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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Mark. It's difficult to get CHOP/CHOCK out of TROUT and he was very loud and clear when he reported in last night. I'm disappointed I was so far off.

32 degrees at BWI Airport, skies mostly sunny but almost nothing flying yet this morning.

1046: BACKY 91 to Andrews Command Post on «378.1» reports takeoff time from Andrews at 1544Z (BACKY 91 is the KC-135 from Seymour-Johnson that flew in yesterday for AFRC training.)
1057: One of the OMAHA (Customs) aircraft - no ID heard - on «282.425» gave his ETA as 10 minutes and wanted that passed to CRAB SHACK.

1111: TROOPER 7 (MD State Police helo) with Andrews Tower on «118.4» reports over Wood's Corner.
1119: MOVER 22 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) to Andrews Command Post on «141.55» asking about the status of their tanker. A minute later he thanks Andrews for the info. (Sounds like a DC KC-135 should be up)
1123: MOVER 22 goes to Andrews AFRC Ops on «143.8» and again asks about the status of their tanker, DC 22. Says he'll back in a minute.
1125: MOVER 22 calls AFRC Ops again on «143.8» with no reply
1126: MOVER 22 to Andrews Command Post on «141.55» "Have you heard any word on our tanker, DC 22? We're up here in the track."
1128: Andrews calls MOVER 22 to ask if he has tried 351.2 on Uniform «141.55» (Can't hear the reply if 22 answered him.)
1130: Another exchange between Andrews and MOVER 22 for which 22 thanks him very much but it was all too noisy on the freq to copy the message. «141.55»
1131: TANG 71 (F-15 Langley) to GIANT KILLER on «249.8» says he's leaving 17,000 for 23,000 and wants to work in Kilo for the next 20 minutes.
1139: MILLER 41 flight (F-15 Langley AFB VA) into GK's area on «238.1»
1141: Langley tac freq «358.85» active
1143: ?FOCUS? 51 into GK's area on «238.1» flight of four
1144: PAT 929 to Phillips AAF on «126.15» says he talked to Base Ops earlier and was cleared in but now Potomac is telling him the runways are closed. What's the deal? He likes the answer he's given and says he's cleared in and will see him in a few.
1151: HUNGRY 91 (F-15 Langley), flight of two, into GK's area on «238.1»
1156: Naval refueling freq «123.525» active but very weak. Tanker asks someone how much gas he wants...then says 15K is okay...then something about landing at Pax River and coming back up. Don't know if he meant the fighter or himself. I have a loud, buzzing, noisy condition across all bands today which makes copy difficult except on stronger signals.

1201: JOSA 515 to SAM Command reports departure time from Andrews 1700Z «378.1»
1202: Evac 84407 to SAM Command reports departure time from Andrews was 1650Z «378.1»
1202: HUNTRESS' ops freq «293.6» active with air combat exercise by the Langley fighters.
1212: DC 22 (KC-135 756th ARS Andrews AFB MD) to LIBERATOR on «351.2» reports airborne at 1709Z (This is the missing DC 22 that MOVER 22 expected up almost an hour ago.)
1216: REBEL 61 (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on «238.1» working W-386, in Juliet for the next 45 minutes.
1217: PACER 22 in the pattern at Andrews on Approach freq «119.3»
1218: JOSA 455 to SAM Command on «378.1» reports departure from Andrews at 1711Z and would like that info passed on.
1228: Have MILLER (Langley) air-to-air activity on «386.0» (New freq) They are in an air combat exercise.
NOTE: It looks like the 386.0 freq is not so new. I found it on a NORAD list. (Thanks Paul) Since the 293.6 Huntress NORAD freq was also busy with Langley fighters in an air combat exercise, I'd chalk this up to just another Huntress freq with Langley fighters doing the same thing. Now, I just need to find a place to program it.
1247: JOSA 549 landing at Andrews to pick up an R-4 and will be departing at 2000Z «378.1» Later adds that he needs a crew bus for 3 members.

