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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Re BICEP flight: The only laser refrences I'm hearing are to buddy lase maneuvers during their ground attack exercise.

Must be nice to see some of these things flying overhead freqhopping. I live too close to BWI for any of it to fly overhead other than commercial stuff into the airport.


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
I'm only about 10 miles from IAD. I live right under part of Helicopter Route 1 for the DC area. The Nighthawk, Mussell and Omaha helos as well as Medivacs all pass straight through a major approach path to IAD which is about 5 miles to the east of here, so I can hear all the commercial stuff really well too and watch it at the same time. A couple weekends ago the Customs helo flew directly parallel with my street. I looked straight up from my driveway and could read plain as day "CBP Police" on the underside. It was under 1000ft at the time. :)

I'm just closest to hear the MWAA system as well as the United Airlines 900mhz trunked system, but I don't usually bother, the planes are more interesting.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1952: U/I aircraft with GIANT KILLER on «135.725» reports flight level 270.
2000: JOSA 379 to SAM Command on «378.1» reports 25 minutes out, has 1 R-5 and 6 duty pax to offload and plans to be back in the air about 45 minutes after hitting the blocks.
2017: REACH 7048 airborne again «141.55» Had him landing at Andrews at 1831.
2021-24: WATERBUG 849 (U.S. Navy Force Aircraft Test Squadron, Patuxent NAS) to ZDC-Pataxent MD on «281.4» leaving 9,000 for 23,000...then out of 13,000 for 230...says he's off Patuxent NAS. Says he's going to remain in this restricted area and wants block altitude 23-25,000...told he's got to settle for 17,000
2025: WATERBUG 849 IDs as a single E-2 stationed at Patuxent NAS. «281.4» He then adds more and IDs as a single E-2C.
2033: JOSA 693 a few minutes from landing at Langley, reports A-1, negative for fuel requirements...on Command Post freq «251.25»
2035: Heard TROOPER 2 leaving Andrews a while ago...he's now being heard on Anne Arundel County TRS Talkgroup 336 (1E) at the scene of an accident....they've got a 4-year old female and a 58 year old male with a head injury - intubated and sedated. TROOPER 2 leaving the scene in about a minute with the male. Not really MilAir related but my heart always does an extra thump-thump when I hear a small child badly injured. Another TROOPER helo going to the scene but haven't picked him up on the airways yet.
2042: WATERBUG 849 again with ZDC-Patuxent on «281.4» asking Washington Center if they were notified that 849 was coming to work in R-4006 and 4008. I think he's getting a bit testy because he's not getting his way.
2043: TROOPER 1 is the other helo out of Martin State to the accident scene in AA County...picking up the 4-year old girl and taking her to Johns Hopkins Priority 1. Now they are also talking about an infant involved in the accident. Damn, damn, damn.
2053: WATERBUG 849 to BayWatch on «354.8» whining about the areas not being open that he needed to work in until 2300 and what can be done about it. And, like, it was scheduled a day ahead of time. (Live with it you obnoxious fool!)

Thanks just means I talk too much. Really though, this MilAir thread took off way beyond my expectations when I started it. I see those page views go up by several hundred every day so I know a lot of people are reading it.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
freqhopping said:
What's going on? They're talking about firing lasers on 138.3. Testing the laser warning system?.QUOTE]

NJ ANG 177th F-16s have laser targeting pods,saw one at an NJ airshow a couple years ago mounted under left wing.They are constantly training new pilots in use of this system.
I read though that in last BRAC closings that the 177th would be getting F-15's next so will have to stay tuned for that.


The F-16 carries the Lockheed Martin LANTIRN infrared navigation and targeting system. This is used in conjunction with a BAE Systems holographic display. Block 50/52 aircraft are equipped with the HARM Targeting System, AN/ASQ-213 from Raytheon.

US Air National Guard F-16 aircraft are fitted with Northrop Grumman Litening II/Litening ER targeting pods.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Right you are Mark. The NJ guys just got those LITENING II pods a short time ago - within the past couple of months. Somewhere in the muck above a couple of months ago I heard them talking about getting them and checking them out. It was a rookie checkout flight that was talking about them. They didn't seem to have any trouble at all adapting to them and they specifically referenced the LITENING II.


