Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Earlier caught those CADE A-10's with Dover also and they pushed 282.325 then onto 269.250 which is a Philly appch freq.

GK busy now with COWBOY dropping single J-Dams somewhere A/A 233.5250


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Still no Andrews or Martin State Fighters?
1812 «132.425» EXPO-81 Heavy with Dover Approach
1814 «349.4» EXPO-81 with Dover Command Post, 15 minutes out
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I don't know where the DC-ANG went when they were heard leaving town but it's beginning to look like the entire squadron took the trip.

1905: NJ-ANG active on their tac freq «138.425» flight of two.
1906: ARROW 21 (F-16 NJ-ANG, Atlantic City)into GIANT KILLER area on «255.0» reports going to area R-4006 and then direct Salisbury when done.
1914: NJ-ANG also using tac «138.875»
1914: The ARROW 21 noted above also now with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» mentions direct Salisbury and into R-4006.
1918: ARROW 21 now with ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8», then back to Sea Isle and then to ZDC-Cape Charles VA on «257.7» checking in at FL160 for R-4006
1921: ARROW flight to tac «138.425» talking about what a long flight it seems to be.
1924: TROOPER 2 (MD State Police helo) to Andrews Approach on «119.3» reports at 1100 feet, 5 miles from Andy and heading for the Patuxent area.
1925: There is another pair of NJ-ANG F-16s working the «138.875» tac freq in addition to the ARROW flight.
1927: ARROW 21 with BayWatch on «354.8» says they'll be working between 14 and 17,000 feet.
1944: Tanker chat on «303.0» callsigns used.
1945: ARROW flight doing ground attack exercises in R-4006...fairly weak because of low altitude work «138.875»
1949: REACH 844 to McGuire Command Post on «134.1» and says "We're bringing your boys home." Will arrive 13-14 minutes after the hour. Understands he'll be met at Blue Ramp by the Follow-Me truck...then is corrected to Green Ramp
1952: ARROW flight getting concerned about time...says they'll do a buddy lase attack and then call it quits. «138.875»
1956: ARROW flight with ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8» as they start for home.
1959: ARROWs to ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» report VFR at 11,500 feet

2000: JOSA 129 to SAM Command on «141.55» reports 30 minutes out, home station C-21, tail #40073, has no Space A pax but does have D/V pax including an S-5 with 2 in his party, no fuel needed, mission complete upon landing.
2003: ARROW flight on Atlantic City Approach «327.125» with field in sight.
2027: Copter 4 with Andrews Tower on «118.4 reports off Fort Meade flying to Calvert County along the shoreline. Andrews Tower tells him to tell his story on Approach freq «119.3» and so Copter 4 goes there and tells his tale again.
2035: TROOPER 2 for landing at Andrews on Tower freq «118.4»

2108: Have a DC tanker talking to LIBERATOR on the 756 ARS squadron freq «351.2». Can't seem to catch his suffix...he's weak and I have static on the freq.
2110: Tanker chat on «303.0» again.
2152: Have had someone on «303.0» using what sounds like ROCKER or ROCKET 62. He now says he'll be "coming in" about 15 or 20 after the hour. Neither of those callsigns computes in any of my callsign databases.
2252: TROOPER 2 reports 18 miles north of the field and is cleared to land by Andrews Tower on «118.4»

Paul, if you're reading, tell me about that BC396T Advanced Virtual Control software. Is that an ARC program, a Uniden program or what?

Mark, thanks for the Dover info. I'll have to add that 282.325 freq to my Dover frequency flock.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
OK checking FAA supplement found this for that Dover freq 282.325

VFR Sequencing svc 25 NM out on 125.900/282.325

Since A-10's usually use VFR when in the area stands to reason they used above Uniform freq.


ARTCC DB Manager
Database Admin
Aug 30, 2003
Highland, IL
TinEar said:
Paul, if you're reading, tell me about that BC396T Advanced Virtual Control software. Is that an ARC program, a Uniden program or what?


From the Radio Software Wikki here at RRef:

Scannerbase BCD396T Advanced Virtual Control ( Scannerbase Advanced Virtual Control BCD396T or simply Scannerbase AVC396 is, as it's name implies, advanced virtual control software for the Uniden BCD396T Scanner Radio. Amongst a growing list of unique advanced control functions like Macro's, Extended Info and Group QK Buttons, the Scannerbase AVC396 software will allow you the opportunity to log both conventional and trunked frequency hits to both text and audio format (WAV format).

