Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Around 1300 Ripper-11, flight of F/A-18s for a flyby at the Naval Academy Football game with Potomac TRACON. I only had my Pro-96, and it's only programmed with VHF BWI freqs, so I was only hearing the Controller on 119.7, while Ripper was working UHF..

The controller initially had the callsign as "Roper" but changed to "Ripper" after a few minutes...

1615 «347.2» ((Missed Callsign)) with Raven Ops, inbound with 35 of your folks....
1632«319.4» Hobby-18 (spelled) with Mcguire Command Post, C-130, Tail 75306 inbound O pax..((possible 53WRS WC-130J))
1637«277.4» Aero-21(NJ-ANG F-16) with ZDC
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Had the radios off and on for a few minutes at a time today and noticed a lot of transport activity. Didn't hear any of the ones you logged Chuck but did hear DC 61 (KC-135 Andrews) doing pattern work around Andrews for quite a while and then heard REACH 1000 into Dover. REACH 01 yesterday (and, yes, I also have that as AMC honcho) and 1000 today. Add the TESTER 00 yesterday and it all adds up to........precisely nothing.

1843: HOIST 24 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) calling McGuire Command Post on «319.4»
1847: HOIST 24 reports 20 minutes out, A-1, no cargo or pax. «319.4»
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2151: Have a pair of fighters on «143.25». Not sure who they are but this freq has been used by the A-10s of the PA-ANG Willow Grove in the past. They seem to be doing a buddy lase ground attack mission - talking about the sparkle. Kind of unusual for this time of night on a Saturday.
2154: Flight leader telling #2 to drop a couple of flares as he's rolling in to help him see the target. «143.25»
2158: This is a real slow ground attack - very slow to develop and unusual. They just used callsign HAPPY which is used by A-10s of the 104th Fighter Wing Barnes ANGB MA. I guess this could be at the Warren Grove Range but that needs to be proved.
About 30 seconds after posting the above was the last I heard from them. I never heard the Warren Grove Range 283.1 freq active and never have heard them on Center freqs going home either. Freqs are being monitored in the Boston area to see if they arrive back there at Barnes.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
An interesting catch from earlier this evening-- Pathfinder-37, self ID'ed as a Navy P-3 checked in with Giantkiller on 238.1 and 249.8..


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Maryland area Sunday afternoon..

PEACH 92 J-Star? with McGuire metro 239.800 req wx for KWRB at 1900z,"Sorry we are
tired as have been working 17 hours".

REACH 591T arrive McGuire 1850z

BENGAL 42 VMFA(AW)-224 MCAS BEAUFORT with McGuire metro 239.800 req wx for KNBC and KCHS,self id on pirep as F-18D.We are currently right on Delaware Maryland line."Skies clear southbound for 100 miles at least".
Post on other board had him departing Willow Grove NAS.

REACH 3123 arrive Andrews,req customs,ag.

REACH 590T arrive Andrews

EVAC 33116 C-17 MS ANG arriving Andrews 2220z,22 litters,17 amb,req 44k fuel.ADW CP


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Good catches there Mark. Too much football, a NASCAR race and lots of leaves to rake prevented my radios from getting turned on today.

The PEACH aircraft, as I've just recently learned, are E-8s from the 116th ACW at Warner-Robbins AFB GA. The PEACH callsign is used for cross-country and deployment type flights. Yes, JSTARS that used to use the RAZOR callsign.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0943: MAPLE 91 (F-16, VT-ANG Burlington), flight of two with ZDC-Falls Church VA on «381.5» checking in, FL280 (Later...push 351.9)
0958: MAPLE 91 checking in at FL280 with ZDC-Green Bay VA on «351.9»
1017: HUNTER 91 (Several choices for this callsign) with Potomac TRACON (Reagan) «257.2» FL 5,000...ground controller tells him to change to 343.7 (Apparently took off from Andrews. Can hear the ground controller this morning on 257.2 which is unusual.)
1019: HUNTER 91 w/TRACON (Reagan) «343.7» cleared to 11,000
1022: HUNTER 91 going up to FL 210. «343.7»
1028: HUNTER 91 wtih ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA on «284.7» Checking in
1048: Northrup Grumman test flight active on «123.225» Reports at 10,000 feet, will be up for the "next couple of hours" to the NG ground controller at BWI.
1054-58: YANKEE 88 (Probably a KC-130 from Stewart ANGB NY) calling Langley Dispatch on «376.2» several times with no reply. (I recognize that C-130 engine sound in the background of the pilot's voice. There is nothing quite like it.)
1109: the Northrup Grumman test flight called his wingman/flight trailer DRAGON 1. «123.225»