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Mark said:
I read though that in last BRAC closings that the 177th would be getting F-15's next so will have to stay tuned for that..

One of the changes to the DOD recommendations in the BRAC Commission's final report was that the 177th will keep F-16s but receive additional aircraft to plus them up to 18 fighters..


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yeah...the Langley F-15s are going up on EBay. Think I'll bid on a couple. If you grab a couple Chuck we could provide our own MilAir net. Now that would be interesting.

[Next day edit: I was just spoofing about F-15s on EBay in case there are others like the emailer saying he couldn't find them there. Sheesh!]
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Not monitoring full time yet today but wanted to post this one only because I've never heard it before...

1139: ALOUETTE 98 (CF-18, CanForce 2nd Wing, CFB Borden) with ZDC-Cape Charles VA on «257.7» requesting direct Cherry Point.

1241: JOSA 082 reports takeoff time from Andrews as 1731Z «378.1»
1250: VENUS 44 reports takeoff time from Andrews as 1245L «378.1»
1305: TROOPER 1 with Martin State «121.3» and Phillips AAF «126.15» as he flies to an accident scene in Havre de Grace. (I mention these TROOPER helos on this thread only because many have told me they didn't know they check in with military controllers on the way to medevac calls. It's common, at least for TROOPER 1 out of Martin State answering calls in Harford County and to the northeast and TROOPER 2 out of Andrews.)
1320: FOXTROT 3 (Baltimore City Police helo) with Martin State on «121.3»
1322: TROOPER 1 again with Phillips «126.15» and Martin State «121.3» transitioning across the area taking a patient to Johns Hopkins from the accident. (Anyway, now you get the idea so I don't need to post these helo trips in the future.)
1327: VENUS 22 reports takeoff from Andrews at 25 after the hour. «378.1»
1333: U/I C-5 arriving in 20 minutes, A-1 to Dover «349.4»
1334: NIGHTHAWK 6 (CH-53, HMX-1, MCAF Quantico VA - one of the Presidential helicopter fleet) reporting over Kent Island, 10 miles south of the Bay Bridge to Andrews Approach on «119.3»
1337: Fighters, a pair of them, on tac «142.3» Not sure if these are A-10s from Martin State since I didn't hear any activity on the Martin tower/ground or Raven Ops freqs. Of course, they might be returning from out of area.
1344: The fighters mention being over Vienna. «142.3» One then says "295"...not sure if he meant air speed or the B-W Parkway.
1344: SAM 050 to SAM Command on «378.1» reports he was airborne at (13)42.
1347: Also have a pair of fighters chatting on «141.875» which is a VA-ANG tac freq. Sounds more like an overflight.
1352: TROOPER 1 tells Martin State Tower he's going to Joppatown, east of the airfield, for a police search. «121.3»
1352: Fighters on «142.3» still chatting about nothing. This seems to be an overflight of our area rather than MD-ANG A-10s. They are pointing out things on the ground as they overfly them. They just mentioned a bridge and something in the water they're trying to identify. One says it might just be a big rock. Interesting, huh?
1405: Freq «142.3» still active. This is a long time being heard if it's really an overflight unless they are extremely high - but they wouldn't be seeing rocks in the water if they were that high.
1408: Freq «141.875» also still active...mentioning air traffic in their vicinity...they are much louder now...still sounds like "just flying" rather than a tac mission. (That was the last transmission heard from them - at least for the next 32 minutes until 1440.)
1414: The «142.3» fighters are using their scopes to try to figure out how many cars are on a ferry below them. One of them can't see any cars but does see one truck on board. The other sees a car approaching the ferry.
1421: PAT 57 reports 15 minutes out from Dover with a Code dropoff to Dover Command Post on «349.4»
1424: The «142.3» pair still chatting but getting very, very weak and unreadable.
1428: Oh well...the «142.3» back to loud and clear as they talk about a hotel on the water where one of them stayed at one time. They mention that place was considered for slots at one time. Since slots were only going to racetracks in Maryland, I don't know where they might be.
1430: Well I'll be!....the «142.3» pair are indeed A-10s from the MD-ANG Martin State. They just reported in on Raven Ops freq «347.2» that they're 10 minutes out and both Code 1. Guess they were just getting in flying time to stay qualified. I'm curious though why I heard nothing on Martin State tower/ground or Raven Ops freqs when they took off.
1435: VENUS 31 arriving Andrews at 2000Z and are A-2 for a stairs door. «378.1»
1435: The «142.3» pair thought they might be having radio problems but one of them says it was just his button 4 that wasn't programmed. That must have been a Potomac TRACON freq at BWI which I don't monitor. (Note on that later.)
1441: A-10s report gear down to Martin Tower on «297.2»
1442: Have a PAT 1332 "Calling any TROOPER on 242.4" a couple of times on National Guard Common freq «242.4» I've never heard a PAT aircraft with a four-digit suffix before, let alone hearing one on a freq like this. And why would he call TROOPERs on this freq unless he doesn't mean the TROOPER we know as State Police helos?
1450: Heard Andrews Tower on «118.4» mentioning a Colombian Air Force aircraft but didn't hear the aircraft itself. It may be on the ground which is why I can't hear it.
1459: JOSA 258 reports takeoff time as 1957Z on «378.1»

