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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Could be the same type but don't recall Carson logo and color was more white over lime/yellow flourescent bottom.
If seen again will do a better job getting id myself.... Thanks



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1259: UGLY 1 (A-10 PA-ANG Willow Grove) with ZNY-Flint Hill on «278.3» leaving 10,500 for 13,000
1300: UGLY 1 cleared to 16,000...still on «278.3»
1305: UGLY 1 requests direct Slate Run «278.3» (Probably going to the Duke MOA)
1307: UGLY 1..."Thanks for the help...UGLYs push 17." «278.3» (The next radio check-in will probably be with Cleveland Center which I don't have programmed.)
1311: PAT 686 to McGuire Dispatch on «372.2» IDs as a military King Air, arriving in about 15 minutes, dropping off 3 pax.
1324: U/I fighters on tac «142.8» (Sounds like the same fighters that are at the Bollen Range...well, it did for awhile but I'm not so sure anymore.
1326: Bollen Range active on «237.2»
1326: Willow Grove A-10s on «281.525» doing something I couldn't catch and then going back to Willow Grove.
I don't have any idea who belongs to that 281.525 frequency. I suppose it could either be a Cleveland Center freq or maybe even something at the Duke MOA.
1350: Warren Grove Range also active on «283.1»
1353: The Bollen Range aircraft are A-10s from Willow Grove using callsign CADE. «237.2»
I'm currently busy with something else but, in the background, I'm hearing aircraft all over the ZDC UHF freqs moving through the area.
The 142.8 freq is looking more and more like a PA-ANG Willow Grove tac freq for the A-10s.
I heard the callsign NIGHTHAWK 1 used on the Warren Grove Range freq (283.1) but believe it was an exercise type temporary callsign rather than a fixed call.
1423: Have what sounds like ?GATOR? 11 with ZDC-Sea Isle on «281.45» [<---new freq and one we've probably missed a lot of traffic on considering how many times it's mentioned in radio traffic] making radio contact and switching to 257.7
1424: GATOR 11 with ZDC-Salsibury on «257.7» at FL260
1426: The «142.8» freq had been quiet for awhile but just came back and mentioned ATIS info and landing on runway 33. Runway 33 could fit for both Willow Grove and for Martin State. These guys sure are loud. They also mentioned Cleveland Center in their chat which makes it look more like Willow Grove. And they start getting weaker as they get closer to home which rules out Martin State. Let's put a firm ID on this tac freq as belonging to Willow Grove A-10s.
1429: GATOR 11 leaving 260 for 200 FL «257.7»
1434: GATOR 11 leaving 200 for 120 and barometer at 3006
1438: GATOR 11 signs off with ZDC-Salisbury but doesn't mention where he's going or on which freq he'll do it. «257.7»
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Nov 3, 2005

They were up in the Duke and are now just leaving. Heard a little activity on 301.6. When they enter and exit the Duke they call Cleveland Center on 353.85.

I'll put in that 142.80 freq and see if I can catch anything the next time they're up my way.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks very much for that Cleveland Center freq Dave...much appreciated. I've been searching for that every time someone heads for Duke without success in the past. I have a feeling the 281.525 freq I mentioned was also a ZOB freq. They changed from that to another freq that was almost totally blocked by static here but ended in .85 which must have been the freq you posted.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rare flight catch here this afternoon.....

LARK 33 female pilot self ID as 3rd of 3 Canadian Hornets with McGuire metro 239.800 req wx for
CYBG Bagotville Quebec.

That ICAO does show up as Canadian Defense base up in Northeast Quebec.
Bet it is chilly up there!

Northeast Maryland


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Good catch Mark. During that period that I said I was busy with something else and hearing traffic on the ZDC freqs in the background, one of the transmissions I heard was a flight of three aircraft. Didn't catch anything about the flight though but wonder now if it was that same flight you caught. By the way, it's colder here than in Quebec at the moment....29 here and 31 in Quebec but they have snow flurries falling.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Wish I could give you a specific location Jack but can't. All I know from anything I can find on the net is that it's in Pennsylvania. From the route they fly, I know they check in at Harrisburg and then Slate Run which leads them toward northwestern PA. I checked one of the flight charts for Slate Run and found it but couldn't specifically find the Duke MOA. I'll do some more searching on the charts and see what I come up with.