BTW, for some reason my MilAir has improved since I re-programmed my radio with Uniden's UASD software (was using ARC396). I'll let BuTel know about it, but I don't know why??? I am also receiving Low Band FD stuff here on the Cape with the RS 800MHz Antenna which didn't happen before???? I'll keep you and the group up on that more as I test it out and make sure it's a definite change and not a reception propogation type issue.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Paul. I'll look into that program before I get serious about the 996 in the spring. That Butel versus UASD programming bomb you dropped has me scratching my head. There's nothing in my experience that can address that - other than the propagation change that has indeed taken place over the past three weeks or so. Tropo enhanced DX in this area has all but disappeared other than for short periods of time as everything moves south for the winter (although I'm listening to FDNY again tonight). That leaves local signals without interference from DX which accounts for some clarity on certain frequencies but not to the extent you're seemingly describing. I can only imagine what Gommert at Butel will say when he hears your experience.



Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Hey Alan, is it possibly ROCCO???
That's a good Mcguire KC-135 Callsign and 303.0 is one of the Squadron ops freqs...

{added}Ok, just wanted to make sure that you considered it... It's sometimes really difficult to make out what they are supposed to be saying...

On another note, I'm now pretty sure that the NJ ANG Arrow/Aero callsign is supposed to be Aero as, according to their website, the Wing and Squadron traces it's history back to the 119th Aero Squadron.........
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I guess it's possible Chuck. I was specifically listening for ROCCO but couldn't get there....which doesn't mean a thing, I know. It was probably ROCCO with a regional Jersey accent.

An excellent catch on the AERO Chuck. I started calling it ARROW just to go along with the crowd but I still hear that first syllable pronounced as "AIR" as I explained back when. I got tired of the argument that it was ARROW rather than the AERO I had been using. Thank you.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1054: GIANT KILLER's «312.3» active with someone saying they're going to be working with a LYNX 11 (F-15/F-22 Langley AFB) flight of four.
NOTE: The LYNX callsign is new to Langley which is why I included the option for it being an F-22 callsign.
1055: GK's «238.1» active
1056: Langley's tac freqs «233.525/252.775» are active. LYNX flight using the 233.525 freq.
1056: RATS (F-15 Langley) with ZDC-Snow Hill «256.8»
1058: CAPITOL 1 (F-16, DC-ANG Andrews AFB)flight with Reagan TRACON «257.2» (Sounds like another F-16 flight leaving the area)

1101: GK's ops freq «391.2» active
1102: CAPITOL 1 with ZDC-Linden VA «319.1» at FL170 climbing to 210...expediting to FL280 at 1105.
1106: Have U/I flight working HUNTRESS freq «234.6» Callsign sounds like MOLE. They were doing air combat exercises and were last heard at about 1120. Didn't pick them up anywhere else.
1108: CAPITOL 1 to ZDC-Elkins WV on «371.9» checking in at FL280
1117: Chat on refueling freq «238.9» no callsigns used
1120: ZEUS flight landing at Andrews «118.4» (Probably a KC-135 from the 380th Air Refueling Wing at Plattsburg AFB NY)
1125: REACH 594T landing at Andrews «118.4»
1125: TOTEM 51 flight (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on «249.8»
1128: PACER 82 touch and goes at Andrews «119.3/118.4» with a landing at 1130 on 19R to pick up a "maintainer" and then says he'll be back up.
1134: ROMAN 65 (F-18, VFA-106 Oceana NAS), flight of two into BayWatch area on «281.8»
1140: ROMAN 65 with ZDC-Patuxent on «281.4» FL200
1142: PAT 687 to McGuire Dispatch on «372.2» IDs as C-12 arriving in 17 minutes with an R-7 on board, planning a 1500L takeoff time and doesn't need fuel.
1145: Refueling activity on «238.9»
1147: DART 38 (Prob A-10s Pope AFB NC), flight of two to ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA on «284.7» and then ZDC-Falls Church on «327.0» reports flying in a three mile trail.
1153: BATON 53 (EC-130 from the 193rd SOG of the PA-ANG Harrisburg) in the GK area using «255.0» over Sea Isle at FL250
1156: BATON 53 reports will be working in W-107 «255.0»