1500-30: Both VENUS 22 and VENUS 44 are doing pattern work around and around Andrews using both Approach on «119.3» and Tower «118.4»
(Switched to Anne Arundel Police TRS system for a triple shooting in Northern District and won't get much more MilAir until later.)

Discussion: Several people have asked me why I monitor the UHF Potomac TRACON freqs serving Reagan National and Dulles airports and not those at BWI. There are three primary reasons.

First, military aircraft usually use UHF rather than VHF for this function and I only want to hear the military traffic. Although some military aircraft do use VHF, if I monitored those freqs I'd hear all the civilian and commercial traffic too which I don't want to do.

Second, the ground controllers for TRACON simulcast on both the VHF and UHF freqs - as they do on the ARTCC freqs. I can't hear the ground stations from Dulles and Reagan National which is fine so by monitoring their UHF only, I only hear the airborne military traffic and not the replies by ground stations to everyone in their area.

Third, because I'm fairly close to BWI (within a few miles), I hear everything from BWI ground stations on all their frequencies. So, if I monitored their UHF freqs, I'd not only hear the military aircraft talking, I'd also hear the ground stations replying to them and to all the other traffic that is on VHF. Remember, the ground is simulcasting on both VHF and UHF. Since BWI's Potomac TRACON freqs are almost constantly busy, the scanner would never move off their freqs or would be stuck on them for long periods of time. It's the same reason I don't monitor Washington Center's Swann sector on 360.7 which broadcasts from BWI. On that UHF freq I'd also hear the ground station replying to all the commercial traffic that is using VHF.

All of this explanation just refers to my MilAir monitoring. For other listening, like on my webcast scanner which includes a BWI bank along with police/fire frequencies, I monitor everything I can hear from the airport.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I didn't bother monitoring MilAir today because I expected little to nothing happening. This is a four-day-weekend for most military members other than critical duty posts.

I did hear the weekly medevac flight from overseas coming into Andrews about 1800. It was AirEvac 33114. He reported an offload of 25 litter and 30 ambulatory patients with 4 medical attendants and a crew of seven. That creates activity for lots of transportation people and for Customs/Ag people to meet the plane. Those injured and ill servicemen are arriving on a nasty cold and windy evening in the D.C. area. «141.55»

1847: REACH 9026 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» arriving in 20-25 minutes, 1 pallet weighing 2058 pounds to offload along with 7 pax. 9 pax are staying aboard, he'll have 73 seats available on the outbound leg, is A-2 with a writeup for the FSAS.
1919: REACH 454 to Dover Command Post on «349.9» reports he'll be arriving at 1830 (he means 1930) and is A-3 for De-Icing inoperative and a problem with the autopilot. Requests a parking spot.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr that as haven't heard any fighter activity the last couple days.Must be a 4 day weekend for those guys except cargo still has to move..

I had about same log here for this evening.

EVAC 33114 C-17 arrve Andrews 2355z ADW CP 378.100,25 litter,30 amb
patients,4 attendents,9 med crew..a real loaded med evac.

REACH 9026 C-5 68th AS Kelly AFB arrive Dover,uploads to ETAR-Ramstein.

