Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
33 degrees and partly sunny at BWI at noon

1211: BLUETAIL reports to ZEUS that it's time for him to RTB. He says he can stay in the net for another 15 minutes but will start his RTB now. «280.6»
1212: BLUETAIL tells ZEUS he hopes they were able to provide him some good help with their work today. They were obviously testing a DATALINK and trying to follow various tracks that ZEUS put up for him. «280.6»
1214: Have a SHERIFF 1 with Andrews Approach on «119.3» (Whose sheriff department has an aircraft in this area - probably Northern Virginia area since I know of none in Maryland?)
1222: BLUETAIL tells ZEUS "we can leave it on until we get a little further south." I guess he means whatever piece of equipment they were testing. «280.6» (This was the last transmission heard from BLUETAIL.)
1227: TARA 97 (Unk) coming into Andrews...says he'll be there in 23 minutes. «141.55» Gives his tail # as 09001 which is also what he reported when he came here on 10/13/05 under the TARA 91 callsign. The following is from Joe Baugher's website:
A Boeing 757 was photographed at Capetown AP, South Africa Aug 3, 2003,apparently unmarked except for the 'tail number' (actually carried on the rear fuselage) '09001' (which may be 00-9001 or may be spurious). Plane with same tail number seen at Stuttgart, Athens, Naples, central Asia, Sofia, Helsinki in Nov 2003. Seen at Edmonton, Alberta May 2005. Aircraft allegedly operated in support of US State Dept's Foreign Emergency Support Team.
1231: DC-ANG F-16s active on tac «127.275» Callsign WILD, flight of two.
1231: PACER 24 with Andrews Approach on «119.3»
1232: BOBCAT 2 with ZDC-Patuxent on «281.4» heading for Andrews
1233: WILD 1 with ZDC-Paatuxent on «281.4» at 15,000 ...push 305.2
1235: WILD 1 flight with BayWatch on «270.8» they want surface to 20,000
1238: WILD push 344.4 (which is a BayWatch freq) «127.275»
1238: WILD 1 says they are 13 out «344.4»
1240: WILD 1 says gear up speed is 240 knots...WILD 2 mentions high winds. «127.275»
1242: WILD 1 says with those winds he doesn't have enough energy...WILD 2 says, "I'd expect that with the gear down and I still don't have mine down." «127.275» (Are they landing at Pax River?)
1251: U/I female pilot (sounds like a fighter and I just can't catch her callsign) leaving Andrews at 1K, then 3K then cleared to 11K at 1253. Working Reagan TRACON «257.2» She requests Uniform freq.
1254: She's cleared to Gordonsville «257.2»
1256: She then goes to ZDC-Bucks Elbow Va on «284.7» thru FL210. Her suffix is 94 but still can't get the callsign.
1259: Well, the WILD flight didn't land at Pax River...they're still flying around the Pax River area using tac «127.275» Doing air combat exercises.

1305: DEVIL 11 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» mention direct Richmond
1305: BOLAR 50 with Dover Command Post on «349.4» arriving Dover in 15 minutes and has writeups.
1307: That suffix 94 female still doing her thing on «284.7» and will push 351.9
1308: Sure enough, she comes up on «351.9» with ZDC-Green Bay VA checking in and I stilll can't catch her callsign. Along the way, she mentioned direct Greensboro.'s break time....I currently have six scanners going and every one of them is full of activity...can't possibly keep up with it and the noise is driving me outside to enjoy the cold, clear air. Be back in a bit.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Was the DRAGO flight perhaps for a Pearl Harbor Memorial Ceremony? Normally only General officers get the Flybys at Arlington.