1203: PACER 82 back in the air with Andrews Approach on «119.3»
1207: DART 38 flight to ZDC-Millville NJ on «363.0» reports three mile trail and then to ZNY-Matawan NJ on «282.3» trying to check in but gets no reply after four attempts at contact. On a couple of the calls, he called Washington Center rather than New York Center...finally makes contact at 1209 and reports flying at flight levels 250 and 260 for the two aircraft in 3 mile trail.
1211: DC 22 (KC-135 Andrews) in the pattern..descending from 5K to 3 and then 2 on «119.3»
1216: DC 22 cleared ILS for runway 19L. «119.3»
1218: DC 22 reports gear down «118.4» Did a touch and go and is coming around again at 1228...and a couple more times with the latest gear down approach at 1248
1219: AVALON 01 (C-9, Scott AFB IL) IDs as C-9, arriving Andrews in 20 minutes, needs 20,000 pounds of fuel upon landing and transportation for crew. «378.1»
1223: VENUS 31 landing Andrews «119.3»
1223: PACER 82 full stop landing this time «118.4»
1225: PAT 252 (US Army Priority Air Transport) calling JEDI 31 (C-17 McGuire) many times on Command Post freq «319.4»
1242: PAT 252 tries calling McGuire Command Post on «349.4» several times with no reply and then is finally answered by Dover CP. PAT 252 asks him to landline McGuire and tell them he's due in there to drop off pax on the hour and to put fuel on request.
1245: NJ-ANG F-16s, flight of two on tac «138.875» callsign BANGER
1247: BANGER 21 flight with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» FL 160 and then to ZDC-Snow Hill on «256.8» again reporting FL 160.
1253: BANGER 21 flight into BayWatch area on «354.8» and then switch to tac «138.3» for their ops. Also have ops on «138.125» as they report something back to operations at Atlantic City.

1305: DEVIL 11(F-16, NJ-ANG Atlantic City), flight of two, with ZDC Sea Isle on «285.4» FL155
1307: DEVIL 11 flight with ZDC-Cape Charles VA on «257.7» still at 15,500 but get no reply so push U-7 which means back to «285.4» where they report no contact. Push 256.0 which I think is an incorrect freq. Believe Center wanted them to go to 256.8 (Snow Hill). Sure enough, they come back to «285.4» to report no contact on 256.0 so are handed off to Kenton on «277.4»
1312: DEVIL flight using «138.425» for tac
1314: DC 22 still in touch-and-go activity at Andrews. I guess he's made 7-8 of them so far and is still going strong. «119.3/118.4»
1316: DC 22 finally reports a full stop landing on the left side (meaning runway 19L) «118.4»
1319: TESTER 27 with Pax River on «387.9»
1323: DEVIL 11 flight leader calling VIPER 1 as the range controller on the Pax River Range. «138.425» Mentions that if VIPER didn't have the coordinates that he could/would send them to him. He also mentions that BANGER flight is not an issue. He is having trouble hearing VIPER on this freq so they say to push 138.2 and come up on that freq and resume their work.
1326: BANGER 21 shows up on «138.2» to tell DEVIL 11 flight that they are going to RTB now.
1327: DEVIL tells VIPER he is basically unreadable here on V-16 «138.2» so push V-1 and indeed come up where expected on «138.125» and seem able to communicate.
1328: DRAGNET UNIFORM (E3B, Tinker AFB OK) calls GIANT KILLER on HUNTRESS freq «364.2» and is still calling at 1333.
1330: BANGER 21 with ZDC-Snow Hill on «256.8» reports flight of two heading for Atlantic City.
1331: BANGER 21 flight to ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» at FL150
1335: BANGER flight down to 14,000 and then leaving 14 for 8,000 «285.4»
1337: DRAGNET UNIFORM with GIANT KILLER on «234.6»(female speaker this time) reads off mission coordinates and checks DATALINK and all the normal setup procedures before a mission. A couple of minutes later she gives track info from her DATALINK to include coordinates, heading, air speed, altitude and the track number from the screen.
1338: BANGER flight with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125»
1341: DRAGNET UNIFORM tells GK they will change operators «234.6»
1347: DRAGNET UNIFORM calling NORTHERN LIGHTS (Canadian) on «234.6» to say they'll be working with CENTURY 60 (Another E3B from Tinker AFB OK) in AW-701 and will be on station at 1830Z and off station at 1930Z (at least that's the gist of the conversation) NOTE: I've had the Northern Lights callsign listed as the NEADS data correlation section at Rome AFB NY but was told the last time we heard MAGIC working that callsign that it is a Canadian outfit. I'm just not sure which is correct.
1354: MUSSEL 03 (UH-1, 1st Helo Sdn, Andrews AFB MD) reports 20 minutes out from Andrews and is A-1 «292.2»
1357: Evac 121 into Andrews «119.3» and then «118.4» for landing
1358: MUSSEL 03 reports at 4,000 feet altitude «119.3»

