Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Found it Mike. Those VAMPIRE B-1Bs and the DEATH B-2 are what I really wanted to hear. From scanning that report of the exercise, the freqs look to be to the south of Charleston which certainly put it out of reach from here. I see they were even far enough south to have to use the Macon Approach freq. Too bad.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Caught HOIST 95 back home McGuire from the Shaw exercise...

Also a Army/Navy visitor to Willow Grove NAS tonite.

MISTY 96 with 4 pax with Philly appch 291.700 the WG tower 340.200
Said arriving from Oceana.
S-3B US Navy, VS-41 NAS NORTH ISLAND is what I have listed.

GHOST 88 KC-10 arrive McGuire from Edwards,that callsign always seems to be an
Edwards to McGuire callsign.

Will see what is on tap for ARMY/NAVY tommorow.Army will probably do their regular Chopper flyover and look for Navy Leap frogs and a few F-18s.


Jul 24, 2005
Mark said:
MISTY 96 with 4 pax with Philly appch 291.700 the WG tower 340.200
Said arriving from Oceana.
S-3B US Navy, VS-41 NAS NORTH ISLAND is what I have listed.

GHOST 88 KC-10 arrive McGuire from Edwards,that callsign always seems to be an
Edwards to McGuire callsign.

It's actually a test support call for 445th FLTS, which handles all test support. That includes both chase and tankers. They use that call the whole week they are doing support duty there, and often fly straight home after their last job on Friday, keeping the call. Before they stood the 445th back up, they use to attach them to the 418th, and use the call ARRIS.

And yes, the S-3 FRS is still limping along out here. I noticed they brought another one to DM recently. A female Pilot was doing a little flying this week. Each time I hear them, I wonder if it will be the last. Unlike the 14s, they'll go with a whimper, rather then a bang. The president riding out to the boat probably gave it more PR in one day, then it's whole life span.

-DPD Productions - Custom Scanner, MURS, & Ham Antennas-


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Army-Navy update...

NICKEL 11 flt of 2 (VFA-211)just arrived Willow Grove this morning along with NICKEL 21 flt of 2 which arrived yesterday.NICKEL 11 says to WG Tower 340.200 "Beat Army"

Did not catch PANTHER flt of 8 Apaches into Willow Grove yesterday but heard they were using Guard 242.400 A/A.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Looks like we've got a CAP up. Hearing HARASS 33 with ZDC-Green Bay VA on «269.4» at FL220 and with ZDC-Patuxent MD on «281.4», with GUARD DOG on «288.35» and with HUNTRESS on «260.9». TANKER 01 is also with HUNTRESS on «260.9»This is all between 1230 and 1240. The HARASS aircraft are F-15s from Langley AFB VA.

HARASS 33 and 34 are going to refuel as they enter on station. 33 will take 3,000 and 34 will take 4,000 pounds from TANKER 01.
HARASS 31/32 are just being relieved in the CAP by 33/34
TANKER 01 checked in with GUARD DOG on «135.525» and said when he's done he wants to be cleard to GSB. (GSB or KGSB is Seymour-Johnson AFB NC)
At 1250, TANKER 01 is a female boom operator and says she can give each of them 10K fuel is they want it. HARASS 33 says they just need a topoff. Tail numbers and location are passed to the tanker....HARASS 33 give his info as FF (which is the tail logo for the 1st Fighter Wing Langley AFB) 81-0042 and for 34 it's FF 83-0017.
1254: HARASS 31 reports in with GUARD DOG on «288.35» and with HUNTRESS on «260.9» to report RTB Langley. He even says goodbye to the new fighter pair.
1258: TANKER 01 asks HUNTRESS for "home plate" wx and then goes to «135.525» to clear out of the CAP and head for Seymour-Johnson. (Haven't heard TANKER 02 arrive on or near CAP station yet but they have awhile since both fighters just refueled.)
1258: HARASS 33 and 34 do the DATALINK check once back on station from refueling. 33 reports he's currently 3 miles east of the bullseye. (Presume bullseye is Thurmont MD.)