Edit to add-- I updated the Potomac TRACON wiki Page with 279.575 as KDCA "Discrete for Arlington Cemetery Fly-bys"
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
No idea Chuck. They never said. I agree that majors don't get memorial flyovers but he was all I could find on their website. Do they do the "missing man" maneuver for anything but a dead comrade?
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Okay...back at it...currently 33 degrees at BWI and partly sunny

1423: FLASH 71 (F-15 Langley) into GIANT KILLER's area on «249.8»
1423: Langley's tac freq «358.85» active
1426: FLASH 73 to GK on on «238.1» change to 361.3
1427: FLASH 73 to GK on «361.3» FLASH to 249.8
1428: FLASH 73 to GK on «249.8» reports as a flight of two
1430: Langley's IRON Ops active on «357.1»
1431: Have what sounds like HOVER 11, first on ZDC «256.8» and then into GK's area using «238.1» saying they'll be MARSA with FLASH.
1443: SLUG 1 (Maybe E2C from VAW-78 Norfolk NAS) into GK's area «238.1» says he'll be MARSA with MILLER (F-15 Langley)

NOTE: The VHF band (and UHF to a lesser degree) is very noisy and full of static today - so much so that it's not fun to listen to the scanners. So I won't. No logging unless I hear something really worthy. I have no idea what might be "worthy" but, like obscenity, I'll know it when I hear it. (With apologies to Justice Potter Stewart)

Rest of the afternoon stayed busy with Langley, VA/NJ/DC/MD/PA ANG units all active along with a steady stream of transports to Andrews/McGuire/Dover AFBs.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Looks like we're going to have some night activity again...

Mid 1900 hour finds a couple of NJ-ANG F-16 flights active. An AERO flight is working «138.875» and a BICEP flight is on «138.425». Both freqs have two aircraft each. Sounds like both pairs are in the Pax River Range and are attacking targets of opportunity on the ground.
There is also some activity on Langley tac freq «233.525» that I'm still trying to figure out. Callsign is DEFT which has been F-15s in the past but this might just be F/A-22s.
1940: A pair of A-10s from the MD-ANG at Martin State active on «142.3»
1947: AERO to Command Post on V-1 «138.125» reports both Code 1 and 15 minutes out.
1949: AERO 21 flight direct to Atlantic City with ZDC-Kenton on «277.4»
1949: U/I flight into GIANT KILLER's area on «238.1» using altitudes A-J for one hour. Langley fighters. Say they'll be using flares during the training. Push Prime 15 (Probably CAVE)
1949: COLT (A-10 MD-ANG) in Pax River area using «314.0»
1951: AERO 21 flight leaving 17 for 14,000 and is in non-standard formation, 2 mile trail
1953: Warren Grove Range active on «283.1»
1954: AIRGUN 91 flight into GK's area using «249.8» Say they'll be with CAVE (F-15 Langley)
1958: AIRGUN 91 working with CAVE and will be using orange flares «249.8» Push Prime 14
1959: COLT 1 into R-4006 to work with WARDOG (All A-10s MD-ANG) in the northern part of the zone....with BayWatch on «354.8»

2000: GK's ops freq «292.3» active with one of those Langley fighter groups
2001: MD-ANG tac freq «140.0» active...they call this freq "5"
NOTE: I checked the airways chart for the route the aircraft take when they go from this area to the Duke MOA. One of their reporting points was Slate Run. When at that point, they are in the Cleveland Center (ZOB) control area.
2016: The BICEP flight is still doing ground attack exercises in this area. «138.425» The AERO flight already returned to Atlantic City.
2018: Langley's tac freq «233.525» active again.
2020: BICEP flight heading back to Atlantic City with ZDC-Snow Hill on «256.8»
2021: COLT and WARDOG flights with BayWatch on «270.8»
2023: BICEP flight to ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» currently at 11,500 flight level
2026: BICEP flight reports active runway at Atlantic City is 31. «138.425»
2027: BICEP flight switching to Atlantic City Approach «285.4» on button 6
2028: BICEP flight to Atlantic City Approach on Button 6 or «327.125» at 11,500 going into runway 31.
2031: STEEL 73 (KC-135 PA-ANG Pittsburgh)to Steel Control on «311.0» 25 minutes out, A-2
2033: CHOPPER 4 (TV channel 4 in DC) to Andrews Tower on «118.4» saying he's following a high speed chase.
[[Hmmm...high speed chase near DC...A-10s are about 30 seconds away in ground attack exercises anyway....if it were up to me....]]
2044: COLT/WARDOG still doing their ground attack exercises in the Pax River area using «142.3/270.8/281.8»
2045: DEFT fighters from Langley on «233.525» talking about winds aloft of 190 knots and they've never seen winds like that except over the desert.
2058: DEFT fighters to GK on «249.8» report time to RTB ...then back to tac «233.525»

