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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2029: REACH 5102 IDs as tail #85-0027 and he's from the 305th Air Mobility Wing at McGuire AFB NJ. The ???? 55 aircraft's tail # is 95-0102 and is from the 437th Air Wing. «341.75»

2032: The aircraft at the Bollen Range are A-10 COLTs from MD-ANG «237.2»
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Nov 26, 2005
I didnt get the refuelling i did hear bits and pieces of a female voice but didnt catch the freq. it was on, its tough to catch it all my radio is a small vr 500 and it scans sooo slow. ahh 341,75 female again... tail number 950102 unit 12??? fadded out, were they they the same as you had refuelling? One was from Mcguire the exchaged unit #s and tail #s reach was a call sigh for the female.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Based on the tail numbers, REACH 5102 is a KC-10 from McGuire and the ???? 55 is a C-17, known as "The Spirit of Long Beach" from Charleston SC.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr Tin have them on AR-20 area primary track freq 341.750.

Also for those who want to find a restricted area like R-5802 in previous post try the FAA
website for warning areas.

Takes some poking site and be sure to check boxes of all altitudes and also try various States option like R-5802 shows on Pa. map but not on main site.
R-5802 Probably Kiowa range which has been active tonite.

Northeast Maryland


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
You have a Winner -- Tail Number 950102 is C-17A "The Spirit of Long Beach" With the 437th AW at Charleston AFB, SC, according to USAF Tailnumber DB.

As Tin put above, Tail Number 85-0027 is a KC-10 Tanker out of Mcguire...

Alan, I think you got the Callsigns reversed, as logically Reach 5102 should be Tail 95-0102 and if you browse the pictures at least one of them even Identify the plane with that callsign...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2042: DC23 (KC-135 Andrews) to LIBERATOR inbound, 25 minutes out, 27K of fuel upon landing, A-3. «351.2»
2051: DC 23 with Andrews tower on «118.4» He's going to do a couple of touch and goes on runway 1R before landing.
2053: COLTs are still at Bollen on «237.2» but things are sure winding down now from an extremely busy MilAir evening.
2101: DC 23 says he's 5 minutes from a full stop «351.2»
2116: COLT, flight of three A-10s, landing at Martin State on Tower freq «297.2»
2123: DC 24 to LIBERATOR arriving Andrews in 15 minutes with 35,000 pounds of fuel on board. «351.2»

You know Chuck, that's been nagging at me since I first heard them. The female voice was the C-17 with tail 95-0102 but it seemed she was using the callsign/55 and he was the REACH. It didn't make sense that a KC-10 would be using a REACH callsign but their comms made it sound that way - and I ran with it all through the conversation - wrongly apparently.
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Nov 26, 2005
Wow! thats neat, you can find all that online as you listen, its all I can do to try and hear them for now...thanks for sharing that I will add it to my favorites! I better log of of hear before the wife puts me and the scanner out in the snow.. Good nite everyone thanks.

Salisbury Md


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
McGuire Kc-10's use REACH callsigns when they are on duel missions sometimes.
KC-10's can carry cargo and deliver fuel at same time.
McGuire usually uses 4 digit abbrev tail number as REACH callsign
ex: (Tail# 85-0027 is REACH 5027) but can deliver fuel at same time if needed.
We are lucky to have then in our area..Only other KC-10 base is Travis Ca and they mostly hit the Pacific areas.In all my years of listening have heard very few Travis KC-10's out here unless it is a large trans-Atlantic aircraft drag and then they use callsign GOLD or BLUE.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Agree with all of that Mark. The mixup came because of the way they used their calls. It happens on the police/fire freqs too. If you hear..."34, 52" that 52 calling 34 or is it 34 calling 52? Traditionally, the callsign of the person doing the calling comes last but many don't do it that way including those two aircraft tonight. In every case, the one doing the calling put their own call first. It's such a simple thing to get right but it has been screwing up communications forever to listeners. The people doing the calling and receiving know who is who so they're not confused. Only us...okay, only confused sometimes by that format. And when I get to be the grand poobah of the radio spectrum, I'll fix it. That's definitely a LOL.