1303: TANKER 02 reports to HUNTRESS on «260.9» that he's 15 minutes out.
1305: HARASS 31 with IRON Ops at Langley on «357.1»
1308: TANKER 01 to Base Ops (missed callsign) on «311.0» reporting 30 minutes out with minor writeups, has 34,700 pounds of fuel on board and dispensed 54,300 pounds to four F-15s. (HARASS 31/32/33/34). She wants a parking spot and crew transportation. (Tankers from Seymour-Johnson should belong to the 916th Air Refueling Wing.)
1311: Caught CRAB 53 (C-130J MD-ANG Martin State) with BWI TRACON on «125.525»
1315: TANKER 02 reports they are "kind of" on station at FL240 and asks HUNTRESS what's going on today. «260.9» The reply they get seems to surprise them. (Can't hear the ground station so don't know what that info was.)
1318: TANKER 02 to GUARD DOG on «135.525» and gets block altitude of 21-25,000 and says he understands there are a couple of fighters up there with him. (He sounds new to CAP duty.)
1321: Apparently HARASS 33 flight leader differs on authentications with HUNTRESS so does a challenge authentication and gets a match so he's happy. «260.9»
1325: CRAB 53 with Phillips AAF Tower on «126.15». Wants tower to find out if they're cleared onto the range for recon.
1337: HARASS 33 calls TANKER 02 to say he's coming for fuel and reports being 5 miles from him. TANKER 02 approves and says he's pushing it up. (I would think that's the speed he's pushing up.) «260.9» 02 wants 33's Mode 3 wich is reported as 5670.
1340: HARASS 33 says he just wants a topoff - about 1000 pounds. «260.9»
1342: 33 reports contact with the boom and is off the boom at 1345.
1357: AXEMAN 1 (A-10, MD-ANG Martin State) reports he's airborne at (13)54 to Raven Ops on «347.2»

1401: AXEMAN 1 & 2 are using tac freq «142.3»
1403: CRAB 53 back with Phillips AAF Tower on «126.15»
1404: TANKER 02 reports to GUARD DOG on «135.525» that the sky is generally clear but he sees a cloud layer (he calls it an "undercast") at about 10,000 feet and moving into the area.
1407: AXEMAN 1/2 doing ground attack using tac «142.3»
1411: HARASS 34 going to the tanker, is 5 (miles) in trail and TANKER 02 is "pushing it up." HARASS 34 confirms Mode 3 as 7040 for the tanker's benefit. «260.9»
1415: HARASS 34 makes contact with the refueling boom. «260.9»

Time to get out of here and do "Saturday things." It's all yours Mark or Chuck or Paul or whomever is signed on at the moment.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I got to the note about the CAP too late, but there was a MUSSEL 02 flight checking in on the usual <<292.2>>, and Andrews approach and tower was fairly busy with inbound flights. Possibly some folks getting out of Dodge before the bad weather arrives.
I did manage an interesting find, tho. There were at least 2 pilots chatting on <<360.15>>, and from the initial signal strength they might have been right over the Glen Burnie area. They were using it as a chit chat channel talking about getting better radios, a CD player for his car, one guy talking about getting a Garmin GPS unit, and so forth. Of course they got somewhat weaker as time went on, but still quite copyable up to about 3 or so.
73s and let's be careful out there...(Hill Street Blues)...Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Interesting freq Mike for air-to-air chat.