1304: TANG 71 (F-15 Langley) again into GK's area on «249.8» for the next 20 minutes in Kilo.
1307: TANG 71 established in Kilo «249.8»
1314: ???? 12 (sounds like MULLER and I've heard this call several times going into Andrews and can never quite make it out) with Andrews TRACON on «335.5» at 11K, down to 6K and then cleared to initial...cleared to 1R at Andrews
1317: PAT 524 calling Navy Ops a couple of times on «139.4» with no reply
1318: Andrews Tower from MULLER 12 on «349.0» requesting winds. Says he's going to the Navy side. Landing on 1R.
1335: WILD (F-16, DC-ANG Andrews) flight of four off Andrews on tac «127.275» then with Reagan TRACON «348.725» to BWI TRACON «317.425» at 11,000 and then to ZDC-Swann on «360.7» reporting at FL130 going to FL190 and back to tac «127.725»
1342: WILD flight beginning an air combat exercise on tac «127.275»
1346: WILD flight checking into GIANT KILLER's area on «255.0» Delay time is one hour.
1347: WILD flight leader clears WILD 3/4 to V-6 «127.275»
1350: DC 22 reporting in to his squadron on «351.2» wants to know if they want him back at a specific time...if not, he's going to stay out until 3 o'clock.
1354: SALTY DOG 120 with BayWatch on «354.8»
1354: Navy 691 to BayWatch on «354.8» wants altitude block 11 to 18 for 30 minutes.
1355: DEVIL 11 (F-16, NJ-ANG Atlantic City) flight into BayWatch area on «270.8» says he'll be there for an hour and a half including the tanker time. Needs a squawk for his wingman
1356: NJ-ANG tac freq «138.425» for the DEVIL flight
1357: DC 21 to LIBERATOR reports 20 minutes out from Andrews and has about 35(K) on the fuel and wants to know if they are going to turn around tonight (fly again tonight). «351.2»
1358: TESTER 18 to BayWatch on «354.8»
1359: WILD 3 and 4 using tac V-6 «139.15» as ordered by flight leader. 1 and 2 stay on «127.275»

Continued below....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1400: DC 22 reports to LIBERATOR he'll be out until 3 and fuel is 50K
1401: BANGER 21 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG) also going to BayWatch area and contacts DEVIL flight leader on «138.425» per orders by KINGPIN. DEVIL tells him to hold at 17,000
NOTE: I've heard this KINGPIN call before from the NJ guys. I think that's their SOF callsign comparable to SENATE for the DC-ANG.
1402: DC 22 calling LIBERATOR again on «351.2» no reply to a couple of calls
1403: BANGER flight working «138.875» tac
1406: BANGER 21 flight into BayWatch area on «270.8» says they'll be at altitudes 3500-35000 and will be MARSA with DEVIL.
1410: BANGER 21 flight moves to «138.425» with the DEVIL flight and contacts WARDOG (who is one of the DEVILs) for targeting info.
1412 and beyond: BANGER/DEVIL/WARDOG in ground attack on two semi trailers on a 4-lane divided highway. Their mission is to wipe them out. Of course, the two truck drivers are merrily driving down the road not having a clue that warplanes have targeted them for practice bombing. Next target is a tanker truck.
1425: A-10s from the MD-ANG Martin State up on tac «142.3»
1426: BANGERs finish their attack and go back to V-17 on «138.875»
1428: BANGER flight mentions two A-10s below them and climbing (the Martin flight?) «138.875»
1428: MD A-10s in ground attack exercise...still no callsign heard. «142.3»
1431: MD A-10s mention changing to Patuxent V-11 «142.3» They're level at 14,000 feet at this time. They mention trying an attack "that was in the book" but one of them is having trouble with his pod. (I didn't hear them on a Pax River freq)
1433: WILD flight of 4 F-16s still doing air combat exercises...«127.275/139.15»
1435: Have someone talking on Pax River freq «119.275» about the BANGER flight in R-4006. It doesn't sound like the A-10s and it's not any of the NJ guys.
1437: WILD flight leader to SOF on «139.9» mentions another half hour of work. They mention something that was supposed to start "at 20 but is not starting until 45" over on «127.275» Flight leader tells them to set "bingo" at 1600 pounds. He's going over to V-6 to talk to WILD 3/4.
1438: The "something" is a ramp freeze at Andrews which is going to start at 45 after the hour and go for half an hour per WILD 1 to WILD 3 on «139.15»
1441: WILD flight leader goes to SOF freq «139.9» and calls JUSTICE. (Not sure if that's a name or a new SOF callsign.) WILD 1 reports he has 45 minutes fuel left until he has to go to Pax but WILD 2 only has 20 minutes until bingo. He asks if SOF can make some phone calls and "shmooze" to get them permission to land at Andrews in spite of the ramp freeze.
1445: Sounds like they've been cleared to land and are heading for the a hurry. Again WILD 1 calls JUSTICE on SOF freq «139.9» say they are going to stay on this freq to get "first hand" info...both report Code 1. #2 goes for ATIS, reports runways wet. #1 does the Potomac TRACON things and comes right back to this freq.
1447: BANGER flight still in ground attack mode on tac «138.875» and DEVILs on «138.425»
1450: AirEvac 164 to Andrews on «141.55» 30 minutes out, Code 1, needs fuel and wants Andrews to ask AirEvac Ops for upload pallet info.
1452: NJ flights working with ground controller SNAKE. He mentions that SNAKE was stepped on by the RAVENs which just might be out MD-ANG A-10s.
1453: WILD 3 to SENATE on SOF freq «139.9» giving mission results. WILD 3 is Code 2 for targeting pod, WILD 4 is Code 1 and they want status of ramp freeze. "Okay, on the hour," is his next statement. They then go back to V-6 on «139.15» and say it'll be okay if the ramp freeze is over on the hour.
1456: Ref the item at 1435...that "someone" was probably a tanker. Heard an aircraft mention RTBing to McGuire that sounded like the same guy. «119.275»

