: Warren Grove Range active «283.1»
END OF REPORT...continued below if necessary
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Mar 1, 2003
Did you get where the Bully flight is heding to?
13:14- last I heard they were on 281.4

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Mar 1, 2003
How did you pick up the Trend flight up on 148.05? Is there usually that much A/A
up around 148 mhz?



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I don't normally even search that range Jack. I heard them mention the switch to that freq while they were still on «138.75» talking about static. The flight leader told them to switch there.


Mar 1, 2003
Picked up someone on 140.4 said something about weather and Shaw as an alternate



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1417: BULLY flight coming home...switches to SOF on «139.9» and tac «127.275» Not sure where they were...didn't hear them for a long time while on that mission.
1426: BULLY flight doing air combat exercise on the way home. «127.275» One BULLY is playing the part of DARKSTAR, an E3B. They are closing on a Boeing 737 that becomes part of their wargames...little do they know.
1427: A-10 flight from Martin State into BayWatch area on «354.8» 30 minute playtime
1431: RAVEN 1, single ship, into BayWatch area on «270.8» Reports he'll be MARSA with WARDOG (OA-10, Martin State). That must've been the acft entering BW on «354.8»
1441: SLAM flight (F-16s, VA-ANG, Richmond) on tac «141.875» and then into GK's area on «238.1» Later heard on tac «141.825»

NOTE: Clarification on the TREND flights from above. TREND 11-16 that we heard all the chat from was a flight of six A-10s from Lajes in the Azores to Pope AFB NC. I also mentioned waiting for the TREND 31-36 flight. That turned out to be six F-16s deploying from Europe to Wright-Patterson AFB OH which is why they never came down this way. The chat I mentioned on «138.825» was probably them.

1455: NJ-ANG F-16s active, flight of two «138.875»
1504: Fighter ops on GK's «292.3» Probably the SLAM flight.
1506: There are two flights of VA-ANG F-16s is SLAM...the other might be is using «141.825» for tac and the other is using «141.875»
1515: A flight of two probable Navy fighters (no callsigns, no numbers) have been in the BayWatch area using «257.875» for the past 30 minutes or so. They just mentioned two A-10s from Martin State in the area. (Our RAVEN and WARDOG flights no doubt)
1516: WARDOG 1 to BayWatch on «354.8» saying he's going to recover in about two minutes (meaning leaving the area and heading out)
1519: Also had two COLTs from Martin State out there somewhere, probably with WARDOG that are coming both are Code 1 on «347.2» All the A-10s are chatting on «142.3»
1524: SLAM flight leaving GK's area on «238.1»
1534: COLT, RAVEN, WARDOG all in various stages of approach to Martin State. Working tower on «297.2»
Late in the hour and all is quiet.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1856: TOPCAT 3 (KC-135E, 108th Air Refueling Wing, NJ-ANG McGuire AFB) to GIANT KILLER announcing that he arrived in the area about 30 minutes early and wants to know if he can just orbit in the AR-636 track until his "chicks" arrive. So, we can expect some fighter activity sometime around 1930.
1915-1920: PITCHER 21 (Unknown) calling McGuire Command Post on «319.4». Finally makes contact and says he'll be at McGuire at 1935, has 13 pax and 7 crew, A-2 maint status. He didn't identify his aircraft type but his tail # is 86-0030.
1937: Have two u/i fighters on «139.625» Appears to be a flight passing through the area.
1943: And have a couple of others chatting on «141.825»
1944: Have BASH 41 (VA-ANG, F-16s, Richmond) checking in with GK on «238.1» looking for TOPCAT 3. That identifies the «141.825» fighters...and identifies TOPCAT's chicks.
1947: BATON 51 (EC-130, PA-ANG, Harrisburg) on GK's «135.725»
1953: FURY 51 (VA-ANG), flight of two F-16s with GK on «238.1» will be MARSA with BASH and TOPCAT.
1958: VA-ANG F-16s also working «141.6», their Command Post freq

2000: SLAM 61 (VA-ANG, F-16s) into GK's area on «249.8»...they go back to CP freq to complain about the female controller at GK as so many others have done. One of them surmises she just doesn't hold the mic close enough to her mouth - again as others have done. She just won't learn.
It appears these three flights of F-16s from the VA-ANG are going to meet up with the TOPCAT 3 tanker and are deploying clues given yet.
2018: BASH flight using «139.625» talking about tracking north. I've always had that freq as tentatively belonging to the VA-ANG but guess this confirms it. They are doing air combat exercises on this freq
2024: One of the VA-ANG flights using tac «141.825»
2033: GIANT KILLER active on «350.0» with FURY fighters.
2037: VA-ANG fighters also using tac «142.175»
I thought for a bit when these three flights met up with the TOPCAT tanker they were going to fly out of the area but it doesn't look like it now.
2041: VA-ANG fighters chatting away on «141.6» One explaining his problem with his eyes and being able to read printing on instruments and scopes. The other suggests lasik. Very helpful.
2042: Looks like one of the three VA-ANG flights also used GK's ops freq «292.3»
2046: VA-ANG clears out of GK's area on «249.8» and announces RTB.
2049: SLAM flight with GK on «249.8» says he can't understand anything GK is saying and is switching to Norfolk on UHF. Yet another complaint about that GK op. She must really be awful. And with constant complaints, I wonder why they don't correct her speaking ability or technique.
2052: Two Code 1 F-16s checking in on VA-ANG SOF «142.175»
2054: REACH 3117 has been talking with Andrews Command Post on «141.55» about picking up a medevac crew. Andrews says he has nothing on that and after checking repeats no one knows about it.
2056: Aha! They found the medevac crew and they'll be ready to go when REACH 3117 lands.
2100: And all is quiet. END OF REPORT...continue below if necessary.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
141.6 - Someone's talking about clearing some stuff out of the airspace...I have this freq as Va ANG tho I haven't heard a callsign yet....73s Mike


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TinEar said:
2000: SLAM 61 (VA-ANG, F-16s) into GK's area on «249.1»...they go back to CP freq to complain about the female controller at GK as so many others have done. One of them surmises she just doesn't hold the mic close enough to her mouth - again as others have done. She just won't learn.
It appears these three flights of F-16s from the VA-ANG are going to meet up with the TOPCAT 3 tanker and are deploying clues given yet.
2018: BASH flight using «139.625» talking about tracking north. I've always had that freq as tentatively belonging to the VA-ANG but guess this confirms it. They are doing air combat exercises on this freq
2024: One of the VA-ANG flights using tac «141.825»

I spend two weeks in a hotel across the road from Richmond Airport, and I heard nary a peep from these guys in the evening as I listened to the scanner. But now that I'm back home....sheeeshh

2036 <292.3> Langley(I think) interplane freq active,(EDIT) Sorry its a GK freq..
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Yeah, I see that, but it doesn't sound like they're just working a CP; it sounds more like they're using it for a little coordination between the pilots as well 73s Mike
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