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Duke Moa

Follow the hyperlink to see where Duke MOA is on the FAA Special Use Airspace website. It should be the dark green area along the PA/NY state line. (I hope this works!)
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr TIn went to and did search for pics of Bagotville CYBG and guess they also have open house every first week of July.
Some nice pics of various CFA-18's. One thing I like about those Canadians is the wild paint jobs they do on some of their demo F-18's.Wish they would do that more here in the US but except for Blue Angels paint schemes are all gray bland etc..


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland worked Chuck. So, yes, it is in northwest/northcentral PA. From your link, it's an extremely large area compared to Kiowa but Kiowa serves a different purpose. Too bad we can't hear the aircraft from here when they're at Duke. I'd like to know the specific activity they perform while there although I suspect it's probably the same as they do on the Pax River Range. What makes Pax so interesting is that they just pick targets of opportunity - a vehicle, a house, a boat - whatever they can find.

On another note...I've got a teacher that's upsetting a lot of things I thought I knew about flying through this area. Once the lessons sink in (assuming they do), I'll start passing some of my new found information along. Lesson One...forget Richmond Approach/Departure...think James River. And where is Shenandoah Approach?

Oh...and Mark, yeah the Candians can afford all those wild aircraft paint schemes because their aircraft don't do combat. When all your flying is safe and sound in your own backyard, you can afford to paint the things lime green if you want. If they ever actually supported us and moved those Hornets to the Iraqi desert, watch how fast they'd also have drab paint schemes.
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Nov 3, 2005

Pretty much all that I hear in the Duke is refuelling. Yesterday was a little different, I caught a brief mention of something like "Number 2...Flares..." so maybe they were doing some mock ground attacks or something. I still have not been able to get anyone on their Tac Freqs, the stupid radio station in town interferes too much. I may have to buckle down and buy a Stridsberg FM Notch Filter to help prevent this. Anyway, when the Duke is active, the block of restricted altitiute is 8,000 to 17,999 feet. I know that they could be targeting from those altitutes, but I suspect that they use the Duke for refuelling and then go to the Kiowa MOA to do their work. It is not that far from the Duke to Kiowa. I did hear a flight of four Wilds doing mock dogfights once at the Duke. Wild 1 and 2 were fighting with Wild 3 and 4 who were getting targeting info from Darkstar (AWACS). Now that was cool...

I will try to keep you guys up to date as to what goes on up here if you would like. Your posts give me a heads up as to who may be up in my neck of the woods when the Duke is scheduled to go active.

Also, just got another Cleveland Center Freq of 307.15 that I never picked up before. It must be a high altitude freq the aircraft are at 26,000 requesting higher. It sounds like Reaper flight of two with Reaper 11 as the lead.

1240: Reaper Flight switches to 363.075, they just contact "Center" I do not know if it is still Cleveland or New York. They are at 29,000 going up to 34,000. It must be Cleveland. And if anyone is interested, they switched to another Cleveland Center freq of 307.325. I do not know if you guys will be able to pick them up, I am just offering them up FYI.

Reaper 11 was talking about doing a flyby for the game and I went to the USAF Aviation Support page and found that a B-2 was supposed to do a Flyby for the Buffalo Bills game today. They are now talking to Cleveland on 316.10. Perhaps Reaper is a B-2 Callsign. Just switched to 323.2 still talking to Cleveland Center. They're at 22,000 feet and are late for their flyby which was supposed to be at about 13:15. I can confirm it is a B-2 because after the flyby they are going back to Whiteman AFB.

A buddy of mine is at the Bills game so I called to give him a heads up...hopefully the weather will allow them to buzz the stadium...better late than never. Gotta go, I'm missing the Steeler game.


