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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1954: HARASS 23 wants the tanker's location...HUNTRESS gives him the BRAA and off goes 23 to meet up with him. «228.9» HUNTRESS loud and clear at this time...which probably means it was the Andrews version of HUNTRESS that gave those directions
1955: HARASS 23 reports weapons safe, nose cold to TANKER 11 and gets cleared to the boom. «228.9»
2003: HARASS 23 finished refueling...he took a snootful...12,500 pounds. «228.9» (That's about 2,000 gallons or approximately two hours flying time.)
2022: The local HUNTRESS gives a vector to HARASS 23 and soon gives the "skip it, skip it" command as he decides it's not a hostile. «228.9»
2038: HARASS 24 heading for the tanker, at 23's suggestion, and local HUNTRESS gives him the BRA. «228.9»
2046: HARASS 24 is with TANKER 11, reports nose cold and weapons safe and is cleared in to the boom «228.9»
2058: HARASS 24 finishes refueling...took several minutes before connecting to the boom. He took 13,000 pounds. «228.9»

2110: HARASS pair using Langley tac «276.675» for chat. (And while I was listening to their chat, Chuck was posting the freq below.)
And at 2130 these two motor mouths are still yakking away on the tac freq non-stop.
2133: HUNTRESS gives HARASS 23 a vector of 270 degrees for 10 miles, target flying at 2400 feet....HARASS has him repeat, saying he was stepped reality he was yakking on the tac freq. Anyway, he has it and is tracking toward the target «228.9»
2138: HUNTRESS tells HARASS 23 to "skip it" and 23 repeats the command...then says he's heading for the tanker. «228.9»
2142: HARASS 23 reports nose cold, weapons safe...355/17 to the tanker. «228.9»
2148: HARASS 23 makes contact with the boom. «228.9»
2150: HARASS 23 disconnect from the boom. «228.9»
2224: HARASS 23 to IRON Ops on «357.1» to check on replacements and then right back to the YAK channel.
HARASS 25/26 should be airborne about 2230.
2242: TANKER 11 claims no contact with HUNTRESS on backup freq 324.0 and HUNTRESS tells him he should be using primary. Anyway, TANKER 11 just wants to know about his replacement, TANKER 12. HUNTRESS says he's 250 miles out. HARASS asks about his replacements and is told they just took off. «228.9»
2245: HARASS 25/26 using tac freq «358.85» as they fly this way.
2250: HARASS 25/26 with ZDC-Patuxent MD on «281.4»
2251: HUNTRESS tells HARASS 23 that he and 24 should stay at 22,000 and below since he's bringing 25/26 in at 23,000 and they'll be heading for the tanker when they get here. «228.9»
2253: HARASS 25 to ZDC reports level at FL230 «281.4»
2254: HUNTRESS calling TANKER reply. «228.9»
2255: HUNTRESS calls TANKER 11 and asks if he's been in contact with 12. Answer...negative. «228.9»
2255: HARASS 25/26 check into GUARD DOG area using freq «288.35» and ask the primary for HUNTRESS...confirm 228.9
2257: HARASS 25/26 check onto primary with HUNTRESS on «228.9» HUNTRESS gives them bearing/distance to TANKER 11.
2258: TANKER 12 checks onto primary with HUNTRESS and is given Mode 3 for 25/26 and for TANKER 11. «228.9» HARASS 25 wants confirmed BRA to tanker and gets it. TANKER 12 going to FL250.
2300: TANKER 11 with GUARD DOG on «135.525» and says he'll be heading back to Pease (AFB NH)
2302: TANKER 12 is responding on «320.6» while HARASS 25/26 are moving up to TANKER 11 and are working primary for refueling on «228.9» TANKER 12 is out in left field by himself.
2305: HARASS 25 off the boom...took 2,000 pounds. «228.9» HARASS 25 tail #3029 and 26 is tail #3013 (they didn't report the year in front of the serial number) ...26 now going for a topoff at the boom.
2308: HARASS 23/24 cleared to RTB by HUNTRESS...then 23 to GUARD DOG on «288.35» to report non standard RTB to Langley at this time.
2310: HARASS 23/24 to ZDC-Patuxent on «281.4»
2312: HARASS 23/24 are actually dumping fuel on their way home «276.675»
2315: Looks like HARASS 25/26 have settled on «358.85» as their chat freq which is what they used on the way from Langley to the CAP.
2318: HARASS 25/26 report both are NVG capable. «228.9»
2324: HARASS 25 reports timber sweet after working at getting the DATALINK to work. «228.9»
2337: HARASS 25/26 seeing a B-1 on their scopes...feel there's no reason for him to be in this area...think it's misidentifying it. «358.85»
2348: REACH 529T to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» reports 20 minutes out, A-1, has no download, needs crew transportation and parking spot.
0008: HARASS 25 going to the tanker. HUNTRESS gives him BRA 360/29/24K. «228.9»
0013: 25 has visual contact with the tanker...TANKER 12 clears him to the boom. «228.9»
0017: 25 has contact with TANKER 12's boom «228.9»
0020: 25's tanks are full «228.9»...reports back in the CAP. Then 25 goes back to tac «358.85» to whine about the rigors of refueling at night. 26 doesn't care...he's reading and studying. They then start a conversation about the beauty of flying at night and things you can see like satellites and shooting stars and then 25 gives a lesson on stargazing. There is absolutely nothing like it...if you've never been in a cockpit flying at night, you don't know what you're missing.
0042: END OF's quitting time.

