Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Having a bit of a computer problem here which is affecting the webcast. It may be fixed since I suddenly see people connecting. That should tell me something. While fooling with the computer, there was some MilAir activity in the background. Let's see if I can remember....

1913: Corvette 1 with ZNY-Ship Bottom NJ on «307.8» (Several choices for the CORVETTE callsign but I guess I'd pick either A-10s from Barnes MA or F-16s from Shaw AFB.)
1920: JOSA 619 reports airborne from Andrews at 0019Z «378.1»
1925: BICEP 11 (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) leaving GIANT KILLER's area using «255.0»
And now back to regular programming...

1941: A pair of F-16s of the NJ-ANG tac freq «138.425» Callsign BICEP 1 & 2.
1947: BICEP 11 with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» leaving 17 for 14,000 direct Atlantic City
1951: BICEPs reports maintenance status as Code 3 for 1 and Code 1 for 2. «138.425»
1952: BICEP 11 flight with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» heading for the runway.
1955: Warren Grove Range active on «283.1» Callsign KILLER (A-10s, 103rd Fighter Wing CT-ANG Bradley)

2022: KILLER flight at Warren Grove reports joker so they're making their last pass on a target. «283.1»
2024: KILLER flight pulling off the range to the west. «283.1»
2027: KILLER 1 with ZNY-Ship Bottom NJ on «307.8» wants block altitude 18-19,000. At 2031, flight leader says, "KILLERs push 282.3."
2031: KILLER 1 to ZNY-Matawan NJ on «282.3» checks in with block altitude 18-19,000
2038: KILLER flight "push ?????" and changes freqs but was too weak to copy «282.3» And that's the end of the KILLERs.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0952: MAPLE 18 (F-16 VT-ANG Burlington), flight of two with ZNY-Big Flat PA on «270.3» checking in.
0956: MAPLE 18 with ZDC-Falls Church VA on «381.5» at FL240, changing to 284.7
0957: MAPLE 18 checks in with ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA on «284.7» FL240
0958: MAPLE 18 flight using tac freq «138.0»
0959: A-10s MD-ANG Martin State airborne «347.2»

1002: MAPLE 18 flight to FL230 «284.7»
1003: MAPLE 18 reports direct Shaw «284.7»
1004: MAPLE 18 asks for FL 280 but is only cleared to 260 «284.7»
1004: MD-ANG A-10s using tac «142.3» but are already extremely weak...must be at very low altitude.
1007: MAPLE 18 flight cleared up to 27,000 «284.7»
1009: MAPLE 18 checks in at FL270 as a flight of two with ZDC-Green Bay VA on «351.9»
1010: MAPLE 18 flight cleared to FL280 in standard formation «351.9»
1010: WILD 1 (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews AFB MD) enters BayWatch area heading for R-4006, says he's 3 miles south of the field «281.2» Says he's switching to 305.2 which is Pax River GCA (but I never pick him up while he's there)
1012: U/I fighters in GIANT KILLER's area using «373.1»
1014: BASH 11 (F-16 VA-ANG Richmond) checks in with Norfolk TRACON on «370.925»
1015: WILD 1 to BayWatch on «270.8» at FL150 (He seems to be a single ship flight)
1015: BASH flight working tac freq «141.825»
1016: MD-ANG A-10s working the new tac freq «140.0» (Still no callsign heard)
1018: WILD 1 tells BayWatch he'll be in the area for approximately 20 minutes «270.8»
1020: U/I fighters on «138.2» (Usually used by F-16s from NJ-ANG but has had recent use by other units working with HUNTRESS)
1021: U/I fighters on GK's «391.2»
1023: The «138.2» fighters seem to be a flight of four F-16s.
1024: BASH 11, flight of four F-16s VA-ANG, is the flight working «138.2»
1027: BASH flight into GK's area using «249.8»
1027: Have a transport self IDs as a DC-10 dropping off cargo at Langley using Command Post freq «251.25»
1030: Have a female voice giving vector info to the BASH flight on «138.2» This activity is all very weak now. The female is probably aboard an E3 aircraft.
1034: COBRA 40 with ZDC-Patuxent on «281.4» at 11,000
1035: Female on «138.2» IDs as CHALICE (E3B Tinker AFB OK)
1040: CHALICE remains very weak but the BASH flight is now much stronger as they start a new fight on «138.2» Higher altitude by the F-16s obviously.
1047: WILD 1 with SOF on «139.9» reports 15 minutes out.
1048: BASH flight with GK on «238.1» reports FL140
1049: Langley tac freq «358.85» active
1050: WILD 1 on «270.275» with Reagan TRACON
1051: BASH 11 flight with Norfolk TRACON on «370.925» heading home to Richmond.
1052: TESTER ?? with BayWatch on «354.8»
1054: WILD 1 landing at Andrews using Tower freq «349.0»
1056: VENUS 26 with Andrews on «378.1» asks, "Are we the alert aircraft?" Then he reports he'll be in the blocks at 30 after the hour and is A-2 for a bunch of minor writeups.
1058: Warren Grove Range active on «283.1» (This might be our A-10s from Martin State.)
1059: MD-ANG A-10s working tac «142.3»
1059: Evac 8404 to SAM Command on «378.1» reports airborne at 55 past the hour.