1500: TESTER 16 with BayWatch on «270.8» And a TESTER 26 on same freq.
1502: WILD 3/4 with SOF on «139.9» mention they are planning for landing at Pax if they can't get into Andrews.
1503: WILD 4 says if he goes to Pax, he'll land with only 300 pounds...WILD 3 says to let him know when he's at 1500 pounds. Of course he will. «139.9»
1504: DEVIL/BANGER flight doing buddy lase attacks on ground targets under control of SNAKE.
1505: WILD flight looks like they got cleared into Andrews....WILD 2 did not land earlier with WILD 1....WILD 2 now declares emergency for low fuel and is cleared directly onto runway 1R on «349.0» with WILD 3 and 4 following closely behind.
1506: Various TESTER aircraft working Pax River freq «392.675» for their ops
1508: WILD 2 just setting down on runway 1R..others right behind for full stop. (Those ramp freezes at Andrews sure cause some nerves to rattle. I've heard this same situation happen in the past with the DC F-16s running out of gas.)
1511: DEVIL flight reports he and BANGER flight will stay below 19,000 «270.8»
1511: DEVIL/BANGER back to ops on «138.875» says they'll stay below 19K and will be over Vienna (MD) they then give coordinates of their targets.
1513: DEVIL/BANGER flights operating very close to extreme limits and want ground commander's initials for a "danger close" report. This is about the third time they've reported/requested that same condition during this flight. (I sure wish I could broadcast this attack. It's a simulated Iraqi situation. There is a sniper atop a minaret that is their's really the Vienna water tower.) «138.875»
1518: Had an aircraft ???? 5 (missed callsign) into BayWatch area on «354.8» and reports he's a single F-10 and will be in the area for 90 minutes.
1521: MAPLE 14 (F-16 VT-ANG Burlington) with ZDC-Green Bay VA on «351.9» says he's direct Gordonsville.
1524: FUZZY 22 (KC-145, 136th ARS NY-ANG Nigara Falls) to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» landing in 30 minutes.
1526: Bollen Range in the Kiowa MOA is active on «237.2»
1529: DEVIL flight back to their own tac freq «138.425» for more ground attack.
1530: MAPLE 14 reports over Gordonsville, direct Shaw «351.9»
1531: LOBO 13 calling Command Post on «139.3» (Might be a C-9B from Cherry Point)
1532: WARDOG and RAVEN are the A-10s from MD-ANG Martin State at the Bollen Range on «237.2»
1535: BANGER flight on «138.875» mentions seeing some aircraft in their of them says, "It's beautiful," while the other says, "Love that paint job." I wonder if they are seeing that F-10?
1537: DEVIL flight reports direct Atlantic City at 15,000 to BayWatch on «270.8»
1538: Again the BANGER flight mentions seeing that aircraft descending rapidly going past them. One says..."Damn...that's fast!" «138.875»
1540: Now one of the BANGERs mentions passing a "Buckeye" which I guess is a T-2, two-place trainer.
1542: DEVIL 11 flight with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» and then "push 6" to get to Atlantic City Approach on «327.125»
1542: DEVIL and then BANGER both took a turn on ops freq «261.0» to report status
1543: BANGER flight with ZDC-Snow Hill on «256.8» 15,000 feet direct Atlantic City
1543: RAVEN 1/2/3 all at Bollen on «237.2»
1546: BANGER 11 (who is really 21) with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» descending to 11,000
1547: AXEMAN 1 and 2 (A-10 MD-ANG) coming home to Martin State with Raven Ops on «347.2»
1548: BANGER flight down to 8,000 with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» Has ATIS info Lima. That pair of F-16s is still chatting on tac «138.875» while heading for the runway at AC.
1550: AXEMAN with Martin Tower on «297.2» reports as flight of two coming in for a full stop landing holding hands to runway reply so he repeats it on VHF tower freq «121.3»
1552: RAVEN 3 reports into Raven Ops on «347.2» with Codes for all three aircraft 1/2 are Code 1 and 3 is Code 3
1558: RAVEN 1/2/3 landing with Martin State Tower on «297.2»
1559: MISTY 01 (many choices for this callsign) with Reagan TRACON on «343.7»
1600: Now that WILD 1/2/3/4, DEVIL 1/2, BANGER 1/2, AXEMAN 1/2, RAVEN 1/2/3 are all nesting for awhile, it's time to get out of here. Sure wish I heard more from that guy that IDed as an F-10.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
I notice WILD flight on A/A 139.1500 went encrypted on that freq.Can't miss that static burst.
Later heard them say they turned it off and back in clear.
Sounds like headed home on ZDC 277.400
Radio coms from F-16 fighters seem strong this afternoon here.