1757: Couple of fighters chatting on Langley's tac freq «276.675» They're talking about going to the tanker. (Wonder if this is still the CAP? If they'd use a HARASS callsign, I'd know, wouldn't I?)
1800: U/I aircraft reporting 10 miles north of Sea Isle with HUNTRESS on «364.2»
1801: ???? 13 now 15 miles north of Sea Isle and asking for modes and codes check «364.2» Says he'll switch to 288.4
1802: ???? 13 to HUNTRESS on «288.4» repeats his request.
1804: Yes, the CAP is still up on primary freq «260.9» Brief callsign use sounded like HARASS 35/36
1804: ???? 13 asking if he should stay on this freq for modes and codes. (Maybe if I hear that callsign about 40 more times I'll get it.)
1807: HARASS 35/36 ready to refuel with the tanker on primary «260.9» It's still TANKER 02 which came on station just as I was closing my earlier log. He must be about done since they run about 4 hour shifts.
1814: Brief reference on the CAP freq about a SKATER 37 and then SKATER 07. Whichever it's supposed to be, SKATER is a KC-135R from the 101st Air Refueling Wing, ME-ANG, Bangor. Not sure if that reference is for the tanker going off or coming onto the CAP station. «260.9»
1815: SKATER 07 with GUARD DOG on «135.525» and then «288.35» just coming on station and reporting altitude block 21-25,000 and asks for the Mode 3 of the two fighters in the CAP.
1820: HARASS 35/36 playing "Battleship" with their mission cards on their chat freq «276.675» Apparently, there are 12 rows by X columns on that card and they've assigned ship types to various spots on the card. This is the way to make time go by while flying in circles for four hours.
1824: SKATER 07 checks in with HUNTRESS on «260.9» at FL240 and asks whether he should stay on this freq or go back to GUARD DOG's freq. (I think this is the first time I've ever heard the CAP tanker not use callsign TANKER.)
1825: HARASS 35 calls SKATER 07 on «260.9» to just estabalish comms and SKATER 07 answers him on «320.6» before being told he's to stay on primary.
1827: U/I fighter on Langley Command Post freq «311.0» saying something about his vehicle that he left on the ramp.
1828: Battleship game going full steam on «276.675» And just for the hell of it, I have it up on the webcast.
1831: BLUE 61 (trans-Atlantic tanker-east to west...when going west to east they use callsign GOLD) calling McGuire Command Post on «319.4» Several calls with no reply.
1833: BLUE 61 makes contact with McGuire CP and reports he's 25 minutes out, A-2, has 40,000 pounds of fuel left, has no pax or cargo. One of his maintenance problems is that both HF radios are inoperative. «319.4»
1838: BLUE 61 gets parking spot F-3 «319.4»
1846: Nothing at all happening in the Camp David CAP. The two F-15s are still going strong at their Battleship game on their tac freq «276.675»
1856: HARASS 35 mentions that all that game playing has used up half their shift. He mentions the replacements taking off about 8:30 and that they'll be on the ground by 9:30. One of them is a graduate of Texas A&M and is from San Antonio TX. (It's amazing the amount of info you can collect on some of these aircraft/pilots when you listen long enough.)
1858: Have a helicopter using callsign NATIONAL 2 (NATURAL 2?) that says he's a police helo off from Annapolis with Andrews Approach on «119.3» Anyone have any idea who this might be? (See Sticky Major Events thread, message #1247. for helo from Dept of Natural Resources traffic.)
NOTE: After listening to the traffic on the Dept. of Natural Resources freq (159.45), I'm leaning toward this helo being NATURAL 2 rather than NATIONAL.

1900: HARASS 35/36 talking about "Z" rolling over and having to reset their equipment that keeps them in the DATALINK net. (The Z rollover is a reference to the date changing since Zulu time is plus five hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time.) «276.675»
1917: HARASS flight leader reports timber sour a couple of times. Apparently the Z rollover did screw up the DATALINK. «260.9»
1930: HARASS F-15s going for refueling with SKATER 07 on «260.9»
1938: HARASS 35 completes refueling and reports back in the CAP «260.9»
1940: HARASS 36 heading for the tanker now. «260.9»
1955: Have had TROOPER 1 & 8 (MD State Police helos) and Foxtrot 2 (Baltimore City police helo) all with Martin State Tower on «121.3» over the past couple of minutes.
1956: HARASS 35 and 36 still having trouble seeing each other in the net because of that date rollover. «276.675»
2025: HARASS 35/36 mention they'll be done with the CAP and leaving about 9:10 p.m....and a few minutes later mention clouds coming in from the west. (Guess that's our snow moving this way.) «276.675»
2044: HARASS 37/38 about to enter the CAP area and want to head for the tanker before doing anything else «260.9»
2045: HARASS 37 cleared to enter area by GUARD DOG on «288.35»
2045: HARASS 37 is tally the tanker and will stay on primary rather than going to a boom freq «260.9»
2048: SKATER 07 clears HARASS 37 to contact the boom on the left side and 38 on the right «260.9»
2050: HARASS 37 off the boom and 38 cleared in «260.9»
2053: HARASS 38 cleared to the boom, 37 takes his position in the CAP and 35 waves goodbye as he tells HUNTRESS he's RTBing. «260.9»
2054: HARASS 35 contacts GUARD DOG on «288.35» to clear out of the area and RTB Langley.
2055: HARASS 35 checks in with ZDC-Patuxent on «281.4» for his trip to Langley. Then 35/36 go back to «276.675» to chat their way home.
2057: HARASS 35/36 to IRON Ops on «357.1» both report Code 1

2144: HARASS 37 heading for the tanker to refuel. «260.9»
2145: HARASS 37 asks HUNTRESS if they can move the CAP up about 3,000 feet since they are now in the weather at the present assigned altitude. «260.9»
2150: HARASS 37 asks HUNTRESS again if they're processing his request (for higher altitude). HUNTRESS says GUARD DOG is working on it. «260.9»
2152: HARASS 37 cleared off the tanker's boom. «260.9»
2154: HARASS 37 says he'll take FL 230 and 38 can have 220...then the tanker says he can work up at 250 so 37 decides to take FL240 and give 230 to 38. Got it? Got it. «260.9»

2212: And here they go...SKATER 07 to 28,000, HARASS 37 to 27,000 and 38 to 26,000 «260.9» (Only took them a 1/2 hour to get clearance to move up 3,000 feet.)
2247: HARASS 38 heading for the tanker. «260.9»
2258: SKATER 07 is departing the area and heading back to Bangor. «260.9»
(TANKER 04 is on the way - probably from Milwaukee. At 2235 he was talking to Indianapolis Center.)