GIANT 8404 with Dover appch 132.4250 landing Dover.Civilian Cargo carrier.

REACH 0454 C-5 arrive Dover 0030z,alpha 3.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Slow Sunday ending to slow 4 day mil air weekend...

REACH 6008 437th AW C-17 arrive Andrews 2015z CP 378.100

NAVY RY-482 C-40 VR-59 NAS Fort Worth arrive Andrews 2050z,80 pax,
guessing Texas White House/Pentagon staff.

EVAC 3116 C-17 MS ANG arrive Andrews 2150z,23 litter,5 amb patients,c/ag.

REACH 303 C-5 #87-0028 60th AMW Travis AFB with Dover CP 349.400 enr ROTA reports air valve open #4 engine,no problem but if it is not confident ROTA Spain can replace if needed,"decide to press on"



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1018: DRAGO 51 (USAF memorial flyover callsign) in standard formation heading for flight level 15,000 with Potomac TRACON (Reagan) «348.725» At 1021 they "push 7"
1022: DRAGO 51 checks in at 15,000 with ZDC-Patuxent MD on «281.4» "push 305.2"
1023: DRAGO 51 cancels IFR and turns to course 150 «305.2» "push 270.8»
1023: TOTEM 43 (F-15 Langley) with GIANT KILLER on «238.1»
1023: DC-ANG F-16s active on tac «127.75» Callsign DRAGO
1024: DRAGO 51 checks in with BayWatch on «270.8» and says they'll be there for about 15 minutes. Say they're heading for Nottingham to do a flyover at Arlington (National Cemetery). This is a flight of three F-16s
1025-28: DRAGO flight on tac «127.275» chatting about their formation positions, turns, etc for the flyover.
1029: DRAGO flight leader instructs #3 to contact SENATE and find out the status of #4. Returns without definite info...says they are having a problem.
1032: DRAGO flight is doing an air combat exercise using tac «127.275»
1034: Langley tac freq «252.775» active
1034: DRAGO 55 flight with Potomac TRACON (Reagan) checks in at 11,000. «348.725»
1037: DRAGO 51 asks BayWatch if they can extend the altitude up to 40,000 «270.8»
1038: Langley tac freq «233.525» active.
1039: DRAGO 55 to BayWatch on «270.8» says he is joining with DRAGO 51 flight and will RTB with them. (DRAGO 55 is a single ship replacement for DRAGO 54)
1042: DRAGO flight leader assigns 52/55 as a pair in the fight and tells them to use V-7 and so 52/55 begin using «143.15» while 51/53 stay on «127.275»
1047: ROMAN 35 & 36 (F-18 VFA-106 Oceana NAS) with ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA on «284.7» 35 mentions he'll be doing something (missed what) and 36 will go to Oceana.
1051: ROMAN 35 reports course of 360 degrees «284.7»
1056: ROMAN 35 reports RTB with flight control problems «284.7»
1056: DRAGO 51/52/53/55 getting back in formation together «127.275»
1059: DRAGO flight leader talks to 54 who must just be taking off and says he'll meet him at Nottingham. «127.275» If 54 joins the flight, it will become a 5-ship flight for the flyover at Arlington.