Boeing testing chopper on 321.700



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1839: WILD (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews AFB MD), flight of two, active on tac «143.15»
1842: GIANT KILLER's ops freq «292.3» active
1843: DC-ANG tac «127.275» also active
1843: WILD 1 and 2 on «143.15» both report Code 1
1844: JOSA 851 reports takeoff time from Andrews as 2337Z «378.1»
1845: Have a couple of copters coptering around the area using «242.4»
1846: GK's ops freq «312.3» also active...sounds like Langley fighters.
1847: And GK's «373.1» ops freq active.
1848: Sounds like a pair of A-10s from the MD-ANG off the deck Martin State «142.3»
1851: Have an aircraft on Langley's SOF freq «383.2» asking about SUNDOG 1 (Unknown call)
1852: Same call mentioned on GK's «391.2»
1853: WILD 1/2 to SOF on «139.9» both report Code 1...and they also say the four-ship is about 30 miles behind them.
1854: That 4-ship F-16 flight is using tac «127.275» and callsign is ANGRY
1855: Langley tac freqs «315.85/238.825» both active
1857: NJ-ANG F-16s up on tac «138.425» Callsign BICEP, flight of four
1858: SONIC 71 (F-15 Langley) with GK on «238.1»

Continued below....
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
A heckuva lot of activity heard here - GK 249.8, 238.1, 373.1 (reading some hostiles), 292.3 (ditto), 312.3, 337.225 (interesting, heard Huntress calls here, thought this was a GK deconflict freq?) and a single call on 391.2, but too weak to do much with it.
143.15 and 143.8 still going as noted earlier; but also had 143.25 at the start of this. Last time this was heard, this was associated with a Pa ANG unit. 285.15 is being used a lot, some chit chat on 315.85. Ops checkins on the popular 127.275 earlier around 5:45 or 6:00 (didn't have Radiomax on record at that moment, as I was just getting set up, damn...).
Someone setting up a landing pattern on 142.3, a checkin on the 139.9 SOF freq, and a couple of hits on 364.125. Langley tacs 276.675 and 238.825 also up.

Wow, must be making up for the crapy weather, or trying to get in some training before Xmas.

73s Mike
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1900: Warren Grove Range active on «283.1» The NJ BICEP flight is working there.
1903: NJ-ANG BICEP flight working tac freq «139.625» (This freq has, in the past, been used by the VA-ANG F-16s as a tac freq. This is my first time hearing NJ working here.)
1905: MD-ANG A-10s doing ground attack at Pax River Range on «142.3» Buddy lase work
1906: Primary refueling freq «238.9» active with a tanker talking with BOLAR 71 (C-5 Dover AFB DE). They are setting up the time for the IP.
1910: Have a COLT 1 (may or may not be MD A-10s) with ZNY-BIG FLAT PA on «322.4» at FL160
1912: ANGRY flight with Reagan TRACON on «270.275» coming home.
1918: BICEP flight on tac «139.625» use callsign RANGER for Warren Grove Range
1920: GK's ops freq «389.1» added to the list of actives
1922: U/I fighter with GIANT KILLER on «249.8» mentions GOLIATH is a flight of two F-15s and VIPER is a flight of two F-22s....later GOLIATH mentions VIPER 13 (Both must be from Langley and neither call has been heard there before.)
1925: BICEP 11 flight to ZDC-Sea Isle «285.4» says they're going to R-4006 which is at 240 degrees at 90 miles to get where they're going
1927: BICEP 11 flight working tac «138.425»
1932: BICEP 11 flight leader says if they leave R-4006 on the hour it would give enough time for crew rest «138.425»
1933: IRON Ops at Langley on «357.1» active with fighters coming in.
NOTE: If you've got a Langley freq anywhere on a list, count on it being busy. Sounds like the entire 1st Fighter Wing is up and flying.
1935: BICEP 11 flight into BayWatch area on «270.8»
1936: AXEMAN (those are the MD-ANG A-10s mentioned earlier in Pax River area) with BayWatch on «354.8» says he sees the F-16s below him.
1938: BICEP 11 tells BayWatch when they leave the range, they'll be VFR «354.8»
1939: BICEP 11 on the range searching for a good target «138.425»
1947: Have an AERO flight (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) active on tac «138.125»
1952: AERO 21 to Command Post on «138.125» reports Code 2
1954: AERO 21 flight to Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» heading for the runway
1954: REACH 3113 to SAM Command on «378.1» IDs as a C-17, arriving at Andrews at 5 after the hour, is A-1, has 8 pax to offload, needs parking spot and about 85,000 pounds of fuel. Mentions he's picking up an airevac crew and will have some extra seats on the outbound flight but needs to check with the airevac crew before setting the number.
1958: AXEMAN 1 with BayWatch on «281.8» checking out

