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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
I'll confirm once again that 241.0 and Bluegrass Ops is Mt. Weather. Mussell and Nighthawk flights fly out there fairly regularly and looking back at my posts it has always been on Thursday nights. I can usually see the aircraft too. One night I heard the rotor noise, looked out the window and could see it coming so I switch to my milair bank to find out who it was.

I wasn't home earlier tonight so I don't know who was out there.


Nov 15, 2005
Odenton, MD
Mark said:
How about Blumont Virginia? Guess this is where Dick Cheney hid out sometimes after 9/11 ..... Good link here.Not too far from Dulles.

Hell, he has his own TFR (it's listed as temporary - but it isn't going away anytime soon) He moved in just a couple of months ago.

To be more specific:

To put my finger on it:
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Nov 15, 2005
Odenton, MD
ka3jjz said:
Yeah, one other change there, too (so what else is new?) All the approach/departure freqs are now under the Potomac TRACON; the ARTCC freqs remain unaffected. I've submitted that to be changed

73s Mike

Potomac Approach is broken down into the following areas NOW with many odd named sectors (ex. BUFFER, WOLLY, TAPPA, LUCKE, MANNE, MULLR, etc...):

Chesapeake (Old Baltimore-BWI Approach)

James River (Old Richmond-RIC Approach)

Shenandoah (Old Dulles-IAD Approach)

Mount Vernon (Old Washington National-DCA Approach)
Andrews falls under DCA


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0933: BOBCAT, flight of three (1st FW Langley) active in air combat on their tac freq «233.525»
0934: BASH 21 (F-16 VA-ANG Richmond) with BayWatch on «354.8» Says he's going to 20K, then 30K and then 40K altitudes and go supersonic at 40K.
0936: TESTER 11 with BayWatch on «354.8»
0938: BASH 21 reports in a climb and not supersonic at this time - obviously - to BayWatch on «354.8»
0943: BASH 21 leaving 30,000 for 40,000 «354.8»
0943: LOMA 11 climbing out of Andrews with TRACON on «257.2» At 11,000 feet he's told to switch to 254.25 (don't know who that is)
0946: LOMA 11 on «254.25» asks for Uniform freq...gets 227.125
0949: LOMA 11 to ZDC-Hagerstown on «227.125» where he reports speed at 300
0952: BASH 21 reports to BayWatch about his supersonic 1450Z at 39,000 feet and at 1451Z, 115 at 24, speed mach descending
(This should be an F-16 from Richmond but that speed doesn't look like an F-16. I'm sure of the callsign but something is wrong with this whole picture. Either Richmond got new aircraft or another unit is using the BASH callsign.)
0952: LOMA 11 to FL250 «227.125»
0954: BOBCAT 11 flight with GIANT KILLER on «249.8» reports RTB direct Snow Hill and needs 18,000 feet.
0954: LOMA 11 told to switch to 327.1 «227.125»
0955: LOMA 11 descending to 16,000 «327.1»
0958: "Center, LOMA 11 would like to put a descent on request." «327.1» (This freq belongs to Cleveland Center [ZOB-Blue Knob PA])
( LOMA is the travelling callsign for F-16s from the OH-ANG Toledo.)
0958: COWBOY 11 (1st FW Langley) flight with GK on «249.8» reports as a two-ship formation and is Snow Hill.

1001: BOBCAT 11 with ZDC-Cape Charles on «256.8» flight of three at 18,000 feet
1002: COWBOY 21 with ZDC-Cape Charles on «256.8» descending to 180.
1005: COWBOY 21 direct Langley «256.8»
1011: BASH 21 tells BayWatch he's going to RTB to Richmond (So, he does belong to the VA-ANG at Richmond but what type aircraft was it?)
1013: BASH 21 descending thru 8.5 for 6.5 «354.8»
1014: BASH 21 with Ops on «142.175»
1015: A-10s from the MD-ANG Martin State active on tac «142.3»
1015: ROMAN 81 (F-18, VFA-106 Oceana NAS) with ZDC-Casanova «282.2»
1018: ROMAN 81 descending to (place name?) «282.2»
1020: Tanker and receiver on «238.9» trying to get together for refueling. One of them gave a tail number of 59-14XX (xx=63 possibly) which should make him a KC-135 tanker no matter what those last two numbers were.
1030: PACER 88 in a full stop landing at Andrews on tower freq «118.4» after going around a couple of times. Also working on approach freq «119.3»
1035: ROMAN 41 (F-18 Oceana) with ZDC-Casanova on «282.2» at FL210 going down to 160.
(Now that I've got this frequency added to the list of Center freqs, it seems to be another fairly busy one that we've missed in the past. Thanks again J)
1050: Have a flight of three unknowns with ZDC-Blackstone on «380.3»
1052: Warren Grove Range active on «283.1»
1053: PACER 82 with Dover Tower on «126.35»
1054: Flight of four unknowns with ZDC-Montebello «284.7»
1058: Above flight IDs as ZESTY 71 (UK Coronet mission) «284.7»