Chuck, how's your reception of HUNTRESS?
He's as loud or louder than the aircraft from here.
Yeah, HUNTRESS is a bit unsteady on the reception...he goes from booming to fair and everything in between but perfectly readable for all transmissions. I put it up on the webcast for now. (And as soon as I typed that about 20 people signed onto the webcast...good.)

Where did you finally place that antenna?
Yeah, the attic should help a too will have a magic scanner.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
2110 HARASS Flight A/A «276.675»
2210 «276.675» HARASS A/A "Yak YAK YAK YAK" These guys are some talkers, quite the difference from some of the others on CAP lately...
2223 «357.1» Harass-23 calling Iron Ops....
2252 «281.4» & «288.35» Harrass-25 Inbound for CAP
2254 «260.9» Harrass-25 Calling Huntress reporting "as Fragged" 23 tells him to use 228.9
2255 «228.9» Harass-25 flight checks in

I'm not hearing Huntress at all.... The Aircraft are booming here, it's hard to image HUNTRESS as strong...

2310 «281.4» Harass-23 with ZDC
2312 «358.85 »Harras-25 A/A

Can't belive how well your getting HUNTRESS! it's that magic scanner again. I'm getting Zilch from them.
1209 I was able to hear them that time, weak but readable, giving BRAA to the Tanker

Actually, I'm going to put it in the attic this weekend, since it's been cooled off for long enough to make it bearable.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Before I go any further, I want to say a real big 'hi' to my old compadre Tom Sundstrom W2XQ. Nice to see you in here.....

Al Henney over on the Scan DC list posted the following; time to get the freq lists updated if you haven't already done so (I've been busy with Wiki apps for the last week, and I just captured all the logs from that period. I've got my work cut out for me....)

News Release
Joint Force Headquarters - National Capital Region
For Immediate Release: 05-048
28 October 2005
Media Relations Team: 202-685-4645

Capital Shield Exercise to Test Interagency Partnerships

Fort Leslie J. McNair, DC - Local, state, and federal agencies will
participate in Exercise Capital Shield '06 (CS06), an emergency
exercise/drill Nov. 1 - 4. The exercise, conducted by Joint Force
Headquarters National Capital Region in cooperation with many local
agencies, will involve simulated emergency events in the greater
Washington area.

These exercises will be conducted to help ensure that government
agencies at every level are prepared to take coordinated action to
protect the public in the event of an actual emergency in the NCR.

CS06 is designed to exercise joint operations, techniques, procedures
and command and control relationships to enhance interoperability
among the military services and interagency partners.

The first day of the exercise, Nov. 1, will involve Arlington County,
Alexandria and Fort Myer, Va., agencies working together in response
to a simulated emergency at Fort Myer. This will include the
interaction of local fire, police, the U. S. Army Military District of
Washington Engineer Company, among other agencies.

Additionally, there will be an event at Bolling Air Force Base, DC,
the morning of Nov. 1 that will restrict access and could disrupt

The second and third days are scheduled to involve various emergency
simulations in the region, to include the District of Columbia, Olney,
Md., and Fort Belvoir, Va. No serious disruption of traffic is
anticipated, although the public may note vehicular or air traffic
that could be associated with the exercise.

The public is urged to take the exercise into account when planning
morning commutes. Area jurisdictions will provide localized
information through their normal avenues of communication as may be

The following local, State and federal agencies are participating in
Capital Shield:

Department of Defense
Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region
U. S. Army Military District of Washington
Naval District Washington
Air Force-National Capital Region
Marine Corps National Capital Region Command
National Guard (DC, MD, VA, WVa)
Pentagon Force Protection Agency

District of Columbia
DC Emergency Management Agency
DC Metropolitan Police Department
DC Fire / Emergency Medical Service
DC Housing Authority
DC Department of Health
DC Department of Transportation

VA Department of Emergency Management
Arlington County Office of Emergency Management
Arlington County Fire Department
Fairfax County Office of Emergency Management
Fairfax Fire Department
Prince William County Fire Department
Arlington Fire Department

Maryland Emergency Management Agency
Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management
Montgomery County Fire Department

Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Coast Guard
Federal Protective Service
U.S. Park Police
Federal Emergency Management Agency Region III
U. S. Capital Police
Department of Health and Human Services
Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms

Editor's note: Media outlets should be aware that scanners monitoring
government radio nets during the exercise may pick up simulated
messages/drill traffic on regularly monitored frequencies.

