1202: DEVIL 11 (F-16, NJ-ANG Atlantic City) flight with ZDC-Millville «363.0» going up to FL 230.
1204: DEVIL 11 flight with ZNY-Modena NY on «335.6» checking in at FL230
1206: DEVIL flight to ZNY-Millville NJ on «323.3» at FL 230...leaving 23 for 240.
1207: DEVIL 11 reports in standard formation «323.3» Push 270.3
1208: DEVIL 11 to ZNY-Big Flat PA on «270.3» checking in at FL240.
1209: DEVIL 11 says he wants to proceed to Harrisburg and then Slate Run and says they'll be working in the Duke MOA. (This is where the earlier BANGER flight went also. BANGER didn't mention specifically going to the Duke MOA but mentioned Slate Run.) (The DEVIL flight leader didn't use the initials M.O.A. -- he pronounced it as MOWA.)
1210: DEVIL 11 flight is working tac freq «138.425»
1215: DEVIL 11 flight with ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «306.2» FL 240 and mentions V.M.C. conditions.
1218: DEVIL pair give fuel flow readings «138.425»
1218: DEVIL 11 leaving FL240 for FL200 «306.2»
1219: DEVIL 11 leaving FL200 for FL180 «306.2»
1221: DEVIL 11 with ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «338.3» FL180 (At this point the comms are getting weak from the flight.)
NOTE: While Googling "Duke MOA" it turned up an interesting result. Did you know that, in 1478, the Duke of Clarence drowned in a wine barrel? Isn't the internet wonderful?
1232: JOSA 524 to SAM Command on «378.1» reports takeoff time as 1731Z from Andrews.
1232: Just heard a Cessna 94658 landing at Martin State. That aircraft belongs to Phoenix Aviation whose claim to fame is that they were forced down by a pair of DC-ANG F-16s. If I remember correctly, they were forced to land at Hagerstown Airport when they violated the ADIZ. He lands on runway 33 at 1238. «121.3»
1241: BANGER 21 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) active with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» at FL 7000
1244: BANGER 21 flight leaving 7,000 for 17,000 «285.4»
1245: BANGER 21, flight of two with ZDC-Millville NJ on «363.0» leaving FL170 for 190
1246: BANGER flight using tac freq «138.875»
1247: BANGER 21 with Center on «307.25» at FL190...leaving 190 for 240
1249: BANGER 21 with ZNY-Millville NJ on «323.3» leveling at FL240
1251: BANGER 21 flight with ZNY-Big Flat PA on «270.3» level FL240
1253: BANGER 21 flight changes to ZNY-Big Flat PA on «322.4» FL240
1254: BACKY 91 (KC-135R, 77th ARS Seymour-Johnson AFB) calling Andrews Command Post on «351.9» no reply
1255: BACKY 91 to AFRC Ops and then Andrews CP again on «351.2» with no reply to either.
1256: BANGER 21 flight to ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «306.2» at FL240 (This is the last I heard from the BANGER 21 flight. Although they were higher than the DEVIL flight, I lost them at one check point earlier than the DEVILs.)
1259: BACKY 91 (female) calls AFRC Ops on «143.8» a couple of times.
NOTE: I forgot about the 143.8 freq being AFRC Ops a couple of days ago when Mike mentioned he heard traffic on this freq. AFRC Ops at Andrews is listed in the Airport/Facilities Directory as using both 143.8 and 351.2. We often hear the DC tankers on 351.2.
1300: 35.1 degrees at BWI and overcast, dark skies and snow forecast to begin soon
1302: BACKY 91 calls Andrews Command Post on «378.1» a couple of times with the same result - no reply.
1304: BACKY 91 makes contact with Andrews CP on «378.1» and states they are from Seymour-Johnson coming to Andrews for AFRC training and that they can't make contact on the AFRC freq.
1306: BACKY 91 say's they'll need a parking spot, transportation for the crew and fuel - about 35,000 pounds - and airstairs. «378.1»
1310: WATERBUG 537 to GIANT KILLER on «251.6» says they are 6 miles off Oceana and he's at FL240 and gives his squawk.
1311: JOSA 829 to SAM Command on «141.55» asks Andrews to pass along a departure message that they left Dulles International at 1757Z and will arrive Wright-Patterson at 1900Z. (This is the second time I've heard this flight mention taking off from Dulles. I wonder if it's a regularly scheduled flight?)
1321: DEVIL 11 flight again within listening range on tac freq «138.425» They must have left the Duke MOA and are on the way home.
1326: JOSA 818 to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» IDs as a C-21, tail #40113, expects to be in the blocks at 1845Z and remain on the ground for one hour. He has one D/V Code A-6 to drop off, and will need 300 gallons of gas. He will have 3 seats available for the outbound flight to Andrews.
1329: DEVIL F-16s both report Code 1 and wingman is cleared off to report and get ATIS
1330: DEVIL 12 to Ops on «261.0» where he reports 1 is Code 1 and 2 is now Code 2 (he was code 1 a minute ago) He says they'll be on the ground in about 15 minutes.