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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Absolutely would appreciate anything you can add Dave from your location. I know I've heard the Martin State A-10s go to Duke and then stop at Kiowa (Bollen Range) on the way back. When the DC-ANG F-16s do it though, they seem to perform strictly in that area and then come directly home. I didn't realize they were refueling up there also but it makes sense because of the distance involved. They wouldn't have much time on target without refueling.

1247: CODY 01 (AFRC/911th AW, 758th AS, Pittsburgh PA) to McGuire Command Post on «349.4» IDs as a C-130, tail #86-0419, arriving at 1805Z, will RON, needs a power cart, parking spot and crew transportation for 8 and will need 30,000 pounds of fuel.
Also found some info on this plane....undercarriage failed during approach to Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico Mar 21, 2001 and starboard wing was damaged and fire broke out in number 4 engine.
1345: Caught the end of a transmission from an U/I aircraft to Raven Ops on «347.2» Female speaker said they would ERO and needed transportation for 19 pax.
1407: REACH 984 calls Andrews Command Post on «378.1» a couple of times and then makes contact at 1413. Says he's an inbound C-17 that will arrive at 20 after the hour, cargo (blocked), 1 pax to offload and needs transportion for 7 crew members.
1422: REACH 3127 to McGuire Command Post on «349.4» inquires about status of parking spot (which also means he already contacted the CP with basic info) and he notifies McGuire that he has hazardous cargo on board...class 9 and class 3.

[Edit] Dave, I don't see either of those two freqs under the Cleveland Center list in the database here at RR - or for NY Center either. I go to the the database, select Ohio, and under the list of counties is a link for Cleveland Center ARTCC. I think that's telling me that the database list is wrong. If so, hopefully I'll be able to update it soon.

Now that you added more Center freqs, I went to look them up and none of those are on the list for Cleveland Center. I found only one of them - 323.2 - and that's listed for Indianapolis Center. I've got to get the latest frequency lists. That's all there is to it.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1134: HUNTRESS freq «260.9» active with either a CAP or a scramble
1135: COSMIC 45/46 (F-16s NJ-ANG Atlantic City) are the aircraft with HUNTRESS «260.9»
1136: COSMIC 45 followed the target aircraft down to low altitude and I can no longer hear him...COSMIC 46 stayed high and is relaying the traffic to HUNTRESS. The intruder is a single engine, high wing, Cessna type aircraft currently at 800 feet. 46 told HUNTRESS to stand by for the tail number and told 45 there is an airport right off his nose. «260.9»
1137: COSMIC 46 tells 45 to rejoin the CAP. He never did give the tail number of the intruder. «260.9»
1139: Langley tac freq «233.525» active
1140: COSMIC 45 says he's now at 12,500 feet and climbing to FL250. «260.9»
1141: COSMIC 46 tells HUNTRESS that 45 is climbing back into the CAP. HUNTRESS can apparently not hear 45. «260.9»
1144: COSMIC 45 reports he's back in the CAP. «260.9»
1144: BATON 55 (EC-130, 193rd SOG, PA-ANG Harrisburg) calls GIANT KILLER on «255.0» to report he's heading for W-107, altitudes A through E, is currently approaching Sea Isle and will be in the area until 1830Z.
1148: COSMICs told to go to 364.8 for a radio check. «260.9»
1149: COSMIC 45 on «364.8» for radio check which is apparently successful. This freq is normally for ZNY-North Mountain PA.
NOTE: The President is speaking in Philadelphia today which is no doubt the reason for the CAP.
1154: GK's ops freq «391.2» is active
1155: Fighter tac freq «138.0» is active
1158: COSMICs given another target by HUNTRESS «260.9»