1100: DRAGO 54 to Potomac TRACON on «348.725»
1101: DRAGO flight leader says they need to check to see which side they want the "missing man" to be on...53 goes to check and comes back saying the "missing man" should be on the left side. 53 went to «279.575» to get this info. The flight is going to use 279.575 for the flyover. That's a Potomac TRACON freq and must be for Reagan National even though it's not on the list as such.
1104: DRAGO 54 comes onto «127.275» and says missing man should be on right side which contradicts earlier info but it's correct.
1105: The whole DRAGO 5 ship flight is now working «279.575» for the flyover and «127.275» for tac chat during the flight.
1110: DRAGO flight leader reports turning to Nottingham at this time «279.575»
1111: DRAGO flight leader reports DRAGO 53 will go to 5,000 as the missing man...after the pass, the flight will return to Nottingham. «279.575»
1112: Two U/I aircraft working GIANT KILLER freq «346.6»
1115: DRAGO flight is making the pass over Arlington «279.575/127.275» They report departing the IP and clear out of 3,000 for 1,000 feet altitude. They give each other directions on «127.275» about getting the formation absolutely correct until finally at 1118 flight leader tells them they all look good. 53 leaves the formation in a steep climb and heads for the heavens. Somewhere up there is also a DRAGO 2 which is doing photography that is not a part of this flyover team.
1122: DRAGO 51 with Potomac TRACON on «279.575» gets directions for return to Nottingham and does a turn for the cemetery and reports in a descent.
NOTE: I tried to check the Arlington National Cemetery website for info on the memorial flight but they haven't updated the site for today's ceremonies. Under the heading for November 28, they have the info for November 21.
1130: Very weak activity on HUNTRESS freq «260.9»
1130: The DRAGO flight is still active and reporting maintenance status. 51/52/54 are Code 1, 53 is Code 2 for HUD and other minor problems and 55 is Code 3 for radar. «127.275»
1134: DRAGO 51 flight leader tells Potomac they're all going to land at Andrews and will stay in standard formation. «279.575»
1141: DRAGO to SENATE SOF freq «139.9» to report status of all aircraft in the flight.
1143: DRAGO 51 attempting to call DRAGO 02 (the photographer) on Potomac freq «279.575». I can't hear DRAGO 02 but 51 is asking about how they should get into formation. Apparently they are doing more photography of the flight and 02 is positioning them for the photos.
1148: TOTEM (F-15 Langley) flight with GK on «238.1» reporting RTB for the flight.
1152: DRAGO 53 announces joker...51 tells him bingo is 1600. «127.275»
1152: SAM 9567 in pattern around Andrews «119.3»
1153: DRAGO 51 reports flight in descent «279.575»
1155: SAM 9567 landing...reports gear down to Andrews Tower on «118.4»
1159: DRAGO 51 tells Potomac he's leaving 3 for 2,000 and has field in sight. «279.575»

1200: DRAGO flight mentions getting in position for the photos to "get the buildings in" and later mentions getting FedEx Field in the picture. «127.275» [[And then I get a phone call from California about some flight charts I ordered and have to turn the radios down for the next three minutes and miss whatever the DRAGO flight does. And since I never hear them again, I presume they landed during this time.]]
1209: SONIC 71 flight (F-15 Langley) into GK's area for the next 30 minutes on «238.1»
1214: GRAYHAWK 2 (E2C VAW-120 Norfolk NAS) checks in with ZDC-Patuxent on «281.4»
1221: Navy 691 reports out of R-4006 to Pax River on «121.0»
1226: REACH 936 arriving at Andrews. He wants a remote parking spot because he has "sight sensitive info." «141.55»
1232: SONIC 71 flight reports at FL155 for RTB «238.1»
1235: REACH 936 Heavy to Andrews Approach on «119.3» reports his approach to runway 19R.
1239: REACH 936 reports gear down, landing 19R to Andrews Tower on «118.4»
1256: SPAR 29 (SAM VIP flight) landing Andrews...reports gear down for runway 19R. «118.4»
1257: YANKEE 99 (Prob KC-130, NY-ANG Stewart ANGB) on a pilot-to-dispatch freq «372.2» talking about a quick turnaround after picking up his load. Didn't hear which base he called.

Continued below if necessary....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1302: JOSA 148 arriving Andrews, is A-2 with 2 Space A pax to dropoff. He's a home station C-21. «141.55»
1305: Pair of fighters on tac «138.3» Haven't been able to catch a callsign but they also checked in at FL130 and later to 160 with ZNY-Flint Hill NY on «278.3» at 1308. The callsign suffix is 81, flight of two. Might be callsign FLYER which would make them PA-ANG A-10s from Willow Grove.
1314: FLYER 81 reports in to ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «338.3» at FL160. This confirms the callsign and ID.
1317: JOSA 086 reports takeoff time from Andrews as 1807Z on «378.1»
1327: Pair of fighters on NJ-ANG tac freq «138.875» Callsign BANGER.
1329: JOSA 282 calling Andrews on «141.55» a couple of times without reply.
1336: JOSA 282 makes contact on «378.1» and reports he's A-1, a C-21 tail #40092, has no pax to offload but is picking up an A-5 plus 3 for outbound flight to Scott and needs 3,000 pounds of fuel. He'll land at 1855Z and expects takeoff to be 2200Z.
1344: TESTER 16 (US Navy Test Pilot School) with BayWatch on «354.8» will use 20-37,000
1347: ROCCO 62 (KC-135 NJ-ANG, McGuire AFB NJ) with GIANT KILLER on «135.725»
1349: TESTER 16 tells BayWatch he'll be doing dynamic maneuvering «354.8»
1350: U/I aircraft on GK's «255.0» says he'll be up with ROCCO in about 5 minutes.
1352: BANGER flight mentions the weather is not going to cooperate for the JDAM attack on Sea Isle. «138.875»
1358: BANGER 21 flight with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4»