Continued below....(character limits being reached)

NOTE: Lockheed Martin reports it got a $2.9-billion fixed price contract to continue production of the F/A-22 Raptor to 107 units by November 2007. It reports 53 have been delivered to the Air Force and 66 have completed final assembly so far. This new contract is Lot 5 in the production run. The Air Force is flying the F/A-22 at four bases in the U.S. and is preparing for Initial Operational Capability in December with the 1st Fighter Wing's 27th Fighter Squadron at Langley AFB VA. (From Reuters Newswire)
[And that sure puts MilAir ops in this area in the spotlight. The only callsign I feel fairly sure we've recovered for the F/A-22 at Langley is BOBCAT which was doing ground attack exercises.]
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ARTCC DB Manager
Database Admin
Aug 30, 2003
Highland, IL
Update on the 396T performance issue....

It seems that the low band VHF reception (33 MHz) with the RS 800MHz Antenna was a product of nighttime propagation. I still expirience "better" reception on 225-400MHz now then before, but I reprogrammed my radio with ARC396 just to see if ARC had a unknown issue in respect to receivability (maybe bad data input or something way beyond my expirience), and I am still receiving MilAir "better" than before. I haven't dropped it or modified it in any way, so this is a mystery (the only mod to it has been it's recent faceplate/speaker replacement by Uniden). I think I can safely rule out the ARC vs UASD issue that I proposed at this point. The only other issue that might be a factor is that a very strong signal that might have been defening my radio front end is no longer present, or something similar in reference to RF environment? Well, I'll keep you posted on this issue if it crops up again, but for right now I can give a definite thumbs up for the 396T on MilAir.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
That makes me feel a lot better that you've given the 396 a thumbs-up for MilAir. I was really worried about that aspect of their receiver section after hearing your earlier reports. As you know, I'm waiting for the 996 since I have no use for a handheld and was hoping it could be used for MilAir if they fixed the problems.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1400: DEVIL 11 having problems because of cloud layers around their target area on the Pax River Range. «138.125»
1401: Warren Grove Range active «283.1»
1413: There is an active flight on «138.2» but I'm not sure it's the NJ-ANG. It's not the DEVIL flight which is still doing ground attack on 138.125.
1417: It isn't's the VA-ANG F-16s from Richmond on «138.2» Callsigns are SLAM and BASH. BASH is a flight of four. SLAM also a flight of four. They are working with the DRAGNET E3B flight.
1418: SLAM 01 to DRAGNET mentions a couple of other flights coming in and wants to check on altitudes for the fight. One callsign he mentions is SCUBA among the aircraft coming into the area. SCUBA has been used in the past by F-15s at Langley. No idea where the SCUBA and other flight will work. DRAGNET is also apparently on a different freq. He can't be heard here on «138.2» (Flights turn out to be SCUBA and HYPO from Langley involved in the air combat exercise...F-15s versus F-16s)
1424: DEVIL 11 flight RTB and changes to ZDC-Kenton «277.4» FL155, flight of two direct Atlantic City. He's told to change his squawk from 1200 to 3653 and complies.
1427: DEVIL flight working tac «138.425» on the way home.
1427: SLAM tells DRAGNET they'll be at 10,000 feet for the start of the fight. «138.2»
128: DEVIL 11 flight to ZDC-Sea Isle «285.4» for more hand holding on the way home.
1433: Air Force 2 cleared to land at Andrews on «118.4»
[Air Force 2 is Vice-President Cheney's aircraft when travelling. He was in Knoxville Tennessee today and this must be his return to D.C.]
1433: DEVIL 11 flight with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125»
1439: HYPO flight (F-15 Langley) working on GK's ops freq «389.1» flight of 3 at least
1439: SCUBA flight (F-15 Langley) working on GK's ops freq «389.1» flight of 3 at least
1446: Freq «138.0» is active. This is usually used by the SPIDER ND-ANG F-16s when deployed to Langley. (Later it sounds like part of the SLAM/BASH flight)
1447: Freq «139.625» active..used by VA-ANG
1448: GK's «312.3» active
Approaching my quitting time at 1500 today and what we've got active is a group of at least 14, and maybe 16, F-15s and F-16s in air-to-air combat in an exercise being conducted by a DRAGNET UNIFORM E3B aircraft across several VHF/UHF freqs. The F-16s are using squadron tac freqs for ops and the F-15s are using GIANT KILLER ops freqs.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1920: NJ-ANG F-16s active on tac «138.875» callsign BICEP
1922: BICEP 11 NJ-ANG flight with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» mention they're going into area R-4006
1924: One of the NJ F-16s says he can't keep up with the speed his wingman is doing so the wingman slows down. «138.875»
1928: NJ-ANG tac freq «138.425» active, callsign AERO
1929: NJ-ANG checking in with ZDC-Cape Charles VA on «257.7» AERO 21 is the flight of two.
1931: AERO 21 reports they're going to R-4006 to ZDC-Cape Charles «257.7» push 270.8
1932: AERO 21 flight with BayWatch on «270.8» to enter the area. Mention they'll be MARSA with BICEP
1935: NJ-ANG flight also using tac «138.3» for their ground attack ops at the Pax River Range. This is the AERO flight.
1936: Someone has an open mic on GIANT KILLER freq «391.2» which is rebroadcasting an ATIS airport weather report.
1943: U/I aircraft to GIANT KILLER on «135.725» reports he'll be working AR-777 at 22,000 feet. The AR-777 refueling track is south of Long Island and Cape Cod as far as I know.
1950: BICEP F-16s with ground attack exercise using «138.425»
1959: AERO 21 flight reports 18 miles northeast of Salisbury to ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8» push 7 (meant U-7)