Continued below....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1102: A-10s on «142.3» ID with callsign RAVEN (MD-ANG). Flight of two.
1103: U/I aircraft (sounds like one of the TESTERs) with BayWatch on «354.8» says he wants Webster. I then hear the same voice on Webster NOLF freq «358.0»
1105: JOSA 708 to SAM Command on «378.1» wants his takeoff time of 1604Z passed to TACC.
1112: ROACH 81 (F-15 Langley), flight of two, reports RTB to GK on «238.1»
1115: STEEL 71 (KC-135, PA-ANG Pittsburgh) to U/I aircraft saying he's at FL270 but will descend to 250 shortly. He also says the primary freq is in use so let's use the secondary. The other aircraft uses suffix 40. «238.9»
1128: Both RAVEN aircraft report Code 1 status as they head home «142.3»
1129: RAVENs report same thing to Ops on «347.2»
1129: TESTER 05 with BayWatch on «270.8»
1131: FOXTROT 3 (Baltimore City Police Helo) off to the west from Martin State on tower freq «121.3»
1135: Also have a pair of COLT A-10s coming home to Martin State with Ops on «347.2» This explains the use of both 140.0 and 142.3 tac freqs. RAVENs used 142.3 and COLTs used 140.0.
1136: COLTs landing on «297.2» and report to Ops on «347.2» that 1 is Code 1 and 2 is Code 2 for Aux radio squelch
1137: Army 10301 landing Andrews...20 minutes out «141.55»
1138: MARINE 206 and 205 with BayWatch on «270.8» mention using Pax River freq 120.05
1154: JOSA 551 calling SAM Command on «378.1»
1155: JOSA 551 reports 25 minutes out (gives tail number which is blocked other than 84-XXXX), needs about 2,000 pounds of fuel, is dropping off an A-7 plus 6 pax and will have 7 seats available on the outbound flight. Will depart 90 minutes after landing as fragged. «378.1»
1157: ?CRAB? 56 (C-130J MD-ANG Martin State) landing Martin State on tower freq «121.3»