1402: BANGER 21 flight into BayWatch area for the next 40 minutes «354.8» he also requests a squawk for his wingman since they'll be detached from time to time. BANGER 21 also reports they'll depart to the north VFR when done
1404: BANGER flight leader now says the weather might cooperate after all. «138.875»
1406: BANGER flight mentions being over Vienna (MD) «138.875»
1406: TESTER 17 with BayWatch on «354.8»
1407: TESTER 16 again reports dynamic maneuvering from flight level 150 «354.8»
1409: BANGER 1 (21) reports at 9,000 feet and BANGER 2 (22) reports at 8,900. «138.875»
1410-18: BANGER flight doing ground attacks on the Pax River Range around Vienna MD. They are mostly at low levels below 4,000 feet, reporting various targets, DMPIs (pronounced "dimpy") and ordnance used against those targets.
1422: DEVIL 11 flight (F-16, NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with ZDC-Snow Hill on «256.8» reporting FL155.
1424: DEVIL 11 flight into BayWatch area on «270.8» reports he'll use 3500 to 20,000 and will be in the area for 35 minutes. (I haven't heard a tac freq for DEVIL so it may be a single ship flight.)
1426: GEMINI 4002 (DC-10 Heavy) calling Dover on «134.1» no reply. (Have had a GEMINI flight going into Dover every Monday over the past three months. That's only the time I've tracked them so perhaps they've been doing it much longer.)
1430: WILD 1 (F-16 DC-ANG, Andrews AFB MD)with Potomac TRACON (Reagan) on «257.2» reports 12K, going up to 16K
1432: WILD flight on tac freq «127.275» It's a flight of four F-16s
1434: WILD flight leaving 16 for 17K flight level «257.2»
1437: BANGER 21 flight with BayWatch on «354.8» getting ready to leave the range.
1438: BANGER leader reports they'll attack their current target since they're already setup on it but have to leave in a couple of minutes. «138.875»
1438: TESTER 08 with BayWatch on «344.4»
1441: WILD 1 with ZNY-Big Flat PA on «322.4»
1442: WILD flight in air combat exercise on tac «127.275»
1446: WILD flight "push 306.2" and they come up on that freq which is Potomac TRACON (Reagan) push 269.1
1448: WILD 1 calls NY Center on ZNY-North Mountain PA «269.1» to report at flight level 210.
1448: BANGER 21 flight with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» heading for Atlantic City
1450: WILD flight "push 291.65" so I go to that freq and hear them say they are leaving FL210 for 190. (I don't know who belongs to this freq. At this point I also lose the flight. Nothing heard on the 127.275 tac freq they were using or anywhere else for the next 15 minutes at least.)
1454: BANGER 21 flight with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» getting ready to make their landing approach. Still using «138.875» for interplane chat.