2312: TANKER 4 into the ara with HUNTRESS and asks if HARASS 37 is still here then asks for squawk codes for 37 and 38. «260.9»
2314: TANKER 4 gets GUARD DOG clearance into the area «135.525»
2324: Looks like they're breaking down the CAP. TANKER 4 reports RTB (and he just got here after a long flight) and HARASS 37/38 also report RTB at 26,000 feet. «260.9»
2327: TANKER 4 has a problem...he's going to be overweight by 60,000 pounds of fuel for going home but says he'll do some creative flying on the way home. «260.9»
2335: Both HARASS 37 and 38 report Code 1 and say they're switching off the CAP primary freq «260.9» and go to «288.35» to clear the area with GUARD DOG and say they'll be flying non-standard formation and are in the soup.
(And now I'm wondering why they'd break down the CAP at this time of night. Would the President head back to the White House at this time of night? Why? To avoid the snow moving into the area which would make the trip more difficult in the morning? Or is something important happening? Nice speculation and that's all it is.)
2338: HARASS flight leader says they're going to switch to 327.0 and do. Report leaving 260 for FL 160. «327.0» (That's a ZDC-Falls Church VA freq)
2342: Hear HARASS 37 weakly as he flies out of the area still calling Washington Center on «327.0» He didn't seem to get any reply to his calls.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TinEar said:
1858: Have a helicopter using callsign NATIONAL 2 (NATURAL 2?) that says he's a police helo off from Annapolis with Andrews Approach on «119.3» Anyone have any idea who this might be? (See Sticky Major Events thread for helo from Dept of Natural Resources for helo traffic there.)

This Press Release from the Department of Natural Resources, "Body of Missing Kayaker Found" , ID's one of their Helicopters as none other than "Natural 2" The DNR Police Aviation section, according to the website is based at the Easton airport.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Great analysis work Chuck. When I heard the callsign, my first instinct was to call it "NATURAL" but that didn't seem to make sense to me so I went with NATIONAL. The lesson is to trust your ears (even if they're made of tin). Thanks yet again Chuck. I've got to say though that's the very first time I've ever heard that DNR helo. He stuck strictly with unit 334 as an ID on his own freq.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thought I'd turn on a scanner while checking my email and find...

1327: BASH 41 flight (F-16, VA-ANG Richmond) to Norfolk TRACON on «370.925» saying they're in a non-standard formation and leveling at FL210.
1328: BASH 41 says, "We'd like to maintain 210 as final if possible." «370.925» Entering (W)-386.
1329: BASH flight using air-to-air tac freq «141.825»
1334: And a second VA-ANG F-16 flight with callsign SLAM on Norfolk TRACON freq «370.925» requesting FL190
1336: SLAM flight using air-to-air tac freq «139.625»
1337: SLAM requests direct W-386 from TRACON «370.925» SLAMs push 249.8
1338: SLAM 61 flight to GIANT KILLER on «249.8» IDs as a flight of four and will be MARSA with BASH.
1342: HUNTRESS freq «234.6» with SLAM 61 aircraft talking about ceiling being 20,000. He then goes up to 35,000 and still talks about ceiling being at 20,000. Apparently, the cloud deck extends from 20K at least up to 35K.
1343-50: SLAM flight leader gives a lot of "Okays" and "Wilcos" to the ground station and nothing more.
1351: So we have the BASH flight on «141.825» and the SLAM flight on «139.625» setting up for some air combat exercises.
They are working at lower altitudes and it has become very difficult to hear the air combat. The 139.625 freq is a little clearer than 141.825 which is almost unreadable.

And now back to my regularly scheduled Sunday afternoon activities....until later.
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Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Baltimore, MD
I accidentally let the Winradio sit on SCAN (no channels, just straight up the frequency band band) while I did MY mail check. I'm now listening to a Canadian talk radio show on 131.330, coming in S9 at times...tropo?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Don't think it would be tropo Spleen - especially on that freq and at that distance considering conditions today. Of course, it could be an aircraft hearing it from up around 40,000 feet and holding a mic open. Other than that, it's difficult to even guess what caused that.