Continued below...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1101: REBEL 31 into GK's area on «238.1»
1107: ??? 61 into GK's area on «238.1»
1108: ??? 61 flight switches to GK's «233.7»
1121: BOBCAT 11 (1st FW Langley) flight with Norfolk TRACON on «370.925»
1121: BOBCAT 11 flight over to ZDC-Cape Charles on «256.8» to report leaving 16 for 15,000....reaches 15,000 at 1122.
NOTE: I've had this BOBCAT callsign from Langley previously doing ground attack exercises which makes him a likely candidate to be called F/A-22s since that is not a role the F-15s perform
1124: Langley tac freq «233.525» active...BOBCATs
1124: BOBCAT wants early handoff to Giant Killer «256.8»
1125: BOBCAT 11 flight to GK on «238.1» level at FL150...will be working in area until 12 o'clock. Wants to work in Delta.
1126: JOSA 849 to SAM Command on «141.55» arriving Andrews in 20 minutes, is A-1, needs 4K fuel, has tail #40142, offloading 1 duty pax - an A-5 plus 2 Space A pax. Plans to depart Andrews at 1900Z and will have two available Space A seats on that flight.
1132: SPAR 20 (SAM VIP flight) landing at Andrews on tower freq «118.4» Wants runway 1R to miss the wake turbulence.
1133: Unknown KC-135 tanker talking with LIBERATOR on «351.2»
1137: AXEMAN 3 (A-10 MD-ANG Martin State) 10 minutes out and reports Code 1 to Raven Ops on «347.2» He must be part of the flight heard briefly earlier on 142.3.
1139: SCARY 1 (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews AFB MD) reports airborne, passing 700 with Reagan TRACON «348.725» will expedite up to 11.
1140: SCARY flight working tac «143.15» Flight of two.
1140: SCARY at 11, will expedite to 15 «348.725»
1142: SCARY 1 direct Patuxent, push 7 «348.725»
1142: SCARY 1 reports direct Patuxent to ZDC-Calvert «281.4»
1145: AXEMAN 3 with Tower on «297.2»
1145: BOBCAT 11 flight with GK on «238.1» and then to ZDC-Cape Charles on «256.8»
1145: SCARY push 305.2 «281.4» (305.2 is Patuxent River GCA)
1146: SCARY 1 push Airkey 6 «143.15»
1148: SCARY flight checks into BayWatch area on «270.8»
1155: WILD flight (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews) off from Andrews with TRACON on «348.725» Push 317.425 (BWI TRACON)
1159: WILD flight working tac «127.275» It's a flight of four. (The WILD flight looks to be going north rather than to the south at Pax with the SCARY flight)