1102: YANKEE 88 still calling Langley «376.2»
1102: A-10s from the MD-ANG at Martin State active on tac «142.3» looks like a flight of four. Callsign RAVEN
1106: A-10s to Potomac TRACON (Reagan) on «270.275» report at 11,000 feet....then switch back to tac «142.3»
1115: Northrup Grumman flight on «123.2» tells ground he's talking to New York Center on 132.2.
1116: A-10s to Martin Tower on «297.2» reports as a flight of four, 10 miles to the south on initial.
1118: RAVEN flight of four for full stop landing «297.2»
END OF REPORT for now...back later.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1558: CAPS 91/92/93/94 (F-16, DC-ANG Andrews AFB MD) on tac «143.15» sound like they're coming home.
1601: BOXER 32 (C-38, 201st ALS, Andrews) reports he'll be on the ground in five minutes on squadron freq «314.25»
1606: CAPS flight gets the weather for both Andrews and Atlantic City. Runway at Andrews is not currently open, but they're working on it, which is why they got backup info for AC. «143.15»
1611: CAPS flight trying to contact ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA on «282.2» but get no reply.
1614: CAPS 93 reports back to freq with latest ATIS and reports that runway 1L is active runway and 1R is closed. Flight leader says they'll head for 1L although they'd like 1R if possible. Flight is slowing speed to 250 and out of 12,000 for 8,000 at 1615.
1616: CAPS flight with Potomac TRACON (Reagan) on «343.7» checking in and reports course as 180. CAPS push 270.275
1619: CAPS flight to Potomac TRACON (Reagan) «270.275» check in at 9,000
1620: PAT 981 calling Langley Pilot Dispatch several times without reply on «141.75»
1623: CAPS flight slowing for final approach. «143.15»
1625: CAPS flight to Andrews Tower on «349.0» report gear down for full stop landing on runway 1R.
So, that's at least four of the DC-ANG F-16s that have returned home. They came in from the north - hence the Atlantic City alternate airport. Never did have a clue where they've been for the past couple of weeks. Not sure if any others came home between the time I left earlier around 1100 and when I picked up this flight around 1600.
1626: Northrup Grummand guys are up on their «123.225»
1629: GEMINI 4056 (DC-10) to Dover Command Post on «134.1» reports he'll arrive at 15 after the hour and needs parking spot.
1633: U/I tanker, suffix 12, reports everything's fine and he's on his way on «303.0» We tentatively have this freq for the KC-135s at McGuire AFB NJ.
1635-36 GEMINI 4056 calling Dover Command Post on «134.1» with no reply after trying two different radios.
1638: TARA 12 (Unknown) to GIANT KILLER on «135.725» at FL200 going to W-107 and wants to hold at the entry point for a bit. (Not sure if this is the same 12 heard on 303.0)
1640: TARA 12 told to hold inside W-107...says he'll hold until 0030Z...then says something about a tanker but faded at that point, apparently in a turn.
1652: TARA 12 reports his altitude as 200 to GK on «135.725»

1710: TARA 12 to GIANT KILLER on «135.725» asks if he was cleared in W-107 from 6,000 to unlimited altitude. He then says he's picking up some icing at FL200 and want to know if he can climb to 350. It's approved and he reports leaving 200 for the new altitude.
1716: Andrews Command Post institutes ramp freeze at this time. «141.55»
1739: I'm not entirely sure what this means but Andrews Command Post just announced on «141.55» "We have a runway alert...repeating...we have a runway alert at this time."
That announcement was probably made on 378.1 also but I can only hear the ground station on the 141.55 freq. Same goes for the ramp freeze above.
1742-44: REACH 921 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» reports arriving in 30 minutes, is A-1, no pax or cargo to download...then a couple of minutes later changes his maintenance status to A-2 for minor writeups.

1804: TARA 12 to GK wants to go lower now...down to 250 and gets approval to do so. «135.725»
1808: TARA 12 now wants to go back to his original altitude of 200 and is leaving for that flight level now. «135.725»
1820: TITAN 06 (Prob KC-130, MCAS Cherry Point NC) to ZDC-Cape Charles VA on «257.7» reporting to Norfolk and leaving FL220 for 240. He then repeats freqs he is given of 139.7 or 288.5.
1826: U/I aircraft with HUNTRESS on «228.9» says he's hearing HUNTRESS weak and garbled but that it might be his radio rather than the ground station...says he's been having troubles with it all evening. Sounds like a C-130...perhaps a BATON mission which often goes into GK's area around this time.