By the way, for those that don't have it from past discussions, the tropo map many of us use that predicts the intensity of the tropo effect on VHF/UHF can be found here:


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Spleen said:
I accidentally let the Winradio sit on SCAN (no channels, just straight up the frequency band band) while I did MY mail check. I'm now listening to a Canadian talk radio show on 131.330, coming in S9 at times...tropo?

Perhaps a Cable TV system "leaking"?? 131.33 would be closest to Channel 16(133.25), which is CSPAN on Comcast Cable in Baltimore..........

{EDIT} I did a little bit of research and found that 131.75 is the audio carrier for Channel 15.....
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Almost certainly that, or perhaps a bit of overloading from a HF or MW station. Either is a possibility. Hearing broadcast stuff in the middle of the VHF civil air band is way out of the ordinary....73s Mike


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Baltimore, MD
I listened for about twenty minutes or so but got no station ID...had to leave, but turned on Scanner Recorder....I'll give the mp3 a listen....


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Baltimore, MD
At about 1700 Eastern (if the time stamp on the mp3 is accurate), the host gives an ID of CBC, a show called Cross Country Check Up, which appears on CBC-1 radio; the web site gives a listing of myriad frequencies AM/FM, satellite, etc. He also mentioned they appear on a Sirius channel, too.

The signal faded slowly over the next hour, to unreadability.

So I guess the source will go unfound... :-(


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
36 degrees...overcast...snow expected to start withing next couple of hours in the BWI area so will expect little MilAir today.

0948: Chopper 4 news helo with Andrews Tower for permission into the area....pilot says apparently someone fell off the water tower on the west side of the field. «118.4»
0951: And another helo (missed ID) says he's flying in trail with Chopper 4. «118.4» (If there's bad news, your news team will be can bet on it.)

1005: PACER 87 (female) reports takeoff time to SAM Command as 1453Z and asks that info be passed to TACC. «141.55»
1015: Sounds like NJ-ANG is up on «138.2» But we've also learned that several other units have used this freq for HUNTRESS operations. However, this guys says he's direct Sea Isle, direct Atlantic City. Callsign BANGER eventually heard.
1017: BANGER 21 flight with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» reports leaving 12,000 for 15,000
1020: BANGER 21 flight switches to ZDC-Millville NJ on «363.0» to 16 and then 19,000
1021: BANGER back to tac «138.2» and say this is noisy so push «138.125» and come up there.
1022: We've also got a DEVIL 11 flight mixed in with the BANGER flight...DEVIL on «363.0» now going up to 19,000
1026: BANGER flight switch to ZNY-Modena NY on «335.6»
1027: BANGER 21 flight switch to ZNY-Big Flat PA on «270.3» going up to FL240
1027: BANGER 21 switches tac freq to «138.875» where they are apparently encountering strong winds. BANGER sounds like a flight of two aircraft.
1030: BANGER 21 switches to ZNY-Big Flat PA on «322.4» FL 240
1033: BANGER 21 flight switches to ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «306.2»
1033: BANGER 22 with ZDC-Sea Isle «285.4»
1033: DEVIL flight on tac «138.875» talk about switching to V-15 (138.425) but one of them says there is currently a flyby happening on that freq and they decide to go to V-18 and determine that is 138.3 so wind up switching there. DEVIL 11 is a flight of two F-16s
1034: Meanwhile, one of the DEVILs goes to SOF on «138.125» to report they are both Code 1
1035: One of the DEVILs goes to get ATIS wx report and comes back with it and also says they'll be landing on runway 31
1036: BANGER flight leader says he understands they are cleared to Slate Run «306.2»
1039: DEVILs push 327.12 while on «138.3» and come up on Atlantic City Approach freq for landing on runway 31 at Atlantic City.
1040: BANGER flight to ZNY-North Mountain PA on «269.1»
1041: WATERBUG 537 (Force Aircraft Test Squadron, Pax River NAS) to GIANT KILLER on «251.6» reports he's at Trident Warrior 05 on the Hummer track. He reports this a couple of times but I have no idea where that is or what it is.
Meanwhile the BANGER flight was talking at the same time about yet another frequency switch and I missed it while paying attention to the WATERBUG transmissions. I also seem to lose contact with the BANGER flight at this point. The flyby that was mentioned by the DEVIL flight might be what the BANGER aircraft are doing but I don't hear a thing on the freq they referenced - 138.425. Looking at all the freq changes the BANGER flight did with ZDC and ZNY, they appear to be flying in a big circle or arc.
1045-50: A pair of helicopters flying around the Aberdeen Range area and working with Phillips AAF on «126.15» and attempting to contact the Range on «248.4» without success.