1200: 20 degrees at BWI and overcast.
1207: WILD mentions passing SONIC. «127.275» (Don't know if SONIC is an aircraft or just what it might refer to.)
1209: WILD 1 calling HUNTRESS on «238.1» He's corrected over on tac freq «127.275» that he's calling Giant Killer, not Huntress. WILD 1 calls GK on «238.1», gets no reply so says push 249.8 which they then switch to and say they're at FL230 and would like to descend down to 15,000.
1213: WILDs push 391.2 «249.8»
1214: WILD flight switches to GK's ops freq «391.2» They are getting weak at this point as they descend and fly away from my location.
1222: WILD flight still with ops on «391.2» and that SONIC callsign is mentioned again. It looks like SONIC is just an exercise callsign playing the part of an airborne controller.
1223: SCARY flight is performing ground attack exercise in the Pax Rive Range. «143.15»
1224: BICEP 11 (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) flight with ZDC-Casino on «285.4» report direct DuPont.
1227: WILD flight splitting freqs for ops....WILD 1 and 2 stay with «127.275» and 3 and 4 to V-6 on «139.15»...primary ops freq remains «391.2»
1229: BICEP flight using «138.875» for tac but are extremely weak during this part of their flight...they get better later as they ascend.
1231: BICEP 11 flight with ZNY-Millville on «323.3» Requests U freq for next check in. Push 290.2.
1232: BICEP 11 flight with ZNY-Flint Hill on «290.2» at FL260. Push 339.8
1234: BICEP 11 flight with ZNY-Flint Hill on «339.8» at FL260. Push 269.1
1235: WILD flight leader says no one in the area but they are losing their flight space and must move to the eastern part of the area. «391.2» WILD flight is now operating between FL250 and 280 so their signals are much louder.
1235: BICEP 11 flight with ZNY-North Mountain on «269.1» report FL260.
1243: AERO 21 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with ZNY-North Mountyu on «269.1» reporting at FL260 (I've been sitting on this freq waiting for the BICEP flight to change but haven't heard anything else from missed the earlier part of the AERO flight probably flying the same route the BICEPs did from Atlantic City to this point.) AERO push 298.9
1246: AERO 21 with ZNY-Elk Mountain on «298.9» checking in at FL260. (If the BICEP flight also went to this freq I sure didn't hear them.)
1249: SCARY flight to BayWatch on «270.8» says they'll be done in 5 minutes.
1254: WILD 1 with GK on «249.8» probably finishing mission and clearing out of area. Back on tac «127.275» they are reporting at 14,000 feet. WILD 2 tells him he's at 14050 pneumatic (not sure what those deviations mean and what he's reading it with) All four aircraft report Code 1 as they finish their 1256. They agree that WILD 1 has an altimeter problem to be reported to maintenance.
1258: WILD 3/4 to SOF on «139.9» now reporting WILD 1 Code 2 for that altimeter problem and the others all Code 1. WILD 3 sends 4 to get the ATIS info.
1259: SCARY flight both report Code 1 on tac «143.15» 1 sends 2 to get the ATIS and says he'll report to SOF which he does on «139.9» Meanwhile....
1259: WILD 4 comes back to tac «127.275» with the ATIS info for his flight

Continued below...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1300: 21 degrees at BWI and overcast
1301: SCARY flight to Reagan TRACON on «270.275» heading for runway 1R.
1302: CRAB 53 (C-130J MD-ANG Martin State) setting up for full stop landing on runway 33 at Martin State Airport «121.3»
1303: SCARY flight 10 south of the runway and getting ready to land...with tower on «349.0»
1304: SCARY 1 5 mile initial full stop landing «349.0»
1304: WILD flight changes to Potomac TRACON on «317.425» where WILD 1 asks what his Mode 3 is showing for altitude...ground tells him 11,000 and 1 seems satisfied with that.
1306: SCARY 2 reports gear down, full stop 1R «349.0»
1308: TRACON tells WILD 1 to descend to 4,000....WILD 1 says leaving 11 for 4,000 «317.425»
1311: TRACON tells WILD flight to switch to 270.27(5) «317.425»
1311: WILD 1 to Reagan TRACON on «270.275» reports field in sight, heading for runway 1R....then WILD 1 requests lower....switch to tower on «349.0»
1314: WILD 1 reports initial for 1R. «349.0» (And one by one they'll all report gear down, full stop runway 1R and be done. They're in a one mile trail. By 1317 all have made that report, will taxi to a stop, pilots will head for ops for debriefing and out the door to the O club they'll go. Then over drinks they'll swap war stories and get some good laughs over whoever screwed up during the mission. And, oh yeah, one of them will toss down a drink and head for home quickly. The others will talk about how he's *****-whipped and laugh some more. Same old, same old.)
1323: U/I fighters at the Bollen Range using «237.2»
1324: Fighters on tac freq «143.25» while at Bollen. This is an A-10 PA-ANG Willow Grove tac freq.
1332: There has been a Civil Air Patrol flight buzzing around the DC area...He's CAP 2516 who took off from Manassas. On CAP channel 4 «149.5375»
1338: Raven Ops talking to aircraft on the ground «347.2» (Expecting flight of A-10s shortly)
1343: U/I aircraft tells Martin State Tower on «121.3» that he's busy with a flight of F-18s. (No idea who he is or who he's talking about. The tower freq is the only one at Martin State that I can't hear the ground station so I don't know the context of this transmission. Ground Control/Clearance Delivery/Mil Ops ground controllers all loud and clear but nothing from Tower on 121.3 or 297.2 which I've always found strange.)
1349: PA-ANG A-10s still busy on «143.25» doing buddy lase ground attacks. Flight of two.