Chuck, yeah, I thought it odd too that both units came home today. There was a big exercise in the New England area over the weekend according to the Northeast guys. Week before last there was another big one around the Michigan area but I honestly don't have a clue where our guys were. I know the CAPS came in from the north today but north could be Dover....or Maine...or maybe the great Polar telling.

Almost forgot this one...about the same time the CAPS landed at Andrews, there was a ???? 01 (missed the callsign, tin ear that I am) landing there that mentioned his home station was Ramstein Air Base Germany. The funny part was that he gave his tail number as 93-0030 clearly. When I looked that up, it was for a Boeing AGM 131A missile. Andrews ground didn't even hiccup when he gave it though.

Some day I'm going to have to go to Martin State to see where all the antennas are. The ground station at Martin's Ground/Clearance Delivery 121.8/253.4 comes booming in here so loud it knocks me over (exaggeration a bit?) and yet the tower freqs 121.3/297.2 I can't hear the ground stations at all. I also hear the ground station on the Raven Ops 347.2 and Crab Ops 385.9 freqs. Just those tower freqs that have silent ground stations that have always puzzled me trying to figure out why.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Looks like both Ravens and CAPS returned today. Both plus the Sport flight departed on the same day cross-country, what two weeks ago Sunday? Plus the inbound to Martin State on Saturday with "35 of your folks".
I wonder if there was a exercise out west?
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr Tin,
I had a FENDY 01 arrive Andrews a short while ago which would make that a Ramstein C-20.
The only C-20 tail I have is 90-0300 C-20H 76 AS/ 86 AW.
C-20 is actually a mil version of the older Gulfstream III.Callsign 01 probably means piloted by the 86 AW Wing Commander.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
That could be it Mark and he just made a mistake giving his tail number. I don't know that he was with the CAPS flight - just that he landed at the same time. At Andrews, as many aircraft as they have coming and going, it's almost impossible to tie anything together but that was a good catch on the FENDY Wing Commander.
Yeah, I heard parts of that REACH aircraft's message while I was still upstairs...he was loud. He was the one with the hazardous cargo in three different categories, right?

1926-30: PAT 194 (US Army Priority Air Transport) calling Andrews Command Post over and over again with no reply on «141.55»
1931: PAT 194 makes contact and reports he's arriving with an R-4 on board, will arrive at 50 past the hour and has three items...1 - what's the status of the ramp freeze?, 2 - he needs fuel, and 3 - needs a parking spot. «141.55»
1932: PAT 194 says he'll need fuel - about 300 gallons. «141.55» and confirms ground station gives him parking in 9 Row. (ground never did address the ramp freeze question)
1950: SAM 9538 to SAM Command on «378.1» reports take off time from Andrews was 0045Z, time in blocks will be 0100Z (he actually said 01000Z), has D/V 2 plus 3, reason for late takeoff was late arrival of D/V (as is all too normal)

2021-24: REACH 3114 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» arriving at 0150Z, is A-1, has a couple pallets and 1 pax, needs crew transportation for five...wants upload info...confirms 11 pallets will be his upload cargo on the outbound leg.

Little story about a great company. I just upgraded my active multicoupler from a Stridsberg 4-port to an 8-port so I could put more radios on the antenna. Well, the 8-port seemed to have a problem - signals were weaker through it than coming through the 4-port. I sent off an email note to Stridsberg about the problem, got an immediate reply from John Stridsberg telling me that I didn't need a return authorization and that the multicoupler had a lifetime guarantee. Just send it in and they would repair or replace it free of charge...forever. No RMA, no sales receipt needed, no hassle. Wish they were all like that.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Amazing how many times you hear an aircraft mess up his own tail number. Happens a lot :)

I think I just had a REACH 957 arriving Andrews C-5 #87-0037,lots of offloads,req customs/ag.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
n3bxv said:
An interesting catch from earlier this evening-- Pathfinder-37, self ID'ed as a Navy P-3 checked in with Giantkiller on 238.1 and 249.8..