2105: A-10s coming home to Martin State...working Raven Ops on «347.2» There are also a pair of RAVENs along with the COLTs and WARDOG.
2114: One of the COLT A-10s is Code 3 with a hung BDU under his wing. «347.2»
2119: Have fighter tac freq «138.3» active...probably A-10s from the PA-ANG Willow Grove

You were close Jack.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
27 degrees and mostly sunny at 10 a.m. at BWI
Moving around this morning but while on the go heard the following:

1015: Northrup Grumman freq «123.225» active with 2 aircraft
1016: VA-ANG tac freq «141.6» active
1016: VA-ANG tac «141.825» active with a flight of 3 F-16s
1017: BayWatch freq «354.8» active...Langley fighter at FL250
1044: Same aircraft at BayWatch will RTB «354.8»
1046: Same aircraft with SPAD Ops on «364.125» reports Code 1
1049: SALTY DOG 123/124 active on BayWatch freq «270.8»
1049: Langley tac freq «252.775» active with same fighter as above
1051: FORCE 40 (KC-10 McGuire AFB NJ) with McGuire Command Post on «319.4»
1051: COSMIC 45 with HUNTRESS on «260.9» CAP?
1053: SALTY DOG 121 with Norfolk TRACON on «370.925»

1105: PA-ANG A-10s active on «138.3»
1133: ?POISON? 91 with Reagan TRACON «257.2» apparently out of Andrews. (If the callsign is really POISON, they are T-38s from Columbus AFB OH.)
1135: ?POISON? 91, flight of three, with ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA FL180 to FL210...then cleared to FL260
1138: COSMIC 45 told to go to 364.8 for radio check «260.9»
1139: COSMIC 45 to HUNTRESS for radio reply. «364.8» However, this freq also belongs to ZNY-North Mountain PA
1139: COSMIC 45 says no joy on 364.8 to HUNTRESS on «260.9»
1144: COSMIC 45 with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» (Apparently CAP is done)
1144: Langley tac freq «238.825» active. Pair of fighters talking about high winds aloft again today.
1145: POISON 91 direct Greensboro «284.7» push 351.9 (Confirm callsign as POISON)
1146: POISON 91 with ZDC-Green Bay VA on «351.9» reports FL260 direct Greensboro.
1149: Langley tac freq «276.675» talking about using flares.
1151: JOSA 232 to SAM Command on «141.55» C-21, tail #40100, A-1, needs 3500 pounds of fuel, dropping off 2 pax, no D/Vs...will have 2 seats available on the outbound leg to Wright-Patterson and will depart Andrews at 2145Z. They were supposed to go into Scott earlier but couldn't get in there (didn't explain why).
1153: Pair of fighters on HUNTRESS freq «234.6»