Due to the intense nature of the exercise there will be limited
availability for media interviews and coverage during the exercise
period. For information on the exercise, please contact Joint Force
Headquarters - National Capital Region PAO.

To learn more about the Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital
Region, visit


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1240: The Camp David CAP is still in place. The current fighter pair is HARASS 33 and 34 and the tanker is TANKER 15. Reception of the ground station HUNTRESS is fair to good from here. Primary frequency for operations is still «228.9»

At the same time I have a pair of tankers on the interplane freq «139.875». No callsigns used yet but they are identifying as 20 and 22. They just changed altitudes from 16,000/15,500 to 25,000/24,500 as they fly in a pair. There was also a mention of testing HF frequency 6761.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1633: HUNTRESS vectoring HARASS 35 toward a violator of the no-fly area. He gives the mission as a head butt to the south. HARASS 35 chasing after it. HUNTRESS wonders if 36 might have the best shot at it but 35 waves that off and says he can see it on the scope and will take care of it.
1640: 35 gives an ID of a 2-engine plane but didn't give the tail number that HUNTRESS asked for.
1643: Going around for another look....35 says it looks like a BEECH ?Baron?...HUNTRESS again asking for tail number....violator now turning toward the south as requested....aircraft has been flying between 8600 and 9000 feet.
1646: 35 says the violator is circling the runway at his (35's) position...does HUNTRESS want him to land there?....35 says the aircraft is too low for him to get his tail 1647 the violator aircraft is on the ground, turning to the taxiway.
1648: HUNTRESS gives the 'skip it' command against that target now that it's on the ground.
There was no indication an OMAHA aircraft was up and active against that target. There was also a second HUNTRESS controller involved in that chase. One I could hear loud and clear. At other times HARASS 35 was answering someone else that I couldn't hear at all.
1652: HARASS 36 going for gas...HARASS 35 with GUARD DOG on «288.35» for entrance back into the CAP since he left it to chase the violator....35 reports back in the CAP on «228.9» and is thanked by HUNTRESS for the work against the target. He did perform the head-butt and did get the aircraft to land even if he didn't manage to get the tail number. Neither 35 nor HUNTRESS mentioned the airfield where the intruder landed.
1655: HARASS 35 tells HUNTRESS he got a partial tail number of N57 and that was all.
1658: HARASS 36 reports back on station after refueling.
1700: HARASS 35 with IRON Ops on «357.1»
1703: HUNTRESS asking HARASS 35 again about markings on the intruder. 35 says all he could tell was that it was white and asks if they are having trouble finding it on the ground. HUNTRESS tells him other agencies are involved in finding it. 35 says it parked facing away from the runway at the far north end and says its wingtip tanks were painted black. HUNTRESS says that info on its parking location will certainly help find it.
1710: HARASS 35 taking 3,000 pounds of gas from TANKER 16.
1711: HUNTRESS tells HARASS 35 they found the intruding aircraft there on the ground.
1730: HUNTRESS gives the HARASS 35/36 flight and TANKER 16 the weather at their "home plate" locations given but it's 70 degrees at 16's home plate.
Later, TANKER 16 gives his location as McConnell AFB and says he's in the Reserves. That makes him from the 931st Air Reserve Group at McConnell AFB in Kansas. That piece of info came about simply because one of the F-15 pilots asked if they were from McConnell and if the boom operator knew a certain person there. The boom operator answered that he knew him but that guy is in the Guard (KS-ANG, 184th Air Refueling Wing) but he was in the Reserves which gave up his unit as the 931st. Sometimes, the simplest chat results in such good info.
1733: HARASS chasing after another possible intruder into the restricted area. Initial BRA was 260/11/4000. «228.9»
1736: Target now at 1000 feet.
1738: HUNTRESS says target looks like it's landing at Hagerstown....a minute later gives the "skip it" command. 35 gets the authentication for that command.
1744: HUNTRESS tells HARASS 35 his replacements are airborne and are 135 degrees, 110 miles away from him. 35 says they're 75 miles out (from the CAP). «228.9»
1748: Never mentioned that 35/36 are using Langley tac «276.675» for chat. Their replacements (37/38) are currently using Langley tac «358.85» for chat as they make the trip from Langley to the CAP.
1750: HARASS 37/38 report in to the CAP with HUNTRESS at flight level 23,000 «228.9» HUNTRESS gives them BRA for the tanker.
1752: HARASS 37 trying to contact TANKER 17 on «320.6» no reply so he goes back to primary to call reply...then calls TANKER 16 and gets him. 37 reports to tanker that his tail # is 82-0012 and 38 is tail # 81-0036. «228.9»
1800: HARASS 35/36 given permission to RTB by HUNTRESS on «228.9» (37 tells them he'll see them at the Halloween party tomorrow), switch to GUARD DOG on «288.35» to exit the area and head home. They then switch to «358.85» for the home trip chat.
1802: TANKER 16 clears off the CAP and switches to «135.525» to clear the area at FL240 and going to FL350...heading for IAB...and IAB just happens to be McConnell AFB, Kansas.
1810: TANKER 17 reports into the CAP at FL240. HUNTRESS welcomes him to the GUARD DOG mission and gives him the Mode 3 for both fighters.
1857: HARASS 38 takes on 12,000 pounds of fuel from TANKER 17 and reports his tail number as 81-0036 and identifies as being from the 71st Fighter Squadron at Langley.
1932: HUNTRESS radio check with Harrier 14 (Unknown). 14 reads him loud and clear. «228.9»