2146: And out of nowhere, there are more aircraft at the Warren Grove Range on «283.1»
2151: And also at Bollen Range on «237.2» These are FLYER and UGLY A-10s from the PA-ANG at Willow Grove talking to range controller BALKY.
2156: Have fighter A/A on «138.5» which are the aircraft working Warren Grove on «283.1» but no callsign heard yet.
2201: FLYER 01, single A-10, with ZNY-Joliet on «239.05» direct to Willow Grove.
2202: UGLY tells BALKY he's leaving the range also «237.2»
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Agree they are at Warren Grove Mark but the 237.2 guys are FLYER/UGLY at Bollen and the 138.5 tac goes with the guys on 283.1 at Warren Grove.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yup...the actual range is named Bollen Range and it's within the Kiowa MOA. I never did hear the callsign of the guys at Warren Grove though and I just realized when you said "WG" you meant Willow Grove, not Warren Grove. It's been a long day.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Yeah did hear traffic on 283.100 but not sure what that was.. Never thought about confusing WG with Warren grove.. sorry about that.

WG CP now active 343.00


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Overnight low temp 21...currently 31 and mostly sunny at BWI Airport

0900 hour had a pair of F-16s from the DC-ANG, callsign SCARY, in air combat missions with a simulated HUNTRESS controller. They used squadron tac freq «127.275» for their work. When finished, they cleared out of BayWatch area on «270.8», went to Reagan TRACON on «270.275» and then to Andrews Tower on «349.0» for landing at 1003.
Meanwhile, there are several Navy fighters in the BayWatch area...TESTER 00 (zero zero) entered on BayWatch freq «354.8» at 0957. There is also a pair of Navy fighters on BayWatch freq «256.5» performing various flight maneuvers around the 1000 hour - they turn out to be TESTER 21 and TESTER 00.
MUSSEL 1 and 6 are both up on the 1st Helo Squadron freq «292.2» 6 reported he was over Annapolis and 1 over Freeway.
1016: TESTER 21 finishes his work and is going home but TESTER 00 is staying in his area for more work and still using «256.5»
1018: JOSA 328 arriving at Andrews. He's a home station C-21 with a D/V A-4 plus 1, needs crew transportation for 2 and is in A-1 status. He'll be there in 25 minutes «141.55»
1021: A SALTY DOG 205 aircraft with Pax River on «250.3» describes himself as a T-45. The T-45 cockpit...

1029: SALTY DOG 205 descending to 3500 and going home «250.3
1036: TESTER 21 again...checking in at 8,000 with Pax River on «250.3»
1037: DRAGO 51 (USAF memorial flyover callsign)with Reagan TRACON on «348.725»
1038: DRAGO 51 to Andrews TRACON on «335.5» reports direct Nottingham...then says he expects to be handed off to TRACON 279.575
1040: DRAGO 51, flight of four - one of them is a female - 6 miles north of Nottingham «279.575»
1042: DRAGO 51 says flight is flying 10 mile legs with right hand turns at 3,000 feet. «279.575»
1043: Have a BLUETAIL (E2C, VAR-121, Norfolk NAS, backend callsign) talking with ZEUS (an apparent ground station) about a track number that is unknown. «280.6» (That's a new freq for me.) The activity continues for the next several minutes talking about various tracks.
1045: DRAGO 51 says they will do a missing man "pull" and the female pilot, DRAGO 53, will ascend to 5,000 feet and sets a different squawk than the rest of the flight. «279.575»
1049: DRAGO 51 flight leader talks to DRAGO 2 on «279.575» (DRAGO 2 was a photographer the last time the DRAGOs did a flyover of Arlington National Cemetery and, apparently, that's his role again.)
1051: DRAGO 51 reports they are ready to start the initial. «279.575»
1051: DC 31 (KC-135, 756th ARS Andrews AFB MD) to LIBERATOR to report he was airborne at 1548Z from Andrews. «351.2»
1057: BLUETAIL reports to ZEUS that he'll be off station in 1 hour, 20 minutes to RTB «280.6»
1058: DRAGO 51 coordinating again with DRAGO 2. «279.575» (I don't hear DRAGO 2 which was the same the last time they flew.)
1059: DRAGO 51 tells Potomac TRACON to cancel IFR «279.575» (And that's exactly what 51 called him - Potomac TRACON - just in case there was any doubt about who this freq belongs to.)