1203: Pair of F-16s into GIANT KILLER's area on «238.1» will be in area for 45 minutes and will include air refueling in AR-636. (Wasn't on the freq in time to catch the callsign)
1205: Langley tac freqs «358.85» and «228.175» both active.
1206: DC 42 (KC-135 Andrews AFB MD) reports airborne «351.2»
NOTE: Have you ever noticed that while scanning sometimes you hit every transmission at the beginning and can hear the callsigns - and other days you always come upon a freq when the transmission is half over and miss any callsign given? Today is the second type. It's frustrating because there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
1208: REACH 2098 calling Andrews Command Post on «378.1» No reply.
1210: The HUNTRESS «234.6» freq is a pair of F-16s based on terminology. They are in air combat missions.
1215: JOSA 568 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» wants his departure time from KTTN reported to G2 as 1708Z. He's a C-21, tail #40076 (KTTN is Trenton Mercer Airport)
1218: Langley F-15 fighters using callsign AIRGUN are the aircraft on tac freq «228.175»
1225: DC-ANG F-16s, callsign SCARY active on tac «143.15» Two F-16s
1226: SCARY 1 flight with Reagan TRACON on «348.725» Push U-7
1226: SCARY 1 flight on U-7 «281.4» with ZDC-Patuxent checking in. Looking for a handoff to Patuxent. Push 305.2
1227: SCARY 1 to Pax GCA on «305.2» report at FL150
1228: SCARY 1 to BayWatch on «354.8» for 45 minutes in the airspace at R-6609.
1231: HUNGRY flight (F-15 Langley) with IRON Ops on «357.1»
1239: KICK 71 (F-15 Langley) flight of three with IRON Ops on «357.1» They were in GK's area earlier on 249.8. They were KICK 71/73 in one flight and KICK 72 in another flight.
1240: KICK flight to Langley SOF on «383.2»
1241: JOSA 144 to Langley Command Post on «251.25» reports he's a C-21, Tail #40118, 25 minutes out from Langley, A-1, needs 4,000 pounds of fuel and his proposed departure time is 2000Z.
1245: PACK 20 (KC-135 NH-ANG Pease AFB) calling Dover Command Post on «349.4» He wants them to place a call back to their base ops to let them know they are about 15 minutes late to their destination.
1255: DC-ANG F-16 flight on tac «127.275» Callsign WILD, flight of three

NOTE: Now that I've had time to digest a couple of pieces of activity...note the flight of the lone fighter aircraft yesterday at 1251 that used suffix 94. It was a lone female pilot flying out of Andrews and leaving the area. I never could manage to decipher the callsign. Then, this morning, starting at 1133, I had the flight of three aircraft in the POISON 91 flight leaving Andrews. They flew the same route out of Andrews and along the ZDC check points that the 94 aircraft did yesterday. I think this was all part of the same flight of four aircraft that were at Andrews yesterday to do the memorial flyover using the DRAGO 51-54 callsigns - that also included one female pilot. POISON belongs to T-38s from the 14th Flying Training Wing, Columbus AFB OH.

Continued below....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1305: WILD, flight of three F-16s, into GK's area using «255.0» at FL210
1306: PACK 20 finally gets a reply to his message request from Dover. «349.4»
1308: SCARY flight coming home from the Pax River area. They are heading for runway 1R. «143.15»
1310: SCARY flight clears out of BayWatch area using «281.8» push 270.27(5)
1311: SCARY flight to Reagan TRACON on «270.275» Push U-4
1312: SCARY flight on U-4 for landing «349.0» on runway 1R.
1313: DEVIL 11 (F-16s NJ-ANG Atlantic City) flight with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4»
1314: DEVIL 11 flight using tac «138.875»
1315: DC 41 (KC-135 Andrews) to LIBERATOR on «351.2» reports 25 minutes out, A-1 and will have about 50K on the fuel upon landing.
1320: SPACE 1 (C-135, 552nd ACW, Tanker AFB OK)to SAM Command reports takeoff time from Andrews at 1810Z and wants that passed to TACC
1322: WILD flight leader tells GK they're leaving this freq «255.0» and will be working on 337.225
1323: DEVIL flight leader says he just got a "cease mission message from HUNTRESS." «138.875»
1324: DEVIL 11 with ZNY-North Mountin PA «269.1» push 273.6
1324: BANGER wants Center to repeat msg...ZNY-North Mountain PA «273.6» push 372.0
1325: DEVIL 11 flight with ZNY-N. Mountain «273.6»
1326: BANGER flight with ZNY-Sayre PA on «372.0» checking in
1328: OPEN SKIES 12 FOXTROT (OC-135, NATO compliance aircraft, 24th Recon, Offutt AFB NE) to SAM Command on «378.1» reports arriving Andrews 1845Z, needs parking spot, stairs and 15K fuel.
1329-34: OPEN SKIES 12F trying to contact SAM Command with no joy on «378.1»
1335: OPEN SKIES 12F finally makes contact again with SAM Command on «378.1» and repeats his requests from above and says he's now only 10 minutes out and will land at 1845Z.
1340: MUSSEL 07 landing Andrews «118.4»
1341: WILD flight back in listening range on tac «127.275»
1343: Martin State Ground Control mentions there are delays and closings at northern New Jersey airports...specifically mentions Newark, Teterboro, reason given. «121.8/253.4» NOTE: Ground control at Martin simulcasts most transmissions on both freqs when in a clearance delivery mode.
1347: WILD flight heading back to Andrews «127.275» heading for runway 1R.
1348: Raven Ops «347.2» talking to aircraft on the ground...guess we're getting ready for an A-10 flight soon.
1351: The Northrup Grumman flight has been working for the past hour or so in the BayWatch area on freq «291.15»
1358: PAT 948 calling Langley Command Post several times with no joy. «251.25»