42 degrees at BWI-excellent visibility
1200: U/I aircraft on «280.2» which is the squadron freq for VAQ-209 at Andrews. (Must be the COBRA 40 below)
1202: COBRA 40 (VAQ-209 Andrews) calling Andrews Approach on «335.5» at 2,000 feet heading down to 1,000. (But doesn't make sense considering the next transmission)
1203: COBRA 40 reports direct Andrews at 3,000 «335.5» (This aircraft first heard at item at 1034)
1204: Now down to 2500 for COBRA 40 and reports field in sight. «335.5»
1208: PAT 54 to Andrews Tower on «118.4» reports as a single engine (blocked) over Greenbelt heading for the Bay Bridge at 1,000 feet. Then switches to Approach on «119.3» with the same message.
1210: PACER 98 in the pattern at Andrews on «119.3»
1211: DC 41 (KC-135 756th ARS Andrews) in the pattern at Andrews heading for TACAN Alpha. «119.3»
1212: ???? 91, flight of two, into GK's area on «238.1»
1222: DC 41 proceeding to the field «119.3» IDs as "DC41 Heavy"
1222: Another DC tanker on squadron freq «351.2»
1226: DC 41 with Tower on «118.4» for landing
1229: JOSA 858 to SAM Command on «141.55» arriving Andrews, will pick up an A-4 and takeoff time will be 1500.
1231: REACH 1820 (female jockey) to SAM Command reports 5 minutes out from Andrews, no offload, requesting fuel-about 65K. «141.55»
1239: DC 41 did a touch and go and is now going around again...he thanks Approach controller for all the good work today «119.3» and then switches to «118.4» and mentions yet another touch and go.
1253: HAGAR 70 (C-5, Dover AFB DE) to HAGAR Ops on «319.4» mentions they got off late (remaining msg blocked by static bursts across all freqs, all radios)
NOTE: I've got a taxi dispatcher's antenna about 500 feet from my location. Each time they transmit, they can be heard across the entire VHF/UHF spectrum. I can't find the original freq so I could possibly have a filter made/tuned to their freq. Guess I could find their name and then call the FCC to get their freq or simply look it up on the net. Today, they are very busy and constantly wiping out my radios. The worst part is that the dispatcher is a female with one of those Dundalk voices that sounds like fingernails on a blackboard each time she performs her verbal diarhhea.

44 degrees at BWI and cloudy
1309: JOSA 984 calling McGuire Command Post several times on «319.4» without reply
1313: JOSA 984 makes contact and reports arrival in the blocks at McGuire at 1340Z, says he's a C-21 with tail #60377 and will need 2,000 pounds of fuel. He has 3 Space A pax to offload and 3 crew members. He will RON and be airborne at 1100Z tomorrow.
1315: FORCE 42 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» reports he'll be on the deck in about an hour, is A-2 with minor writeups and has 61,000 pounds of fuel on board.
1318: Navy 445 landing Andrews on runway 1L with Tower on «118.4»
1319: Navy 445 with Command Post on «141.55» tells Andrews he has an A-4 on board.
1330: DEVIL flight (F-16s NJ-ANG Atlantic City) active on «138.425» sounds like a flight of two.
1335: DC-ANG F-16s from Andrews airborne at 1334 and using tac «143.15» Callsign SCARY, appears to be a flight of two.
1336: DEVIL flight w/Ops on V-1 «138.125»
1337: DEVIL 11 flight with range controller on tac «138.425» IDs as two F-16s checking in.
1338: DEVIL 11 calls COWBOY as the range controller on the Pax River Range and again IDs as two F-16s and gives a list of ordnance they'll use on the range.
1343: And another flight of F-16s from the DC-ANG on tac «127.275» Callsign WILD, sounds like a flight of two.
1348: SCARY 1 calling GIANT KILLER several times on «238.1» before making contact to report they'll be MARSA with WILD flight and using flight levels up to 23,000.
1350: SCARY flight changes to tac «139.15» from 143.15.