1200: Flight of three fighters on Langleys «233.525» in air combat activity.
1203: GIANT KILLER's «238.1» active. Heard callsign LION (F-15 or F/A-22 Langley) mentioned.
1204: COSMICs given a TOI track and a head-butt mission against it. «260.9» They're both heading toward the TOI.
1206: COSMIC 45 says he's coordinating with Center on 125.45. «260.9» (That's a Washington Center freq they mentioned. When they go after a Target Of Interest [TOI] they must leave the altitude block and sometimes the track of the CAP so must clear it with the Center controlling airspace in that area. It's a priority request and it's up to the Center to clear the area.)
1209: COSMIC 45 goes down after the TOI and 46 stays high again. 45 is told to head-butt the TOI to the east. They mention they are near Cross Keys Airport (I'll have to look that one up.) The target is tracking north by northeast. «260.9»
1211: COSMIC 45 requesting use of flares. 46 relays that to HUNTRESS. HUNTRESS wants to know what's under him on the ground. The reply is Cross Keys Airport. HUNTRESS wants tail number of the TOI. «260.9»
1212: COSMIC 46 relays that TOI is turning eastbound and responding to the head-butt...or at least he's turning east whether responding to the head-butt or not. «260.9»
1213: COSMIC 46 says the TOI appears to be travelling along the Atlantic City Expressway....HUNTRESS says through 46 to continue head-butting him to the east. «260.9»
1214: HUNTRESS does not approve flares and wants 45 to continue shadowing the TOI....46 tells HUNTRESS to stand by for tail number....says it's a low wing Cessna, white with blue markings and stand by for tail number. «260.9»
1216: HUNTRESS, through COSMIC 46, tells 45 his new mission is to return to CAP. «260.9»
1220: MICRO 21 flight (F-15 or F/A-22 Langley) into GK's area on «238.1»
1222: LION flight with Langley SOF on «383.2»...other Langley aircraft with Norfolk TRACON on «370.925» and with ZDC-Cape Charles on «256.8» reporting direct Langley.
1222: COSMIC 45 reports reestablished in the CAP. «260.9»
1226: COSMIC 45 tells 46 to head for tanker and to take only about 3,000 pounds. COSMIC 46 tells HUNTRESS he's going to the tanker and that his weapons are on "safe." «260.9»
1227: COSMIC 45 asks HUNTRESS if it looks like they'll be on station for the duration of the time. «260.9» 45 repeats, "as fragged" so I guess the answer was, "Yes"....COSMIC 46 switched freqs for the tanker but I haven't found it yet.....aha!...there it is. They are using HUNTRESS freq «228.9» as a boom freq.
1231: COSMIC 46 finishes refueling...and announces reestablished in the CAP but he's still on «228.9»
1232: COSMIC 46 repeats that msg on «260.9» TANKER 01 comes up on freq and asks COSMIC 45 if he's going to come for 3,000 pounds also. 45 says he is and asks HUNTRESS for BRA to tanker. He reports his weapons are safe and requests change to boom freq.
1233: 45 calls TANKER 01 on «228.9» and establishes contact and is cleared to the boom.
1233: Langley tac freq «257.075» is active.
1237: COSMIC 45 reports contact with the boom «228.9»
1238: COSMIC 45 tells TANKER 01 that they'll be on station until 35 past the next hour (1335 local) and that they'll probably not need anymore gas. «228.9»
1238: COSMIC 45 reports back on station in the CAP «260.9»
1239: COSMIC 45/46 say "Gateway" is not working....45 tells 46 to switch to V-15 or V-1 to tell Command Post to reset the power for the Gateway. «260.9» (Never did catch any traffic on those freqs though - 138.425 or 138.125)
1239-1249: COSMICs still working on the Gateway to try to reestablish a "sweet" condition. «260.9» Again 45 tells 46 to go to the Command Post and meanwhile to switch to "Airkey 3"
1249: COSMIC 46 goes to Command Post on V-1 «138.125» to ask about the Gateway.
1249: COSMIC 46 reports to HUNTRESS on «260.9» that Command Post says the Gateway problem is at HUNTRESS. COSMIC 45 says they've been Gateway "sour" for the last 20 minutes.
1250: Langley tac freq «228.45» is active.
1258: COSMIC 45 asks HUNTRESS what luck he was having (fixing) the Gateway. «260.9»