NOTE: Frequency 257.8 which had been a BWI Tower freq has been changed to BWI Clearance Delivery. Change has been submitted to the database. It would appear this change just happened today. This is one of my programmed freqs (also used for Richmond Tower) and only today is the scanner constantly stopping on it because of the BWI Clearance Delivery traffic.

35.6 degrees at BWI...3-5 inches of snow expected DC area, 2-4 inches Baltimore area...snow beginning early afternoon with heaviest snowfall during evening commute time
1105: Reacquired the BANGER flight using tac freq «138.875» (Heard a couple of transmissions of chat and then nothing more during the next 10 minutes)
1118: BANGERs very weak and about unreadable but active on «138.875» About all I caught was flight leader saying, "At least we accomplished something."
1121: BANGER flight with ZNY-Philipsburg on «338.3» thanking them for the help
1121: BANGER flight with ZNY-Big Flat PA on «322.4» checking in
1121: BANGER flight changes to ZNY-Joliet NJ on «239.05» at FL220
1128: BANGER 21 flight switches to «307.25» and then to ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» to report leaving FL 170 for 140 and direct Atlantic City (307.25 had BANGER calling "Center" but I don't have a listing for that freq.)
1129: BANGER flight is Code 1 for 21 and Code 2 for 22 «138.875» #2 is cleared off by flight leader to report to Ops and to fetch to ATIS report
1131: BANGER 22 to Ops freq «261.0» to report mission status.
1133: BANGER flight cleared down to 8,000 by ZDC-Sea Isle «285.4»
1133: BANGER 22 reports back with ATIS report Golf and says runway 31 is in use. «138.875»
1134: TESTER 19 with BayWatch on «354.8» says he wants to plot a course back to the field.
1138: Have a U/I copter with Andrews Tower on «118.4» wants to go into Andrews and asks, "Has the Big Man left yet?" (Does he mean the President leaving from Andrews?) Anyway, he's cleared to land so there must not be a ramp freeze in effect at the moment.
(The President is scheduled to go to Kernersville NC today to give a speech.)
1157: U/I aircraft, suffix 54, with GIANT KILLER on «125.375» at currently assigned altitude of 230 and requesting 300 when able. Mentions being in the area for 2 hours.
1158: Above aircraft changes request to FL290. «125.375» He keeps talking for the next 2-3 minutes but is unreadable. I know he requested a UHF somewhere in his babbling.

Continued below if necessary....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1202: DEVIL 11 (F-16, NJ-ANG Atlantic City) flight with ZDC-Millville «363.0» going up to FL 230.
1204: DEVIL 11 flight with ZNY-Modena NY on «335.6» checking in at FL230
1206: DEVIL flight to ZNY-Millville NJ on «323.3» at FL 230...leaving 23 for 240.
1207: DEVIL 11 reports in standard formation «323.3» Push 270.3
1208: DEVIL 11 to ZNY-Big Flat PA on «270.3» checking in at FL240.
1209: DEVIL 11 says he wants to proceed to Harrisburg and then Slate Run and says they'll be working in the Duke MOA. (This is where the earlier BANGER flight went also. BANGER didn't mention specifically going to the Duke MOA but mentioned Slate Run.) (The DEVIL flight leader didn't use the initials M.O.A. -- he pronounced it as MOWA.)
1210: DEVIL 11 flight is working tac freq «138.425»
1215: DEVIL 11 flight with ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «306.2» FL 240 and mentions V.M.C. conditions.
1218: DEVIL pair give fuel flow readings «138.425»
1218: DEVIL 11 leaving FL240 for FL200 «306.2»
1219: DEVIL 11 leaving FL200 for FL180 «306.2»
1221: DEVIL 11 with ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «338.3» FL180 (At this point the comms are getting weak from the flight.)

NOTE: While Googling "Duke MOA" it turned up an interesting result. Did you know that, in 1478, the Duke of Clarence drowned in a wine barrel? Isn't the internet wonderful?

