@Motik @jlmarc33 and maybe @Sinager
I think I may have an answer to your problem.
In the newer SDR# (around v1733+) a feature was added for the lazy loading of plug-ins.
This will stop the plug-in from running the UI if the side panel for plug-in is minimized.
This results in an internal error when TTT tries to set 'netinfowindowopen' (because UI is not there) and the plug-in returns the error response to TTT which just keeps retrying it and will not proceed until it gets a OK response from the plug-in.
So if the plug-in side panel is minimized when you start TTT, then the following error is seen:
Code:============== 14/11/2020 9:35:46 AM Unknown ERROR[RAW]: Last DATA: Result:Error,Type:Syntax error,Message:{\command\: \set\, \method\: \netinfowindowopen\, \value\: true} ============== Syntax error in \method\: \netinfowindowopen\ invalid \value\: true} ============== Call active: False tmrSaveTimed: True ==============
So make sure it's not minimized and it should be OK.
Let me know if this works for you.
Latest version (v1.7.1.0) can be found here: Release post
@thewraith2008, thank you too for your investigation about this strange behaviour.
Same as Motik, my TETRA demodulator side panel has always been open.
I gave a try to last SDR# (v1779 release) with my W10 Pro PC. I have to manually open netinfo window,... and the new plugin View/Activation does not seem simplified.