Continued below...
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
In conjunction with Chuck's page, I too have been building a page on milair monitoring - but from the equipment side. Scanners/receivers, antennas, filters, coax....lots of topics there. I still need to add specific links - if I can find any - for the Diamond Discone and Scantenna (maybe add the DPD milair antenna and NilJon; those links I have...). Also I will add some of the URLs that have appeared on this list.
TinEar, here's a page you can point newcomers who ask you about what they need to get started...the URL is...
VHF/UHF Military Monitoring

73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2140: HARASS 41 is 10 minutes from the CAP area...he's coming in alone...his wingman had to go back for a new jet and should be along in 15 minutes or so. «228.9»
Of course they skip 39/40 as always.
2145: HARASS 37 on «288.35» with GUARD DOG (Washington Center) looking for RTB Langley as a single ship at FL210.
2148: HARASS 37 with ZDC-Patuxent MD on «281.4» direct Nottingham at FL210.
2149: TANKER 18 checking into the CAP at FL240 on «228.9»
2151: HARASS 41 does his Alpha check of the DATALINK and then heads for the tanker. «228.9»
2153: HARASS 37 to IRON Ops on «357.1» reporting Code 1
2156: TANKER 17 clears out of GUARD DOG area on «288.35» and then announces RTB to HUNTRESS on primary «228.9»
2208: TANKER 17 with STEEL Control on «311.0» reports 15 minutes out, A-2 and will be landing with 85,000 pounds of fuel on board.
2209: TANKER 18 into CAP...wants confirmation the fighters are in block 21-23,000 and they'll be 24-25,000. «228.9»
2210: HARASS 41 wants HUNTRESS to check with ops on the whereabouts of 42. If he's delayed he says they'll plan for 38 to cross the boom again. «228.9»
2214: HUNTRESS apparently got info that 42 is delayed and so 41 tells 38 to refuel when he reaches "joker." «228.9»
The HUNTRESS controllers changed at about 1930 and went from the one I hear loud and clear to the one I can't hear at all. I'm convinced the one I hear is at Andrews and have no idea where the other one is located. Based on past experience, if they have an intercept within the no-fly area, they switch to the local controller at Andrews to conduct it.
2225: HARASS 38 heading for the tanker. The overtime took its toll on his fuel supply. «228.9»
2228: HARASS 38 gives his tail # to the tanker (again) as 81-0036 and his unit as the 71st Fighter Squadron at Langley. «228.9» TANKER 18 asks if he wants 6,000...38 replies he'll take 8,000.
2240: Believe I've got HARASS 42 finally coming up the road with ZDC-Patuxent MD on «281.4» reporting out of 21 for 22,000.
2243: HARASS 42 reporting to HUNTRESS he's 50 miles out at 22,000 flight level and says he's not NVG qualified. «228.9 42 reports "LINK sweet.
2245: HARASS 38 is told to go home. "Thanks a lot," is his reply. «228.9» He then goes to GUARD DOG freq «288.35» to report he'll RTB in five minutes.
2247: HARASS 42 with ZDC-Millville NJ on «363.0» to report at FL220. (Very unusual to hear them on this ZDC freq during the trip to/from Langley.
2249: HARASS 38 reports he's "casting off 288.35. «288.35»
2251: HARASS 41 heading for TANKER 18 to top off his tanks. «228.9»
2252: HARASS 38 checking out with HUNTRESS on «228.9»
2252: HARASS 41 meets up with TANKER 18 and gives his tail # as 79-0064 at the 71st Fighter Squadron. Tanker asks where that is and gets the reply...Langley. «228.9»
2254: HARASS 38 with ZDC-Patuxent MD on «281.4» reports FL230.
2254: HARASS 41 has full tanks. He took 13,200 pounds of fuel. «228.9»
2345: HARASS 42 heading for TANKER 18 for gas. «228.9»
2351: 42 meets up with the tanker, gives tail # as 83-0013 and is cleared to the boom. TANKER 18 asks how much fuel he wants and is told about 11,000. «228.9»
2357: HARASS 42 is full and reports back to the CAP ar FL230...HARASS 41 says he'll meet the tanker in about an hour. «228.9»
0008: BOLAR 93 (C-5A, Dover AFB DE) on «349.8» reports 30-35 minutes out, is A-1 and needs parking spot. Says by the time he arrives he'll be 100%. (No idea what that refers to)
0030: Enough...END OF REPORT.