Heard PATHFINDER 35 P-3 with GK 238.100 entering W-386 area
seld id as tail #2203 around 0230 local.Was dropping down to 10k to join with Force,I assume Naval vessel possibly or maybe dropping some Sonar buoys.
Then wanted to switch to Victor freq 118.128 which doesn't make sense.
Maybe he meant 118.125.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Not much happening this morning because of the rainy weather. A few transports coming and going. About 1030 I found a pair of DC tankers (KC-135, 756th ARS Andrews AFB) talking on their squadron freq «351.2». They are flying together and keep talking about the lead aircraft adjusting speed and altitude but, as of 1045, have not used even a suffix. They are identifying on the channel as "lead" and "2." Looks like they are doing training exercises moving into refueling positions. Okay...1047...and just got the first ID. Lead is DC 21.
1048: #2 asks DC 21 if he's getting a lot of noise on his Comm 1. 21 says he isn't so #2 asks 21 to switch to Comm2 and put the 351.2 freq into it. They do and wind up with a loud mic squeal from #2. Next they will try AR freq Comm 1 and I'm off to find it.
1051: That apparently didn't work so they come back to Comm1, 351.2 where they are now getting feedback so they talk about switching to Net 1...then "let's go green, Comm 1." And I'll try to find out where that might be but it should keep them right here if I understand it correctly.
1054: Have DARKSTAR QUEBEC (E3B, Tinker AFB OK) calling NIGHT STAR on «364.2» and says, "I'm waiting on you at that freq." I can't hear the NIGHT STAR aircraft or ground station or whoever he is. I don't have NIGHT STAR on my callsign lists.
1055: DC21 and #2 are indeed on «351.2» still and talk about airspeed being 275-280 for both of them. (In particular, the 351.2 freq has been referred to as "Button 10" on both Comm1 and Comm2 [radios 1 and 2] in the recent past.) Shortly after this they become too weak to copy as they fly out of the area.
NOTE: From another source I learn that DC 21 and DC 22 were up in the New England area conducting refueling missions with POLO 99 (C-5, 137th Airlift Squadron, NY-ANG Stewart). Indications are they left that area enroute to Andrews shortly before 1230 local time.)

1104: HAGAR 91 (C-5, 9th Airlift Squadron, Dover AFB DE) with Dover Command Post on «349.4» says he's got to return to Dover because of a problem. He's getting a pressurization light on the crew entrance door. He tells the CP that if maintenance is expedient about getting it fixed, they could get back up and get a couple of hours in the pattern. He then says he's not declaring an emergency at this time.
1109: HAGAR 91 says they won't need a crew bus...apparently the commander is going to keep the crew on board while maintenance works on the problem. «349.4»
1136: BATON 20 (EC-130, 193rd SOG PA-ANG Harrisburg) with U/I tanker on HUNTRESS freq «295.8». They are talking about the refueling and that BATON needs to refuel at flight level 210. The tanker responds that he's at 250 and will start his descent down to BATON's level.

1204: VENUS 44 with SAM Command on «378.1» arriving Andrews at 1715Z, A-1, needs crew bus for 3.
1226: BOLAR 70 (C-5, 3rd Airlift Squadron, Dover AFB DE) to Dover Command Post on «349.4» was supposed to refuel and do an hour of transition work in the pattern but has to return to base because of a problem. He has a leaking hydraulic booster pump and wants maitenance notified and to meet them when he lands. He's given a parking spot in Q row. Pilot thinks it puts him in A-2 status but his mission depends on whether maintenance can fix the problem or not when he's on the ground.
1240: JOSA 693 reports takeoff time from Andrews as 1738Z. «378.1»
1243: TROOPER 11 (MD State Police) landing ILS runway 33 at Martin State Airport with tower on «121.3»