46 degrees at BWI and cloudy
1405: Another A-10 flight from Martin State is airborne. No callsign heard yet. «142.3»
1408: DEVIL 11 flight with ZDC-Kenton DE on «277.4» heading to Atlantic City
1409: DEVIL 11 and 12 report Code 1 «138.425» 2 is cleared off to get ATIS and report Code status to Devil Ops
1410: DEVIL flight pushes U-7 and comes up on DC-Sea Isle «285.4» to report at 14,000
1411: DEVIL 12 (2) reports back with ATIS wx and reports they'll be using runway 31. «138.425»
1412: Two F-16s from the VA-ANG Richmond active on tac «141.875» Callsign FURY
1413: WILD and SCARY flights working GK's ops freq «312.3»
1414: Pair of National Guard helicopters on NG Common freq «242.4»
1416: FURY pair on Norfolk TRACON freq «370.925» reporting at 23,000. Flight leader says to switch to 18 and then....
1417: FURY 11 into GK's area using «238.1» at FL230
1422: Pair of F-16s from VA-ANG active on tac «141.825» Not sure yet if this is the FURY flight or another pair.
1424: Refueling freq «238.9» tanker reports reaching the IP and will turn east. Believe one of the aircraft used callsign PACK which would be a KC-135 from Pease AFB NH
1426: Fighter pair on «141.825» reporting very strong winds today so they need to plan for that in their fuel burn.
1428: PAT 906 arriving Andrews «141.55» asks a couple of times about his parking spot
1429: Fighter pair on VA-ANG tac «141.825» is callsign SLAM
1429: SLAM 41 flight into GK's area using «238.1»
[DC guys are WILD and SCARY and VA is FURY and SLAM. What are they telling us?]
1430: U/I aircraft on HUNTRESS freq «364.2» asking for Modes and Codes.
1434: U/I on «364.2» reads back 3 is sweet and 4 is sour (Modes)
1434: WILD flight back to «127.275» and SCARY to «139.15»
1436: Aircraft on «364.2» with HUNTRESS sounded like HUNTER 04 and now reports all modes sweet.
1438: PAT 906 asking again about his parking spot «141.55»
1444: SCARY 1 to GIANT KILLER on «238.1» with exit info.
1445: TACO 1 with ZDC-Elkins WV on «371.9» says he wants to get above the winds and wants to know the wind conditions up at 43,000. Also mentions heading for Little Rock. (I heard TACO 1 landing at Andrews yesterday shortly after turning off the computer at 1600.)
1446: WILD flight to SOF «139.9» with mission results and status.
1447: SCARY 1 and 2 both Code 1 as reported to SOF on «139.9» and "Push V-6" which puts them on «139.15»
1448-52: Have an aircraft on «311.0» reading an encoded message phonetically that's comprised of letters and numbers. At the end he says...."This is PLUS SIGN, out."
1458: TACO 1 calling Washington Center on «371.9» (Elkins) mentioning not hearing somebody on freq 120.27(5). Whatever he was told seemed to satisfy him and he signed off this freq.
1459: Again hearing the Martin State A-10s on tac «142.3» No idea where they've been in the meantime since last heard.

1505: SCARY flight landing at Andrews on tower freq «349.0»
1507: A-10s with BayWatch on «270.8» mention heading back to Martin State.
1508: Flight of three F-16s giving fuel flow info on VA-ANG tac freq «141.825»
1511: Fighters in air combat exercise on GK's ops freq «292.3»
1519: U/I flight very weak with ZDC-Sea Isle «285.4» leaving present altitude (low) for 16,000 (Suspect this is an F-16 flight from Atlantic City chugging along)
1521: NJ-ANG F-16s on tac «138.425» and Ops freq «261.0» (My guess was correct)
1522: COLT 45 to Raven Ops on «347.2» coming home.
1522: VA-ANG F-16s report leaving GK's area and RTB Richmond «249.8»
1528: NJ guys using DEVIL 11 into BayWatch area on «354.8»
1529: VA flight on «142.175» mention #3 is about 10 miles behind.
1530: Civilian flight repeats Martin State Towers warning that two A-10s are coming in «121.3»
1530: I've had it for today...END OF REPORT...back this evening.
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
NOTE: I've got a taxi dispatcher's antenna about 500 feet from my location. Each time they transmit, they can be heard across the entire VHF/UHF spectrum. I can't find the original freq so I could possibly have a filter made/tuned to their freq. Guess I could find their name and then call the FCC to get their freq or simply look it up on the net. Today, they are very busy and constantly wiping out my radios. The worst part is that the dispatcher is a female with one of those Dundalk voices that sounds like fingernails on a blackboard each time she performs her verbal diarhhea.