Yeah, it could be there Chuck. Someone mentioned that site once before when I mentioned something about this -- maybe it was you. It could be at any number of logical (well, sort of) locations around the D.C. area. Co-locating it with the aircraft that perform the scramble for most intruders at Andrews just sort of makes sense to me. But we know "making sense" isn't how things are always done. I suppose it really makes no difference whether it's at Andrews or at anyplace in the general area. I'm not sure if the 789th has anything to do with fighter operational traffic. I'd like to know that.

Don't think 363 is simulcasting...38 came up on 281.4 after that and there was nothing on 363 at that same time and 281 didn't light up while he was on 363.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Could the site you are hearing so well be the USAF site at Davidsonville?

Davidsonville is a dedicated HF transmitter site and ultra-high frequency (UHF) ground entry point for the Mystic Star UHF satellite communications system

I'm thinking that they might not have any thing to do directly with the Fighters, but they are certainly "the" Air Force squadron in DC responsible for communications....

1045 After shift change, with the new controler, Washington Center began simulcasting
on 288.35 and 360.7....

1048 Ooops looks like Harass called her on that and she stopped... Nope I still hear her transmitting on 360.7 to Harass and them answering on 288.35

I thought the 363 ZDC freq was strange as well, unless they've combined sectors to reduce manpower for a Saturday night....
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
1225 - <228.9> Harass-48, DC CAP still up there....
1228 <349.4> Bozo-61 (MC-130?) with Dover CP, wants message passed to Blackhat(352 SOG), Mildenhall CP with Airborne time..
<<Long Pause to clean out Garage under the supervision of "She who must be obeyed">>
1706 «121.3» Crab-58 lands Martin State
2158 «378.1» Evac 23119 calling Andrews Command Post, at 2003 contacts them on «141.55» inbound Andrews with patients..

{edit} Alan, I too get that feeling whenever I hear it coming in. For me it's also sometimes a bit of guilt about my recent retirement....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1711: CLAW 19 (C-17, McGuire AFB NJ) calling McGuire Command Post several times without reply on «319.4»
1715: CLAW 19 estimating McGuire 46 minutes after the hour, is A-1, has 52 pax, 3 rolling stock and 3 pallets to download...requests parking spot «319.4»
1720: CLAW 19 adding request for crew and passenger bus upon arrival. «319.4»
1848: CLAW 20 (C-17, McGuire AFB NJ) to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» arriving at McGuire in 35 minutes, with 56 pax, 3 rolling stock and a D/V Code 7 on board. Requests a parking spot and gets it for N-2.

Chuck, I also heard that Evac aircraft going into Andrews and it bothered me the same way they do every time I hear that flight coming in as he lists the litter patients in particular. Just one more reminder of the people doing so much for so many with so little in return.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr Tin got CLAW 18,19 and 20 C-17's into McGuire all loaded I think from that Alpena Michigan exercise.
Heard comments about both Active and Reserve personnel on board so must have been a joint exercise up there.
Aso caught that BOZO 61 whcih in background sounded like a C-130 but didn't have that callsign as Mildenhall aircraft but did hear that BLACKHAT CP callsign.... good catch.
Pince Charles and his babe? are due in NYC Tuesday so expect some Royal traffic from that visit.
I did have an ASCOT 6903 into Dover this afternoon at 1805z,daylight saving time has me recalculating,must add 5 hours now to local time.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I'm unable to provide the log today - at least until later in the day. However, just before going out the door, I notice some activity others may want to follow and post the details for.

0955: There is activity on the HUNTRESS freqs of «288.4» with F-15s from Langley, callsign TRAP (at least three aircraft) and HUSKY (at least two aircraft) -- along with «235.9» callsign TOTEM (at least four Langley F-15s) -- all engaged in air-to-air combat operations .