1405: Warren Grove Range active on «283.1»
1406: A-10s from the MD-ANG at Martin State are airborne...a flight of three. «142.3» Callsign AXEMAN
1411: It sounds like the PA-ANG A-10s have moved to Warren Grove. Haven't heard a thing from Bollen Range in a long while. Same aircraft on «143.25/283.1»
1417: Fighter tac freq «138.0» active. No calls heard yet. They switch to «266.8» where, by the time I set it up, I hear them switching to «251.6» Waiting for them there. (I don't know who belongs to 266.8 or 251.6 but 138.0 is usually used by the ND-ANG Fargo F-16s when they deploy to Langley.)
Nothing heard on 251.6 and I seem to have lost the flight.
The AXEMAN flight is also gone from listening range. Heard them for 6-7 minutes after takeoff and then they faded out. One of them was talking about a boat off the end of a dock and getting a picture of it for his grandmother. They were obviously at very low altitudes on their way to wherever.
1435: Flight of two aircraft using «139.9» flying through the area. These are not DC-ANG F-16s. Probably the same flight I hear with ZNY-Ship Bottom on «307.8»
1437: TESTER 26 with BayWatch on «270.8»
1443: Warren Grove Range active again «283.1» Possibly our AXEMAN flight
1447: Navy TP17 with ZDC-Calvert on «281.4» and then to ZDC-Kenton on «277.4» and then to Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» He's going to be landing at Atlantic City.
1449: TP17 leaving 8 for 6,000. «327.125»
1451: TP17 leaving 6 for 3,000 «327.125»
1459: MICRO 1 flight (1st FW Langley) into Giant Killer's area on «238.1» requesting FL280.

1500: 25 degrees at BWI and overcast
1501: AXEMAN flight back within listening range and still on tac «142.3»
1505: JOSA 637 arriving Andrews on «141.55» is a C-21, tail #40090, A-1, needs 2500 pounds of fuel, has 3 duty pax to offload.
1507: MICRO flight requests switch to tac «238.1»
1508: Langley tac «233.525» active with both MICRO 1 and 2 and BIKER flights.
1510: BIKER 11 flight (1st FW Langley) giving mission ordnance to be (or was) used
1512: BIKER 11 flight talking about ground targets «233.525» That makes these F/A-22s again.
1519: MICRO 14 reports to GK on «238.1» that he'll be joining the MICRO 13 flight.
I think we can add the MICRO callsign to the limited list for F/A-22 aircraft. That flight is also attacking ground targets.
Both MICRO and BIKER aircraft are calling a callsign BIRD DOG. No idea who that might be. It's not an airborne controller - or at least I can't hear a reply when they talk to him.
1530: SUNDOG 81 flight (Unknown) into GK's area using «238.1»
1533: AERO 21 and BICEP 11 flights coming home to Atlantic City...with ZNY-Modena on «335.6» and then ZDC-DuPont on «307.25», then ZDC-Kenton on «277.4» where they leave FL160 for 150 and request direct ACY (Atlantic City)
1537: NJ guys want descent...cleared direct Sea Isle «277.4» AEROs push 6.
1539: AERO 21 with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» two ship for runway 31
1540: BICEP 11 flight cancels IFR and descending to 8,000 «277.4» BICEPs push 6
1541: BICEP 11 flight with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» took 3 calls to get an answer...heading for the runway.
1542: BANK 91 flight into GK's area on «238.1» (1st FW Langley) (New callsign?)
1543: MARLIN 81 flight into GK's area on «238.1» (1st FW Langley)
1544: AXEMAN flight reports Codes to Raven Ops on «347.2» 1 is Code 2, 2 is Code 1, 3 is Code 3.
1548: Have what sounds like ROCK 91 calling Raven Ops on «385.9» with no reply so he switches to the correct freq of «347.2» and reports he was airborne at 43 after the hour. Ground controller wishes him a good flight and 91 says thanks for all the help. (I don't hear him on TRACON or Center freqs flying out of the area which means he probably was using VHF frequencies which I don't monitor.)
1600: END OF REPORT...end of me.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Just got home Tin and on tape had ROMAN 21 flt of 4 setting up missing man formation for
Naval Academy for 1345 local.Said they were holding VFR at SWAN at 9k feet.
Loud and clear here on tape but not sure the freq used.Just kept saying calling Pax appch.
I keep a limited bank of UHF freqs while away taping so not sure.
Maybe it was 256.500 which i had active or 254.3500