1101: DRAGO 51 wants confirmation the DRAGO 53 is cleared for altitude block 5-9. «279.575» 51 then tells DRAGO 2 he confirms SOF at 1115.
1108: BLUETAIL still talking with ZEUS about various track numbers on his scope «280.6»
1109: DRAGO 51 tells Potomac he'd like to climb up to 5500 feet to save a little gas. «279.575» (I can't seem to find a tac freq for these DRAGO fighters. They don't seem to be using any of the DC-ANG tac freqs.)
1110: DRAGO 51 tells DRAGO 2 that his #4 man is running low on gas and they can't do too many more changes. «279.575»
1112: BLUETAIL mentions frequency 384.55 to ZEUS but I don't know in what context it was used since I can't hear ground station ZEUS. «280.6»
1114: DRAGO 51 reports they'll descend down to 3500 «279.575»
1114: BLUETAIL says he isn't getting anything on 384.55 «280.6» (I hear nothing on that freq either)
1116: DRAGO 51 reports leaving IP «279.575»
1116: DRAGO tac freq is «140.975» (This is another new one for me and might just mean that these are not DC-ANG F-16s - or maybe it simply means they picked a new freq for all their chat.)
1117: DRAGOs are talking about it being a little bumpy out here at that altitude «140.975»
1119: DRAGO 51 reports "feet wet" «279.575»
1121: DRAGO 51 tells 53 she can talk directly to Potomac «140.975»
1121: She does. She wants vectors to rejoin the formation after doing her missing man maneuver. (Does anyone else find it ironic that a "female" is doing the missing "man" maneuver?) «279.575»
1122: DRAGO 53 reports visual with the formation «279.575»
1124: DRAGO 51 says they'll take (runway) 1L if available. «279.575»
1124: DRAGO 51 reports visual the field and cancels IFR and says they'll go direct to tower and says to push 349. «279.575»
1125: DRAGO 51 tells tower they are 4-ship formation for left runway. «349.0»
1125: One of the DRAGOs reports wx for Andrews to the rest of the flight on tac «140.975»
NOTE: Looking at the Arlington National Cemetery website, the only USAF funeral I could find for today was an Air Force major at 11:15 which fits for this schedule.
1127: DRAGO 51 reports they'll take the active (runway) «349.0»
1128: BLUETAIL still talking about various tracks he observes on his scope. «280.6»
1130: Last of the "gear down, full stop" reports to Tower on «349.0» by the DRAGOs. All apparently on the ground. The only way we'll know who these guys (and gal) were will be if we catch a flight of fighters departing Andrews sometime later today or tomorrow. Their terminology was a bit different than normal but not so much as to make them "outsiders." The tac freq was unusual and DC-ANG fighters almost always ask to land on 1R or 19L. This flight toook 1L and was happy with it.
1138: PACER 27 tells SAM Command on «378.1» that she was airborne (from Andrews) at 28 past the hour.
1144: TESTER 14 with Pax river on «123.7»
1147: REACH 2240, IDs as a single C-130 arriving at Dover in 15 minuttes, is A-1, offloading 6 pallets, zero pax and needs 17,000 pounds of fuel. Says it will be a gas and go stop only. «349.4» Dover Command Post
1149: JOSA 817 to SAM Command on «378.1» reports airborne from Andrews at 1646Z.
1154: REACH 2240 gets parking spot C-3 at Dover «349.4»
1156: Blue Angel 7, reports as a "single ship this morning" looking for left runway at Andrews with Reagan TRACON on «269.0»...then reports field in sight.
1159: Blue Angel 7 landing at Andrews with Tower on «349.0» He reports it'll be a full stop landing.

Continued below if necessary....
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