2000: AERO to Ops on V-1 «138.125» to report both F-16s are Code 1
2003: AERO 21 to ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» FL 115 and then back to tac «138.3» for chat as they approach Atlantic City
2007: AERO flight push 6 (U-6) and come up on Atlantic City Approach «327.125»
2010: BICEP flight still on the Pax Range using «138.425»
2020: Tanker interplane freq «139.875» active...mentions 67 just took off. DC 10 (KC-135 Andrews) being called by ????
2023: BICEP 11 flight to ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8» current FL 146 VFR and flashing his IFF...push 285.4
2024: Both BICEPs report Code 1 on tac «138.425»
2025: BICEP 11 to ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» IDs as two F-16s in non standard formation 2 mile trail
2029: BICEP 21 flight to Atlantic City Approach on «327.125»
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Chuck, unfortunately, the NJ guys screwed up the 327.125 preset tonight when they called it U-6. I've always had U-7 as 285.4 including tonight when the AERO flight used it again. They said "Push 7" while on the 256.8 freq but meant it for their next stop which was 285.4.

On the VHF side, there is a typo for the V-15 freq. It should be 138.425 rather than .525. V-16 is 138.2 and V-17 is 138.875.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
kinekep said:
Update on the 396T performance issue....

It seems that the low band VHF reception (33 MHz) with the RS 800MHz Antenna was a product of nighttime propagation. I still expirience "better" reception on 225-400MHz now then before, but I reprogrammed my radio with ARC396 just to see if ARC had a unknown issue in respect to receivability (maybe bad data input or something way beyond my expirience), and I am still receiving MilAir "better" than before. I haven't dropped it or modified it in any way, so this is a mystery (the only mod to it has been it's recent faceplate/speaker replacement by Uniden). I think I can safely rule out the ARC vs UASD issue that I proposed at this point. The only other issue that might be a factor is that a very strong signal that might have been defening my radio front end is no longer present, or something similar in reference to RF environment? Well, I'll keep you posted on this issue if it crops up again, but for right now I can give a definite thumbs up for the 396T on MilAir.