1500: DEVIL 11 with BayWatch on «270.8» ready to RTB
1504: DEVIL 11 with ZDC-Snow Hill on «256.8» reports at FL150
1506: DEVIL 11 to Command Post on «138.125» reports Code 2 and will be on the deck in 10 minutes.
1513: COBRA 60 (Prob. from VAQ-209 at Andrews) with Potomac TRACON (Reagan) on «348.725» and then switches to ZDC-Patuxent on «281.4» to report leaving 12,000 for 17,000 (He's got a real weenie of a transmitter. Is very weak although close enough and high enough to where he should be heard very well.)
1526: SAM 9569 in the pattern at Andrews on «119.3»
1527: Martin State Airport ground reporting wind shear being experienced...reports aircraft lost an immediate 20 knots in the wind shear. «121.8»
1529: And a SAM 9570 in the Andrews pattern on «119.3»
1531: WILD flight back in listening range on tac «127.275» reporting fuel remaining
1535: WILD flight to ZNY-Big Flat PA on «322.4» reporting in at FL170 direct Baltimore.
1535: REACH 6019 calling Dover Command Post on «349.9»
1540: REACH 6019 finally makes contact with Dover...reports arriving 20 minutes, no pax to offload, A-3 for wx radar and other issues...requests a baggage loader upon landing. «349.4»
1547: WILD flight with Potomac TRACON (Reagan) on «269.0» requests non-standard 2-mile trail front to back for wx reasons.
1550: WILD flight to Potomac TRACON (Andrews) leaving Baltimore at 21000 and repeats above about radar trail for wx. «335.5»
1553: WILD flight leaving 22,000 for 3,000 ILS runway 19L «335.5»
1554: TESTER 15 with BayWatch on «354.8»
1555: WILD flight with Andrews Tower on «349.0» reporting gear down and full stop landings...they are still in a 2 mile trail so it'll take awhile to get them all down
1555: Flight of two F-18 Hornets into GK's area on «238.1» no callsign heard. (This might be a flight of ROMAN F/A-18s from Oceana. Heard them a few minutes later on ZDC-Patuxent as ROMAN 25.)
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1853: FORCE 15 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) to GIANT KILLER on «135.725» asking who his receivers are and whether they'll be on Victor (VHF) or Uniform (UHF) freqs. They determine it will be UHF but he doesn't repeat the freq gven to him by the female op at GK.

1903: Have a pair of NJ-ANG F-16s active on tac freq «138.425» Callsign BICEP
1917: NJ pair to GK on «255.0» reports direct Sea Isle and going to 17,000
1918: NJ pair report speed will be 400 knots...#2 man reports GPS failure. «138.425»
1919: BICEP 11 flight reports to ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4»
1920: FORCE 15 reports he has finished air refueling in GK's area on «255.0» and says he's eventually going into Atlantic City.
1928: BICEP flight into BayWatch area on «354.8» mention working R-4005 and want 1500 to 25,000 feet.
1931: BICEP leader tells BayWatch they'll go direct Waterloo, Atlantic City when done at 9,000 feet. «354.8»
1931-41 BICEP flight doing ground attack exercises using their tac freq «138.425»
1943: BICEP flight reports fuel remaining and mentions they'll be "wheels on the ground" at 8:15 (p.m.) «138.425»
1959: BICEP 11 flight to BayWatch on «354.8» reports climbing to 11,000 and heading home.

2001: AERO 21 (F-16, NJ-ANG Atlantic City) flight to ZDC-Sea Isle reports direct Atlantic City. «285.4» (Where'd he come from?)
2002: BICEP 11 flight also on Sea Isle reporting direct Waterloo, direct Atlantic City. «285.4»
2004: AERO 21 reports Code 1 to Ops on «138.125»
2005: AERO 21 with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125»
2007: BICEP 11 flight with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» leaving 9500 for 7500
2012: TROOPER 6 (MD State Police helo) with Phillips AAF on «126.15»
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr Tin things seem getting back to business on milair logging.Great log on the DRAGO's. Hopefully someday soon we will see some Air Force calendars or similiar with those pics.That is largest DRAGO flyover I have ever heard,no wonder they wanted pics..

Sounds like NJ ANG still out in W-386 on 255.000 coming to tanker.

Earlier today had.....
REACH 376 KC-10 #87-0121 arrive McGuire 1400z
REACH 6017 C-5 depart Dover 1410z
YANKEE 99 C-130 Stewart ANG arrive Andrews.
REACH 6019 C-5 arrive Dover
REACH 9012 C-5 from Stewart arrive Dover 2220z for uploads.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yeah, that DRAGO was a very nice flight Mark. I've got to find a firm ID for that 279.575 freq that they used. They were calling "Potomac" on it which makes it a TRACON freq but I don't know for sure which airport it goes with. I suspect Reagan National. And I never did mention who belongs to the 305.2 freq they used. I simply forgot to type it in. It's a Patuxent GCA freq.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
According to the files linked on the mil monitoring Wiki, 279.575 is a Reagan frequency....needs confirmation, of course. 73s Mike
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