1400: WILD, flight of 3, with Reagan TRACON on «270.275» 4,000, heading for runway 1R...field in sight at 1402.
1401: WILD to Andrews Tower «349.0» this is U-4. Heading for 1R.
1402: JOSA 521 reports takeoff from Andrews at 1856Z «141.55»
1409: PAT 948 to Langley NASA Ops on «310.4» He describes himself as an Army Reserve C-12 and would like a freq for Langley Base Ops, the Air Force side. He makes that same request a couple of times and a minute later says..."Okay." Don't know if he got his freq or not.
1415: VA-ANG tac freq «141.825» active. They mention letting Navy Ops know they're coming. No further info to support that though.
1417: At least three MD-ANG A-10s have taken off from Martin State Airport and are on tac «142.3»
1418: Boeing test flight freq «321.7» is active.
1420: PAT 472 to Andrews Command Post on «141.55» reports 20 minutes out, 3 pax to dropoff, senior pax is an S-3, no services needed other than trans for pax...tail #50101.
1421: PAT 556 calling Andrews Command Post several times on «141.55» with no reply.
END OF REPORT...gotta leave for a bit.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Tin wrote> SPACE 1 (C-135, 552nd ACW, Tanker AFB OK)to SAM Command reports takeoff time from Andrews at 1810Z <

I caught SPACE 1 also on tape and that particular aircraft was C-21 # 84-0107.
Probably headed home to Peterson AFB Colorado,home of the 21 SW (Space Wing)
Seems to be in and out of Andrews several times in last Month.

Good catch on that Open Skies aircraft,probably headed overseas soon to take some pics for
the State Dept or coming home.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
29 degrees now at BWI airport and snow on the way in a few hours...a few flurries now to the west of Baltimore and across the southern counties of PA.