1232: JOSA 524 to SAM Command on «378.1» reports takeoff time as 1731Z from Andrews.
1232: Just heard a Cessna 94658 landing at Martin State. That aircraft belongs to Phoenix Aviation whose claim to fame is that they were forced down by a pair of DC-ANG F-16s. If I remember correctly, they were forced to land at Hagerstown Airport when they violated the ADIZ. He lands on runway 33 at 1238. «121.3»
1241: BANGER 21 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) active with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» at FL 7000
1244: BANGER 21 flight leaving 7,000 for 17,000 «285.4»
1245: BANGER 21, flight of two with ZDC-Millville NJ on «363.0» leaving FL170 for 190
1246: BANGER flight using tac freq «138.875»
1247: BANGER 21 with Center on «307.25» at FL190...leaving 190 for 240
1249: BANGER 21 with ZNY-Millville NJ on «323.3» leveling at FL240
1251: BANGER 21 flight with ZNY-Big Flat PA on «270.3» level FL240
1253: BANGER 21 flight changes to ZNY-Big Flat PA on «322.4» FL240
1254: BACKY 91 (KC-135R, 77th ARS Seymour-Johnson AFB) calling Andrews Command Post on «351.9» no reply
1255: BACKY 91 to AFRC Ops and then Andrews CP again on «351.2» with no reply to either.
1256: BANGER 21 flight to ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «306.2» at FL240 (This is the last I heard from the BANGER 21 flight. Although they were higher than the DEVIL flight, I lost them at one check point earlier than the DEVILs.)
1259: BACKY 91 (female) calls AFRC Ops on «143.8» a couple of times.

NOTE: I forgot about the 143.8 freq being AFRC Ops a couple of days ago when Mike mentioned he heard traffic on this freq. AFRC Ops at Andrews is listed in the Airport/Facilities Directory as using both 143.8 and 351.2. We often hear the DC tankers on 351.2.

1300: 35.1 degrees at BWI and overcast, dark skies and snow forecast to begin soon

1302: BACKY 91 calls Andrews Command Post on «378.1» a couple of times with the same result - no reply.
1304: BACKY 91 makes contact with Andrews CP on «378.1» and states they are from Seymour-Johnson coming to Andrews for AFRC training and that they can't make contact on the AFRC freq.
1306: BACKY 91 say's they'll need a parking spot, transportation for the crew and fuel - about 35,000 pounds - and airstairs. «378.1»
1310: WATERBUG 537 to GIANT KILLER on «251.6» says they are 6 miles off Oceana and he's at FL240 and gives his squawk.
1311: JOSA 829 to SAM Command on «141.55» asks Andrews to pass along a departure message that they left Dulles International at 1757Z and will arrive Wright-Patterson at 1900Z. (This is the second time I've heard this flight mention taking off from Dulles. I wonder if it's a regularly scheduled flight?)
1321: DEVIL 11 flight again within listening range on tac freq «138.425» They must have left the Duke MOA and are on the way home.
1326: JOSA 818 to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» IDs as a C-21, tail #40113, expects to be in the blocks at 1845Z and remain on the ground for one hour. He has one D/V Code A-6 to drop off, and will need 300 gallons of gas. He will have 3 seats available for the outbound flight to Andrews.
1329: DEVIL F-16s both report Code 1 and wingman is cleared off to report and get ATIS
1330: DEVIL 12 to Ops on «261.0» where he reports 1 is Code 1 and 2 is now Code 2 (he was code 1 a minute ago) He says they'll be on the ground in about 15 minutes.
1331: DEVIL 12 back to tac «138.425» with ATIS India info and reports they'll be landing on runway 31. DEVIL flight leader reports starting descent into Atlantic City.
1333: DEVIL 11 flight with ZNY-Modena NY on «335.6» push 307.25 (but I don't hear them on that freq)

NOTE: Two freqs were mentioned by both DEVIL and BANGER flights on their trips to/from Atlantic City to the Duke MOA. Both apparently are New York Center (ZNY) freqs and are 299.275 and 307.25. I had neither of those on my list of ZNY freqs.

1338: DEVIL 11 flight with ZDC-Kenton DE on «277.4» reporting descending to 14, reply and calls three more times...then changes radios it sounds like and tries again...still no reply
1339: DEVIL on tac «138.425» says to push button 7 and comes up on ZDC-Sea Isle «285.4» saying they are descending to 8,000. At 1343 they say "push 6"
1343: DEVIL 11 flight to Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» heading for runway 31
(Button U-6 as 327.125 and button U-7 as 285.4 have been confirmed several times for the NJ-ANG F-16s and can safely be listed that way.)
1346: The last gurgle of the DEVIL flight heard at this time on tac «138.425» Place them on the ground or real close to the ground.
1353: BANGER 21 flight coming home using tac «138.875» 1 is Code 1 and 2 is Code 2 for GPS
1353: BANGER 21 flight to ZDC-Kenton DE on «277.4» at FL140. He doesn't seem to get a reply on this freq either...same as DEVIL.
1354: BANGER 22 comes back to tac «138.875» after trying to call Command Post on «261.0» with no joy but does have the ATIS wx and runway 31 as their destination.
1357: BANGER 21 with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» leaving FL 14,000 for 8,000...reports direct Atlantic City. Push 6
1358: BANGER 21 to Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» says it'll be a full stop landing (last transmission from BANGER flight)