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I heard a couple of ROMAN F-18s (41 and 81) this morning in the 1000 hour but that was it other than that reference by an aircraft with Martin State tower that mentioned he was busy with the F-18s. That was at 1343.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1745: DC-ANG F-16s active on tac «127.275» Flight of two. Callsigns ANGRY 1 & 2.
1750: ANGRY 1 & 2 along with WILD 1 with BayWatch on «354.8»
1751: ANGRY 3 as a single ship into BayWatch on «354.8»
1752: ANGRY 3 in trail with 1 & 2 and joining up. «127.275»
1757: ANGRY 1 to MAD DOG requesting altitude change. MAD DOG is one of the other DC F-16s playing the part of an airborne controller. «127.275»
1759: ANGRY 2 has 500 pounds of fuel trapped in his left wing tank.
1759: ANGRY flight starting an attack in an echelon wedge "ANGRY wall" as the flight leader put it. «127.275»

1807: Bollen Range active on «237.2»
1807: One of the ANGRY flight is with SOF on «139.9» (Maybe the one with the trapped fuel or the WILD flight who seems to have disappeared)
1811: PAT 284 (US Army Priority Air Transport) with ZDC-Swann on «134.5» direct PALEO...ascending to FL180.
1817: Bollen fighters buddy lasing targets...sounds like a flight of two. They're using the normal range controller callsign BALKY.
1819: ANGRY flight still in air combat exercises on tac freq «127.275»
1825: Warren Grove Range active on «283.1»
1830: Have weak comms on fighter tac freq «143.75» No idea who this might be but perhaps it's the fighters at Warren Grove Range which are at about the same readability.
1835: One of the ANGRY fighters calls "deadeye" indicating his laser designator is not working. «127.275»

And then came an hour long break from the radios. But then...

1940: REACH 924 called Andrews on «378.1» for about 15 minutes before being able to make contact. He's arriving at Andrews in 15 minutes and is A-2 but has his own mechanic to take care of the problems. He also has 1 pax to drop off and needs transportation.
1953: PAT 929 arriving at Andrews. He contacts Navy Ops on «139.4»
1959: REACH 924 with Andrews Approach on «119.3» at 2,000 feet.

2003: REACH 924 reports to Andrews Tower he's on a 6 mile ILS final, gear down «118.4»
2015: JOSA 623 to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» arriving in 15 minutes, A-1, needs 2,000 pounds of fuel, has 2 crew members, no pax. Will upload 6 pax including two D/V 7s. Takeoff time will be approximately 1 hour, 15 minutes after arrival.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
It's 27 degrees, skies are dark and the forecast is calling for snow, sleet and freezing rain for the entire northeastern area so I don't believe we're going to see much more than a few transports crossing the area in the immediate future.

I did stumble on an interesting freq though a few minutes ago - around 1100. Had an OPEC 78 KC-10A tanker from McGuire trying to find out where BOLAR 70 (C-5 Dover) was since they were supposed to meet up for refueling. OPEC 78 started calling on 319.4 and then went to 134.1 and relayed a message for BOLAR 70 that he'd meet him on 139.875. OPEC 78 then called BOLAR 70 several times on the 139.875 freq which is brand new for me as a refueling freq and will get added to a growing list of those.


Jul 24, 2005
Possibly something to listen for tomorrow... The 94th FS is supposed to fly their last F-15 mission before standing down to transition to the 22.

-DPD Productions - Custom Scanner, MURS, & Ham Antennas-


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Speaking of the 22 Dave, the designation F/A-22 has been officially changed to F-22A. There are also enough 22s at Langley now that I had to change my description type whenever I hear a Langley fighter in the air to simply "1st FW Langley" from the specific aircraft type I used to list. Three callsigns have performed acitivity that almost surely makes them 22s - BOBCAT, MICRO, BIKER - and no telling how many more of their recent callsigns belong in that category.

Surprise, surprise....