1331: DEVIL 12 back to tac «138.425» with ATIS India info and reports they'll be landing on runway 31. DEVIL flight leader reports starting descent into Atlantic City.
1333: DEVIL 11 flight with ZNY-Modena NY on «335.6» push 307.25 (but I don't hear them on that freq)
NOTE: Two freqs were mentioned by both DEVIL and BANGER flights on their trips to/from Atlantic City to the Duke MOA. Both apparently are New York Center (ZNY) freqs and are 299.275 and 307.25. I had neither of those on my list of ZNY freqs.
1338: DEVIL 11 flight with ZDC-Kenton DE on «277.4» reporting descending to 14,000...no reply and calls three more times...then changes radios it sounds like and tries again...still no reply
1339: DEVIL on tac «138.425» says to push button 7 and comes up on ZDC-Sea Isle «285.4» saying they are descending to 8,000. At 1343 they say "push 6"
1343: DEVIL 11 flight to Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» heading for runway 31
(Button U-6 as 327.125 and button U-7 as 285.4 have been confirmed several times for the NJ-ANG F-16s and can safely be listed that way.)
1346: The last gurgle of the DEVIL flight heard at this time on tac «138.425» Place them on the ground or real close to the ground.
1353: BANGER 21 flight coming home using tac «138.875» 1 is Code 1 and 2 is Code 2 for GPS
1353: BANGER 21 flight to ZDC-Kenton DE on «277.4» at FL140. He doesn't seem to get a reply on this freq either...same as DEVIL.
1354: BANGER 22 comes back to tac «138.875» after trying to call Command Post on «261.0» with no joy but does have the ATIS wx and runway 31 as their destination.
1357: BANGER 21 with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» leaving FL 14,000 for 8,000...reports direct Atlantic City. Push 6
1358: BANGER 21 to Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» says it'll be a full stop landing (last transmission from BANGER flight)
NOTE: Since it's currently quiet, let me make a pitch for a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) on all your equipment. I've had a couple of brief power outages here in the past hour. I'm currently running 3 PCs with 6 monitors and a gaggle of scanners. All of them are plugged into one of three UPSs and I had not even a flicker during those two outages. It's great protection for your equipment.
1420: JOSA 654 to SAM Command on «141.55» asking if they have a ramp freeze or have one coming up real soon. Apparently not because he reports he'll be on the ground in about 25 minutes, is A-1, has tail #40119, has an A-5 on board and will have one seat open on the outbound flight and will need about 3,000 pounds of fuel.
1427: TROOPER 17, IDs as a helicopter, landing at Martin State with tower on «121.3» (TROOPERs 9/11/12/15/17 have all been heard recently. I've been told the numbers above 10 are when they ferry helos back and forth for such things as maintenance, etc. but I'm not positive that is correct. TROOPER 9 and 10 should be fixed wing aircraft of the MD State Police.)
I forgot to mention, that about an hour ago I heard a medevac helo clearing into the area with Martin State. He identified with the callsign Lifeguard STAT 13. That probably makes him MedEvac 13 based out of York PA. The Lifeguard designator no doubt means he had a patient on board on the way to a hospital. However, I usually hear these helos ID with the MedEvac callsign rather than just STAT.
1440: The snow is finally starting to fall at my location (near BWI). Martin State Ground Control just reported visibility is down to under 3 miles with snow falling there.
1454: BOLAR 70 (C-5 Dover AFB DE) to Dover Command Post on «349.4» reports 20 minutes out, is A-1, training complete, has one D/V on board.
1456: BOLAR 70 adds a transportation request for their D/V «349.4»
1500: 32 degrees at BWI with snow
1519: JOSA 818 (we heard him at 1326 going into McGuire) with SAM Command on «378.1» will arrive Andrews in 30 minutes, is a C-21 with tail #40113, is dropping off one Space A pax and is picking up a Code plus has 4 seats available for the next destination. He'll be on the ground for approximately one hour and needs a parking spot.
1528: Ramp freeze in effect for Andrews....JOSA 818 calls Andrews on «378.1» and asks how long the ramp freeze will be in effect. If he got an answer, he never replied.
1539: JOSA 818 to Andrews on «378.1» Wants a message passed to C-21 Maintenance that he would like his alcohol anti-ice serviced.
1549-53: JOSA 92 (female) calls McGuire Command Post several times on «319.4» with no reply
1557: JOSA 92 finally makes contact with McGuire and says she's been calling for the past 15 minutes with no reply. She's A-2 with minor writeups.
1600: 30 degees at BWI....BWI reports visibility 1/4 mile with snow and freezing fog.
Shortly after 4 p.m., I'm going to put the BWI traffic up on the webcast and we'll see what kind of mess happens because of the snow. (It's up at 1600.)
The de-icing freq at BWI is in heavy use today....130.175