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1515: NJ-ANG (F-16 Atlantic City) active on tac «138.125»
1516: NJ-ANG callsign is BICEP for this mission, flight of two. They are doing ground attack exercises with a ground controller called BREAD BASKET. Based on signal strength, they are working the Patuxent River Range. All of this activity is on tac «138.125» At 1532 they report 20 minutes playtime remaining.
1548: BICEP 2 announces "joker"...#1 questions if he means joker or bingo. #2 says he meant bingo. «138.125»
1550: Both BICEPs announce end of mission for fuel purposes while still on «138.125» and then push V-15 and come up where expected on «138.425»
1552: BICEP flight to ZDC-Kenton DE «277.4» for direct clearance to Atlantic City. They then go back to V-15 for chat and from there to V-1 on «138.125» at 1555 to contact SOF with mission results. From there they yet again go to V-15 «138.425» to chat their way home.
1558: BICEP flight leader clears 2 to go collect the ATIS and to report maintenance status to ops. 2 goes to «261.0» to report 1 is Code 1 and 2 is Code 2 and then goes to their ATIS for the wx and reports it back to flight leader on «138.425» This brings us to 1600 and that means this is....
END OF REPORT...for now.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Nothing really happening tonight other than the usual transports to/from Andrews, Dover, McGuire. There was a pair of fighters entering into the BayWatch area at 1952 on «354.8». They said they were a flight of two going to the R-4006 area but I missed the callsign. Other than that activity, it has been quiet. Of course, with the doorbell ringing every 30 seconds, I might have missed something but everything is kind of quiet.

2111: OPEC 20 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) with GIANT KILLER on «135.725» wanting course and altitude so he can go direct NY Center and McGuire. Settles for FL180. He then asks for a freq for Washington Center....can't hear the ground station so don't know which freq he was given.
2116: HAGAR 71 (C-5, Dover AFB DE) with GK on «135.725» also getting course and altitude directions.

2304: RHODY 61 with McGuire Command Post on «319.4» says he can't tell if his "boom is in the green" until he actually refuels. Mentions that he'll be at the IP in about two hours and then he'll find out. (The only ID I have for this callsign doesn't fit for this aircraft. This is a tanker of some sort and the ID I have is for a C-130.)
2316: GEMINI 4004 Heavy with Dover Tower on «126.35» for landing. (The GEMINI callsign in the past has been associated with DC-10 Heavy aircraft. I have heard GEMINI 7924 on 9/5/05 going into McGuire using 134.1 and into Dover on 9/14/05 also using the 134.1 freq. Both times he self-identified as DC-10 Heavy. Tonight I didn't hear him until the landing so don't know if he also used 134.1 earlier in the flight. But he did add the "Heavy" descriptor after his callsign.)
2352: PAT 57 (US Army Priority Air Transport) to Dover Command Post on «349.4» announces he's 15 minutes out from dropping off his "code."
2352: REACH 254 calling Dover Command Post on «349.4» with no reply
2353: REACH 254 gets a reply but then is too weak to copy. «349.4» something about parking.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr TIN GEMINI is a private cargo carrier that specializes in DC-10's.

The private carriers use that 134.100 freq for CP.For some reason I can't normally scan that freq as always some intermod background noise that stops my scanners in this area.
Have heard RHODY myself before but was always C-130 Rhode Island National Guard.Maybe they have some tankers now..will have to check into that..



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0942: WILD flight of three F-16s (DC-ANG, Andrews AFB MD) working tac «127.275»
0943: SCARY flight of two F-16s (DC-ANG) working tac «143.15»
0945: GIANT KILLER's «312.3» is active
0947: WILD 3 to SENATE SOF on «139.9» to report discontinuation of his mission due to a Code 3 status and to report he's coming home.
0951: VA-ANG (F-16 Richmond) active on «141.875»

1000: VA-ANG flight exiting GK's area using «249.8» for RTB Richmond.
1005: NJ-ANG (F-16 Atlantic City) active on «138.425» with a flight of two.
1007: Langley tac freq «364.125» active with a flight of four. Callsign KICK (F-15)
1011: KICK 51 with GK on «238.1» and then «249.8» entering area and MARSA with (missed call)
1018: DEVIL flight (NJ-ANG) with ZDC-Snow Hill MD reports direct Atlantic City in 20 minutes «256.8»
1021: WILD flight coming home to Andrews. Both aircraft are Code 1. #2 clears off freq «127.275» to fetch the ATIS report and to SOF on «139.9» with mission results.
1022: GK's «391.2» active with Langley fighters doing air combat exercises.
1025: DEVIL 11 flight enters BayWatch area on «354.8» flight of two....when mission is complete they'll go direct Waterloo, direct Atlantic City. They then switch to tac «138.425» for their mission.
1027: DEVIL 13 into BayWatch area...he explains he's a flight of one and DEVIL 11 is a flight of two. «354.8»
1035: Langley tac «228.45» active
1057: SALTY DOG 101 with Pax River on «262.95»
1058: DEVIL 13 reports 5 minutes from RTB to BayWatch on «354.8»