1300: COSMICs push V-16 «260.9»
1301: COSMIC 45 to Command Post on V-16 «138.2» and asks them what they have to do to get this Gateway working. 45 tells 46 to repower the Gateway and see what happens and to push Gateway 4.
1304: TANKER 01 to HUNTRESS to ask about time on station. He wants to know if they're done at 25 after the hour. «260.9»
1305: RHETT 99 (KC-135, 99th ARS Robins AFB GA) calling Langley Command Post on «311.0»
1306: COSMIC 45 and 46 agree Gateway is still sour «260.9»
1306: COSMIC 45 to Command Post on «138.2» says they are still unable to reestablish the Gateway. "What do we have to do to fix this thing?" 45 tells 46 to push Airkey 3.
1306: U/I fighters working «138.5» and «143.25» Both freqs are good for PA-ANG A-10s from Willow Grove.
1311: COSMIC 45 tells Command Post to let them know when they can try the Gateway «138.2»
1311: COSMIC 45 to HUNTRESS on «260.9» tells him they are working with their Command Post on the Gateway problem but for now are Gateway sour.
1314: COSMIC 45 and 46 (operating as COSMIC 1 and 2 on squadron tac freq) report fuel flow and fuel remaining «138.2»
1315: COSMIC 45 tells Command Post the Gateway was working fine and then suddenly dropped out about 1/2 hour ago. COSMIC 45 tells 46 to switch to 125.45 «138.2» Both report they are Code 1 status.
1317: COSMIC 45 tells HUNTRESS 45/46 are holding hands and says they are both Code 1. «260.9»
1317: The PA-ANG A-10s mention another flight in the area and say it's a COSMIC flight. «143.25»
1318: TANKER 01 calls HUNTRESS about clearing out of the CAP and changing to Center for clearances. He reports he's going to RTB. «260.9»
1319: COSMIC 45 tells HUNTRESS he'll work his own clearances through Center because he's going to go VFR. «260.9»
1320: TANKER 01 thanks HUNTRESS for the work and says he'll see him next time «260.9» (TANKER 01 was a KC-135R from Pease AFB NJ)
1320: COSMIC 45 says he understands they're cleared to RTB «260.9»
And so ends the CAP.
1323: COSMIC 46 went for ATIS info and reports back with that info «260.9» And off to Atlantic City Airport they go.
1328: COSMIC 45/46 with ZDC-Casino «285.4» descending to 4500. Push U-6
1330: COSMIC 45/46 with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» heading to runway.
NOTE: That Cross Keys Airport mentioned when the COSMICs were intercepting the errant Cessna, is in the town of Cross Keys New Jersy. It has a 3500 foot runway reported in poor condition by Airnav.
1331: CADE (A-10 PA-ANG Willow Grove) with ZDC-Kenton on «277.4»
1333: Ramp freeze in effect at Andrews «141.55»

Continued below if necessary......
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1404: U/I Langley flight into GK's area on «238.1»
1408: COACH 51 flight (F-15 or F/A-22 Langley) enters GK's area on «238.1» will work surface to 20K.
1427: Langley's IRON Ops freq «357.1» is active.
1431: BATON 55 (EC-130 PA-ANG Harrisburg) calling Baton Ops on «395.1» saying he'll be on the ground in 20 minutes, will have 13.5 (13,500 pounds) on the gas and is A-1. (This is the guy we heard earlier going into Giant Killer's area W-107.)
1441: DARKSTAR QUEBEC (E3C Tinker AFB OK) to Giant Killer on «249.8» says he'll be controlling HUNGRY 91, KEVLAR 81 and HOCUS 71 flights. (All are Langley 1st Fighter Wing callsigns). He reports that HUNGRY will work freq 389.1, KEVLAR and HOCUS will work 324.65. (That 324.65 freq is a new one for me. I'll monitor it and see if it's valid for GK or if he made a mistake once the Langley fighters come up.)
1453: Have an aircraft suffix 08 (sounded like TP in front of the 08) with ZDC-Kenton «277.4» says he'll make a couple of approaches at Dover and then go back to Pax. At 10,000 and then leaving 10 for 8,000.
1454: Navy 691 landing at Andrews with Tower on «118.4»
1455: BOLAR 32 (C-5 Dover AFB DE) to Dover Command Post on «349.4» says he just left the Harrisburg area and will be in the pattern around Dover for about an hour and will land at 1610 local.