Paul a much more plausible explanation for your improvement in the UHF mil band (and maybe in the lo band as well) is that when your radio was at Uniden for the faceplate fix, someone (maybe UPMan had something to do with this...) went into the RF sections and tweaked them up.
Keep in mind that desensing in the UHF milair band wouldn't quite be an issue as this is AM, not FM. Certainly that may be a possibility in the Lo band, however.

Enjoy your new toy...still paying off some thrice damned bills....73s Mike


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Just a heads up - Al Henney over on Scan DC relayed an article that said there will be a NORAD exersize 11/16 thru 11/18 in the DC area. If there's bad weather - and tomorrow looks like it could be nasty in the higher altitudes) the event will roll over to the next day....get your freq lists ready!

73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Not much of anything going on today which is the result of the weather I would guess. Perhaps later in the day after this cold front and line of severe weather passes through the area we'll have some activity.

1400: There has been a DRAGNET (E3B Tinker AFB OK) working with GIANT KILLER for the past couple of hours. All he's doing is orbiting the area around W-386 and occasionally asking for altimeter readings and other essential flying information. He did (about 5 minutes ago) mention "INVADER JACK" which is what prompted me to write this note. That callsign belongs to Lear Jet contract aircraft and it got me wondering if that callsign along with DRAGNET might be part of the NORAD Falcon Virgo exercise that is scheduled for tonight. While typing this, DRAGNET just mentioned to GK that THUNDER 1 & 2 just turned back. There are several choices for that callsign so I won't speculate. From the news release on the NORAD exercise, I took it to mean it will happen around midnight or later so this is really very early for anything to be getting in position unless it is just a test run. We'll see.
1414: Langley fighter activity just up on GK's «292.3» and mention going to Langley tac freq «276.675» and do. No callsign heard yet.
1415: ROACH 83 and 84 to GK on «238.1» say they'll hold hands and RTB. (I'm going to tentatively call the ROACH callsign as belonging to Langley fighters.)
1416: VA-ANG active on «139.625» Callsign FURY...and maybe SLAM also.
1420: ROACH 83 to GK reports leaving 18,500 for 14,000 «238.1»
1420: The VA-ANG flight on «139.625» mentions going to GIANT KILLER freq and contact DRAGNET to check on the op. One of the FURYs mentions this freq is V-17 and asks if they want to switch to V-16 but the others don't respond to the suggestion. They also mention how poor GK sounds. (We hear one of those reports almost every day.)
1425: A ??? 71 and 72 say they'll RTB while on GK's «249.8»
1427: VA-ANG tac freq «141.825» active, callsign SLAM
1428: SLAM (VA-ANG F-16s Richmond) in GK's area using ops freq «292.3»
1428: IRON Ops freq «357.1» active with Langley fighters
1430: SLAM 1 to DRAGNET gives his position and mentions he's over bull(seye) at this time. «292.3»
1432: CRAB 52 (C-130J, MD-ANG Martin State Airport) landing at Martin State using Tower freq «121.3»
1433: DRAGON 75 (F-15, Langley) checking in with ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8»
1433: DRAGON 1 thru 5 (71 thru 75 on ATC and GK) with IRON Ops at Langley on «357.1» (This was the callsign that went with the 71/72 transmission reported at 1425.)
1439: Fighter tac freq «143.25» active...possibly PA-ANG A-10s.
1441: YANKEE 21 (Prob A-10s 118th Fighter Squadron, CT-ANG Bradley) flight with ZNY-Modena NY on «335.6» mentions they'll need a weather course in about 20 minutes.
1444: New fighter tac freq active on «138.55»...might be the YANKEE A-10s flying through the area. They are discussing operation of one of their pods. They are also very, very loud as if directly overhead.
1446: YANKEE 21 flight with Modena again wants course change due to weather. «335.6» push 307.25
1448: YANKEE 21 requests FL 190 due to weather and calls "Center" on «307.25» (I don't have this freq as a ZNY Center button but it's obviously good...Boston Center (ZBW) perhaps? I'll have to check. Just checked database this site and all they have listed are the VHF freqs for Boston Center. C'mon one of you readers from the New England area - submit those UHF Center freqs for Boston.)
1449: The two fighters on «138.55» confirmed as the YANKEE flight when they mention going into Bradley.
1459: YANKEE flight talking non-stop on the tac «138.55» freq and just starting to get weak.
1459: FURY flight on «139.625» says he's tally-ho with the MILLER (F-15 Langley) flight. I missed MILLER by paying close attention to the YANKEE yakkers.