Scanner back on at 1900 and...
1900: NJ-ANG F-16s doing ground attack and it sounds like they're in the Pax River Range area in southern Maryland. They're using tac «138.425» and sounding great. Buddy lase attack at the moment. Callsign BICEP, flight of two.
1906: Bollen Range in the Kiowa MOA active on «237.2» COLT A-10s from Martin State MD-ANG are working there along with WARDOG (OA-10)
1907: Tanker interplane «139.875» active
1907: NJ F-16s working with a ground based FAC «138.425»
1912: AERO 21 (F-16, NJ-ANG Atlantic City) flight in BayWatch area on «270.8» He's at 16,000. He also mentions he's going to have to refuel with FORCE 47 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) when the BICEP aircraft finish tanking - which they are apparently doing right now.
1914: BICEP 2 is tally-ho the tanker «138.425»
1914: DC-ANG F-16s from Andrews are up and using tac «139.15» Flight of four. Callsign ANGRY. Also had them briefly with TRACON on «269.0»
1916: AERO 21 wants to ascend from FL210 up to FORCE 47 with the BICEP flight
1917: AERO and BICEP say they are going to use BayWatch's «354.8» as the primary refueling freq...and are doing that very thing.
1917: BICEP 1 tells 2 he's cleared to the left wing of the tanker. «138.425»
1918: TRACON freq «348.725» has the ANGRY flight for a moment. as they head for the runway at Andrews.
1918: FORCE 47 boom operator talking to the BICEPs on «354.8»
1925: Refueling freq «228.0» active.
1925: BICEPs just finishing refueling «138.425» and heading back to the target area around Vienna (MD)
1930: BACKY 42 (KC-135 Seymour-Johnson AFB) on refuleing freq «228.0»
1931: AERO flight now being refueled by FORCE 47 on «354.8»
1934: Probably a mistake but the COLT A-10 on «237.2» is calling GIANT KILLER rather than BALKY.
1938: FORCE 47 tells BayWatch he's finished his refueling of four flights (BICEPs and AEROs), wants 25,000 and asks for direct Salisbury, direct Atlantic City.
1939: AERO calling WARHAWK on tac «138.425» One of the BICEP aircraft is playing the part of WARHAWK.
1941: AERO flight changes control channel with BayWatch from «354.8» to «270.8»
1941: WARHAWK asks AERO 21 if he's familiar with Vienna...yes, is the WARHAWK tells him to standby for targetting info. «138.425»
1943: WARHAWK tells AERO to work V-15 which is this channel «138.425» and contact SMOKY. SMOKY is also one of the BICEPs.
1948: AERO/BICEP flights decide "U" freq should be «354.8» and go there for a comm check and then right back to tac «138.425» for ground attack exercises.
1954: Have a ROCCO tanker (KC-135 McGuire) with ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «338.3»
1956: Two tankers, using suffix 47 and 49 talking on tanker interplane freq «139.875»
1957: FORCE 47 calling GIANT KILLER on «135.725»
1958: FORCE 47 tells GK he's going into W-107 and meet up with OPEC 49 (KC-10 McGuire AFB NJ). «135.725»
1959: The tankers on interplane «139.875» are trying to meet up so they can get some training time in.

2001: FORCE 47 tells GK he just found out he's going to be the tanker (rather than the receiver) and needs altitude 26,000 «135.725» FORCE 47 and OPEC 49 are the two tankers mentioned earlier on interplane freq using just 47 and 49.
2003: FORCE 47 at FL260 «135.725»
2004: FORCE 47 and OPEC 49 are trying to meet up in W-107 off the coast of Atlantic City. «139.875»
2006: AERO and BICEP flights still having a tremendous amount of fun (and training and work) blasting the hell out of various buildings and cars around Vienna. «138.425»
2010: The AERO/BICEP flights were tracking a car they were going to take out...instead the car pulled into a gas station so they are rushing to take out the gas station along with the car. «138.425» They're having great fun.
2011: Three A-10 COLT aircraft coming home to Martin State with Raven Ops on «347.2» All Code 1
2014: AERO/BICEP joint mission done...AEROs back to V-17 on «138.875» and the BICEP flight stays on «138.425» as they turn for home.
2017: AERO 21 flight to ZDC-Sea Isle «285.4» at 9500 flight, two F-16s, direct ACY (Atlantic City)
2020: AEROs are going to use thier burners to use up some fuel before landing «138.875»
2021: Both AERO 21 and BICEP 11 flights with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» getting ready for final approach to runway 31.
2022: AERO 21 says if he can't burn off enough fuel by the time he gets to the runway, he'll do some 360s «138.875»
2022: COLT flight gear down, full stop landing on runway 33 at Martin State with tower on «297.2»
2026: FORCE 47 and OPEC 49 hooked up and starting refueling maneuvers «139.875»
2027: DC tanker (KC-135 Andrews) says he'll be on the ground about 5 after the hour and is A-1. He wants parking over on the 89th side and wants to make sure they've been advised so they'll have a ride back after they land. «351.2» Didn't give suffix while I was listening. (Turns out to be DC 44)
2033: REACH 9016 calling Dover Command Post on «349.4» no reply
2034: DC 44 to LIBERATOR on «351.2» arriving 30 minutes, A-2, 50K on the fuel. (Same acft as above) Also says he should call SAM Command since he's landing on their side.
2035: REACH 9016 to Dover says he has 12 pax, offloading 8 of them, needs trans for them and a crew bus and wants info on upload and configuration of the load.
2036: DC 44 to SAM Command on «378.1» talking about parking on the 89th side and wants a parking spot. He also says he's a (KC-)135.
2038: RAVEN 1 (A-10, MD-ANG Martin State Airport) to Raven Ops on «143.8» 5 minutes out, Code 1
2042: DC 44 with Andrews Tower on «118.4» doing a touch and go or two before landing.
2043: OPEC 49 to GIANT KILLER on «255.0» about getting a clearance in the system. He wants to go from his present position to MANDA, COYLE, McGuire at his present altitude.
2046: REACH 6036 into McGuire on «319.4»
2046: OPEC 49/FORCE 47 still chatting on tanker interplane «139.875» but it appears they've finished getting in qualifying time at refueling tasks.
2049: Evac 115 landing at Andrews on tower freq «118.4»
2057: DC 44 about to land on runway 19R. «118.4»