Do you know anybody that has a scout, or a new radio that has the freq finder feature? If you stand out in front of their place with one of those, that would probably nail it. I don't know how receptive the feds would be though, since you aren't a commercial operator yourself. Using a directional antenna might allow you to null them out a bit.

-DPD Productions - Custom Scanner, MURS, & Ham Antennas-


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Something going on tonite - logs from about 6:30 local onwards...

<<127.275>> WILD 1 and 2 mentioning reading a 'sparkler'
<<138.875>> McGuire Tankers? some chit chat here
<<143.150>> Something very brief here - might be MD ANG A10s
<<143.800>> somebody talking about eating lunches up here, and being up late (DC ANG and Andrews F16s reported here in the past)
<<238.900>> AAR Tankers, I think - mentioning something about the next route to take(?)
<<266.500>> Maybe McGuire - talking directly to WILD flight about having too much gas
<<249.800>> This is a GK freq, but only got 1 transmission here, and too weak to get much
<<288.000>> It's rare for me to get anything on this one, but AIR21 was mentioning he had to check with his SOF and would check back in on this freq. Rather Loud, must have been very close.
<<312.300>> Busy GK freq; apparently will be up until '1950 Land Time'
<<319.700>> last listing I have as a McGuire Tanker secondary, talking about meeting the next flight, but not much since
Also had a flight checking in on 354.8 Baywatch, but I think that was unrelated - mentioned leaving VFR at 27000

Radiomax is on record status - will jump back in if anything interesting - TinEar, please check

73s Mike
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
DPD1 said:
Do you know anybody that has a scout, or a new radio that has the freq finder feature? If you stand out in front of their place with one of those, that would probably nail it. I don't know how receptive the feds would be though, since you aren't a commercial operator yourself. Using a directional antenna might allow you to null them out a bit.

-DPD Productions - Custom Scanner, MURS, & Ham Antennas-

Of course, some kind soul with a BC246 or 396 could help, too ;)

Sri TinEar, can't afford new radios right now...73s Mike


Nov 26, 2005

312.3 really busy in Wicomico I suppose they are over the bay sounds like they are doing drills over the bay!
317.425 also busy. scary requesting a radar trail.?
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Radios back on at about 1920 and am immediately hearing both WILD and SCARY flights heading back home to Andrews and SCARY 1 has a big problem. Here's what I've copied so far....SCARY 1 has trapped fuel - over 4000 pounds and is worried about running out of fuel before he can get home. They are using:

143.15 tac
256.8 Snow Hill ZDC
277.4 Kenton ZDC
317.425 BWI TRACON
269.0 Reagan TRACON

At 1942, they are still trying to reach home with transmissions on various TRACON/ZDC freqs and with SOF. Now they just switched to Reagan TRACON on «269.0» at the direction of BWI TRACON. They have not declared an emergency yet but are keeping the option open. AT 1945, they are still with TRACON on 269.0. At 1947, the SCARY pair of F-16s has switched to 139.9 SOF and to 349.0 with tower for landing. So, it looks like everything is going to be fine.
1930-45: There is also a flight of F-16s from Atlantic City using tac «138.875».
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Nov 26, 2005
1951 Its been quite for the last 10 mins or so here, previously though I heard scary,Abraham, Victor 1 and Scary, I think they were doing practicals over the bay and stopped after the situation with Scary.? hopefully they will resume.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
A few I logged later today....

SPAR 64 C-37A #01-0076 arrive Andrews,req c/ag,25k fuel.
JOSA 984 C-21 #86-0377 Peterson AFB arrive McGuire 1840z
DILLON 1 C-21 also from Peterson arrive Mcguire
REACH 0165 and REACH 8052 62 AW McChord C-17's arrive McGuire 2135z
HOOK 50 Ramstein C-21? arrive Andrews 2120z.req 9k fuel.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mike, your log looks pretty good with the exception of 143.15 which is DC-ANG tac freq. The 143.8 I believe could be 143.825, a tanker interplane freq. Have heard the TEAM tankers using that one. Oh, and the 138.875 is a NJ-ANG tac freq. The AERO pair is using it at the moment.