1501: YANKEE flight finally becomes unreadable on «138.55»
1501: EACH 998 calling Dover Command Post on «349.4» no reply
1503: REACH 998 makes contact with Dover CP on «349.4» and reports arriving in 30 minutes, A-2 (fuel used indicator), no pax, no cargo. Has trouble being heard and so switches to «319.4» to repeat the message to Dover CP.
1504: YANKEE 21 flight of two A-10s being heard loud and clear again on «138.55» They talk without pausing for breath for the next two minutes and then finally are cured of their apparent verbal diarrhea and shut up.
1510: Hear someone on ZNY-Matawan NJ «282.3» mention direct Bradley (This might be more YANKEE aircraft through the area.
1511: U/I fighters chatting on tac freq «142.2» Probably more YANKEEs. (this freq has been used by NJ-ANG but don't believe that's who this is. This is just another pair of motor-mouths talking during a long, boring flight. What else ya gonna do?)
1515: GK's ops freq «389.1» is active
1530: By this time, all the VA-ANG and Langley fighters are on the ground. Just some transports going and coming from the three primary bases in the listening area.
1602: Navy 7W876 calls Andrews Ground on «121.8» and is answered by Martin State ground on both «121.8» and «253.4» Navy tells him it's Andrews he's calling and that ends that.
1603: And it also ends this report for now.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Cut and Paste From the DOD IFR Supplement
307.25 isn't listed for Boston Center, but it is listed for Chicago and Jacksonville
AUGUSTA - 134.95 307.0
BARNSTABLE - (U)128.75 132.9 127.825 290.3 307.3 321.3 370.9 387.1
BERLIN - 135.7 135.7 282.2 282.2
BUCKS HARBOR - 133.45 133.45 269.3 269.3 290.5
BURLINGTON - d118.825 d120.35 d251.075 d380.3
CALVERTON - d124.525 d379.85
CARIBOU - (E) d124.75 d239.05
CONCORD - 128.325 348.7
CUMMINGTON - d132.65 d379.1
GARDNER - d123.75 d134.7 d338.2 381.4
HOULTON - d120.25 128.05 319.1 d346.4
HYANNIS - d133.45 d133.45 d269.3 d269.3
ISLIP - d132.3 135.8 259.1 d346.3
KINGSTON - 134.3 256.9
LAKE GEORGE - d121.35 128.325 133.625 135.325 348.7 354.1 360.6 d393.3
LEBANON - d134.7 d381.4
MELROSE - 119.25 133.325 d135.55 281.5 353.7 d370.9
MILLINOCKET - 128.05 319.1
MONTPELIER - d135.7 d282.2
PORTLAND - 128.2 322.4
ROCKDALE - 133.25 126.475 279.5 388.8
SHELTON - (OCEANIC 125.575 343.8) 135.075 128.1 d134.0 306.3 d317.7 351.7
ST ALBANS - (U) 120.25 d124.25 128.05 d290.5 319.1 321.3 346.4
SOUTH ACTON - 263.05 285.4 d322.4
TURIN - (U) 120.35 123.875 d133.25 135.25 d279.5 321.3 323.0 377.1 377.1 380.3 380.3
UTICA - 124.125 232.4
WATERBORO - 118.55 128.2
WOODSTOCK - 118.425 d124.85 127.65 133.425 133.425 135.325 269.2 277.4 d307.9 360.6 398.9
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland 307.25 freq on that Boston Center list. Thanks Chuck for that quick freq dump. It keeps getting better with every edit. :D

Obviously not Jacksonville and thought about Chicago but they were going toward home so going from ZNY to Chicago wouldn't work either. It would have been so much easier had they put a name with it rather than calling just "Center" on 307.25. They made contact there after being sent to it from their previous freq and I feel it almost has to be New York or Boston Center. I think it was carbineone that mentioned another new freq for New York Center recently so they may have changed a couple.
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