1316: Fighter activity on «142.25» Just chat...and just heard them say "button 19" (I think for a freq change.) A few minutes earlier I heard what might have been the same guys on «138.0» or perhaps another pair of fighters in the same flight.
1320: The are talking about the Atlantic City ADIZ and stil on «142.25» This is probably just a flight through our area.
1322: Yeah, these guys are just on a sightseeing tour through the area «142.25» Getting weak now as they point out places on the ground.
1326: Just some chat from the same pair of fighters and weak enough that this will probably be the last heard from them. «142.25»

1330: 28 degrees at BWI Airport with snow falling. Listening to commercial aircraft freqs, pilots are talking about windshields freezing over as they start their descent into Baltimore. The de-icing lines are getting long at BWI.

1419: BANDSAW KILO (E3B Tinker AFB OK) to HUNTRESS on «271.0» Female was giving a long list of times and coordinates when I came upon the freq. She gave mission specifics and a readability check.
1421: Same female speaker identified as BANDSAW KILO gave a track position as 4312N 17340W (but I think she made a mistake in that western coordinate...should have been 07340W), heading 215, speed 250 knots, altitude 15,600 feet and Mode 3 as 1352 as of 1921Z «271.0»
1425: Sure enough...she repeats those coordinates and it is 07340W «271.0»
1426: Female speaker gives more coordinates for a track (apparently on her scope). «271.0» 4146N 0722W
1428: BANDSAW KILO backend operator, the female, keeps reading tracks, their coordinates, heading, speed, altitude, Mode 3 and the time of observation. «271.0»
1430: BANDSAW KILO says to stand by for an operator change. «271.0»
1431: An entire track is reported like this...."Track report pending (wait) Coordinates 4234N 07551W, Track #5533, heading 090, speed 260 knots, altitude 26,000, Mode 3-4124, time 1930Z." She has read off a string of them which are apparently those showing on her DATALINK. «271.0»
1439: BANDSAW KILO calling HUNTRESS, trying to reestablish contact...does after 3 calls...she reports: track report pending, waits a couple of seconds and then gives same type info described above for a particular track number. «271.0»
1441: After she reads off one or more track numbers and associated info, HUNTRESS then gives her something which I can't hear and she confirms she received all. She now says stand by for one more track. «271.0» I guess it would be an interesting exercise to actually copy every one of these tracks along with the info and plot them out but I don't think I will. :)
1442: She reads yet another track. «271.0» She has also gotten progressively weaker as this has taken place while apparently flying away from my location.
Either she is now out of range or that was just the last transmission from her. At 1442 was the last I heard from her.

More on the F-22A Raptor. As of today, that aircraft is officially part of the Air Force inventory for fighting a war. There was a news story that hit the wires less than an hour ago that can be found here:
The story also mentions that Langley now has 16 F-22A fighters that have met "initial operational capability." The previous number I had heard from an F-15 CAP pilot was 11 so they're moving right along with the program. A total of 53 have been delivered to the Air Force so far.
And there is another story about the same event, which gives the eye-popping cost of $354.6-million apiece if you add in the R&D costs associated with it or $133.1-million each without the R&D costs. That story is here:

1526: Have a pair of fighters on «138.875» They are just chatting and both just mentioned they are Code 1. This should be F-16s from the NJ-ANG.
1528: Yup...NJ. One of them just went to Ops freq «261.0» where he reported both were Code 1.
1528: He goes back to tac freq «138.875» to say he passed the status Codes but that ATIS was unreadable from his position. No idea where these guys have been and I didn't catch them earlier although the scanners were all going through the motions of scanning.
1529: They're talking about SMYRNA...about 180 degrees at 55 miles. «138.875»
1532:'s an AERO 21 flight currently with ZDC-Kenton on «277.4» reporting at 14,000 feet
1534: AERO 21 leaving 14 for 13,000 «277.4»
1535: AERO 22 tried ATIS again and comes back saying clouds at 2,000 feet and they're going to use runway 13. He says they had a good mission and are going to land on time. «138.875»
1536: AERO 21 flight leaving 13,000 for 8,000 «277.4» This was last heard from AERO flight on their way into Atlantic City Airport.
1538: Just picked up a BICEP 11 flight (more F-16s NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with ZDC-DuPont on «307.25» direct Sea Isle
1541: BICEP 11 with ZDC-Kenton on «277.4» at 14,000 and direct Sea Isle.
1541: The BICEP flight is using tac freq «138.425»
1543: BICEP 11 flight leaving 14 for 12,000 feet. «277.4» heading 150
1543: Both BICEPs report Code 1 on tac «138.425»
1544: BICEP 11 flight reports level at 12,000. «277.4»
1545: BICEP heading for 11,000 «277.4»
1546: BICEP leaving 11 for 10,000 and direct Atlantic City. «277.4» Leaving 10 for 9,000 at 1547. (last transmission heard...usually hear them on Atlantic City Approach freq but heard neither BICEP nor AERO flights there before they landed...perhaps just an atmospheric condition thing today)
1547: POLAR AIR 8400 landing in 20 minutes, at 2105Z, and wants parking spot. «134.1» (Not sure if he's with McGuire or Dover since I didn't hear the initial part of the call.)
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr TIN 139.8750 is a McGuire KC-10 A/A freq usually used when 2 or more McGuire KC-10's are chatting. First time heard Dover C-5 use but since they are both local birds on local training mission it is possible.
A couple others logged today..