NOTE: Since it's currently quiet, let me make a pitch for a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) on all your equipment. I've had a couple of brief power outages here in the past hour. I'm currently running 3 PCs with 6 monitors and a gaggle of scanners. All of them are plugged into one of three UPSs and I had not even a flicker during those two outages. It's great protection for your equipment.

1420: JOSA 654 to SAM Command on «141.55» asking if they have a ramp freeze or have one coming up real soon. Apparently not because he reports he'll be on the ground in about 25 minutes, is A-1, has tail #40119, has an A-5 on board and will have one seat open on the outbound flight and will need about 3,000 pounds of fuel.
1427: TROOPER 17, IDs as a helicopter, landing at Martin State with tower on «121.3» (TROOPERs 9/11/12/15/17 have all been heard recently. I've been told the numbers above 10 are when they ferry helos back and forth for such things as maintenance, etc. but I'm not positive that is correct. TROOPER 9 and 10 should be fixed wing aircraft of the MD State Police.)
I forgot to mention, that about an hour ago I heard a medevac helo clearing into the area with Martin State. He identified with the callsign Lifeguard STAT 13. That probably makes him MedEvac 13 based out of York PA. The Lifeguard designator no doubt means he had a patient on board on the way to a hospital. However, I usually hear these helos ID with the MedEvac callsign rather than just STAT.
1440: The snow is finally starting to fall at my location (near BWI). Martin State Ground Control just reported visibility is down to under 3 miles with snow falling there.
1454: BOLAR 70 (C-5 Dover AFB DE) to Dover Command Post on «349.4» reports 20 minutes out, is A-1, training complete, has one D/V on board.
1456: BOLAR 70 adds a transportation request for their D/V «349.4»

1500: 32 degrees at BWI with snow
1519: JOSA 818 (we heard him at 1326 going into McGuire) with SAM Command on «378.1» will arrive Andrews in 30 minutes, is a C-21 with tail #40113, is dropping off one Space A pax and is picking up a Code plus has 4 seats available for the next destination. He'll be on the ground for approximately one hour and needs a parking spot.
1528: Ramp freeze in effect for Andrews....JOSA 818 calls Andrews on «378.1» and asks how long the ramp freeze will be in effect. If he got an answer, he never replied.
1539: JOSA 818 to Andrews on «378.1» Wants a message passed to C-21 Maintenance that he would like his alcohol anti-ice serviced.
1549-53: JOSA 92 (female) calls McGuire Command Post several times on «319.4» with no reply
1557: JOSA 92 finally makes contact with McGuire and says she's been calling for the past 15 minutes with no reply. She's A-2 with minor writeups.

1600: 30 degees at BWI....BWI reports visibility 1/4 mile with snow and freezing fog.

Shortly after 4 p.m., I'm going to put the BWI traffic up on the webcast and we'll see what kind of mess happens because of the snow. (It's up at 1600.)
The de-icing freq at BWI is in heavy use today....130.175
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2000: REACH 4135 trying to contact McGuire Command Post on «319.4». Someone other than McGuire answers him and REACH says he's still about 100 miles from McGuire which is probably why they don't hear him.
2016: U/I aircraft talking on tanker interplane freq «143.825» apparently can't refuel someone and says if all else fails he'll go back to Bangor. He says he has 7 hours to play with. He's apparently patched through to someone's cell phone because he apologizes for running up the bill. He wants to know when that guy can take off so he'll be at the IP by 0230. He states that hopefully it will work out for them and, if not, he'll just drop into Bangor.
2035: JOSA 067 to Langley Command Post on «251.25» says to show their takeoff time as 0120Z.
2040: Very weak traffic on tanker freq «303.0» Too weak to copy from here.
2112: REACH 938 to SAM Command on «378.1» IDs as a home station C-21 with tail #84-0075. is A-2, arriving Andrews in 20 minutes, no pax to offload, wants them to call maintenance and ground transportation.
2114: CHOP 99 (Unknown - although the callsign could be CHOCK) to Andrews Command Post on «378.1» reports he'll be in the blocks at 0230Z, needs fuel, airstairs, crew transportation for 4 to base ops and needs Customs/Ag to meet the plane.
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