1305: REACH 18 to Dover Command Post on «134.1» with no reply so to «349.4» where he reports he's an inbound C-21, tail #40088, arriving in the blocks at 1830Z, has an Air Force Code 4 plus 4 to offload, needs 2,000 pounds of fuel and will depart Dover at approximately 2125Z.
1335: DC 21 (KC-135) to LIBERATOR on squadron freq «351.2» says he's 10 minutes out, is A-1 and has about 47(000 pounds) on the fuel.
1336: TEAM 21 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» reports he's 30 minutes out and is currently A-1.
1338: VENUS 93 calling SAM Command on «378.1» with no reply after several attempts.
1339-42: DC 22 (KC-135) to LIBERATOR on «351.2» reports he's a few minutes out, is A-2 for Comm 3 radio unable to transmit or receive. He's assigned parking on the Navy side. (Note: He also has a problem with this Comm 1 radio which has a good, strong signal but extremely low modulation.)
1346: DC 21 calling TIGER 3 on «351.2» I've heard TIGER Ops many times but never TIGER 3 until this. )
1348: BENGAL 49 (F/A-18 VMFA-224 MCAS, Beaufort NC), IDs as single Hornet checking in at FL240 with ZDC-Cape Charles VA on «257.7»
1351: BENGAL 49 climbing to FL260 and is cleared to Charleston «257.7»
1354: JOSA 225 to SAM Command on «378.1» with no reply so quickly switches to «141.55» where he reports tail #40139, mission complete, no pax, 20 minutes out, A-1, needs crew transportation.
1359: BENGAL 49 cleared out of the ZDC-Cape Charles VA sector. «257.7» reports switching (freqs) but not to which.

1401: VENUS 93 reports gear down for landing at Andrews «118.4»
1402: DC 22 in the pattern around Andrews on Approach/Tower freqs «119.3/118.4»
1435: SALTY DOG 420 (U.S. Navy Strike Aircraft Test Squadron, Pax River NAS) up with Pax River on «256.5» This follows a couple of aircraft that have buzzed around the Pax River area over the past hour that have been giving detailed weather reports included cloud layer areas at various altitudes. They've been reporting good visibility except for an area around 12-13,000 feet.
1447: SONIC 81 (Prob F-15 Langley AFB VA) checking in at FL220 with ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA on «284.7»

1508: SONIC 81 tells ZDC he had no contact on 351.8 «284.7»
1509: SONIC 81 to ZDC-Falls Church VA on «351.8» tries again to report flight level 210
1509: SONIC 81 back to «284.7» to once again say no contact on 351.8
1510: SONIC 81 repeats freq 360.85 as given from ZDC on «284.7»
1512: SONIC 81 to IRON Ops on Langley's «357.1» arriving Langley
1514: REACH 957 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» reports arrival A-2, lists the problems including ramp doors with problems, wants crew transportation, parking
1518-24: REACH 037 (female) calls McGuire Command Post on «349.4» and, surprisingly, gets an immediate reply in spite of the freq used. Reports arriving in 20 minutes, is A-1, has 4 pax and 60990 pounds of cargo to offload, needs parking spot, IDs as a C-5. Requests "permission to land in the BASH window." (Says that "BASH Window" statement a couple of times but I have no idea what it means.)
1525-27: REACH 211 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» reports arrival in 10 minutes, A-1, has 1 Space A pax and wants to report his landing weight as 385(000 pounds) be passed on. Then wants confirmation they are cleared to land on runway 32 with a landing weight of 385,000 pounds. (This ain't a Cessna at 192.5 tons)
1600: Th-th-that's all folks...END OF REPORT
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Tin wrote: >REACH 037 (female) calls McGuire Command Post on «349.4» and, surprisingly, gets an immediate reply in spite of the freq used. Reports arriving in 20 minutes, is A-1, has 4 pax and 60990 pounds of cargo to offload, needs parking spot, IDs as a C-5. Requests "permission to land in the BASH window." (Says that "BASH Window" statement a couple of times but I have no idea what it means.)<

Bird Aerial Strike Hazard, I hear that at Dover also when Snow Geese and others are active.
I assume pilot has discretion unless tower says otherwise but if pilot during BASH window eats geese and smokes an expensive engine he is probably gonna be in trouble with his superiors.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Mark for the BASH reference. I was going to look it up when I got back to the PC and scanners this evening and quickly noticed that you saved me the trouble. Much appreciated. It sure was a quiet day without the fighters. We'll no doubt see a lot of those days between now and spring. (Is it spring yet?) No downturn in the number of transports though. They fly no matter what.

freqhopping: I missed Air Force 1 if it took off during the couple of hours I was away. Did you manage to hear it?

No sooner said no fighters today and up they popped....