1105: CHALICE (E3B Tinker AFB OK) with GIANT KILLER on «251.6» completing his work for the day. The operator on the CHALICE aircraft was British and sounded very much like the MAGIC operator we recentlyt had in the area.
1107: DEVIL 13 on V-1 «138.125» saying he's 6-9 minutes from landing.
1113-16: FUELER 23 (Unknown tanker) calling McGuire Command Post several times without reply on «319.4»
1120: FUELER 23 makes contact with McGuire CP and announces he'll arrive there between 1140-45, has no pax or cargo and will have 62,000 pounds of fuel on board. Reports his tail number as 86-0026. «319.4»
1120: Someone identifying only as "Foxtrot" calling 16 on Langley's Command Post freq of «251.25» saying "this is a test."
1133: Belgian Air Force 629 calling Andrews on «141.55» no reply after a couple of calls
1134: FUELER 21 (Female speaker) with McGuire Command Post on «319.4» about 30 minutes out, A-2, landing with 70,000 pounds of fuel, no cargo or pax. Has a problem with the boom among other things.
1141: FUELER 22 to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» 30 minutes out, A-2, 55,000 pounds of fuel, no cargo or pax
1142: Belgian Air Force 629 with Andrews Command Post on «141.55» IDs as a C-130 arriving at 1705Z, needs customs, fuel and external power.
1143: Couple of tankers talking on refueling freq «238.9» and on interplane «139.875» different tankers on each freq.
NOTE: I'm thinking FUELER may be a generic mission callsign - such as TANKER is to the CAP mission.
1151: FUELER 20 now reporting in to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» reporting at his 30 minutes out position etc...same stuff, different airplane.

1219: SALTY DOG 101 (Strike Aircraft Test Squadron, Pax River NAS) again with BayWatch on «354.8» He's level at 11,8(00)
1221: U/I copter choppering around on Aberdeen Range freq «248.4» testing various flight controls aboard his craft.
1223: SALTY DOG 101 says he has runway in sight...he also has a wingman «354.8»
1228: JOSA 996 to Andrews on «378.1» announces airborne at 1721Z due to "D/V late." (Aren't they always late?)
1233: A second copter joins the chat on Aberdeen's «248.4» freq...they're having one of those "isn't the weather great for November 1st?" conversations that everyone else in the area is having.
1245: SALTY DOG 205 with BayWatch on «354.8» reports he'll be manuevering in the vertical position for the next 5 minutes.

1300.......continued below if needed....(break for message length limit)
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1308: DC21 (KC-135, 756 ARS, Andrews AFB MD) on squadron freq «351.2» announcing he's on a short final (approach) and needs parking.
1311: VENUS 31 to Andrews on «378.1» says he'll be in the pattern for about 40 minutes before landing and that he's A-1.
1315: VENUS 31 tells Andrews he'll need transportation for four people and a parking spot when he lands.
1315: DC-ANG F-16 flight of two, callsign WILD airborne on «143.15»
1321: WILD flight with ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ on «254.3» FL210.
1323: Northrup Gruman test flight freq «123.225» active...flight of two.
1323: WILD flight into GIANT KILLER area on «255.0» wants area W-107 and altitude from 6,000 all the way up to 50,000.
1325: DC-ANG F-16 flight of two airborne, callsign ANGRY on tac freq «127.275»
1330: WILD flight with GK on «255.0» says he's going to be MARSA with ANGRY flight. He's going to work 337.225 and the ANGRY flight is going to work with HUNTRESS on 138.2. He says the ANGRY flight will be in the area in about 5 minutes.
1333: ANGRY flight with ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ on «254.3» FL210.
1335: Raven Ops of the MD-ANG at Martin State talking to A-10s on the ground «347.2»
1336: ANGRY flight calls HUNTRESS on «138.2» says they'll be in the airspace in about 8 minutes. Wants to know if HUNTRESS got the fax with all the flight particulars. He wants HUNTRESS to ask any questions now before his wingman gets on the freq. Says he'll be back in about 5 minutes.
1337: ANGRY into GK's area using «255.0» says they'll be with WILD flight in W-107.
1339: SCARY (DC-ANG, Andrews, F-16) also airborne and with ZDC-Patuxent MD on «281.4»
1341: SCARY into BayWatch on «354.8» says he's a single ship at FL155
1343: WILD flight continues to use «143.15» for chat. If they are using the 337.225 freq as mentioned, I can't hear them.
1343: ANGRY flight now switches to HUNTRESS on «138.2» and is as fragged with mission requirements.
1350: REACH 1605 with Dover Command Post on «349.4» IDs as a C-130, 30 minutes out, 2 pallets, zero pax, needs 24,000 pounds of fuel uploaded, flight service and assigned to C-3 spot
1354: Raven Ops with aircraft on the ground on «347.2» and the A-10s with Tower on «297.2» while still on the ground.
1356: Not hearing WILD flight at all on «337.225» and only occasionally hearing the ANGRY flight with HUNTRESS on «138.2». This W-107 area is a black hole for me apparently. Did hear ANGRY flight leader tell HUNTRESS "the fight is on" while typing this. This is obviously a good time to take a break, go outside and enjoy the weather for a few minutes...current temp 68 degrees.