1503: Have one of the Langley flights entering the area with GK on «238.1» but they were too weak to catch the callsign. Sounded like a flight of two. They switch to "Prime 18" (I don't find them anywhere over the next 20 minutes.)
1526-29: REACH 654T calling SAM Command on «378.1»
1528: TESTER 09 with BayWatch on «354.8»
1534: REACH 654T to SAM Command on «378.1» will arrive 45 after the hour, needs parking...needs to offload the vehicles, will release 20 seats for the trip back to McGuire. (I'd bet the vehicles he's talking about are the limos used when the President was in Philadelphia earlier today.)
1536: REACH 983 to SAM Command on «378.1» arriving 50 after the hour.
1536: HOCUS 71, (1st FW Langley) flight of six aircraft, into GK's area using «238.1» says they'll be in the area for the next 45 minutes
1538: HOCUS calling DARKSTAR on «324.65» (Yup, it's a good freq.)
1539: HUNGRY (1st FW Langley) flight with GK on «238.1» leveling at 18,000
1540: HUNGRY flight leaving 18,000 for 15,000 «238.1»
1541: All six HOCUS aircraft check comms on «324.65»
NOTE: Since the callsigns at Langley cannot reliably be confirmed as F-15 or F/A-22, I'm just going to call them 1st FW Langley rather than by aircraft type)
1542: Have a BIKER 91 flight into GK's area on «238.1»
1542: HUNGRY 81 also now on «324.65» They were supposed to be on 389.1 per earlier info from DARKSTAR. They were also supposed to be suffix 91 rather than 81...but who am I to argue?
1544: HUNGRY now with DARKSTAR on «249.8» getting squawk...can't hear DARKSTAR any longer.
1544: HUNGRY talking about BIKER 71 which just identified with suffix 91...this is getting confusing.
1545: BIKER 91 (F/A-22 Langley the last time they flew) with GK on «238.1» switching to 2 AUX.
1548: BIKER flight on GK's «389.1» freq
So...we've got BIKER, HOCUS and HUNGRY flights but no KEVLAR flight which DARKSTAR mentioned earlier as a flight he was going to control. Maybe they'll come later or maybe it was switched to BIKER.
NOTE: BIKER is a callsign I misidentified as VIPER a few days ago that was confirmed in traffic as being F/A-22s. Mea culpa. That was the transmission where someone identified the GOLIATH flight as F-15s and BIKER as F/A-22s.
1552: Several Langley aircraft on «389.1» trying to decide who is to be on which freq. They're as confused as I am.
1600: All the Langley gaggle of fighters seem to be working air combat exercises on the «389.1» freq. I haven't heard anything on the 324.65 freq after they checked in there. At least we found out it's a valid freq for Giant Killer ops.
1606: Okay, that's enough for now...END OF REPORT....until later.

Late add...just before shutting down heard the Langley guys back on 324.65 and heard DARKSTAR to GK on 249.8 saying he expects to be off this freq any minute. That's at 1617. Looks like the Langley flock is done with their exercise.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Just caught that also Tin as I don't have that freq 324.650 also.I thought DARKSTAR gave second group callsign as BOGUS but maybe you are correct in HOCUS..confusing sometimes...

CADE 1 working his way back to Willow Grove VFR blowing my speaker out on Philly Appch Cecil County 323.100.Must be coming up around the Susquehanna river area.
Also heard him with WG Base ops 343.000


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Actually, the second one was KEVLAR...but, yeah, HOCUS I'm sure of. Often used by Langley chicks.

Those Willow Grove A-10s have been loud here too the last few days and they usually aren't. When I caught them on 142.8 the other day, they sounded for a few minutes like they were coming into Martin State they were so loud. It must just be atmospheric conditions are good in that band.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Maybe they got new radios.The other day heard them A/A and one said to the other lets use our old radios behind the seat and switch to 37.46 FM.Guess they keep them there for reserve.I lost them A/A after that.Must be fairly short range on those low band jobs.
Course today going home they were only probably within 10 miles of here in last coms.
Must have crossed rte 40 northbound not too far away.
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