2000: All the Langley fighters seemed to have had enough and have gone home.
2003: Tanker interplane freq «139.875» active...suffix 55 for one of them
2008: BICEP 11 flight to ZDC-Snow Hill on «256.8» and then to ZDC-Kenton DE on «277.4» reporting 60 miles from Atlantic City.
2012: Bollen Range on «237.2» active.
2013: BICEP 11 on «277.4» leaving 17.5 for 3,000 and change to Atlantic City Approach on «327.125»
2013: Tanker interplane «139.875» yakking again. One of them is REACH 5102. The female tanker op says she's about 75 miles from Nottingham.
2014: DC 23 (KC-135, 756th ARS Andrews) to LIBERATOR on squadron freq «351.2» Talks about a problem he was having and what he did about it. Also mentions a DC 24 that's up and about the area.
2020: REACH 5102 and the tanker ???? 55 change to «341.75» for refueling. Tanker callsign might be ESSO (so much noise here with all the radios going)
2023: Bollen Range still active on «237.2»

End of the log. If anything is worth reporting, I'll start a new message below.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
GK 391.2 and 389.1 - Radiomax has recorded numerous hits over the last 20 mins or so. 363.9 Langley Tac is also up. I also heard the 139.625 flight, definite BICEP 21 callsign. Faded fast, tho
Take it Tinear. I have to grab some grub then go Xmas shopping. I'll leave Radiomax on the UHF milair stuff recording the most active of them tonite for later review.

73s Mike


Nov 3, 2005
19:48 Colt Flight Currently getting refueled in the Duke MOA on 301.60. Colt 1 gave a Tail Number of 80-693 but I could not find anything on that.

Thanks N3BXV, I am sure you're right. They are complaining about some spraying onto their canopies. Previously tonight Taz 72 was working with Flyer and Ugly flights and was spraying fuel on their canopies.

1959: Colt Flight contacts Cleveland Center on 353.85 and requests direct Ravine.
2002: Colt Flight switches to New York Center on 338.30 and tells them that they are going to R-5802 after Ravine.

I would really like to listen to these guys on their VHF interplane but a stupid radio station up the street from my office washes everything out.

BTW - The tanker had a callsign of "Top Cat" or "Tom Cat", didn't catch a number though.
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Nov 26, 2005
target practice near wicomico tonight

1958 lots of chatter on 138.425 a group over heard targeting a residence? they described a drive way with 3 vehicles one being a target bicept 1 is the primary they call the other the mule? laser training i can hear them flying overhead tonight :) sparky cleared type 3 attack ......release in 10 seconds 321 release laser off.......splash in 10 seconds.......321 splash...bicept terminate bicept 1 and 2. wow.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yup...that's the NJ-ANG F-16 pair (BICEP 11/12 or 1/2 on tac) at the Pax River Range directly overhead Vienna MD. Nice stuff huh? Once you listen to a couple of those, you're hooked on MilAir.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Wicomico, yes, they're long gone. See the log above. They're approaching the runway at Atlantic City at the moment.

There is also a refueling activity with the aircraft meeting up right now over us. Good signal. 139.875 interplane but they are just now going to change to 341.75. Excellent opportunity to hear refueling.
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Nov 26, 2005
Me to although occasionally i hear the jets running through the area..wish I had a nice mobil antenna !


Jun 28, 2003
QTH: Montgomery County, MD / Washington, DC
TinEar said:
Wicomico, yes, they're long gone. See the log above. They're approaching the runway at Atlantic City at the moment.

There is also a refueling activity with the aircraft meeting up right now over us. Good signal. 139.875 interplane but they are just now going to change to 341.75. Excellent opportunity to hear refueling.

You beat me too it. 341.75 is not on the list!

341.75 - Uniform
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