1829: BICEP 11 (F-16 NJ-ANG, Atlantic City) with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4»
1830: BICEP 11 flight reports FL 11,000 to ZDC-Cape Charles VA on «257.7»
1831: BICEP 11 flight using tac freq «138.3»
1831: REACH 7048 into Andrews on «141.55»
1832: BICEP 11 flight reports at FL 160 «257.7»
1837: BICEP flight reports descent to 13,500 and a course of 320 «138.3»
1840: BICEP flight reports they are going to the southern part of the area and then work areas 8 and 9 and see if they can drop down once there (all very mystic sounding) «138.3»
1841: BICIP 1 tells 2 he can have 8,000 feet and above and detach and stay 10 miles to the northeast. «138.3»
1842: BICEP flight leader changes plans...tells 2 to stay 10,000 and above and he'll stay 9,000 and below. «138.3» reports ceiling at about 6,000 feet which is why they moved the whole shebang up a couple of thousand feet.
1859: BICEP flight still in their area with missile attacks at ground targets. «138.3»

1908: REACH 1 (Sure sounded like that) reports takeoff from Dover AFB at 0004Z and estimated time at Scott (AFB IL) 0200Z. «349.4»
1917: JOSA 281 arriving Andrews in 25 minutes, reports he's a home station C-21, has 6 pax, 2 D/V A-4 «378.1»
1918: BICEP pair still doing their thing on tac «138.3» but I can only hear one of them - obviously the one operating above 10,000 feet.
1924: REACH 7120 reports airborn at 0022Z to Dover Command Post on «349.3»
1934: REACH 1186 calling NORAD on «364.2» asking for parrot check on 2476. Female ground controller responds with..."Aircraft calling HUNTRESS please repeat." And so he does. No reply.
1937: REACH 1186 calls NORAD again with the same message. HUNTRESS tells him to stand by «364.2» (Note that the REACH aircraft calls NORAD rather than HUNTRESS but the ground controller responds as HUNTRESS.)
1937: BICEP flight getting back in formation...looks like they're about done at the range. «138.3»
1939: HUNTRESS calls REACH 1186 and tells him he's sweet for 3 and sour for 4 (refers to Mode 3 and 4). REACH 1186 gives a "roger" to that info. «364.2»
1942: TROOPER 2 (MD State Police Helo) to Andrews Tower on «118.4» says he's switching to Approach on «119.3» and does to report he's heading 13 miles north to Millersville.
1943: BICEP flight to ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8» checks in at 11,000 feet direct Waterloo. Back on tac «138.3» flight leader says to maintain 300 knots.
1944: BICEP flight to ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» checking in 11,000
1945: BICEP 1 reports Code 1 and 2 reports Code 2 «138.3»
1947: BICEP leader reports leaving 11 for 8,000 «285.4» Leader tells 2 he can break off to report in to Ops and to get the ATIS.
1948: BICEP 12 (2) reports maintenance status codes to Ops on «261.4» and then goes back to tac «138.3» to report he's got Quebec (wx report from ATIS).
1950: BICEP flight leader on «285.4» says they're switch to 327.125.
1950: BICEPs on «327.125» Atlantic City Approach to say they're leaving 8,000...descend and maintain 3,000, reports they have Quebec, making ILS full stop landing on runway 31. (And that should be the last I hear from them.)

Continued below if needed....

Dave: Okay, I'll see if I can arrange to send a few SALTY DOGs out your way.
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
TinEar said:
freqhopping: I missed Air Force 1 if it took off during the couple of hours I was away. Did you manage to hear it?

I haven't heard it. For all I know it has already left. I've only been listening for it since my other post. All I've heard is some inbounds on 378.1 including an Airevac flight. And just now a Reach flight on 141.55.


Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
1435: SALTY DOG 420 (U.S. Navy Strike Aircraft Test Squadron, Pax River NAS) up with Pax River on «256.5» This follows a couple of aircraft that have buzzed around the Pax River area over the past hour that have been giving detailed weather reports included cloud layer areas at various altitudes. They've been reporting good visibility except for an area around 12-13,000 feet.

We had Prowlers SD 536 & 537 out here for a couple weeks at China Lake recently, doing some sort of link testing or something... One of the west coast E-2s went out and worked with them each day. Wish they would get out here more often. Every once in a great while they send a guy out to certify the trap and cat systems on a carrier. Guess they are qualified to do that in some special way.

-DPD Productions - Featuring the MilTenna LP Gain Scanner Antenna-


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
What's going on? They're talking about firing lasers on 138.3. Testing the laser warning system? I haven't heard any callsigns. But I was hearing a female voice saying "Huntress" and "328" on 364.2 a little while ago. It's generally too weak for me to hear.

And about 10 minutes ago I heard Mussell-04 very loud and clear. So I looked out the window and saw him flying eastbound on the south side of Leesburg, likely coming from Mt. Weather.
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