2105: FORCE 47/OPEC 49 still chatting on the tanker interplane freq as they fly toward McGuire where both are stationed. «139.875»
2111: TROOPER 2 (MD State Police helo) with Andrews Approach on «119.3» for full stop landing.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Tonite 8 pm local had CIGAR 11 with Atlantic City appch 327.1250 saying we will rtb our Home base Norfolk then later heard with Dover appch 257.8750 at 5k headed South.
Not sure if Navy Chopper of some type at that low altitude.
Hopefully someone will id that callsign for us..

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Temps in the low to mid 30s at BWI airport with mostly sunny skies after an overnight snowfall of only a few inches. However, the MilAir band is extremely quiet today. Nothing more than a few helos and very few transports moving around.

Just a note on the Washington Center (ZDC) frequencies that I list in my daily logs...

I have completely redone the info with all the newest frequencies and have changed the names to the radio names that are used by pilots and Washington Center controllers. I had been using the geographical location rather than radio names. In almost every case, the names will look completely different as I report them. However, they will match the terminology used by pilots/controllers. There are a few new frequencies and several deletions from the list. As I've previously mentioned, I only program and monitor the UHF frequencies to hear MilAir and seldom bother with VHF because I don't want to hear all the commercial flights that use those freqs. I do have the up-to-date list of the VHF frequencies though and that list has several changes too. As time allows, I'll build a master list to include all the changes to the VHF/UHF frequencies and get them submitted to the database here at this site. I'm very confident of the validity of these new lists.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Just saw a large H-60 type mil chopper with flourescent type yellow paint underneath do a appch to Cecil County airport .Anyone ever see this before? Big Yellow sucker!

Aberdeen range active on 123.2250 with 2 unknown players waiting for clearance.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
OK Aberdeen active with MOVER 64 and 62,could be two EC130 ANG 193 SOS/193 SOW HARRISBURG PA.Gave altitude at 13.5K


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark, that 123.225 freq should be the pair of Northrup Grumman test aircraft. That's their normal freq.

Didn't expect anything tonight, however....

1925: NJ-ANG F-16s, flight of two on tac «138.425». They sound like they're at the Pax River Range around Vienna. Callsign BICEP.
1926: AERO flight of NJ-ANG fighters on tac «138.3»
1930: BICEP pair on «138.425» is working with a simulated ground FAC with callsign RED BALL.
1938: The AERO pair is looking for a tanker to refuel «138.3»
1945: REACH 0176 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» arriving there in 30 minutes, A-1, 8 pax and 1 pallet to drop off. Wants parking spot and upload info.
1951: NJ guys heading home. AERO 21 flight with ZDC-Cape Charles on «256.8»
1953: AERO 21 with ZDC-Casino on «285.4» at 15,500, direct Atlantic City
1954. BICEP pair reporting Code 1 for both and also headed home...still using tac «138.425» on their way.
1956: AERO 21 flight leaving 15,500 to descend as they approach Atlantic City. «285.4» Push 6
1957: AERO 21 with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125»
1959: AERO 21 flight heading for runway 31 «327.125»

2008: REACH 647T to SAM Command on «378.1» reports departure time from Andrews as 0105Z.