Dave, actually, the FCC is pretty good about giving info on frequencies when you have a problem. They won't do anything about a licensed user but will at least give you the information you need to protect yourself. I've got a couple of directional antennas available here but that's the problem - they're directional and worthless for MilAir from here because the activity is in every direction from my location. If I was out on the fringe of an area, it would problably work but I'm in the bullseye for all these bases in this area.

Wicomico, welcome to the board. You should be able to hear tons of MilAir from Wicomico County, especially all that stuff from Pax River and the VA bases working out in the Giant Killer areas. Will look forward to your input.

For now, I've got the pair of NJ F-16s on the webcast since they are working the Pax River Range.

Mark....DILLON was one I couldn't pull out. I was especially trying to get him because of the 1 suffix but that DILLON name just escaped me. Good job.

2004: AERO 21 flight (F-16s NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» at 15,000
2007: AERO F-16s using «138.875» as they head home. They just got the ATIS report and will be using runway 31 in Atlantic City for landing.
2008: AERO 21 flight switches to Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» as they get close to home.
2050: JOSA 069 reports taking off from Dulles at 0136Z «378.1» Reports tail #40142.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
At 1949 Radiomax recorded a call to <<349.0>> Andrews Tower, so it could be the DC ANG flight on their way home. Evidently some last minute 'bombing' practice on <<138.875>>, but according to someone, the bomb landed 400 meters short of target.
Also had AERO22 on <<261.0>> Devil ops, NJ ANG and then a flight checking in on <<327.125>> Atlantic City getting route clearances.
Something interesting on the 127.275 freq at 1930 - evidently a superior was getting quite irritated with someone about 'Uniform Procedures' - the tone in his voice, and the way he referred to 'Mister' left little doubt someone is about to get chewed. Rather rare to hear someone break protocol like that.

That's it for now...73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
We've got a major exercise in the Shaw area tomorrow. The following news item I pulled from the Air Combat Command news service:

Dynamic Weasel sharpens force

By Tarsha Storey
20th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

12/01/2005 SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. (ACCNS) – The exercise Operation Dynamic Weasel will take place here Dec. 2 and will involve aircraft from multiple bases and first-time challenges.

The exercise is designed to sharpen tactics, techniques and procedural skills while practicing for combat situations, said Maj. Anthony Roberson, 20th Operations Support Squadron director of operations. It will simulate combat operations taking place in Southwest Asia.

It will also combine the abilities of the F-16CJ, B-1, B-2, A-10, F-15E, E-3, RC-135 and KC-10 in a diverse threat environment. The participating aircraft are from Dyess, McGuire, Pope, Seymour Johnson, Shaw, Offutt, Tinker and Whiteman Air Force bases and McEntire Air National Guard Station.

During the exercise, Maj. Roberson said there will be a unique Link-16 large force employment involving all aircraft. The Link-16 is a tactical digital information link integrated in the F-16.

This will be the first time a B-2 participates in a Link-16 exercise, said Maj. Roberson.

Operation Dynamic Weasel will also be the first block 50 F-16 operational evaluation of the Fighter Aircraft Command and Control Enhancement pods. The FACE pods allow beyond-the-line-of-sight communications via a system using a satellite phone, a receiver and transmitter, said Capt. Tim Sehnem, 20th OSS counter land programs chief.

During the exercise, multiple units will engage with aircraft, while several other Shaw squadrons provide support. The units include the 609th Combat Operations Squadron, Training Air Operations Center, 609th Air Intelligence Squadron, 682nd Air Support Operations Squadron tactical air controllers and the 20th Fighter Wing Operations Center. There will also be an integration of the air operations center, air support operations center and the airborne command and control.