1409: RAVEN 1 (A-10, MD-ANG Martin State Airport) airborne on «347.2» reports up at 1408. And another A-10 airborne at 1409
1413: RAVEN flight working tac freq «142.3» flight of two
1416: VA-ANG, F-16 Richmond active on tac «141.875»
1417: GK's ops freq «312.3» active.
1425: RAVEN flight is on an instructor/student mission «142.3»
1427: VA-ANG also using «139.625» least I think it's VA-ANG. No callsigns heard yet.
1429: WILD flight finally high enough to hear on «337.225» Performing an air combat mission.
1429: REACH 9507 to Langley Command Post on «311.0» mentions uploading PSEs (I don't know either) and medical equipment.
1433: Flight of four (probably VA-ANG) leaving GK's area to RTB on «249.8» two leaving the area now and the other two in about 5 minutes
1434: ANGRY flight back to tac «127.275» and then to ZDC on «285.4»
1437: RAVEN flight now in ground attack exercise...still instructor/student mode «142.3»
1440: BICEP (F-16 NJ-ANG) flight active on the ZDC freqs...last on ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8»
1443: U/I flight to Warren Grove Range on «283.1»
1444: BICEP flight to tac freq «138.3» and then enters BayWatch area on «270.8»
1448: BICEP 11 flight leader to Pax River Range controller on «138.3» IDs as flight of two F-16s with 30 minute playtime and outlines weapons to be used.
1450: VA-ANG finally identifies as a SLAM flight «141.875»
1453: ROMAN 45 (A-10 MI-ANG or F-18 VFA-106 Oceana) with ZNY-Matawan NJ on «282.3» leaving FL240 for 250
1456: SLAM flight with VA-ANG SOF on «142.175»
1457: ANGRY flight with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» leaving 17 for 16 and then to 12 and changes to DC-Kenton DE on «277.4» and chatting on «127.275»

1500: ANGRY flight to SENATE SOF on «139.9» with mission results...reports 72 miles east
1500: WILD flight with ZDC-Kenton «277.4» and chat on «143.15»
1511: AXEMAN flight of two coming home....they used callsign RAVEN when taking off but AXEMAN during the flight. «347.2»
1520: WILD 1 & 2 with Andrews Tower on «349.0» 10 miles out ILS for runway 19L.
1522: WILD announce gear down for full stop landing....1 and then 2 about 30 seconds later.
1523: BICEP 11 to BayWatch on «270.8» RTB at this time
1524: BICEP 11 with ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ on «254.3» at FL155 and then to ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8» VFR at FL155
1525: REACH 1605 with Langley Command Post on «311.0» IDs as C-130, 25 miles out (same C-130 we heard earlier going into Dover)
1528: BICEP flight reports Code 1 for BICEP 2 and Code 2 for 1 on «138.3» 2 is cleared off to report to Ops and to get the ATIS wx.
1529: BICEP 12 to Ops on «261.0» to report Codes and then gets ATIS and reports back on «138.3»
1530: BOXER 636 (C-38, 201st ALS, Andrews AFB) to Boxer Ops on «314.25» no reply after 3 calls.
1531: WOLF 21 to GK on «238.1» where he can't hear GK and switches to «249.8» where he can....reports MARSA with BOBCAT 11 flight....both flights are F-15s from Langley.
1533: Langley tac freq «233.525» active with BOBCAT flight
1534: BOBCAT flight into GK's area on «249.8» flight of two
1536: Another u/i copter on the Aberdeen Range freq «248.4»
1538: SPEEDO 51, flight of two (F-15 Langley) flight into GK's area using «249.8»
1538: BOXER 636 still trying to reach Boxer Ops on «314.25» transmitting in the blind that he'll be arriving at the scheduled time of 4 o'clock local and is Code 1.
1543: REACH 1195 with McGuire Command Post on «319.4» wants 100,000 pounds of fuel uploaded when he lands.
1545: Pair of A-10s landing Martin State on tower freq «297.2» no callsign heard
1547: SPEEDO F-15s working on GK's op freq «389.1» and they sure are excited in the air combat exercise they're running.
NOTE: May have found our first F-22 callsign. The BOBCAT pair from Langley is in a ground attack mode on tac freq «233.525». This is not a role that is performed by the F-15s.
1555: WOLF flight using GK's ops freq «391.2»
1556-1602: Also have the WOLF pair performing same type exercise on «233.525» I'm not quite as sure about this pair being F-22s but I'm sure leaning that way.
1604: WOLF flight clears out of GK's area on «249.8»
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hello from N.J. I hope you don't mind me posting here.
1540 Cedar 1 flight of 3 I believe he said on N.Y. 307.8
1545 Cedar 1 flight with N.Y. approach for flyby at West Point 353.750


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Don't mind at all carbineone. It would be especially helpful if you could fill in some of the activity that happens at the Warren Grove Range on «283.1» if you can hear them. Such things as range controller callsigns and flights operating there would be appreciated.
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