2111: OMAHA 1 (Customs) active on «282.425»
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The following is the new list of Washington Center frequencies. I've also submitted these to the database so they should show up there within a short time. I built the list with the UHF freqs in ascending order because I've found that's the easiest way to program them for rapid tuning as an aircraft moves from one sector to another. I don't even program the VHF freqs for reasons I've mentioned several times in the past. Have fun.
Headings are as follows:

UHF/VHF frequency, Navigational Name, Navigational Abbreviation, Sector, Area

227.125/134.15, Hagerstown, HGR, 6,4
254.3/121.025, Coyle, CYN, 58,8
256.8/132.55, Cape Charles, CCV, 23,5
257.7/128.525, Salisbury, SBY, 54,5
259.1/118.025, Bryce, BRY, 42,4
263.1/135.4, Azalea, AZA, 31,1
269.15/124.025, Sampson, SAM, 26,2
269.3/134.025, Hopewell, HPW, 16,2
269.4/132.025, Franklin, FKN, 33,6
270.35/133.575, Tech, TEC, 52,1
272.75/135.5, New Bern, EWN, 25,6
277.4/132.05, Kenton, ENO, 53,5
279.65/118.475, Wilmington, ILM, 35,6
281.4/133.9, Calvert ,CAL, 11,7
281.45/133.125, Sea Isle, SIE, 59,8
282.2/133.2, Casanova, CSN, 2,3
284.7/121.675, Montebello, MOL, 60,1
285.4/127.7, Casino, CAS, 51,5
285.5/135.3, Rocky Mount, RMT, 28,2
285.6/133.65, Blue Ridge, BLR, 15,4
307.0/124.05, South Boston, SBV, 22,3
307.25/132.525, DuPont, DQO, 18,8
317.7/127.925, Valley, VAL, 30,3
319.0/133.025, Marlinton, MAR ,37,3
319.1/120.65, Linden, LDN, 5,3
322.45/118.925, Raleigh, RDU, 36,2
323.0/123.85, Cofield, CVI, 24,6
327.0/126.875, Brooke, BRV, 12,7
327.8/133.825, Norfolk, ORF, 34,5
348.65/135.2, Liberty, LIB, 27,2
351.9/133.725, Gordonsville, GVE, 32,1
353.9/134.4, Hot Springs, HSP, 29,3
353.95/121.375, Snow Hill, SWL, 39,5
354.1/132.225, Tar River, TYI, 38,6
360.65/118.825, Dixon, DIW 9,6
360.7/134.5, Swann, SWN, 17,8
360.85/132.775, Irons, IRS, 14,7
363.0/125.45, Woodstown, OOD, 19,8
371.9/133.275, Moorefield, MOR, 3,4
377.1/118.75, Dominion, DOM, 21,7
377.2/134.625, Shenandoah, SHD, 72,1
379.3/132.275 Bay, BAY, 10,7
380.3/127.75, Blackstone, BKT, 20,7
381.5/133.975, Potomac, POT, 4,4
387.05/127.425, Yorktown, YKT, 50,5
387.1/128.6, Elkins, EKN, 1,4


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
OK thanks Tin for Grumman id, didn't know that...

Also thanks for great ZDC freqs! So many around here!

Next maybe a NYC freq list for this area?
Between the two centers sure keep us busy!
Must be busiest UHF ARTC area in the Country.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I'm working on the others. That list above has about a half dozen pure changes from the old information we were working with. For instance, I've mentioned freq 307.25 that I've heard several times mentioned by our aircraft in this area and was never able to identify it. And here it was a ZDC freq all along for DuPont. I can't believe how much traffic I've missed by not knowing that. Same for the other new freqs on the list. Actually, they aren't necessarily new freqs - just freqs that we didn't know about.


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TinEar said:
I've mentioned freq 307.25 that I've heard several times mentioned by our aircraft in this area and was never able to identify it. And here it was a ZDC freq all along for DuPont. I can't believe how much traffic I've missed by not knowing that.

Doohhh! That would explain a lot of what we've missed!
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