"An objective (of the exercise) is to achieve battle space effects in accordance with combined force air component commander airlift operations directives and air tasking orders," said Maj. Roberson.

The combined force air component commander for the exercise will be Col. Michael Beale, 20th Fighter Wing vice commander.

Maj. Roberson said the simulated threat environment will include not only Shaw's airspace, but also Poinsett's electronic combat and gunnery ranges, the Gamecock and Bulldog military operations areas as well as the refueling tracks in the over-water and over-land airspaces.

"This exercise will test and further develop our abilities as fighters and Airmen, by placing our force within a simulated dynamic combat situation. It will also allow us to integrate operations and apply technology to war fighting," said Col. Bill Hyatt, 20th Fighter Wing commander.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2210: OPEC 49 (KC-10A tanker, McGuire AFB NJ) trying to contact McGuire Command Post on «319.4»
2211: FORCE 66 (KC-10A tanker, McGuire AFB NJ) trying to contact McGuire Command Post on «319.4» Both aircraft have made multiple attempts.
2214: FORCE 66 (And I'm suddenly not sure of that callsign) makes contact and reports A-2 with three writeups and has no cargo or pax. «319.4»
2216: OPEC 49 tells McGuire Command Post he's in the queue...will be arriving in 20 minutes and is A-1. «319.4»
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Last night I posted that news release concerning the Dynamic Weasel exercise that was due to be held today at Shaw AFB SC. I'm hearing nothing - not a word - on the radios. I'm not sure if it's because they are simply out of range or if it was cancelled because of high winds up and down the east coast. For instance, Andrews is reporting wind shear activity in the past hour. I'm not hearing anything else in the way of MilAir either from any of our normal flying units in this area and have no idea if it's weather related downtime or simply that nothing was scheduled around this time.

On another note, I recently ordered some air charts and maps which DHL just dropped off at my door. I haven't really had time to look at them in any depth yet but one thing from my order jumps out at me. It's the Airport/Facility Directory for the Northeast U.S. It's in paperback book form, is 616 pages long and seems to show all the VHF and UHF frequencies for every airport in the Northeast. The effective date is 27 October 2005. Best of costs $3.70. I have a feeling I'm going to put in a subscription for that one.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
No sooner did I say nothing is flying....

1252: NJ-ANG F-16s from Atlantic City checking in with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» Callsign BANGER 21
1253: NJ F-16s using tac freq «138.875» Sounds like a flight of two.
1256: BANGER 21 with ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8» reporting at 15,000. No reply after four attempts at contact.
1258: So he apparently says to hell with it and goes directly to BayWatch on «270.8» for entry into the Pax River area. Says he'd like 3500 up to FL250.
1259: Have a U/I helo just off from Martin State says he's getting beat up by the wind and wants to do a 180 back into Strawberry Point. «121.3»

1301: BANGER flight (21/22 or airways - 1/2 on tac freqs) back to «138.875»
1302: BANGER reports he's going to work the north end of the area around Vienna (MD) «138.875»
1334: HAGAR 71 (C-5 Dover AFB DE) to Dover Command Post on «319.4» reports takeoff time was 1510Z and landing time will be 1930Z. Said he's just back from AR and something about the second tanker didn't show up.
1334: BANGER flight finishing ground attack exercise at Pax, getting ATIS wx from Atlantic City and getting ready to hit the road. «138.875»
So the pair of NJ-ANG F-16s left the Pax Range using their tac freq and said they were switching to U-6 but I never heard them on the Center freqs or signing off with BayWatch or Atlantic City Approach or anywhere else. Strange. It's now 1350 and they've had time to fly all the way home but I've heard nothing from them - not even a peep on the tac freq they were using to fly down here and on the range.
1343: There was a helo which identified itself as a UH-1 using callsign RANDOM 21 with Andrews Approach just crossing the area. «119.3» I think the callsign says it all - that it's just a temporary tag for this flight.
1359: VIPER 21, apparently just off from Andrews on Reagan TRACON «257.2» through 1,000 for 2,000 and then cleared to 3,000. (Too many users of this callsign to be able to put a firm identity on it, however, about a dozen users are for F-16s at various places around the country.)