SPACE 01 C-21 #84-0100 arrive Andrews
REACH 398 C-5 #87-0030 arrive Dover,prob from Spain.
REACH 8222 C-5 with Dover metro 342.000 req wx at KCHS.


Mar 12, 2004
Columbia, MD
"1547: POLAR AIR 8400 landing in 20 minutes, at 2105Z, and wants parking spot. «134.1» (Not sure if he's with McGuire or Dover since I didn't hear the initial part of the call.)"

I looked this one up. It was a 747-200 from ATL to Dover that landed at 16:15.



Mar 12, 2004
Columbia, MD
Thanks. I have been lurking for a while. I am in Columbia, MD and I usually listen to Commercial Air, but there so much going on in the MilAir band that I never knew about. I don't have a scanner capable of picking up MilAir or P25, but I have my eyes on the 396T. I have a 245XLT, SC150, and a 350A all of which are usually connected to my PC which runs an ACARS Decoder. Can anyone recomend a decent MilAir capable scanner until I get the 396T? I used to be a Firefighter in Howard so I am interested in P25 also, but the Fire1 simulcast on 154.25 is good enough for now.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Isn't it amazing how much is going on overhead that so few people are aware of? The best thing to do Matt, if you want to pick up a used scanner for MilAir while awaiting the 396, is to check the Equipment For Sale thread here at RR. You can quickly go to the Radio Shack pages or Uniden pages to see if the scanner for sale covers the MilAir bands. The Uniden 780 has a good reputation and, in my opinion, the 785 is just as good or better. Even cheaper would be one of the older RS scanners like the PRO-2042 that you should be able to pick up between 50-75 bucks.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
menglish said:
Thanks. I have been lurking for a while. I am in Columbia, MD and I usually listen to Commercial Air, but there so much going on in the MilAir band that I never knew about. I don't have a scanner capable of picking up MilAir or P25, but I have my eyes on the 396T. I have a 245XLT, SC150, and a 350A all of which are usually connected to my PC which runs an ACARS Decoder. Can anyone recomend a decent MilAir capable scanner until I get the 396T? I used to be a Firefighter in Howard so I am interested in P25 also, but the Fire1 simulcast on 154.25 is good enough for now.

This Wiki page has numerous listings of reviews - it should be a great help to you as you do your research. We also have a dedicated 396 page that is also linked there. 73s Mike


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Since it seems we have a couple of new folks - and probably more that are lurking in the background - I thought it might be useful to have a file that would be a good starter for those looking to program and listen. The file is a very simple one - the format is...


A couple of important notes are in order...

a. With the exception of the VHF Lo band and the 149 Mhz Civil Air Patrol freq, all the other freqs are in AM mode. This means that you must use a scanner that can receive - or be forced into - using that mode in the 138-144 and 228-390 Mhz bands. The Wiki page I gave in a previous message has numerous scanners and receivers capable of this.

b. Depending on the application you use, you can directly import this file and save yourself the headaches of keying in all this data.

c. The Lo band freqs haven't been heard in several months now, but you never know when they might show up again

d. Some common abbreviations...
[GK] = Giant Killer (FACSFAC Va. Capes)
[Huntress] = NORAD
A-A = Air to air
A/C = Aircraft

73s and enjoy....Mike


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