1401: VIPER 21 cleared to 9,000 «257.2» requesting vector to HAFNR. Reports he's changing to 343.7.
1402: WATERBUG 537 tells GIANT KILLER he's going to RTB and be off station «251.6»
1403: VIPER 21 leaving 9000 for 11(000) with Reagan TRACON on «343.7» At 1404 he reports at 11000...leaving 11 for 15000...again requests vector for HAFNR...turning right to 250 degrees, direct Gordonsville.
1406: VIPER 21 cleared to 21,000 «343.7»
1407: VIPER 21 cleared to 26,000 «343.7»
1409: VIPER 21 direct Gordonsville...push 284.7 «343.7»
1410: VIPER 21 cleared to 27,000 from ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA «284.7»
1411: VIPER 21 direct South Boston. «284.7»
1412: VIPER 21 asks for a Uniform (freq) and push 351.9 «284.7»
1414: VIPER 21 at FL 270 to ZDC-Green Bay VA on «351.9»
1415: VIPER 21 cleared to 28,000 and direct South Boston and then to MMT «351.9»
NOTE: MMT is McEntire Air National Guard Station SC which is one of the units involved in the exercise that was supposed to be held today. One of the choices for the VIPER callsign is the F-16 squadron at Shaw AFB SC - the epicenter of the exercise.

And after a break, I come back to find...
1515: NJ-ANG F-16s working at the Pax River Range working tac freq «138.425» This is a flight of two using callsigns BANGER 21/22 again. I wonder if these are the same two that perhaps refueled somewhere and are right back to the range. Just a wild guess.
1527: BANGERs still at it on the range...they are using a simulated controller MAD DOG callsign. «138.45»
1529: BANGER 21 with BayWatch on «354.8» talking about altitude changes and leaving the airspace.
1533: BANGER 21 with ZDC-Kenton DE on «277.4» reporting in at altitude 11, Sea Isle, direct Atlantic City
1534: That MAD DOG simulated controller was really a DEVIL 11 flight mixed in with the BANGER flight «138.425»
1536: BANGER 21 with Ops on «261.0» reporting flight status.
1538: BANGER 21 reports leaving Washington Center to contact Atlantic City «277.4»
1538: DEVIL 11 and then BANGER 21 with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125»
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The NJ-ANG guys are getting punished. They're back up yet again...

1926: NJ-ANG F-16s on tac «138.425» in ground attack exercise. Callsign BICEP
1927: NJ guys with ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8»
1935: The NJ F-16s appear to be working with a Forward Air Controller of some type on the ground. They are very low trying to track a car on the ground. I don't believe they are looking for a specific vehicle - just something that looks good to do an attack on.
1938: BICEP 2 reports joker....flight leader say they're going to return home as a result and end what they're doing. They say they'll talk to the controller once they're on the ground and thank him for the work.
1944: BICEP 1 & 2 both report Code 1 and give that info to SOF on this tac freq and say they are 15 out. «138.425»
1949: BICEP 11/12 with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» Once again I heard nothing on the Washington Center freqs as they headed home. Very strange stuff. Think they've received a dispensation from that requirement? I doubt it.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Evidently the exercise did indeed take place, in spite of the high winds and snow flurries in our area. There was a report on Milcom about it; quite a busy one at that. The report was from a gentleman in Georgia - obviously they stayed mostly South of us 73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I guess they were just too far away from this area to be able to hear them Mike. I was hoping they'd do some work to the north side of Shaw and that the bombers would be high enough to hear. Guess it was just wishful thinking on my part. I'll have to try to find that report you mentioned.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Just jump to the joining milcom site on and scan the archives for the last 24 hours. If you can't find it, I can grab it pretty quickly as I'm a lurker on that list....73s Mike
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